Connor Presbyterian Church


Connor Presbyterian Church
Connor Presbyterian Church
Rev. Richard Murray (028 2589 2949)
Welcome to our Sunday morning service.
Sunday, 21st June, 2015
11:00 AM
12:00 noon
Prayer Meeting (Condiere Room)
Morning Service* – Mr Matthew Boyd
(Children up to P4 go to Children's Church during the hymn after the offering.)
6:00 PM
6:30 PM
7:30 PM
Prayer Meeting (Condiere Room)
Evening Service – Rev. Tom Shaw
PW Committee Meeting (Rockfield Room)
The Week Ahead (22nd–27th June)
Walk & Talk (7:30 PM)
You are invited to Walk & Talk on Tuesday, 23rd June and Tuesday,
30th June at 7:30 PM. Turn up ready to walk and talk.
• 30–40 minute walk, followed by a short talk and a bite of supper.
• Informal nights for females of all ages.
• Running late? Come when you can!
• Raining? Fitness DVD instead—not too strenuous!
Starting point: outside the church halls. Not keen on walking? Feel free
just to turn up in the Loft at 8:30 PM for the talk and supper. Open to
all. Come and bring a friend!
Prayer Meeting (8:00 PM)
Sunday, 28th June, 2015
11:00 AM
12:00 noon
6:00 PM
6:30 PM
Prayer Meeting
Morning Service† – Mr Richard Patton
Prayer Meeting
Evening Service – Mr Matthew Boyd
July & August
Prayer Meeting (11:00 AM)
Morning Service‡ (11:30 AM, note earlier time)
Prayer Meeting (6:00 PM)
Evening Service (6:30 PM)
Prayer Meeting (8:00 PM)
27th–31st July Holiday Bible Club (time to be confirmed)
Morning services revert to 12:00 noon on Sunday, 6th September.
Moderator's Appeal for Nepal. Thank you to all who contributed to the Moderator's Appeal for earthquake victims in Nepal. With Gift Aid added to the collection, the total raised was £2,269.17.
Food Safety Evening. Thanks to all who attended. It was great to see so many showing an active interest
in this important area.
Holiday Cover. During Rev. Murray's time away in Kenya, pastoral cover is being provided by our student
assistant, Mr Matthew Boyd. Please contact him on 07729 453 529 or email
Anyone requiring the church caretaker between Thursday, 25th June and Saturday, 11th July should contact
Andrew on 07709 502 099.
Blog from Kenya. Richard and Andrew are writing a blog during their time away in Kenya. You can read it
online at
Recycling Fundraiser. The lorry is coming to Connor on Thursday, 25th June. Please place unwanted
clothes, coats, handbags, shoes, and belts into black plastic bags for the collection (no uniforms, sheets,
towels, duvets, curtains, or wet/dirty clothes). Alternatively, pick up one of the official bags from the welcome
desk in the concourse today. Bags can be left in the ground-floor kitchen today, or at the manse between
7:00 PM and 8:00 PM on Monday, 22nd June and between 4:30 PM and 6:00 PM on Wednesday, 24th June.
All donations welcome!
Recommencement Dates. Sunday School: Sunday, 6th September. BB: Monday, 7th September. GB:
Tuesday, 15th September.
Parking. Please refrain from parking near the entrance of Braefield Nursing Home on Sundays. There have
been incidents in which emergency vehicles and relatives have been unable to access the Home during our
services. Thank you for your cooperation.
Suicide Awareness Talk. Monday, 22nd June at 7:00 PM in the Coach House, Connor.
Missionary Meeting. Listen to Maud Kells (a missionary who was shot in the Congo) speak about her life
and work in the Tullyglass Hotel on Saturday, 27th June. Paul and Sharon Acheson will also be speaking.
The carvery lunch at 1:00 PM will cost £15; there will be an offering towards missionary work. To book a
place, phone Dessie on (028) 9181 7934 or 07977 637 282.
Blood Donation Session. Friday, 3rd July between 4:00 PM and 8:00 PM at Kells & Connor Playing Fields.
Keswick at Portstewart. Saturday, 11th July to Friday, 17th July.
Saturday and Sunday:
• 7:30 PM: evening meeting with Andy Prime (Scotland).
Monday to Friday:
• 11:00 AM: Bible teaching with Dominic Smart (Scotland),
• 7:30 PM: evening meeting with Scotty Smith (Gospel Coalition, USA).
This will be a great opportunity to enjoy fellowship and great Bible teaching, and it is only a short drive
away. Relax, refresh, and rejoice this summer at Keswick at Portstewart.
Announcements should be emailed to by 6:00 PM on Thursday for inclusion
on the following Sunday’s sheet. The next sheet will be issued on Sunday, 6th September.
Q80/107: What is required in the tenth commandment?
A: The tenth commandment requireth full contentment with our own condition, with a right and charitable
frame of spirit toward our neighbour, and all that is his.
Crèche leaders for 21st June: Kirsty Hill, Agnes McConnell, & Liz Greer.
Crèche leaders for 28th June: Kirsty Hill, Sarah McCord, & Amanda Thompson.
All crèche leaders should check whether they are on the rota over July and August.