Disclosure - contego capital


Disclosure - contego capital
Office Address:
2810 Powder Ridge Drive
Bismarck, ND 58503
Local: 701-277-8105
Facsimile: 701-478-7061
This brochure provides information about the qualifications and business practices of Contego
Capital Advisors, LLC. Being registered as a registered investment adviser does not imply a
certain level of skill or training. If you have any questions about the contents of this brochure,
i has not been approved or
please contact us at 701-277-8105. The information in this brochure
verified by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, or by any state securities
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC
Additional information about Contego Capital Advisors, LLC (IARD#128518) is available on
the SEC’s website at www.adviserinfo.sec.gov
APRIL 3, 2015
Item 2: Material Changes
Annual Update
The Material Changes section of this brochure will be updated annually or when material
changes occur since the previous release of the Firm Brochure.
Material Changes since the Last Update
Since the last filing of this brochure on March 16, 2015, the firm’s main email address has
been changed. No material change shave occurred.
Full Brochure Available
This Firm Brochure being delivered is the complete brochure for the Firm.
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC
Item 3: Table of Contents
Form ADV – Part 2A – Firm Brochure
Item 1: Cover Page
Item 2: Material Changes ............................................................................................................... ii
Annual Update ................................................................................................................................................................... ii
Material Changes since the Last Update.................................................................................................................. ii
Full Brochure Available.................................................................................................................................................. ii
Item 3: Table of Contents .............................................................................................................. iii
Item 4: Advisory Business ............................................................................................................. 1
Firm Description ............................................................................................................................................................... 1
Types of Advisory Services ........................................................................................................................................... 1
Client Tailored Services and Client Imposed Restrictions............................................................................... 3
Wrap Fee Programs ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Client Assets under Management .............................................................................................................................. 3
Item 5: Fees and Compensation ................................................................................................... 3
Method of Compensation and Fee Schedule .......................................................................................................... 3
Client Payment of Fees ................................................................................................................................................... 5
Additional Client Fees Charged ................................................................................................................................... 5
Prepayment of Client Fees ............................................................................................................................................ 5
External Compensation for the Sale of Securities to Clients ........................................................................... 5
Item 6: Performance-Based Fees and Side-by-Side Management ...................................... 5
Sharing of Capital Gains ................................................................................................................................................. 5
Item 7: Types of Clients .................................................................................................................. 5
Description .......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Account Minimums .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Item 8: Methods of Analysis, Investment Strategies and Risk of Loss ............................... 6
Methods of Analysis ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Investment Strategy ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
Security Specific Material Risks .................................................................................................................................. 6
Item 9: Disciplinary Information................................................................................................. 7
Criminal or Civil Actions ................................................................................................................................................ 7
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC
Administrative Enforcement Proceedings ............................................................................................................. 7
Self-Regulatory Organization Enforcement Proceedings ................................................................................ 7
Item 10: Other Financial Industry Activities and Affiliations ............................................. 8
Broker-Dealer or Representative Registration .................................................................................................... 8
Futures or Commodity Registration ......................................................................................................................... 8
Material Relationships Maintained by this Advisory Business and Conflicts of Interest ................... 8
Recommendations or Selections of Other Investment Contego Capital Advisors, LLCs and
Conflicts of Interest.......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Item 11: Code of Ethics, Participation or Interest in Client Transactions and Personal
Trading ............................................................................................................................................... 9
Code of Ethics Description ............................................................................................................................................ 9
Investment Recommendations Involving a Material Financial Interest and Conflict of Interest. 10
Advisory Firm Purchase of Same Securities Recommended to Clients and Conflicts of Interest 10
Client Securities Recommendations or Trades and Concurrent Advisory Firm Securities
Transactions and Conflicts of Interest .................................................................................................................. 10
Item 12: Brokerage Practices ..................................................................................................... 10
Factors Used to Select Broker-Dealers for Client Transactions ................................................................. 10
Aggregating Securities Transactions for Client Accounts ............................................................................. 12
Item 13: Review of Accounts ....................................................................................................... 12
Schedule for Periodic Review of Client Accounts or Financial Plans and Advisory Persons
Involved ............................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Review of Client Accounts on Non-Periodic Basis ........................................................................................... 12
Content of Client Provided Reports and Frequency........................................................................................ 12
Item 14: Client Referrals and Other Compensation ............................................................. 12
Economic benefits provided to the Advisory Firm from External Sources and Conflicts of
Interest ............................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Advisory Firm Payments for Client Referrals .................................................................................................... 13
Item 15: Custody ............................................................................................................................ 13
Account Statements ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
Item 16: Investment Discretion ................................................................................................. 13
Discretionary Authority for Trading...................................................................................................................... 13
Item 17: Voting Client Securities ............................................................................................... 14
Proxy Votes ...................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC
Item 18: Financial Information .................................................................................................. 14
Balance Sheet .................................................................................................................................................................. 14
Financial Conditions Reasonably Likely to Impair Advisory Firm’s Ability to Meet Commitments
to Clients............................................................................................................................................................................ 14
Bankruptcy Petitions during the Past Ten Years.............................................................................................. 14
Item 19: Requirements for State Registered Advisors ........................................................ 14
Education and business background, including any outside business activities for all
management and supervised persons can be found in the Supplement to this Brochure (Part 2B
of Form ADV Part 2). .................................................................................................................................................... 14
Material Relationship Maintained by this Advisory Business or Management persons with
Issuers of Securities ...................................................................................................................................................... 14
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC
Item 4: Advisory Business
Firm Description
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC (formerly Jamieson Capital Advisors, LLC) was formed in
October 2003 as a North Dakota Limited Liability Company. Contego Capital Advisors, LLC
is owned by Contego Capital, LLC and Ross Almlie. Its services are tailored to the individual
needs of clients. The investment advisor representatives at Contego Capital Advisors, LLC
maintain full discretionary authority over the investment management decisions across all
client accounts. However, clients have the right to impose restrictions on investing in
certain securities or types of securities.
Other professionals (e.g., lawyers, accountants, tax preparers, insurance agents, etc.) are
engaged directly by the client on an as-needed basis and may charge fees of their own. For
example, tax preparation and to the extent your estate plan needs to be updated, the tax
preparer and/or attorney will bill the client separately. Conflicts of interest will be
disclosed to the client in the event they should occur.
Types of Advisory Services
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC provides investment supervisory services, also known as
asset management services and furnishes investment advice through consultations.
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC offers discretionary direct asset management services to
advisory clients. Contego Capital Advisors, LLC will offer clients ongoing portfolio
management services through determining individual investment goals, time horizons,
objectives, and risk tolerance. Investment strategies, investment selection, assets
allocation, portfolio monitoring and the overall investment program will be based on the
above factors. The client will authorize Contego Capital Advisors, LLC discretionary
authority to execute selected investment program transactions as stated within the
Investment Advisory Agreement.
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC provides service to qualified and non-qualified retirement
plans including 401(k) plans, 403(b) plans, pension and profit sharing plans, cash balance
plans, and deferred compensation plans. Contego Capital Advisors, LLC acts as a 3(38)
3(38) Investment Manager. Contego Capital Advisors, LLC can also act as an ERISA 3(38)
Investment Manager in which it has discretionary management and control of a given
retirement plan’s assets. Contego Capital Advisors, LLC would then become solely
responsible and liable for the selection, monitoring and replacement of the plan’s
investment options.
1. Fiduciary Services are:
 Adviser has discretionary authority and will make the final decision regarding
the initial selection, retention, removal and addition of investment options in
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC
accordance with the Plan’s investment policies and objectives. Adviser
acknowledges that it is a fiduciary as defined under ERISA.
 Assist the Client with the selection of a broad range of investment options
consistent with ERISA Section 404(c) and the regulations thereunder.
 Assist the Client in the development of an investment policy statement (“IPS”).
The IPS establishes the investment policies and objectives for the Plan. Client
shall have the ultimate responsibility and authority to establish such policies and
objectives and to adopt and amend the IPS.
 Assist in monitoring investment options by preparing periodic investment
reports that document investment performance, consistency of fund
management and conformance to the guidelines set forth in the IPS and make
recommendations to maintain, remove or replace investment options.
 Meet with Client on a periodic basis to discuss the reports and the investment
 Provide discretionary investment advice to the Plan Sponsor with respect to the
selection of a qualified default investment alternative for participants who are
automatically enrolled in the Plan or who have otherwise failed to make
investment elections. The Client retains the sole responsibility to provide all
notices to the Plan participants required under ERISA Section 404(c) (5).
2. Non-fiduciary Services are:
 Assist in the education of Plan participants about general investment
information and the investment alternatives available to them under the Plan.
Client understands the Adviser’s assistance in education of the Plan participants
shall be consistent with and within the scope of the Department of Labor’s
definition of investment education (Department of Labor Interpretive Bulletin
96-1). As such, the Adviser is not providing fiduciary advice as define by ERISA
to the Plan participants. Adviser will not provide investment advice concerning
the prudence of any investment option or combination of investment options for
a particular participant or beneficiary under the Plan.
 Assist in the group enrollment meetings designed to increase retirement plan
participation among the employees and investment and financial understanding
by the employees.
Adviser may provide these services or, alternatively, may arrange for the Plan’s other
providers to offer these services, as agreed upon between Adviser and Client.
3. The Adviser has no responsibility to provide services related to the following types
of assets (“Excluded Assets”):
a. Employer securities;
b. Real estate (except for real estate funds or publicly traded REITs);
c. Stock brokerage accounts or mutual fund windows;
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC
d. Participant loans;
e. Non-publicly traded partnership interests;
f. Other non-publicly traded securities or property (other than collective trusts
and similar vehicles); or
g. Other hard-to-value or illiquid securities or property.
Excluded Assets will not be included in calculation of Fees paid to the Adviser under this
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC solicits the services of Third Party Money Managers (“TPM”)
to manage client accounts. In such circumstances, Contego Capital Advisors, LLC receives
solicitor fees from the TPM. This is detailed in Item 10 of this brochure.
Client Tailored Services and Client Imposed Restrictions
The goals and objectives for each client are documented in our client files. Investment
strategies are created that reflect the stated goals and objective. Clients may impose
restrictions on investing in certain securities or types of securities.
Agreements may not be assigned without written client consent.
Wrap Fee Programs
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC does not sponsor a Wrap Fee Program. Some TPMs utilized
by Contego Capital Advisors, LLC may sponsor Wrap Fee Programs of their own and will be
described in the TPM’s Form ADV Part 2.
Client Assets under Management
As of December 31, 2014, Contego Capital Advisors, LLC has approximately $62,000,000 in
client assets under management on a discretionary basis.
Item 5: Fees and Compensation
Method of Compensation and Fee Schedule
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC offers discretionary direct asset management services to
advisory clients. The fees for these services will be based on a percentage of Assets under
Management as follows:
$1,000,000.01 - $2,000,000
$2,000,000.01 and over
Fees are billed quarterly in advance based on the amount of assets managed as of the last
business day of the previous calendar quarter. Initial fees for partial quarters are pro-rated.
All annual fees are deducted from the account by the custodian unless other arrangements
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC
have been made in writing. The annual fee is paid to and retained by the Contego Capital
Advisors, LLC and the advisory representatives. Lower fees for comparable services may be
available from other sources. Clients may terminate their account within five (5) business
days of signing the Investment Advisory Agreement for a full refund. Clients may terminate
advisory services with thirty (30) days written notice. For accounts closed mid-quarter, the
client will be entitled to a pro rata refund for the days service was not provided in the final
quarter. Client shall be given thirty (30) days prior written notice of any increase in fees.
Client will acknowledge, in writing, any agreement of increase in said fees before any
increase in fees occurs.
The annual fees are based on the market value of the Included Assets as follows:
$1,000,000.01 - $2,000,000
$2,000,000.01 and over
The initial fee will be based on the market value of the Plan assets as calculated by the
custodian or record keeper of the Included Assets on the first business day of the initial fee
period and will be due on the first business day of the fee period. If the services to be
provided start any time other than the first day of a quarter, the fee will be prorated based
on the number of days remaining in the initial fee period. Thereafter, the fee will be based
on the market value of the Plan assets on the last business day of the previous fee period
(without adjustments for anticipated withdrawals by Plan participants or other anticipated
or scheduled transfers or distribution of assets) and will be due the following business day.
If this Agreement is terminated prior to the end of the fee period, Contego Capital Advisors,
LLC shall be entitled to a prorated fee based on the number of days during the fee period
services were provided. Any unearned fees shall be refunded to the Plan or Plan Sponsor.
The compensation of Contego Capital Advisors, LLC for the services is described in detail in
Schedule A of the ERISA Plan Agreement. The Plan is obligated to pay the fees, however the
Plan Sponsor may elect to pay the fees. Contego Capital Advisors, LLC does not reasonably
expect to receive any additional compensation, directly or indirectly, for its services under
this Agreement. If additional compensation is received, Contego Capital Advisors, LLC will
disclose this compensation, the services rendered, and the payer of compensation. Contego
Capital Advisors, LLC will offset the compensation against the fees agreed upon under this
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC may at times use the services of TPMs and receive a solicitor
fee for soliciting clients. Contego Capital Advisors, LLC will be paid a portion of the
advisory fee paid to the TPM. The client will not pay additional advisory fees to the TPM for
these services. This is detailed in Item 10 of this brochure.
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC
Client Payment of Fees
Investment management fees are billed quarterly in advance, meaning we bill you before
the quarter has started. Payment in full is expected upon invoice presentation. Fees are
usually deducted from a designated client account to facilitate billing. The client must
consent in advance to direct debiting of their investment account.
Additional Client Fees Charged
Custodians may charge transaction fees on purchases or sales of certain mutual funds,
equities, and exchange-traded funds. These charges may include mutual fund transactions
fees, postage and handling and miscellaneous fees (fee levied to recover costs associated
with fees assessed by self-regulatory organizations). These transaction charges are usually
small and incidental to the purchase or sale of a security. The selection of the security is
more important than the nominal fee that the custodian charges to buy or sell the security.
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC, in its sole discretion, may waive its minimum fee and/or
charge a lesser investment advisory fee based upon certain criteria (e.g., historical
relationship, type of assets, anticipated future earning capacity, anticipated future
additional assets, dollar amounts of assets to be managed, related accounts, account
composition, negotiations with clients, etc.).
For more details on the brokerage practices, see Item 12 of this brochure.
Prepayment of Client Fees
Investment management fees are billed quarterly in advance.
If the client cancels after five (5) days, any unearned fees will be refunded to the client.
External Compensation for the Sale of Securities to Clients
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC does not receive any external compensation for the sale of
securities to clients, nor do any of the investment advisor representatives of Contego
Capital Advisors, LLC.
Item 6: Performance-Based Fees and Side-by-Side Management
Sharing of Capital Gains
Fees are not based on a share of the capital gains or capital appreciation of managed
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC does not use a performance-based fee structure because of
the conflict of interest. Performance based compensation may create an incentive for the
adviser to recommend an investment that may carry a higher degree of risk to the client.
Item 7: Types of Clients
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC generally provides investment advice to individuals, pension
and profit sharing plans, charitable organizations, corporations or business entities. Client
relationships vary in scope and length of service.
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC
Account Minimums
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC has an account minimum of $250,000.00 but reserves the
right to waive this minimum in its discretion.
Item 8: Methods of Analysis, Investment Strategies and Risk of Loss
Methods of Analysis
Security analysis methods may include fundamental analysis, technical analysis, and
cyclical analysis. Investing in securities involves risk of loss that clients should be prepared
to bear. Past performance is not a guarantee of future returns.
Fundamental analysis involves evaluating a stock using real data such as company
revenues, earnings, return on equity, and profits margins to determine underlying value
and potential growth. Technical analysis involves evaluating securities based on past prices
and volume. Cyclical analysis involves analyzing the cycles of the market.
In addition, macroeconomic conditions in the U.S. and abroad are factored into our
investment strategy implementation. All information is disseminated from research
materials, financial media, subscription-based technical research firms, and company press
releases, including but not limited to annual reports, prospectuses, and material filings
with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Contego Capital Advisors, LLC client
portfolio composition is largely dictated by how the above factors correspond with each
client’s risk tolerance, investment objective, and age.
Investment Strategy
The investment strategy for a specific client is based upon the objectives stated by the
client during consultations. The client may change these objectives at any time. Each client
executes an Investment Policy Statement or Risk Tolerance that documents their objectives
and their desired investment strategy.
Other strategies include long-term purchases, short-term purchases, trading, and option
writing (including covered options, uncovered options or spreading strategies).
Security Specific Material Risks
All investment programs have certain risks that are borne by the investor. Fundamental
analysis may involve interest rate risk, market risk, business risk, and financial risk. Risks
involved in technical analysis are inflation risk, reinvestment risk, and market risk. Cyclical
analysis involves inflation risk, market risk, and currency risk.
Our investment approach constantly keeps the risk of loss in mind. Investors face the
following investment risks and should discuss these risks with Contego Capital Advisors,
Interest-rate Risk: Fluctuations in interest rates may cause investment prices to
fluctuate. For example, when interest rates rise, yields on existing bonds become
less attractive, causing their market values to decline.
Market Risk: The price of a security, bond, or mutual fund may drop in reaction
to tangible and intangible events and conditions. This type of risk is caused by
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC
external factors independent of a security’s particular underlying circumstances.
For example, political, economic and social conditions may trigger market
Inflation Risk: When any type of inflation is present, a dollar today will buy more
than a dollar next year, because purchasing power is eroding at the rate of
Currency Risk: Overseas investments are subject to fluctuations in the value of
the dollar against the currency of the investment’s originating country. This is
also referred to as exchange rate risk.
Reinvestment Risk: This is the risk that future proceeds from investments may
have to be reinvested at a potentially lower rate of return (i.e. interest rate).
This primarily relates to fixed income securities.
Business Risk: These risks are associated with a particular industry or a
particular company within an industry. For example, oil-drilling companies
depend on finding oil and then refining it, a lengthy process, before they can
generate a profit. They carry a higher risk of profitability than an electric
company which generates its income from a steady stream of customers who
buy electricity no matter what the economic environment is like.
Liquidity Risk: Liquidity is the ability to readily convert an investment into cash.
Generally, assets are more liquid if many traders are interested in a standardized
product. For example, Treasury Bills are highly liquid, while real estate
properties are not.
Financial Risk: Excessive borrowing to finance a business’ operations increases
the risk of profitability, because the company must meet the terms of its
obligations in good times and bad. During periods of financial stress, the
inability to meet loan obligations may result in bankruptcy and/or a declining
market value.
Item 9: Disciplinary Information
Criminal or Civil Actions
The firm and its management have not been involved in any criminal or civil action.
Administrative Enforcement Proceedings
The firm and its management have not been involved in administrative enforcement
Self-Regulatory Organization Enforcement Proceedings
The firm and its management have not been involved in legal or disciplinary events related
to past or present investment clients.
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC
Item 10: Other Financial Industry Activities and Affiliations
Broker-Dealer or Representative Registration
No affiliated representatives of Contego Capital Advisors, LLC are registered
representatives of a broker-dealer.
Futures or Commodity Registration
Neither Contego Capital Advisors, LLC nor its employees are registered or has an
application pending to register as a futures commission merchant, commodity pool
operator, or a commodity trading advisor.
Material Relationships Maintained by this Advisory Business and Conflicts of Interest
Mr. Almlie engages in sales of the following products: Term life insurance, universal life
insurance, indexed universal life insurance, equity indexed annuities, fixed rate annuities,
long term care insurance, and long-term disability insurance.
These practices represent conflicts of interest because it gives Mr. Almlie an incentive to
recommend products based on the commission amount received. This conflict is mitigated
by the fact that Mr. Almlie has a fiduciary responsibility to place the best interest of the
client first and the clients are not required to purchase any products. Clients have the
option to purchase these products through another insurance agent of their choosing.
Recommendations or Selections of Other Investment Contego Capital Advisors, LLCs
and Conflicts of Interest
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC may at times utilize the services of TPMs to manage client
accounts. In such circumstances, Contego Capital Advisors, LLC will share in the TPM asset
management fee. Compensation paid to Contego Capital Advisors, LLC by TPMs may vary
and, thus, there may be a conflict of interest in recommending a manager who shares a
larger portion of its advisory fees over another manager. However, when referring clients
to a TPM, the client’s best interest will be the main determining factor of Contego Capital
Advisors, LLC. These fees do not include brokerage fees that may be assessed by the
custodial broker dealer. Fees for these services will be based on a percentage of assets
under management not to exceed any limit imposed by any regulatory agency. The final fee
schedule will be attached to Contego Capital Advisors, LLC's Investment Advisory
Prior to referring any clients to TPMs, Contego Capital Advisors, LLC will make sure that
they are properly registered or notice filed.
This relationship will be disclosed to the client in each contract between Contego Capital
Advisors, LLC and TPM. Contego Capital Advisors, LLC does not charge additional
management fees for TPM managed account services. Client's signature is required to
confirm consent for services within the investment advisory agreement. Client will initial
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC's Investment Advisory Agreement to acknowledge receipt of
TPM fee schedule and required documents including Form ADV Part 2 disclosures.
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC
Item 11: Code of Ethics, Participation or Interest in Client Transactions
and Personal Trading
Code of Ethics Description
The foundation of Contego Capital Advisors, LLC ethical standards is compliance with the
letter and spirit of the law. We must respect and obey all of the laws, rules and regulations
applicable to our business, including among others, securities, banking and other federal,
state and local laws. Contego Capital Advisors, LLC has an Employee Manual designed
specifically to meet applicable laws and regulations. Employees are required to be familiar
and comply with the Employee Manual as well as this Code of Ethics. Employees are
required by law to inform clients of our policies regarding the privacy of client personal
information. All confidential client personal and business information received from our
clients shall be held in strict confidence and shall never be released to people other than:
(1) to employees, except as agreed to by the client, as permitted under applicable
professional standards; (2) to third parties performing services to Contego Capital
Advisors, LLC; (3) to address actual or threatened ethics, disciplinary or related claims or
proceedings, or (4) to appropriate regulatory authorities under whose jurisdiction the RIA
operates. It is fundamental to the economic viability of Contego Capital Advisors, LLC that
client confidentiality be preserved with a high degree of professionalism and care.
Employees may from time to time be requested to initial or sign additional documents
addressing confidential and non-disclosure issues. All Level 1 and Level 2 persons
employed by Contego Capital Advisors, LLC holding an outside mutual fund and/or
securities accounts held directly with the issuer are required to provide Holdings Reports
and Transactions Reports to the Chief Compliance Officer. Level 1 Access Persons are
defined as providing investment advice and individual portfolio management. Level 2
Access Persons responsibilities are limited to providing investment advice to individuals
and are not involved in portfolio management. Contego Capital Advisors, LLC’ employees
can be subject to discipline up to and including termination of employment if he or she
violates this Contego Capital Advisors, LLC Code of Ethics and its component parts, which
includes the Employee Manual and any Supplemental Policies appended to this Contego
Capital Advisors, LLC Code of Ethics.
As an RIA, Contego Capital Advisors, LLC must follow the “trust” standard—the highest
known in law—which requires it to place the interests of its clients ahead of its own and
fulfill critical fiduciary duties such as exposing all conflicts of interest which might tempt
the RIA to render disinterested investment advice, “utmost good faith,” “full and fair
disclosure of all material facts” and “reasonable care to avoid misleading clients”. Under
the fiduciary trust standard, an RIA must provide its “best advice” to its clients at all times
without regard for any personal gain.
The firm will provide a copy of the Code of Ethics to any client or prospective client upon
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC
Investment Recommendations Involving a Material Financial Interest and Conflict of
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC and its employees do not recommend to clients securities in
which we have a material financial interest.
Advisory Firm Purchase of Same Securities Recommended to Clients and Conflicts of
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC and its employees may buy or sell securities that are also
held by clients. In order to mitigate conflicts of interest such as front running, employees
are required to disclose all reportable securities transactions as well as provide Contego
Capital Advisors, LLC with copies of their brokerage statements.
The Chief Compliance Officer of Contego Capital Advisors, LLC is Paul Alegi. He reviews all
employee trades quarterly. The personal trading reviews ensure that the personal trading
of employees does not affect the markets and that clients of the firm receive preferential
treatment over employee transactions.
Client Securities Recommendations or Trades and Concurrent Advisory Firm
Securities Transactions and Conflicts of Interest
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC does not maintain a firm proprietary trading account and
does not have a material financial interest in any securities being recommended and
therefore no conflicts of interest exist. However, employees may buy or sell securities at
the same time they buy or sell securities for clients. In order to mitigate conflicts of
interest such as front running, employees are required to disclose all reportable securities
transactions as well as provide Contego Capital Advisors, LLC with copies of their
brokerage statements.
The Chief Compliance Officer of Contego Capital Advisors, LLC is Paul Alegi. He reviews all
employee trades each quarter. The personal trading reviews ensure that the personal
trading of employees does not affect the markets and that clients of the firm receive
preferential treatment over employee transactions.
Item 12: Brokerage Practices
Factors Used to Select Broker-Dealers for Client Transactions
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC may recommend the use of a particular broker-dealer such
as TD AMERITRADE Institutional, a Division of TD AMERITRADE, Inc., Member
FINRA/SIPC/NFA or may utilize a broker-dealer of the client's choosing. Contego Capital
Advisors, LLC will select appropriate brokers based on a number of factors including but
not limited to their relatively low transaction fees and reporting ability. Contego Capital
Advisors, LLC relies on its broker to provide its execution services at the best prices
available. Lower fees for comparable services may be available from other sources. Clients
pay for any and all custodial fees in addition to the advisory fee charged by Contego Capital
Advisors, LLC.
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC participates in the TD Ameritrade Institutional program. TD
Ameritrade, Inc. (“TD Ameritrade”) is an independent SEC-registered broker-dealer and is
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC
not affiliated with Contego Capital Advisors, LLC. TD Ameritrade offers to independent
investment Contego Capital Advisors, LLCs services which include custody of securities,
trade execution, clearance and settlement of transactions. Contego Capital Advisors, LLC
receives some benefits from TD Ameritrade through its participation in the program.
(Please see the disclosure under Item 14)
Directed Brokerage
In circumstances where a client directs Contego Capital Advisors, LLC to use a
certain broker-dealer, Contego Capital Advisors, LLC still has a fiduciary duty to its
clients. The following may apply with Directed Brokerage: Contego Capital Advisors,
LLC's inability to negotiate commissions, to obtain volume discounts, there may be a
disparity in commission charges among clients and conflicts of interest arising from
brokerage firm referrals.
Best Execution
Investment advisors who manage or supervise client portfolios on a discretionary
basis have a fiduciary obligation of best execution. The determination of what may
constitute best execution and price in the execution of a securities transaction by a
broker involves a number of considerations and is subjective. Factors affecting
brokerage selection include the overall direct net economic result to the portfolios,
the efficiency with which the transaction is effected, the ability to effect the
transaction where a large block is involved, the operational facilities of the brokerdealer, the value of an ongoing relationship with such broker and the financial
strength and stability of the broker. The firm does not receive any portion of the
trading fees. Contego Capital Advisors, LLC may have an incentive to select or
recommend a broker-dealer based on our interest in receiving the research of other
products or services.
Soft Dollar Arrangements
The Securities and Exchange Commission defines soft dollar practices as
arrangement under which products or services other than execution services are
obtained by Contego Capital Advisors, LLC from or through a broker-dealer in
exchange for directing client transactions to the broker-dealer. As permitted by
Section 28(e) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Contego Capital Advisors, LLC
receives economic benefits as a result of commissions generated from securities
transactions by the broker-dealer from the accounts of Contego Capital Advisors,
LLC. These benefits include both proprietary research from the broker and other
research written by third parties. Contego Capital Advisors, LLC receives a benefit
because they do not have to produce or pay for research, products or services.
A conflict of interest exists when Contego Capital Advisors, LLC receives soft dollars.
This conflict is mitigated by the fact that Contego Capital Advisors, LLC has a
fiduciary responsibility to act in the best interest of its clients and the services
received are beneficial to all clients.
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC
Aggregating Securities Transactions for Client Accounts
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC is authorized in its discretion to aggregate purchases and
sales and other transactions made for the account with purchases and sales and
transactions in the same securities for other Clients of Contego Capital Advisors, LLC. All
clients participating in the aggregated order shall receive an average share price with all
other transaction costs shared on a pro-rated basis.
Item 13: Review of Accounts
Schedule for Periodic Review of Client Accounts or Financial Plans and Advisory
Persons Involved
Account reviews are performed quarterly by Investment Contego Capital Advisors, LLC
Representatives of Contego Capital Advisors, LLC. Account reviews are performed more
frequently when market conditions dictate.
Review of Client Accounts on Non-Periodic Basis
Other conditions that may trigger a review of clients’ accounts are changes in the tax laws,
new investment information, and changes in a client's own situation.
Content of Client Provided Reports and Frequency
Clients receive account statements no less than quarterly for managed accounts. Account
statements are issued by Contego Capital Advisors, LLC’s custodian. Client receives
confirmations of each transaction in account from Custodian and an additional statement
during any month in which a transaction occurs.
Item 14: Client Referrals and Other Compensation
Economic benefits provided to the Advisory Firm from External Sources and
Conflicts of Interest
As disclosed under Item 12 above, Contego Capital Advisors, LLC participates in TD
Ameritrade’s institutional customer program and Contego Capital Advisors, LLC may
recommend TD Ameritrade to Clients for custody and brokerage services. There is no
direct link between Contego Capital Advisors, LLC’s participation in the program and the
investment advice it gives to its Clients, although Contego Capital Advisors, LLC receives
economic benefits through its participation in the program that are typically not available
to TD Ameritrade retail investors. These benefits include the following products and
services (provided without cost or at a discount): receipt of duplicate Client statements
and confirmations; research related products and tools; consulting services; access to a
trading desk serving Contego Capital Advisors, LLC participants; access to block trading
(which provides the ability to aggregate securities transactions for execution and then
allocate the appropriate shares to Client accounts); the ability to have advisory fees
deducted directly from Client accounts; access to an electronic communications network
for Client order entry and account information; access to mutual funds with no transaction
fees and to certain institutional money managers; and discounts on compliance, marketing,
research, technology, and practice management products or services provided to Contego
Capital Advisors, LLC by third party vendors.
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC
TD Ameritrade may also have paid for business consulting and professional services
received by Contego Capital Advisors, LLC’s related persons. Some of the products and
services made available by TD Ameritrade through the program may benefit Contego
Capital Advisors, LLC but may not benefit its Client accounts. These products or services
may assist Contego Capital Advisors, LLC in managing and administering Client accounts,
including accounts not maintained at TD Ameritrade. Other services made available by TD
Ameritrade are intended to help Contego Capital Advisors, LLC manage and further develop
its business enterprise. The benefits received by Contego Capital Advisors, LLC or its
personnel through participation in the program do not depend on the amount of brokerage
transactions directed to TD Ameritrade. As part of its fiduciary duties to clients, Contego
Capital Advisors, LLC endeavors at all times to put the interests of its clients first. Clients
should be aware, however, that the receipt of economic benefits by Contego Capital
Advisors, LLC or its related persons in and of itself creates a conflict of interest and may
indirectly influence the Contego Capital Advisors, LLC’s choice of TD Ameritrade for
custody and brokerage services.
Advisory Firm Payments for Client Referrals
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC does not compensate for client referrals.
Item 15: Custody
Account Statements
All assets are held at qualified custodians, which means the custodians provide account
statements directly to clients at their address of record at least quarterly. Clients are urged
to compare the account statements received directly from their custodians to the
performance report statements prepared by Contego Capital Advisors, LLC.
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC is deemed to have constructive custody solely because
advisory fees are directly deducted from client’s account by the custodian on behalf of
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC.
Item 16: Investment Discretion
Discretionary Authority for Trading
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC accepts discretionary authority to manage securities
accounts on behalf of clients. Contego Capital Advisors, LLC has the authority to determine,
without obtaining specific client consent, the securities to be bought or sold, and the
amount of the securities to be bought or sold. However, Contego Capital Advisors, LLC
consults with the client prior to each trade to obtain concurrence if a blanket trading
authorization has not been given.
The client approves the custodian to be used and the commission rates paid to the
custodian. Contego Capital Advisors, LLC does not receive any portion of the transaction
fees or commissions paid by the client to the custodian on certain trades.
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC
Item 17: Voting Client Securities
Proxy Votes
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC does not vote proxies on securities. Clients are expected to
vote their own proxies. The client will receive their proxies directly from the custodian of
their account or from a transfer agent.
When assistance on voting proxies is requested, Contego Capital Advisors, LLC will provide
recommendations to the client. If a conflict of interest exists, it will be disclosed to the
Item 18: Financial Information
Balance Sheet
A balance sheet is not required to be provided because Contego Capital Advisors, LLC does
not serve as a custodian for client funds or securities and Contego Capital Advisors, LLC
does not require prepayment of fees of more than $500 per client and six months or more
in advance.
Financial Conditions Reasonably Likely to Impair Advisory Firm’s Ability to Meet
Commitments to Clients
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC has no condition that is reasonably likely to impair our
ability to meet contractual commitments to our clients.
Bankruptcy Petitions during the Past Ten Years
Neither Contego Capital Advisors, LLC nor its management has had any bankruptcy
petitions in the last ten years.
Item 19: Requirements for State Registered Advisors
Education and business background, including any outside business activities for all
management and supervised persons can be found in the Supplement to this
Brochure (Part 2B of Form ADV Part 2).
Material Relationship Maintained by this Advisory Business or Management persons
with Issuers of Securities
None to report
Contego Capital Advisors, LLC