this document


this document
May 2015
The Consolata Shrine Parish
Monthly News Bulletin
Letter from the Parish Priest
Message from the Pope on World
Communication Day
A word of hope to those hurting
from the Garissa attack
Children’s Corner
Beatification of
Sr. Irene Stefani
May 22nd – 24th 2015 at
Dedan Kimathi Grounds,
Nyeri County
Consolata Shrine, Westlands, Nairobi
from the Parish Priest
Let us not remain
Dear parishioners, brothers and sisters of our
Consolata Family,
Though it seems that I wrote to you just the
other day, it is always a joy to draw a few lines.
First of all, I want to thank God for you and
your commitment to Him and asking Him to
pour out more graces on us so that you and
me, we can be real faithful instruments of His
Grace in our families, in our communities and
in our country… that badly needs our Christian
Witness. And to do that, on one side we are
assured of the presence of the Holy Spirit
in us; but on the other side, it requires our
commitment and determination. We can do it!
Let us not remain dormant!
I thank and keep encouraging people for their
desire to be more charitable! A great sign of
the Church! Let us keep it up as we extend our
wings to those who may need our support!
That is why in this special issue, you will find
a special section on Charity. Please read it
attentively and let the Spirit talk to you! The
Solemnity of Corpus Christi and the one of
Pentecost will definitely speak to our hearts!
Secondly, let us keep in mind some very
important events this month of May; some of
them presented with details as you unfold this
issue of the Consoling Eye.
a) May is the month of Our Lady, and we are
starting on 1st May the pilgrimage with
the Icon of Our Lady through your families.
A great opportunity to pray for and with
the family. Please pray for all the families
that will be receiving the icon during this
time up to 11th June when we will start the
9-days Novena to Our Lady Consolata.
Pope’s Prayers Intentions for May 2015
General intention:
That, rejecting the culture of indifference, we may care for our
neighbours who suffer, especially the sick and the poor.
That Mary’s intercession may help Christians in secularized
cultures be ready to proclaim Jesus.
2 :: Vol 15: Iss 05 :: May 2015
“My mother and my brothers are those who
hear the word of God and act on it.” (Lk 8:21)
1st May is the feast of St
Joseph the worker. How
much we need to do in
the working world! How
much rights have to be
recognized and applied!
How much awareness
everybody needs so
to be committed in
his/her work as God’s
instrument! And how
much awareness those
who employ need so to
respect those whom they
employ in their spiritual,
human and material needs! And yet... a
question: how much work do we do on
spontaneous basis? This is what would
really express your vocation… that extra
Finally, on 23rd May we will have the
beatification of Sr. Irene Stefani, prepared
by a vigil on 16th May at the Parish and
an International Missionary Conference
in CUEA to reflect on the work of the
missionaries, which helped to mold the
Church and the society in Kenya. How
can we enhance hands and work closer
together? In that context it is nice to
remember the words of our father of the
nation, “The Church is the conscience
of society, and today a society needs a
conscience. Do not be afraid to speak. If
we go wrong and you keep quiet, one day
you may have to answer for our mistakes”
“My mother and my brothers are those who
hear the word of God and act on it.” (Lk 8:21)
(In his speech to AMECEA
bishops in 1976).
Lastly, we keep some projects
running in the Church.
We have acquired a new
generator, since the previous
one had already been utilized
for the recommended number
of years. We are making
steps to do the roofing of
the Church, since there are
some leakages, and we need
to maintain the Church well!
We are still doing work to
improve acoustics; we want to improve in the
lightening systems with new technology; you
have seen some provisional sitting arrangement
outside the church… why not turn it into
something permanent? Should we increase the
screens outside and inside? Hopefully soon we
will have in our hands the new hymn-book! But
of course, all this also needs finances… Any of
you who is able to come and give us a hand in
whichever way… karibu sana!
All in all, I am sure that it is a blessed time…
signed also by the rains that we are having
these days. May God bless you, let us pray for
one another, and let us ask our Blessed Mother
to be always our consolation and intercessor.
May Blessed Joseph Allamano and Servant of
God Sr. Irene Stefani, intercede for us, to know
Him more, to love Him and to serve Him better. CE
Fr Daniel Bertea, Father In-charge
May 2015 :: Vol 15: Iss 05 :: 3
Pentecost’s Holy Gifts…
Make us better than Solomon…
if we choose them
A reflection on the Newbies of Christ, God’s supreme gift to man.
Newness is always a bit fearful yet we must all
encounter it by the horns to emerge in the next
level. Pentecost is the Greek word for “the fiftieth
day” also called the Feast of Weeks, a prominent
feast in the calendar of ancient Israel celebrating
the giving of the Law on Sinai.
It became a feast commemorating the
descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and
other followers of Jesus Christ (120 in all), as
described in the Acts of the Apostles 2:1–31. For
this reason, Pentecost is sometimes described
by some Christians today as the “Birthday of the
Church”. And it surely must be.
It falls exactly 40 days after Easter and
represents the day that Jesus sent a counselor,
an advocate to dwell in the hearts of his
followers. Through the gift of the spirit followers
of Christ are gathered into one body with new
understanding of the life, death and resurrection
of Jesus.
Through the action of the spirit in their lives
Jesus is again made present.
Gifts of the Spirit
The gifts of the Holy Spirit (Isaiah 11:2-3) are
present in their fullness in Jesus Christ but are
found in all Christians who are in a state of
grace. We receive them when we are infused
4 :: Vol 15: Iss 05 :: May 2015
with sanctifying grace, the life of God within us—
as, for example, when we receive a sacrament
1. Wisdom
Wisdom is the first and highest gift of the
Holy Spirit, because it is the perfection of the
theological virtue of faith. Solomon asked for it
and The Lord was truly happy.
Through wisdom, we value properly those
things which we believe through faith. The truths
of Christian belief are more important than the
things of this world, and wisdom helps us to order
our relationship to the created world properly,
loving Creation for the sake of God, rather than
for its own sake.
2. Understanding
Understanding is the second gift of the Holy
Spirit, and people sometimes have a hard time
understanding how it differs from wisdom.
While wisdom is the desire to contemplate
the things of God, understanding allows us
grasp, at least in a limited way, the very essence
of the truths of the Catholic Faith. Through
understanding, we gain a certitude about our
beliefs that moves beyond faith.
“My mother and my brothers are those who
hear the word of God and act on it.” (Lk 8:21)
3. Counsel
Counsel, the third gift of the Holy Spirit, is the
perfection of the cardinal virtue of prudence.
Prudence can be practiced by anyone, but
counsel is supernatural. Through this gift of the
Holy Spirit, we are able to judge how best to act
almost by intuition. Because of the gift of counsel,
Christians need not fear to stand up for the
truths of the Faith, because the Holy Spirit will
guide us in defending those truths.
6. Piety
Piety, the sixth gift of the Holy Spirit, is the
perfection of the virtue of religion. While we
tend to think of religion today as the external
elements of our faith, it really means the
willingness to worship and to serve God. Piety
takes that willingness beyond a sense of duty, so
that we desire to worship God and to serve Him
out of love, the way that we desire to honor our
parents and do what they wish.
4. Fortitude
While counsel is the perfection of a cardinal
virtue, fortitude is both a gift of the Holy Spirit
and a cardinal virtue. Fortitude is ranked as
the fourth gift of the Holy Spirit because it
gives us the strength to follow through on the
actions suggested by the gift of counsel. While
fortitude is sometimes called courage, it goes
beyond what we normally think of as courage.
Fortitude is the virtue of the martyrs that allows
them to suffer death rather than to renounce the
Christian Faith like say, in ISIS attacks.
7. Fear of the Lord
The seventh and final gift of the Holy Spirit is the
fear of the Lord, and perhaps no other gift of the
Holy Spirit is so misunderstood. We think of fear
and hope as opposites, but the fear of the Lord
confirms the theological virtue of hope. This gift
of the Holy Spirit gives us the desire not to offend
God, as well as the certainty that God will supply
us the grace that we need in order to keep from
offending Him. Our desire not to offend God is
more than simply a sense of duty; like piety, the
fear of the Lord arises out of love.
The flame of love is the flame of God.
The tongues of fire over the apostles and the
followers of Jesus were flames of love…that
would burn on the inside forever.
Today at Pentecost, we receive this awakening
so that we are shaped and smoothed by the
flames and our elements may be counseled by
the spirit that lives in us, readying us for the
next-level life. CE
5. Knowledge
The fifth gift of the Holy Spirit is knowledge. Like
wisdom, knowledge is the perfection of faith, but
whereas wisdom gives us the desire to judge
all things according to the truths of the Catholic
Faith, knowledge is the actual ability to do so.
Like counsel, it is aimed at our actions in this
life. In a limited way, knowledge allows us to see
the circumstances of our life the way that God sees
them. Through this gift of the Holy Spirit, we can
determine God’s purpose for our lives and live
them accordingly.
“My mother and my brothers are those who
hear the word of God and act on it.” (Lk 8:21)
Compiled by;
Richard Kitheka.
Communications Committee, Consolata Shrine.
May 2015 :: Vol 15: Iss 05 :: 5
Message from the Pope
World Communication Day
Pope Francis message on the
49th World Communications Day
Theme: “Communicating the Family: A Privileged
Place of Encounter with the Gift of Love”.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The family is a subject of profound reflection
by the Church and of a process involving two
Synods: the recent extraordinary assembly
and the ordinary assembly scheduled for
next October. So I thought it appropriate
that the theme for the next World
Communications Day should have the family
as its point of reference. After all, it is in the
context of the family that we first learn how
to communicate.
We can draw inspiration from the Gospel
passage which relates the visit of Mary to
Elizabeth (Lk 1:39-56). “When Elizabeth
heard Mary’s greeting, the infant leaped in
her womb, and Elizabeth, filled with the Holy
Spirit, cried out in a loud voice and said, ‘Most
blessed are you among women, and blessed
is the fruit of your womb’.” (vv. 41-42).
This episode first shows us how
communication is a dialogue intertwined
with the language of the body. The first
response to Mary’s greeting is given by the
child, who leaps for joy in the womb of
Elizabeth. The womb which hosts us is the
first “school” of communication. Even after we
have come into the world, in some sense we
are still in a “womb”, which is the family.
6 :: Vol 15: Iss 05 :: May 2015
A womb made up of various interrelated
persons: the family is “where we learn to
live with others despite our differences”
(Evangelii Gaudium, 66). It is in the family
that we learn to speak our “mother tongue”,
the language of those who have gone before
us. (cf. 2 Macc 7:25, 27). In the family we
realise that others have preceded us, they
made it possible for us to exist and in our
turn to generate life and to do something
good and beautiful. We can give because we
have received.
In the family, we learn to embrace and
support one another, to discern the meaning
of facial expressions and moments of silence,
to laugh and cry together with people
who did not choose one other yet are so
important to each other. More than anywhere
else, the family is where we daily experience
our own limits and those of others, the
problems great and small entailed in living
peacefully with others. A perfect family does
not exist. The family, where we keep loving
one another despite our limits and sins, thus
becomes a school of forgiveness.
When it comes to the challenges of
communication, families who have children
with one or more disabilities have much
to teach us. A motor, sensory or mental
limitation can be a reason for closing in on
“My mother and my brothers are those who
hear the word of God and act on it.” (Lk 8:21)
ourselves, but it can also become, thanks to
the love of parents, siblings and friends, an
incentive to openness, sharing and ready
communication with all.
Today, the modern media, which are an
essential part of life for young people
in particular, can be both a help and a
hindrance to communication in and between
families. The media can be a hindrance if
they become a way to avoid listening to
others, to evade physical contact, to fill up
every moment of silence and rest, so that we
forget that “silence is an integral element
of communication; in its absence, words
rich in content cannot exist.” (BENEDICT XVI,
Message for the 2012 World Communications
Day). The media can help communication
when they enable people to share their
stories, to stay in contact with distant friends,
to thank others or to seek their forgiveness,
and to open the door to new encounters.
By growing daily in our awareness of the
vital importance of encountering others,
these “new possibilities”, we will employ
technology wisely, rather than letting
“My mother and my brothers are those who
hear the word of God and act on it.” (Lk 8:21)
ourselves be dominated by it. Here too,
parents are the primary educators, but they
cannot be left to their own devices. The
Christian community is called to help them
in teaching children how to live in a media
environment in a way consonant with the
dignity of the human person and service of
the common good.
At times the media can tend to present the
family as a kind of abstract model which
has to be accepted or rejected, defended
or attacked, rather than as a living reality.
Or else a ground for ideological clashes
rather than as a setting where we can all
learn what it means to communicate in a
love received and returned. Relating our
experiences means realising that our lives
are bound together as a single reality that
our voices are many, and that each is unique.
Edited by Stephen Ndegwa
The 49th World Communications Day will be
celebrated on Sunday 17th May, 2015. This
is an abridged version. Get the full text at
May 2015 :: Vol 15: Iss 05 :: 7
St. Joseph
Mtakatifu Yosefu –
Mlizi wa wafanyi kazi
Mtakatifu Yosefu kadiri ya injili alikuwa
mumewe Bikira Maria na baba mlinzi wa
Yesu Christo. Hawa watatu ndio walikuwa
wameiunda familia takatifu tunavyo ijua
sisi Wakristo. Ujuzi wetu unatoka kwa kitabu
kitakatifu cha bibilia. Walakini hamna mengi
kumhusu Yosefu. Katika injili ya mtakatifu
Mathayo, tunajulishwa yakwamba kazi yake
ya maishi alikuwa fundi. Tena katika hii njili
sawa na injili ya mtakatifu Luka, tunaelezwa
kwamba alitoka katika ukoo wa kifalme wa
yumba ya Daudi.
Ila na hayo tunajua kwamba Yosefu alikua
mtu mwaminifu kwa Mungu. Maanaka
alimchukua Maria kuwa bibi yake wakati
roho mtakatifu alikuwa tayari ametenda
miujiza na Maria alikuwa mja mzito. Hicho
peke yake ni kitendo cha imani ambayo
haina kipimo. Aliitunza heshima yake Maria
na pia mtoto Yesu na kuwahakikishia ulinzi
katika jamii. Jambo ambalo ilikuwa la maana
sana siku za kale na vile, vile siku hizi.
Utumishi kwa neno la mungu
Imani ya Mtakatifu Yosefu pia inaoyesha
kisawa sawa kwa vitendo viake vya kutii
neno lake Mungu, bila kuipinga kwa njia
lolote lile, ata haswa kwa mambo yale
binadamu kwa maumbile yake angeuliza
maswali mingi sana. Yosefu alipo julishwa na
malaika hali yake Maria, na kwamba mtoto
atakae zaliwa ataitwa Yesu, roho yake ilijaa
amani na akatenda alipoaambiwa.
8 :: Vol 15: Iss 05 :: May 2015
hata wakati ule tulipokuwapo kwenu
tuliwaagiza neno hili, kwamba ikiwa mtu
hataki kufanya kazi, basi, asile chakula. Hiki
kifungo’’. Mtume Paulo alikuwa akionyesha
umuhimu wa kazi za mikono ya binaadamu.
Kazi kwa pamoja na kwa nguvu
Yale mambo yote huwa tunaelezwa katika
uwaja wa Uhuru, ama kwa kikao chochote
kile, siku ya wafanyi kazi ni ya muhimu
sana, kwetu kama wafanyi kazi na pia kama
wakristo. Mana biblia tunapo isoma vizuri
imetoa amri yingi kwa wafanyi kazi zinazo
ambatana na matakwa ya kikazi. Mambo
ya kuungana mikono ndio tujenge taifa
letu, majamii zetu na parokia zetu tayari
yametolea amri na Mungu.
Kadiri ya torati ya Musa, siku nane baada ya
mtoto kuzaliwa, Yosefu alimpa mtoto jina lile
alioambiwa na Malaika wakati wa tohara la
mtoto. Siku arobaini zilizo pita alimpeleka
hekaluni Yerusalemu.
Sherehe yake kuhusu wafanyi kazi
Katika mwaka wa elfu moja mia tisa na
hamsini na tano baba mtakatifu Pius XIII
alitoa uamuzi kwamba sherehe ya mtakatifu
Yosefu italinganishwa na ile ya wafanyikazi
ulimwengu mzima yani “Labour Day’ ambo
husherekwa tarahe moja Mai, kila mwaka.
Maoni ya baba mtakatifu kwa wakati ule,
yali kuwa kwamba ali kuwa ametajwa katika
maandishi matakatifu kama fundi. Kama
ilikuwavyo siku hizo zakale mtoto alikuwa
akifunzwa utenda kazi na mzazi kulingana na
biashara yake mzazi. Kwa hivo vile, vile katika
maisha yake ya kibinadamu na kabla Yesu
kuanza kuhubiri, alikuwa fundi kama baba
yake, ulimwenguni. Tunaonyeshwa na kazi
ya Yosefu kwamba utenda kazi, kwa mikono
au kwa akili ni sawa na nia yake Mungu
kwamba binaadamu atatunzwa na mazao ya
mikono yake. Kwa hivo mkistru mwenzangu
kazi ya mikono yako ina furahisha Mungu
ikiwa wewe unaunda viti au unajenga kanisa.
kupenda na pia kuunda. Katika kazi ile yote
tunayo ifanya tunaagizwa kuwa na mazao
mema. Haswa ndio haya maazao iweze ya
kuchangia ujenzi wa mwili wa Yesu Christo.
Na kwa kazi zote tunazo fanya, kuna hadhi
na thamana speciali kwa kazi ya ulinzi and
uchungaji wa jamii. Iwe ni jamii yako kama
mzazi au mtoto au ni jamii yako kama padre
ama muchungaji.
Haki ya kazi
Kulingana na maandishi matakatifu haki ya
kazi iko na tofauti kidogo na vile tuanavyo
ielewa leo ama siku hizi. Binaadamu
amepewa kipawa na mungu kwa mawazo,
Usipo fanya kazi usile
Katika waraka wa mtume Paulo kwa
Wathesalonika, sura ya tatu, mstari wa kumi
(1 Th:3:10) tunahimizwa hivi: ‘’ Kwa kuwa
“My mother and my brothers are those who
hear the word of God and act on it.” (Lk 8:21)
Pia kuna ule ubinadamu ambao tunafaa
tufanyie wanao tufanyia kazi. Tukikumbuka
kwamba kazi zetu zina jenga Mwili wa Kristo,
tutatenda haki kazini na kwa wafanya kazi
wetu, pia.
“My mother and my brothers are those who
hear the word of God and act on it.” (Lk 8:21)
Katika kitabu cha Mhubiri jambo la kazi
kwa pamoja (yaani teamwork) linatiliwa
maanani. ‘Afadhali kuwa wawili kuliko
mmoja; Maana wapata ijara njema kwa kazi
yao’ (Mh:4:9).
Wafanyi kazi wa Mungu
Tena kwa waraka wa Mtume Paulo kwa
Wakorintho (3:9) Mungu anatuhakikishia
kwamba sisi ni wafanyi kazi wake, pamoja
naye. ‘Maana sisi tu wafanya kazi pamoja na
Mungu; ninyi ni shamba la Mungu, ni jengo
la Mungu.’ Malipo gani mengine tungependa
kwa mwito wetu, isipokuwa hayo.
Sherehe kwa kazi zetu
Kwa hivo sikuku ya “Labour Day’’ ama ya
wafanyi kazi ni ya muhimu sana kwetu sote.
Tunafaa twende tusherekee na tujivinjari
tukiwa pamoja na Yosefu mtakatifu mlizi wa
wafanyi kazi wote. CE
Muthoni Thang’wa
Kamati ya Mawasiliano
May 2015 :: Vol 15: Iss 05 :: 9
Pictures courtesy of Eric Fernandes
Paschal Triduum 2015
Fr. Viotto celebrating Easter Sunday,
also seen in the pictures, the Easter
candle and the Holy Oils.
Holy Thursday, an intial power outage had the church lit with candles reminding us of what it
must have been like during the last supper of Jesus, with the washing of the feet of the disciples.
Good Friday, commemorating the Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross.
Parishioners venerating the Jesus on the Cross.
10 :: Vol 15: Iss 05 :: May 2015
“My mother and my brothers are those who
hear the word of God and act on it.” (Lk 8:21)
Celebrating the Feast of Divine Mercy, celebrating the mass was Bishop Kamau.
Easter Concert held on the 26th April 2015
“My mother and my brothers are those who
hear the word of God and act on it.” (Lk 8:21)
May 2015 :: Vol 15: Iss 05 :: 11
Charity Projects
The Consolata Youth
Rehabilitation Programme
Consolata Youth Rehabilitation Programme
(Coyrep) is a non-governmental organisation
registered in August 2001. The programme
was started as an initiative of the Consolata
Shrine Catholic Parish in Westlands, Nairobi.
It is located at the Deep Sea slums in
Westlands and focuses its efforts on offering
hope to the needy people of these slums,
including street children through promotion
of education, health, financial empowerment
and sanitation. Out of 60,000 people served
by Consolata Parish, 20 per cent are either
very poor or jobless.
Deep Sea is one of the hardest hit areas by
poverty in Kenya. It is home to approximately
10,000 people. The influx of large numbers
of people to Nairobi city from rural areas
has seen a lot of people get frustrated and
eventually engage in unorthodox ways of
making a living, some of which are unlawful.
Children and youth remain the main victims
of this sorry state of affairs as parents are
unable to support them. Consequently, they
drop out of school. Without education, these
young people, especially girls, are faced with
the reality of becoming mothers prematurely.
Some of them engage in underage sexual
12 :: Vol 15: Iss 05 :: May 2015
activities, which results in early pregnancies.
Without jobs, these young mothers end up
begging or engaging in transactional sex
in order to make a living and support their
children. As a result, more children are born
and more HIV/AIDS infections take place.
Coyrep uses a four-pronged approach to
reach out to the disadvantaged within
Deep Sea and surrounding communities.
This comprises education, health, economic
empowerment and, water and Sanitation.
The programme targets the entire Deep
Sea community. Potential beneficiaries
undergo social and economical assessment
for the determination of their history and
possible selection to the most appropriate
programmes. However, all beneficiaries
must attain all requirements as stipulated
in organisation’s policy. The programme
is supported mainly by donors including
Consolata Parish and well-wishers. Afrikasi
from Italy support the school project and
Afrika Rafiki.
Health programme
People living in Deep Sea are very poor and
cannot afford commercial medical services.
“My mother and my brothers are those who
hear the word of God and act on it.” (Lk 8:21)
and beauty. However, the programme gives
priority to young mothers, especially the
single ones, and the youth. After training they
are encouraged to start their own businesses.
The Consolata Shrine Clinic offers accessible
and affordable services for the needy through
subsidised charges. It provides diagnostic,
curative and preventive services, and
referrals for complicated cases. In addition,
the clinic is engaged in counselling and HIV/
AIDS services, sensitization and advocacy
on hygiene practices through community
health workers. If need be, a patient may
buy drugs from other pharmacists. Special
cases like orphans, street children and the
extremely poor are treated free of charge
at our clinic and are assisted by the parish
in case of referral to other hospitals. Every
month clinic serves about 126 -150 patients.
The dispensary organizes free medical camps
in November every year which reaches more
than 350 people,
This pillar supports children from Deep Sea
by offering scholarships and a free feeding
programme. The project is sponsored
by Afrikasi through Coyrep. Each year,
Coyrep sponsors 120 children in nursery
school. Other activities offered under this
pillar include basic health and sanitation,
educational trips and recreation, and
child formation programmes. To date 250
primary school children have benefited
from scholarships. Coyrep also offers free
secondary school education to 25 children
from the slum.
At the tertiary level, two students have
already graduated with degrees, two are
waiting to graduate at the same level, six
have received diplomas from colleges and
six have graduated with informal diplomas
Economic empowerment
This programme seeks to engage Deep Sea
residents in activities aimed at increasing
their income and thus reduce the high levels
of poverty. This entails training on dress
making (tailoring), crafting, hairdressing
“My mother and my brothers are those who
hear the word of God and act on it.” (Lk 8:21)
May 2015 :: Vol 15: Iss 05 :: 13
from other informal colleges. In 2014, one of
the boys under Coyrep scholarship, Wilson
Sewe, scored a mean grade of A in the Kenya
Certificate of Secondary Education while a
girl, Sheela Njambi, scored an A- in the same
exam. What they now need is university fees
and personal allowances since they come
from very poor families. Master Raphael
Omondi emerged one of the best pupils in
the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education
by scoring 404 marks and was admitted at
Starehe Boys Centre under the Equity Bank
Foundation’s Wings to Fly scholarship scheme.
This year 16 pupils under COYREP/Afrikasi
sponsorship scored 300 marks and above,
and joined various secondary schools.
Unfortunately, the budget is becoming
squeezed due to the growing number
of beneficiaries. Every child needs
approximately Shs 4500 per term at primary
level and Shs 25,000 per term for secondary
school. The feeding programme at the
nursery school needs porridge and lunch for
the children. Even one packet of unga will
Water and sanitation
Being an informal settlement, Deep Sea does
not have adequate toilets and the residents
have become accustomed to flying toilets.
This has seen the people suffer from lack of
hygiene related diseases such as cholera and
14 :: Vol 15: Iss 05 :: May 2015
Charity Projects
typhoid. Lack of clean drinking water also
remains a huge challenge to the residents of
this slum but with help from other partners,
the residents have been provided with
washrooms and safe drinking water. Still,
there is need for community mobilisation
and sensitisation to ensure that all in the
slums uphold the value of living in a clean
Social work office
This department deals with all cases of a
social nature either from Deep Sea village
or within the parish. The parish also assists
with transport for persons who would wish
to travel back home from the village to their
upcountry homes, especially for those who
are sick. It also provides bereaved families
with financial assistance during burial
preparations, particularly those who are
beneficiaries of the charity project.
Between January to April this year, over 90
families were assisted with food both at the
parish and Deep Sea. Each family receives
4kg packet of unga every Wednesday and
1kg of beans every fortnight at a cost of
approximately Shs 20, 000 per week. On
special occasions like Easter, Consolata Day
and Christmas, the families receive 1kg of
rice, 4kg of unga, 1kg of sugar, 500g of tea
leaves, 100g of salt and 1kg of cooking fat at
a cost of Shs 50,000.
“My mother and my brothers are those who
hear the word of God and act on it.” (Lk 8:21)
School fees
The committee
pays school
fees for 48
students across
various schools
in the country.
Forty four
students are
in secondary
school, three in
university and
one in special
Beneficiriaries after receiving their daily ration
school. While
majority of
pass through the slum. Therefore, training
the students are from Deep Sea, others are
on entrepreneurship would empower these
selected from the parish based on the needs
women economically and ensure they can
of the child and his or her family. In January
safely provide for their families without
2015, the committee paid a total of Shs 279,
having to expose themselves to danger. The
300 in school fees. The committee pays a
women should be trained on different skills,
quarter of the fees and parents clear the
especially those that can make use of locally
balance. However, if the student comes from
available materials. But to achieve all these
a very poor family, then the committee pays
will require the support of all those who are
a half of the fees. The parish also assists very
able to contribute to the worthy causes and
needy parents to purchase school uniform for
make a difference in the lives of the less
children joining school for the first time.
fortunate among us. CE
Lack of employment in Deep Sea has led
many women into dubious ways of making a
living for their families. Besides, women here
simply idle around waiting for alms from
well-wishers, especially wealthy residents
of the neighbouring upmarket estates who
“My mother and my brothers are those who
hear the word of God and act on it.” (Lk 8:21)
By Cornel Mwiru
Coyrep Project Coordinator
For further enquiries and donations please
contact the Parish office
Mobile: 0722615105
May 2015 :: Vol 15: Iss 05 :: 15
Children’s Corner
A word of hope for those
hurting from Garissa attack
It is now slightly over a month since one of
the most deadly terrorist attacks this country
has experienced took place. On April 2nd,
2015 about four gunmen shot their way into
the Garissa University College at dawn. By
the time they were eliminated by the Kenyan
security forces before dusk, 148 bodies lay
lifeless in the rooms and corridors of the
institution. What makes it more of a tragedy
is the fact that almost all the deceased were
young men and women whose parents had
sacrificed a comfortable life to invest in their
education. It was a great loss for the Kenyan
society as a whole.
Indeed, as Christians, we are feeling heavily
laden with this apparent persecution not just
in Kenya, but in several terrorism hotspots
around the world. But those who believe
in the Lord’s faithfulness will take comfort
in Paul’s words in Philippians 4:6-7 “Do not be anxious about anything,
but in everything by prayer and
supplication with thanksgiving
let your requests be made
known to God. And the peace
of God, which surpasses all
understanding, will guard
your hearts and your minds
in Christ Jesus.” That it does
not help to be anxious.
Rather, we should continue to
pray without ceasing for the
needs of this nation. Of course,
16 :: Vol 15: Iss 05 :: May 2015
it is not easy to tell those who lost their
dear ones to continue trusting in God. After
all, where was he when those children and
their parents needed Him most? But more
comfort to withstand life’s challenges are
found in the following verse in 2 Corinthians
4: 8-9 - “We are afflicted in every way, but not
crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair;
persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down,
but not destroyed”. We are also advised to
leave revenge to Him that knows how best
to do it.
The Coming of the Holy Spirit
Acts 2: 1-11
‘’When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And
suddenly came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire
house in which they were. The appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and
came to rest on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit….’
Colour Me…
Therefore, for those who continue to
persecute us, we say in the words of Romans
12: 17-21: “Repay no one evil for evil, but
give thought to do what is honourable in the
sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends
on you, live peaceably with all. Beloved,
never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the
wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance
is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” To the
contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him;
if he is thirsty, give him something to
drink; for by so doing you will heap
burning coals on his head.” Do not
be overcome by evil, but overcome
evil with good”.
Stephen Ndegwa
Communications Committee
“My mother and my brothers are those who
hear the word of God and act on it.” (Lk 8:21)
“My mother and my brothers are those who
hear the word of God and act on it.” (Lk 8:21)
May 2015 :: Vol 15: Iss 05 :: 17
Children’s Corner
The twelve Fruits of the Holy Spirit are charity (or love), joy, peace, patience, benignity
(or kindness), goodness, longanimity (or long suffering), mildness, faith, modesty,
continency, and chastity. The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are wisdom, understanding,
counsel, fortitude (or courage), knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.
Search for the words in bold below…
Come Oh Holy Spirit: I Humbly ask you to be with me so that I may think, speak
and act only according to your Holy Inspirations. Amen
Remember, this is your page. Send us your stories, drawings, jokes, and complete
work from this page. Put the work in an envelope and address to CHILDREN
a Drop Box that is at the Bookshop near the gate.
By Lilian Indombera, Communication Committee
18 :: Vol 15: Iss 05 :: May 2015
“My mother and my brothers are those who
hear the word of God and act on it.” (Lk 8:21)
Sacraments of Christian Initiation during Easter 2015
For Baptism;
1. Anne Wangui Karoki
2. Bancy Nyanjuki Njaramba
3. Betty Mali Mwiu
4. Charles Munene Kuria
5. Damaris Munyiva
6. David Githu
7. Edwin Omulama Onditi
8. Elizabeth Okulo
9. Esther Waithira
10. Gertzel Shivachi
11. John Mutua Mutunga
12. Joyce Waithera Kamau
13. Juliet Mueni
14. Kevin Maina
15. Leah Nyambura
16. Lee Komora
17. Lindah Imali Agava
18. Mary Mutungi
19. Mayombe Odubah
20. Monica Mulewa Annah
21. Rebecca Wegoki
22. Simon Muraguri Ngaragari
23. Stanley Shivega Khayumbi
24. Winny Wakesho
25. Ruth Mwelu
26. James Kutenga
Reception into Full Communion of the Catholic Church;
1. Caroline Asuko
2. Caroline Wambui Kariuki
3. Doreen Wanjiru Kibia
4. Felistas Deliah Njeri
5. Francis Kinuthia Nganga
6. Judy Muthoni Ndiritu
7. Margaret Nthemba Muua
8. Mary Wairimu
9. Monica Wanjiku Mwangi
10. Monica Wanjiru Njenga
11. Peris Wanjiku Ranji
12. Josephine Ndungwa Mututa
Marriage Banns in May 2015;
1. Benedette Wavinya Mutisya and Stephen Njenga Githinji
2. Magdalene Mutheu Makau and Stephen Mutinda Ndeto
3. Rachel Njoki Gichuki and James Chege Mbiu
4. Esther Wagutu Muturi and Paul Kimani Kuria
5. Rosemary Makhulo Namenya and Nicholas Otieno Okeyo
1. Caroline Nyambura Wanyee
2. Fidelis Kusinyo
3. Frida Kerubo Makori
4. Grace Immanuela Nyambura Murikwa
5. Josephat Gichuki
6. Marceline Muhenji
7. Margaret Nduta Macharia
8. Vanessa Wangui Makumi
9. Winfred Gathoni Njenga
Infant Baptism April 2015;
1. Daphine Mandera of Delilah Kemuma and Gilbert
2. Genevive Moraa of Daphine Mandera and Ireneus
3. Ethan Onyango of Lily Jepchirchir and Bernard Omondi
4. Dan Kibet of Caroline Chemutai and William Kipkemei
“My mother and my brothers are those who
hear the word of God and act on it.” (Lk 8:21)
Ivan Kiprop of Caroline Chemutai and William K.Kemboi
Conrado Maina of Mary Wanjiru and Edward Mwangi
Corrado Mbau of Mary Wanjiru and Edward Mwangi
John Kigathi of Caroline Njeri and John Ndungu
Emily Miroyo of Evelyne Njeri and David Wafula Sajabi
Jason Mwenda of Fridah Nkatha and David Machio
Zara Marie Rima of Catherine Nzisa and Dennis Kimathi
Jason Kimani of Judith Wangari and Daudi Kimathi
Emmanuel Gitari of Irene Njambi and Simon Thiongo
Ryan Muigai of Vivian Kasudi and Hillary Maina
Arthur Ndungu of Monica Nyambura and Kenneth
Zawadi Mueni of Mwihaki Muchiri and Daniel Mutinda
Alvinia Watiri of Phylis Wambui
Adrian Reynold of Mary P. Nyawira and Njuguna Njoroge
Ethan Kipngetich of Nancy Karimi and Eric Kiprono
Mercy T. Njeri of Rose Wangari and John Karanja
Elizabeth Wairimu of Margaret Riziki and Nicholas
Justine P. Nyaga of Margaret Riziki and Nicholas Karuingi
Iskander Phoenix of Yara Shamji and Matthew Cousin
If anyone knows of any particular reason why the above
ceremony cannot take place, should immediately report to the
Parish Priest.
Marriages in April 2015;
1. Judy Wanjira Njagi and Christopher Ngige Munene
2. Priscilla Khamati and Charles Kipkemoi Chelimo
3. Winny Wakesho Juma and Wycliffe Kungune Mukhwana
4. Lynette Wambui Waweru and George Kariuki Kingori
Deceased of the Parish;
Name of deceased
Elizabeth Njeri Ngugi
Joakim Kizito Charles Augustine Ikaal
Patrick Nyabogo Ngate
Thomas Shikho Khalakuli
Angel Dinah Maina Muchori
Date of death
Eternal rest grant unto them. And let perpetual light shine upon
them. May their souls rest in peace. Amen.
By Sammy Kakai, Catechist, Consolata Shrine
May 2015 :: Vol 15: Iss 05 :: 19
Missionary intention: That Mary’s intercession may help Christians in secularized cultures be ready to
proclaim Jesus.
Pilgrimage with Our Lady Consolata to parishioners’ homes
Sat 9: 9 Saturdays of preparation for Solemnity of Our Lady Consolata, our Patroness 3
Charismatic Prayer Day in Preparation for Pentecost Novena at Consolata, 2-5pm
PMC Mass (zone B, Kikuyu, Western and Central Deaneries)
Sun 10: Sixth Sunday of Easter
Legion of Mary Annual Mass (St Mary’s Msongari)
Wed 13: Memorial of Our Lady of Fatima
Thu 14: Feast of St. Matthias, apostle
Fri 15: Pentecost Novena Starts (Charismatic Group to co-ordinate)
Sat 16: 9 Saturdays of preparation for Solemnity of Our Lady Consolata, our Patroness 4
Sun 17: Solemnity of Ascension of the Lord
Executive meeting 10.30am
Third Week of May: National, Choir spiritual retreats
Fri 22: Youth Dinner (Arch) – Tin Tin Restaurant, KICC for all youth
Sat 23: Vigil of the Solemnity of Pentecost
9 Saturdays of preparation for Solemnity of Our Lady Consolata, our Patroness 5
Beatification of Sr. Irene - Nyeri
Deanery Youth Pentecostal Vigil, St. Francis Xavier Parklands???
Sun 24: Solemnity of Pentecost Sunday
Parish Council meeting 10.30am (AGM)
Renewal vows for the Proclaimers (10.30am)
Formation class for parents and Godparents of infant baptism 3:00pm
Fri 29: CYG Youth Camp
Sat 30: On Going Formation for Children that have received 1st Holy Communion from 10 am to 1
Baptism of Infants at 2.30 pm
9 Saturdays of preparation for Solemnity of Our Lady Consolata, our Patroness 6
CYG Youth Camp. Youth Archd Sports, Kilimambogo T.T. College.
Sun 31: Solemnity of The Most Holy Trinity.
Children’s Mass at 9 am
CYG Youth camp
Published by the Communications Committee • The Consolata Parish, Nrb • Tel: 254 722 615 105 •