Western Québec School Board Adult Learning Centres 2014-2015


Western Québec School Board Adult Learning Centres 2014-2015
Western Québec School Board
Adult Learning Centres
Western Québec School Board
The WQSB is proud to provide English language education to eligible students in the Outaouais, Pontiac and Abitibi-Temiscaming regions. Our headquarters is located in Gatineau, in the Aylmer Sector and we coordinate quality education in 13
elementary schools, 6 K to grade 11 schools, 2 junior High Schools, 4 High Schools and, 5 adult education and vocational
training centres.
15 Katimavik Gatineau Québec J9J 0E9 | Toll Free 1.800.363.9111 | 819.684.2336 | Fax 819.684.1328
Last updated: May 27, 2015 4:18 PM
Hull Adult Education Centre
Centre Director: Damian Curley
The Hull Adult Education Centre offers courses that allow students to complete their High
School education, acquire academic upgrades, complete required prerequisites for
vocational training and post secondary options. HAEC focusses on student success and
☼☼ English
☼☼ Math
☼☼ French
☼☼ Physical Science
☼☼ Chemistry
☼☼ Physics
☼☼ Biology
☼☼ History
☼☼ Geography
☼☼ Career Choice & Job
☼☼ Computers
☼☼ Literacy
☼☼ Photoshop & Web design
☼☼ Economics
☼☼ Tutoring
☼☼ Community Kitchen Program
☼☼ Cafeteria
☼☼ Guidance Counselling
☼☼ Gym activities
☼☼ Field trips
☼☼ Student assemblies
☼☼ Complementary Services
☼☼ Individualized instruction
Extra curricular activities
☼☼ Very active Student Council
☼☼ Intra-mural sports activities
☼☼ Field trips
Activities & Events
☼☼ Career Fair
☼☼ Trivia Night
☼☼ BBQs
☼☼ Community Literacy Day
☼☼ Multi-Cultural Luncheons
☼☼ Wellness Fair
☼☼ National Arts Centre theatre
☼☼ Talent show fundraisers
Tel: 819.595.1226
185, Archambault
Gatineau, Québec J8Y 5E3
email: aehull@wqsb.qc.ca
Twitter: @hulladulted
To Know is to Grow
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Maniwaki Adult Education and
Vocational Training Centre
Centre Director: Jennifer Dubeau
The Maniwaki Adult Education Centre offers courses that would allow students to complete their High School diploma, acquire academic upgrades, complete required prerequisites for vocational training and post secondary.
The centre also provides students with opportunities to acquire a DVS (Diploma of Vocational Studies) in Accounting and Secretarial Studies in a new blended program delivering that combines video conferencing and traditional classroom teaching.
☼☼ Math
☼☼ Science
☼☼ Social studies
☼☼ English
☼☼ French
☼☼ Computer studies
☼☼ Options
☼☼ SARCA services
☼☼ Individualized instruction
☼☼ Flexible scheduling
☼☼ Part time and Full time studies
☼☼ Career counselling
☼☼ GDT, SSET Testing
Extra curricular activities
☼☼ Workshops
☼☼ Guest speakers
Activities & Events
☼☼ Events with community partners ex: curling club,
☼☼ community lunches and
Tel: 819.449.1731
265, rue Hill
Maniwaki Quebec J9E 2G8
email: aemaniwaki@wqsb.qc.ca
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Pontiac Continuing Education Centre
Centre Director: Debra Stephens
This centre allows students to pursue both academic and vocational studies. Students
can acquire their high school diplomas, pre-requisites for vocational or college/university programs, or do academic upgrading. Students can also pursue their DVS (Diploma
of Vocational Studies).
☼☼ High School Courses
☼☼ Math, Art, Science,
French, English, Physical
Education, Social Sciences, Music & Computer
Studies, Drama
☼☼ Vocational courses
☼☼ Accounting
☼☼ Secretarial studies
☼☼ Health Assistance and
☼☼ Assistance in Health Care
☼☼ Individualized instruction
☼☼ Student support with links to
community agencies
☼☼ Career Counselling
☼☼ Flexible Scheduling
☼☼ Part time and full time studies
☼☼ GDT, SSET testing
Extra curricular activities
☼☼ Drop-in Centre
☼☼ Lunch hour workshops
☼☼ MusicMakers
Activities & Events
☼☼ Graduation
☼☼ Guest speakers
☼☼ Career Fair
☼☼ Community potlucks
Tel: 819.647.5605
89 Maple Street, P.O. Box 1500
Shawville Québec J0X 2Y0
email aepontiac@wqsb.qc.ca
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Val D’Or Continuing Education Centre
and Community Learning Centre
Centre Director: Debra Stephens
The Val d’Or Continuing Education Centre offers courses that would allow
students to complete their High School diploma or receive prerequisites for
vocational training and post secondary options. This is a vibrant centre that is
currently growing their student body. It also houses the Val d’Or Community
Learning Centre.
☼☼ School Courses
☼☼ Math
☼☼ Science
☼☼ English
☼☼ Social Studies
☼☼ Options
☼☼ Computer studies
☼☼ French
☼☼ Vocational Courses
☼☼ Accounting
☼☼ Secretarial Studies
☼☼ Tutoring
☼☼ SARCA services
☼☼ Community Learning Centre
☼☼ Community Partnerships
☼☼ Video Conferencing
☼☼ Individualized instruction
☼☼ Flexible scheduling
☼☼ Part time and Full time studies
☼☼ GDT, SSET Testing
Extra curricular activities
☼☼ Lunch hour workshops
☼☼ Workshops through videoconferencing
☼☼ After school and weekend
activities through the CLC
Activities & Events
☼☼ Community events through
the CLC as well as other
community partners
☼☼ Community lunches
Tel: 819.825.4135
799, 1ere Avenue
Val D’Or Québec J9P 4P8
email: aevaldor@wqsb.qc.ca
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Western Québec Career Centre
Centre Director: Damian Curley
Western Québec Career Centre’s teachers and counsellors bring a wealth of expertise and experience from the field to
their classrooms, labs and workshops which are invaluable and inspirational to our students. Graduates from the WQCC
enter hospitals or care facilities, dealerships, government offices, or businesses as skilled, qualified and competent individuals, who are equipped with the expertise to further advance themselves in their career of choice.
☼☼ Health Assistance & Nursing
☼☼ Automotive Mechanics
☼☼ Welding & Fitting
☼☼ Accounting
☼☼ Secretarial
☼☼ Starting a Business
☼☼ Residential and Commercial
☼☼ Drafting
☼☼ Industrial Drafting
☼☼ Home Care Assistance
☼☼ Assistance in Health Care
☼☼ Hotel Reception
☼☼ Career Counselling
☼☼ Individualized Schedules
☼☼ Resume Building
☼☼ Guidance Counsellor
☼☼ Tutoring
☼☼ GDT’S
☼☼ CWB Welding Tickets
☼☼ ASP Construction Card
☼☼ E-learning
☼☼ Facility Rental
Services for Businesses
☼☼ Pesticide Testing
☼☼ Distance Education
☼☼ Safety and Construction
☼☼ French Second Language
Activities & Events
☼☼ BBQ’s
☼☼ Assemblies
☼☼ Special Events
☼☼ Trivia Night
☼☼ Grad Celebration
☼☼ Adult Learners Week
☼☼ Career Fairs
☼☼ Christmas Family Day
☼☼ Winter Activity Day
☼☼ Intramural Ball Hockey
☼☼ Christmas Craft Sale
☼☼ Governing Board
☼☼ Student Council
Tel: 819.684.1770
100 Frank Robinson Road
Gatineau Québec J9H 4A6
email: wqcc@wqsb.qc.ca
Transforming Knowledge and Skills into Careers
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