April 2015 Newsletter - Collegeville Elementary School


April 2015 Newsletter - Collegeville Elementary School
April 2015
The Collegeville Strong:
Hearts United for Chance
Campaign raised $3,100
to go towards purchasing a handicapped accessible van for Collegeville featured
Chance Austen. Chance
and Collegeville were also
on the local TV
Parents! We’re excited to
host the 8-day Boosterthon Fun Run as this
year’s fundraiser. We kick
off the fun, healthy, and
character-building program on April 29. Plus students will be learning five
ways to make their community rock with Boosterthon’s character
theme Rock’n Town Live, a
music festival theme all
about community. Along
the way, students will
gather pledges for how
many laps they’ll run at
the Boosterthon Fun Run
event, which is on Friday,
May 8. Each lap around
the Boosterthon track is
1/16 of a mile. Your family is invited to come out
and cheer on your student! Please help our
school by connecting your
student with sponsors.
Thank you in advance for
your support! Visit
boosterthon.com for more
information, and more
info will be coming home
from CES soon.
news. Thank you for
showing Chance how
much he is loved at CES
through your generous
April 7-9
IOWA Testing
1st and 2nd grades
April 9
Parent Teacher Conferences
2 p.m.-8 p.m.
School dismisses
at 2 p.m.
April 14-15
5th Grade Science Testing
April 17
Wildcat Awards
April 20-21
Science Fair
A publication of the CES PTO
Wildcat pride
C o l l eg ev i l l e s tro ng !
April 24
Kindergarten & 5th Grade
graduation pictures
April 27-May 1
Book Fair
The current Box Tops contest runs until April 24.
The winning class will receive Popcorn on the Playground. This will be an extra recess complete with
popcorn and drinks. Thanks for clipping!
April 29
Boosterthon Kickoff
April 30
Talent Show
Carnival coming soon!
CES Spring Carnival will
be held on Friday, May
22. It will be a day of
fun complete with inflatables and a DJ. Every
student will receive 2
books as their carnival
prize this year. Sack
lunches will be offered
by the cafeteria ,or you
can bring your own
lunch. More details, including parent volunteer
needs and lunches, will
be coming soon.
May 5-7
End of Year Testing
3rd-5th grades
May 4-8
Teacher Appreciation Week
May 8
Boosterthon Fun Run
May 22
S c i e n c e fa i r
The CES Science Fair dates
have been set for April 20 21. All projects will be set up
on Monday, April 20 and
judging will take place on
Tuesday, April 21. Your
teacher will be giving you more information
soon. We are looking forward to seeing some
Is your child doing great things in
activities outside of school?
We want to brag in the newsletter!
Let us know by emailing
Deana Nall at
Just a
reminder... It is
illegal to text
while operating a motor vehicle. The use
of a cell phone
(this includes
talking and
texting) while operating a motor vehicle in a school zone, during school
hours with children present, is illegal.
Not to mention extremely dangerous.
Please put the safety of our children
Be sure to like the Collegeville PTO
Facebook page for updates about
events, deadlines and more!
Do you have a 4th-grade daughter
who is interested in joining a Girl
Scout troop?
Contact Leslie Thompson at
or leslie.a.t@live.com.
IOWA Tests for 1st and 2nd
April 7th-8th
Benchmark Science for 5th grade:
April 14th-15th
PARCC EOY Tests for 3rd-5th
May 5th - 7th
PARCC = Partnership for
Assessment of Readiness for
College and Careers
EOY = End of Year
IOWA = Iowa’s Test of Basic Skills
These tests will assess the more
rigorous curriculum being taught in
our schools. Our District website
provides links to tutorials, practice
tests, games and typing practice.
Look for “PARCC for Parents” when
visiting bryantschools.org. It is
important for your student to be
well rested and on time during the
testing window. You can also help
by making sure your child eats a
good breakfast on the day of the
test. We thank you for encouraging
your student to give his or her best
each and every day.