St Mary`s Catholic Church


St Mary`s Catholic Church
St Mary’s Catholic Church
Tovey Road Swindon SN2 1LQ
Tel: 01793 535089
Parish Priest: Fr Michael McAndrew -
Parish Administrator:
Elias Fernandes -
Safeguarding Rep: (CRB): Teresa Sugden -
Parish records:
Deacon: Rev Shaun Murphy (retired)
Parish website:
Deanery website:
Diocesan website:
Sunday, March 15, 2015
6.00pm (Sat) 8.30am 10.30am
Saturday: 9.30am – 10.00am
& 5.00pm - 5.30pm
Maundy Thursday
Mass of the Lord’s Supper 8pm
Good Friday
Stations of the Cross 11am.
Liturgy of the Passion 3pm
Easter Vigil
(Saturday 4th April) 8.30pm.
Easter Sunday
(5th April) Mass 8.30am and 10.30am.
Entrance Antiphon:
Rejoice, Jerusalem, and all who love her, Be joyful, all who were in mourning;
exult and be satisfied at her consoling breast.
Response to the Psalm:
O let my tongue cleave to my mouth if I remember you not!
Gospel Acclamation:
Reader: Glory and Praise to you, O Christ!
All: Glory and Praise to you, O Christ!
God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son;
everyone who believes in him has eternal life.
Glory and Praise to you, O Christ!
Communion Antiphon:
Jerusalem is built as a city bonded as one together.
It is there that the tribes go up, the tribes of the Lord,
to praise the name of the Lord.
06.00pm (Sat) Mass – Margaret Ryan (Anniversary)
Mass – Pereira & Dias (Thanksgiving)
Mass – Matt O’Sullivan (Anniversary)
Mass – Rosy De Sa (Thanksgiving)
Mass – Croston Family (Intentions)
Mass – Kenneth Gonsalves (Intentions)
Mass – Liturgy of the Word - Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Mass – Liturgy of the Word – Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Mass – Kathleen Marcela Noble (Anniversary)
06.00pm (Sat) Mass – Maura Ryan (RIP)
Mass – James & Annie Mullins (Anniversary)
Mass – George Donovan (RIP)
CHURCH CLEANING: Every Friday, after the morning Mass. Your help would be much appreciated.
PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS all those who are sick especially: Cathy Walker, Joshua Crabb, Eileen
Blackwell, Anna Tickner, Peadar Heffron, David Croston and Sheila Hughes, Peter, Alfie and Harry Crabb, Christopher
and Cath Brown, Julia Harrison, Lena Watson, Cheryl Dawson, Louise Stacey, Maria Walsh, David Edwards, Irena
Fliska, Joe Shannon, John Foley, Christine Beale, Mary Lynch, Molly Prendergast, Mary Stewart, Marc Young, Antonio
Bambino, Eileen Hughes, Carmel Hassett, Benny Zammit, John Rees
RETIREMENT MASS: At the end of April Mrs Clare-Marie Burchall who is Executive Head Teacher of St. Mary’s and
St Catherine is due to retire. There will be a Mass to mark this occasion in the life of our parish, on the feast of the
Annunciation 25 of March at 7pm. All Parishioners are warmly invited to this Mass.
BAPTISM: We welcome into the Church Oliobi Bennett Chizitely who is being baptised here at St Mary’s this
SICK: Please remember in your prayers John Rees who is sick in hospital with a head injury.
ROTA FOR THE HOLY WEEK: Would readers and ministers of communion please sign up for the liturgies of Holy
Week. There is a list at the back of the Church. Maundy Thursday Mass at 8pm, Good Friday Liturgy 3pm, Easter
Vigil Mass at 8.30pm and Easter Sunday 8.30am and 10.30am.
STATIONS OF THE CROSS: The Prayer Group will lead the Stations of the Cross every Saturday after 6pm Mass
starting at 7pm, followed by the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament until 8pm.
TUESDAY GROUP: On Tuesday there will be the second meeting for all those who are enquiring about the Catholic
Faith. This week we will be reflecting on what Jesus means to us. We meet in the sacristy 7pm-8.30pm
MUSIC GROUP: will meet on Tuesday 17 March at 4.30pm for a rehearsal. All are welcome.
St. Mary’s SVP are organising a coffee morning after the 10.30 Mass on Sunday 15 March,(Mothering Sunday) in
the sacristy. Please join us for a cup of tea or coffee, home-made cake.
FILLING STATION: One of the ways we help the homeless in Swindon is to help with the provision of sandwiches
and give other food directly to the homeless at what is known as the Filling Station. It is our Parishes turn on
Thursday 26 March. For those who have volunteered the letters asking for requirements are at the back of the
WINNERS OF 200 CLUB- February 2015: No. 129 Philomena Liston £20. No 197 Mrs Willis (Charles) £10. No. 23
Deidre McGuiness £5. Congratulations to all winners.
CHOIR PRACTICE: There will be choir practice on 18 March at 8pm here in the Church.
CHRISM MASS: Those who would like to go for the Chrism Mass held at Clifton Cathedral on 1 April at 11am,
please add your name to the list at the back of the Church. There will be a coach leaving Holy Family Church at
8:45am and St Mary’s at 9am on time. The cost per person will be £7.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Marc and Jenni Young and family would like to thank everyone for their love, prayers and
support over the last 6 months. It is very much appreciated and has helped us get through the difficult time. Marc is
almost back to full health and getting stronger everyday. Thank You.
INTER PARISH CHARITY GOLF DAY: Inter Parish Charity Golf Day, The Bristol Golf Club Almondsbury. The 2014
tournament was cancelled due to lack of entries but has been resurrected for 2015. It is scheduled for Friday 29 May
2015 this year with funds raised being raised for the Priests Retirement Fund and Clergy Training fund. St Mary's will
be entering teams (pairs) as we have done in previous years. If you are interested in playing please give your name
and handicap to either Fr Michael or Andrew Pagan. Cost is £40 per person to include breakfast, golf and dinner. See
poster at the back of church
APF MISSIO (Red Boxes): Would anyone be prepared to volunteer as a Promoter for APF Missio? Help is needed in
the Rodbourne area. Promoters are asked to deliver magazines up to four times a year and, on occasion, collect
Missio boxes and donations from box holders. Contact Marion Aldridge on 01793 875692.
JUNIOR PARISH CHOIR: will meet every Wednesday 3.45 - 4.30pm here in the Church. Ages 7-14 all are welcome
to come and join for an afternoon of singing here in St Mary’s Church.
JAM BOTTLES: Delicious Jam/ Marmalade on sale at the back of the Church, as priced on each bottle. Proceeds
towards Parish Development Fund.
OFFERTORY LAST WEEKEND: £734 (of which £90 was Gift aided) and £510 was given by standing order and the
second collection towards Parish Development came to £530. Many thanks for your generosity.
The Lord is generous with his mercy. Jesus Christ is given to the world by God the Father so that those who
believe in his name may be saved. He brings us new life because previously we were dead through sin but now
we are saved through grace. We are God’s work of art, created in Jesus Christ.