Bulletin - Church of Christ in Mio, Michigan


Bulletin - Church of Christ in Mio, Michigan
Church Of Christ
P.O. Box 268
509 Morenci St.
Mio, Michigan 48647
“The churches of Christ Salute You”
“Salute one another with an holy kiss. The churches of Christ salute you”
(Romans 16:16)
509 Morenci St. * Mio * Michigan * 48647
E-mail: info@churchofchristinmio.org
Website: www.churchofchristinmio.org
Minister: Frank Beek
Morning Worship---------------------------------------------------------11:00am
Sunday Pot Luck----------------------------------------------12:30pm - 1:30pm
Afternoon Worship--------------------------------------------------------1:30pm
Place Stamp
Designed and Printed by: Kyzak Creative Design
Bible Study----------------------------------------------------------------10:00am
Wednesday Evening Service---------------------------------------------7:00pm
June 28, 2015
Bill Sperow
Tom Sperow
Opening Prayer
Dan Strehle
Rod Cole
Song Leader
Mike Brown
Bill Sperow
Scripture Reading
Adam Beek
Tom Saunders
Lord’s Table
Don Sperow
Dan Strehle
Tom Sperow
Mike Brown
Tom Saunders
Don Sperow
Rod Cole
Adam Beek
 Dawn Knott - Please keep Brother Ron in your prayers.
Frank Beek
Frank Beek
 Barb Sperow - Please continue to keep Sister Barb’s Mother. She is home recovering.
Closing Prayer
“Wrong Is Always Wrong”
“To Be Announced”
Those Who Responded Last Lord’s Day
Bill Sperow
Tom Sperow
 Martha Beek - Please keep Sister Martha in prayers while preparing for a knee
replacement surgery.
 Don and Barb Sperow - Please keep Brother Don’s Aunt, Patricia Kosiara, in your
prayers while having dizziness due to an ear infection.
 Gail Goldsmith - Please keep Fay Ward in your prayers for strength and courage.
 Nancy Kuhlmey - Please keep Sister Nancy in your prayers in regards to her knee.
 Nancy Oliver - Please continue to keep Sister Nancy in your prayers.
 Norma Nelson - Please continue to keep Sister Norma in your prayers.
1 Corinthians 10:14-33
1 Corinthians 11:1-16
1 Corinthians 11:17-34
1 Corinthians 12:1-11
 Church Website - If you are able to, please check out our nine page Website at
www.churchofchristinmio.org. Our Website has been re-designed, updated weekly,
and user friendly. View slideshows, text information, Bulletin, Bulletin inserts, 2015
VBS Flyer, monthly and yearly sermons, Online Bible, daily Inspiration, and
 Mio Congregation - Please keep our erring members in your prayers and Mio
Congregation as a whole.
Insert-------------------------------I’ll Fly Away 432---------------------Where The Soul Never Dies
A special thanks to all of our Bible Teachers for teaching our youth and adult classes.
365---------------------------Home Of The Soul 607----------------------All Things Are Ready
A special thanks to our supporters. Without their support, our work here in Northern
Michigan would be that much harder.
636-----------------------------------Only A Step
287---------------------------The Lord’s Supper
“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”
(James 4:7)
Attendance--------------------------------------40 Hear------------------------------Romans 10:17
Offering-------------------------------------------- Believe--------------------------------John 8:24
Jenifer Sperow----------------------------(5th) Ashley McCaskey--------------------------(24th)
Budget------------------------------------$600.00 Repent---------------------------------Luke 13:3
Mary Jo Beek----------------------------(12th) Amy Beek-----------------------------------(25th)
“Go unto all the world and preach
the Gospel to every creature”
...Mark 16:15
Confess------------------------------Matt. 10:32
Baptized-----------------------------Mark 16:16
Remain Faithful----------------------Rev. 2:10
No Anniversaries for the Month of June