LIMAVADY PARISH BULLETIN 2nd Sunday in Lent 1 March 2015
LIMAVADY PARISH BULLETIN 2nd Sunday in Lent 1 March 2015
CHURCHES RESTORATION FUND DRAW WINNERS FOR FEBRUARY £1,000 Monica McLaughlin, c/o M Eakin £200 Bernard Tierney, c/o M Eakin £100 Frank Owens, c/o M Crilly Collector’s Prize: Gerard McKeever The next draw will take place on Monday 30 March at 8.00 pm in St Mary’s School. Collection times are: Parish Office: 10.30 am - 11.00 am and St Mary’s School: 6.00 pm - 8.00 pm. HOPE 2015 will run this year from Sunday 2 August - Sunday 9 August. Registration this year will be via our new website which will be launched soon. LENTEN JOURNEY Thornhill Ministries is hosting a series of reflection mornings to help people journey through Lent on Monday mornings, from 10.30 am—12.00 noon in Thornhill Convent and will include prayer, quiet and ritual. “POEMS FOR SPRINGTIME” Mary Murphy will explore a selection of poems by Mary Oliver and other poets which offer us, in their uniquely different ways, a route to the Divine. Dates: Thursday 5/12/19/26 March. Time: 7.30 pm - 9.00 pm. Venue: Thornhill College, Culmore Road. Cost: £5 per night. To book, phone Thornhill Ministries at 71 351233. YOUTH 2000 WEEKEND Youth 2000 invites all young adults between ages of 16 - 35 to a catholic weekend retreat taking place from 27 - 29 March at Loreto Convent Secondary School, Letterkenny. For more information, Tel: 0044 7598 876 399, THE ENGAGED ENCOUNTER EXPERIENCE is a very positive way of preparing for marriage. Next course 21 - 22 March in Coleraine. Details at A NIGHT OF TRADITIONAL IRISH MUSIC & DANCE Start your St Patrick’s Day celebrations in Frank Owen’s Marquee with a session of traditional music and dancing on Saturday 14 March 2015 from 9.30 pm. Music by The Molly Maguires Band. Local musicians welcome to join them and fancy dress optional! Tickets £5 (proceeds to the New Parish Centre) available from the Parish Office or contact Angela Begley: Tel 777 64921 or Julia Toner: Tel 777 64374. SPRING CONCERTS Drumachose Music Group are holding Spring Concerts in the Roe Valley Arts & Culture Centre on Friday 13 and Saturday 14 March at 7.30 pm. Admission £7.50. Tickets can be obtained from any member. ST FINLOUGH’S PRIMARY SCHOOL 40TH ANNIVERSARY For the 40th anniversary of the opening of St Finlough’s Primary School (Sistrakeel) all past teachers, staff, pupils are invited to join us for a special celebratory Mass which will take place in St Finlough’s Church on Tuesday 24 March at 7.00 pm, chief celebrant Most Rev Donal McKeown DD (Bishop of Derry) and light refreshments in St Finlough’s Parish Centre. ALZHEIMER’S CARER INFORMATION PROGRAMME in the Drummond Hotel on 3 & 10 March. Tel: 07715800031 for further information. THANKS to all who suppor ted the Ceili on Sunday 15 Feb in the Dr ummond Hotel. Over £2,000 was raised for Fr Devine’s Shalom Centre. Classes resume on Wed nights from 8 - 10 pm. GLACK GAC St Patrick’s Eve celebrations from 7.30 pm. Music by Shenanigans and Whiskey in the Jar. Family event. Underage registration night on Friday 6 March at clubhouse. Training will recommence for all from U12 down. Membership £5 payable on the night. BULLETIN NOTICES All notices MUST be either left at the Parish Office, faxed to 028 777 65290 or sent by email to: on or before a Wednesday at 1.00 pm LIMAVADY PARISH BULLETIN 2nd Sunday in Lent 1 March 2015 ___________________________________________________________ St Mary’s St Mary’s Christ the King St Finlough’s ARRANGEMENTS FOR LENT Masses: Monday - Friday Saturday Monday & Friday Tuesday & Friday St Mary’s 7.00 am & 10.00 am 10.00 am 7.30 pm 9.00 am Consecration to Mary: Every morning after the 10.00 am Mass St Mary’s Stations of the Cross: Every Friday after 10.00 am Mass St Mary’s Christ the King St Finlough’s Confessions: Saturday 11.00 - 11.30 am & 7.00 - 7.15 pm Saturday 5.30 - 5.45 pm Saturday 6.30 pm Lenten Liturgy: St Mary’s Every Sunday at 6.00 pm (starting Sunday 1 March) _______________________________________________________________________ Eucharistic Adoration St Mary’s Every Thursday from 10.30 am - 8.00 pm _______________________________________________________________________________ Weddings, Month’s Mind Masses and Anniversary Masses To book Weddings, Month’s Mind Masses, Anniversary Masses, contact Janet at the Parish Office. Tel: 028 777 62522. Any forms to be signed by the Priest can be left at the Parish Office and collected the next day _______________________________________________________________________________ Baptisms St Finlough’s Church 1st Sunday of the month 11.00 am St Mary’s Church 1st Sunday of the month 11.45 am Christ the King Church 3rd Saturday of the month 4.00 pm _______________________________________________________________________________ Mgr McCanny Fr Devine Parish Office Telephone Numbers 028 777 29759 028 777 62721 028 777 62522 (Mon - Fri: 9.00 am - 1.00 pm) Email: REQUIESCANT IN PACE Deaths We extend our sympathy to the family and friends of: Raymond Magee, Gorteen Crescent, Limavady who died recently. Month’s Mind Masses The Month’s Mind Mass for Patrick O’Hara will be celebrated on Saturday 7 March at 7.00 pm in St Finlough’s Church. Anniversaries Dan & Anne Coyle, Margaret Devenney, Margaret & Johnny Lowry, Dympna Gallagher, Susanna Devine, William Lowry, Alex Irwin, Kathleen McCann, Celine McCrory, Matilda Quigley, Jim Eakin, Denis McGuigan, Teresa Landers, Madeline Canning, Joseph Quinn, Phonsey Hasson jnr, Harry Kelly All names to be included in the Anniversary List must be given in to the Parish Office before 1.00 pm on a Wednesday. Tel: 777 62522 MAY THEY REST IN PEACE Baptisms We welcome into the parish community through the Sacrament of Baptism: Cormac Francis Donaghy, Ruairi Peter McCloskey, Jack Christopher Carter, Taylor Rose Cottle FIRST FRIDAY Mass in St Mary’s Church at 10.00 am on Fri 6 March followed by Confessions. Confessions in Christ the King Church on Friday 6 March at 7.00 pm followed by Mass at 7.30 pm. Mass on Friday 6 March at 9.00 am in St Finlough’s Church followed by Exposition until 10.00 am to pray for Vocations. Confessions on Friday 6 March at 8.30 am and on Saturday at 6.30 pm. COUNTERS FOR MARCH Robbie Hasson, Tony Kealey, Sarah Tierney, Jim Herron, Charlie Mullin, Bernadette Mullin, Maureen Diamond, Frances McIntyre, Monica O’Connor LENTEN SERVICES During Lent there will be a Service at 6.00 pm each Sunday evening. This Sunday will involve the recording of another Rosary CD similar to the one recorded in 2013. The Liturgy for the further four Sundays will take the form of Rosary, spiritual talk and Benediction. The programme is as follows: Sunday 1 March Sunday 8 March Sunday 15 March Sunday 22 March Sunday 29 March CD Recording of Mysteries of the Rosary Introduction to the Gospels Reflection on the Eucharist Sacrament of Marriage Sacrament of Penance Mgr B McCanny Fr J Devine Fr P McCafferty Fr P O’Kane All welcome. TROCAIRE 2015 “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.” Luke 18:16. Mahlet (13) is the little girl from Ethiopia who appears on this year’s Trocaire Box. Mahlet represents the many children in the developing world who are suffering because their families can’t grow enough food to feed them. To find out more visit: THE DEEP END ‘Coming Down The Mountain’ The people of Sebeya in Ethiopia once lived in a region where mountain tops were green and covered in vegetation. Today, the people of Sebeya are confused as to why their rains have stopped; why a land once full of vegetation is now dry. Having lived a simple life and played no part in causing their weather systems to change, these people are now experiencing the effects of climate change, the causes of which lie with the lifestyles of rich nations thousands of miles away. This is a great injustice. When we read today’s Gospel we can see Peter who is desperate to stay on the mountain in that blissful moment with Jesus. But Jesus’ way is different to what Peter may have had in mind at the time. Jesus’ way involves coming down from the mountain and walking a very different path. We hear the call to act on climate justice everywhere but no we need to really listen and to take urgent action. This involves making changes to our lifestyles and campaigning governments who are slow to act. We start with ourselves, with small acts in the hope that the Kings and Presidents of the world will follows. ‘Creation is not a property, which we can rule over at will; or, even less, is the property of only a few: Creation is a gift, it is a wonderful gift that God has given us, so that we care for it and we use it for the benefit of all.’ Pope Francis COLLECTION FOR SUNDAY 22 FEBRUARY 2015 Town Churches £3,795.00 Ballykelly £645.00 HOLY THURSDAY If anyone would like to volunteer to be an apostle and have their feet washed on Holy Thursday, please telephone the parish office (028 777 62522). DERRY DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES Bishop Donal McKeown will lead the Derry Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes from 1 - 6 July 2015. Fare: £599. Booking forms available from: The Pilgrimage Office, 164 Bishop Street, Derry. Tel: 71 260293. or SPECIAL DIOCESAN MASS The Annual Diocesan Mass for those with special needs, will take place in St Joseph’s Church, Galliagh on Saturday 14 March 2015 at 3.00 pm. If you have a child who wishes to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation or First Communion at this Mass, please contact the Derry Diocesan Catechetical Centre on 71 264087 or email PIONEERS Would anyone eligible for a Gold or Silver Pin please get in touch with the local Pioneer Centre, as we are hoping to arrange the presentation of emblems shortly. For details contact M O’Hara on 777 64223. Many people choose to abstain from alcohol for the duration of Lent. Take this opportunity to help someone you know with an alcohol or drug problem by offering up your sacrifice as a prayer for their freedom and well-being. Take the Short-Term pledge and make a difference to someone’s life. For more information visit or contact your local pioneer centre. LEGION OF MARY There will be a P.P.C. Conference held in Termoncanice School on Sunday 8 March at 2.30 pm. Auxiliary members and anyone interested are welcome. Refreshments will be served after. WOMEN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Service will be held in 2nd Limavady Presbyterian Church at 8.00 pm on Fri 6 March 2015. Everyone is welcome and ladies are encouraged to attend. DIVINE MERCY DEVOTIONS every Sunday at 3 pm in St Joseph’s Oratory, Drummond Hotel. ACCORD DERRY Marriage Preparation Workshops. Booking online now at