Clements Hall newsletter Summer 2015
Clements Hall newsletter Summer 2015
1 12 22 May Tracks 12A 112 mins (John Curran, 2013) 01904 466086 enquiries@ Clements Hall Nunthorpe Road York YO23 1BW Regd Charity No. 1084425 Mia Wasikowska (Alice in Wonderland, Jane Eyre) gives an impressive performance in this visually stunning film about a woman’s trek across Australia with only four camels and a dog for company. Allow yourself to be transported to the other side of the world and become engrossed in this epic tale. 5 June The Conformist (Il Conformista) 15 111 mins (Bernardo Bertolucci, 1970) In response to audience requests for more Italian films, we have added one of the classics to our programme. A weak man becomes a fascist and colludes in the assassination of his old teacher, now a political dissident. In possibly his greatest film, Bertulucci (The Last Emperor, Last Tango in Paris) evokes the style of 1930s Italy with the colourful film-making for which he is known. 19 June An evening of Aesthetica short films N/A Approximately 87 mins (Various) We are delighted to be given the opportunity to participate in the 2014 Aesthetica Short Film Festival Film Tour and bring some of the highlights of last year’s festival to our audience. Covering a wide range of genres, the evening promises the best of what short film-making has to offer whether you’re already a fan of short films or just keen to dip your toe in the water! Licensing arrangements are constantly changing and so, on occasion, we have to make changes to the proposed programme at the last minute for reasons beyond our control. Newsletter Spring 2015 A Message from the Trustees ……….…………………………. 2 Writing Lives ……………………………………………………………. 3 The Manager’s View …………...……………………………………. 4 Regular Classes and Activities …………….…………………….. 5-7 Who’s Who at Clements Hall …………………………………….. 9 Membership Information ………………………………………….. 10 South Bank Community Cinema ………………………………… 11-12 11 2 FROM THE TRUSTEES Dates for your diary: th Saturday 9 May: Clements Hall Craft Fair with York Makers Sunday 7th June 1.00pm – 4.00pm: Big Lunch (see p.9 for further information) Friday 26th June 7.00pm: AGM and Summer Social Sunday 12th July: Rowntree Park Birthday Party Stall We hope to see you at some of our upcoming events. Following the very successful craft fair in December, a joint venture with York Makers, we will be running a similar event on Saturday 9th May. Once again, there will be a variety of stalls run by local artists and a delicious café serving fresh sandwiches, cakes and drinks throughout. We also invite you to join us again for the Big Lunch on Sunday 7th June: bring along some food to share in the garden - hopefully - or in the Main Hall if the weather is not as kind as last year! Our AGM will be held on Friday 26th June, followed by the Members’ and Volunteers’ Social. The AGM is open to all members and you can join on the night. We also still have a couple of spaces on our Board of Trustees and welcome anyone who is interested in helping to shape the Hall’s future. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you would like to find out more. We hope to see you at Clements Hall soon! Clements Hall Board of Trustees Contact PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS, EVENT OR ACTIVITY TO THE WIDER COMMUNITY! Advertising in the Clements Hall Newsletter, which comes out 3 times a year, is a very cost-effective way of letting people in the community know what you’re doing, whether it’s a new activity, a fundraising event, a service or product that you want to bring to a wider audience. Prices start from £12 for a (of A5) sized box, and each newsletter is delivered to around 3000 households in the area. Call (01904) 466086 for further information. Deadline for autumn 2015 issue: 20 July. south communitybank cinema SBCC summer season 2015 As eclectic as ever, we have some real treats in store for you in the summer season; indulge in familiar favourites in all their cinematic glory or try something a bit different. We can’t wait and hope that you will join us at our relaxed, intimate and social venue with cabaret-style, candlelit tables and licensed bar. Meet new people or catch-up with old friends, while enjoying the big screen experience. Films start at 8pm. Doors and bar open at 7.30pm and there is an interval of approximately 15 minutes. Admission: £3 for members, £4 for non-members. 2015 membership (Jan-Dec): £5. 24 April Members’ choice: The Women on the 6th Floor (Les femmes du 6e étage) 12A 102 mins (Philippe le Guay, 2012) Telling the story of a bourgeois couple whose lives are turned upside down by the arrival of some Spanish maids in 1960s Paris, The Women on the 6th Floor is a delightful French comedy. As Roger Ebert put it: “a pleasant movie, even-tempered, a romantic fantasy.” 8 May Green for Danger PG 87 mins (Sidney Gilliatt, 1946) Described by Sergio Angelini in Sight & Sound as “a remarkable mixture of sly comedy and genuine thrills,” you can’t fail to enjoy this gem of 1940s British cinema. The film features some of the biggest names of the period including Trevor Howard (Brief Encounter). But the star is Alistair Sim (Scrooge) as the Scotland Yard detective who, as the doodlebugs rain down, is on the track of a murderer in a hospital. 3 10 MEMBERSHIP Membership of Clements Hall is a simple (and inexpensive) way of helping to shape the way our community is developing. Being a member gives you a voice for the future and helps us provide the services that the community wants. If you would like to become a member, please fill out the form below and bring it with your payment to reception. If you would like to set up an annual standing order, this would save us valuable administration time and costs: a form is available from reception. Fee Category £6.00 Individual (annual) £100.00 Individual (life) £10.00 Voluntary sector organisation (annual) £20.00 Public/private sector organisation (annual) MEMBERSHIP FORM I would like to become a subscribing member of Clements Hall. Name …………………………………………………………….………………………………… Address ……………………………………………….………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………….…….. Postcode …………………… Daytime Tel No. ……………………………..……………………………………………….. Email ………………………………………………..…………………………………………….. Membership category (see above) ………..……………………………………… Signed ……………………………………………….. Date …………………………………. Date of birth (if under 18) …………………………………… Send to: The Membership Secretary, Clements Hall, Nunthorpe Road, York YO23 1BW. Cheques are payable to: Clements Hall Trust. Cash payments may be made in person at the Hall. 9 4 The Manager’s View: the General Election For the first time in British politics, we have had a fixedterm parliament and this has now been enshrined in law, so that we will know the exact date of the General Election every five years. Many people thought this was a good idea so that government can continue functioning fully without the period up to the election being in limbo as political parties begin their electioneering. In reality this has not worked and it seems that, since January, effective government has come to a standstill as parties drip-feed some of their policies to the media - public awareness of what they plan to do after 7 May apparently being more important than what they should be concentrating on for the people they were chosen to represent in 2010. There is little doubt that the General Election will be the closest-fought for generations and that , after the Scottish referendum last September, the old two- or three-party system can no longer continue in its present, Westminster-focused form. As we are entering a new political era, then should we all not have a say in the way things should be changed? And the only way to do this is to vote. Everyone must be registered to cast their vote - to do this go to and complete the form online, or contact the Electoral Services Department at the City Council West Offices for further information (tel. 551007 8.30am-5.00pm Monday-Friday) on how to register and the different ways of voting (postal, proxy, etc). On 7 May Clements Hall is one of the local polling stations in the Micklegate Ward, and the hall will be open from 7.00am to 10.00pm. Make your vote count! Paul Bisson Manager WHO’S WHO AT CLEMENTS HALL Hussein Syed - Trustee I was born in Aruba, a small Dutch island in the Caribbean and lived in Trinidad, Guyana and Barbados before coming to university in the UK in 1967. I have been a teacher of English, worked for BT in their Finance Department and worked for the Prince’s Trust before helping my wife in her gift shop in London. We moved from London to York just over a year ago as my wife, who hails from Yorkshire, wanted to be nearer to her family. I have been a Trustee of two charities in London (WFAC and Beauchamp Lodge) and Chairman of the Friends of St. Mary’s Hospital Paddington. I am currently a Trustee of the Friends of York Hospital. Clements Hall strikes me as a fantastic community resource in the heart of the local community that needs to be used more. It should be a focal point for the community in providing courses, a meeting place, and providing a platform to give a voice to the community in determining how they want to improve their environment and their lives. I hope I can help in some small way towards achieving this. There is much to be done by Clements Hall and I hope I can make a contribution as a Trustee. 5 8 Art of CalmWorkshop REGULAR ACTIVITIES April - August 2015 Advance booking advised; further details on and prices from each activity contact MONDAYS ART CLASSES 10.00-12.00 Drawing and painting 19.00-21.00 Portrait and drawing 13 Apr - 22 Jun (except 18 May) 20 July - 28 September (except 7 Sep) BABY SENSORY Developmental classes for babies up to 13 months 3 x 1-hr classes at 11.00, 12.30, 14.00 13 Apr - 24 Aug (except 4 & 25 May, 31 Aug) IYENGAR YOGA - Introductory Level Class Karen Winship 07789 277382 E: W: Gleanna Oland 07790 759333 E: W: Laura Potts Yoga both relaxes and energises the mind and body, 01904 634159 and brings vitality, flexibility and mental calm E: 18.00-19.15, 13 Apr - 13 Jul (except 25 May) W: YOGA IN YORK - Effective Yoga Yoga postures, breath and relaxation to exercise, stretch and tone your body and calm your mind. All capabilities welcome. Buy in advance or drop-in. 19.30-21.00, 13 Apr - 27 Jul (except 4 and 25 May) Anna Semlyen 01904 654355 / 07891 989310 E: W: TUESDAYS PUPPY AND DOG TRAINING 2 x 6-week courses. Tutor: Belinda Melvin 18.30-20.30, 14 Apr - 19 May, 2 Jun - 7 Jul POTTERY CLASS 19.00-21.00, 14 Apr - 14 Jul (except 26 May) BIBLE STUDY GROUP The Hope Centre 19.30-20.30, 14 Apr - 25 Aug Jim Melvin 07913 581967 E: W: Emily Stubbs 07789 246724 E: emilystubbsceramics Dave Crookes 07970 974187 E: 6 7 WEDNESDAYS IYENGAR YOGA - General Level Class For people who have done 1 year of Iyengar Yoga 18.00-19.30, 15 Apr - 15 Jul (except 27 May) Nunnery Lane Residents Association Monthly meeting: all residents welcome; space is limited: email in advance if you would like to attend 18.00-19.30, 22 Apr, 20 May, 17 Jun, 15 Jul YOGA ACADEMY Mixed session for intermediate & advanced yoga students 19.45-21.15, 15 Apr - 15 Jul (except 27 May) FRIDAYS Laura Potts 01904 634159 E: W: 7 Tammy Hullis E: Hayley del Sanderson 07813 209240 E: Lovely gentle yoga sessions for parents and babies 09.45-11.00, 16 Apr - 16 Jul (except 28 May) KNIT & NATTER Open session for people to knit and socialise. £1.50 per session, including tea and biscuits. 15.00-17.00, from 16 Apr GENTLE IYENGAR YOGA For anyone looking for a gentle class to start Iyengar yoga practice 16.00-17.15, 16 Apr - 16 Jul (except 28 May) YORKSHIRE ROSE ACADEMY OF DANCE Jazz technique (ages 7+). Children's fun dance class that emphasises a strong technical foundation focusing on posture, leaps, turns, muscle strength and flexibility. 18.20-19.05, 16 Apr - 16 Jul (except 28 May) BIODANZA A system of dance and movement. 19.30-21.00, 16 Apr - 16 Jul (except 28 May) 09.45-10.20 Tinies (18 mths-3 yrs) 10.30-11.05, 11.15-11.50 Movers (3-4 year olds) 17 Apr - 24 Jul (except 29 May) TAEKWONDO Combine exercise with learning self-defence 16.15-17.15, 17 Apr - 17 Jul Tamsin Evans 07748 851063 E: W: Pauline Buchanan 07746 636088 E: Laura Potts 01904 634159 E: W: Kerry Whitfield 07891 004890 E: W: Judith Robinson 07840 323242 E: Jane Herbert 07702 965932 E: W: Dave Baugh 07943 566795 E: SOUTH BANK COMMUNITY CINEMA - see back pages SUNDAYS SUNDAY WORSHIP THURSDAYS PARENT/MUMMY & BABY YOGA BABY BALLET: pre-school dance The Hope Centre 10.30-12.30, 5 Apr - 30 Aug Dave Crookes 07970 974187 E: INTERACTIVE SERVICE York Evangelical Church 17.00-18.00, 5 Apr, 3 May, 7 Jun, 5 Jul, 2 Aug VOICE OF THE DRUM Neil Hulse 07958 777247 E: Marilyn Crawshaw Community hand-drumming: make music with 01904 702060 friends; make friends with music; play for chariSteve Hill ties. Ring Marilyn or Steve to discuss experience/ 01132 523205 expectations, and summer term dates. E: 19.00-21.00, but not every Sunday