Elution of Two Separated Peaks after Injection of a Small Sample


Elution of Two Separated Peaks after Injection of a Small Sample
Technical Note
Elution of Two Separated Peaks after Injection of
a Small Sample Volume Using an Autosampler
Liying REN1, Kazuhiko ISHIHARA1, Masaru KATO*2
Department of Bioengineering, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo,
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences and GPLLI Program, The University of Tokyo,
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
Two separated peaks were detected when a small volume (approximately less than 0.5 PL) of one compound was injected into
a HPLC system using an autosampler equipped with a 6-port valve. The origin of the two peaks was found to be injection by
an autosampler that sucked the sample solution twice during the injection of each sample. First, the autosampler sucked in a
sample solution to fill the needle, and then, after the rotation of the 6-port valve, the autosampler sucked in the sample solution
again to fill the injection loop. Because the twice suck generated two separated sample zones in a 6-port valve and these
sample zones were injected into the column separately, two separated peaks were observed. The increase in the sample volume
induced disappearance of second peak and only one peak was observed. And also the same phenomenon was observed with a
manual injector instead of the autosampler even when small volume of sample was injected.
Keywords: Autosampler; Peak shape; Small sample volume
1. Introduction
High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is the
most popular separation technique for analysis of mixture
samples such as environmental, biomedical, and food
samples, because it allows for the identification of multiple
compounds in a sample with a single analysis [1-3].
Furthermore, many hot research areas such as proteome and
metabolome analysis cannot be pursued without HPLC
[4-6]. Many improvements to HPLC systems have been
made up to now to reduce the sample volumes required for
the analysis, increase the number of compounds that can be
identified in a single run, and increase the reliability of the
analytical results. For example, improvements such as a
new pump that can deliver the mobile phase precisely in a
low flow rate range, a new capillary column that is packed
with a uniform stationary phase, and a new detector with a
high sensitivity and selectivity have been developed [7-10].
Such improvement of HPLC systems has reduced the
Corresponding author: Masaru KATO
Tel & Fax: +81-3-5841-1841
E-mail: kato@cnbi.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
sample volume required for analysis, and now less than 1
PL is required for a single analysis [11]. This reduction of
the sample volume also reduces the subject (patient or
volunteer) load necessary at the sampling time by reducing
the volumes of samples collected from the subjects and
makes it possible to perform analyses that would previously
have required too large a sample volume. Hence, many
demands for reductions in the sample volume still remain
Automation is now used many areas to reduce human
errors, costs, and tedious tasks. Sample injection is one of
the most advanced processes that have been automated in
HPLC analysis, and researchers and technicians can avoid
manual sample injection by using an autosampler [13].
When sample solutions are provided to the autosampler, the
autosampler injects a precise amount of a specified sample
into the HPLC system in the exact order automatically, and
finally the system reports the analytical results. Hence, the
2. Experimental
2.1. Chemical
Thiourea was purchased from Wako Pure Chemical
Industries (Osaka, Japan). Phenylalanine, trypsin inhibitor
type II-s, and hemoglobin were from Sigma-Aldrich (St.
Louis, MO, USA). Water was purified with a Milli-Q
apparatus (Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA).
2.2. HPLC analysis
HPLC analysis was performed by using a MP 711 Vpumps
(GL Science, Tokyo, Japan), a MI 709 autosampler (GL
Science), a micro 21 UV-02 UV array detector
(Jasco,Tokyo, Japan) and a HPLC System organizer
(EZChrom Elite v.3.1.7J). The volume of 0.1 PL was
recommended as a minimum injection volume of the
autosampler by the supplier. A fused silica column (I.D. 25
Pm, length 3.1 m) was obtained from Polymicro technology
(Phoenix, AZ, USA). Water was used as mobile phase at the
flow rate of 1.5 Pl/min. The detection was performed at UV
200 nm. The typical injection volume was 0.05 Pl. The C4
manual injector (VICI AG, Schenkon, Switzerland) attached
with a 0.05 PL sample loop was used for manual injection.
HPLC system using the autosampler. To clarify the origin
of the two peaks, elution profiles of three different
concentrations (0.1, 1.0, and 10 mg/mL) of thiourea were
examined (Fig. 1 a). Although the elution times of these
peaks were not affected by the thiourea concentration, the
heights and areas of both peaks increased with increasing
thiourea concentration. To confirm whether this
phenomenon, detection of two separated peaks from one
compound, is observed only for thiourea or for other
compounds as well, elution profiles of phenylalanine,
trypsin inhibitor and hemoglobin were examined. Two
separated peaks were also observed for each analyzed
compound, and the elution times of both peaks were same
for all compounds (Fig. 1 b). Hence, the elution of these
two separated peaks did not originate from a specific
property of thiourea, but was a common property of all
compounds used in this study.
Because we assumed that these two peaks were derived
from the autosampler in the HPLC system, we also used a
manual injector instead of the autosampler for the injection
of the sample into the HPLC system. Only one peak was
observed when thiourea was injected using the manual
injector (Fig. 2). The elution time of this peak was as the
same as that of unretained compound. That is, it is
correspond to the void volume of the HPLC system. This
result indicates that the elution of two peaks was derived
from the autosampler and not from another apparatus, such
as a column or detector.
autosampler is an essential apparatus for the analysis of
many samples using HPLC.
In this study, we report a phenomenon in which two
separated peaks are eluted from one chemical compound
when a small volume of sample solution is injected into the
HPLC system using a commercially available autosampler
and explain the reason for the phenomenon and a procedure
for avoiding it.
3. Results and discussions
Two peaks, at 2.8 and 5.3 min of elution time, were
observed when 50 nL of thiourea was injected into the
Retention time (min)
Fig. 2. Chromatogram of thiourea obtained using a manual
Fig. 1. Effect of sample concentration on the elution profiles
of thiourea (a) and effect of compound on the elution profile
for different compounds (b). Injection volume 50 nL, flow
rate 1.5 Pl/min.
To clarify the reason for the elution of two peaks much
more, the effect of the injection volume on the elution
profile of thiourea was examined. Although the elution
times of the two peaks did not change when the injection
volume was changed, the peak area of second peak
increased with decrease in the injection volume (Fig. 3). On
the other hand, area of the second peak decreased with
increasing the injection volume and disappeared when the
injection volume was more than 0.5 PL. The first peak did
not disappear under any of experimental conditions in this
study. We paid attention to the volume of compound eluted
between the two peaks, because it was almost constant for
all experiments and was similar to that of the sample loop
of the autosampler (about 5 PL). Furthermore, the change
of the sample loop volume induced the change of the
volume of between the two peaks. From these results, we
suppose that the mechanism for the formation of the two
peaks formation is as follows (Fig. 4).
0.5 PL
0.2 PL
0.05 PL
Retention time (min)
Fig. 3. Effect of injection volume on the elution profile of
thiourea. Sample: 1mg/mL thiourea.
First, the autosampler equipped with a 6-port valve
sucked in 5 PL of sample solution and filled the needle with
the sample solution (preinjection time, a). Then,
counter-clockwise rotation of the 6-port valve occurred (b).
Next, the exact amount of sample was withdrawn into the
sample loop of the autosampler (injection time, c), and
finally clockwise rotation of the 6-port valve occurred to
inject the sample solution into the HPLC system (d).
The second peak appeared when the injection volume
was small, and it disappeared when the injection volume
was more than 0.5 PL. As shown in Fig. 4c, when the
injection volume is very small, the sample solution injected
at the preinjection time still remains near port No. 3. This is
due to such a small volume of sample solution moves very
little. For example, when 50 nL of sample is injected into a
sample loop with a volume and length of 5 PL and 10 cm,
respectively, the distance the sample solution moves is
approximately 1 mm. In that case, there is a possibility that
a small amount of sample solution is present at port No. 3
of the 6-port valve because of diffusion or insufficient
movement during the injection process. This indicates with
dot line in Fig. 4c. Because the sample solution was present
at both ends of the injection part after the rotation of the
6-port valve (Fig. 4d) and these solution volumes were
injected into the column separately, two separated peaks
were observed. The first and second peaks were derived
from the sample solution zones at ports No. 5 and No. 2 of
a) preinjection
counterclockwise rotation
c) injection
mobile phase
sample band
for 2nd peak
sample band
for 1st peak
sample solution
dispersed or residual sample solution
Fig. 4. Schematic image of production of the two peaks by the 6-port valve of the autosampler.
the 6-port valve, respectively. The second peak became
large when the injection volume was small, because there
was little movement of the solution at the injection time and
the possibility of the sample solution remaining near port
No. 3 of the 6-port valve became large. On the other hand,
the second peak became smaller and finally disappeared
when the injection volume was large, because there was a
large movement of the solution at the injection time and the
sample solution moved away from port No. 3 of the 6-port
valve. The preinjection of the sample solution to fill the
needle was the reason for the two separated peaks observed
when the autosampler was used. In the case of the manual
injector, the two-peak elution phenomenon did not occur,
because the sample solution was directly injected into the
sample loop from port No. 4 of the 6-port valve.
4. Conclusions
In this study, we found that two separated peaks were
observed when a small volume of sample was injected into
the HPLC system using an autosampler. It was found that
the two peaks were produced by the autosampler during
preinjection of the sample to fill the needle with sample
solution. Because the use of an autosampler is popular for
the injection of the sample into the HPLC system, this
phenomenon occurs not only in our system but also in other
HPLC systems. Two separated peaks are observed from one
compound when autosampler was used for sample injection.
The elution volume between the two peaks was similar to
the volume of the sample loop and the retention factor of
the sample was small, it should be suspected that the second
peak was generated from the injection with autosampler.
This work was supported by grants (Kakenhi) from the
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and
Technology (MEXT) of Japan, JSPS Core-to-Core Program,
A. Advanced Research Networks, and the Naito
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