March 2015 - Christ Episcopal Church


March 2015 - Christ Episcopal Church
March 2015
Search Committee Report
The search process is well underway. Thank you for the input we received as we prepared the information to be submitted to the Episcopal Church of Minnesota (ECM). Your responses were thoughtful and engaging. Your input shaped the answers to the 12 questions that we needed to answer for the Office of Transition Ministry Parish Profile. The raw data that was received will be compiled into a document that will be shared with candidates during the selection process. Search Committee
From the Altar Guild
Churches Around the Park
Lenten Series
Greetings from Guiana
Panelists for Climate Change
Faith in Action
World Day of Prayer
ECW Retreat Reg. Form
Christian Education
Christian Conversations
Seminary Class
Bishop’s Blog
March Memorials
March Scripture Readings
March Birthdays/
Seasons of Life
March Calendar
March Sunday Ministries
March LEV Schedule
The Parish Profile has been submitted to ECM and the position is posted online. The deadline to submit applications is March 18. We will receive the names of applicants shortly after that date and then begin Phase II of the process, learning more about each of the candidates. The process of searching for an interim priest is continuing. We have interviewed several candidates, but each has had some constraints that don’t make it possible for them to join us during the interim. To be sure to show prospective applicants a true picture of Christ Church, Pat Welke has devoted time to updating our website. Please take a look at the site. If you have photos of events that you would like to submit for inclusion, please send them to Pat. One of the new features that you will see on the home page of the website is a short video with a view of our activities and interviews with some parishioners focusing on memories of Christ Church and priorities for the future. A special thank you to Tom Feehan of PromoVideo for producing the video in record time and to Neal Topliff for allowing us to use his music. Search committee members are happy to receive any additional input that any of you may have. Committee names are listed on page two of the Caller. A top priority for the committee is to ensure that the search process is as transparent as possible. Let us know what you are thinking. Marcy Dowse and Joan Foot, Search Committee Co‐Chairs
Christ Episcopal Church
321 West Avenue, Red Wing, MN 651-388-0411 Bishop:
The Right Reverend Brian Prior Deacon
The Rev. Barbara von Haaren: Director of PreK‐12 Christian Formation: Vicki Lambert: Treasurer Buck Foot: Administrative Assistant: Kathy Kolsrud: Computers/Newsletter/Webmaster Pat Welke: Director of Music:
John Schultz: Custodians: Lottie Aslakson, Bud Gustafson: Search Committee
Joan Foot, Co-Chair Marcy Dowse, Co-Chair John Blue Jon Danielson Scott Danielson Jill Fanslow Ellie Kelly Rick McNamara Sandra Richter See the new video on the Home Page of the
Church Website
Church Email: Website: 5
Christ Church Vestry Senior Warden: John Blue Junior Warden: Jon Danielson, Annette Johnson (2015), Bob Stark (2015), Pam Dressen (2016), Marilyn May (2016) Dawna McMillen (2017), Norma Neufeldt (2017) Vestry Clerk: Pat Welke (2015) From the Altar Guild
Easter Lilies are $12, and the signup sheet will be on the bulletin board outside the office. Make checks out to Christ Church Altar Guild and leave them with Kathy in the office or Jeannette Wilson. Churches Around the Park
2015 Lenten Services
The theme for this year’s Lenten services will center around The Lord’s Prayer. On each Wednesday, there will be a 10 a.m. service At Christ Episcopal Church with the clergy for that week delivering the sermon. A light meal will be served after the 5 p.m. service at the host church. Mar 4 5 p.m. First United Methodist, Pastor David Reiter 6:30 p.m. United Lutheran, Pastor David Reiter Mar 11 5 p.m. St. Paul’s Lutheran, Fr. Thomas Kommers 6:30 p.m. United Lutheran, Fr. Thomas Kommers Mar 18 5 p.m. First Presbyterian, Pastor Justin Boeding 6:30 p.m. United Lutheran, Pastor Justin Boeding Mar 23 5 p.m. St. Joseph’s, Pastor Greg Strunk Page 2
6:30 p.m. United Lutheran, Pastor Greg Strunk Christ Church—A faith community, alive in Christ
March 2015
Greetings from Guyana!
By Mike and Pat Martin
It was wonderful to pop in at church quickly on our two day visit to Red Wing. Weʹre sorry we didnʹt get to see more of you, but our train actually left on time at 9 a.m. We had a wonderful visit in Chicago with our daughter, her husband, and our new grandson, Franklin Martin. All are doing well. We also saw our other two daughters when they came to meet their new nephew. It is amazing to think that we will be home in the next couple of months. We have a wedding, birthday party, and christening to fit in our weekends in March. Oh yes, Mike is a godfather to his hire car driverʹs new son Antonio! Monday is Mashmarani / Republic Day, celebrating Guyanaʹs freedom from British Rule. The children at Patʹs school celebrated Friday with a road march down the street. They put what they call sprinkles on their faces (glitter), wear masks, and some wear ethnic clothing. Here is a photo from last yearʹs public library march with the children who come for literacy on Saturdays. The books at Mikeʹs health center are constantly being used by children and their parents, and other Peace Corps volunteers are starting reading libraries at their health centers. Patʹs last few months at school have been challenging, as she is often used as a substitute teacher for absentees, rather than working in small groups with those who really need reading help. Weʹre looking forward to being with all of you again. Love, Mike and Pat Panelists Announced for
The Climate Change Crisis
From the Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs: The Climate Change Crisis, presented by the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society on March 24, and addressing one of the most significant topics in today’s society, will feature panelists well-versed in the critical areas of the environment and the impact of climate change on our world. Our close of service conference is mid-March, and will be at the same place we were dropped off our first day in Guyana. This will give us a real sense of closure, and we will all enjoy remembering those first days when we really wondered what we were doing here. We are now down to 14 volunteers from our original 30, so it will be a smaller group of us. March 2015
The 90-minute live webcast will originate from Campbell Hall Episcopal School, North Hollywood, CA. In partnership with Bishop J. Jon Bruno and the Diocese of Los Angeles, The Climate Change Crisis will begin 11 a.m. Pacific. Click here to read the full article on the Episcopal Church website, including the list of panelists. Christ Church—A faith community, alive in Christ
Page 3
Faith in Action
Branches March 2015
by Gordie Gieseke
By The Rev. Barbara von Haaren
Websterʹs New World Dictionary: hero
to watch over, protect —of great strength and courage .a
person admired for achievements, regarded as an ideal or
model. I Will Be There
There are heroes serving in our armed forces, saving persons from burning buildings, teaching arithmetic in our schools, showing up for work, and faithfully preparing supper for their families. There are women and men of good faith who are watching-over, having friendly conversations, and providing transportation to shopping or medical appointments for those in need. Let us consider them to be Faith in Action heroes. You are welcome to be a Faith in Action volunteer. World Day of Prayer
By Mary Kolderie
You are invited to the annual World Day of Prayer, sponsored by Church Women United. Date/Time: Friday, March 6, 9:30 a.m. Place: First Lutheran Church Speaker:
Bruce Blair Supporting a Family in Cuba All are welcome. There is no charge for the coffee and rolls. It is not the promise that I could live forever that won my heart to God, for to be honest there are times I am not sure I would want that gift even though it is offered. It is not the promise I will be forgiven, for as gracious as that may be, in my heart I doubt there are some things it could cover. No, what took my breath away was something a little less grand, but a promise I have found I have treasured most. When you need me, God said, I will be there. No matter what. No matter when. I will be there. A promise both given and kept: to a soul like mine, it is enough. Image above: ʺLorraineʹs Backyardʺ by Julie Christian
Words above by Steven Charleston, author of Hope As
Old As Fire.
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Christ Church—A faith community, alive in Christ
March 2015
March 2015
Christ Church—A faith community, alive in Christ
Page 5
Christian Education
Sunday School News
Seminary Class
Our mission: Pass on our faith in the risen Christ through sto‐
ries, songs, and activities.
“Guard the good treasure entrusted to you, with the help of the
Holy Spirit living in us.”
II Timothy 1:7, 14
Sunday school is at 9 a.m.
As we move into the season Lent, the children continue to learn from the lectionary in childfriendly relatable stories and make projects about Jesus’ life. Children’s Church is at 10 a. m.
This is a choice for children to hear a Bible message in a very kid-friendly way during the worship and then join parents for the second half of the service. Youth News
Our mission: Come alongside our youth to share the gospel and
help them navigate adolescence with their faith intact. “Don’t
let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an
example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and
in purity.”
1 Timothy 4:12
Thank you to all the young
people who helped serve on
Shrove Tuesday!!
Come and See: Discipleship According
to the Gospel of John
March 30-April 27, 2015 7- 9 p.m. Faculty: Karoline Lewis, Associate Professor of Biblical Preaching and The Alvin N. Rogness Chair of Homiletics Discipleship is no easy task these days and one’s identity as a Christian is constantly challenged. Perhaps the hardest part about following Jesus is to imagine that our witness in the world can make the same kind of difference as the disciples long ago. This class will imagine what we might learn from the disciples in the Gospel of John that could empower, sustain, and nurture us 21st century Christians. We will encounter the inspiring witness of persons Jesus meets in the Fourth Gospel so as to invite a renewed sense of call in our present time. Christian Conversations
Introduction to Lent began on 2/22. This will conclude on March 8. We will meet on 3/15 & 3/22, topic to be determined. Preparing for Sunday
Check it out! Mark your calendars
2/27 5:30 p.m. 3/6 5:30 p.m. 3/11 7-8:30 p.m. 3/13 5:30 p.m. Dinner and a Movie! 3/20 5:30 p.m. Dinner and a Movie! 3/25 7-8:30 p.m. 3/27 5:30 p.m. Page 6
Dinner and a Movie Returns!! Dinner and a Movie! Youth Group Youth Group Dinner and a Movie! There is a fantastic feature on our website that is sure to enhance your familiarity with the lessons appointed each week for the upcoming Sunday. On the church’s homepage you will find a small gold box entitled Prep aring fo r
Sunday. If you click on the box, you will be directly sent to a page that has the text of each week’s lessons plus some very valuable and insightful commentary. Even a quick visit to this site each week will enrich your experience of the lessons when they are read aloud on Sundays - not to mention the sermons, now available as audio podcasts and as text! Christ Church—A faith community, alive in Christ
March 2015
Come enjoy good food, great fellowship, entertainment, and friendships
every Friday @5:30pm during Lent.
Dinner and a Movie
Friday Nights—5:30 p.m.
Signup sheet on the bulletin board outside the office, or call 388‐0411.
March 13—The Lorax
March 6—Big Hero
March 20—Pollyanna
March 27—Frozen
Hidden Words Puzzle
All the words listed are in the puzzle - left, right, up, down or diagonally. Find each word and circle it. After you have found all the words, use the leftover letters in the correct order to form the mystery answer Mounts in the
Ararat, Carmel, Gerizim, Gilboa, Goath, Hermon, Horeb, Moriah, Nebo, Olive, Seir, Tabor, Zion Solution on page 10.
March 2015
Christ Church—A faith community, alive in Christ
Page 7
Bishop’s Blog—At the 5-Year Mark
Posted on February 17, 2015 by Episcopal Church in Minnesota
It’s hard to describe until you are in that moment. The wind is in your face, your favorite song is playing on your iPod, and your body is in perpetual motion. There is an abundant feeling of synchronicity…
rhythm. Heading down a ski slope, riding my bike on a favorite trail, weaving back and forth across the wake behind a ski boat, playing basketball with familiar teammates, and serving as the Bishop of the Episcopal Church in Minnesota. Now, my guess is if we were playing one of those games where you determine which statement doesn’t fit, conventional wisdom would suggest that would be the last one. However, as I begin my sixth year of serving as the Bishop of ECMN, I find myself feeling a significant amount of synchronicity…rhythm; and for that I am truly grateful. As I have in every previous anniversary of my consecration and ordination, I would like to climb up to the balcony and share with you a little bit of my perspective on the life of ECMN. Mission: Simply put, we have more faith communities engaged in God’s mission than ever before! And more of this engagement is taking place in what we call Missional Innovative Partnerships (MIPs). Through strong discernment, often facilitated through the Missional Assessment Process (MAP), our faith communities have gained clarity with respect to their unique gifts, and are finding partners and beginning to meet the needs of the world around them. This never was more clear than when we launched the inaugural MIP grant application process where we had 33 applications for funding to assist in engagement in God’s mission to which 12 of those applicants received a total of $70,500. Additionally, at Convention we invited every faith community to work on Ending Hunger in Minnesota. As well, through Mission Opportunity 2015: Engaging the Spirit in Haiti, the good work that is taking place there is nothing short of inspiring! Finally, I am extremely pleased to see our camping ministry expanding from our wildly successful music camp to include the offering of a camp for all middle schoolers called “Quest” this summer. There are plans for expansion in the years to come for both high school and younger campers. Page 8
Moving forward, I am hopeful that all of our faith communities will become clear about how they may use their unique gifts to partner with others to meet the needs in their neighborhoods and beyond. The impact across ECMN is already demonstrably measurable. And by continuing to build Missional Innovative Partnerships, we can continue to build capacity in following in the Way of Jesus. Ministry: One of our earliest Missional Innovative Partnerships was with Shattuck-St. Mary’s. Thanks to this partnership we now have the benefit of our wonderful new ECMN Retreat Center on the campus of SSM. This already is serving as a beautiful gathering space for our faith communities and others, including our School for Formation. The first weekend of every month, individuals preparing for the diaconate, priesthood, and other formation, gather at the School for Formation for study, reflection, and worship. The Commission on Ministry and the Standing Committee continue to be very thoughtful in providing a healthy, holy process for all those in discernment and formation. I am exceedingly grateful to the people who walk with those offering their gifts for ministry. Also, we have strong emerging partnerships with two of our Episcopal Seminaries: Bexley-Seabury and Church Divinity School of the Pacific (CDSP). These relationships will be a vital resource for formation and will provide a broad cross section of individuals in ECMN. Moving ahead, I am hopeful that throughout ECMN we will see more of our faith communities as communities of discernment and formation for the ministry of all the baptized, whereby all the baptized gifts are discerned, formed, and sent to engage God’s mission in the world. And I am hopeful that the School for Formation will be working with a wide range of individuals and communities to assist in resourcing to this end. There is an unquestionable sense of synchronicity across the Episcopal Church in Minnesota. We are establishing a strong rhythm whereby all of our faith communities are finding the necessary, sustainable resources to use their unique gifts in partnership with others to meet the needs of the world – transformational! It’s been a great and challenging ride and I look forward to continuing to share in this journey with you as we become the people God is calling us to be. Thanks for the blessing and the privilege!. Christ Church—A faith community, alive in Christ
March 2015
March Memorials
03/01 Church In memory of Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Grosse, Robert Grosse & Lorraine Grosse by Marilyn Grosse & Beckie Plaas 03/01 Ken Christianson Mary Heckman Trinity Mossow 03/03 Stella Johnson 03/04 Carol Jennings Taryn Fuller 03/05 Jon Befort 03/06 Phil McNairy Tiffany Cain Marilyn Grosse Jennifer Smith Tara Murnane 03/07 Charles McMillen Alecia Plaas Seaman 03/08 Alan Smith 03/09 Lucille Thermos 03/11 Tony Hemenway Ben Miller 03/12 Steve Van Deussen Ian Lintner 03/15 Aiden Miller 03/16 Tari Carpenter Rex Miller 03/16 Steve Whitmore Rex Miller 03/19 Pat Welke 03/20 Roy Neufeldt Chapel In memory of Dr. George Hawley by Elizabeth Brooks 03/08 Church In memory of Ira & Lois Huron by Barb Nelson Chapel In loving memory of mother, Lorraine Remus by Lori Remus 03/15 Church In thanksgiving for Arthur & Samantha by Karen & Clair Hemenway
Chapel In memory of Katy, Kenny, Ken, Jr., & Brad by Annette Johnson 03/22 Church In loving memory of Art & Violet Mann, Jerome Mann, & Cheryl & Lowell Mann by Judy Mann & Claire & Karen Hemenway Chapel In memory of granddaughter, Katie Henneck, by Don Prinz Memorial Fund 03/29 Church In thanksgiving for Jaysa Lee by Marisa Dille Chapel In memory of loved ones by JoAnne McNamara I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.
Philippians 1:3 03/21 Ronda Dube Jeannette Wilson
03/24 Elizabeth Foot 03/25 Stacey Veek Marisa Dille Emily Mossow 03/26 Casey Murnane James Featherstone 03/28 Oden Lerum 03/29 Stanley Frye John Murnane 03/30 Jaysa Dille Ann Florine 03/31 Beatrix Lahammer Anniversaries
03/18 Judy and Duane Carpenter 03/20 Kathy & Roger Kolsrud 03/25 Keith and Linda Hase 03/29 Ray & Becky Schafer The Very Rev. James C.
& Carol Zotalis
03/31 Mike & Pat Martin If your birthday is not listed, and you would like to be remembered, please send your name and birth date to the office—just the month and day. March Scripture Readings
Seasons of Life
Baptisms: Charlotte Christine Tripp, daughter of Mark and Angela Tripp Gluten Free Communion Wafers
Gluten free communion wafers are available for those with wheat allergies, gluten intolerance or Celiac Disease. March 2015
2nd Sunday in Lent Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16, Psalm 22:22-30, Romans 4:13-25. Gospel: Mark 8:31-38 03/08 3rd Sunday in Lent: Exodus 20:1-17, Psalm 19, 1 Corinthians 1:18-25. Gospel: John 2:13-22 03/15 4th Sunday in Lent: Numbers 21:4-9,
Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22, Ephesians 2:1-10. Gospel: John 3:14-21
03/22 5th Sunday in Lent: Jeremiah 31:31-34 Psalm 51:1-13 or Psalm 119:9-16, Hebrews 5:5-10. Gospel: John 12:20-33 03/29 Palm Sunday The Liturgy of the Palms Mark 11:1-11 o r John 12:12-16, Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 The Liturgy of the Word, Isaiah 50:4-9a,
Psalm 31:9-16, Philippians 2:5-11.
Gospel: Mar k 14:1-15:47, or Mark 15:1-39, (40-47)
Christ Church—A faith community, alive in Christ
Page 9
~ March 2015 ~ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1
8a Eucharist 9a ChrisƟan ConversaƟons 9a Sunday School 9:45a Childcare 10a Children's Church 10a Eucharist 5p CA MeeƟng 12p Junior
Guild 6p RW Arts Assoc
Watercolor Class 10a Eucharist 12p AA
MeeƟng 11a Bible Study 5p Church Around the
Park Lenten Series 5p Ministers' MeeƟng 5:30p Hospitality
MeeƟng 6:30p Choir PracƟce 6:30p Church Around
the Park Lenten Series 8
8a Eucharist 9a ChrisƟan ConversaƟons 9a Sunday School 9:45a Childcare 10a Children's Church 10a Eucharist 5p CA MeeƟng 5p Property
CommiƩee 6p RW Arts Assoc
Watercolor Class 10a Eucharist 12p AA
MeeƟng 11a Bible Study 5p Church Around the
Park Lenten Series 5p Ministers' MeeƟng 6:30p Choir PracƟce 6:30p Church Around
the Park Lenten Series 7p Youth Group 5p Dinner & a
Movie 15
8a Eucharist 9a ChrisƟan ConversaƟons 9a Sunday School 9:45a Childcare 10a Children's Church 10a Eucharist 5p CA MeeƟng 7p Red Wing
12p Finance MeeƟng 10a Eucharist Singer PracƟce 6p RW Arts Assoc
11a Bible Study Watercolor Class 5p Church Around the
Park Lenten Series 5p Ministers' MeeƟng 6:30p Choir PracƟce 6:30p Church Around
the Park Lenten Series 22
Rector's DiscreƟonary
Fund 8a Eucharist 9a ChrisƟan ConversaƟons 9a Sunday School 9:45a Childcare 10a Children's Church 10a Eucharist 5p CA MeeƟng 29
8a Eucharist 7p Seminary
Class 9a ChrisƟan ConversaƟons 9a Sunday School 9:45a Childcare 10a Children's Church 10a Eucharist 4p Red Wing Singer Concert 5p CA MeeƟng 5
Sat 6
5p Dinner & a
Movie 8:30a ECW Lenten Retreat 3p SE Mission
Area Mtg 13
12p AA
5p Dinner & a
MeeƟng Movie 12p Finance
MeeƟng 5p HR MeeƟng 21
10a ECW Board 24
4:30p Altar Guild 6p RW Arts Assoc
Watercolor Class 10a Eucharist 11a Bible Study 5p Church Around the
Park Lenten Series 5p Ministers' MeeƟng 6:30p Choir PracƟce 6:30p Church Around
the Park Lenten Series 7p Youth group 12p AA
MeeƟng 5p Vestry
MeeƟng 5p Dinner & a
Movie 9a Red Wing
Singer PracƟce 31
6p RW Arts Assoc
Watercolor Class Daylight Savings begins March 8
Page 10
Christ Church—A faith community, alive in Christ
March 2015
March Sunday Ministries
Please save for reference throughout the month. All Acolytes, Lectors, Readers & Cup Bearers, please gather
in the Chapel 15 minutes before the service to pray together.
If you are unable to fulfill your assigned obligation, please find a replacement and notify the office.
Date Time 8 a.m. 03/01 2nd Sunday in 10 a.m. Lent 03/22 5th Sunday in Lent 03/29 Palm Sunday Readers Intercessors Catherine Johnson Randy Johnson Cup Bearers Greeters Ushers Hospitality Randy Johnson Sandy & Gordie Gieseke Hot Breakfast
Sharon Bryan Marm Nihart Bill & Becky Foot Sandy & Gordie Gieseke Sharon Bryan Marm Nihart Kathy Kolsrud Marissa Kelly Truman Danielson Ryslan Bangard Amy Huber Mary Flueger Brendan Kelly Konnor Kelly Abe Reinitz Judy Mann 8 a.m. Bob Stark Charlene Friedrich Gordie Gieseke Sandy & Gordie Gieseke 10 a.m. Bear Blaney Logan Lohse Ryslan Bangard Chuck McMillen Mary Kolderie Linda McNairy Sharon Bryan Marm Nihart Scott & Peggy Danielson 8 a.m. Randy Johnson Catherine Johnson Randy Johnson Sandy & Gordie Gieseke 10 a.m. Brendan Kelly Reese Tripp Robbie Trip Pam Dressen Linda McNairy Terry Van Allen Sharon Bryan Marm Nihart Bill & Margie Hoyt 8 a.m. Mary Flueger Mary Ann Valentine Mary Ann Valentine Sandy & Gordie Gieseke 10 a.m. Marissa Kelly Truman Danielson Logan Lohse Arlene Beckwith Pat Welke Alice Nelson Sharon Bryan Marm Nihart Pat Tighe Cam Koch 8 a.m. 03/08 3rd Sunday in 10 a.m. Lent 03/15 4th Sunday in Lent Acolytes Linda McNairy Peggy Danielson Mary Ann Valentine Mary Ann Valentine Arlene Beckwith Peter von Haaren Altar Guild: Marm Nihart, Chair; Sharon Bryan, Asst. Chair; Maureen Blue, Alice Nelson, Dawna McMillen, Char Friedrich, Mary Ann Valentine, Jane Smith. Directress, Jeannette Wilson. Floater: Barry Preble Christ Church LEV Schedule—March 2015
Charlie Brown & Sue Simonson
Polly BeƩerly– ValenƟne’s
June Gustafson & Mary Christensen
Olive Roome-St. Brigid’s Villa
Maureen Blue & Terry Van Allen
Peggy Lund-St Brigid’s Villa
Jewell Lindrud
Videos of Sunday sermons are now
available on our church website.
DVD’s of church services are
available in the rear of the church.
March 2015
Christ Church—A faith community, alive in Christ
Page 11
Christ Episcopal Church
321 West Avenue
Red Wing, MN 55066
Change Service Requested
The ECW of Christ Church will sponsor the retreat ʺWomen at the Well: Gathering, Supporting, Sharing Wisdomʺ on March 7, 2015. We will be honored to have as our retreat leader the Rev. Lindsay Hardin Freeman, a Minnesota Episcopal priest and author who has published several books on women of the Bible. The retreat will begin with registration and coffee at 8:30 a.m. and conclude with Eucharist at 2:30 p.m. The suggested donation for the retreat is $10.00; lunch will be provided. Online registration is available at When you register, please include ʺRetreatʺ in the subject line. Watch for a flyer that will be coming your way via email. A sign-up sheet also will be available outside the Christ Church office. Hot
March 1
8:45-9:30 a.m.
World Day of Prayer
By Mary Kolderie
You are invited to the annual World Day of Prayer, sponsored by Church Women United. Date/Time: Friday, March 6, 9:30 a.m. Place: First Lutheran Church Speaker:
Bruce Blair Supporting a Family in Cuba All are welcome. There is no charge for the coffee and rolls. Services—Sunday: 8 a.m. & 10 a.m., Wednesday: 10 a.m.
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Christ Church—A faith community, alive in Christ
March 2015