St. Patrick Church - Saint Patrick Church


St. Patrick Church - Saint Patrick Church
St. Patrick Church
1807 Poplar Street
Terre Haute, in 47803
(812) 232-8518
Pastor: Fr. Richard Ginther
Deacon: Mike Stratman
fourth Sunday of Easter- April 26, 2015
Mass Schedule:
Sunday 9:00am
Tuesday 8:15am
Wednesday 8:15am
Saturday 6:00
Saturday 7:15-7:45pm
Sunday 8-8:30am
The deadline for bulletin
information is noon on
Wednesday. Information must be
emailed or written out and sent to
Baptism: Baptisms will be held on
the fourth Sunday of the month at
1:00pm. Please call the Parish Office
to register.
Marriage: Preparations begin at
least six months in advance of the
marriage date. Please call the Parish
Office to register.
Ministry to the Sick: Please notify
the Parish Office when you or a
family member enters a nursing
home, hospital, or becomes home
bound, to arrange a pastoral visit.
“In the Roman Catholic
tradition, the people of Saint
Patrick Parish are called to
spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ
by our words and actions
through the celebration of the
Sacraments, acts of justice and
charity and life-long faith formation; the fruits of which are a
welcoming faith-filled community
bringing ourselves and others,
through God’s grace, to salvation.”
Louise Anderson
Mark Bryant
Bernadette Ewen
Anthony Guenzel
Tim Monaghan
Kevin Sutterer
Rod Bosley
Elizabeth Collins
Steven Fields
Jeff Kinne
Thierry Ponsot
Matt Wayt
Preschool to 8th Grade: Religious Education
Classes meet on Sunday’s in the school building August thru May from 10:30 —11:45am.
We invite families to join us in the cafeteria
after Mass for coffee and doughnuts, followed
by Faith Formation for the whole family.
High School Youth: Freshmen through Senior
youth meet in the Moran Family Life Center
on select Sunday evenings September thru
May from 5:00-6:30pm.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults:
RCIA meets August thru Easter on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Please call
the Parish Office to register.
CHILD CARE: is available in the lower level of church during the weekend
CRY ROOM: is available at the Poplar
Street entrance
Altar Society: Bette Lindley
Finance Chairman: Andy Sutherland
Liturgy Committee: Yolanda Isbell
Parish Pastoral President: Louise Anderson
School Commission President: Brian Cain
Stewardship Committee: Paul Thiemann
Business Manager: John Fuller
Liturgical Music Director: Donna McDaniel
Office Manager: Malia Mohan
Religious Education Director:
Donna Wenstrup
School Principal: Amy McClain
Sick/Shut-in Minister : Betty Kapellusch
Soup Kitchen Director: Linnea Friesen
Youth Ministers: Tom Gattuso
Mary Kate Becker:
Welcome to St. Patrick’s Church!
Prayer of Hospitality
Lord Jesus, you welcomed all who came into your presence. May we reflect that same spirit through the gift of hospitality. As we greet people today, may they hear your
voice in our words; as we meet them, may we recognize your presence within them; and as we create a place for one another at the
Eucharistic table, may we discover the joy of serving you in others. Amen
All Months
Every Sunday: Hispanic Mass, 2pm @ SMM
Every Weekday: Communion Service @ 7:15am
26 - Bible Study @ 10:30 am
First Holy Eucharist @ 1:30 pm
29 - Mass @ 8:15 am
Spanish Mass is being celebrated at St. Margaret Mary Church every Sunday at 2:00
pm. Please let your Spanish speaking classmates, neighbors and coworkers know
about this. All are welcome to join us whether Spanish is your primary language or not.
Gluten Free Hosts
Gluten free hosts are available for those with gluten intolerance or allergy.
If you have need of these hosts, please tell the pastor before Mass.
Catholic Home Missions
Many dioceses right here in the United States do not have enough priests and trained lay
ministers to serve their parishes. These dioceses are known as Home Missions. The
Catholic Home Missions Appeal will take place this weekend in the second collection, and
supports these dioceses by funding essential ministries, including seminary education and
lay minister training. Please be generous in this appeal and share your resources to
strengthen the Church at Home.
Dear Friends
Dear Friends, Five summers ago, I had the joy of being assigned to
St. Margaret Mary’s and St. Patrick’s for the summer. I learned a lot that summer–
and I have many fond memories of those days. It is hard to believe that soon I will
become a priest! I will be ordained on Saturday, June 6, at 10 am at Ss. Peter & Paul
Cathedral in Indianapolis. My Mass of Thanksgiving (“First Mass”) will be at my home
parish, St. Charles Borromeo in Bloomington at 4 pm the same day. A reception will
follow at the parish. Pleas know that you are more than welcome to attend any of these
events, but we need an RSVP by May 1 at if you are
interested. Thanks so much and I hope to see you soon!
Peace and prayers, Dcn. Mike Keucher
Deacon’s Corner
Secure in God’s hands
Did you know that the space shuttle re-enters Earth’s atmosphere going
25 times the speed of sound? Friction from the wind resistance raises the outside
temperature to 3000 degrees. To keep the space shuttle from burning up, 34,000
separate tiles protect the ships underbelly. These tiles help secure the space shuttle’s
safe return.
In this world of death and decay, nothing is truly secure. Yet scripture
tells us of a life secure in God’s hands. Christ came to this world as our Messiah, the
great High Priest, whose duty required His own sacrificial death for our sins. His
resurrection guarantees eternal redemption for all who confess their sins and believe
in Him.
The loss of health, relationships, and finances can make us feel as if our
life has been ruined. But for the Christian, nothing can be further from the truth.
Through our spiritual union with Christ, nothing can shake those who are secure in
God’s hands.
Together through prayer and service,
Deacon Mike
Bulletin Guidelines
All submissions for the bulletin must be sent to Malia Mohan by Wednesday at
noon of the week requested, and information must be approved by a staff member. If requesting a flier to be
inserted, the information should not be repeated in the bulletin,
and longer than a paragraph.
There is a new limit of 3 fliers per week.
Commitment Cards– Time, Talent, Treasure
Thanks to all parishioners who returned their St. Patrick Parish Commitment card and Archdiocesan Intention card. If you have not yet returned your cards there is still time to do so.
You may drop them in the collection basket or return them by mail to the parish office. If
you need Commitment or Intention cards there are some at each entrance to the church or
you may call the parish office @ 232.8518 and one will be sent to you. Your commitments
help us to carry out the mission of St. Patrick Parish and make it possible for our parish to
minister to the needs of our own parish family as well as the needs of the wider community
and the Archdiocese. Thank you! The Stewardship Committee
Faith Formation
Our next class is scheduled for May 31, 2015 from 10-12 pm in the rectory. Please call the Parish office to register 232-8518.
There will be no RE classes this Sunday, April 26 as we are preparing for the First Holy Eucharist Mass at 1:30 pm. Next Sunday, May 3rd,
the students in RE classes will be honoring Mary with a May Crowning. Please join us in the church at 10:40 am to honor Mary and pray
for the needs of our world. Prayer is such an important ministry. Prayer and sacrifice changes hearts and leads to conversion.
The next RCIA Inquiry Session will be Wednesday, May 6. We will discuss Jesus as Miracle Worker– How do we understand Jesus’ miracles? We meet from 6:30-8 pm in the classroom of the Dede Center at St. Margaret Mary. Babysitting is available and all are welcome to
Our Church community changed lives this Lent! CRS Rice Bowl wants to say “Thank you!” Please bring in your Rice Bowls next weekend
and place them in the big Rice Bowl in the Church.
It’s time to register for Vacation Bible School! VBS will be held Monday, June 22-Friday, June 26 this year, 9 am-noon each day. The
theme is
“The Serengeti Trek: Where Kids are Wild About God!” You may register your child in grades PreK-5th Grade. Those in 6th grade up to
adults are encouraged to register to volunteer. Go to to print off a copy of the form, or grab a form at the
doors of the church or at the office.
For craft projects, we are in need of empty cardboard toilet paper rolls. For decorations, we are looking for African art, stuffed animals, or
anything that would look like it belongs in the Serengeti. Please bring any of these items to the parish office. Place your name on the decorations so we can get them back to you.
The five Indiana bishops have issued a pastoral letter on poverty. The overall goal is to bring awareness to the suffering that is experienced
by our fellow Hoosiers and motivate us all to take further responsibility for helping to relieve some of this suffering. Please take the time to
read the letter and to respond to the survey that will be used to develop a pastoral plan to reduce poverty in Indiana–
Youth ministry corner
Please consider supporting our teens for this summer’s Mission Trip to
New Orleans! If you would like to purchase one, or have any questions
about the trip, please contact Tom Gattuso!
Remember we meet for coffee every Tuesday morning at 7 am at Java
Haute. All teens are invited for coffee and great conversation!
Saturday, May 2 from 6:30-9:30 pm in Hellmann Hall. Hellmann Hall is
located two buildings to the right of St. Benedict’s. We will be offering
babysitting services for parents so they can go out and have an evening to
themselves. “I did not come to be served, but to serve.” MT 20:28. Let us
serve our parents of the city the way Christ came to serve us!
Mary Kate Becker has resigned her position effective April 20. She has
taken a position at her home parish, St. Barnabas. We thank her for her
Our next RE Session will be on May 3 at 5 pm in the FLC, where our very service to our youth and wish her well at her new position. A search comown Kelly Carney will be giving a lesson on the Saints. Don’t miss this one!
mittee is being formed to find a replacement.
All high school students are invited to come join us Sunday at 5 pm in the
youth space at the Deanery Center as we continue through 1st Timothy.
Soup Kitchen
Gal 2:20b
“The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God,
who loved me and gave himself for me.”
Our life of faith is lived in the body God gave us. That
seems obvious, but when there is a challenge to the food
and sustenance for your body, it can challenge your walk
of faith as well. In the Soup Kitchen, we have the privilege
to let the food that is given freely flow through our lives,
to meet the needs of friends in our community. And God
opens an opportunity for faith to flow into their lives and
meet needs we may not realize are there. For all who give
to the Soup Kitchen, and to those who pray for the prayer
cards left in the Adoration Chapel, we give a special
thanks during this Easter Season.
Needs for April
Canned vegetables of all kinds
Canned Red Beans or chili beans
Instant meals like Ramen noodles, soup, or macaroni
and cheese for emergency bags
Ziploc Sandwich bags
Adoration Chapel
Please check the updated chapel schedule!
If you have an hour to spare in the chapel,
please contact Roni
Please contact Roni
Schmidt #877-4365 if you
would like to schedule an
hour commitment.
Attention all teens
Nursery babysitter training meeting/ refresher course
Sunday, May 3rd from 12-1 in the St. Patrick’s Nursery.
This is for new and seasoned sitters. All are welcome
and encouraged to attend!
Monthly Rosary
Garden Angels
The Garden Angels will have their annual Spring
Planting Day on Saturday, May 9.
All are welcome to join for prayer and breakfast at 8
am, followed by a day of working in the garden.
Starting May 2nd after Saturday evening Mass, we
will be taking the time to say the rosary and adore
our Blessed Mother. We will be doing this the first
Saturday each month and then we will be holding
special rosaries for our Military Men and Women on
days that honor those who have and who are serving
our country. We will meet over in the Mary Chapel
of the sanctuary following Mass on Saturday evening. All are welcome and urged to spend this time
with the Blessed Mother.
There’s a Fire– What next?
1) Get Out! Alert your family and get out
2) Go to your meeting spot & make sure everyone is out.
3) Call 911 outside of burning structure
4) Don’t worry about possessions, they can be
5) Do not go back in for pets, your family needs
you more.
If you need help checking or installing a smoke
detector, please contact the THFD at 244-2803.
Senior Citizen Mass
The Deanery Pastoral Leadership and Deanery Center
will host the annual Senior Citizen Appreciation Mass and
Dinner on Thursday, May 7 at St. Margaret Mary Church.
This event celebrates the faith of our deanery senior
citizens and expresses gratitude for your sharing the faith
for many years. There is no cost. Mass is at 11 am with a
catered dinner following in the Legacy Room of the Dede
Center. Register by calling Louise at 232-8400 or the St.
Margaret Mary parish office at 232-3512 as soon as
possible and by May 1.
Date Night
Attention Parents!!
Are you in need of an evening off? Would you like an
evening to yourselves? Well then mark your calendars
for Saturday, May 2. Terre Haute Youth Ministry is offering that evening for you. Our teens along with some
gracious volunteers will be at St. Benedict’s Hellmann
Hall from 6:30-9:30 pm that evening to offer a safe place
for you to drop your children off so you can relax & have
an evening to yourselves. Games, movies, activities as
well as snacks will be provided at no cost. We will be
able to accommodate children 3 years and older. If you
would like to take advantage of this great opportunity,
please RSVP to Tom Gattuso at 208-244-8437, or by April 29. Walk-ins will be
permitted if space allows.
Wabash Vally Beer Fest
Parish Pastoral Council
The Wabash Valley Beer Fest is May 2nd at the Clay County Fairgrounds from 4-7
pm. It is an opportunity to sample different craft and micro brews from across
Indiana. Entertainment will be provided by the band “The Macdaddy’s.” Featured
brewers include Sunking, Oaken Barrell, and Wasser Beer, but will feature over 40
other beers from brewers all over the state.
Tickets can be purchased online by visiting, and all
sales will help the youth and young adults of Annunciation attend World Youth Day
2016 in Poland. Questions? Please call 812-448-1901.
Calling for stewards of time and talent for Parish Pastoral Council!
Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) Elections will be held in May. We are seeking persons who
can 1) contribute time to a monthly 1 1/2 hour meeting 2) contacting selected parish
ministry leaders for monthly updates; and 3) contribute talent to “big picture thinking”
about the current & future of the St. Patrick Parish family. Elected terms are for three
years. Nominating committee members Jeff Kinne (, Tim Monaghan
(, and Kevin Sutterer ( will be
contacting parishioners we think would be good stewards. BUT, even better, if you would
be a good steward of the time and talent described, please contact any of the three nominating committee members. Don’t be shy!
Ph# 812-232-2157
School Updates
Band Teacher Needed
Our beloved band teacher, Mrs. Gibbs, will be retiring in May. St. Patrick School needs a part-time band teacher. Please
send your resume to St. Patrick School, attn.: Amy McClain, or call the office for more information.
Mark your calendars for our last all-school Mass on May 27 at 1:30 pm. Please join us as we send-off our 8th grade students at this Mass.
Winners of this year’s Calendar of Cash:
$100 Drawing:
Gary Page
Msgr. Larry Moran
Kay Kincaid, Margie Zellers, Sue Funk, Judy Eckert, Debbie
Weekly $50 Drawing:
Sandy McBroom
Norma Laxer
John Gallion
Tony Tanoos
David Fuson
Tim Carter
Ron Fouts
John Gallion
Ross Elliot
Harold Terry
Becky & Lowell Touchton
Gay Ann Monninger
Don Hickman
Pat Barnhart
Liturgical Ministers Schedule
Saturday, May 2, 6:00 P.M.
Eucharistic Ministers
Linda Bolerjack
Kaitlyn Crawford
1. Louella Dalina
5. Linda Hudson
Fritz Isaacs
Scott Lewis
Paul Humphries
2. Kent Bolerjack
6. Nicolle Jaurre
Idel Dalina
Olivia Rightley
3. Mary Ann Clark
7. John Newport
Bill Seprodi
4. Tom McBroom
Charlie Cummins
Sunday, May 3, 9:00 A.M.
Sheila Dinkel
Steve Fields
Eucharistic Ministers
Michael Aimone
1. Katie Aimone
5. Geri March
Dominic Eldred
2. Libby Fields
6. Tina Schmittgens Joe Burdick
Kate Pfaff
3. Deacon Mike
7. Jim Jones
4. Chris Shober
Tom Haley
Jim Burdick
Andy Pfister
Don Seprodi
the hospital, Catholic patients
need to inform the admitting staff
of their religious affiliation and if a
visit from the parish is desired.
Due to federal regulations, if patients do not inform the admitting
staff, the church will not know of
their hospital stay.
Patients can always call the
church directly if a visit is desired
or sacrament of the sick is needed.
Religious affiliation information is not normally obtained
from patients who enter the hospital through the emergency room.
Always feel free to call us if you
are in the hospital or are planning
a hospital stay.
(Preliminary Report)
Total Envelope Collection…..….…....................$11,492
Total Automated Giving……....………..……..…$7,270
Loose Collection…...........….....……..……........…$228
Total Collection…….…....……..….….….……$19,035
Total Envelopes—228 Average Donations-$82.29
For Fiscal Year 2014-15 (7/1/14-6/30/15)
Year-to-date Sunday Collections Goal….........$596,299
Year-to-date Actual Sunday Collections…......$584,629
We are under 2014-15 YTD goal by.…....…..…$11,670
2014-15 Sunday Collections Goal………….…$723,820
Parish Stewardship
611 Total Parish Families
272 2015 Stewardship Cards returned
306 Total cards returned in 2014
$541,057 2015 Offertory pledges total
$631,902 Total pledges in 2014
$90,845 below 2014 pledge total
Mass Intentions and Readings
Saturday, April 25th
4:00 pm - SMM
Sunday, April 26th
Fourth Sunday of Easter
David Bentrup † (Jack & Kathleen Meany)
6:00 pm—SP
Joe Isbell † (Isbell Family)
9:00 am - SP
Pro-Populo Mass for the People of Our Parish
11:00 am - SMM
Catalina Aquino Andres † (Belarmino & Cora Frogozo)
2:00 pm - Hispanic
Special Intentions for Our Hispanic Community
Tuesday, April 28th
7:15 am - SP
Communion Service Only
Wednesday, April 29th
8:15 am - SP
George Patterson † (Suzanne Nolte)
Thursday, April 30th
9:00 am - SMM
Fr. John Dede † (Friends of St. Margaret Mary)
11:00 am - Bethesda
M. Tiel Sullivan † (Friends of St. Margaret Mary)
Friday, May 1st
9:00 am - SMM
Alfred Pete Dillion † (Friends of the Parish)
Saturday, May 2nd
4:00 pm - SMM
Jean Handley † (Bill & Janet Olah)
Sunday, May 3rd
Fifth Sunday of Easter
6:00 pm - SP
Mary Seprodi Neal † (Mary Ann Davis & Family)
9:00 am - SP
Patricia Decker † (Janice Dowell)
11:00 am - SMM
2:00 pm - Hispanic
Day, Date
Sunday, April 26
Monday, April 27
Tuesday, April 28
Wednesday, April 29
Thursday, April 30
Friday, May 1
Saturday, May 2
Sunday, May 9
Pro-Populo Mass for the People of Our Parish
Mrs. Micaela Villa Fana † (Sonia Walsh)
ACTS 4:8-12
Responsorial Psalm/ 2nd
1 JN 3:1-2
ACTS 11:1-8
ACTS 11:19-26
ACTS 12:24-13:5A
ACTS 13:13-25
ACTS 13:26-33
ACTS 13:44-52
ACTS 9:26-31
PS 42:2-3; 43: 3,4
PS 87:1B-3, 4-5, 6-7
PS 67:2-3, 5, 6 & 8
PS 89:2-3, 21-22, 25 & 27
PS 2:6-7, 8-9, 10-11AB
PS 98:1, 2-3AB, 3CD-4
1 JN 3:18-24
1st Reading
Gospel Reading
JN 10:11-18
JN 10:1-10
JN 10:22-30
JN 12:44-50
JN 13:16-20
JN 14:1-6
JN 14:7-14
JN 15:1-8
Please Pray For: Melany Bradshaw, Marie Beckman, Emma Carballo, Please pray that all of our service men and
women come back home safely!
Jose Carballo, Rogelio Chavez, Jim Davis, W. Fred Decker, Tina Dominic, Paul Dunham, Stephanie Boatman Fields, Renee Fisher, Nancy Frisz, Manuel Garcia, Joan Hamilton, Paula Harvey, Louise Hrabak, Mary Holechko, Joe Hudson, Marie Hurst, Patricia
Kelly, William Kinne, Willa Knecht, Bonnie Layman, Scott Lewis, Elizabeth Langan,
Carl R. Long, Ralph Long, Richard Maher, Sandy McBroom, Leslie McCoy, Sandy Mershon, Carol Norris, Paulina O’Brien, Christopher Parker, Virginia Price, Mary CatheMilitary Outreach is looking for names of deployed
rine Rassel, Herm Rassel, Janet Robinson, Audrey Sams, Jeff Scully, Chad Smith, Kim
soldiers. Please call the parish office if you’d like to
Siebenmorgen, Bill Scott, Noah Snoderly, Dorothy Trembley, Monica Tuzzolino, Susan
add a name to the prayer list.
Wagner, Mitchell Weust, Gabi Wrobelewski, Gertrude Zeimet, Ken Zika
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St. Patrick School