ToP Poster - ERAU Scholarly Commons - Embry


ToP Poster - ERAU Scholarly Commons - Embry
ToP Practices
Best Practices for Teaching Applied Psychology
Workshop, Poster Session, & Networking Luncheon
April 3, 2015
Due February 16, 2015
Sample Topics:  Engaging non-psychology majors in psychology  Active Learning in applied psychology
 Experiential Activities in Large Classes  Psychology games to promote learning  Student Engagement
ToP Practices Framework
As part of this year’s Human Factors and Applied Psychology (HFAP) student research conference, the Human Factors
department of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University is pleased to announce this opportunity for faculty and graduate
students to share best practices in teaching applied psychology. Through the generous grant awarded by the Association
for Psychological Science, the ToP Practices event will include a workshop, poster session, and networking luncheon. The
workshop will be comprised of six 15-minute invited presentations from experienced psychology faculty. The poster
session will include 20 posters outlining best practices in teaching applied psychology utilizing experiential techniques.
Abstract Submission & Conference Registration
Abstracts must be between 300-500 words, and a faculty member or graduate student with teaching experience must
be first author. ToP Practices accepts presentation and poster submissions through the conference website. First authors
with accepted submissions must register for the conference no later than 03/16/15. Early registration ends 03/27/15
and includes the networking luncheon. All registered attendees will receive a take-away CD compilation of workshop
and poster session best practice presentations. For further information, please contact conference staff at