Longstanton Life - LongstantonVillage.org


Longstanton Life - LongstantonVillage.org
Volume 15, Issue No. 2 April - May 2015
Longstanton Spring, photo by Anna Rudd
In this issue: Village Litter Pick, New Playground, Pavilion and Black Bull News. Plus our
other regular features including: Sports News, Community Concerns, Memory Lane, LDHS
Update, Surgeries Update, etc.
The information in The Longstanton Life is provided in good faith and we have tried to ensure that it is accurate and correct. However, neither the editorial team
nor the contributors can be held responsible for any inaccuracies or omissions or any consequential losses of any form whatsoever arising there from.
The editorial team for this edition were: Anna Rudd, Tony Cowley, Manjeet Bolla, Natasha Chambers, Keir Giles, Margaret Hunt and John Pratt.
The Longstanton Life newsletter is Copyright © 2000 -2015 The Editorial Team. All Rights Reserved. Editorial graphics © LLife
Sunday School
The Rectory, High St.
Susan Meah
Tennis Club
The Pavilion
Sarah Ballard
Messy Church
Village Institute*
Susan Meah
Bowls Club
The Pavilion
Marion Edwards
Hatton Park School
Tina Chasse
2nd of month
Parish Council
Village Institute*
(Open meeting)
3rd of month
Village Institute*
Patriza Peters
01954 751283
Term time
Zumba Gold
Village Institute*
Davina Mee
Mini JAFFAs (pre-schoolers)
Tennis Club night
Adult Cricket training
All Saints’ Church
The Pavilion
Recreation Ground
Susan Meah
Sarah Ballard
Please just turn up .....
Cambridge Freestyle Martial Arts
Village Institute*
Rory / Martin
07779 244250
07985 938959
07523 854251
07535 646234
ATC (Air Training Corps)
Cadet Centre
Music Madness (0-3yrs)
Village Institute*
Sharon Sennitt
Army Cadet Force (12-18yrs)
Bell ringers practice
Cadet Centre
All Saints’ Church
Lt . Bill Badcock
Mike Cartwright
01223 503950
Hatton Park School
Tina Chasse
01487 841811
Rainbow Club (bump-1yr)
Football training
Ballroom Dancers, beginners
Ballroom Dancer, advance
Village Institute*
Recreation Ground
Hatton Park School
Hatton Park School
Susan Meah
Luke McAvoy
Mike Cartwright
Mike Cartwright
07795 321494
ATC (Air Training Corps)
Cadet Centre
Longstanton Art Group
Christine Shephard
Little Leprechauns playgroup (0-4)
Junior Cricket training
Tennis Club Night
Village Institute*
Call for details
The Pavilion
Alice Burrell
Janet Hill
Sarah Ballard
07779 363990
07985 938959
Longstanton Colts Football Club
Recreation Ground
Louise Gamon
7895 938959
(6 - 12yrs)
Tennis Club
The Pavilion
Sarah Ballard
07985 938959
3rd of month
07985 938959
01487 841811
* It should be noted that the Village Institute is available for hiring for a variety of functions; provisional bookings can be made via http://
community.longstantonvillage.org/village-institute/. Email: villageinstitute@gmail.com or telephone 01954 782323. The Pavilion also
offers private party function facilities, discuss your requirements for any family & friends gatherings - e.g. weddings, birthdays, funerals, with
Michael Binks on 01954 782233 or email longstantonpav@btinternet.com
Memory Lane, Where, When and Why?
Answers to Feb/ Mar W, W&W?
“Please, girls, one at a time. Under the new NHS guidelines I
can only give you 10 minutes each!” Any other captions ... ?
When: 7.00 – 9.30 pm, 6th
March 2004.
Why: To celebrate the
LLife’s 3rd birthday we
gave a party. It was also to
say a thank you to ’Friends
of the Life’ and to all our
voluntary distributors who,
as now, provide a vital link
in the chain of delivery of the magazine to all our readers. In 2004 the
total circulation was 920, in 2014 it was 1500. As well as eats, wine,
and a quiz there was a plea for more articles and photos to keep the
Longstanton Life alive - sound familiar? Isn’t the next party overdue?
Photo LDHS via Tom Eaton
Photo LDHS via Tom Eaton
Where: Village Institute
Dear Readers,
Signs of new life are all around us now and LLife’s very own
photographer, Anna Rudd, has been round the village looking for
them. Our front cover for this issue is a good example of how March/
April represents the spring equinox with a single daffodil in the
foreground, a centre ground of green grass yet with a background of
bare trees in All Saints churchyard. More examples on page 14.
It’s also encouraging to see that the Bowls and Tennis reports both
contain exultations for us to ‘come on down’, now that the days are
getting longer and we hope warmer! The feature Cambridge Past,
Present & Future, on page 13, also lists a wide range of family
outdoor activities in early April at local Wandlebury Woods.
This issue of LLife is a 24 pager full of reports of social activities in
the village. Of note are: the recent success of our young people from
Hatton Park Primary in rising to the challenge that in six weeks they
become proficient bell ringers, their smiling faces are to be found on
page 17. Well done, we look forward to more reports from you.
Also worth a mention are: our new well illustrated Wild Life feature
has been posted, on page 14, by 10 year old Paul Humphreys - when
you can make the time between your school work, Paul, we would
love to publish more; and the return of old favourite, namely a
crossword, page 15. Finally, don’t miss the important flood meeting
advertised on page 4.
Your LLife Editorial Team
Sports News
Bowls & Tennis
Flood Meeting
Community Concerns
Alex Riley, District Councillor
Gill Ashby, Parish Councillor
Pre-School News
Little Leprechauns
Hatton School Report
Children’s Play Area
Longstanton Litter Pick
Longstanton Wildlife
Spring in Longstanton
Crossword April/May
All Saints’ Bell Ringers
Regular Items
Village Diary
Memory Lane
Women’s Institute
Willingham/Longstanton Surgery News 9
Over Surgery News
Pavilion Posts
LDHS Update
Line Adverts
Spot adverts
Commercial adverts
4, 10
Please note that the copy deadline for the
June/July 2015 edition of LLife is
5.00pm on Thu 30thApril 2015
Contributions for next issue: by email to
Lithographic & Digital Printers
“For all your printing
and finishing needs,
speak to us now!”
XL Press Ltd
Unit 1, Alington Road, Little Barford, St. Neots Cambs PE19 6YH
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Please mention The hemingfords’ direcTory when replying to adverts
To advertise please call 01480 370982 or 07954 370577
Spring is here at last with the longer
evenings and warmer weather, and as usual
at this time of year Longstanton Bowls Club
is recruiting new members. Do you fancy
some gentle exercise on a summer’s
evening? It doesn’t matter if you haven’t
played Lawn Bowls before as we have
plenty of members always willing to
provide help and guidance. Everyone is
welcome and our membership ranges from
juniors to those enjoying retirement. We have many members
from surrounding villages, including Swavesey, Over,
Willingham, Oakington, Bar Hill and Cottenham. Don’t worry
about equipment, as the club can assist with this. We pride
ourselves in being a friendly club where the enjoyment comes
from taking part. The game of bowls provides an opportunity to
make new friends,
take gentle exercise
and socialise over a
“bowls tea” at the end
of the match. Our
bowls green is located
on the recreation
ground, between the
club and the tennis
courts, Over Road,
Monday evenings are club roll-up nights, reserved for informal
practice in a mildly competitive environment, ideal for beginners.
We also have a
certified coach who
runs regular
coaching sessions for
newer players. The
club plays in a
number of leagues,
some of which are
more competitive
than others. Away
matches give
members an
opportunity to experience other club’s greens and facilities in the
Cambridge area.
The outdoor season runs from late April to September. If you’re
tempted, please come along to our open day on Saturday, 18 th
April 2015 (from 2pm) or alternatively, on any Monday evening
(from 6pm) to meet some of the members and possibly try your
hand. If you just want to watch, then that’s fine too.
For more information visit contact Marion Edwards on 01954
780118 or email to marionedwards1@btinternet.com.
Also visit our web site www.longstanton-bowls-club.co.uk .
Corinne Walsham
member for the year, you’re still welcome to use the courts on a
‘pay and play’ basis. Just phone Jim (780114) or Rachel
(780704) and borrow a key for an hour.
The days are definitely getting longer and the sun is starting to
make a more regular appearance, so get those trainers on and
join us down at the tennis courts. The 2015/16 season has just
started, so now is the perfect time to join the club to really make
the most of your money. The draw for Wimbledon tickets will
be taking place soon, so make sure you’ve paid your membership to ensure you’re included in that.
After the success of the adult beginner and junior coaching last
summer, we are hoping to offer more coaching this season so
please get in touch with me if you are interested. We also plan to
hold several social events throughout the year, so keep a look
out for further information.
Happy playing and see you on the courts soon.
Club nights are Tuesdays and Fridays from 6pm, Saturday afternoons from 2pm and Sunday mornings from 11am, and are popular in almost any weather. Even if you don’t want to join as a
Sarah Ballard
tel.07985 938959
Flooding Meeting
Mick Yarrow has called a public meeting to discuss
Longstanton's flooding. It will be held in the Pavilion on the
recreation ground at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 14th April. Mick
encourages concerned residents to attend if they are willing
to take an active part in addressing the flooding problem.
For further information, contact mick.yarrow1@gmail.com
(please note this is an updated e-mail address from the one
printed in previous issues of Longstanton Life)
District Councillor Notes
The HCA originally tried to leave a Town Park out of their
proposal entirely. They are currently offering a very small
area. There are many question marks over whether the
overriding factor for the Town Centre features is the need to
minimise cost.
There are many other issues still to be resolved, but the above
are perhaps the most significant.
Please contact me on cllr.riley@scambs.gov.uk or ring me on
01954 208000 and I will do my best to help.
Recipients of my village emails might have
wondered what has happened to me lately
because I have been observing strict radio
silence about all the activities going on around
As I write this we are just over a week away
from the meeting of the Northstowe
Committee when we have to determine the
Outline Application for Phase 2 of Northstowe (3,500 homes,
the Town Centre and the new road to connect Northstowe to
Bar Hill).
The options we have before us are: to approve the application;
to refuse it; or to defer it. Though the committee is receiving a
constant barrage of statements that are intended to convince us
that the only acceptable course of action is to approve this
application, I believe that the decision could go in any
The only reason I have heard for determining this application
now is that the Treasury is very fond of “planning certainty”,
i.e. the knowledge that a development has an uncomplicated
way forward. But the only actual requirement on the
Northstowe Committee is that we have to come up with our
decision by December! Maybe the Great and the Good know
a lot more than I do, but I am still waiting to be presented with
an overwhelming reason for us to rush down the Approval
route. After all, the “Planning Performance Agreement” for
the application simply states that we have to determine it by
December. And if it is approved, nothing can really start until
after the A14 upgrade is completed, round about the end of
Then there is the uncertainty caused by the election in six
weeks’ time. It is hard enough to guess who will be in
Number 10 at that time, let alone who will hold senior
positions in the Treasury. The one outcome that seems
unlikely is that we have another Conservative-Liberal
Democrat coalition!
So much for the political background. Let’s look at the fine
details of the application.
There are many issues which are still being resolved – even
though a large number have been successfully sorted out.
For example, Rampton Drift is to be incorporated into
Northstowe, but currently its sewage is connected to
Longstanton’s system, it has street lights which have not
worked since the old Barracks site was shut down and
residents pay for the maintenance of its green areas and play
areas. These issues need the agreement of the Homes and
Communities Agency (HCA), though they are clearly easy to
resolve if there is the will.
Phases 1 and 2 will have 5,000 dwellings. There is as yet no
commitment to provide a burial ground as part of Phase 2.
Yet all these houses could easily swamp the burial space
available in local parishes.
I am unclear what the provision for Fire, Police and
Ambulance services is to be. One suggestion a while ago was
that they should not have any fire service but fit every home
with a sprinkler system (I am not making this up).
Alex Riley, District Councillor
Longstanton Parish Council Notes
April/ May 2015
Everyone is probably aware by now
Northstowe has started on Phase 1. The
tree removal is to make the road entrances
at Crabtree Corner. This is providing the
infrastructure for Phase 1 and although
there will be quite a bit of upheaval to the
B1050 and Crab Tree Corner it will then
enable access to the main part of the site
and allow the school to begin to take shape. A new pathway
on the west of the B1050 will then be built so pedestrians and
cyclists do not have to mix with the road traffic while building
the access roads
Northstowe Phase 2 responses to the application have now
been examined and there have been some changes taken on
board as regards the Town Centre town park and housing
heights around Rampton Drift. We await with interest to see
what decision the Northstowe Joint Development Committee
will make as to whether planning permission will be granted
or deferred.
Telephone Kiosk
The old Telephone Kiosk on the High Street is still in the
process of being turned into a community library (waiting for
the warmer weather for the refurbishment) so if you have
books you would be willing to circulate please keep them for
this purpose.
Other News
The Working groups for the new build are beginning to take
shape and are still looking for volunteers so if you would like
to help change the facilities of the Village we would love to
hear from you.
The Village Clear Up and the WEEE collection will have been
accomplished by the next Longstanton Life so many thanks
for all those who helped and Libby White and her Team for
the organisation of these events.
The Village Events Committee have been putting their plans
together so watch the website and posters around the village
for the Scarecrow Festival event planned for the Autumn.
... continued on next page
The Children’s Play Area
This fantastic area is now OPEN.
It will be officially opened on 25th April in the meantime it
appears to be being well received even though the wet weather
does make for some interesting play time on the trampoline.
Your pictures would be much appreciated together with your
(To start you off, these three photographs were taken by
Margaret Hunt, who is a valued member of the LLife team.
They all tell a story of healthy outdoor activities - the
children’s expressions say it all! LLife)
The Council continue to work on your behalf on all aspects of
the Village and really appreciate your input so if you have any
questions or want to be kept up to date with what’s happening
please contact the Parish Office or send an email so we can
add you to the database for the Parish.
Please contact me with questions or ideas on:
gillashby21@gmail.com or ring me on 01954 260595 and I
will do my best to help.
Gill Ashby
Chairman – Longstanton Parish Council
Ladies from Longstanton WI got all relaxed
in February when they were treated to a
lesson in hand massage and tips from
beautician Lindsay Marsden. Several were
lucky enough to be models whilst the rest of
us tried it all out on each other. A great fun
evening, and, learning that a beauty regime
doesn't need to cost a fortune was very refreshing.
If you're a lady and fancy coming
to see what the WI is up to 100
years after it was formed (it's far
more than Jam and Jerusalem),
you're more than welcome. We
meet at the Village Institute on the
3rd Monday of the month from
7.45pm - 10pm. Search for our
Facebook page to find out what's
going on.
The March meeting on Mon 16th is going to be a fascinating one.
With the title of "Corsets, Crinolines and Camisoles" who knows
what delights are in store! April 20th is our annual bring and buy,
so that means cake and produce amongst other things.
Debbie Lienau
A Good from OFSTED Last half term ended on Friday 13th
February 2015 with an unannounced OFSTED inspection. The
inspector arrived just before opening and remained with us for
the majority of the day and found the provision to be ‘Good’.
The full report is available online at http://reports.ofsted.gov.uk/
An Icy Palace
This half term we have had several children join us and have
been busy offering taster sessions to those families who will be
starting with us after the Easter break. We are also starting to
plan for the September intake.
The pre-school is managed by the Preschool Learning Alliance and is run by
a friendly and dedicated team of staff.
The Alliance has over fifty years’
experience of working in partnership
with parents, to provide the best
possible care and support for families
and young children.
We take children from the age of 2 to 4
years. All children are entitled to 15 hours
of funded sessions from the term after their
3rd birthday. Children from households
receiving certain benefits might be entitled
to funded childcare in the term after their
2nd birthday. You can check your eligibility
by contacting either the Starship Children’s Centre on 01954
200473 or the Childcare Information Team on 0345 04 54 014.
In early February the children enjoyed making
the most of our few snowy days and were very
proud of their snowman. They then made daily
observations of him and discussed the changes
they could see as he melted. We made a snowy
day collage and an ice palace.
We are located within Hatton Park Community School and our
session times are from 9am – 12pm, 12pm – 3pm and 9am –
3pm, term time only. Should you require any further details,
please do not hesitate to contact the pre-school on 01954 780987.
Another child’s interest in our planet floor
puzzle inspired lots of space talk and
Vixen the Snowman
space craft activities e.g. papier-mâché
planets, model space ships and stories. At the time of writing
this article, we are hoping that the solar eclipse on 20th March
will inspire more exploration of this subject and where
Longstanton is in relation to the universe.
Tracey Leach, Manager
Little Leprechauns playgroup has been very popular so far this
year! We are a volunteer run parent/toddler group for children
aged 4 and under which meets on Fridays from 9.30am-11am in
the village institute. Play is usually noisy and energetic! We
provide a range of toys including ride-ons and a slide, but we also
have a baby corner for the littlest members.
We ask for just £1 per family, but we provide tea and coffee for
the grown-ups and a fresh fruit snack for the toddlers. We also
have a weekly craft: we know your toddlers wouldn't want to miss
marking important dates like Valentines and Mothers' Day without
infecting your house with their paint and glitter creations. We
painted beautiful salt-dough heart hangings with red paint, glitter
If you feel you could help run the playgroup then please speak to a
member of the current committee: Sharon, Alice, Lucy and
Sarah. Offers of help are always welcome, from joining the
committee to one-off offers to run a craft session.
Keep up with the latest notices on Facebook at
...or pop along to a session!
Alice Burrell
Army Cadet Force and Air
Training Corps
Longstanton Life would like to include
information on the local ATC and ACF
detachments in a future issue.
Unfortunately, we don't have current contact
details for either group.
If either of the detachment commanders (or any
interested senior cadets or parents) are reading
this, could you get in touch?
the entrance to their classroom in the style of a famous
children’s book.
The Spring Term has been a short one for the staff and
pupils at Hatton Park, but nonetheless a busy one with the
drive towards SATs exams for Year 2 and Year 6 pupils, as
well as the usual mix of educational and entertaining
activities at the school.
Ladybirds Class won the Key Stage 1 door competition with
their “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” design whilst
Bumblebees Class were victorious amongst the Key Stage 2
classes with their imaginative “Where’s Wally?” door
Sporting Representation
Hatton Park pupils have once again been on top form as
they represent their school in more countywide sporting
competitions. Six pupils from Years 3 and 4 demonstrated
their vaulting and body management routines when taking
part in the Key Steps Gymnastics Competition at
Comberton Village College.
Anyone for Tennis?
James Mills from the Cambridge Lawn Tennis Club has
offer ed
fr ee
coaching to pupils from our
Crickets Class throughout
the Spring Term for which
we are hugely grateful.
Year 5 pupils were at Swavesey Village College to take part
in a Tag Rugby competition, winning two out of the six
games in which they were involved.
Hatton Park Primary School
would also like to thank
Longstanton Rec for their
support by providing their court facilities free of charge
in order for Mr Mills to be able to offer this unique
coaching opportunity.
All children in both competitions did themselves and the
school proud, as whatever the event, Hatton Park pupils
always compete fairly and in a sporting fashion, either
congratulating or commiserating with opponents and
supporting their team-mates.
Winter Team Sports Day
Travel and Transport
We wanted to celebrate the
team events that we
associate with the winter
months in this country in the
same way that we celebrate
athletics during the Summer
Term with our very own
Sports Day. It also gives
those pupils with a talent for team sports the opportunity
to shine in a competitive event and an opportunity for
those who simply enjoy playing sport, regardless of their
level of skills or ability, a chance to enjoy undertaking
competitive physical activity with their friends.
Staff and pupils at Hatton Park were asked to consider
how they get to and from school and the opportunities
available to them as part of an updated Travel Plan that
was being written during the Spring Term.
In an attempt to make the journey to and from school as
safe as possible and to promote healthy levels of exercise
amongst our pupils, we would like to encourage as many
families as possible to walk, cycle or scooter to school;
thereby reducing the amount of car journeys to school.
The new cycle shelter that was in place outside the Key
Stage 2 side of the building at the start of the current
school year has ensured that even more spaces are
available for pupils to park their bikes and scooters at the
start of the school day. For those pupils who attend
classes from Years 3 through to 6, this has particularly
helped to speed up their entry into school in the mornings.
Blue House were the overall winners of the Winter Team
Sports Day which involved children in the Reception
Classes taking part in a series of fun games in the school
hall, whilst children across the rest of the school took
part in Netball, Basketball, Football and Hockey
As a growing school, we also need to be mindful of our
impact on our nearest neighbours in Hatton’s Park. The
school is keen to ensure that a reduced number of cars
access the school site at peak times in the morning and
afternoon. This can only serve to be a positive step to
reduce the need for cars to park both on-site or off-site
within the surrounding streets.
World Book Day
Hatton Park pupils once again
celebrated World Book Day
in style with a wide range of
costumes on display. The day
opportunities to embrace
books and promote a love of
reading, including a number
of chances to drop what the children were doing and pick
up a good book, as well as a class competition to redesign
Thank you once again for taking the time to read the
latest goings-on at Hatton Park and I look forward to
sharing further good news stories with you in the next
edition of Longstanton Life.
Matt Try, Headteacher
Reception Tel: Willingham 260230 Longstanton 207600 Dispensary 260073
District Nurse Team: 01223 726469 Option 2 Health Visitors: 01954 207612
of hours cover: Ring 111
Website: www.willinghammedicalpractice.nhs.uk
Patient Survey Report 2014 We looked at the results of our recent
Patient Survey at our monthly practice team meeting in February.
Questionnaires were handed out to patients attending for a doctor
consultation at Willingham and Longstanton surgeries during November 2014. The results were analysed and collated and comparisons made with the results from the NHS England postal survey. 28
individual comments from patients were listed. We were pleased to
note that the Practice scored above the national GP Patient Survey benchmarks in all the core questions and by a considerable
margin in most cases and the feedback from patients was very positive. A few patients asked for longer opening hours. A copy of the
Report is available in reception at both surgeries.
make sure we have your up-to-date mobile phone number. We
will need your consent to send you a text reminder. Our system will
also let you know if you have missed an appointment. Don’t forget
you can register to book and cancel appointments on line. Ring
reception for details.
Pharmacy News Would you like to know more about your medication and how it works for you? Neil our pharmacist can offer a free
Medicines Use Review which takes about 15 minutes. Please ask
in pharmacy for details.
On line repeat prescription ordering If you would like to register
for this service please ring Dispensary on 01954 260073 for more
Patient Participation Group Our Patient Group met on Thursday details of how this can help you and the dispensary staff.
26th February. We looked at the results of the recent 2014 Patient
Survey and the group members were very satisfied with the find- Carers Support Meeting The next meetings are on Wed 8th April
ings. We also looked at the Friends and Family Test question- and Wed 6th May 2.00-4.30pm at Willingham Surgery. Come
naires for December, January and February to date. All responses along for a friendly chat and learn about what support is available to
said that they would recommend the practice to friends and family you. Ring Karen at the surgery for details.
apart from one who was neither likely nor unlikely to and one don’t
know. The free text box produced some very positive comments Hearing Help Service (formerly CAMTAD) Next dates Wed 15th
with some suggestions which we have discussed and where possible April and Wed 20th May.
actioned. The FFT results are also available in reception for you to
Acknowledgements Our thanks go to friends and family who made
donations to our Surgery Equipment Fund in memory of Joseph
The provisional date for the next Patient Group meeting is Little. We are now able to order a new Doppler machine and atThursday 21st May 2-4pm. We welcome new members and in tachments to replace an older model. This is used to check the circuparticular would like to encourage some younger members and lation in feet and legs especially in diabetics but in anyone with leg
young mums to come along to the group or join our email list. The pains. It can also be used to hear and count the baby’s heart rate
during pregnancy which is reassuring for mums to be.
Patient Group new email address is now live:
Emails are read and responded to by the Chair or Secretary.
Text reminders for appointments If you would like to receive a
Cynthia Bidwell – Practice Manager – April 2015
text reminder the day before your appointment at the surgery please
GP Appointment Booking - Principles Mindful of the increasing
financial pressures that the surgery is facing, we have now introduced two principles when patients book routine or urgent GP
appointments here at the Surgery.
Over Surgery News
Principle 1): If you have a need for urgent medical attention, then
we will always see you on the same day – but this will be with our
duty doctor rather than a GP of your choosing; also we may ask a
GP to call you first to clarify the nature of the problem.
GP Telephone Appointments You can book a telephone call with
any of our GP’s as an alternative to a face-to-face consultation;
sometimes having spoken to you the GP will tell you that you do
need to be seen in person, but often the issue can be addressed
over the phone. Feedback from patients is that they find the service very helpful. You can book these appointments via our website www.oversurgery.nhs.uk (look for appointments called “GP
will telephone patient“) or by calling the surgery on 01954
Principle 2): In all other cases you will be offered the first routine
appointment available, which may not be with a GP of your choosing. You can always ask to see a particular GP but that might
mean you have to wait a bit longer for your appointment.
Appointment Times We have updated our usual GP appointment
times, these are shown below for your information.
Mobile Phone Numbers We’re doing our best to get hold of mobile phone numbers for as many patients as possible, to allow us to
more easily able to communicate with you. Right now we have
mobile numbers recorded for just under half our patients. If
you’re happy to provide a mobile number and you’re registered for
SystmOnline you can use the website to let us know what it is – go
http://www.oversurgery.nhs.uk/change-your-contactdetails,53030.htm– or please let us know the next time you’re in
the surgery.
Andrew Kennedy—Practice Manager
Surgery & Manager - 01954 231550
Dispensary - 01954 231586
Church Times
Catholic Sunday Mass
All Saints’ Church
Cambridge: (OLEM) Our Lady and English Martyrs,
Hills Rd, Cambridge CB2 1JR
Tel: 01223 350787/ web:
For exact dates and details of activities being
held please refer to the church notice board
or go to the website:
Bar Hill: (serviced from OLEM)
St Ives: The Sacred Heart,
Needingworth Rd, St. Ives.
Tel: 01480 462192/ web: www.sacredheart-stives.org
Need home communion for the sick or house bound?
Contact: Fr Edward Tredota 01480 462192
10.30am every Sunday with worship band
and Sunday club for children. 6.00pm every Sunday for traditional evening worship.
The Salvation Army
Silver Street, Willingham
Lots more detail of weekly events and news on the website:
Everyone is welcome to join
all our meetings.
Please contact: Paul Joel (Minister) 07955071160
Alan Wright (Secretary) 01954261770
Church Office 01954260538
Church is situated on George Street
Please ring Daphne Watts on 07919024857 or Sergeant Major
Gordon Spackman 01954 260066
for more information.
The Pavilion
Tel: 01954 782233
Over Road, Longstanton
Find us on Facebook
Monday - Thursday 5pm to 11pm
Friday 5pm to 11.30pm
Saturday 10am to 11.30
Sunday 12pm to 10.30pm
Pavilion Kebabs are now serving every evening from 4pm
apart from Monday.
Food ranging from Willingham burgers, chicken, mixed
platters, pizzas, scampi and fish & chips and stonebaked pizzas.
There is lots to look forward to this Spring, starting off with
Easter Sunday 5th April and the egg hunt. We will be doing two
sessions, one for under 5’s and one for over 5’s to give everyone
a sporting chance. 19th April sees the Yesteryear Road Run and
on 25th April we have the ever popular St. George’s Day
celebration. Circus Tyanna will be coming 24 th-27th May - more
details to follow. On 20th June the annual Pathfinders walkers
will be coming through, come down and support them and
console their blistered feet!
and Kevin Cuthbert for being top of the hotshots - another
trophy for the cabinet.
We hope you are enjoying the food from Pavilion Kebabs - the
delivery service seems to be going really well, and do not forget
that on Saturday mornings you can get bacon rolls, hot dogs and
freshly cooked breakfast.
We are starting to get booked up in the conservatory for parties
so if you have a date you would like to book please let us know
as soon as possible.
We would like to say well done to all the Colts football teams
and look forward to them changing into whites for the cricket
season ahead. The bowls will also soon be underway so lets
look forward to many days of sunshine and a great season for all
the sports, and not of course forgetting the tennis players.
Well done to The Pavilion A pool team for winning Division 7
Michael, Suzanne and team Pavilion
Unlike other litter picks, the weather was not so kind but once
again Longstanton residents came out in their sturdy footwear to
brave the elements and help collect litter.
Using the same format as the other 3 previous litter picks – I used
the saying ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ – over 50 residents
helped collect 111 bags of rubbish. As usual the collected bags
were dropped off at the Pavilion car park waiting to be collected
by SCDC.
The children who took part were able to enter a small competition
to guess the number of bags collected. Lily made a guess of 100
I want to say a huge thank you to all of the residents and the Air
Cadets (most of which do not live in the village) who gave up
their Saturday to take part, New Marque Specialist Cars (donated
some hi-vis vests), John Henry Group (lent vests for the weekend), Brookfield Groundcare (collected the filled bags from
around the village), Co-Op (staff who took part in the collection),
Pavilion (for the supply of food after the event), Longstanton Par-
P ICK - M ARCH 2015
ish Council (for providing
funding towards the litter
pick food, and for mucking in on the day) and
SCDC (for providing litter pickers, gloves, bags
and for collecting the rubbish).
The only thing left to say
is – we will be back to do
a fifth litter pick in the
111 bags of rubbish collected!
Please keep an eye out in Longstanton Life, on the
Longstanon.org website and our Facebook page facebook/
Libby White
From left: Alan Samm, Lorraine Andrews and Arthur Savage
Warming up in The Pavilion after hard work
APRIL - MAY, 2015
Crab Tree Corner
End of Rural Longstanton
Work has started on creating access points to a proposed
industrial area and housing development to the east and west of
the B1050, respectively between the Park & Ride and Crab Tree
corner. Effectively several cross roads will be created in this
very small area, all controlled by traffic lights. We already know
that the nearby old Golf Course is littered with Roman and
Saxon and other remains, the majority of which will now be
covered by cement and tarmac. One can only hope that the
above development at least records whatever is found under its
Any photographs you can take of the work there as it
progresses would be gratefully received. Please e-mail them to
the address below.
The imminent decision, awaited from the
Northstowe Joint Development Committee, to
give the green light for phase 2 could now
have serious consequences with regard to the
heritage of the area. The ‘need’ for this
decision has been brought forward from the
end of the year to this month! This, one must suspect, is for
purely political reasons linked to the general election in May. It
may well now give developers a free hand ‘to ride rough shod’
over many of the safe guards built into the original planning
requirements. Time to give a reasonable consideration to the
recent public consultation is also in doubt. Once the decision
has been made public, LDHS will double its efforts to engage
with all active parties to achieve our objective of acquiring a
museum within the Heritage Core on the old airfield site to
serve Longstanton and district.
First LDHS Public Spring Talk
Friday March 6th: ‘History of Addenbrooke’s Hospital’
given by Hilary Richie (Archivist of Addenbrooke’s Hospital)
Hilary treated a well attended meeting to a very
comprehensive background of our local hospital. Founded
by a Dr John Addenbrooke who died in 1719 leaving
more than £4,500, roughly £3M in today’s money, to
Front cover of the LLife in Oct/Nov 2011, exhibition vintage ploughing
captioned ‘Longstanton Ploughing Match, 2011. Northstowe Is Nigh’
If you happen to be a resident that is a living witness to this
time, then we would love be given the opportunity to come to
you to record these memories. So, either get in touch now or
simple write your memories down and let us scan them in to the
LDHS village archive (don’t worry about your writing skill we
will help, it’s just your memories we need). If you also have any
photographs that possibly illustrate this time or know anyone
that does these too would be welcomed into the archive for
future public display. Any original material that you can provide
will be returned unscathed once it has been scanned in.
If you to feel as strongly as we do about the need to preserve
an accurate record of Longstanton’s recent past as a farming
community then please think seriously about becoming a
LDHS member to support us.
Front of the old Addenbrooke’s on Trumpington Road, with
two wings added to a central original section.
build on the old site on Trumpington Road, now opposite
The Fitzwilliam Museum. The building work was
completed and the hospital opened in 1766. It was later
extended with wings on either side of the central block.
Shortly after formation of the NHS in 1948 it was decided
to buy the land on Hills Road to build a new Hospital.
Building work started in 1958/59 and the Queen opened
new Addenbrooke’s in 1962.
Hilary finished her presentation by taking a number of
questions from a very appreciative audience.
Hilary Stroude, Secretary, Longstanton & District Heritage Society, The Manor, Woodside, Longstanton, Cambridge CB24 3BU
For more information on any of the above, please contact us on: tel. 01954 782560 or e-mail hilarystroude@hotmail.co.uk
Remaining LDHS Public Spring Talks
‘Reflections on the Bedford Washes’
Friday 10th April
‘Home Farm Development - Then & Now’
Friday 1st May
Another notable talk by renowned local historian Mike Petty
A trip down memory lane with Hilary Stroude: featuring Home Farm,
Old Farm and Striplands Farm.
All talks to be held at 7.30pm in the Village Institute, High Street, Longstanton.
Everyone welcome: members free - non-members £2.00. Talks followed by tea, biscuits and chat.
Local charity Cambridge Past, Present & Future Garden Wildlife Day - Saturday 11 April 10am to 3pm
Learn how to make homes for ani(CambridgePPF) has a range of family activities
mals using recycled materials, or lisplanned for early April at Wandlebury.
ten to experts talk about how to help
garden wildlife during Garden Wildlife Day. Take a guided stroll around
the park with other wildlife enthusiasts, and learn the skill of keeping a
nature notebook.
Easter Fun Day - Saturday 4 April 11am to 4pm
Earn your chocolate by doing a little Easter egg-sercise! Search
for clues in CambridgePPF’s annual sell-out Wandlebury phototrail egg hunt. Complete the course and you could win an Easter
egg! You can also get stuck in making Easter crafts. Bring a
packed lunch and remember to dress according to the weather.
All children must be accompanied by an adult.
This is a free drop-in event, but donations are welcome to support
the park and its environmental education programme.
Archery Taster - Tuesday 7 April: 10am to 12 noon or
12.30pm to 2.30pm
Test your archery accuracy at
Wandlebury with help from
CambridgePPF’s experienced
staff then make and decorate
your very own bow and arrow. Children must be aged 8
and above, and must be accompanied by an adult.
Directions: Wandlebury Country Park is on the A1307, 2.5km
south of the Addenbrooke’s roundabout. Parking is available on
site and is free to members, £3 per vehicle to non members.
For more information and a detailed schedule of events please see
www.cambridgeppf.org, or contact bookings@cambridgeppf.org
or ring 01223 243830, extension 207.
Family Orienteering - Wednesday 8 April: Prompt start 10am,
finishing around 12 noon
Introduce the whole family to orienteering at this fun session involving map
reading and learning to navigate new
routes through CambridgePPF’s beautiful Wandlebury Country Park getting
plenty of exercise at the same time!
The event is led by CambridgePPF’s
experienced staff and will begin at
Wandlebury Stable Rooms.
Tickets for all of the events above are
£6.50 per child (members £5). There is no charge for accompanying adults. Early booking is recommended as places are limited.
At the Open Day you can meet our existing members, have a tour of
the farm and enjoy a cup of tea and slice of cake at the end of it.
If you would like to come along, please email
join@hempsalsfarm.com or call 01954 261775 and we look forward
to meeting you and showing you our slice of ‘the good life’ in the
Cambridgeshire Fens.
For more details about becoming a member of the farm, please visit
We have a few vacancies for new members at the farm this year and http://www.hempsalsfarm.com/2015-membership/.
so are having an Open Day on Saturday 11th April for new
families to come up to the farm and find out more about getting
Karen Marshall
involved. We are a
community farm providing
pork, lamb, geese, turkeys,
honey, milk, cheese, eggs,
fruit and veg to around
twenty families in the area.
Members are involved in
all aspects of running the
farm, from lambing to
butchery and from sowing
to harvesting our veg boxes. Whatever your interest, whether
beekeeping, making jams and chutneys, growing fruit and veg or
animal husbandry we have something for you to enjoy!
Longstanton is full of wildlife such as: rabbits, foxes, badgers,
hedgehogs, squirrels, pheasants, buzzards, kestrels, owls, bats, and
lots of different small birds. In my garden I see blue tits, great tits,
blackbirds, magpies, goldfinches, robins etc. To see lovely birds it
helps to have a feeder in your garden. You can also make your own
bird feeder - see instructions below.
Pine Cone Bird Feeder
To make a pine cone bird
feeder you will need: a
pine cone, some lard and
sunflower heart seeds.
First, get the pine cone
and cover it with lard
using your hands. Don’t
be afraid to get your
hands messy (and don’t
forget to wash your hands
pour lots of seeds on a
scrap piece of paper, then roll the pine cone in the seeds so it’s
covered. Sunflower heart seeds are really good for this! You can
get them from the garden centre. Finally, loop some string or
ribbon around the pine cone and hang it from your fence or a tree.
Enjoy! Hopefully you will get lots of exciting birds in your garden.
Don’t forget to put more seeds on when they run out, especially in
the cold when the birds will come more often because they can’t
find much food in the wild.
How To Spot Wildlife
To spot wild animals you need to
be quiet so they don’t get scared,
also you need to move slowly so
they won’t think you are a threat.
Try to hide a bit behind long
plants and trees and don’t surprise
Taking Photos Of Birds In Flight
To take nice pictures you need a
good camera and patience. You
will also need to get good timing
when a bird launches off whatever
it was sitting on, so you will
probably be standing there for a
while. Hope you get some good
photos! I took this one a few
weeks ago.
Paul Humphreys
Age 10
Photos: Anna Rudd
1 They catch the unwary
motorist in a flash (5,7)
9 Extravagant professor
needs employment (7)
10 A man not moving from
US state (7)
11 Problem is fixed by
footballer (7)
12 Chef that is second to
make biscuits (7)
13 Blood covers small
shrub (5)
14 Country in Asia, ultra
revolutionary (9)
16 Gas, one the French
located in river (9)
19 Shoot last of ptarmigan
out of season (5)
21 Disinter her aunt when
ordered (7)
23 Fruit found in bed after
short month (7)
24 The last people to go on
strike (4,3)
25 One gives teacher list of
duties in reverse (7)
26 Panic and suffer the fate
of Charles I (4,4,4)
2 University official is in
favour of court order,
lacking guts (7)
Source: www.alberichcrosswords.com
3 English cadet relocated
outside university to
teach (7)
4 Arrest friend as final
move (9)
5 Imitate operatic heroine
linkied with Callas
chiefly (5)
6 Managed to woo, having no time for bitterness (7)
7 Dog from small alpine
resort (7)
8 Sound of merriment
follows bloke’s killing
9 A bachelor keeping on
with his studies (12)
15 After smashing desk
become confused and
run off (9)
17 Leaders of extreme Zionist evangelists like
new prophet (7)
18 City’s entertaining the
Queen with balls (7)
19 Son presented with crisis is to crumple up (7)
20 First off dictator ordered
cheese (7)
22 Hotel with special
baths makes Cathy drowsy to
some extent (5)
Please can you return your bags to either:
77 High Street (opposite Black Bull)
or 40 Stevensons Road
All Saints Bell Ringers
Due to an oversight this article missed
the due date for the last issue of Longstanton Life.
However the contents of the article are still important to the
life of our village, and reflect the youth and enthusiasm of our
local youngsters:
I am delighted to report a ringing first for All Saints, we
invited children at Hatton Park Primary to learn to ring the
tower bells in time for their school Christmas service, a tall
order by any stretch of the imagination. We had 6 weeks in
which to learn how to handle the rope, that is the rope
attached to each bell. During this training period I realised
that we should not underestimate our youngsters, they were
more than a match for the bells and within 4 weeks they were
ringing unaided with a nominated teacher to stand with them
just in case they lost control. On the 17th of December the
young ringers assembled in the tower to ring. We had to split them into 2 bands and they looked resplendent in their white
tops, with the ringers’ newly drawn logo printed on them as follows,
'Hatton Park School All Saints Church Bell Ringers.'
All the ringers wore the tops and the girls wore long black skirts. Since that great day the young ringers are continuing to
practise. And we have decided to enter a band for the bell striking competition
at the end of April and we intend to win!
If you are interested in learning to ring don't hesitate to get in touch with me
on 07768 735 910 or mikec321@btinternet.com
Mike Cartwright
J&G Blinds Ltd Supply and fitting of bespoke blinds,
curtains, internal shutters and awnings. 01954 261149 or
07847 559208 or e-mail sales@jandgblinds.com
Music Tuition - Clarinet, Piano and Saxophone lessons.
Pupils of all ages/ abilities. Anita Langdale BMus (Hons)
Tel: 07821441127 or email: anitalangdale@hotmail.com
Improve your grade - Sixth Form College tutor and
examiner offers any level Dutch/German GCSE/AS/A2.
Please contact Annette Boswijk 07891-724745