bulletin - St. Patrick's Church


bulletin - St. Patrick's Church
Hotel Dieu Hospital’s annual Coat Drive STILL in NEED OF COATS, MITTS, HATS, SCARVES
People in need of a warm winter coat can pick one up at St. Mary’s Parish Hall (corner of Brock and
Clergy Streets) from 1-4 pm, Monday to Saturday, Jan. 5-17. Details: Ann Lyng, 613-546-5521, ext.
3 or 613-542-7612.
A Day for Men with Fr. Chris Keenan, Franciscan, Chaplain of New York City Fire
Department Saturday, January 17, 2015 9:30am-2:30pm Edith Rankin Memorial United
Church, 4080 Bath Road, Kingston www.ermuc.ca “From Wild Man to Wise Man” $35ea
includes Lunch. 613-389-2530 churchoffice@ermuc.ca
Marriage Preparation Course Spring 2015
Eastern Deanery at St. John Bosco, Brockville
Friday evening/Saturday February 27&28, 2015
Central Deanery at Holy Rosary, Belleville
Friday evening/Saturday March 6 & 7, 2015
Western Deanery St. Paul the Apostle, Kingston
Friday evening/Saturday April 17 & 18, 2015
Northern Deanery St. John High School, Perth
Friday evening/Saturday April 17 &18, 2015
For details see Archdiocese website www.romancatholickingston.on.ca or contact office 613 354 5354
If you are getting married in the Catholic Church the Marriage Preparation Course is required.
As always, contact your local parish priest as well.
THANK YOU to everyone who collects used stamps for the Catholic Women’s League.
Redemptorists Mission Stamp Burse. The funds raised goes to the Canadian Food for Children
Mission Fund. Please continue to support our efforts to aid the Redemptorists missionary work by
saving your stamps throughout the year. Place in box labeled “Used Stamps – CWL.”
Together we can make a difference.
Remember when purchasing stamps for your Christmas cards be sure to ask for Nativity
Stamps which feature stained glass from St. Mary’s Cathedral, Kingston.
New Year’s Day Schedule (Holy day of obligation for all Catholics)
Wednesday, December 31st 5:15pm
Thursday, January 1st 10:00am
We will not have a bulletin for January 4 as our print shop is closed until Jan 5/15
The next bulletin will be January 11 The Church Office is open.
There are St. Patrick’s Church Calendars available at the entrance to the church for
each family.
Your 2015 Church Envelopes are at the entrance for pick up. Remember do not
use until 2015. Please check your name and address. If any changes please
contact the office as this is the address that your St. Patrick’s Church Income
tax Receipt will be sent to. Thank you.
If you do not have envelopes and would like them please contact office.
Volunteers are needed to take communion to the residents of the Parrott Centre. To
sign up or for info contact Franklyn 613 354 0776
Adoration Intentions: Jan 7/8 For all who suffer from depression and
despair to find Jesus’ love in abundance.
Adoration and will resume again the week of Jan 7/8
December 28th, 2014
Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph
Mass Schedule for Week: December 28 – January 11 :
Saturday, Dec 27
5:15 p.m.
Parishioners of St. Patrick’s Parish
Sunday, Dec 28
9:00 a.m.
Shirley Anne Kennedy
10:30 a.m.
Clarence Fenlon
Monday, Dec 29
9:00 a.m.
Evelyn Laplante
Tuesday, Dec 30
9:00 a.m.
Lorne McKenny
Wednesday, Dec 31 5:15 p.m.
Joe Sagriff
Thursday, Jan 1
10:00 a.m.
Terry Foley
Mary Mother of God
Friday, Jan 2
9:00 a.m.
Gus Gaffney
Saturday, Jan 3
5:15 p.m.
Helen McGurn Epiphany of the Lord
Sunday, Jan 4
9:00 a.m.
Parishioners of St. Patrick’s Parish
10:30 a.m.
Living &Deceased Members of Catholic Women’s League
Monday, Jan 5
9:00 a.m.
Fr. Bill Dwyre
Tuesday, Jan 6
9:00 a.m.
Deceased Members of Finn Family
Wednesday, Jan 7
8:40 a.m.
Liturgy of the Hours
9:00 a.m.
Don Murphy
Nativity of the Lord
10:15 a.m.
Frank Way @J P Centre
Thursday, Jan 8
9:00 a.m.
Joan Hinch
10:00 a.m.
Joseph Killoran @ Riverine
Friday, Jan 9
9:00 a.m.
Mary Lynch
Saturday, Jan 10
5:15 p.m.
Marguerite Murphy
Sunday, Jan 11
9:00 a.m.
Bill Blades
10:30 a.m.
Parishioners of St. Patrick’s Parish
Children’s Liturgy
SUNDAY9:00am Mass January 11
Liturgical Ministers
Wed Dec 31 5:15 p.m. Cathy Whalen
Thurs Jan 1
10:00 a.m. Shirley Foley
Sat. Jan 3
5:15 p.m. Amber Carrigan
9:00 a.m Laura Poitras
Sun. Jan 4
Anne Kerr & Rachel Callery
Extra Ordinary Ministers Greeters/Ushers
Gerard & Rita Powers
Sue Weir
Colleen & John McCaugherty
Gerard Hanley
Cathy & Francis Manion
Denise Lewis
Franklyn Lemoine & Shirley Foley
Ray Callery
Michelle & Brad King
10:30 a.m. Sarah Pickles
Adrian VanAsseldonk
Margaret Ann Way & Mary Manion
Agnes McKeown
Sat Jan 10
5:15 p.m. Halen Hinch
Shirley & John Holtz
Sun Jan 11
9:00a.m. Maria Stebelsky Len Weir
Shelley & Patrick Kennelly
10:30 a.m. Manfed Simon Manfred Simon
There will be communion under one species only beginning in December due to cold and
flu season
Upcoming Meetings & Events
Tues Jan 6
Parish Council Meeting
Wed Jan 7
Knights of Columbus Meeting
Thurs Jan 8
SSVP Meeting Anyone interested in helping is welcome
Tues Jan 13
Catholic Women’s League Meeting -Election VOTE
Please Remember the Sick in Your Prayers:
Sam Pelletier, Kay Clynch, Leon Perrault, Marie McNeill, Vera Dixon, Anne Genovese, Arlene
Hannah, Patricia Clarke, Stephen Fung, Kevin Rottger, Sr. Margaret McNeil, Doug Dowling, Amalia
Lim, Mike McGrath, Melody Clair, Reg Daley, Courtney Veley, Barb Lunman, Charlotte Wilson, Nora
Pierce, B.J. Ketcheson, Mary Follett, Bill Kimmett, Kevin Kimmett, Amanda Desrosier, Jane
O’Donnell, Kathy Veley, Alford Daley, Norah Paquin, John Dowling, Jesse Wansborough, Ron Scott,
Fern Joyner, Wally Maletych, Margaret Joynt, Mary Cassidy, Ruth Speed, Nadine McNeill, Jim Bird,
Jennifer Fillmore,Jack Perry, Kim Calver Switzer, Irene Whalen, Glen Dowling, Mickey Bond and
Irene Murphy.
If you wish to add or remove the name of a person asking for our prayers in the weekly bulletin,
please inform the parish office by calling (613)354-5354.
Sunday Offering Collections: The Collection for Sunday, December 21
Thank you for your generous support of our parish.
was $2737.00
Food Bank Sunday is the 1 Sunday of each month.
Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible and receives the impossible.
We may not have it all together, but together we have it all!
MASS STIPENDS: $20.00 for an announced Mass (high) and $10.00 for a Low Mass
Weddings: $300.00, Funerals: $200.00, Baptisms: Freewill Donation
Baptisms: 2nd Sunday of each month during the 10:30 a.m. Mass (course required)
Cemetery: All inquiries/requests in regard to St. Patrick’s Cemetery are to be made
directly to the parish office.
There is no respect for others without humility in one’s self.
School News “the influence of a good teacher can never be erased”
School Resumes Monday, January 5th, 2015
Sports Madhouse in Napanee has agreed to
donate $2 from every sale to JJ O’Neill to purchase
a “Sparks Fly” mini stationary bike. If you are
purchasing sports goods or jerseys, please consider
supporting this project. Thanks
JJ O'Neill is collecting unwanted household
batteries as part of the Ontario Schools Battery
Please place batteries in a Ziploc bag and deposit
into the marked bucket at the back of the church.
Ladies of St. Patrick’s Catholic
Women’s League…Now we have
compiled the CANDIDATES list. As
a number of the positions have more
than one candidate who has accepted
God’s call to serve, we NEED YOUR
VOTE on Tuesday, January 13,
2015 at the church hall. Help us to
SPIRITUAL Council for 2015 & 2016
Please support the Candidates! VOTE
JJ O’Neill School would like to
thank the parishioners for their help
in raising $337.10 in Canadian Tire
Money for Interval House. It is
great to work with the church to
help our community. Thank You
A circle of love
It is f it t in g t h at so clo se af t er t h e celeb r at io n o f
Ch r ist ’s b ir t h w e r ejo ice in t h e Ho ly Fam ily t h at
Go d p r o vid ed His So n o n ear t h . Ju st as each o f u s
is g iven in car e t o ear t h ly p ar en t s, so Jesu s w as
g iven t o Mar y an d Jo sep h t h at t h ey m ig h t lo ve
an d car e f o r Him , su p p o r t in g Him as He g r ew t o
f u lf ill Go d ’s p lan s f o r r ed em p t io n . Raised in t h e
lo vin g cir cle o f Mar y’s ar m s, sh elt er ed f r o m h ar m
b y Jo sep h ’s st r o n g ar m s, Jesu s b ecam e t h e m an
t h at w o u ld ch an g e t h e w o r ld . Let u s t h an k Go d
t o d ay f o r t h e Ho ly Fam ily an d p r ay t h at o u r o w n f am ilies w il l r ef lect
t h at sam e lo ve an d p r o t ect io n sh o w n b y Mar y an d Jo sep h .
Go d o u r Fat h er , Yo u r so n Jesu s sh ar ed w it h Mar y an d Jo sep h t h e
lif e o f an ear t h ly h o m e. As w e celeb r at e t h e Feast o f t h e Ho ly Fam ily,
b less o u r h o m es as w ell. Make t h em p laces o f lo ve, jo y an d p eace.
Teach u s t o h elp an d car e f o r o n e an o t h er as Jesu s’ f am ily d id . We
ask t h is t h r o u g h Ch r ist o u r Lo r d . Am en
Lost, or found?
The scene in Matthew 2:1-12 has popularly been called the Epiphany, which
means "showing." Why “showing”? Because God revealed, He showed divine love to
humanity through Jesus Christ. And while many of us are not familiar with the
definition of Epiphany, we know the story perhaps a little too well. This story of
the three magi visiting Jesus has ceased to challenge or inspire our Christian walk.
Yet the story has much to teach us. The magi sought, and were humbly led, to give
homage and honor to Jesus. Today our modem minds lead us in exactly opposite
direction. We seek peace and fulfillment through our technology, ingenuity and
knowledge. We rely on skill and science, failing to recognize our dependence on
God. We have forgotten humility, we have lost our seeking hearts. We no longer
seek, we no longer find. God shows, but we no longer look. Make this Epiphany a day
of new searching. Look deep into your hearts for God’s presence, and if you cannot
find him there, set out on a journey anew.
We don’t always remember what was under the tree, but we will always
remember who was around the tree.