LLife Dec` 2011/ Jan` 2012


LLife Dec` 2011/ Jan` 2012
Longstanton Life
Volume 13, Issue No. 2 April - May 2013
Life in your locality
In this issue…
Farewell to a Really
Cool Parish Priest
‘Pond Dipping’ a
Team Effort
Longstanton WI Not all Jam &
Hatton Park - Photo
Sgt Johnstone steps out of his Vigilant glider after successfully completing his solo flight
See page 4 Photograph courtesy of Longstanton ATC
Sports News
Plus our other regular
features including…
Community Concerns
Cllr’s. Reports:
Shona Johnson’s, County
Alex Riley’s, District
Gill Ashby’s, Parrish
LDHS Update
Surgery Updates
eCops, etc
‘Pond Dipping’ - a group painting by the Longstanton Arts Group, see page 5
Photograph courtesy of Christine Shephard
The information in The Longstanton Life is provided in good faith and we have tried to ensure that it is accurate and correct. However, neither the editorial team
nor the contributors can be held responsible for any inaccuracies or omissions or any consequential losses of any form whatsoever arising there from.
Editorial team were Tony Cowley, Pam Buckridge, Ruth Kilcullen, Natasha Chambers, Sarah Ballard and John Pratt.
The Longstanton Life newsletter is Copyright © 2000 -2013 The Editorial Team. All Rights Reserved. Cover graphics copyright ©
3rd of month
2nd of month
2nd of month
3rd of month
Sunday School
The Rectory, High St.
Susan Meah
Tennis Club
The Pavilion
Sarah Ballard
Messy Church
Bowls Club
Village Institute*
The Pavilion
Susan Meah
Marion Edwards
Hatton Park School
Tina Chasse
Mother and Baby Clinic
Parish Council
Village Institute*
Village Institute*
Village Institute*
(Open meeting)
Dorothy Peel
Mini JAFFAs (pre-schoolers)
All Saints’ Church
Susan Meah
Judo for all ages (call for details)
Hatton Park School
Ian Slack
Tennis Club night
Adult Cricket training
The Pavilion
Call for details
Sarah Ballard
Kevin Salaman
07985 938959
Cambridge Freestyle Martial Arts
Village Institute*
Rory / Martin
07523 854251
07535 646234
ATC (Air Training Corps)
Cadet Centre
Music Madness (0-3yrs)
Village Institute*
Kari Law
Army Cadet Force (12-18yrs)
Cadet Centre
Lt . Bill Badcock
01223 503950
Bell ringers practice
All Saints’ Church
Mike Cartwright
Rainbow Club (bump-1yr)
Football training
Ballroom Dancers, beginners
Ballroom Dancer, advance
Hatton Park School
Village Institute*
Recreation Ground
Hatton Park School
Hatton Park School
Tina Chasse
Susan Meah
Luke McAvoy
Mike Cartwright
Mike Cartwright
01487 841811
07795 321494
ATC (Air Training Corps)
Cadet Centre
Longstanton Art Group
Christine Shephard
Little Leprechauns playgroup (0-4)
Village Institute*
Andrea Todman
Junior Cricket training
Call for details
Paul Rodgers
Tennis Club night
The Pavilion
Sarah Ballard
07985 938959
1000 - 1100
Longstanton Colts Football Club
(6 - 12yrs)
Tennis Club
Recreation Ground
Louise Gamon
The Pavilion
Sarah Ballard
07985 938959
01487 841811
07931 772697
07985 938959
* It should be noted that the Village Institute is available for hiring for a variety of functions; the manager is Dr William Sellwood who should be
contacted for all bookings on 0755 2688243 or by email: villageinstitute@googlemail.com. The Pavilion also offers private party function
facilities, discuss your requirements for any family & friends gatherings - eg weddings, birthdays, funerals. Micheal Binks should be contacted on
01954 782233 or email longstantonpav@btinternet.com
Memory Lane, Where, When and Why?
Photo LDHS via Susan Ward
Answers to February/ March’s W, W, W?
Where: The Manor, farmyard in the shelter of a
When: c1900.
Why: Four farm hands, one dog and one horse
enjoying a well
earned break —
possible during the
harvest although if
this is the case
Photo LDHS via Swanns
Dear Readers,
It’s “an ill wind ...”, for when we sat down for the early March editorial the lack of
feature items all pointed to a very thin issue of the LLife. However, by the time
compiling started it became clear that otherwise blank spaces could provide the ideal
opportunity to showcase some of smaller yet just as important reports.
Hence, we have been able to give the Longstanton WI and Arts Group a chance to
shine with their photographs of the people involved as well as their reports. Our
congratulations go to Sgt Tristan Johnstone for achieving his glider wings at such a
young age. More importantly, these three articles together with Matt Try’s excellent
Hatton Primary school report and our other sporting and community concerns all
illustrate the diversity of our community. To all these we say please, continue
supplying us with news and photographs of the people in your organisations.
Individuals in the village please, see the note on page 8 for a special message.
On a not unconnected note, we must say our own farewell and thanks to both Malcolm
Raby and Shona Johnstone. We thank then both for their constant contributions to the
LLife over many years and wish them both well in their new callings.
Finally, as we write, the coldest March for 50 years with sub-zero temperatures, snow,
ice and flooding predominates. Please keep warm.
Enjoy your read,
Your LLife Editorial Team
Sports News
Football, Tennis
Cricket, Bowls
Community Concerns
Hatton Primary School Governors
Shona Johnson, County Cllr.
Alex Riley, District Cllr.
Gill Ashby, Parish Council
Farewell to Malcolm Raby
ATC Press Release
Longstanton Arts Group
Longstanton WI
Woman’s Poem
Regular Items
Memory Lane
So You Think You Know Longstanton? 3
Pavilion News
Hatton Primary News, Puzzle
10, 11, 12
Ballroom Dancing
Bell Ringing
LDHS Update
Longstanton Surgery
Over Surgery
Church Times
Line and Standard Rate Ads
Spot Ads
LONGSTANTON (From the roof lines)?
If you remember, there was no response to this
question in the last edition so not only is this the last
in the ‘roof line’ series but it was therefore a ‘rollover’. We offered
£20 cheque for the
that was the new
bungalow built on the site of Malcolm Bull’s old
paper shop at the corner of Prentice Close and the
High Street. We are please to say we had a very
good response this time. The winner drawn out of
the editorial ‘hat’ was 13 year old Alfie CoulstockCockeram who also suggested that we might like to
consider the idea of showing images of house
numbers as our next Longstanton photo quiz. We
would need to show a tad more than that but,
thanks, great idea, Alfie. Watch this space!
Please note that the copy deadline for the
June/ July 2013 edition of LLife is
5.00pm on Wed 24thApril, 2013
Contributions for next issue: by email to
longstantonlife@hotmail.com or drop off at
the Post Office
6, 14
Farewell and Happy Retirement to ‘Really Cool Parish Priest
Malcolm Raby and his wife Sue are retiring at the end of
April and moving to Surrey where Malcolm is taking a
part-time ‘House for Duty’ position in the village of
Malcolm has been Priest in Charge at Over for 15 years
and has also been our priest for the past 11 years.
We are sorry to see Malcolm leaving us as we have come
to appreciate his sharp wit and entertaining bible based
teaching and preaching.
Under his guidance we have seen many new initiatives
including Messy Church, Mini Jaffa (Jesus a friend for
all) and the Open the Book work with our primary school
The church has grown under Malcolm’s leadership and
has come through many trials with his help, including the
church building closure for over 4 years when the ceiling
Malcolm and Sue have always been hard workers in both
parishes and we will miss them greatly. However, we
wish them a happy retirement (even though they go on to
a fresh challenge). We cannot imagine Malcolm doing
nothing in the Lord’s service as here he never stopped
Malcolm’s last service at All Saints’ Church will be on
Sunday 28th April at 9-30 am. We hope to see a full
church to send him on his way.
We will miss you Malcolm and Sue; God’s blessing on
you both and a big thank you for your ministry here in
Arthur Savage, Churchwarden
Oakington Air Cadet Flies Solo - Before He Can Drive!
His flight was witnessed by several
other members of the Squadron and
the Squadron’s Commanding
Officer who were present to take
part in some experience flights.
Cadets are able to apply for a Gliding Scholarship when
they reach their 16th birthday. This means that they often
fly solo before they can drive a car.
Sgt Johnstone steps out of his Vigilant glider after successfully
completing his solo flight.
Sergeant Tristan Johnstone, who is a member of 2524
(Oakington) Squadron, completed the flight as the final part
of a Gliding Scholarship with the Air Training Corps. He
completed hours of training under the careful supervision
of the instructors of 616 Volunteer Gliding Squadron
(VGS) at RAF Henlow before his instructor stepped out of
the aircraft to send him solo.
HQ 2524 (Oakington) Squadron ATC
Cadet Centre, Magdalene Close
Longstanton, Cambs
Tel: (01954) 781180
CB24 3EG
E-mail: 2524@aircadets.org
Sergeant Johnstone, who is looking to have a career in
aviation, said “My Gliding Scholarship course has been the
best thing I have done in cadets so far. Despite being
delayed by bad weather, I managed to make some very
good friends and learn a lot about gliding. After touch
down of my solo flight it took a while for it to sink in
exactly what I had completed and it was one of the best
feelings I have ever had.”
Sergeant Johnstone has been asked to join 616 VGS as a
Staff Cadet where he will be able to continue his training
towards becoming an instructor.
2524 (Oakington) Squadron meet on Tuesday and
Thursday evenings. For more information about joining
as either a cadet or member of staff visit
www.2524atc.co.uk, call 01954 781180 (Tuesday
2524@aircadets.org )
‘Pond Dipping’ - a team effort!
Some of the members of The Longstanton Art
Group that meet at Striplands Farm, together with
a “shared” work painted during 2012. The painting
shows a group of young people enjoying a session of
‘pond dipping’ at Fen Drayton Lakes. It is hoped
that the picture will be displayed at the RSPB
visitor centre at Fen Drayton Lakes. Members
present were, from left, Paul Miles, Ray
Netherwood, Chris Bland, Christine Shephard and
Linda Lawson.
Longstanton WI
We’re a lively bunch of ladies who do far more than
Jam and Jerusalem! We try and contribute to the life of
the village when we can and we recently entered 2
teams into MacMillan quiz held at the Pavilion. It was
a great evening, raising money for a fantastic charity
and to top it all off we came 1st and 2nd - what a
Last month we were treated to a lively talk about
travels in a motor home - if you can think it we talked
about it! We’ve got outings, BBQs, competitions,
interesting speakers and jolly banter to look forward to
this year and in March we are lucky to have a
fascinating speaker from Magpas; why not come and
join us ladies. There will more than likely be cake! We
meet on the 3rd Monday of every month at the Village
Institute at 7.45pm. If you’d like to join in our fun, then
please contact Dorothy - 780381.
The 1st team were involved in a big William Coad Cup semi-final
in February against Cambridge City Reserves. The game was
held at Milton Rd, (still) home of Cambridge City & on an
extraordinarily cold day we just came up short by the odd seven
goals against a very well organised City side with no-little
ability. Our best wishes go to City Reserves in the final & their
management team of Brett Matthews & Luke McAvoy, who until
recently were plying their trade on Longstanton Recreation
Ground. At least our players embodied the spirit of Kipling
after the game, as no-one would have known which of the twin
impostors they had endured that day.
Longstanton Football Club
Hello again,
I would just like to start by thanking the people
who made it to the big Race Night on the 2 nd
February, which was run in conjunction with
Michael & the team at the Pavilion. Although
there was plenty of room, those that attended
were generous & we managed to raise some money
for charity with £200 going to East Anglian Air Ambulance &
£164 to MAGPAS. The Football Club even made a little
themselves to help keep the club ticking along. I must add
further ‘thank you’s to Charles Wells Breweries for supplying
the prizes, to SIG Plc for doing some charity-matching & to the
Pavilion for hosting the event.
The Reserves have started to pull away from the foot of the
table in February, with two wins & two draws in the five games
since the absolute nadir of the season away at Benwick Athletic.
One of the two teams are at home at the Recreation Ground
each week in April, including the 27th April when you will be able
to see the Reserves play as you wander around the marvellous
stalls & displays at the St Georges Fun Day event organised by
the Friends of All Saints Church, Longstanton. Just to confirm,
the Recreation Ground is the large grassy area to the left of
the bypass as you drive to the A14, where there is a
community venue called the Pavilion that is open to all.
To the pitch then, where Longstanton Managers are proving to
be the antithesis of London Buses. You wait ages, and then
three leave at the same time! Unfortunately, ‘Jut’ Jakes
resigned his post as Reserve Team Manager recently, so Ed
James has stepped in to the breech to oversee affairs on a
matchday. We just need to find somewhere for Ed to put that
broom now & he will be able to cover the lot.
Thanks for reading & enjoy the rest of your latest
edition of ‘The Life’
Andrew Jeffrey
Home Team
06/04/2013 15:00
Longstanton Res
Away Team
Benwick Athletic
After the success of the junior coaching last summer, we are
hoping to offer more coaching this season, so please get in
touch with me if you are interested. We will be supporting
the St Georges Day celebrations and the courts will be
open, so do come and say hello then and join in the fun.
Keep an eye on our website
www.longstantontennis.co.uk for all the
latest club information.
Longstanton Tennis
The first signs of warmer weather hopefully mean that
Spring is upon us, so get those trainers on and join us down
at the tennis courts. The 2013/14 season has just started, so
now is the perfect time to join the club to really make the
most of your money. The draw for Wimbledon tickets will
be taking place soon, so make sure you’ve paid your
membership to ensure you’re included in that.
Happy playing and see you on the courts
Club nights are Tuesdays and Fridays from 6pm, Saturday
afternoons from 2pm and Sunday mornings from 11am, and
are popular in almost any weather. Even if you don’t want
to join as a member for the year, you’re still welcome to use
the courts on a ‘pay and play’ basis. Just phone Jim
(780114) or Rachel (780704) and borrow a key for an hour.
This cowboy walks in to a German car showroom and
he says 'Audi!
I fancied a game of darts with my mate. He said,
'Nearest the bull goes first' He went 'Baah' and I
went 'Moo' He said 'You're closest'.
I visited the offices of the RSPCA today. It's tiny:
you couldn't swing a cat in there.
Sarah Ballard
Our bowls green is located on the recreation ground, between
the Longstanton social club and the tennis courts, Over Road,
Longstanton Bowls Club
Spring is here at last with the longer
evenings and warmer weather, and as
usual at this time of year Longstanton
Bowls Club is recruiting new members.
Do you fancy some gentle exercise on a
summer’s evening? It doesn’t matter if
you haven’t played Lawn Bowls before as
we have plenty of members always
willing to provide help and guidance.
To kick off the new season we are holding a Cheese & Wine
evening on Friday, 19th April at 7:30pm in the Pavilion.
Everyone is welcome to come along to meet the members and
have a chat over a glass of wine. Hopefully we can persuade
you to have a go at bowls. We have regular club nights on
Monday evenings from 6pm, and there are many friendly club
competitions to try. For the more adventurous there are
league matches against other local clubs.
Everyone is welcome and our membership ranges from
juniors to those enjoying retirement. We have many members
from surrounding villages, including Swavesey, Over,
Willingham, Oakington, Bar Hill and even as far afield as
Cottenham. Don’t worry about equipment, as the club can
assist with this. We pride ourselves in being a friendly club
where the enjoyment comes from taking part. The game of
bowls provides an opportunity to make new friends, take
gentle exercise and socialise over a “bowls tea” at the end of
the match.
The season starts in May when there will
be regular club nights on Monday
evenings. At time of writing the start date
has not yet been decided, but further details
will be available at the Cheese & Wine
evening. Alternatively, contact Marion
Edwards on 01954 780118 or email to
Corinne Walsham
Grasshoppers Cricket Club
This year we would like to run a ladies’ team so please get
in touch if you would like to know more about this.
We are always looking for new players, coaches, helpers,
team managers / organisers, umpires and scorers; previous
experience is not necessary. This season we have a real
need for an under 10s manager & coach. Without your
support we will not be able to support a team in this age
Our season kicks off week commencing 29 th
April with matches for under 11s, 13s and u15s in both cup
and league. Our senior first XI have their first match on
4th May away at Triplow with the second XI playing their
first match away at Newmarket on 11th May. Please come
along and support your teams. Details of all our fixtures
can be seen at http://lpg.play-cricket.com New players
are always welcome; boys and girls, of any age, so please
contact me for more details.
Anyone interested in joining us in any capacity please
contact me as below.
Kevin Salaman
kevin@salaman.co.uk | 01954 201701
Woman's Poem
He didn't like the casserole
And he didn't like my cake,
He said my biscuits were too hard
Not like his mother used to make.
I didn't perk the coffee right
He didn't like the stew,
I didn't mend his socks
The way his mother used to do.
I pondered for an answer
I was looking for a clue.
Then I turned around and
Smacked him …..
Like his mother used to do.
To individuals with a
story to tell, any personal
hobby or community
concern, they would like
to share with us, we say
your input would not
only greatly enrich our
newsletter but would
enhance its chance of
survival in these harsh
economic times.
belongs to you all - it
must reflect the whole
 Why doesn’t
Tarzan have a
 Why does
Superman stop
bullets with
his chest, but
ducks when
you throw him
a revolver?
 Why do
pilots wear
Mon - Thu
4pm - 11pm
1pm - 11.30 pm Parish Pantry 2pm - 4pm
11am - 11.30pm (9am during football season)
Tel: 01954 782233
12pm - 11pm
Over Road, Longstanton
Food served
Fri 5pm - 9pm. Sat 12pm - 8pm. Sun 12pm - 7pm.
Food is locally sourced ranging from Willingham burgers, chicken,
mixed platters, Scampi and fish and chips.
Pavilion Posts
Welcome to the latest edition of Pavilion Posts. We have been
working hard on a few ideas for the forth coming months and
would like your input to any functions or bands that you would
like to see.
January was very quiet due to everyone detoxing after the festive
period, this is very common in our business and gave us time to
get plans in place for a future facelift. In February we had our first
race night hosted by Andy Jefferies and a big thank you goes out
to Andy for his help and support. We raised a grand total of just
over £400 for charity that included East Anglian Air Ambulance
and Magpas. Two worthy charities who both receive little credit.
February 22nd saw the Macmillan Quiz Night hosted yet again by
Andy Jefferies and organised by Gill Ashby. We have been informed that over £200 was raised for this charity and we had
around ten teams participating in what was a great night.
The Blues Brothers UK number 1 tribute band arrived with us on
Saturday 23rd February who entertained a great crowd. These
guys have received so much positive feedback and everyone at the
event thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
Remember we are open Saturday mornings for those delicious
bacon rolls or even an all day breakfast!
On a separate note we are introducing a guest beer and having
already have sampled Adnams Lighthouse, Adnams Ghostship
and we are currently arranging our future beers.
We are getting busier with private functions so please remember
to speak to us for a price on the hire of the conservatory or main
bar for any function.
We are also looking for part time bar staff who can work weekends, if interested then please get in touch.
At the time of publishing hopefully our Cricket and Bowls Teams
are under way and it would be good for them if you could lend
them your support.
Here is to hopefully a good Summer.
Michael Binks
Attentive and happy audience for the ‘Blues Brothers’ tribute
band at the Pavilion on 23 February
Upper right, ‘Blues Brothers
UK number one tribute band’.
Left, the faces show it all! It
was a heck of a good night!
Children’s Easter Egg Hunt, Sunday 31 April, 12:00pm
Scooted & Booted Band, Saturday 4 May 8:00pm
Queen Tribute Band, Saturday 6 April, 8pm
St Georges Day Event, Friday 27 April, 2:00/5:00pm
Hatton Park Primary School News
Despite the Spring Term being incredibly short when
compared to lengthy Autumn Term that came before
it, we have packed lots into the time available and the
information below reflects on another exciting,
entertaining yet always educational first few months of
Egyptian Day
As part of the Ancient Egypt topic, the Year 3 and 4s
experienced and Egyptian Day thanks to the team from
Science Day
‘History Off the Page.’ The school hall was transformed
into an Egyptian paradise for the day and the children
undertook all manner of exciting activities from cookery,
To mark the Science Saturday event that was held at
Histon and Impington Junior School on 26th January and
which was very well attended by Hatton Park families, we
held our own
afternoon at
day before.
Pupils were
dressed in a
theme and as
a result we
with an awful
lot of ‘nutty
Every class
during the afternoon to enable all of the pupils to engage
in a hands-on science experiment, with most of the
children also getting an opportunity to swap teachers and
take part in a second science experiment with another
teacher with whom they would not have been as familiar.
A particular highlight of the afternoon were the soft
drinks bottle rockets that were made by the Year 5 and
6s, one of which was so well made that it ended up on the
school roof!
to making perfumes, learning about hieroglyphics, stone
carving and mummification (in theory only – not practice
you will be glad to hear!). All pupils really felt the part
thanks to some incredibly well made costumes that they
brought to school and a big thank you, as always, to the
parents for their support with these.
Hatton Park Primary School News
Circus Skills
Children from Years 1 and 2 tried their hand at a range of
circus skills from juggling to plate spinning thanks to a
circus performance company from London who spent the
afternoon at Hatton Park. Once again, the school hall was
transformed, but his time into the Big Top of a Circus.
Russell McAlinden from the Leys Independent School will
be supporting classes across the school with some
teambuilding activities over the months ahead. He
recently worked with the Year 3 class, testing their
ability to carry out challenges on the school field which
required them to pull together and work as a team. We
look forward to seeing more of Mr McAlinden throughout
the rest of the year and, as the weather improves, the
attention will turn towards even more outdoor activities
including the creation of Hatton Park’s very own
orienteering trail.
Sporting Success
Hatton Park continues to be represented in local and
regional sporting competitions and the most recent team
came from a group of Year 5 and 6 boys and girls who took
part in a Tag Rugby Competition at Swavesey Village
College. There was an ‘A’ and ‘B’ team competition and the
Hatton Park team finished a creditable 4th place out of 8
schools taking part in the ‘A’ team competition. This was
particularly impressive for a team that has trained on very
few occasions with one another before this event. Well
done to all and a huge thank you to the parents who
transported their children to the event.
Netball Club takes place at Hatton Park every Monday
throughout the school year, providing weekly coaching
sessions for boys and girls in school years 4-6. This year
Hatton Park is represented in the local ‘A’ Team school
league, the District ‘A’ Team tournament and we also have
enough players to put another team into the District ‘B’
Team tournament. We wish all of the players the very
best of luck for the rest of the season and will report
further information about the team’s success in future
editions of the Longstanton Life.
The children were initially entertained by a performance
from the circus professionals before getting to try the
skills out for themselves.
So inspired by the circus training, the Year 1 and 2s then
put on their own circus performance. The children issued
their own tickets to children from the Reception class to
whom they delivered their wonderful performance. I had
the great pleasure of being able to see the performance
for myself and it was so inspiring to see the breadth of
talent that and confidence amongst these very young
members of the school.
Matthew Try
Head of School
Hatton Park Children’s Page
By Rishon
By Lili-Rose
The puzzles on today’s Hatton Park Children’s Page have all been made by year 2 pupils. We’re very impressed by their ability to
use a computer so well to make these word searches. Maybe some future Longstanton Life Editors in the making?
Prior to the Board meeting Dr Andrew Batey was elected as the
Parent Trustee for Hatton Park School.
By Sarah
At the first Board meeting I was elected as Chair of the Board. This
is an interim position as it is our intention in due course to appoint an
independent Chair. We are in the process of drafting a job
description and candidate profile for the Chair role, following which
we will initiate a search for suitable candidates.
In addition to the Board, CPET has two committees, Personnel and
Finance, Premises, Health & Safety that will operate across all three
schools. This should be much more efficient than having separate
committees for each school as it will avoid duplication of policies
and procedures and allow resources to be pooled where appropriate.
Each school will continue to have a Local Governing Body (LGB),
which will have delegated authority from the Board of Trustees and
will have particular responsibility for curriculum and standards in
their school. This will free up the LGB to really focus on the key
issues around pupil education and attainment in each school, which
we anticipate will assist the school staff in ensuring that all children
at Hatton Park receive the best possible education tailored to their
Governors’ Update
As noted in the previous newsletter, on 1st
December 2012 the School converted to an
Academy as part of a Multi-Academy Trust called
Cambridge Primary Education Trust (CPET) with
Histon & Impington Junior School and Histon and
Impington Infant School. The three schools are
now working together to implement the working
arrangements for CPET.
We currently have two vacancies for community governors. School
governors are people who wish to make a positive contribution to
children's education. Being a governor is demanding but rewarding
and a good way of putting something into your local community.
You don’t need any formal qualifications or particular skills as you
will get access to training. All you need is some time to commit to
be able to make good decisions and make sure these are followed up.
If you feel you could bring energy and fresh ideas to our school
Governing Body then we would love to hear
from you.
CPET is managed by a Board of Trustees that met for the first time
in January. The Board includes the current Chairs of the Governing
Bodies of each School, one Parent Trustee from each School (elected
by the Parent Governors), the Executive Headteacher of Hatton Park
School and the Junior School, the Headteacher of the Infant School
and a representative of Cambridge Meridian Academies Trust
(Swavesey Village College and Northstowe secondary provision).
If you wish to contact the Governing Body,
please email me at
Dr Paul Rodgers
Chair of Governors
has been very difficult for many people. However, not everything
has been bad and I have tried hard during this time to keep
focussed on the smaller issues that can affect people’s lives,
mostly I have to confess, transport related. Some problems, such
as the Airfield Road have been insoluble and I willingly pass that
baton on to my successor! I hope they have more luck than I did!
I know that I have not pleased all of the people all of the time,
but if I have satisfied some of you some of the time, then
perhaps it will have been a job well done. It has been a wonderful
experience, with many frustrations at times, but it has also been
immensely fulfilling, particularly if I have been able to sort out a
problem that may appear minor, but which is having a major
impact on an individual life.
Jottings from
your County Councillor
As I write this article the work on installing
solar studs along the Busway is continuing. By
the time you read this, studs will also have
been fitted along the footpath linking
Longstanton Village with the Busway. I am really pleased to have
been able to work with the parish council on the this project and
to have persuaded the County Council to include it in the wider
scheme, hence saving the parish council from having to find the
money. Although the days are now getting longer, I am sure that
next winter, the benefit of the studs will be very evident. Even if
the path is lost in the longer term within Phase 1 of Northstowe,
I am very confident that the investment is worth it.
I would like to thank all those who have supported me during
my time as a councillor and I will follow Longstanton’s
interests closely in the months and years to come.
As I mentioned in my last article, I have decided that after
twenty years as a councillor, including representing Longstanton
for a total of twelve years, it is time to move on to pastures new.
This will therefore be my last article for Longstanton Life. I am
proud to have represented Longstanton for the past eight years –
and for four years between 1993 and 1997. There have been
many changes in that time – not least the decision in 2001 to
allocate the land on the old airfield for Northstowe. The
uncertainty of how Northstowe will impact on the local community
I can be reached at the address or telephone number below,
until 3 May!
Shona Johnstone
Highfield, 5 Lowburyholme Road, Over. CB24 5NP
Tel: 01954 230565
e-mail: shona.johnstone@cambridgeshire.gov.uk
District Councillor Notes
However, we have recently held a meeting of the Northstowe
Transport Working Group. I was amazed to see an agenda item
about the traffic for Phase 2. I asked how they could consider
proceeding with Phase 2 when we have established that the
B1050 will not be able to cope with the traffic from Phase 1.
The reply I received was very interesting. They are planning to
proceed with Phase 2 almost immediately, but to build the
Southern Access Road as part of Phase 2. Now I have been
saying for a while that this road is required to deal with the
traffic from Phase 1. But if it will be provided very shortly after
Phase 1 commences, then maybe the B1050 would be able to
cope. Though surely the Highways Agency will not be prepared
to agree to Phase 2 proceeding until the A14 upgrade is
As regards the permanent monitoring of local roads, this is due to
be in place by the end of April. We have agreed that the
Working Group will meet two weeks before every meeting of the
Committee, starting in June, so we can feed back the results of
the traffic surveys. So very shortly we will have a full picture of
local traffic movements. Those who receive my emails will be
kept updated about developments as they occur.
Please contact me on cllr.riley@scambs.gov.uk or ring me on
01954 208000 and I will do my best to help.
Alex Riley, District Councillor
Northstowe Update
On the day the Northstowe committee meets to
approve the S106 contributions for Phase 1, the
project is beset by uncertainty.
Gallagher’s have indicated that they will under
no circumstances go beyond a total contribution
of £30M and 20% affordable housing, whereas until recently the
councils had been hoping for double these amounts.
Additionally Gallaghers have created other conditions, such as
the requirement for the HCA (Homes and Communities Agency)
to make a high enough offer to buy out all their interests and
options. No statement has yet been received from the HCA
about such an offer.
Gallaghers have so far completely driven the Northstowe project.
Its future will be uncertain if they sell out to the HCA, as they
intend. We face the grim prospect of Phase 1 being built as a
huge housing estate (larger than the whole of Longstanton), with
negligible social infrastructure and no access roads, while Phase
2 is held up until the A14 upgrade is completed in 8 years’ time
or so.
The Government is now requiring local authorities to make large
contributions to the cost of the A14 upgrade, yet we still have no
information about what form that upgrade will take. This work
is still not expected to start before 2018.
sday 20 March
mbridge News Wedne
Chris Havergal, Local Government Correspondent
Longstanton Parish Council Notes
We have received fantastic news from John Henry that they are
willing to repair the car park of the Recreation Ground which will
make parking and walking over the area so much better. On
behalf of the village we thank them for their generosity.
The VAT figure has now been finalised and agreed with the
HMRC. The financial structures are being rebuilt by the Council
so that there will be reserves built into the Council finances again.
This has resulted in the precept being increased but this will put
Longstanton Parish Council back on a firm financial footing
again over the next few years.
As the resolution of Home Farm issues continues we would really
like your thoughts and ideas for how, as residents of Longstanton
you would like to use the extension to the Recreation Ground.
This has been such a long time in coming but the Council would
appreciate how the village would like to see this area used. Ideas
put forward so far are for football and cricket but are there other
sports or activities that you would like to see catered for in the
village? Please get thinking and pass your ideas forward to us
either by email or phone or contact a Councillor.
However as you can see there is still a great deal of work to do
and we will continue to work in the interests of Longstanton.
Gill Ashby,
Chairman LPC
People often say time passes too quickly and it
does appear to be passing very quickly for the
Council. We will soon have been in office for a
year. What a year that has turned out to be. It
did feel when we took office that the Titanic had
hit the iceberg. The ship was taking in water but
was continuing travelling further into the
iceberg. Today, we feel we have reversed out of
the iceberg, having patched the ship to make it
watertight again. We have also managed to turn it round and are
now heading in the correct direction again and are not taking on
water. So, we can still do more repairs but that they can be done
as we move forward. Perhaps we can now rename the ship and
refurbish it as we go along.
The positives are:
 the financial situation of the Council are now in check.
 the website is up and running www.longstantonvillage.org
and has information about the village and the Council.
 the path to the guided bus along Station Road now has
reflective lights in the pathway itself making visibility at night
time better.
 the Pavilion is continuing to provide facilities for the
recreation ground sport teams and local residents.
Ball Room Dancing
The New Year has started well.
We now have a strong beginner’s
class as well as our better established dancers. There is always
room for a few more couples.
Why not come along and give it a
We meet every Thursday evening at 7:15 pm.
See you there.
Email mikec321@btinternet.com
Mike Cartwright
 I visited the offices of the RSPCA today. It's tiny:
you couldn't swing a cat in there
 I bought a train ticket to France and the ticket seller
said 'Eurostar' I said 'Well I've been on telly but I'm
no Dean Martin.
ECOPS report from:
PCSO 7376
Kerrie Macinnes
Hello, I would like to take this
opportunity to introduce
myself; my name is Kerrie
Macinnes and I will now be
covering the Longstanton,
Swavesey, Willingham and
Over beats. I have been
working in the villages for
about a month now and have
met many of you on my
patrols however I am keen to
get to know as many people as
I can so please let me know if
you would like to meet up.
26th APRIL 3.00
(Entry £2.00 per
11th MAY 2.30pm
17th MAY 6.30pm
1st June
Plant prickly shrubs to hide your tank from view. Thieves
will not want to force their way through or over a prickly
hedge. Traces of blood or a shred of ripped clothing could
help the police to identify the offender.
Be aware of your oil levels and check frequently, oil level
sensor alarms are available from £60
If you have a Plastic tank, consider erecting fencing
around the tank with one end hinged and locked for filling
purposes. The fencing should be fixed to solid posts and
should be set off the tank approx 12 inches on all sides.
If you have a steel tank, then fit a quality anti cut closed
shackle padlock. Lockable fuel caps are available from
If you have outside security lighting, then please ensure
that the system works and that the light sensors have been
adjusted correctly to detect movement.
To see the progress of the
butterfly and wildlife habitats
Meet near the windmill on Over
to Longstanton Road
I am looking for clubs, coffee mornings and events to attend
in order to meet more members of the community. If you are in
need of any advice, know of information about local problems or
would like to discuss any policing issues then please do get in
Get involved: We want to know what you think our future
priorities for your area should be, so please tell us about any
issues or concerns you may have. The next panel meeting is on
Tuesday 21st May at Over Primary School at 7.30pm.
At the moment one of our priorities is prevention of heating
oil theft.
This has led to increases in the theft of diesel fuel from
commercial vehicles and heating oil from storage tanks. To help
reduce the number of thefts of heating oil, the following tips may
help to deter a potential thief:
Meet in the car park at the
reserve at 2.30pm Or if you need
a lift meet at 2.00pm at
Ashlea Farm – 57 Middlewatch –
Swavesey CB24 4RW
14th JUNE
Meet in the car park at Lark Rise
Farm, Haslingfield Road, Barton
CB23 7AG
Or if you need a lift meet at
Swavesey Village at 6.00pm
10.30AM – 12.30PM
Meet in the car park at the Dolphin
Hotel – St Ives £1 parking
Or if you need a lift meet at
Swavesey Village College at
All meetings are at Over Town Hall
commencing at 7.30 pm unless otherwise
stated. Lifts available if required.
PLEASE PHONE: Tim Parish: 01954
203035 or Pat Miles: 01954 780485
Consider CCTV if the tank is in a vulnerable or remote
I look forward to meeting many of you over the coming weeks!
I welcome anyone to contact me:
E-mail: kerrie.macinnes@cambs.pnn.police.uk
Tel: 101 ext: 3732/7111276
Police non urgent contact : 101
PLEASE CONTACT: frparish@ntlworld.com
Admission Free unless otherwise stated.
However a donation of £2 per indoor
meeting towards overheads & refreshments
would be much appreciated.
APRIL – MAY 2013
Hopefully, this dreadful weather we have
endured as the winter ends this year, will give
way to drier and warmer days that will encourage
us to venture outside. With these positive
thoughts to the fore it’s timely to remind you that
as members of LDHS we are also enjoy
associate membership of the Cambridge
Antiquarian Society, CAS. They have recently announced an
outing to be held in on Saturday 29th June to view Oakington’s
various Anglo-Saxon burial sites.
“By kind invitation of Dr Duncan Sayer, University of Central
Lancashire, we are able to offer members the opportunity to visit
the long-running archaeological investigation of this Anglo-Saxon
community on the Fen Margins.
The first Anglo-Saxon burials here were discovered by Alan
Bloom in 1926 and construction of a children's playground in the
1990s brought a further 26 burials to light, with another 17 being
found in 2006/07 and yet more - including a presumably wealthy
woman buried with a cow - in 2010-12.
Although much remains to be discovered - pits and trenches have
been excavated in gardens and open spaces throughout the village
- all the evidence points to a substantial early enclosed community,
an Anglo-Saxon burh (Old English name for a fortified town or other
defended site ) .
Meet at the car park at the end of Queens Way, Oakington
(next to the parish recreation facilities) at 11.00. The visit will
be of about 90 minutes duration.
Cost: £3.00 per head (Please make cheques payable to
`Cambridge Antiquarian Society')
Please make your request to Tony Kirby by 22 June:
Tony Kirby, 3
Hills View,
CB22 5AY.
Longstanton’s Railways - Roy Stoner, Fri 1 March
Roy had given us a presentation at last autumn’s AGM on this
subject however, he had received several requests to repeat the
subject mainly because we were unable to advertise the talk
adequately before hand and many of our members missed out.
In the meantime, Roy not only provided several entertaining
additions but several fascinating historical facts had come to
As a scene setter an enthusiastic audience were treated to a short
opening extract from the recording of Flanders & Swan singing
the ‘Up Line’(c1960), in which Longstanton Station was
immortalised in the line “I’ll stand well clear of the doors no
more, at Longstanton...” In addition the sound effect of a steam
train coming in
to the station
audience to a
hushed silence.
Initially Roy’s
followed closely
the earlier talk.
Station to St Ives
stopped at each
station along the
way was enhance
by a slick new
slide change.
First stop on the journey from Cambridge was Histon.
Here we were rewarded by the sight of steam train
heading for Cambridge with Chivers’ jam factory in
the background and c1950 Austin car sitting waiting at
the close crossing gates, in the foreground.
Later Roy
revealed that,
together the
help of with
Stroude, he
had uncovered
aborted plans,
in 1901, for a
light railway
that was to
Oakington to
Cottenham (it was to run up the middle of the High Street!). Other
revelations were to follow of an earlier aborted line, 1869/70,
that would have bisected Longstanton by a massive junction!
On a covering
note please
state: “I would like to join the Oakington visit on 29 June”
enclosing a cheque for £3.00. Please add your name, address,
telephone number and e-mail.
(It’s also worth noting that LDHS’s associate membership goes
further because Hilary Stroude, our hard working secretary, not
only sits as a council member on CAS but, last autumn was made
their Press Officer, a post she will take up later this year)
Tony Cowley Chairman, Longstanton & District Heritage Society, The Manor, Woodside, Longstanton, Cambridge. CB24 3BU
For more information on any of the above, please contact us on: Tel: 01954 250819 or e-mail ldhssec@hotmail.co.uk
Friday 5 April - 'Neolithic and Bronze Age sites of East Anglia, and their importance to the axe trade', Paul Daw
Paul has an impressive background in the subject and one that should provide us with a very interesting evening.
Friday 3 May - ♫Hobson’s Voice♫ . Hobson’s Voice are a local folk group with a repertoire of songs with local themes.
They promise to give us a different perspective on recent history and entertain us at the same time.
All talks to be held at 7.30pm in the Village Institute, High Street, Longstanton.
Everyone welcome - members are free - non-members £2.00. Tea and biscuits served after.
Reception Tel: Willingham 260230 Longstanton 207600 Dispensary 260073
Out of hours cover: Urgent Care Cambridgeshire 0330 123 9131
Visit our Practice Website for more info about us.
records which are held at the surgery and will only pass
this on to other healthcare professionals who may need to
contact you as part of your NHS care (such as the hospital,
physiotherapist or district nurse). Please let us know if you
do not wish us to share this information with other healthcare professionals.
Easter Weekend
We will be closed on Good Friday 29 March and
Easter Monday 1st April.
Both surgeries will open as usual on Tuesday 2nd April.
When the surgery is closed please ring the local
Out of Hours service
Urgent Care Cambridgeshire on 0330 123 9131
Text reminders If you have provided us with a mobile
telephone number our appointment system will automatically send you a text reminder 24 hours before your
appointment at the surgery. Please let us know if you do
not wish to receive a text reminder. If you do not have a
mobile phone we can arrange to send a reminder to your
home telephone number. Please contact us to set up this
The Mobile Blood Donor Van will be visiting Willingham Surgery car park on Thurs 11th and Wed 17th April.
Please call 0300 123 23 23 and quote postcode CB24 5LB
to make an appointment.
CAMTAD visit The Hearing Aids Help Clinic will be
held at Willingham Surgery on Wed 17th April from 2.00
– 4.00pm. No appointment necessary. Just come along for
new NHS hearing aid batteries and advice.
On-line appointment booking is available at this surgery.
For details of how to register please contact reception so
you can be issued with a user name, password and full instructions.
Change of your personal details Please remember to let
the surgery know if you change your name, address, landline or mobile telephone number so that we can keep our
records up to date. Reception will ask you to provide some
written proof of your new address, e.g. a utility bill or bank
On-line repeat prescription ordering is another facility
offered on our system and has proved to be very popular
with both patients and staff. Please ring Dispensary on
01954 260073 for details.
Mobile phone numbers If we need to contact you urgently it does help if we have your up-to-date mobile
phone number. We will enter this on your computer
Practice website
www.willinghammedicalpractice.nhs.uk Have you had a
chance yet to look at our website? We would welcome any
feedback or comments from you as to what you would like
to see on the website and whether you have found it useful
and informative.
NHS Choices website www.nhs.uk This is a useful
source of information about all available NHS services and
also health conditions and treatments. You can compare
GP surgeries, hospitals, dentists and community services
within your local area and find out about the changes to the
NHS after 1st April.
Are you drinking enough? The UK Department of
Health recommend you drink 6-8 glasses or approx 2
pints of fluid a day (not alcohol) to keep you healthy.
Tips to stay healthy: Have a glass of water with your
meals. Vary the drinks you have throughout the day.
Soups, milk, fruit and vegetables have a high water content.
Acknowledgements Our thanks go to the family and
friends of Enid Thorpe for their donation in her memory to
the Willingham Surgery Equipment Fund.
Cynthia Bidwell – Practice Manager
Over Surgery News
Support Your Local Shops! Did you know that anyone
can use our Pharmacy in Drings Close (off Station Road)
to get their prescriptions dispensed, or take advantage of
our special offers on things like tissues, toiletries,
toothpaste and cough medicine…? Our animal health
products are also proving very popular. You don’t have to
be a patient at the Surgery to use the Pharmacy. And we
are open every weekday till 6.30 pm except Wednesdays,
when we close at 2.30 pm.
Telephone Consultations We will shortly be introducing
a new approach to booking GP appointments at Over
Surgery. If you ring up to wanting to see a doctor, where
practical a GP will first call you back to discuss your
problem. This idea has already been widely implemented
in GP surgeries across the UK; the benefits are that in a
significant proportion of cases your problem can be dealt
with over the phone, saving you a trip to the surgery, and
allowing us more time with the patients who do need to be
seen in person. If you have any concerns or questions
about this approach, please feel free to contact the Practice
New Patient Participation Group Four of our patients
have volunteered to form a Patient Participation Group
(PPG) for Over Surgery. The purpose of the PPG is to
help ensure that patients are involved in decisions about
the range and quality of services provided both by Over
Surgery and the wider NHS.
The group meets on a regular basis with a GP Partner,
Practice Nurse and Practice Manager – the four patient
members are Linda Brown, Paul Eldridge, Stacey Harper
and Andrew Worsfold. They are happy to take your
comments and suggestions about the Surgery or any other
NHS healthcare issues; a comments box in the surgery
will be provided shortly for this purpose or you can send
an email to overppg@gmail.com (only the patient
members will have access to these). NB - this is not a
replacement for the surgery complaints process which
remains as is.
We do need the patient members to be representative of
our practice population and so we are looking to recruit
a younger member for the group - under say 30 years
old; this might appeal to any students in health, medical or
welfare training to give them an insight into the workings
of a GP surgery, and be a great addition to their CV. If
you are interested or know someone who might be
interested please contact the Practice Manager on 01954
Travelling Abroad for Business or Pleasure? Over
Surgery provides a comprehensive travel vaccinations
service which includes a detailed assessment of the
vaccinations which you will need - just complete the form
on our website (www.oversurgery.nhs.uk) or call in to
the surgery to pick up a paper form. We may need up to 8
weeks notice so that we have time to order any special
vaccines and you can receive a full course of any multiple
vaccinations that may be required - so please give us as
much notice as possible.
Patient Survey If you are a patient at Over Surgery we
would be pleased if you would take part in our 2013
Patient Survey. It gives you an opportunity to feedback
about our services. We will have paper questionnaires to
complete in the surgery, or you can complete it using our
website – go to http://www.oversurgery.nhs.uk/, and
the link you need is on the left hand side.
Andrew Kennedy - Practice Manager
I phoned the local gym and I asked if they could
teach me how to do the splits. He said, 'How flexible
are you?' I said, 'I can't make Tuesdays or
I went to the local video shop and I said, 'Can I
borrow Batman Forever?' He said, 'No, you'll have to
bring it back tomorrow.
Longstanton Life Advertising Rates 2013
If you are interested in Advertising please contact John on 780527
or email longstantonlife@hotmail.com with ‘advertising,’ in the
subject line. New advertisements and advert changes are reviewed
twice yearly:
Native German Translator offers tuition/conversation
classes for GCSE/A-level. Contact Ines 01954 789154
Camstone Construction Ltd. All types of building work
undertaken contact 01954 789991
J&G Blinds Ltd Supply and fitting of bespoke blinds,
curtains, internal shutters and awnings. 01954 261149 or
07847 559208 or e-mail sales@jandgblinds.com
Music Tuition - Clarinet, Piano and Saxophone lessons.
Pupils of all ages/ abilities. Anita Langdale BMus (Hons)
Tel: 07821441127 or email: anitalangdale@hotmail.com
Why do we press harder on a TV remote when
we know the batteries are almost dead?
Why do banks charge a fee on “insufficient
funds” when they know there is not enough
Why does someone believe you when you say
there are four billion stars; but have to check
when you say the paint is still wet?
Bar Hill Church 7.30-8.30pm Mondays
Oakington Sports Pav. 6.15-7.15pm Thurs
Bar Hill Church 10-11am Tues
Oakington Sports Pav.’ 10-11am Fridays
First 6 classes for £6
Call Simon on 01223 236945 or visit
Church Times
Messy Church
Sunday 21st April
Sunday 19th May
from 4 - 6pm in the Village Institute
Games – Crafts – Food - Songs ..... and more!
All Saints’ Church, Longstanton
For exact dates and details of activities being held
please refer to the church notice board or go to
the website:
Catholic Sunday Mass
Cambridge: (OLEM) Our Lady and English
Martyrs, Hills Rd, Cambridge CB2 1JR
Tel: 01223 350787 www.olem.org.uk
Bar Hill: (serviced from OLEM)
St Ives:
The Sacred Heart, Needingworth Rd, St. Ives.
Tel: 01480-462192 www.sacredheart-stives.org
Need home communion for the sick or house bound?
Contact: Fr Edward Tredota 01480 462192
A monthly occasion when families can come together
to sing, play games, learn about the Christian faith,
enjoy crafts and eat together.
Welcome to
Tabernacle Baptist
Organised by All Saints' Church, Longstanton.
Contact Susan Meah for more information.
Telephone 01954 781258
George Street, Willingham
Service times 10:30am and 6:00pm every Sunday.
All Saints Bell Ringers
Firstly, I must thank everyone who
supported and came to the Bell
Centenary. It was a wonderful day; the
ringing and the entertainment were
worthy of the 100 year celebrations.
We welcome visitors at all meetings so please feel free to come
If you have any initial enquiries please contact Trevor Rowe
(Pastor) 01954 261193 or Alan Wright (Church Secretary) 01954
261770 or look at our web site: www.willinghambaptist.org
The Salvation Army
Silver Street, Willingham
I have now charged Hannah Cartwright,
my Granddaughter, to ensure the bells are
rung in 50 years time. She is 15 years
now, so she will be 65 when that time
Everyone is welcome to join all our meetings.
Please ring Daphne Watts on 07919024857 or Sergeant Major
Gordon Spackman 01954 260066 for more information.
We are looking to ring in the calls and
method ringing competition in May with
a view to coming home with a cup to
display in the church.
Mike Cartwright
Why is that old cars shown in ‘Foyle’s War’
are always in showroom condition?
If people evolved from apes, why are there
still apes?
Why is it that no matter what colour
bubble bath you use the bubbles are
always white?
Is there ever a day that sofas are not in a