Teaching Assistantship Ad - Chemistry


Teaching Assistantship Ad - Chemistry
The Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences
UNDERGRADUATE and GRADUATE Teaching Assistants and Markers
Unit 3, Chemistry, has positions available for Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs), Undergraduate Teaching
Assistants (UTAs), and Markers-Assistant TAs (ATAs) for the upcoming Fall and Winter terms. Part-time and
full-time positions are available each term for undergraduate courses.
Good marks and an understanding of the subject material. Graduate student status, or undergraduates majoring
in Chemistry or Biochemistry with at least fourth year standing. Markers-ATAs must have at least third year
standing. Qualified applicants enrolled as full-time students at UBCO (taking a minimum of 24 credits over 2
terms) will have priority. Excellent students from other disciplines will be considered. A partial list of courses for
which we need GTAs, UTAs, and Markers-ATAs follows:
First Year Courses: GTAs, UTAs, and Markers (Term 1/Term 2)
CHEM 121 / 123 - Atomic and Molecular / Physical and Organic Chemistry
Second Year Courses: GTAs and Markers-ATAs (Term 1/Term 2 or as noted)
CHEM 201 - Introduction to Physical Chemistry (Term 2)
CHEM 203/204 - Organic Chemistry I & II
CHEM 213 /214 - Organic Chemistry for Biological Sciences I & II
CHEM 211 - Analytical Chemistry (Term 1)
CHEM 220 - Atomic Structure and Molecular Bonding (Term 1 - UTAs)
CHEM 305 – Biophysical Chemistry (Term 2 – GTAs, Markers-ATAs)
CHEM 333 – Spectroscopy (Term 2 – Markers)
• BIOC 393 - Biochemistry Laboratory (Term 2 - GTA, UTA)
Successful candidates will be assigned duties in one or more undergraduate courses. The duties will vary with
the course and may involve instruction in labs or tutorials; marking of assignments, labs, and exams; invigilation;
and other duties as needed.
HOURS: Part time:(avg 6 hours/week, 96 hours per term); Full time (avg 12 hours/week, 192 hours per term)
GTA1 (PhD students)
GTA2 (MSc students)
SALARY (as of July 1, 2015)
Application Deadline
WINTER TERM (September through April)
Current Teaching Assistants reapplying to same Category
April 30
April 30 for preferred consideration
New applicants & current TAs applying for a different Category
A completed application form (available online at: http://chem.ok.ubc.ca/undergrad/job.html or from the Chemistry
Unit Assistant in Fip 343), a brief cover letter, and an updated resume should be emailed by April 30 to
chemistry.okanagan@ubc.ca for preferred consideration. Please indicate the position (GTA/UTA/Marker-ATA)
and course(s) you in which you are interested. Resumes will be reviewed starting May 1 and will be accepted
until all positions for both terms are filled. In order to be considered for the upcoming year, returning TAs
must REAPPLY! For questions about these positions, please email Sandra.mecklenburg@ubc.ca.
UBC hires on the basis of merit and is committed to employment equity. We encourage qualified applicants to apply. All
positions are subject to budgetary approval. Number of teaching assistants required is based on enrollment.