March 22nd - Parish of Blessed John Henry Newman
March 22nd - Parish of Blessed John Henry Newman
PARISH OF BLESSED JOHN HENRY NEWMAN MORECAMBE St Mary’s, Matthias Street, Morecambe, LA4 5JR. Tel. 410501 Parish Priest Deacons Website Canon D Cooper, VG Rev. J McCann (tel 421795), Rev. J Murphy (tel 859254) and Rev. T Fagan (retired) SUNDAY 22ND MARCH 2015 - FIFTH SUNDAY IN LENT MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday St Patrick’s Good Shepherd St Mary’s St Mary’s St Patrick’s Good Shepherd St Mary’s St Patrick’s Good Shepherd St Patrick’s Good Shepherd St Mary’s 6.00pm 8.30am 10.30am 9.30am 10.00am 10.00am 12.10pm 10.00am 10.00am 6.00pm 8.30am 10.30am The Miller family David Holman For the parishioners Veronica and James Duckworth John Mercer The Bates family Brian Webster James Kyle For the parishioners Pat McGuinness Sarah and Ashley Bell Lancs Infirm Secular Clergy PARISH PENITENTIAL SERVICE FOR LENT 27TH MARCH, 7.00PM. PLEASE TAKE HOME THE HOLY WEEK & EASTER CARD. PLEASE PRAY FOR Sick Sarah Melville, Diana Hoey, Frances Nash, Sean O’Connor, Maureen Boothman, Marie Robinson, Tony Smylie, Anne Iyengar, Barbara Howes, Eric Ainsworth, John Desmond Wells, John Alderson, Sue Smith, Sheila McGee and the sick and housebound in the parish and those in local hospitals and nursing homes. The Parish in the Lancaster Diocese. Registered Charity No. 234331 PLEASE PRAY FOR Anniversaries Fr McElroy, Canon Ned Carey, Fr Howorth, Canon Bamber, Thomas Flint, Dorothy Quinn, Veronica Duckworth, Pauline Baines, Alice Vaughan, Flo Ady, Ann Pearson, Nona Murray, Christine Dale, Alex and Julie McDade and all those whose anniversaries occur between 22nd and 28th March. SACRAMENT OF CONFESSION Saturday Good Shepherd St Mary’s St Patrick’s 10.30am to 11.00am 11.30am to 12 noon 5.15pm to 5.40pm FEASTS THIS WEEK Tuesday Wednesday St Turibius of Mongrovejo (opt. collect) THE ANNUNCIATION OF THE LORD LAST WEEK Attendance Collection 511 £1,364.23 MASS TIMES THIS WEEK Monday at 9.30am with two classes of schoolchildren. LATELY DEAD We pray for the repose of the soul of: Cath Mahood of Seymour Grove who died suddenly on 3rd March, aged 48. Funeral Service at St Mary’s on Wednesday at 2.00pm followed by interment in Hale Carr Cemetery. May she rest in the peace of Christ. THE CALL, THE JOURNEY AND THE MISSION: The Bishops of England and Wales ask us to reflect on the Gift of Marriage and Family Life: Thursdays of Lent, 7pm – 8pm at the Cathedral – a prayerful reflection on a particular passage from the Bible: Thurs 26 March: The wedding feast of Cana (John 2: 1-12) led by Canon Luiz Ruscillo. GENERAL ELECTION 2015 Please take from the porch a letter from our Bishops’ Conference. LEGION OF MARY Meetings on Monday afternoons at 2.00pm in St Patrick’s Church Hall. All are welcome. BAPTISMS We welcome into the family of the Church through the Sacrament of Baptism: Lucan Peter Riley son of Natasha today (Sunday) at St Mary’s at 12 noon Adelaide Rose O’Kane and Maddison Hope O’Kane daughters of Janette on Saturday at St Mary’s at 12.30pm RECONCILIATION AND 1ST HOLY COMMUNION The last preparation meetings is today (Sunday) with 1st Confessions celebrated on Saturday at St Mary’s at 11.30am. SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION The Bishop will celebrate this for our deanery on Pentecost Sunday, 24th May. Anyone age 14 + who would like to be confirmed please let Canon Cooper know. OFFERTORY ENVELOPES Offertory envelopes for the new tax year are now available. Please collect from the Church you indicated. Cuppa and Chat Bingo 200 Club Next meeting on Monday 23rd March at 10.15am in St Patrick’s hall. All welcome. Monday nights in St Patrick’s hall. Doors open at 7pm. Week ending 15/03/15 1st prize Peter Thompson; 2nd prize Mary Walsh; 3rd prize Dympna Magee Contributions from the APF red Missio boxes should be given to us (tel 823815) or left with Canon Cooper by next Sunday, 29th March. Eddie and Mavis Kingsley LENT FAST DAY Your efforts raised £3,722 including the splendid sum of over £750 from the enjoyable Soup Day at St Patrick’s. 52 Gift Aid slips were returned so Gift Aid will add a further £ to the total. Many thanks to all who helped or supported the event, THE VOCATIONS TREE Where is it – The Priest Tree? In which field will I find A tree of Religious? In which forest Do these rare trees grow which produce Priests, monks, nuns, catechists, evangelists. Catechist-Mums and Dads? Have you ever seen one? Ever met one? Every day people ask me, your bishop, To grow such a tree! But where is the soil, the hole, The water, the fertilizer? Every year I’m asked To climb it and pick priests and sisters and I’m forced to Go and shake it so that apostles will fall From it. And I go through the highways and byways And I go from one Christian community to another And I visit families one after another. Do you have one of my trees. The tree that’s missing in My orchard? Perhaps you yourself Are the rare Tree which Should be planted In my field? Families, be the good earth. Christian communities, be a nursery; educators bring pure water; men and women, children and young people, parents and teachers, let’s all seek out the Vocations Tree, by praying and doing something, having boundless confidence in God. The seed – God’s call – will be sown and from it will grow the Vocations Tree in the shade of the Great Cross in the glorious sunshine of the Resurrection. May the heart that loves the Church say Yes! Amen. Mgr A T Sanon, Bishop of Bobo-Dionfassa copied and translated from Ajaccio Cathedral, Corsica. VOCATIONS WEEKEND FOR YOUNG WOMEN (20s AND 30s) Discerning God's Call in my life. 22nd - 24th May 2015, Broadstairs, Kent The weekend is organised by the sisters, Faithful Companions of Jesus (FCJ). There will be input from the FCJ sisters on different aspects of vowed life, and time for prayer, reflection and discussion with other young women who are also considering a vocation to religious life. It's an opportunity to live community life for a weekend and meet some sisters! For more information contact Sr Lynne fcJ at or visit our website to all our visitors – if you are staying please visit the Church for prayer before the Blessed Sacrament during the week.