N A C E I n t e r nat i o na l S t u d en t M em b e r s h i p A p p l icat i o n To qualify for the student membership rate and benefits, you must meet the following criteria: 1. Be enrolled as a full-time student at an accredited university or college (12 hours undergraduate, 9 hours graduate or above). 2. Proof of full-time enrollment (course schedule, student ID) must be submitted with this form. 3. Seven years is the maximum length of time an individual can retain student status. 4. Student eligibility must be reviewed annually. Please note address changes and check the appropriate “college” or “home” box. Indicate alternate address, phone, and fax numbers. New Renewal Change PERSONAL & COMPANY DATA Please complete both your college and home addresses. Where do you want information mailed? College or University Home First Name: Last (Family) Name: College Name: College Address: (Include mail stop) City: State/Province: Zip/Postal Code: Country: College Phone: (Include area code for U.S. and country/city codes for international) Fax: (Include area code for U.S. and country/city codes for international) E-mail: Web Address: Home Address: (Include mail stop) City: State/Province: Zip/Postal Code: Country: Home Phone: Have you been a member of NACE previously? (Include area code for U.S. and country/city codes for international) Yes No If yes, NACE member # PROFESSIONAL INTERESTS A Sex: □ Male □ Female B Degree currently working to attain (REQUIRED): A □Associate’s B □Bachelor’s M □ Master’s D □ Doctoral P □ Post-doctoral D How did you hear about NACE? C □ Colleague A □ Advertisement E □ Education Course I □ Internet 1 □ NACE Catalog 2 □ NACE Journal 0 □ Other_______________________________ (please specify) SMA0611 G From the list below, choose the classification that best describes your career interests. (Choose only one) 5 □ Engineering/Architecture/Consulting Firms 6 □ Research Services 7 □ Chemical Processing/Process Industries & Allied Products 8 □ Aerospace 9 □ Pulp & Paper 11 □ Construction 12 □ Testing Services 13 □ Oil & Gas Extraction 14 □ Original Equipment Manufacturer 18 □ Coating & Lining Application 19 □ Coating & Lining Manufacturer/Distributor 21 □ Plastics/Nonmetals 23 □ Measuring, Analyzing & Controlling Instrumentation 27 □ Railcar/Tank Trucks 50 □ Metals/Mining 51 □ Ships/Marine Structures/Offshore Platforms 52 □ Oil & Gas Pipelines/Storage Tanks 53 □ Refining 54 □ Power Plant/Electric Utility 55 □ Bridges & Highways 56 □ Municipal Water Distribution/Treatment 57 □ Industrial Water Treatment 140 □ Other_______________________________ (please specify) I Birthdate ________ / ________ / ________ (REQUIRED)MM DD YY N A C E I n t e r nat i o na l S t u d en t M em b e r s h i p A p p l icat i o n To qualify for the student membership rate and benefits, you must meet the following criteria: 1. Be enrolled as a full-time student at an accredited university or college (12 hours undergraduate, 9 hours graduate or above). 2. Proof of full-time enrollment (course schedule, student ID) must be submitted with this form. 3. Seven years is the maximum length of time an individual can retain student status. 4. Student eligibility must be reviewed annually. Failure to submit proper documentation will result in the delay of processing your student membership application. OPTIONS OF MEMBERSHIP AND SERVICES AMOUNT TOTAL 1 YEAR FREE 120-Day Trial Student Membership (Only eligible to first-time student members, some restrictions may apply.) FREE Student Membership (includes online access to Materials Performance and Corrosion journal) $20 Materials Performance Subscription Hard copy $60 Corrosion Journal Subscription Hard copy $60 Membership Certificate $15 FREE Overseas Mail Option (available with paid subscription only—not valid in U.S., Canada, and Mexico) Journals are sent via surface mail unless an airmail option is selected at an additional charge h Materials Performance—12 issues h Corrosion journal—12 issues $35 $35 Add dues and options to calculate total amount to be paid. Amount paid Membership dues are nontransferable and nonrefundable. Membership benefits are nontransferable. PAYMENT OPTIONS Payments can be made by check, money order, or credit card in U.S. funds made payable to NACE. Check number: h Check/money enclosed: U.S. $ h Credit card payment h MasterCard h VISA h American Express h Discover Account number: Expiration date: Name as it appears on card: Signature: For more information, contact NACE FirstService at 1 800-797-NACE (6223) (U.S. & Canada) or +1 281-228-6223 (Worldwide). Mail completed application with payment to: NACE International 1440 South Creek Dr. Houston, TX 77084-4906 USA SMA0611
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