Spring 2015 Syllabus - Seattle Central Community College


Spring 2015 Syllabus - Seattle Central Community College
CHEM 139: General Chemistry Prep -­‐ Spring 2015 Section 02: Monday-­‐Friday 11:00-­‐11:50am (in SAM-­‐401) I. General Information Instructor: Marie Villarba, Ph.D. Office: SAM-­‐420 Phone: (206) 934-­‐4130 (You may leave messages at this number.) Email: marie.villarba@seattlecolleges.edu Web site: http://seattlecentral.edu/faculty/mvillarba/CHEM139 Office Hours: Monday: 1:30-­‐3:00 pm, Tuesday: 1:30-­‐3:00pm,Thursday: 1:30-­‐3:30pm, and by appointment II. Course Description This is the preparatory course for the three-­‐quarter General Chemistry series (CHEM 161, 162, 163). This 5-­‐credit course provides a detailed introduction to the qualitative and quantitative principles of chemistry to prepare students transferring to a four-­‐year college or university to pursue a degree in science, engineering, pre-­‐medicine, pre-­‐pharmacy, pre-­‐
vet, or a related field. This course also serves as 5 credits towards the Natural World requirement for the AA degree but not the lab science requirement. Prerequisite: MATH 098 with a 2.5 or higher in the last 3 years This course covers the following topics: the scientific method, measurements and the metric system, dimensional analysis and problem-­‐solving, matter and energy, atomic theory, chemical bonding and intermolecular forces, chemical nomenclature, chemical reactions including oxidation-­‐reduction reactions, stoichiometry and limiting reactants, solutions and concentration, acid-­‐base reactions and pH. Note: Students who have a strong chemistry and math background may test out of the CHEM 139 prerequisite for CHEM 161 by passing the Seattle Central College Chemistry Placement Exam at the Seattle Central Testing Center (BE 1106). Contact the Testing Center (206-­‐934-­‐6344) to find out what days the test is administered. CHEM 139 does not meet the lab science requirement for allied health programs. III. Textbooks/Materials •
Introductory Chemistry: A Foundation, 8th ed., by. Steven S. Zumdahl and Donald J. DeCoste ISBN#: 1285199030 or 978-­‐1285199030 •
Students will also need a basic scientific, non-­‐programmable calculator that can perform exponential and logarithmic (log and ln) functions, such as a Texas Instruments TI-­‐30Xa. Graphing calculators will not be allowed during quizzes and exams! •
A new, bound (not spiral) composition notebook for homework problems IV. Student Learning Outcomes: After successful completion of this course, students will be able to do the following: 1. GENERAL SCIENCE, LABORATORY SCIENCE, AND MICROSCALE • Apply the scientific method and use empirical data and observations to construct a sound scientific explanation. • Distinguish between macroscopic observables and the underlying microscopic properties of matter by interpreting and representing matter using molecular-­‐level drawings. 2. CHEMICAL PROBLEM SOLVING • Develop strong problem-­‐solving skills that are supported by basic algebraic and numeracy skills. • Demonstrate fluency in chemical vocabulary and symbolic representation. • Use measurable quantities of matter to determine physical and chemical properties. • Use stoichiometric calculations to predict quantities. 3. ATOMS, MOLECULES AND IONS • Describe the general structure of an atom. • Explain the historical development of the atomic theory and the evolution of the current modern atomic model. • Explain the relationship between the position of an element in the periodic table and its physical/chemical properties, including periodic trends. • Describe the differences in the structure and properties of substances based on different types and models of bonding. 4. STATES OF MATTER: GASES, LIQUIDS AND SOLIDS • Compare and contrast the properties of the three states of matter. • Use kinetic-­‐molecular theory to explain gas behavior. • Describe intermolecular forces and chemical bonds and how they influence physical and chemical properties and changes. 5. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL CHANGES AND REACTIONS • Recognize and describe changes in heat and temperature associated with physical and chemical changes. • Classify and balance chemical reactions and predict products for different types of reactions. • Apply the properties of ionic and molecular substances in aqueous solution to describe systems and predict behavior. CHEM 139 Syllabus p. 2 of 4 IV. Course Requirements/Attendance Attendance: The lecture meets daily for 50 minutes each day. Attendance is extremely important and will be taken at every class meeting. If there is a waitlist for the class, students who are absent without instructor permission during the first two weeks of class will be dropped. Students who are not present to participate in more than 10 class meetings (2 weeks of class) may be dropped or receive a failing grade in the course. Lecture Notes: Lecture notes, exam study guides, additional practice problems, and other resources are available on our class Website. Lecture notes will be provided in class for Chapters 1 and 2 only. Students are required to download and print lecture notes for subsequent chapters from the CHEM 139 Web site. Homework: Each student is responsible for reading the assigned chapters and working the in-­‐chapter exercises and end-­‐of-­‐chapter problems assigned. Recognize that the assigned homework problems are similar to the problems included on quizzes and exams. Homework from the Zumdahl text must be completed in a composition notebook that will be submitted for grading on each exam day. Quizzes: Short quizzes will be given in class to review previously covered material. Please bring your basic scientific calculator to class each session. Quizzes will be given on the Fridays when no exams are scheduled. No makeup quizzes will be given, but the lowest quiz score will be dropped. Exams: Five exams will be given (see CHEM 139 Schedule for exam dates). Make-­‐up exams will be allowed for excused absences (e.g. illness with a doctor’s note) as determined by the instructor. The instructor’s decision regarding make-­‐up exams is final. Final Exam: The final exam is comprehensive and will cover all material presented during the quarter. If the final exam grade is higher than the lowest exam grade, it will replace that exam grade. V. Grading/Evaluation The course grade will be determined from the following: Lecture Notes/Homework: 10% Quizzes: 10% Exams: 60% Final Exam: 20% using the following grade scale: ≥95%=4.0 (A) 90-­‐94%=3.5-­‐3.9 (A-­‐) 87-­‐89%=3.2-­‐3.4 (B+) 84-­‐86%=2.9-­‐3.1 (B) 80-­‐83%=2.5-­‐2.8 (B-­‐) 77-­‐79%=2.2-­‐2.4 (C+) 74-­‐76%=1.9-­‐2.1 (C) 70-­‐73%=1.5-­‐1.8 (C-­‐) 60-­‐69%=1.0 (D) <60%=0.0 (F) Students must withdraw from the class (“W” on transcript) or change to audit (“N”) or “No Credit” (NC) on or before May 29th. NC’s are only granted to students who are currently earning a 75% or higher for acceptable reasons as determined by the instructor. No NC’s are granted after the 10th week. Note that while an NC will not affect your GPA here at Seattle Central, many universities consider NC to be “No Credit” and equivalent to an “F” or “0.0”. CHEM 139 Syllabus p. 3 of 4 VI. General Policies Taping Policy: Audio-­‐recording is allowed for personal use only. Cell Phone Policy: Cellular phones must be off/silent during class. Compliance with Honor Code: Students are expected to behave honorably in lecture and lab. Students caught cheating will be given a "0" for the exam/quiz involved. Repeat offenders will receive a failing grade for the class. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): Students with a documented disability requiring class accommodations, those requiring special arrangements in case of building evacuation, or students who have emergency medical information the instructor should know should make an appointment with a Disability Support Counselor (206-­‐934-­‐4183) or visit the Disability Support Services (DSS) office on the campus (BE 1112). Once the disability is verified, students will be given a letter of accommodation (LOA) to be submitted to the instructor. Tutoring and Study Skills: Improve your study habits and skills and get help from chemistry faculty at the Chemistry Learning Center and from tutors at the Science & Math Learning Center (SAM 100), the BE Learning Center (BE 2102), and the Student Academic Assistance Center (BE 1102 B1). Disclaimer: Course content may vary from this outline to meet the class’ needs. CHEM 139 Syllabus p. 4 of 4