Tahsildar _ Probation Order dated 20.03.2015
Tahsildar _ Probation Order dated 20.03.2015
Pr.ceedings <lf the Conlrissioner 9f-I.and Revenue ( Public Offi ce Cotnpottnd, Revenue CompleX Thiruvananthaptll'am) (Present: M.C. otrandas, LAS-) L)ated: 20.03.2015 No.LR.E2-1284i2015 sub: . Estahtishment - I-and Reveutte Department - Declaration of Probation in the cadre of Tahsildar/Senior Superinlendent Orciers Issued. Read: 1, G.O.(P)No.852180/RDdated L6'06'1980' 2. G.O.(P)No'853/80r'RD dated 16'06'1980 i F;?;'?il,1j";,:','ff.33'"'13' YiSy* i 00i, 16.03 .2012. 5. This oflice Proceedings No. LR.TI-3001 T2 dated dated 17 0_3.2012. T'he Kerata ltevenue Special les were published as per Govemment orders read as I*t ancl 2nd above. Rule 7 of Kerala Itevenue Service (Tahsildar) Special Rules published as per Government Order read as 2"d above emphasizes that every person appointed as Tahsildar shall, from the date on which he/she joins dury,'be on ptobution for a total period of two years on duty, within a continuous period of three vears. According to Rute B of the Kerala Revenue Service (Tahsildar) Speoial Rules read as 2'd above, every persoll appointed as Tahsildar shall, before declaration of cgmpletion of his/her probation successfully, undergo Magisterial Training for a p"iiod of 8 r,veeks (6 weeks in the Police Department and 2 weeks in the Judicial Department) as included in the Annexure to theso rtrles, if heishe has not turclergon" th. training bef<rre appoirltment to the service' As per Government Order read as 3'd ahove, the Special Rules \,\'ere amended anr1 envisag;cd illal ilre period t-rf declaration of Probatiorr in the cadre of Tahsildar/Senior Superintendent shalt be as one year on duty within a cotrtinuous period of two years and ttre pfirsioil rn,ho appointed as Tahsildar shall 'boftire declaration of Pr:otration as undergo pcilice ancl Magisterial Training ernphasized under Itule 8 of the Special Rules' i j / I ( All temporary promotions in the cadre of Tahsildar/Senior Superintendent fbr the period lrom 01.04.2001 to 31.12.2010 have been regularised in compliatrce with judgments of the Hon'ble Courts, Govemment Orders and Rule 28 (b) i of KS & SSR 1958 as per reference read as 4ft above. The final seniority list in the post of TahsilclarlSenior Superintenclent for the afot'ementioned period has been drawn and published ur p.t the proceedings read as 5th above. Iu pumuance to the references read as I to 5 above, probation in the cadre of lahsildan'senior Sttperintendent enclosed in the list appended are declared to Itave satisfactorily completed in the forenoon of the dato as shown in the column numbel nine of the list. Enclosure : Annexnre tr. sd1- Cornmissioner. ]'he incumbents. (Through District Collectors/Head of officers. ) Copy to: 1. The Accountant General (A & E), Kerala, Thiruvananthapnrarn. (With CIL) 2. All lfistriot Collectors. 3. The C.A to Comrnissioner/Joint Commissioner 4. 5. T'he Assistant Comrnissioner (SC). Spare/Stock file. ljorrvarded By Order, Su l. T3 ntendent. ]-' fD C,] o t\ (}ilLr + F 6 t< tc 6 ts lS (D * e u IF \i t-) -t t (.r) a F t.) t.) t\) oo F +" lt: t.J a N i-.J t\) F.J N -J o\ (,) q) l9 lF ztz z --l \rl I\) trl .-4 eo I qJ uJ n..J f.J l.J I l-) t.J leH tdoq lo eo ta i.\l\ l€a ta url$ \..|\ tsJ I b..) *) |.. rilv t.JIN N a J t' F lb'J t\. o\l ul + g o\l H l(JJ \o \ol\o a\ 0\ Lfi1U\ r--t*-*. N { t oa lu) l() --- I a-. 0() rJ f- P P FJ 0( i's < ltI, F| LN S.H 1-H * (: l,: lEi, O + | Itv lIY IH Iea l\ Ii\ I o ? ') l/" a 'H A (A I I '--1 ,l r-.1 L{ o 4) w (rt :l N) lw tJ t.l J\ (rJ (-rl tJ 4 z u) (}.) r A t9 /- N tJ b..l N tJ Lfl fl) I I I I Il \JI tJ z, 4 t- OC H F.J 6 b.J /4 + F * J J} F J tJ oo Its lo\ .F t'J t\ iJ oc t} ag. Y< Fio ?n (p< f-(D^(D XC: & 5 =ue fH 5 \o f.J $ C -1 { )o F oo s (r\ I J| (Jl tJ J t-l UJ F TJ t.J t.) tt) oo (h (< F I { 7 € E 7 7 ? !.. 1r AI I.D ,/l !i) N) qJ t-J tji t.') w F dF F F o( (, \ b.J (J'l ,r [..J @ Lfl qJ t-J tr|.) lr/ iJ L,| tJJ *I q F (.rt t.J i-) b-) TJ (-rl 9J F...) A .F (r) o\ :-} \.) t.) t..) tJ t.l NJ OJ J s € N) UJ NJ F .F F 'F F (A + F Fr F.J { { J> { 6, (fl t\) L,J +* J: t\) (rfa (Jl N i'J *-l t\ Nl t) f") t.J tJ u, NJ NJ t*) oa N .F fl H ts:. d taJ r! E tl/ 7 d i-: +, (h F a t'IJ t.J tl) tJ [..J hltJ rJl$ (,J l-) *J .{: I t'J Llt .{s tJ q 'ol \o o\ o\ JJI 3 r> |?ir -hl +r N (,J n (A P a - (rl L'I N) s t*) F4 s tq 4 tl lt-J I h E H fD + *" lN L'I LiJ t?1 4 a F. (at\\olv o\ A\lO t-J "^.t I t-J i r- tiD t'2 l* ln &t aa ._l A FO gtr;Ht P.iv 7 AAA F v) #+x'v }4b HAI-l- d Eg.* E.hs; E.'cts F i- Gr; Yh 5 538 $9,8 P Sirt g.eH q FU* C)3 3H E F El FAE FtHaE Fr v ;'q'E = .P,F'S;d .vr.Pv rAlq4Fl Ll L.l \# P, (D .44 s 2.1 t-'l zg Its IL r ll X z {-z