Mar. 29, 2015 - Crucifixion Church


Mar. 29, 2015 - Crucifixion Church
March 29. 2015
Holy Cross
Palm Sunday
Pastor: Rev. Gregory Havel
Rev. Mr. Bob Yerhot
Rev. Mr. Gerald Trocinski
180 Washington St. Dakota, Mn
Office: 423 South 2nd Street
La Crescent, MN 55947
Phone 895-4720, 895-2207
Mass Times
Su 3/29 11:00 am Holy Cross Parishioners of Holy Cross and Crucifixion
Mo 3/30
No Mass
Tu 3/31 8:00 am Holy Cross t Rita Oldenburg
We 4/1
6:30 pm Crucifixion t Joan Wieser & Renee Wieser
Th 4/2
7:00 pm Crucifixion t Luella Graf
Holy Thursday
Fr 4/3
Holy Cross 1:00 pm, Crucifixion 3:00 pm
Good Friday
Sa 4/4
5:00 pm Crucifixion t Marcella “Babe” Michalke Holy Saturday
Su 4/5
8:00 am Crucifixion
Parishioners of HC & Crux Easter
Su 4/5
9:30 am Crucifixion t Mary & Joseph Wieser
Su 4/5 11:00 am Holy Cross t Bob Liebsch
Fr Havel Deacons Trocinski & Yerhot
To schedule Baptisms, Marriages,
Sacrament of the Sick or Adult
Confirmation, please call the parish
Office at 895-4720
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday at Holy Cross 9:30-10:00a m
Saturday at Crucifixion 4:00-4:30 pm
Items for the Bulletin
Phone: (507) 643-6039
Welcome to Holy Cross Parish
Christmas church decorating
today after Mass
All are
welcome to help!
As we enter Holy Week, I encourage each of us to take
advantage of this timeChristmas
to grow closerchurch
to the Lord.
Massto be one
Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter
continuous time of prayer.
Supper ofto
If you are searching for a parish, we invite you to join Holy Cross. Please call 895 4720 or email:
Schedules for March 29
Dee Thompson
Dee Thompson
Greeter & Gift Bearer:
Eucharistic Minister, Body: Fr Havel & JoAnn Demorest
Eucharistic Minister, Blood: Deacon & Ida Vessel
Schedules for April 5
Dee Thompson
Tammy Stremcha
Greeter & Gift Bearer:
Eucharistic Minister, Body: Fr Havel & Cindy Teske
Eucharistic Minister, Blood: Deacon & JoAnn Demorest
For the ill: Bernadette Thesing, Gail Trocinski,
Ken Gaworski, Tom Rignell
For those who have died: Jean Jecque (sister of Jenny Heth)
March 31 Soup Supper serving at 5:30pm at Crucifixion
Stations of the Cross at 6:30pm at Crucifixion
March 30 No School – Teacher Workshop
Chrism Mass, Our Lady of Angels
Church, Austin, MN 7:00pm
April 2 Holy Thursday Mass at 7:00pm
April 3 Good Friday Service
1:00pm Holy Cross
3:00pm Crucifixion
April 3 KC Fish Fry at Crucifixion School 4:30 – 7:30 pm
April 4 Easter Vigil 8:00pm at Crucifixion
April 8 7:15pm Cemetery Meeting
April 8 7:30pm Parish Council Meeting
There will be a cemetery meeting on Wednesday, April 8, at
7:15pm just before the Parish Council Meeting.
Rolland Wilson is retiring as a cemetery trustee. It would be
great to have several serving on the cemetery board. Rolland
said he would be around for questions and advice whenever
needed. If you can help please come to the meeting or
call Ron Wall at 643 2479 or John Schneider at 643 6039.
All are welcome as we as we share soup and bead. The
final soup supper of this Lenten season will be held on
March 31. Serving is from 5:30 until 6:15pm.
All Holy Cross parishioners are welcome as we
share soup and bread.
Easter Flowers
We are accepting donations for Easter flowers. Please
remember your deceased family members with this tribute.
When making your donation, please include in the memorial
who it is for and from. Place an envelope in the collection
basket or mail to 423 South Second Street,
La Crescent, MN 55947.
Thursday led to the passion of Good Friday. The death and
burial of Jesus led to the Resurrection of Easter. As we enter
this time of grace with Jesus, may it bring us to the promise of
eternal life.
The palms we receive this weekend are a beautiful symbol
of life. When we receive them, the palms are fresh and
flexible. Over the year, like in life, the palms become more
brittle, less flexible. Sometimes the struggles of life are like
the palms. Yet there is new life as the palms become the ashes
of Ash Wednesday and new life begins again as we turn our
hearts back to the Lord. May our hearts be renewed in the
ever present gift of God’s love.
A tote box at the church entrance has been provided for you
to bring in dried palms.
As a reminder: All 14 year olds and older ages are obligated
to abstain from meat on Good Friday. Ages 18-59 are
obligated to fast on Good Friday.
Ministries Appeal
Frequently asked question: Are Catholic Ministries Appeal
(CMA) funds used to pay legal fees or settlements from
sexual abuse cases?
No. Appeal money has ever been used for victim settlement
or legal costs related to clergy sex abuse cases. Gifts to the
2015 Appeal will be used only for the benefit of designated
ministries and programs identified and for no other purposes.
An independent board of directors stewards all funds and
ensures they are only distributed according to the donor’s
Holy Land Collection
The collection for the Holy Land, in the words of Paul VI, is
“not only for the Holy Places; but above all for those pastoral,
charitable, educational, and social works which the Church
supports in the Holy Land for the welfare of their Christian
brethren and of the local communities.”
Rice Bowl
Seventy-five percent of the Rice Bowl funds the diocese
collects supports Catholic Relief Services anti-hunger
programs throughout the world. The remaining 25% of the
funds are used within the diocese to support food shelves and
feeding programs identified by parishes within the diocese.
Interesting Details in Sundays Gospel: Mark 14:1-15:47
 The anointing points to Jesus as the anointed
one, the Messiah. Anointing for burial is not her
intent; that is how Jesus chose.
 While the chief priests are afraid to arrest Jesus,
one of the twelve offers to deliver him for a small
sum of money thereby changing their fear into
jubilant anticipation.
Jesus' prediction in (v.27) using an Old Testament
quotation becomes reality in (v.50)
Jesus looks beyond his death and promises that
the scattered flock will be gathered again. "I will go
before" may be taken as "I will lead you".
 Judas is not the only failure, "all" will fail in their
14:23 They "all" drank from the cup
14:27 You will "all" fall away
14:31 they "all" protested
14:50 and they "all" ran away
 Peter's denials gradually become more serious
and complete:
- At first, he pretends innocence.
- Then, he denies that he is a follower of Jesus.
- Finally, he curses and swears the he does not
even know Jesus.
 Jesus' mission starts with an encounter with the
tempter (1:12) and ends with a final and decisive
temptation: to eliminate suffering from his
messianic way.
 Jesus refuses to take the drugged wine as a
means to lessen the torment in order to fully drink
the "cup" of suffering.
 Jesus dies in the midst of two sinners instead of
James and John who had requested to "sit one at
your right and the other at your left" (10:37)
By refusing to come down from the cross, by not
saving his life, Jesus brings the temple to an end
(15:38) and builds the new temple (14:58)
 The rending of the curtain of the temple may be
symbolic that the privilege of Israel has come to an
end and through Jesus a free access to God is
open to all.
 Jesus dies in total desolation: deserted by his
disciples, taunted by his enemies, mocked by those
hung with him and worst of all, abandoned by
 The presence of the women sharply contrasts
with the absence of the twelve disciples.
Faith Formation Classes for Holy Cross Preschool through
6th grade children are on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month
in the church basement from 9:30–10:30 am.
Classes for Junior and Senior Hi School Students are at the
Fitzgerald Center
To register your child for classes, pick up a registration form
in the back of church. You may put the completed form in
the collection basket the following Sunday.
One Main Point
Jesus stands as a lonely figure throughout this
Passion account. His hour had come. He had to
suffer alone before he could come to glory.
Senior Meals
La Crescent Semcac senior nutrition invites you to check us
out! Hot nutritious noon meals are served daily MondayFriday to seniors aged 60 and above. For more information
call 895-6585 and ask for Shirley between the hours of
10:00am-1:00pm Monday-Friday.
1. With which one person could you best relate, or
with whom would you identify yourself? Why?
2. Mark's Passion account is called the greatest
instruction on discipleship. Why?
Service from
KC “Famous Fish Fry”
Crucifixion Auditorium
To benefit Crucifixion and St. Pete’s Catholic Schools
April 10th
Serving 4:30pm to 7:30pm
Tickets are available in advance for $9.00 after Masses,
school and parish offices. $10.00 at the door, age 5 and under
are free.
Adult Bible Study: See how stories like the Flood and the
Tower of Babel connect to the New Testament in our next
episode of The Bible Timeline on Thursday, April 2nd at
10:00am in the Fitzgerald Center. All are welcome for hot
coffee and lively conversation.
High School Students: Why pray? What does prayer actually
do? Come to the Fitzgerald Center after school Thursday,
April 2nd to find out. All are welcome. Contact Mike
Schramm at 507-450-0506 for more information.
Learn more about your faith: Interested in learning more
about your Catholic faith? Want to learn how to explain
difficult Church teachings to non-Catholics? Interested in
becoming Catholic yourself? Registration for RCIA begins
now. If you or someone you know is interested in growing in
faith, please contact Mike Schramm at 507-450-0506.
Live with Passion & Purpose: Hear Matthew Kelly, bestselling author and one of Catholicism's most popular speakers
in America, speak live on Saturday, May 16th at St. Bernard's
Parish in Stewartville. This date is far off but tickets are going
quickly. Contact Mike Schramm at 507-450-0506 if you are
interested or have questions.
Know your faith, defend your faith, and share your
faith...”Why do we call the Body of Christ the ‘Host’
Catholics refer to the Body of Christ as the “Host,”
which comes from the Latin word hostia that means “victim,”
to emphasize the role that Jesus played for us as the sacrificial
victim who was killed for our sins (Romans 3:25). Another
reason refers to the common thinking of “host” as one who
invites others into his home. Jesus compares Himself to this
kind of “Host” in Matthew 22:1-14 in the parable of the
wedding banquet. Jesus also acts as host at the Last Supper as
He is the one leading the Apostles in the celebration (Luke
22:7-38). The wedding banquet and Last Supper are both
fulfilled at the Mass.
St. Justin Martyr, Patron Saint of those who defend their
faith, pray for us.
Stations of the Cross
Crucifixion School students will be following the Stations of
the Cross at 8:05am on Mondays during Lent.
Please join us.
If you would like to receive the Holy Cross bulletin
every week via USPS mail or by email, give me a
call or an email. I’ll add your name to the list of
people who are receiving our bulletin.
John S.
643-6039 email:
The Holy Cross and Crucifixion bulletins for the
previous year are also available from the
Crucifixion web site.