June 7, 2015 - French Camp Presbyterian Church


June 7, 2015 - French Camp Presbyterian Church
French Camp Presbyterian Church
A Community and Campus Church
June 7, 2015
Life of the Church
Covered Dish Lunch After Church Today: All are invited to join us!
Special Thanks to Rev. David Dennis for leading our worship today and bringing
the message. David is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America
and currently serves on staff at FCA.
Welcome and Announcements
Call to Worship and Invocation
Children’s Church: If you can take one or two Sundays this summer, please
speak with Rachel Purvis ASAP so she can finalize a schedule.
*Hymn No. 3: Holy, Holy, Holy
Shepherd’s Prayer: John Robert Cockrell
Sunday Evening Fellowship & Covered Dish, 6:00 pm Next Sunday at the
5-Plex with host Larry Mincher. Bring chairs or blankets, lawn games and food to
share. (Dorm Parents, a reminder to bring enough food to feed your dorm.)
Tithes and Offerings
*Doxology and Prayer of Dedication
Children’s Sermon
(Children will be dismissed to Children’s Church following the Children’s Sermon)
*Hymn No. 139: Great is Thy Faithfulness
Our Plans, or God’s?
Rev. David Dennis
Isaiah 42:15
*Hymn (Overhead): Speak, O Lord
*Congregation Standing
Next Week’s Sermon: Operation “No More Tears”
Register for VBS with Rachel Purvis – 547-7226, 352-817-3168 (text) or
rbrannan@frenchcamp.org. Medical Release forms are on the back table.
Birthday Cards for Liz, Former FCA Intern, Due Today: Liz’s birthday is
August 23rd. If you’d like to send a card, get it to Mary Faith Phillips no later than
today!. (See Correspondence Guidelines posted on the Bulletin Board to assure
that your message is appropriate.)
Items Needed for Wales Mission Team: Collection boxes at church & mail room.
Sharpies-all colors
Markers-all colors
Crayons-all colors
Colored Tissue Paper
Pipe cleaners
Glue –Elmers or equivalent
Popsicle sticks
Air Dry Clay (craft store) Food Coloring-Neon Colors
Cotton balls
Clothes pins
Construction Paper
White Card Stock
Aluminum Foil
Colored sponges (NO scrubby)
Small balloons
Ugly mens neckties
Fishing line
Paper plates cheap kind Small spray bottles
Bubble wrap(small bubble kind)
Multi-Colored Yarn
Small t-shirts k-6 grade Brown paper (lightweight rolls)
Sunday School Update
In order to have classes for all ages the Sundays during Summer School (June 14,
21, 28 and July 5) teachers are needed for: Younger Boys, Older Elementary Boys
and Middle School Girls. The Coblentz’s are out of town until June 13 so contact
Mary Nell ASAP if you can help: marynellcoblentz@gmail.com or 803-984-0679.
Adult Classes:
*Ladies - Jane Beswick will continue her class: When the Good News Gets Even
Better: Rediscovering the Gospels Through First-Century Jewish Eyes
* Men - Steve Arrowood will continue his class in Moriah Dorm.
* Men & Women’s Class – “WRAP” Around Adoptive Families and Dorms
Today: Focus on the Family's video, A Servant's Heart
June 14 - Audrey Paladino
June 21 – WRAP (Wrestle in Prayer, Respite Care, Acts of Kindness, Promises of God)
June 28 - Don Smith
July 5 - Ana Cooper, Former FCA Intern: Update on her Mission Trip to Israel
323 School St. French Camp, Mississippi 39745
website: www.fcarp.org
Pastor: Rev. J. Alex Coblentz 662-547-6520 (home), 609-232-2770 (church)
Ministry Coordinator: Mary Nell Coblentz
Sermons can be accessed online for listening and sharing at www.fcpc.sermon.net
Messages by Alex Coblentz are broadcast Sunday mornings at 8:00 am on WFCA-FM108
Reminder: The FCA Baccalaureate and Commencement services can be heard online at
www.fcarp.org. (Click on Sermon.Net)
Ushers .............................................................. Tom Dickson, Billy Prewitt
Greeters ...................................................................... Billy & Carol Prewitt
Nursery................................................................................. Mary Sorensen
Children’s Church ....................................................................... Joy Martin
French Camp
Presbyterian Church
Next Sunday: June 14, 2015
Ushers: Jason Purvis, Larry Littlejohn
Greeters: Paul & Donna Perkins
Nursery: Staci Stevens
Student Ushers: TBA
Shepherd’s Prayer: Bruce Hosket
Children’s Church: TBA
Calendar of Events
Next Sunday
June 16-19
June 16-18
July 1*
July 5
July 13-18
7:00 am – Men’s Breakfast @ FC Baptist Church
10:00 am - Sunday School
11:00 am – Worship
Covered Dish Lunch after Church
ARP General Synod @ Bonclarken
6:00 pm - Prayer Meeting @ Dorothy Donald’s
5:30 am - Men’s Fellowship @ Welcome Center
2:30 pm – Wedding Shower for Ainsley McGlothin @ FCBC
6:00 pm – Sunday Evening Fellowship- Larry Mincher @5 Plex
9:00 – 11:30 - VBS with Grace Evan
6:00 – 8:00 pm – Middle School Activities with Grace Evan
Community July 4th Celebration @ Lake Ruth
6:00 pm – July 4th Ice Cream Social & Guest Speaker Jody Mike
Smith, Lt. Col. In the Army @ Historic District with FC Baptist
MVP Summer Camp
Annual July 4th Covered-Dish Picnic at Lake Ruth - Wednesday, July 1: This
is a wonderful community-wide celebration with food and fireworks! We have
been asked to let them know how many are coming from our church, so if you plan
to attend, please let Mary Nell know SOON. They would also appreciate help
setting up June 27, starting at 8:00 am as well as financial donations to help cover
the cost of food, paper products and fireworks. Donations can be made through
FCPC by June 14.
Ministry of Prayer
Health: Mike & Carrie Allen, Gary & Cindy Bayer, Clay Morgan, Jimmy
Saunders, Wanda Watkins, Afton Wallace, Edna Winkler
Homebound/ Nursing Home: Mervyn Carver, Nita Curtis, Dorothy Donald,
Eleanor Whitmire
A Campus and Community Church