Bioethics (Autumn) ãã¤ãªã¨ã·ãã¯ã¹ - C
Bioethics (Autumn) バイオエシックス 3rd & 4th Year Content-specific Advanced Level Research, Discussion, Presentation and Writing This course is for students who want to use English to learn about legal, political, business and other issues. Course description This is what students will see IF they read the course handbook 本科目は、法律、政治、ビジネスなどについて、英語を使って学びたい学生を対象とし ます。 Science and technology are increasingly affecting our understanding of and control over life, in areas such as cloning, organ transplants and euthanasia. In this course, you will critically consider the bioethical choices raised by these developments. In two research cycles, you will look at bioethical issues of your choice such as genetically modified organisms (GMO), stem cell research, access to medical care and informed medical consent, abortion and other reproductive issues. In both cycles, you will investigate the interests and positions of different actors such as governments, private companies, NGOs and activists in the debates on these issues, explaining your research to other students and writing a weekly journal about it. At the end of each cycle, you will have chance to present your research to a small group of other students and discuss it with them. 科学とテクノロジーは、クローン技術、臓器移植、安楽死などの分野にみられるよう に、生に対する理解や生をコントロールする力という点で、私たちにますます大きな影 響をあたえています。こうした状況からバイオエシックスに関わるさまざまな選択肢が 生じています。授業では、これらの選択肢について批判的な考察を行います。リサー チはふたつのサイクルで行い、そのなかでバイオエシックスの問題を各自選択して調 べます。たとえば、遺伝子組み換え生物(GMO)、幹細胞研究、医療の利用とインフォ ームド・コンセント、妊娠中絶その他の生殖に関わる問題などが調査の対象です。ふ たつのリサーチサイクルを通じて、政府、民間企業、NGO、活動家などの様々なアク ターが、こうした問題をめぐる議論のなかで、どのような関心からどのような立場をとる かを調査します。その結果を他の学生に説明するとともに、リサーチについて週ごと の記録を作成します。各サイクルの終わりに、少人数のグループにリサーチ結果のプ レゼンテーションを行い、ディスカッションを行います。 (1) Attendance of 80% or more, (2) active participation in class activities, and (3) weekly preparation of 1-2 hours outside class are required to pass this course. この授業の単位を得るためには(1) 80%以上出席し、(2) 授業に積極的に参加し、(3) 毎週 1-2 時間の準備をすることが必要。 For key approaches to teaching and learning in this course, see the ‘Common Areas of Focus’ page in your Teachers Information Pack 2015v1 for this course • Use multiple sources of English information for research • Student choice of research issues • Student-centered activities • Presenting and exchanging information in small groups of 2-4 Resources for this course Class Schedule • Frequent rotation of pairs and groupings This may be read by students BUT teachers can adapt it and make a more specific class schedule for their students Requirements • 2-3 cycles of research, discussion, presentation and writing • Online on the taught-in-English website: • On paper in the Teachers’ Room Week 1: Course introduction, explanation of course requirements, goalsetting Weeks 2-13: Two or three cycles of background reading and research, discussions, presentations and writing on bioethics issues of students' choice Week 14: Reflection and self-evaluation/assessment Week 15: Class survey and review of the semester 2015v1
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