15 03 2015_Kirkdale_NL - Catholic Church of the Resurrection of
15 03 2015_Kirkdale_NL - Catholic Church of the Resurrection of
NEWSLETTER CATHOLIC CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION OF OUR LORD 165-169 Kirkdale, Sydenham, London SE26 4QL Telephone: 020 8291 5766 Parish E-mail: rckirkdaleparish@cores.org.uk or rckirkdaleparish@btconnect.com Parish Web Site: www.cores.org.uk Parish Administrator: Father Alfred Osamor, C.Ss.R. Sunday Masses: Saturday Vigil—6.00pm; Sunday—9.30am and 11.00am Weekday Masses: Monday—Saturday 9.30am. Morning Prayer of the Church: Monday—Saturday 9.10am Holydays of Obligation falling on a weekday—Masses: 6.30am, 9.30am and 7.30pm Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 5.00pm (And after the Mass during the week or at request any other day) Exposition, Rosary & Benediction: Tues., Weds. & Fridays 10-10.30am. Thurs. 10.00-11.00am. First Fridays 6.30-7.30pm Times of Masses, their Intentions and their Readings Sunday 15th March-FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT © (Parish Mass Book Year B, Volume 1, (Page 166) 2 Chronicles 36:14-16,19-23; Ephesians 2:4-10; John 3:14-21 6pm For the People of the Parish 9.30am Raymond Tartaglia—RIP (Whittle Family) 11.00am Terence Kelly—RIP (Valerie Kelly) Divine Office Vol. 2, Fourth week of Lent, Psalter Week 4 Monday 16th March—Feria Isaiah 65:17-21; John 4:43-54 9.30am Patrick & Patricia Osamor-Ijeh— Birthday Thanksgiving 10am Mother’s Prayer Tuesday 17th March -St Patrick (Pg. 310) Jeremiah 1:4-9; Acts 13:46-49; Luke 10:1-12, 17-20 9.30am Mrs Patricia Osamor—Birthday Thanksgiving 10-10.30am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Wednesday 18th March—Feria Isaiah 49:8-15; John 5:17-30 9.30am Davina Bangura-Birthday Thanksgiving (Annette & Family) 10-10.30am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Thursday 19th March-St Joseph (Pg 313 2 Samuel 7:4-5, 12-14,16; Romans 4:13,16 -18, 22; Matthew 1:16, 18-21, 24 9.30am Thomaiana Carol—Wellbeing (Bridie Hillier) 10—11am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Friday 20th March—Feria Wisdom 2:1 ,12-22; John 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 9.30am Barbara Henn—RIP (Hamilton Family) 10.00am Stations of the Cross 7.30pm Stations of the Cross Saturday 21st March—Feria Jeremiah 11:18-20: John 7:40-52 9.30am Aborted babies 10am Devotion in honour of Our Lady of Perpetual Help 5pm Sacrament of reconciliation Sunday 22nd March-FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT © (Parish Mass Book Year B, Volume 1, (Page 173) Jeremiah 31:31-34; Hebrews 5:7-9; John 12:20-33 6pm Duke Wellington-RIP (Agnes & Family) 9.30am Yvonne Rondeau—Wellbeing (Solita Silveira) 11.00am For the People of the Parish Divine Office Vol. 2, Fifth week of Lent, Psalter Week 1 PARISH MATTERS Today’s Mass Theme Thought We can do nothing to merit salvation, and our wicked actions could only cause our condemnation. God has given us salvation gratuitously, as the second reading tells us. The first reading insists on the responsibility of people who, by refusing to follow God’s way, condemn themselves to unhappiness. The gospel joins these two themes; it fist speaks of the love of God which is so great that he gives us his only Son, and then then it insists on the responsibility of people, who challenged by this proposal of love, have to make their choice. Holy week / Easter events 1st April: Mass at 9am 2nd April—Maundy Thursday: Liturgy of the Hours at 9.30am Holy Thursday (Mass of the Last Supper) at 7.30pm. After the Mass, the Blessed Sacrament will be at the altar of repose till 11.50pm for those who would like to stay back for adoration 3rd April—Good Friday: Liturgy of the Hours at 9.30am 11am: Stations of the Cross to be led by the children of the parish. (No other Stations of the Cross on that day); 2pm: Divine Mercy Novena 3pm: Good Friday Service ST. EDMUND'S, BECKENHAM 4th April—Holy Saturday: LitPARISH PILGRIMAGE TO urgy of the Hours at 9.30am. LOURDES Easter Vigil Ceremony at 8.30pm Monday, 25th—Friday, 29th May. 5th April—Easter Sunday: We will be led by our Parish Masses at 9.30am and 11am Priest Canon Jack and Deacon Seán. 6th April—Easter Monday: We have an interesting programme Mass at 10am for the week 7th—11th April (morning) Massand will be staying in a 4 star hotel, es at 9.30am each day so you will come back The weekend Masses on 11/12 refreshed in mind and body! April are as follows: 6pm, Please phone Roy on 020 8650 6281. 9.30am, 11am & 3.30pm (Mercy Sunday) Mass in Celebration of the Divine Mercy Novena (3 – 11 April) Sacrament of Marriage St George’s Cathedral begins on Good Friday 3rd April th 20 June 2015 2014 at 2pm and at 3pm every other st If you are celebrating your 1 / 10th/ day from Saturday 4th – Saturday th th th th 25 / 40 / 50 / 60 + wedding anni11th April. On Sunday 11th April versary this year, please give your (Mercy Sunday), there will be an exnames as soon as possible. Please use position of the Blessed Sacrament at the form provided and write very 2pm, Divine Mercy prayer at 3pm clearly so you can receive an invitaand Holy Mass at 3.30pm. You are all tion from the Archbishop. welcome to the Novena and Mass. PARISH MATTERS Common Objections to Catholicism A series of talks addressing popular objections to, and misconceptions about, the Catholic faith. Venue: Amigo Hall, St George’s Cathedral Time: 7.30pm - 9.00pm Dates: Thursdays 16th April - 21st May 2015 These talks will be of interest to: RCIA catechists Those on RCIA courses Members of Parish Evangeliza tion Teams All who wish to pass on faith to others No charge but please, register with the CCF 21 Tooting Bec Road, SW17 8BS 020 8672 7684 Email: office@ccftootingbec.org.uk Web: ccftootingbec.org.uk ACTIVITIES IN THE PARISH ■ Exposition of the Blessed (Tue, Wed & Fri 10am-10.30am; Thurs. 10.00am - 11.00am); ■ Mothers’ Prayer every Monday after 9.30am Mass ■ Rosary (Tue - Fri, after the 9.30am Mass) ■ Devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help (On Saturdays after the 9.30am Mass); ■ Bible Study—1st & 3rd Monday of the month (5th Monday when we five Mondays in a month. No Bible Study on Bank Holidays / Holy Days of Obligation) ■ First & Third Sundays of the Month: Children’s Liturgy in the Parish Hall during the 9.30am Mass. ■ Tea & Coffee after the 9.30am Sunday Mass Flowers for the Church at Easter Those who wish to contribute a donation for Flowers in the Church at Easter should put their contribution in an envelope with the words; ‘Flowers In Memory of …….’ Please post it through the letterbox or drop it in the offering basket. Those who are being remembered will be mentioned in the Newsletter after Easter. Any money in excess will be used for flowers in Church throughout the year. Please write names clearly in block letters. CHURCH AND STATE A Conference to mark the signing of the Magna Carta on 27th March 2015. Time:11.00am - 3.20pm At the Centre for Catholic Formation 21 tooting Bec Road, SW17 8BS Tel: 020 8672 7684 Email: office@ccftootingbec.org.uk Web: www.ccftootingbec.org.uk £5 per ticket includes lunch Mothers’ Day cards and gifts, St Patrick’s Day cards and Rosaries, and Easter cards are now available in the repository shop at the back of the church. Youth Programme Diocesan Youth Festival – 20th June 2015 Brightlights Young Adults Festival – 26th – 28th June 2015 World Youth Day is taking place in July 2016 in Kraków, Poland. Information will be out in Autumn this year. PARISH MATTERS PROCLAIM ’15: New National Initiative in 2015 to Support Parish Evangelisation. ‘Proclaim ’15: Building Missionary Parishes’ is the new name of a new national Bishops’ initiative being launched in 2015 to support the development of parish evangelisation. It is inspired by Pope Francis’s writings and has five parts which include: the provision of free parish small group materials; the organisation of a National Catholic Evangelisation Conference in Birmingham on 11 July 2015 for 850 evangelisation representatives from across England and Wales; an invitation to parishes to host a parish Vigil on the night of 11 July 2015 with free prayer materials provided; the invitation to diocese, deaneries and parishes to have their own Proclaim ’15 event in autumn 2015; the publication of new evangelisers. Web: www.catholicnews.org.uk/ proclaim15 Facebook: facebook.com/cbcew Twitter:@catholicew #proclaim15 Email: proclaim15@cbcew.org.uk CHRISM MASS 1st April: Chrism Mass at 11.30am. Parishioners are invited and welcomed to join the Archbishop, assisting bishops and the priests of the archdiocese for the celebration. To this effect, Mass in the parish would be at 9am. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Parish Youth meeting on Sunday 15th March 2015 after the 11am PLEASE PRAY FOR The sick of the Parish: William & Valerie Ritchie, Mitchel Gore, Bill & Yvonne Rondeau, Ciss Neylon, Elizabeth Clifford, Teun Peng, Kilty McGoldrick, Anne St John, Patricia Wright, Douglas, Robert & Anna Riordan, and the Twins, Michael Corcoran, Dean Spencer, Rachel Coady, Leon Schoombie, Anita Blenman, Emily Hugh, George Abeydeera, Henir Karemera, Karen Andrzejak, Norah Ryan, Christine Falvey, Roslyn & Matthew Hermitte, Maria Gilbert, Angela Calleya, Jeannie Mitchell, Clive Baulch, Cecelia Stimpson, Ursula Huggins, those in our Nursing Homes and in St. Christopher’s Hospice. Please pray for all who have recently died, for all the deceased members of our parish family, and for those whose anniversaries occur at this time. PENITENTIAL SERVICE Parish Lenten Penitential Service (Confession) on Tuesday 31st March at 7.30pm The Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion are advised to pick up the new rota commencing on the 28th March in the Sacristy. Bible Study on Monday 16th March at 7.30pm in the parish hall. Weekend of 07 / 08 March 2015 Attendance: 75 + 115 + 135 = 326 Parish Giving: You gave £XXXX of which XXXX was Gift Aid A Parish in The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark Registered Charity Number 235468