Legislative Session to Tackle Education Bills


Legislative Session to Tackle Education Bills
April 2015 Edition • Vol. 2, No. 3 • 8 Pages • centralcitynews@hotmail.com • www.CentralWildcat.com • 225-261-5055
Maya Trahan of Central Intermediate
Regional Student of Year
CIS Fifth Grader Is Finalist
For State Student of Year
Woody Jenkins
Photo by Woody Jenkins
REGIONAL STUDENT OF THE YEAR MAYA TRAHAN (left) with Central Intermediate School principal Rhonda Taylor and Maya’s friends Morgan Lavergne, Faith Rispone, and Rachel Hunter.
Central High Graduation to Be
Broadcast on ‘Central Today’
CENTRAL — Central Today,
the new weekly television
program hosted by Central
schools Supt. Mike Faulk
and Central Mayor Jr. Shelton, will be taped at the
2015 Central High School
Graduation ceremonies on
Friday, May 15 at Bethany
Church in Baker.
Then the graduation ceremony will be broadcast in
its entirety at 6:30 p.m. on
Friday, May 22 and again
on Friday, May 29.
Central Today airs every
Friday at 6:30 p.m. on
Cox Cable Channel 21 and
AT&T U-Verse Channel 99.
It is also streamed live on
the Internet worldwide at
Central Today is produced
by Central City News, Woody
Jenkins, editor. It is a production of Metro 21 and Dennis McCain. Special thanks
go to Councilman Scott Wilson for making it possible.
Editor, Central Wildcat
CENTRAL - Maya Trahan,
10, a 5th grade student at
Central Intermediate School,
has been named Regional
Intermediate School Student of the Year for southeast Louisiana.
On Wednesday, April 22,
she will compete with five
other regional finalists to be
named Louisiana’s Intermediate School Student of the
Year. The winner and all the
finalists will be honored at
a banquet that night at the
Louisiana State Museum.
On Monday, Maya sat
down in the cafeteria at Central Intermediate School to
discuss the competition with
her mother, Pamela Fitzpatrick; one of her teachers,
Holly Hausse; three of her
friends, Morgan Lavergne,
Rachel Hunter, and Faith
Rispone, and a reporter from
the Central City News.
Ms. Hausse said Maya
strives for excellence in everything she does and is a
great role model for her
classmates. She is not only a
top student in the gifted and
talented program but a person of character and compassion who goes out of her
way to help others. Mrs.
Hausse especially remembers the kindness Maya has
shown when students or
teachers have lost a loved
See MAYA on Page 2
Spring Break,
Final Exams,
Coming Up
CENTRAL - The final
weeks of the school year
in Central will be a whirlwind of activity. Here’s
the schedule:
•ACT Test - April 18
•Spring Break - April
•End of Course Testing
- May 1-22
•Last Day for Seniors May 6
•Baccalaureate - 5 p.m.,
May 10, CHS Theatre
•Graduation - 6:30 p.m.,
May 15, Bethany Church
•Early Dismissal for
Students - May 18-20
•Last Day for Students
- May 20
•Teachers/Staff Only May 21-22
For those attending graduation, it is recommended
that you arrive early, because parking can cause
Central Today
Fridays at 6:30 p.m.
Cox Cable 21
CHS Graduation Special
6:30 Friday, May 22
‘Fiscal Session’ Can Hear Some Non-Fiscal Bills
Legislative Session to Tackle Education Bills
Anyone Can Follow
Debates On-Line,
Read Legislation
BATON ROUGE - The 2015
Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature was called
to order Monday. Debate in
the House and Senate can
be followed on-line live at
www.la.legis.gov. Legislation can be read and followed at the same site. Here
are the major bills that have
been referred to the House
and Senate Education committees:
House of Representatives
HB15 by Rep. HENSGENS — Provides
relative to surveys administered to public school
HB21 by Rep. EDWARDS — Prohibits the
State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) from authorizing charter schools
under certain circumstances
HB22 by Rep. HENSGENS — Prohibits
penalizing public school students, teachers,
schools, or school systems for students not participating in certain Spring 2015 state assessments
HB60 by CARMODY — (Constitutional
Amend-ment) Relative to management of
public postsecondary education, abolishes
the Board of Regents and the management
boards and transfers their powers, duties,
and responsibilities to a newly created La.
Postsecondary Education Board of Trustees
HB66 by Rep. CARMODY — Provides for
setting tuition and fees at public postsecondary
education institutions
HB113 by Rep. BARROW— Prohibits the
administration of standards-based assessments
to public school students in the 2015-2016
school year
HB129 by Rep. JEFFERSON — Provides
relative to nonresident tuition and fees for certain public institutions of higher education
HB152 by Rep. BROADWATER — Provides relative to mandatory fees charged to students at public postsecondary education institutions
HB166 by Rep. BOUIE — Provides relative to the return of schools from the Recovery
School District to the transferring local school
HB168 by Rep. CARTER — Provides relative to tuition and fees for postbaccalaureate
programs at public colleges and universities
HB171 by Rep. JEFFERSON — Provides
relative to performance agreements between the
Board of Regents and certain public historically
black colleges and universities
HB175 by Rep. LORUSSO— Provides a tuition exemption for certain former members of
the armed forces
HB180 by Rep. BOUIE — Prohibits the construction of schools on former waste sites
HB181 by Rep. TERRY BROWN — Provides relative to student citizenship requirements for TOPS eligibility purposes
HB192 by Rep. GUINN — Authorizes students age 19 and older to participate in approved
home study programs
HB245 by Rep. HENRY — Prohibits the
use of state content standards, test questions, or
other methods to measure certain noncognitive
skills of students
HB287 by Rep. REYNOLDS — Provides
relative to textbooks and other instructional materials
HB320 by Rep. WOODRUFF — Provides
relative to dropout prevention and recovery
HB326 by Rep. W.BISHOP — Authorizes
surveys of public school students in Orleans
Parish regarding risk behaviors
HB330 by Rep. BADON — Provides relative
to eligibility requirements for nonpublic schools
participating in the voucher program
HB333 by Rep. W.BISHOP — Provides exceptions in the GRAD Act relative to remedial
education course offerings by certain public universities
HB334 by Rep. W.BISHOP — Provides relative to membership of the board of directors for
the New Orleans Center for the Creative Arts
State Capitol in Baton Rouge
HB340 by Rep. EDWARDS — Provides
relative to eligibility of kindergarten students
for participation in the voucher program
HB342 by Rep. GISCLAIR — Provides relative to vaccinations required prior to enrolling in
an educational institution
HB345 by Rep. HOFFMANN — Provides
relative to the teacher evaluation advisory subcommittee
HB359 by Rep. W.BISHOP — Requires
public school governing authorities in Orleans
Parish to offer sex education instruction to students in certain grades
HB373 by Rep. GEYMANN — Provides for
the implementation of state content standards
for public school students subject to legislative
HB384 by Rep. JACKSON — Authorizes
the Board of Supervisors to impose additional
fees for enrollment in the dental hygiene program, University of Louisiana at Monroe
HB410 by Rep. P.WILLIAMS — Requires
the State Board of Elementary and Secondary
Education to promulgate rules relative to requirements for student lunch time
HB411 by Rep. JAMES — (Constitutional
Amendment) Provides relative to the authority
to set admission standards at public postsecondary education institutions
HB446 by Rep. MIGUEZ — Provides relative to firearm familiarity and safety instruction
for elementary school students
HB457 by Rep. TALBOT — Provides relative to school membership in associations that
prescribe eligibility to participate in athletics
See EDUCATION on Page 8
2 Central
Wildcat Thursday, April 16, 2015
Published on the third Thursday of each month (August through May)
by Community Press, LLC, publisher of Central City News,
Capital City News, and other publications
Email stories and photos to centralcitynews@hotmail.com
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Phone (225) 261-5055 • Entire contents © 2015
Editor & Publisher
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Deadline for news and advertising: 5 p.m. Friday before publication
$15 a year by subscription in advance • $20 a year outside East Baton Rouge
HALEY YOUNG, Central High School Senior, signed with Alabama State University’s
bowling team in a ceremony Wednesday morning in the Central High Gym. As team captain, she led Central to two straight District Championships.She was surrounded by her
family, coaches, and fellow bowling team members as she signed her commitment papers.
Maya Trahan in Finals for Louisiana Student of Year
Continued from Page 1
Photo by Jolice Provost
one or suffered from health problems.
In the Student of the Year competition, Maya had to submit a portfolio
about her accomplishments and life experiences. In a letter, Judith Lindsay,
Maya’s English Language Arts teacher,
said, “Maya has the respect and admiration of both her teachers and peers... She
demonstrates her excellent academic
ability... is an excellent model for other
students... and exemplifies the ideals
that we strive to instill in our students.”
During lunch at CIS, Maya’s friends
had a lot to say about Maya too! Faith
Rispone said, “I love her character.
She’s very helpful. I’m really proud of
her. She’s such a good person” Morgan
Lavergne said, “She’s a really good person and a friend, and she’s always sticking up for you!” Rachel Hunter said,
“She’s very dependable. Whenever you
ask her to do something, she’ll always
do it, and she’s always there for you!”
During the competition in Central,
Maya had to undergo three separate
interviews at CIS. Five finalists were
narrowed to four and then three. The
last three were interviewed at Central
High by a panel of community leaders
from Central. They chose Maya. The
regional competition was held at Central Elementary in Bogalusa. Again,
Maya was interviewed by a panel. But
in addition to the interview, she had to
write an extemporaneous essay on the
MAYA TRAHAN, Louisiana’s Regional Intermediate School Student of the Year and her
mom, Pamela Fitzpatrick. Maya will compete for State Student of the Year.
subject of “How adults can show their essay, which helped push her to victory.
“We kids are always watching you and
responsibility to kids.”
Maya said she enjoyed writing the following in your footsteps,” she said.
Maya has been raised in a single parent household by her mother, Pamela
Fitzpatrick. “I am an only child, unless you count my adorable dog named
Beaux!” she said. They have lived in
Central nine years. Her dad is Stoney
Trahan, a professional musician who
works in the U.S. and Europe.
Ms. Fitzpatrick is originally from
Maine and lived in Portland and Kennebunkport, but her family moved here
Owners Bruce Medine and Linda Medine
with the oil business in the 1970’s. She
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worked for the federal government until she decided to go back to school and
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study nursing. She earned a B.S. in the
science of nursing from LSU and then
a Masters in nursing from South Alabama. She has served three years as
PTO president at CIS. They are active
members of Bethany Church in Baker.
Maya is a member of the Jr. Beta Club
and 4-H. She is a singer and actress and
has performed at breast cancer awareness events and at a fashion show sponsored by Mighty Moms, which fights
childhood hunger. She has had leading roles in Aladdin Jr. and Little Mermaid at the Independence Park Theatre.
She volunteers for March of Dimes
walks and rallies and works for the
Children’s Cup organization.
As to her future, Maya said, “Being
only 10 years old, I find it difficult to
choose a career. I am still experiencing things that are helping guide me in
what I might be best at. I do know I
have an interest in a career in theatre
and music. I also have a passion for careers such as psychology and medicine.
I might be an effective political leader.
My enthusiasm for writing will be expressed in any field I choose.”
“I have been very blessed with a
roof over my head, food on my plate,
and God in my heart. It is my responsibility to share my gifts with those who
need help.”
Maya doesn’t watch much TV but
loves to read books. She said spending
time with her friends especially Faith,
Morgan, and Rachel is one of her favorite things to do. “We are like the
Four Mustekeers. Faith is so cute and
smart. She’s a good listener and lets
me talk a lot! We run errands together.
Rachel is quiet at school but she has
lots to say in private! She’s sweet and
smart, and has cute freckles! Morgan
is spiritually strong and bold. She is
powerful and follows a straight path.”
Maya and her mom live in Greenwell
Springs. Maya loves to bake “without
setting the kitchen on fire, which my
mom did!” She also loves to crochet
and is making a scarf and a blanket.
“My mom is my best friend! She’s
always there for me!” Maya said.
The State Student of the Year will be
announced Wednesday afternoon.
Volleyball Tryouts
Set for May 20-21
CENTRAL - CHS volleyball tryouts will be Wednesday, May
20 and Thursday, May 21 from
4-6 p.m. at Central Middle
School. You must have a completed physical to try out. If you
have any questions, please contact Michele LeBouef at MLeBouef@centralcss.org
6:30 p.m. Fridays
Cox Cable Ch. 21
Wildcat Thursday, April 16, 2015 3
School Board Honors Outstanding Students
Welding Team Champions
World War II National Quiz Bowl Champions
CHS Wrestling Champions
CIS Winners of Video Contest
CHS Bowling Champions
Central High School Jazz Band
CHS Cheerleaders • National Champs
Academic All-State Justin Schopp
CMS Chooses Dance Team for Coming School Year
CENTRAL - Central Middle School
is announcing the 2015-2016 Inaugural CMS Katz Dance Team! This
will be the first ever Dance Team at
CMS – and what an amazing team
it will be! Auditions were held at
the end of March. Coaches Leslie Pierce and Brittni Kennard say
they are excited to introduce the
girls who made the team:
Layna Baker, Megan Bourke,
Menyon Brister, Madolyn Brumfield, Tristen Cain, Layni Doucet,
Myrissa Eisworth, Kyra Greely,
Breanna Hardy, Riley Kuzina,
Samantha Leblanc, Haley Major,
Kaitlyn Mier, Kaylee Pendergrass,
Janay Porter, Rylee Smith, Rachel
Taylor, and Gabrielle Thibodeaux.
Coaches Pierce and Kennard,
along with the team members, will
be promoting school spirit, pride,
and leadership through the dance
team. Along with dance technique
and choreography, Pierce and Ken-
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nard will be working with the team
on developing responsibility and
self-respect, encouraging honest
effort, and developing character.
The CMS Katz Dance Team will
perform at school and community
pep-rallies, football games, basketball games, and other school events.
The CMS Katz Dance Team encourages everyone to come out to
extracurricular events and show
support for Central Middle School!
100 Students in CMS Battle of the Books
CENTRAL — More than 100
students were part of 13 teams
that participated in the first
Central Middle School Battle
of the Books competition.
Teams were given 10 books
to read in preparation for the
competition. Students participated in five rounds of questions based on those books,
earning points for their team
with their accuracy and speed.
Competition was fierce, but
Lap’s All Stars won the competition.
Lap’s All Stars, winners of CMS Battle of the Books competition
up to
12 foils
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Wildcat Thursday, April 16, 2015
4 Central
Tanglewood Presented E-I-E-I Oops!
TANGLEWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1ST AND 2ND GRADERS presented the musical E-I-E-I Oops. The Lost Sheep are at left and Cute Chicks are at right.
Central High PTO Needs Help!
What an awesome time the CHS PTO has
had during the 2014/2015 school year! We
have a great group of ladies on the committee but we are in need of help. If you would
be interested in being part of a wonderful group, please attend our next election
meeting being held on May 12, 2014 at 6:30
in the CHS cafeteria. — Central High PTO
Wyatt Allday, Sophie Sullivan, and Brady Black
CENTRAL —On Thursday, March
19, Tanglewood presented the
musical E-I-E-I Oops! It was performed by 1st and 2nd grade students in Ms. Hicks, Mrs. Ricketts,
Mrs. McDaniel, Mrs. Ensminger,
Ms. Neal and Ms. Sensat’s class.
The musical was set on a farm with
pigs, ducks, sheep and chicks. It
addressed the fact that all of us
need to feel as though we belong
and feel good about ourselves.
The characters learned, with the
help from the wise old mule, that
if we say and do nice things for
others, and make others feel part
of the group, it is a win-win solution for everyone.
First Central Middle School Baseball Team
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CMS BASEBALL — (1st row) Bat boy Caden Rogillio, (2nd row) Head Coach Cody
Rogillio, Nick Noble, Owen Bertrand, Brant Chauvin, Gabe Baggett, Landen Thode,
Eddie Pezant, Dawson Andrews, Joel King, Kyle Rogillio, and Assistant Coach Scott
Hood, and (3rd row) Dalton McMorris, Parker Austin, Drew Lasseigne, Dalton Aspholm,
Parker Evans, and Max Bryant. CMS finished the regular season undefeated at 9-0.
Thursday, April 16, 2015 5
CIS Receives National Recognition in Math
Fourth and Fifth grade students who earned at least 5,000 stickers enjoyed blue raspberry slush and a visit from Sippy at Sonic.
CENTRAL — Mrs. Rhonda Taylor, principal at Central Intermediate School, recently received
a congratulatory letter from the
president of Suntex International,
the creator of the First In Math®
Online Program.
For the past several months,
students at CIS have been playing
First In Math® games at school
and at home. Through the students’
hard work and determination, they
have achieved a lofty goal. CIS has
become a “Million Sticker School”
for the 2014-2015 academic year.
Only 30 of 5,000 participating
schools nationwide have earned
this distinction.
In addition to this national rec-
ognition, the top-earning students
for the third nine-week period
were recently rewarded with a blue
raspberry slush, toys, and coupons
complements of Sonic Drive In of
Central City.
Sippy the cup and Sonic owners
Bryan and Bambi Crowson have
generously provided treats each
nine weeks as a way of celebrating
with these students, all of whom
have earned at least 5,000 stickers!
These students are just a small
representation of our next generation of thinkers, and their bright
young minds are mastering skills
and lessons that will help them
grow into tomorrow’s responsible
citizens and leaders.
Judi Breaux’s entire 3rd grade class was rewarded for their hard work. Their total sticker
count has earned them the first place spot in the entire state across all grades.
Hohensee Family Donates Gliders and Helmets to CIS
Ashley Stevens,
Michael Stephens, CIS principal Rhonda
Taylor, Elizabeth
Wise, and Bailey
CENTRAL —Central Intermediate School would like to send a
great big Thank You to the Hohensee family. Every year the
Hohensees host an elaborate
Christmas display at their home
on Sullivan Road and accept donations for a worthy cause. This
year, they are helping CIS!
With the monies they raised,
the Hohensees purchased 17
Glider bikes and helmets and donated them to CIS.These specially designed bicycles do not have
traditional pedals. They are intended to help the rider with balance, agility, and coordination.
The generosity of the Hohensee
family is greatly appreciated!
— Rhonda Taylor, principal
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Wildcat Thursday, April 16, 2015
6 Central
Springtime Activities Around Bellingrath
HABIT 5: SEEK FIRST TO UNDERSTAND —(Left) Planting a garden at Belligrath were Joel Charmin, Dominic Lockwood, Daiki Molina, and Paxon Myers. (Center) The
musical Grease performed by the students of Mrs. Fathing, Mrs. Greely, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Langlois, and Mrs. Sheldon. At right, ROTC member Keenah Jones reading to class.
Littlest Wildcats Plant Garden, Dance, Read Together
CENTRAL —Spring is blossoming
at Bellingrath Hills Elementary.
It is seen everywhere from spring
activities around campus to growth
in the student garden.
Read on for a tour of what spring
is looking like at the home of Central’s littlest Wildcats!
On many days, Cathy Vickry’s
kindergarten students are outside
raking soil, planting seeds, tending
the garden, and observing growth.
Inside the school, several kindergarten classes have prepared and
presented a Grease-themed show
highlighting the year’s learning.
Further inside, the minds of BHE’s
students are in full bloom.
Students in Pattie Birdsall’s kindergarten class and Paige Young’s
pre-k class have partnered to read
stories together. The pre-k students
were so excited about the kindergarteners’ visit that they returned
the favor by practicing reading
their own books to a kindergarten
Pre-k student Kam Meyers was
especially excited because he got
to read to his big sister. “It was
fun!” he said. Kindergarten student Sarah Kate Perot was excited
to meet other students and to see
her teacher from last year. She was
Sheree Gerald & Kerry Sheldon
Nicole Andrews
also impressed by the hard work
of her pre-k friends. “I was kind
of surprised that they didn’t get
messed up on any of the words,”
she said.
Parents and students from other
Central schools have also joined in
the springtime fun. On March 30,
ROTC students from Central High
School visited kindergarten classes
to read an inspirational book. “We
loved our reader!” said teacher
Rebecca Rogillio. “She taught us
some of her ROTC moves after she
finished reading and the kids were
listening intently to her explaining
what ROTC was all about. “
ROTC member Anthony Denicola reading to Ms. Birdsall’s class
Rylee McCabe & Lisa Kelleher
State Inspections
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On March 31, pre-k parents
poured onto campus to enjoy turkey and all the Easter trimmings
for the pre-k parent Easter luncheon. On April 1, students and
parent volunteers relished Easter
party fun, complete with Easter
egg hunts, games, and snacks.
Once buses and parents whisked
all students away for the Easter
break, members of the BHE staff
had a little holiday fun of their
own. The staff raced to grab more
than 450 prize-filled Easter eggs,
especially on the lookout for the
coveted “free dress” tickets, entitling holders to wear jeans to class!
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Thursday, April 16, 2015 7
Tanglewood Students Learn to Paquer
Mrs. Falcon, Jude Watts, Addison Vallet, Alex Rogers
Paquer — According to the Dictionary of the Cajun Language, paquer is a French verb meaning to
play the game of breaking Easter
eggs against each other.
Paques — The noun paques
means Easter. Also, jour de Paques
means Easter Day.
CENTRAL -Each year before the
Easter break, Tanglewood students
enhance their study of America’s
melting pot and the customs our
people have brought with them
from around the world by holding a
school-wide egg paquing contest.
Each student taps his egg with
another classmate until all eggs
have cracked except for one: The
Tanglewood faculty paquing
Classroom Winner!
Students bring one hardboiled
egg from home for their classroom
competition. Extra eggs are supplied by generous students and
teachers to soothe the broken hearts
of owners of broken eggs. Later in the school auditorium,
all classroom winners from 1st
Conner Lefleur and Kallei Williams
grade and then from 2nd grade
paque against each other until a
grade level winner is declared.
Finally the two grade winners
paque for the grand prize: a large
chocolate Easter bunny! This year’s
winner from 1st grade was Emma
Davidson in Ms. Collins class and
2nd grade winner was Morgan
Johnson in Mrs. Tucker’s class.
Emma Davidson won the overall
school competition!
Teachers couldn’t let the students
have all the Easter fun. So a faculty
competition was held, won by Mrs.
Dana Duvall, a 1st grade teacher!
After the paque, students continued
their Easter celebrations.
We offer a variety of vaccinations including, but not limited to:
Morgan Johnson, Mrs. Duvall,
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Wildcat Thursday, April 16, 2015
Guarding Tomb of Unknown Soldier
SGT. JOHN ARRIAGA who serves at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier with Mrs. Starks and Mrs. Signorino’s classes
CENTRAL - The 2nd grade students at Tanglewood Elementary
have been studying parts of government, current leaders, and famous
monuments in the United States.
After the unit, a group of 2nd graders had the honor of meeting a man
who is serving our country at one
of our most important monuments.
Sgt. John Arriaga, a guard for
the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
at Arlington National Cemetery,
visited Tanglewood and spoke to
several classes about his experience as a guard. He showed photographs, told of the history and
significance of the tomb, and answered students’ questions.
After leaving the Tomb as a
guard, Sgt. Arriaga will continue
his career as an Airborne Infantryman in the 4th Brigade 25th
Infantry Regiment in Anchorage,
Alaska. Thank you, Sgt. Arriaga,
for your service and for allowing
our students to experience history
HB599 by Rep. THIERRY — Extends the implementation
timeline for the early childhood care and education network
HB608 by Rep. JACKSON — Authorizes certain school
districts to increase, with voter approval, their level of indebtedness
HB648 by Rep. SCHRODER — Provides relative to access by parents and teachers to assessments administered to
HB653 by Rep. M.JOHNSON — Provides relative to exemptions from the requirements for school instructional time
under certain circumstances
HB662 by Rep. CARTER — Provides relative to the review of state content standards for public school students
HB669 by Rep. REYNOLDS — Provides relative to required state assessments for public school students
HB672 by Rep. HARRIS — Provides relative to the development, review, and adoption of state content standards
and related assessments for public school students
HB675 by Rep. KLECKLEY — Provides relative to the
minimum ACT score for TOPS eligibility and caps TOPS
award amounts
HB694 by Rep. ABRAMSON — Provides relative to the
sale of certain immovable property by and to the Orleans Parish School Board
HB695 ABRAMSON — Provides relative to the loading and unloading of students on to and off of school buses
HB708 by Rep. HUNTER ­— Relative to TOPS and
academic excellence fees assessed by LSU; provides with
respect to certain minimum criteria for eligibility, to authorized uses of program funds, to repayment of award amounts
in certain circumstances, and to establishment of baseline
award amounts; repeals waiver of academic excellence fees
assessed by LSU
HB714 by Rep. JAMES — Relative to charter schools
HB718 by Rep. SCHRODER — Provides relative to the
collection and sharing of certain student information
HB720 by Rep. ADAMS — Authorizes the Board of Supervisors of the Community and Technical College System
to enter into contracts with private nonprofit corporations for
certain services.
HB734 by Rep. SEABAUGH — Provides with respect to
registration and regulation of certain child day care centers
HB739 by Rep. JAMES — Establishes the Louisiana Education and Workforce Opportunity Program and Fund
HB752 by Rep. P.SMITH — Provides relative to disciplinary actions against public school employees, schools,
school systems, and school governing authorities relative to
the nonparticipation of students in state assessments
HB766 by Rep. ADAMS — Provides relative to the operations of public universities and exemptions from specified
HCR6 by Rep. PIERRE — Repeals a State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education rule
HCR18 by Rep. CARTER — Provides for legislative approval of the MFP formula for the 2015-2016 fiscal year
BR Camp Fair
Expo April 18
BATON ROUGE - The 19th annual Camp Fair & Summer
Vacation Expo will be held on
Saturday, April 18 from 10 a.m.
to 3 p.m. at BREC’s Team Automotive Group Sportsplex on
Perkins Road. This one-day
event will include some of the
best educational and recreational
opportunities for residential and
day camps, summer vacations,
and school break options in the
Baton Rouge area.
Parents and children from
toddlers to teens will have the
opportunity to meet with representatives from camps to explore
a wide range of opportunities for
children and families.
Entertainment will feature
musicians, children’s entertainers, and outdoor activities including rock climbing. Attendees may bring skateboards and
walking shoes.
Parents can register to win
over 50 door prizes that include
free camp weeks for their children. This event is produced by​
Baton Rouge Parents Magazine​.
Education Bills Pending in State House, Senate
Continued from Page 1
HB462 by Rep. COX — Provides relative to eligibility
requirements for receipt of certain TOPS awards and a career
HB485 by Rep. H.BURNS — Provides for the designation of a public postsecondary education institution as a
“Governor’s Military and Veteran Friendly Campus”
HB502 by Rep. HENSGENS — Limits the time allowed
for administration and the length of state assessments to public school students in grades three through eight
HB505 by Rep. IVEY — Prohibits teachers first employed
by a La. public school on or after July 1, 2015, from being
eligible to acquire tenure and requires annual employment
contracts for such teachers
HB524 by Rep. OURSO — (Constitutional Amendment)
Authorizes the creation of independent school districts
HB537 by Rep. P.SMITH — Provides for use of certain
school property
HB542 by Rep. SCHRODER — Provides relative to required state assessments including prohibiting implementation of Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College
and Careers (PARCC) and similar assessments
HB543 by Rep. HARRISON — Provides relative to an
accountability system for nonpublic schools participating in
the voucher program
HB546 by Rep. PRICE — Provides relative to courses of
study or programs eligible for TOPS-Tech awards for certain
HB580 by Rep. GEYMANN — Provides for a formula
to distribute the Department of Education’s discretionary appropriations to local public school boards
HB598 by Rep. FOIL — Provides for implementation of the
ABLE Account savings program for persons with disabilities
State Senate
SB28 by Sen. TROY BROWN — Requires public school
governing authorities to inform students and parents of the
homework assistance services offered through the State Library of Louisiana. (gov sig)
SB31 by Sen. MORRELL — Authorizes surveys of public
school students in Orleans Parish regarding risk behaviors.
SB32 by Sen. MILLS — Requires that educator evaluations be based upon classroom observations and multiple
quantitative measures of growth in student achievement.
SB34 by Sen. CORTEZ — Requires passage of a test
identical to the civics portion of the U.S. Naturalization Test
to earn high school credit in Civics.
SB43 by Sen. APPEL — Requires BESE to adopt rules in
accordance with the APA prior to implementing certain programs, statements, guidelines, or requirements for conduct.
SB48 by Sen. DONAHUE — Provides relative to the
minimum ACT score for TOPS eligibility and TOPS award
SB52 by Sen. APPEL — Re-creates the Department of
SB54 by Sen. BROOME — Prohibits suspension or expulsion of students in grades kindergarten through three.
SB58 by Sen. APPEL — Provides relative to the Deaf
Child’s Bill of Rights.
SB65 by Sen. BUFFINGTON — Provides relative to
postsecondary education management boards.
SB69 by Sen. NEVERS — Requires the Dept. of Education
to pay the cost of certain postsecondary remedial and developmental coursework required of public high school graduates.
SB74 by Sen. PETERSON — Repeals the Louisiana Science Education Act.
SB129 by Sen. NEVERS — Authorizes a local public
school disrict to enter into an agreement with a higher-performing district to manage and operate one or more of its lowperforming schools.
SB132 by Sen. NEVERS — Provides for the reverse
transfer of academic credits and the award of certain credits
to veterans and their spouses.
SB153 by Sen. MARTINY — Provides relative to the
Louisiana State Museum.
SB155 by Sen. DONAHUE — Constitutional amendment
to authorize the postsecondary education management boards
to establish tuition and fee amounts charged by institutions
under their supervision and management.
SB166 by Sen. APPEL — Provides relative to the La.
Competency-Based Education Program and the La. Education Assessment Program (LEAP) tests.
SB175 by Sen. APPEL — Provides relative to regional distribution of postsecondary institutions and educational services.
SB184 by Sen. F.THOMPSON — Provides for the threshold allowed for small purchase procurements under food and
nutrition programs.
SB186 by Sen. WALSWORTH — Provide relative to the
enrollment cap for certain nonpublic schools participating in
the Student Scholarships for Educational Excellence Program.
SB203 by Sen. CROWE — Redefines “mileage one-way”
for purposes of the bus driver operational schedule.
SB247 by Sen. J.R.SMITH — Provides for in-state tuition
and fee rates for veterans and qualified dependents enrolling
in public postsecondary educational institutions.
SB249 by Sen. WARD — Creates the School Choice Loan
SB255 by Sen. MORRELL — Provides relative to sexual
assault on college campuses.
SB267 by Sen. CLAITOR — Provides relative to charter
school funding.
Central Wildcat
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