Abstracts of papers - Universitatea Alma Mater din Sibiu


Abstracts of papers - Universitatea Alma Mater din Sibiu
Ministry of Education and Scientific Research
Alma Mater University of Sibiu
Abstracts of papers
Alma Mater University of Sibiu National Conference
with International participation
9th Edition
28th –30th of May 2015 – SIBIU
Theme: Societal Challenges for Excellence in Research and
Editors: Daniela Roxana VUŢĂ
Alma Mater Publishing House
Sibiu 2015
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
Organizing committee
Scientific committee
Prof. Eng. Ec. Nicolaie GEORGESCU PhD, Romania
Prof. Eng. Ec. Nicolaie GEORGESCU PhD
Prof. Mircea COSMA PhD
Prof. Nicolaie HOANŢĂ PhD
Prof. Eugen POPESCU PhD
Prof. Constantin CATRINA
Assoc. Prof. Nicuşor Marcel UDREA PhD
Assoc. Prof. Cristina ANTTILA PhD
Assoc. Prof. Monica Delia DOMNICA PhD
Assoc. Prof. Roxana CRUCEANU PhD
Lecturer Ion CIOBANU PhD
Lecturer Ion DINU PhD
Lecturer Daniel HAGEANU PhD
Lecturer Ioana TĂLMĂCEAN PhD
Lecturer Daniela VUŢĂ PhD
Lecturer Irina-Elena PETRICĂ PhD
Teaching Assistant Brânduşa-Oana NICULESCU PhD
Teaching Assistant Teodora MIHU
Teaching Assistant Leila BARDAŞUC
Teaching Assistant Claudia BERGHEZAN
Teaching Assistant Silvana MUNTEAN PhD
Ec. Alina FĂRCAŞ
Prof. Mircea COSMA PhD, Romania
Scientific reviewers
Prof. Marin ANDREICA PhD, Romania
Prof. Ghiţă BÎRSAN PhD, Romania
Prof. Constantin BRĂTIANU PhD, Romania
Prof. Antonello GARZONI PhD, Italy
Prof. Vladimiras GRAZULIS PhD, Lithuania
Prof. Lobin GÜNTER PhD, San Marino
Prof. Lucio LAURETI PhD, Italy
Prof. Slobodan PAJOVICI PhD, Serbia
Prof. Dzejn PAUNCOVICI PhD, Serbia
Prof. Eva PINDESOVA PhD, Czech Republic
Prof. Constanţa POPESCU PhD, Romania
Prof. Ioan SANTAI PhD, Romania
Prof. Luciano SEGRETO PhD, Italy
Prof. Emilian STANCU PhD, Romania
Prof. Valentina STOYANOVA PhD, Bulgaria
Prof. Vasile CĂRUȚAȘU, Romania
Assoc. Prof. Cristina ANTTILA PhD, Romania
Assoc. Prof. Vanya Kuzdova BANABAKOVA PhD, Bulgaria
Assoc. Prof. Mircea BERNIC PhD, Republic of Moldova
Assoc. Prof. Martina BLASKOVA PhD, Slovakia
Assoc. Prof. Luis BOROACĂ PhD, Romania
Assoc. Prof. Vasile CARTOFEANU PhD, Republic of Moldova
Assoc. Prof. Monica Delia DOMNICA PhD, Romania
Assoc. Prof. Ana-Maria IUGA PhD, Romania
Assoc. Prof. Mares JAROMIR PhD, Czech Republic
Assoc. Prof. Dumitru POPOVICI PhD, Romania
Assoc. Prof. Anca SÎRGHIE PhD, Romania
Assoc. Prof. Nicuşor Marcel UDREA PhD, Romania
Assoc. Prof. Gheorghe CIUBOTARU PhD, Romania
Assoc. Prof. Roxana CRUCEANU PhD, Romania
Lecturer Ion CIOBANU PhD, Romania
Lecturer Ion DINU PhD, Romania
Lecturer Daniel HAGEANU PhD, Romania
Lecturer Domenico MORRONE PhD, Italy
Lecturer Ray TAHERI PhD, Canada
Lecturer Ioana TĂLMĂCEAN PhD, Romania
Lecturer Vanya TSONKOVA PhD, Bulgaria
Lecturer Beaneta VASILEVA PhD, Bulgaria
Lecturer Lenuţa VĂLAN PhD, Romania
Lecturer Ionuţ VLĂDESCU PhD, Romania
Architect Gabriel SEMPERE RIPOLL, Spain
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
1. Aly Hawa CAMARA & Jaromir MARES & Katerina POCHOBRADSKA
The influence of logistics on the environment in Republic of Guinea .................................8
2. Monica Delia DOMNICA & Leila BARDAŞUC
Recycling glass packaging………………………………………………............................8
3. Decebal - Manole BOGDAN
Sustainable development between insurance and entrepreneurship.......................................9
4. Sevdalina DIMITROVA & Venelin TERZIEV
Social activity of the human factor……………………………………………………........9
5. Camelia BOARCĂŞ
Considerations on English synonyms from a semantic point of view .............. ...................10
6. Camelia BOARCĂŞ
ESP – Modern theories in management ……………………………..................................10
7. Daniela BELU
The analysis of camaraderie at the work place, in the culture of military organizations …..11
8. Daniela BELU
Solutions to the problems of the work climate that are specific to the culture of the military
9. Leila BARDAŞUC & Nicuşor Marcel UDREA
Considerations regarding the benefits of using methods to stimulate creativity in higher
education ……………………………......................................................................................12
Modern perspectives of approaching the concept of oral expression in French for students
in Political Sciences...................................................................................................................12
11. Marian RIZEA
Oil-gas technique and technology, scientific bridge in both directions between East and
12. Ivan ANANE
The manager and the stress in subordinates view inside of criminal prosecution
13. Ivan ANANE
Managerial communication within the institution of criminal prosecution........................14
14. Ilie-Viorel ARSENE
Changing the hearing date in the proceedings regarding the registration of rights acquired
by usucapio................................................................................................................................15
15. Dionisie Vladimir TURCU
Humanists and pedagogues of the renaissance, theoretician followers of physical
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
16. Sorina Simona BUMBESCU
Performance Analysis in agriculture using Du Pont model................................................16
17. Vasile CIOLPAN
Efficient Capital Markets and their Influence on National Economies..............................16
18. Vergil CIUREA
New features of strategies, techniques and negotiating tactics in international
19. Vergil CIUREA
Particularly financial and political risk insurance.............................................................17
20. Carmen COMANICIU
General coordinates of the relationship between taxation and management.....................18
21. Carmen COMANICIU
The perception of young people regarding the Romanian taxation..................................18
22. Dumitru DRAICA & Valerica DRAICA
Ioan Molnar – Piuariu (1749 - 1815) and the Romanian language - (200 years after
23. Andreea DUMITRU
Learning German as a foreign language in Sibiu. A profile of the learner.......................19
24. Alina-Maria FĂRCAŞ
The analysis of strategy types in an economic organization.............................................20
Logistics costs evaluation as a way of company’s efficiency improvement.....................20
26. Gelu Mihai LEICU & Laura Rita PITARIU
Media Literacy..................................................................................................................21
27. Maria MĂCRIȘ
Considerations on the educational services market...........................................................21
28. Maria MĂCRIȘ
The current context of social economy in Romania...........................................................22
29. Raluca Iulia IULIAN
The NATO-Russia Council: current political and judicial perspectives...........................22
30. Mihaela IONESCU SAS
The consequences of European Energy Union Formation for the Romanian energy
31. Irina PETRICĂ & Daniela Roxana VUȚĂ
Aspects Regarding Adapting the Higher Educational Offer to Romanian Labor Market
32. Sevdalina DIMITROVA & Venelin TERZIEV
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
Social activity of the human factor...................................................................................24
33. Loredana-Adriana TUDORACHE
Good practice in special education between the system constraints and the rigors of
34. Loredana-Adriana TUDORACHE
The national standardization and alternatives solutions for improving quality in special
35. Daniel-Gabriel VÂLCEANU & Bogdan SUDITU
Social housing in Romania........................................................................................................25
36. Roxana Diana CRUCEANU
The First Steps towards Multicultural Communication: English in Romanian
37. Ion MOGOȘ & Mircea COSMA
37. Radu Adrian MANDACHE & Brânduşa Oana NICULESCU & Mircea COSMA
Considerations on the Leader and Leadership in the Military Profession................................27
38. Ion MOGOȘ & Mircea COSMA
Possible Developments of Forms and Ways of Risks and Threats Manifestations towards
39. Laviniu BOJOR & Mircea COSMA
40. Daciana NEAMȚIU
Considerations about Financing Agriculture in Romania – A Special Type of Loan................28
41. Marius ANDREESCU
Normative contents of Constitution in the context of constitutional reform..............................29
42. Marius ANDREESCU
Principle of proportionality, criterion of legitimacy in the public law.......................................29
43. Versavia BRUTARU
The Procedure of plea bargaining in Romania, a Negotiation or just a Formal Institution? The
Common Law System...............................................................................................................30
The evolution of the „beneficium competentiae” concept in Roman law. A comparison with the
contemporary institution of the insolvency of natural................................................................31
45. Silvana Nicoleta MUNTEAN
Specific Structures of the Modern Multinational Organizations................................................31
46. Alexandru TATU & Mircea COSMA
Ensuring the Security of Information Systems - Role and Functions of Information Security
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
47. Alexandru TATU & Mircea COSMA
Basic Dimensions of Security Information Systems..................................................................32
48. Vlad Victor OCHEA
Transferring of Rights or Obligations Generator Feature of the Sale Contract..........................33
Implications of the production and broadcast of written history in national education.
Historismus versus Historicism.................................................................................................33
50. Maria ALEXANDRESCU & Loredana-Aurelia ALEXANDRESCU
Flowers in Mihai Eminescu’s poetic imagery............................................................................34
51. Maria ALEXANDRESCU & Loredana-Aurelia ALEXANDRESCU
The linden tree in Mihai Eminescu’s anthumous poetry...........................................................34
52. Mihai Adrian BUCUR
Study on the particular elements that define the economic - financial frauds.............................35
53. Mihai Adrian BUCUR
Study on the particularities of the analysis of the economic - financial fraud investigation
54. Radu DIACONU
Preserving properties and estimation of the coefficients for functions that belong to the subclass
of analytic functions..................................................................................................................36
55. Mihaela BADEA & Bogdan PÎRVULESCU
Effects of the economic crisis on the Romanian consumer.......................................................36
56. Dumitru POPOVICI
Prejudice between logic and psychologic..................................................................................37
57. Ion DINU & Nadina FUGACIU
Promotion Techniques of a Product – The Promotion Policy...................................................37
Opinions on the Economic Integration of Roma in Romania.....................................................38
ISO 26000: Need to implement social economy........................................................................38
60. Alina-Maria FĂRCAŞ
Strategic Management: from Antiquity until today...................................................................39
61. Liviu Alexandru SOFONEA
The axio-logical Tesaurus – a strategical good and goal of any People, especially in the epoch
marked by Globalisation. A study of case: The Romanian People: historical, didactical,
methodological, axiotical, aspects.............................................................................................39
Negotiation of common contractual terms.................................................................................40
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
Arbitrage Convention and the advantages of arbitrage..............................................................40
64. Anca SÎRGHIE
Mihai Eminescu, The Publicist – Defender of Andrei Șaguna...................................................41
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
The influence of logistics on the environment in Republic of Guinea
Aly Hawa CAMARA*, Jaromir MARES**, Katerina POCHOBRADSKA***
*, **, ***
University of Defence, Faculty of Military Leadership, Department of Logistics, Kounicova
65, 662 10 Brno, Czech Republik
E-mail: alyhawa.camara@unob.cz
The article discusses the logistics of the Republic of Guinea and its impacts on the environment.
The main problems are the emissions of greenhouse gases and other air pollutants, noise, and
the tightness of surfaces due to building of infrastructure in the transport sector. Optimization
of the supply chain is most often focused on finding the optimization, of flow of costs, time,
quality criteria and services. For the use of multi-criteria combinatorial optimization uses
several methods to support the optimization, such as the method of multi-criteria decisionmaking or optimization methods.
Following the requirements of sustainable development and green marketing solutions is
offered to reduce the pollution created by the logistics infrastructure. But the solutions do not
take into account some of the aspects and critical issues that remain unresolved. As a result, we
can summarize various elements describing the changes of the environment, such as pressure
on the environment, the impact on the population, economy, ecosystems and the response of
the society.
Keywords: logistics, environmental protection, transportation, green supply chains.
Recycling glass packaging
Monica Delia DOMNICA* & Leila BARDAŞUC**
*, **
Faculty of Economics, Alma Mater University of Sibiu, 57 Somesului St., 550003 Sibiu, Romania
*European University of Madrid (Universidad Europea de Madrid)
E-mail: delia.domnica@uamsibiu.com
E-mail: leila.bardasuc@yahoo.com
From the specialized literature it follows that glass packaging is not as used as other packages,
but in some industries are highly needed. Following, two features of glass packaging will
become important until 2017: the shape of the glass packaging and glass recycling prospects in
Romania. The recycling of glass is referred to the fact that it saves energy, but also to be in
compliance with the provisions indicating the allowable limit values for the quantities of lead
and cadmium.
Keywords: glass, packaging, features, evolution, recycling.
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
Sustainable development between insurance and entrepreneurship
Decebal - Manole BOGDAN
University "1 December 1918" Alba Iulia, Romania, Alba, Alba Iulia, Str. Gabriel Bethlen, no. 5,
Code 510 009; www.uab.ro
E-mail: decebal.bogdan@uab.ro
Sustainable development is achieved when there is balance between the environment
and sustainability, entrepreneurship (economic environment) and society (social
environment). Entrepreneurial activities aim to make a profit by businesses that use
rationally the environment. Subsequent management and strategy development are not
sufficient elements to achieve that profit. Sustainable development requires efficient
use of environmental resources (raw materials, water, air, soil, subsoil, chemical,
biological and radioactive substances, etc.). For risks that disrupt economic activity
such as natural disasters, fire, accidents, explosions, floods, etc., the management
company may in some cases measures to limit the effects of these risks, but cannot
annihilate. A successful business will be business development which is backed by
ensuring potential risks.
Keywords: sustainable development, ensuring profits, providing heritage insured risks,
property damage, business plan, insurance, environment.
Social activity of the human factor
Sevdalina DIMITROVA* & Venelin TERZIEV**
* ** National Military University „Vasil Levski”, Blvd. „Bulgaria”, №76, 5000, Veliko Tarnovo,
Bulgaria, Phone: Tel. +359887395307
E-mail: sevdalinaid_bg@mail.bg
E-mail: terziev@skmat.com
The scientific research in this report is related to bringing out the key role of the human factor
in social management in a dynamic environment, to studying various aspects of social activity
and multiplying the role of the human factor to the components of a country's resources. The
way of converting them into a finished product is traced in the planning of the goals of socioeconomic development, enabling an effective social policy.
Key words: social management; social activism; Human Resources Management.
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
Considerations on English synonyms from a semantic point of view
„Spiru Haret” University, Str. Unirii Nr. 32-34, 900532 Constanţa, tel. 0720008560
E-mail: lady.camelia@yahoo.com
This paper aims at analysing the behaviour of semantic relations in context. We started our
research considering G. Leech’s definition according to which synonyms are the result of
intuition, on the one hand, but also of social, behavioural and psychological context, on the
other. Context becomes very important in structuring the types of synonyms and in analysing
them at semantic level. The basic idea is that the synonymic relation cannot be total, but it
depends on the context; two lexical items may be in a total synonymic relation in one context
or more, but never in all. Differences may be of stylistic, register, emotional, dialectical nature,
Keywords: semantics, word, synonym, context, lexis, relation
ESP – Modern theories in management
„Spiru Haret”, Str. Unirii Nr. 32-34, 900532 Constanţa, tel. 0720008560, e-mail:
Contemporary theories of management tend to account for and help interpret the rapidly
changing nature of today’s organizational environment. This paper deals with several important
modern theories in management. Among them we can mention: the Scientific Management
School, the Classical Organizational Theory School, the Behavioural School, the Management
Science School, as well as recent developments in management theory comprising works such
as: Systems approach, Situational or Contingency theory, Chaos theory, and Team building
approach. This discussion will provide a general description of some of the scholars in each of
these management theories and the successes that they achieved in this field of activity.
Keywords: management, scientific schools, modern approach, development, organizational
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
The analysis of camaraderie at the work place, in the culture of
military organizations
Daniela BELU
“Henri Coanda” Air Force Academy, Mihai Viteazul 160, 500187, Brașov, Romania
E-mail: belu_dana_daniela@yahoo.com
Friendship is the interhuman relation based on four main elements: 1) it emerges between two
people who are not kindred; 2) it is optional and voluntary; 3) it is not founded on a legal
agreement; 4) it is reciprocal. The aim of this paper is to analyse the situations in which
friendship can emerge at the workplace and the situations in which it is even beneficial, in the
culture of military organizations.
Keywords: camaraderie, management, culture, the management based on emotional
intelligence, preventing potentially destructive collegiality relations.
Solutions to the problems of the work climate that are specific to the
culture of the military organization
Daniela BELU
“Henri Coanda” Air Force Academy, Mihai Viteazul 160, 500187, Brașov, Romania
E-mail: belu_dana_daniela@yahoo.com
This study aims at itemizing the modalities of managing the organizational conflicts that appear
because of pseudo-camaraderie at work. Colleagues are not a quick solution meant to solving
such issues as those related to loneliness or career, or to love disappointments, illness or failure.
The role of positive comrades is to enrich our lives, making us happier.
Keywords: camaraderie, management, culture, techniques of mediation of the disputes among
colleagues, work climate.
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
Considerations regarding the benefits of using methods to stimulate
creativity in higher education
Leila BARDAŞUC* & Nicuşor Marcel UDREA**
Faculty of Economics, Alma Mater University of Sibiu, 57 Somesului St., 550003 Sibiu, Romania
** European University of Madrid (Universidad Europea de Madrid)
E-mail: leila.bardasuc@yahoo.com
E-mail: marcel.udrea@uamsibiu.ro
The idea for this article started from the desire to find out how creativity and innovation are
used in universities, how are they related to student training, preparing them to deal with the
knowledge acquired in their years of education in a global environment where competition
increases. Therefore it is necessary to obtain valid information from students, to discuss their
views, their opinions and to encourage them to develop the skills necessary to achieve this
during classes and seminars. The Romanian education system generally focuses on the effective
transmission of information, while in the economically more developed countries, teachers are
trying to find ways to involve the student in finding, processing and structuring of personal
information, in the creation of creative students (such as e-learning systems). Therefore, the
need to use methods that can develop and stimulate creativity in higher education becomes
more imperative.
Keywords: creativity, higher education, method, innovation.
Modern perspectives of approaching the concept of oral expression in
French for students in Political Sciences
State University of Moldova
Str. Alexei Mateevici 60, Chisinau, E-mail: alina_smatoc@yahoo.com
Nowadays, the teaching of foreign languages, in general, and of the French in particular, is
considered insufficient to meet the general requirements, in the context of globalization and
Europeanization. Moreover, it should be sufficient when it comes to applying the language in
all the contexts of social life. Because the implementation of professional standards in academic
education calls for the creation and shaping of the competences suitable for each domain by
deriving primary competences, we consider it important to specify the competence of oral
expression in the structure of standards of professional preparation. The importance of the oral
expression competence is mentioned in specialized literature, by pointing that this competence
is substantial for the professional preparation of the student in the University realm.
Key-words: oral expression competence, teaching French for academic purposes, academic
goals, teaching-learning methods and technics, verbal communication.
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
Oil-gas technique and technology, scientific bridge in both directions
between East and West
Marian RIZEA
Faculty of Engineering and Environmental Management, Bd. Vasile Milea no.1G, Sector 6, Bucharest,
Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti
E-mail: r_17m@yahoo.com
The discovery of oil and gas one hundred and fifty years ago, in Romania, United States and in
further other states, has lead the way of human development towards a society based on
hydrocarbons whereas the technical and technological competition between companies and
states for the ultimate supremacy evolved and is still in progress.
In the past century, the two world wars and the most recent conflicts we were and are
contemporary with (Falkland Islands war, Iraq, Libya, Syria etc.) began with and for energy
resources which resulted in a fierce battle on the front of research and streamline of this field.
The technical and technology transfer in many areas, including the oil and gas one, disregarded
ideological barriers imposed by the “Cold War” so that, through legal methods (imported
licenses) and “reverse engineering” (intelligence), it carried through.
Since the emergence of the “drilling method with rotary table”, discovered by the Romanian
engineer Ioan Basgan which revolutionized the worldwide deep drilling technology and whose
patent is still disputed by Romania and the United States, up to offshore drilling platforms, high
pressure blowout preventers, drilling rigs for mining and transport for extreme weather
conditions and to the controversial method of extracting shale gas, the transfer of science,
engineering and technology knew and will know no boundaries.
Keywords: technique, technology, technologic transfer, „reverse engineering”, patents.
The manager and the stress in subordinates view inside of criminal
prosecution institutions
Law and administrative college, Ovidius University from Constanța, phone no. 0758950035
E-mail: i.anane @ yahoo.com
In the case of institutions we can talk about a specific type of stress – institutional stress. Inside
the groups it reveals a kind of consequences of dysfunctional conflicts determinate by
professional stress: changes within the group, increasing group unity, the risk of an
authoritarian leader, focus on group work and tasks, loyalty amplification. The manager and
the subordinate live and work together; that is why, they need to know their mutual needs and
interests. Knowing each other is at the origin of working group existence. A permanent
coordinated interpersonal manager – subordinate relationship, in the manager’s view, is the
staff appreciation, establishing and directing prosecution authority professional perspective. To
be effective, a manager needs to know as accurately as possible his own leading personality,
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
especially the way it is perceived by subordinates, to determine personality and expectations of
all factors he interacts with, and thus, to use the appropriate leadership style situation. To obtain
good results is necessary to know subordinates, which is a complex of actions initiated and
carried out by managers designed to contribute to the scientific organization of the instructive
– educational process, the efficient use of the full potential of subordinates. How to reduce
stress - a healthy lifestyle, balanced food, relaxing in nature, more sports, recognition of limits,
removing dark thoughts, group memberships must be optimistic. The displeasure of group
members should not be interpreted as necessarily unfavourable. In the work group, the
relationship between manager and subordinate should not rely on command and obedience, but
on dialogue, which can sometimes mean reciprocal positions. This kind of dialogue is called
request and answer relationship.
Keywords: manager, subordinate, stress, roles, causes, methods, ways.
Managerial communication within the institution of criminal
Law and administrative college, Ovidius University from Constanța, tel .: 0758950035
E-mail: i.anane @ yahoo.com
Management communication is a form of interpersonal communication, a management tool
with which the manager may exercise specific tasks: planning, training, organization,
coordination, control, evaluation. Communication management is an auxiliary of management,
which puts into circulation information about the result of decisions, which return to the centre
of decision, making it possible to match the execution with the objectives and the results with
planning. Communication management of the institution is subject to specific ethical rules,
which is found in the institutional culture, in the institutional policy and in managers’ individual
ethics. The purpose of managerial communication is that of achieving correct information,
efficient and effective both vertically and horizontally, in order to achieve internal and external
requirements consistent with established management and institutional objectives in optimal
conditions. There are several types of roles that can be fulfilled by managers: interpersonal,
informational and decisional roles. Understanding and knowing management functions through
communication is a major premise for deciphering mechanisms of any institution structures.
Due to the complementarity established between management functions, the existence of
interdependencies among themselves and between them and communication, the latter occupies
a central place in the management system of any institution. Any manager of a institution
communicates aiming at achieving specific goals. At the level of internal organization of any
institution, the information must reach the right destination (department, directorate, office,
member of the group) and the most important thing, it should be transmitted in time. If the
information is delayed, if it does not arrive at the right time it loses its value. Communication
between manager and subordinate is a key element in vertical communication downward or
ascending in institutions. Ideally, this exchange should give the manager the opportunity to
direct subordinates to perform the tasks properly, to clarify the reward context and provide
social and emotional support. At the same time, it should allow subordinates to ask questions
about their work roles and make proposals to allow optimal realization of goals through plans
and policies within that institution.
Keywords: communication, manager, subordinate, roles, functions, purpose, form, factors.
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
Changing the hearing date in the proceedings regarding the
registration of rights acquired by usucapio
Ilie-Viorel ARSENE
Alma Mater University - Sibiu, 7 Someșului Street, 550003 Sibiu, Romania; phone: +40269250008;
E-mail: avocat_arsene@yahoo.com
Article 230 of the New Civil Procedure Code assumes all provisions of Article 153 para. 3 of
the old Civil Procedure Code. It may be concluded that there are no problems in this situation
and the hearing date can be changed ex officio or at the request of any interested party when
there are reasonable grounds. We must bear in mind, however, the way we relate to the civil
action and not neglect the special procedural provisions - where they exist- in view of the
correct enforcement of law. A particular situation, when the change of the hearing date
encounters controversy, arises when a corroboration of the provisions of Article 230 of the New
Civil Procedure Code with the provisions of Article 1051 of the New Civil Procedure Code on
the usucapio procedure is required. The judicial practice demonstrates the existence of
controversial situations we are trying to present herein, while trying to come up with proposals
to improve the relevant legislation.
Keywords: change of the hearing date, summons, publication, reasonable grounds, completion
of the hearing date.
Humanists and pedagogues of the renaissance, theoretician followers
of physical education
Dionisie Vladimir TURCU
Sibiu Alma Mater University, 57 Someşului, 550003, Sibiu, Romania, phone: +40269250008
E-mail: dionisie.turcu@uamsibiu.ro
The eighteenth century is the century of Realism. The Renaissance placed education in the
centre of culture and has drew the lines of a new human profile, which suited the needs of the
bourgeois society. In this context, physical education had significant impact, returning to its
rightful place after it had been removed during the middle ages. Outcast of the educational
system, physical education had found refuge in popular games and preparation of knighthood.
Renaissance humanist culture bound the broken thread of classical antiquity, brought back
physical exercise in the education of youth and became an important element of the educational
process. Teachers of this period, however, were thinkers and theorists, but they could not
always implement their ideas in practice. Specifying the role of physical education in schools
will become a complex concern, finding the best fitting forms and methods will be the mission
for intellectuals and pedagogues in the following centuries.
Keywords: Renaissance, teachers, physical education, culture, school.
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
Performance Analysis in agriculture using Du Pont model
Sorina Simona BUMBESCU
“1 Decembrie 1918” University, Alba Iulia, Romania
Agriculture is an important sector in Romania, by the contribution that it has in the national
economy and by its social vital role. In terms of agricultural performance, the current stage of
development of Romanian agriculture is well below the EU, which is why it is necessary to
analyze the performance of farms. The reasons for choosing this research consist in highlighting
the importance of farm performance analysis, taking into account the contribution of agriculture
in the national economy.
The objective of this article is to conduct performance analysis of farms in Timis County using
Du Pont model and highlight the correlation between the profit and profitability indicators:
return on equity-ROE, return on assets-ROA, return on sales-ROS.
The research conducted has led to two sets of results: the farms that have the highest profits are
less attractive for investors because have the lowest rates of return; using the Pearson
correlation coefficient, it was shown that there is a strong correlation between ROA-ROE,
Key words: farms, agriculture, performance, Du Pont, Pearson correlation.
Efficient Capital Markets and their Influence on National Economies
Sibiu Alma Mater University, 57 Someşului, 550003, Sibiu, Romania
E-mail: vasile.ciolpan@romgaz.ro
The paper wishes to highlight the connection between the performant capital market and the
national economy of the state such capital market operates in. The evolution of the national
economy is presented in the framework of financial globalisation. The following are analysed:
the market conditions and the methods for influencing the capital market under the effects of
the central bank intervention by means of the foreign exchange, the interest rate with effects on
the balance of payments. In contemporary economies, no comment on the financial market is
complete without mentioning the foreign currency trade, known as “carry trade”, the most
modern and incisive universal trade fully exploiting the economic status of each country.
The economic growth, generated by financial globalisation, sustained by the fundamental
support of financial institutions (banks, stock exchanges, mutual funds, pension funds etc.)
allow the international capital transfer and act as an interface between investors’ availability
and economic needs.
Key words: efficient market, financial globalisation, exchange rate, foreign currency trade,
interest rate, currency offer, balance of payments.
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
New features of strategies, techniques and negotiating tactics in
international business
University Alma Mater Sibiu, Faculty of Economics, Legal and Social Sciences Hunedoara
E-mail ciureavergil@yahoo.co.uk
Through this study we made a summary of the characteristics of negotiation strategies and
tactics used in international transactions. In this approach we used data from the literature, the
emphasis being on the psychological aspect that implementation strategies have on partners in
the negotiation process. Also, for each of the strategies and tactics of negotiation
recommendations were established to act accordingly.
Keywords: Hazard, dissociation, story-makers, negotiating offers, stressing partner,
surveillance, bribery, blackmail, violence.
Particularly financial and political risk insurance
University Alma Mater Sibiu, Faculty of Economics, Legal and Social Sciences Hunedoara
E-mail ciureavergil@yahoo.co.uk
In this study I wanted to achieve a synthesis regarding the main characteristics of insurance
and financial risk of the policy in the current Romanian economy. For this purpose we used to
achieve a rich documentation of scientific material, eloquently addressed issue. Content
addressed scientific approach contains specific concepts used in the literature of domestic and
foreign insurers in the market.
Keywords: Commercial risks, political and foreign exchange, fidelity insurance, endorsement
auctions; endorsement refunds; assignment of licenses; trade protection; seizure or detention
of goods.
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
General coordinates of the relationship between
taxation and management
“Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Calea Dumbravii, no. 17,
550324, Sibiu, Romania, Phone: +4 (0269)-210375, E-mail: carmen_comaniciu@yahoo.com
Any modern state is unthinkable without an efficient taxation, without a fiscal field which is perceived
as a stimulating factor in the development of the nation. Taking into account that fiscal science has
always had a negative perception among taxpayers, through this article we present some aspects of
management methods and management techniques that can give essential elements for improving
taxation. Using management as art, science and state of mind can strengthen the role that taxation
plays in the regulation of economic mechanisms.
Keywords: tax administration; fiscal institutions; taxpayer; partnership; improvement, quality.
The perception of young people regarding
the Romanian taxation
“Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Calea Dumbravii, no. 17, 550324,
Sibiu, Romania, Phone: +4 (0269)-210375, E-mail: carmen_comaniciu@yahoo.com
According to the principles of taxation, taxes should contribute to the development of the
personality of each individual, to the overall development of the economy. In this framework,
the elaboration and development of fiscal policy decisions must take into account the financial,
economic and social implications, so that, taxation should be seen as a stimulating factor.
Through this article, based on a selective research, we analysed how the younger generation
perceives Romanian taxation, considering the level of fiscal education and confidence in fiscal
Keywords: tax system; fiscal policy; level of taxation; appreciation; fiscal education.
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
Ioan Molnar – Piuariu (1749 - 1815) and the Romanian language (200 years after death)
Dumitru DRAICA* & Valerica DRAICA**
*, ** University of Oradea
E-mail: draicadumitru@hotmail.com
In the Romanian language, the name of Ioan Molnar - Piuariu is connected to the first
Romanian- German grammar, a Romanian - German dictionary and the first rhetoric Romanian
printed paper. His main activity was conducted in the field of linguistic and literary ideas and
actions completed physiognomy Blăjeni representatives of the Transylvanian School, while
Catholic Enlightenment shade of Latinity ideal Transylvanian School will increase the
Romanians, focusing on language studies and history. Ioan Molnar - Piuariu fought for the
Greek Eastern religious community, relying on secular education and a more direct propaganda
among the masses. Manifested in different areas of the outstanding results, he was an innovative
spirit brought in Romanian culture by the Transylvanian School, being concerned with the
cultural emancipation of the Romanian people.
Keywords: national language, Latin, phonetic spelling, grammar rules, words and phrases,
Romanian schools and education.
Learning German as a foreign language in Sibiu. A profile of the
Alma Mater University of Sibiu, 57 Someșului Street, 550003 Sibiu, Romania
E-mail: andreea.dumitru@hotmail.com
The following article is based on a questionnaire, which was filled in by 94 learners of the
German language. The language school Centrul Cultural German enabled us to discover what
the profile of the German language learner in Sibiu is. Our town is economically connected to
Germany, due to the multitude of German companies, who are settled here and are looking for
German speaking people. What kind of people are they? Why are they learning German? Is this
language also the key to emigration? These questions will be answered in the bellow article.
Key words: German, foreign language, profile, learning, Sibiu.
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
The analysis of strategy types in an economic organization
Alina-Maria FĂRCAŞ
The Academy of Economic Sciences of Bucharest, Tache Ionescu Street, No. 11, Sector 1,
Bucharest, Romania
E-mail: alina.farcas90@yahoo.com
Strategy, the science that deals with the planning, organization and conduct of military
operations in a war, has become a concept used in many fields, among which also the economic
one. Any successful company should benefit from a well-organized strategic plan in order to
meet its objectives. It follows therefore that the main aim of the strategy of economic
organizations is achieving their objectives. Strategies, being used increasingly more often,
started to develop. Currently, there are several types of strategies, described in detail in this
Keywords: strategy, planning, economic organization, goals.
Logistics costs evaluation as a way of company’s efficiency
*, ** Technical University of Moldova, 168, bd. Ștefan cel Mare, MD-2004 Chișinau, Republic of
E-mail: natsest@mail.ru
In Logistic systems, besides the usual costs for work forces, material and supplies, there are
specific costs which are not always identified with the term classic meaning. These are
transaction costs which influence on financial indicators of the company and on its efficiency
and competitiveness accordingly. These costs classification, factors influencing on their
amount, allows to find ways for their reduction methods and so that to improve the efficiency
of the company.
Keywords: Logistic costs, transaction costs, efficiency, competitiveness.
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
Media Literacy
Gelu Mihai LEICU* & Laura Rita PITARIU**
*Alma Mater University of Sibiu, str. Someşului nr.57, email: geluleicu@yahoo.com
**Theoretic Highschool “Onisifor Ghibu” Sibiu, str, Bihorului, nr. 3, 550064, Sibiu, România,tel.
Media are part of our lives today. Our pupils watch TV, play online games, blog, upload videos
on YouTube, use Facebook, etc. Messages transmitted by the media flow constantly into our
and their minds. Media literacy provides us with a range of information and abilities which help
us analyse, evaluate, and even create messages in various modes of the media. Students are
encouraged to think critically about the media they consume.
Hobbs has found out that media literacy implies (45):
a set of skills, abilities and knowledge,
the awareness of personal media customs,
the appreciation of the effects of the media,
the ability to criticize and discern,
the ability to create media products,
healthy scepticism,
access to media.
Keywords: media, medium, teaching, media literacy, communication
Considerations on the educational services market
University of Petrosani, Faculty of Sciences, 20 University Street, Postal code 332006, Petrosani,
Hunedoara County, Romania, tel. 0254542580
E-mail: mariamacris2011@yahoo.com
This scientific approach has focused my attention more on clarifying some aspects of the
economic implications on the educational services market. The issue dealt provides a brief
overview of the conceptual delimitations, of the main components and of the categories of
recipients on the education market, and of this market’s mechanisms which have as effect
human interactions in social cooperation, as well as being a consequence of relationships
manifestation on the free market and in this investigated area.
Keywords: educational services market, supply and demand, human capital, market
mechanisms, education.
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
The current context of social economy in Romania
University of Petrosani, Faculty of Sciences, 20 University Street, Postal code 332006, Petrosani,
Hunedoara County, Romania, tel. 0254542580
E-mail: mariamacris2011@yahoo.com
Through this study, I have intended to make a synthetized analysis of the social economy sector
which, in the current economic context of Romania, has a strong influence on the public policies
framework in the field of employment growth in social economy. A complex, scientific and
relevant material for the issue discussed here has been used, along with a series of official
statistical data in the field of social economy. The scientific approach taken has dwelt upon
some conceptual distinctions which should correctly position the place and the role that the
entities may have within social economy and which will generate benefits for the entire society.
The scientific approach of conceptual delimitations went on to correctly position the place and
the role it may have in the social economy entities which will generate benefits for society.
Keywords: social economy, social enterprise, social inclusion, vulnerable social groups.
The NATO-Russia Council: current political and judicial
Raluca Iulia IULIAN
University „Politehnica” Bucharest, 313, Splaiul Independenţei, Sector 6,
060042 Bucharest, + 4 021-402 91 00
E-mail: raluca_3@yahoo.com
After the end of the Cold War, an important element of the European and international security
structure is the cooperation between NATO and Russia in security and stability fields. NATO
had the initiative to develop security organizations to approach Russia and create a partnership.
The best security structure is represented by the NATO-Russia Council, a form of cooperation
between a state, Russia, and an international alliance, NATO. After a continuous collaboration
with some interruptions caused the crises, since April 2014 the common military and civil
activities in NATO-Russia Council have been suspended. The NATO-Russia relation is of
particular importance for the security and stability in Europe and in the world.
Keywords: international security, cooperation, partnership, international actors
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
The consequences of European Energy Union Formation for
the Romanian energy market
University of Oradea, University Street no. 1, Code 410087,
City Oradea, Bihor County, Phone 0259-408109,
E-mail: ss_mihaela@yahoo.com
In this article the author wishes to present some elements on the formation of the European
Energy need for open energy markets and ensuring energy supply to member states of the
European Union (EU). To this end we will make a short retrospective on the energy dependence
of EU countries. A detailed analysis will be performed on the energy market in Romania, on
the costs and benefits generated by the formation of this Union.
Keywords: energy independence, improving energy efficiency, interconnection, renewable
energy, instability regulations, competitive market, economic growth
Aspects Regarding Adapting the Higher Educational Offer to
Romanian Labor Market Requirements
Irina PETRICĂ* & Daniela Roxana VUȚĂ**
*, ** Sibiu Alma Mater University, 57 Someşului Street, 550003, Sibiu, Romania
* E-mail: irina.petrica@uamsibiu.ro
** E-mail: daniela.vuta@uamsibiu.ro
The marketing approach in education field from higher education, completed in a modern way,
the university management, faced with problems of underfunding, reducing the number of
potential students in a highly competitive environment in the European Union, and the
economic environment been in a prolonged slump. Europe 2020 Strategy of the European
Union, provides that a proportion of about 40% of adults aged 30-34 have completed tertiary
or equivalent education by 2020. This proportion in Romania is below the EU average in 2013
exceeding easy the value of 20%. The target for Romania at this indicator is 26.7% compared
to 40% for the EU average. This difference is recognized not a good thing for our country,
which will be part of a lasting nature always lagging behind the developed countries. Economic
gaps are widening and Romanian citizens will suffer because of these gaps in developing EU
member countries, under business globalization and liberalization of the labor market.
Keywords: labor market, educational offer, higher education, education
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
Social activity of the human factor
Sevdalina DIMITROVA* & Venelin TERZIEV**
*, ** National Military University “Vasil Levski”, Faculty “Combined arms”, Blvd. “Bulgaria”, №76,
5000, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, Phone: Tel. +359887395307
*E-mail: sevdalinaid_bg@mail.bg
**E-mail: terziev@skmat.com
The scientific research in this paper dwells on the key role of the human factor for the social
management in a dynamic environment. Various aspects of the social activity are studied, as
well as the multiplying role of the human factor in relation to the resource components of a
particular country. The way of converting them into a finished product is traced in the process
of setting the goals for socio-economic development that will enable the implementation of an
effective social policy.
Key word: social management; social activity; Human Resource Management.
Good practice in special education between the system constraints
and the rigors of science
Loredana-Adriana TUDORACHE
University of Bucharest, Șos. Panduri, no.90, Bucharest, Romania
E-mail: loredana_patrascoiu@hotmail.com
In this article we propose a conceptual delimitation of good practice in the field of special
education. Although it often appears as a recommendation worth following, this significant
term for improving the quality is most often undetermined by those who are using it. We believe
that in the context of culture of evidence, it is important to analyse scientific substantiation of
good practice and the assembly of referential that delineate its limits of replication.
Keywords: management and quality assurance, evidence-based practice, experimental
research, qualitative research, special needs
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
The national standardization and alternatives solutions for
improving quality in special education
Loredana-Adriana TUDORACHE
University of Bucharest, Șos. Panduri, no.90, Bucharest, Romania
E-mail: loredana_patrascoiu@hotmail.com
This paper is based on a comparative analysis regarding the quality of special education as it is
implemented in countries as Finland, Poland and Hungary intending to identify the role of
national standardization in the quality equation. Following this analysis, we see compliance as
a major attribute of quality in Romanian schools, while innovation and excellence tend to define
and increase at the international level. The European countries analysed performed good, wellrooted policies (funded by state) in organizational culture, they allowed switching to own
quality management systems, even if they do not have a rigorous national standards system.
Specific national standards for special education quality in Romania is an innovative approach
with definite value in building quality schools, but unfortunately insufficiently sustained for
developing a model.
Keywords: quality policies, comparative analysis, compliance, innovation, performance
Social housing in Romania
Daniel-Gabriel VÂLCEANU* & Bogdan SUDITU**
*Faculty of Geography, University of Bucharest & N.R.D.I. URBAN-INCERC Bucharest, Romania,
E-mail: danielvalceanu@yahoo.com
**Faculty of Geography, University of Bucharest, Romania
In the context of the objectives that our country has taken in the National Reform Programme
2014, the study of social housing represents a priority at national level. The impact of global
economic crisis has an influence on the social housing sector in Romania, so that the number
of socially excluded people has increased.
The lack of a financial and institutional mechanism, the lack of vacant land, especially in urban
areas, the need and the real demand of houses for disadvantaged people are the most important
factors that have generated malfunction related to the social housing construction.
Keywords: social exclusion, disadvantaged persons, homeless, housing policies, housing
actors, quality of life, inclusive territorial development
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
The First Steps towards Multicultural Communication: English in
Romanian Kindergartens
Roxana Diana CRUCEANU
Sibiu Alma Mater University, 57 Someşului Street, 550003, Sibiu, Romania
E-mail: roxana.cruceanu@uamsibiu.ro
Considering that speaking a foreign language is compulsory even at young ages nowadays, the
priority of the present paper is to analyse the specific methodology that the English teacher uses
with preschoolers. Adjusting the teaching and learning techniques to the level and needs of his/
her pupils, the educator motivates them through various amusing, exciting, ludic-like strategies,
while trying to gradually reduce the number of mistakes occurring at this stage. Further practice,
as well as the development of children’s logical thinking will consolidate these first steps
towards knowledge.
Keywords: preschoolers, teaching strategies, interests and needs, the total physical response
method, the direct method, playing, creativity, linguistic systems.
Threats to Romania generated by the status of a NATO and EU
Ion MOGOȘ * & Mircea COSMA**
* National Defence University "Carol I", Bucharest, Romania
** Sibiu Alma Mater University, 57 Someşului Street, 550003, Sibiu, Romania
*E-mail: mgsclm@ yahoo.com
** E-mail: mircea.cosma@uamsibiu.ro
Romania's status as a member of NATO and the European Union makes the eastern border a
common border of the two organizations.
Romania being on the border of the two organizations has created a significant new geopolitical
and geostrategic position. Therefore, on the one hand we are witnessing the actions aimed at
strengthening defence and security of the Romanian state and on the other hand it is increasingly
becoming a possible target of threats. Based on these considerations our study aims to analyse
the diversity of potential threats to Romania.
Keywords: threat, conflict, security, terrorism, vulnerability
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
Considerations on the Leader and Leadership in the Military
Radu Adrian MANDACHE* & Brânduşa Oana NICULESCU** & Mircea
*, ** “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy of Sibiu, Romania
*** Sibiu Alma Mater University, 57 Someşului Street, 550003, Sibiu, Romania
*E-mail: mandache.radu@yahoo.com
**E-mail: branducosma@yahoo.com
*** E-mail: mircea.cosma@uamsibiu.ro
Nowadays armies have modern means of fighting - weapons and military equipment, but the
humans continue to be one of their most important components.
To be followed by our subordinates, to inspire them into higher levels of military teamwork, to
lead them in fight and to be effectively and efficient on the modern battlefield there are crucial
things for military organization, but these all don’t come easy and naturally for military
personnel. Therefore, military that is in charge must be, know, and, do, things that are acquired
through education, study, personal experiences and military training.
So, the military leaders have had to continue adapt throughout the human history his acts of
leading (military leadership) based on either philosophy or practice or, better, on both
philosophy and practice, in concert with a complex and changing environment that has
permanently required new views, conceptions and approaches, new attitudes, new skills and
differing perspectives of the military who were and are in charge.
On short, we consider that developing military leaders and leadership are critical issues for the
modern military organization and, implicitly, for military profession.
In this paper, we use a synthetic approach of some considerable issues for modern military
organization and profession of the army – the military leader and military leadership.
Keywords: leader, leadership, military organization, military profession, professional.
Possible Developments of Forms and Ways of Risks and Threats
Manifestations towards Romania
Ion MOGOȘ * & Mircea COSMA**
* National Defence University "Carol I", Bucharest, Romania
** Sibiu Alma Mater University, 57 Someşului Street, 550003, Sibiu, Romania
*E-mail: mgsclm@ yahoo.com
** E-mail: mircea.cosma@uamsibiu.ro
Romania, through its international status and geopolitical positioning will remain in the future
a space of some possible risks and threats. The diversity, complexity, especially the threat for
Romania's security requires a detailed knowledge of the particularities of manifestation and
influencing of these. Therefore, addressing specific issues to the evolution of forms and ways
of risks and threats manifestation to Romania remains an issue of high interest to any scientific
analysis, as we propose in this paper.
Keywords: threats, risks, terrorism, economic aggression, ineffective governance.
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
Neuro-Linguistic Programming during the Civil-Military
Intercultural Communication
Laviniu BOJOR* & Mircea COSMA**
* “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy of Sibiu, Romania
** Alma Mater University of Sibiu, 57 Someşului Street, 550003, Sibiu, Romania
*E-mail: laviniu.bojor@yahoo.com
** E-mail: mircea.cosma@uamsibiu.ro
Communication between people aims to achieve sending messages with specific meanings,
some of which are seeking to influence or change the behavior of one or both participants. In
this context, the communication between soldiers and civilians from different cultures turns
into a specific negotiation. It targets the deciphering the intercultural messages, based on the
new techniques and ways used to convince one's partner to adopt one's own ideas, to think or
to do more or less rational things. Developing skills which can solve the inherent language
problems and facilitate the power of persuasion of a "foreigner" is a "must have" for any
military leader in search of good civil-military cooperation.
Keywords: Neuro-linguistic programming, intercultural communication, civil, military,
Considerations about Financing Agriculture in Romania – A Special
Type of Loan
Sibiu Alma Mater University, 57 Someşului Street, 550003, Sibiu, Romania
E-mail: dacianan@yahoo.com
The study looks closer into the topic of direct aid in agriculture paid to the farmers in Romania,
and outlines some aspects referring to the possibility to finance the direct payments through a
special type of loan offered by the commercial banks. This loan is based on the agreement
signed between the Agency of Payment and Intervention for Agriculture (APIA) and the
commercial banks.
The direct payments in agriculture, financed by the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund
(EAGF) are paid to the beneficiaries through the Agency of Payment and Intervention for
Agriculture (APIA).
Direct aids implemented under the Common Agricultural Policy plays an important role
regarding Romanian farm income and has a major impact on the Romanian rural economy as a
whole, as well.
The project will focus on the strategies that APIA and the banks could find in order to help the
farmers access more loans, and to increase the number of the farmers benefiting from loans.
Keywords: agricultural expenditure, Single Area Payment System, direct aids
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
Normative contents of Constitution in the context of constitutional
Curtea de apel Piteşti & Universitatea din Piteşti, Str.Victoriei, nr 22, Piteşti, Arges County, Romania
E-mail: andreescu_marius@yahoo.com
The modification of the fundamental law of a state represents a very special political and
juridical act with major significances and implications in the political social system as in the
state’s one, but also at each individual level. That’s why such an approach needs to be well
justified, to answer to some juridical and political social needs well defined, but mainly to
correspond to the principles and rules specific to a constitutional and state’s democratic system
providing to the state the stability and functionality it needs.
In this study we analyze the necessity of such a constitutional reform in Romania, and also
some provisions from the report of the Presidential Commission for the analysis of the political
and constitutional regime in our country. We formulate our opinions in relation to the justifying
some constitutional regulations. In this context, we consider that there are arguments for the
maintaining of the bicameral parliamentary system and an eventual revising of the fundamental
law needs to consider the measures needed to guarantee the political and constitutional
institutions specific to the lawful state.
Keywords: Revising of the Constitution; limits of the constitutional revising; bicameral
system; power excess; guaranteeing of the fundamental liberties; constitutional norms.
Principle of proportionality, criterion of legitimacy in the public law
Curtea de apel Piteşti & Universitatea din Piteşti, Str.Victoriei, nr 22, Piteşti, Arges County, Romania
E-mail: andreescu_marius@yahoo.com
A problem of essence of the state is the one to delimit the discretionary power, respectively the
power abuse in the activity of the state’s institutions. The legal behavior of the state’s
institutions consists in their right to appreciate them and the power excess generates the
violation of a subjective right or of the right that is of legitimate interest to the citizen.
The application and nonobservance of the principle of lawfulness in the activities of the state is
a complex problem because the exercise of the state’s functions assumes the discretionary
powers with which the states authorities are invested, or otherwise said the ‘right of
appreciation” of the authorities regarding the moment of adopting the contents of the measures
proposed. The discretionary power cannot be opposed to the principle of lawfulness, as a
dimension of the state de jure. In this study we propose to analyze the concept of discretionary
power, respectively the power excess, having as a guidance the legislation, jurisprudence and
doctrine in the matter.
At the same time we would like to identify the most important criterions that will allow the
user, regardless that he is or not an administrator, a public clerk or a judge, to delimit the legal
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
behavior of the state’s institutions from the power excess. Within this context, we appreciate
that the principle of proportionality represents such a criterion.
The proportionality is a legal principle of the law, but at the same time it is a principle of the
constitutional law and of other law branches. It expresses clearly the idea of balance,
reasonability but also of adjusting the measures ordered by the state’s authorities to the situation
in fact, respectively to the purpose for which they have been conceived.
In our study we choose theoretical and jurisprudence arguments according to which the
principle of proportionality can procedurally be determined and used to delimit the
discretionary power and power abuse.
Keywords: discretionary power; power excess; subjective right; principle of lawfulness;
principle of proportionality; constitutional law.
The Procedure of plea bargaining in Romania, a Negotiation or just a
Formal Institution? The Common Law System
Versavia BRUTARU
"Acad. Andrei Rădulescu" Legal Research Institute of Romanian Academy, Calea 13 Septembrie
no.13, corp B, et. 4, sector 5, Bucharest
E-mail: bversavia@gmail.com
Common law adversarialism is generally contrasted with West European inquisitorialism,
which is said to be characterized by an active role for the fact-finder, by decisions based on full
judicial inquiry and by truth-seeking rather than proof-making. The main differences lie in the
role of examining or investigating judges or magistrates, at least in relation to serious offences.
European systems do not have jury trials in exactly the same form as common law systems,
although lay persons sit on the bench in some cases and jury trials that are more akin to common
law trials are exceptional and reserved for the most serious crimes. Inquisitorial systems have
not generally recognized guilty pleas, and plea-bargaining is only a recent innovation in some
jurisdictions. There is a traditional, but gradually shrinking, divided between jurisdictions that
adhere to the principle of legality, whereby the prosecutor is required by law to prosecute where
there is sufficient evidence that a crime has been committed.
The actual regulations concerning plea bargaining (an admission of guilt in Romania) is, if we
may say so, totally different from the common law system, mostly because that was not a
tradition in our country, and now, somehow, it seems odd to have in our juridical penal system
such an institution.
To the extent that diversion is a product of plea-bargaining, there are a number of structural
differences between the adversarial and inquisitorial systems. Because the concept of a guilty
plea is absent in the latter system, no bargains can be struck between the prosecution and
defence: the prosecution has a different duty to the court and the judge is involved in the
preliminaries of the case, at least in serious cases. This legal structure is theoretically
antithetical to prosecutorial discretion and to the idea of limiting the process to proof-making
rather than truth-finding. On the other hand, the fact that the police, prosecutors and courts are
involved from the very early stages should mean that, at least in theory, the inquisitorial system
is more conducive to court-administered or court-supervised therapeutic intervention
Keywords: plea bargaining, admission of guilt, Romanian Penal code, common law
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
The evolution of the „beneficium competentiae” concept in Roman
law. A comparison with the contemporary institution of the
insolvency of natural
Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest, 36-46 Mihail Kogălniceanu Bld., Sector 5, Bucharest,
E-mail: ionela.cuciureanu@drept.unibuc.ro
In the Roman law, a key principle was that the creditor not only that did not accept a partial
payment, but such payment had no value. This was due to the formal strictness that defined the
classical Roman law. With the evolution of the social relations, the acceptance of payment
confined to the limits of the debtor’s actives developed – the so-called “beneficium
competentiae”. This proceeding seems to become of actuality in the context of the discussions
regarding the insolvency of natural persons and the paper intends to be a presentation made
from the angle of the evolution of law and of the reasons that lay behind any norm.
Keywords: beneficium competentiae, insolvency, natural persons, payment, debtor.
Specific Structures of the Modern Multinational Organizations
Silvana Nicoleta MUNTEAN
Alma Mater University of Sibiu, 57, Someșului Street, 550003, Sibiu, Romania,
phone/ fax: 0269/250008
E-mail: silvana.muntean@uamsibiu.ro
The analysis of multinational organizations requires their approach, not only in terms of
conceptualizing, the role and the place they occupy in the economy but also of focusing on
matters relating to their organizational structure. In this way, it can be understood and properly
fulfill the role and the objectives of each multinational organizations. Based on this reality, in
this paper we presented both the specific characteristics of multinational organizations
structures and the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Keywords: categories of organizational structure, organizational structure, multinational
organizations, performance
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
Ensuring the Security of Information Systems - Role and Functions
of Information Security Systems
Alexandru TATU* & Mircea COSMA**
* National Defence University "Carol I", Bucharest, Romania
** Sibiu Alma Mater University, 57 Someşului Street, 550003, Sibiu, Romania
*E-mail: brankk025@yahoo.com
** E-mail: mircea.cosma@uamsibiu.ro
We are certainly in the face of unprecedented challenges regarding the crisis and war
development highlighting new ways of conflict evolution, anticipating the major role that
information systems will acquire. It is this beginning of the millennium challenge that induces
the need of a more sustained focus on preparing the new type of war in which information
systems security will be the success factor.
Through this article we aim to present the role of the information systems and the manner in
which information systems security affects the decision-making process, the planning and the
operational management of all actions taken within each organization.
Keywords: information security, information system, information flow, security management,
control information, information.
Basic Dimensions of Security Information Systems
Alexandru TATU* & Mircea COSMA**
* National Defence University "Carol I", Bucharest, Romania
** Sibiu Alma Mater University, 57 Someşului Street, 550003, Sibiu, Romania
*E-mail: brankk025@yahoo.com
** E-mail: mircea.cosma@uamsibiu.ro
The XXI century brought significant new changes in information systems improvement,
especially as regards increasing their role in the performance of an organization. Given the need
to ensure the functioning of information systems, today, increasingly there are new openings in
terms of ensuring their security.
In this article we intend to present some aspects that aim fundamental dimensions of ensure the
security of information systems and how they affect activities within an organization.
Size information systems security analysis highlights new aspects of its complexity and the
need for more efficient management of each of these.
Keywords: information security, security dimensions, information system, information flow,
security management, control information, informations.
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
Transferring of Rights or Obligations Generator Feature of the Sale
Vlad Victor OCHEA
Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest, 36-46 Mihail Kogălniceanu Bld., Sector 5, Bucharest,
E-mail: vlad.ochea@gmail.com
In this paper, I will try a brief analysis of the contract of sale transferring of rights or obligations
generator feature, starting from the Roman law, considering the perennial character of its
institutions and the impact it has on the modern European private law. I shall then follow the
evolution of this feature of the contract of sale from the waxed tablets discovered at Roşia
Montană, to the main Romanian laws prior to the 1864 Civil code, to the latter and up to the
2009 Civil code.
Keywords: contract of sale, Roman law, history of Romanian law, civil code
Implications of the production and broadcast of written history in
national education.
Historismus versus Historicism
Sibiu Alma Mater University, no. 57, Someşului Street, Tel. 0269/25.00.08, Sibiu, Romania
E-mail: ion.ciobanu@uamsibiu.ro
Written history or the history promoted through history textbooks, lectures and historical films
or by organizing real ”places of memory” (museums, monuments etc.) are an important source
used in the realization of what is still called national education. Although the process of
European construction (multidimensional: political, economic, administrative, military and
certainly, identity-wise) has added a new identity stake (the European one), national education
is still a goal in itself, even if the question of European versus national still persists as a
controversial issue. Nevertheless, he implication of history of in the educational process is
influenced by the paradigm under which it’s writing and dissemination is approached
(historism, historicism), the type of relationship between historical research and political power
and, in some cases, it even pertains to the way in which each historian relates to the past from
a professional point of view.
Keywords: historicism, historismus, history, collective memory, education, totalitarianism,
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
Flowers in Mihai Eminescu’s poetic imagery
* ,,Alexandru I.Cuza’’ University, Carol I Street, No.11, 700506, Iaşi, Romania
** Highschool of Mechatronics and Automation Technology, Iaşi
*E-mail: alex_maricica@yahoo.com
Some of the objectives of this paper are: the identification and inventorying of the lyrics which
include the concept of flower; finding out the means by which the word in the colloquial
language becomes poetical in Mihai Eminescu’s work. The stylistic analysis and the lexicalsemantic analysis of the floral elements are the methods we used in our approach.
The choice of this specific topic arises from a steady interest in the systematic study of a clearly
defined constituent of the Romanian vocabulary, particularly the names of different flower
types, so as to understand the internal structure of language and to come to know the images
they create in Mihai Eminescu’s poetic language. Thus, several flower types have been
identified, such as garden flowers, wild flowers, flowering trees and shrubs, and acquatic plants.
Keywords: flower, Mihai Eminescu’s anthumous poetry, poetic imagery, the symbol of love.
The linden tree in Mihai Eminescu’s anthumous poetry
* ,,Alexandru I.Cuza’’ University, Carol I Street, No.11, 700506, Iaşi, Romania
** Highschool of Mechatronics and Automation Technology, Iaşi
*E-mail: alex_maricica@yahoo.com
This paper’s main objective is the analysis of the flower names which have fundamental terms
embedded in their structure, expressions of some mythical, metaphorical or symbolic
developments. The stylistic analysis and the lexical-semantic analysis of the floral elements are
the methods we used in our approach.
The choice of Mihai Eminescu’s poetry as a source of analysis of the poetics of floral elements
has been prompted by the fact that Eminescu is the one who places Romanian poetry in the
context of European poetry. As well as jasmine, lilac, the cherry blossom, and the apple
blossom, the linden tree is part of the flowering trees and shrubs class.
Keywords: poetic imagery, the magic spell sign, edenic nature, man-nature solidarity.
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
Study on the particular elements that define the economic - financial
Mihai Adrian BUCUR
IPJ Sibiu, Revoluției Street, no. 4-6 cod 550170, Sibiu
E-mail: bucur_m@yahoo.com
This study highlights certain elements that define the concept of economic- financial fraud, and
also certain significant views on their content and structure. In this paper the author presents
several causes and conditions that favor the emergence and existence of these frauds, the
specific types and the main ways and methods of operation and commit. One such study, unique
in the literature in the field, facilitates the understanding and interpretation of the negative
economic effects that these frauds generate towards the economic operators.
Key words: economic- financial fraud, opinions, causes, conditions, operation ways and
methods, types of frauds.
Study on the particularities of the analysis of the economic - financial
fraud investigation process
Mihai Adrian BUCUR
IPJ Sibiu, Revoluției Street, no. 4-6 cod 550170, Sibiu
E-mail: bucur_m@yahoo.com
The study allows to properly present the objectives set, the particularities of the economicfinancial fraud investigation at every stage of the process differently. These are only specific
for the fraud investigation activities, differing by their own particularities that explicitly
highlight them.
Keywords: fraud, particularity, investigation, information, criminals, operative workers
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
Preserving properties and estimation of the coefficients for functions
that belong to the subclass of analytic functions TS γ ( f , g ; α , β )
Sibiu Alma Mater University, no. 57, Someşului Street, Tel. 0269/25.00.08, Sibiu, Romania
E-mail: radudyaconu@yahoo.com
In this paper we give preserving properties and estimation of the coefficients for functions that
belong to the subclass of analytic functions TS γ ( f , g ; α , β )
Keywords: Alexander integral operator, Bernardi integral operator, I c +δ
integral operator,
La operator
Effects of the economic crisis on the Romanian consumer
Mihaela BADEA* & Bogdan PÎRVULESCU**
* Ministry of Finance, Romania
** University of Craiova, Romania
*E-mail: mihaela.badea@uamsibiu.ro
My purpose for this study is to analyse the Romanian consumer’s behaviour in the context of the
economic crisis that our country as well as other countries have gone through after 2008. The postcrisis Romanian consumer’s behaviour is also going to be approached in comparison to that in the
period proceeding the economic crisis (2005-2008). I will show the consequences brought by the
changes in the consumer’s behaviour and attitude for retailers and how crisis forced them to apply
new strategies and to reinvent some of them in order to cope with the crisis and to record increase in
sale despite the crisis.
Keywords: consumer’s behaviour, crisis, comparison, change, fast adaptation
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
Prejudice between logic and psychologic
Sibiu Alma Mater University, no. 57, Someşului Street, Tel. 0269/25.00.08, Sibiu, Romania
E-mail: dumitru.popovici@uamsibiu.ro
As noted spiritual existence, prejudice (no pre-judgment, which, written in this manner, can lead to
the field of logic term) was analyzed especially in sociology and social psychology, especially aiming
at explaining the cognitive mechanisms of the emergence, persistence and its suppression but also of
its social role. Our study aims at analyzing the prejudice, mainly from the perspective of logic,
allowing a novel analysis on the origins, etiology, manifestations, detection and main ways of
We find that prejudices are not altered expression of thought, but altered expression of individual
thought, own products or result in coverage of social cooperation of the cognitive game. So, the
thinking process betrays itself by objectifying language (formulation) and in the form of prejudice.
Keywords: logical, psychological, prejudice, stereotypes, thinking, information processor
Promotion Techniques of a Product – The Promotion Policy
Ion DINU* & Nadina FUGACIU**
*, ** Sibiu Alma Mater University, 57 Someşului, 550003, Sibiu, Romania, phone: +40269250008
* E-mail: ion.dinu@uamsibiu.ro
** E-mail: nadina.fugaciu@uamsibiu.ro
Due to the industrial revolution, the modern period involves the unprecedented development of
production, the diversification of the products and services the market delivers, and, obviously, the
progress of communication methods and promotion techniques, a fact shown by the numerous works
dealing with the theory and practice in this field. The profound, significant changes that have taken
place in the Romanian economy in recent years, during the process of transition towards the market
economy, led to the intensification of competition, and, under these circumstances, the economic
agents have gradually understood the necessity of focusing their activity on marketing.
The promotion policy, which is a component of the marketing mix, is meant to communicate with the
target markets (it is also called marketing communications) by using various promotion techniques
and means. Due to its importance in the marketing policy, as well as in the general policy of an
organization, and to the impact it has on consumers, as a result of the contact established with them,
the promotion activity is paid much attention to.
Keywords: promotion policy, marketing policy, marketing mix, advertising techniques, message,
product, distribution channel
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
Opinions on the Economic Integration of Roma in Romania
Sibiu Alma Mater University, 57 Someşului, 550003, Sibiu, Romania, phone: +40269250008
E-mail: mihai.antonovici@uamsibiu.ro
Roma integration is more than a matter of social inclusion, having a positive economic
impact. In many countries, Roma represent a significant and growing percentage of school-age
population and future workforce. Effective policies to labor activation and individualized
services and support available for Roma who seeks a job are crucial to allow Roma to assert
their human capital and to actively participate on equal terms in the economy and society.
Keywords: Roma integration, social inclusion, integration, minority Roma inclusion, social
ISO 26000: Need to implement social economy
Alma Mater University of Sibiu, 57 Someşului, 550003, Sibiu, Romania, phone: +40269250008
E-mail: mihai.antonovici@uamsibiu.ro
The social economy or the third sector - designated as "non-profit sector", "social sector",
"independent sector", "NGO sector", "voluntary sector", "charity sector ”, ”civil society sector " etc.
was formed following the occurrence of a genuine "global revolution of associativity" that people
associate voluntary organizations or organizations which offer protective services of group goals.
Located at the intersection between the public and private sector organizations (also called social
enterprises) are booming, with profound implications for the organization of social, economic,
political, and in the design or development of government policies and strategies local, regional,
national and even international. They apply principles of social responsibility. This is proved by taking
and implementing the standard IOS 26000 - Social Responsibility.
Keywords: social economy, social responsibility, IOS 26000 standard, social enterprise, social
entrepreneurship, sustainable development
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
Strategic Management: from Antiquity until today
Alina-Maria FĂRCAŞ
Academy of Economic Sciences
E-mail: alina.farcas90@yahoo.com
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
George Santayana, The Life of Reason
The strategic management is a relatively new discipline in its own right, whose foundations
were laid since antiquity. Many concepts borrowed from various areas had an outstanding
contribution in the formation and evolution of strategic management until nowadays.
The dual pendulum metaphor reflects the existing tensions over time between internal and
external factors of the organization and the relationships that exist between the two types of
factors, the strategic management being outlined also by the simultaneous movement of the two
Keywords: strategy, strategic management, dual pendulum, evolution.
The axio-logical Tesaurus – a strategical good and goal of any People,
especially in the epoch marked by Globalisation. A study of case: The
Romanian People: historical, didactical, methodological, axiotical, aspects
Liviu Alexandru SOFONEA
Committee for History and Philosophy of Science and Technology of the Romanian Academy/ C.R.I.F.Ș.T./
Romanian Academy
In this complex study is analyzed and adequately communicated:
The axiological hypostasis named, Homo aestimans atque yerachicus;
Auto-thelical values and the mean-value. Examples;
The Culture & The Civilisation in the axiological frame. Examples;
The concept patrimonium axiologicum. Example; The essenceal /strategical character
in the historical epoch marked by Global-isation /many globalismms/. Main components of a
real patrimony: cultural, technical, scientiphical, military, didactical (metho-dological, praxiological; education, instruction; et al).
Examples: in Romania, in the past, in contemporay times (in the period 1989/1990-2015
A.D.); some suggestions for the activity of Alma-Mater University of Sibiu;
Some conclusions and perspectives.
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
Negotiation of common contractual terms
Alma Mater University of Sibiu, 57 Someşului, 550003, Sibiu, Romania, phone: +40269250008
E-mail: dhageanu@yahoo.com
The transition to a market economy brings substantial changes in the conduct of economic
activity; economic agents starting to assert themselves as true entrepreneurs with wide
autonomy and free initiative, must also cope with the conditions and "rules of the game"
imposed by the market.
Thus, economic agents were forced to adopt a new vision towards the market, putting into
action new methods and management techniques, scientific investigation of the market, the
operative adaptation to the market, as well as influencing it. This new approach of traders is
known as "image creation and the management of the company’s image" in conjunction with
rigorous management.
Keywords: entrepreneurs, image, management, initiative, marketing.
Arbitrage Convention and the advantages of arbitrage
Alma Mater University of Sibiu, 57 Someşului, 550003, Sibiu, Romania, phone: +40269250008
E-mail: dhageanu@yahoo.com
Arbitration is an institution whose roots lie in Antiquity, especially in the Middle Ages, a period
in which commercial disputes were settled by the parties through a person of authority
designated by them, someone with his reputation intact, knowing the object of litigation,
especially enjoying the full confidence of the both parties.
Keywords: arbitration, commercial disputes, reputation, settlement
Abstracts of papers Alma Mater University of Sibiu Conference, 9th Edition, 28–30 May 2015, Sibiu
Mihai Eminescu, The Publicist – Defender of Andrei Șaguna
Alma Mater University of Sibiu, 57 Someşului, 550003, Sibiu, Romania, phone: +40269250008
E-mail: anca.sirghie@uamsibiu.ro
Reports of documents of historical importance, but so far remained in the cone of penumbra of
time, could perhaps enlighten the attitude of high esteem enjoyed by the Archbishop Andrei
Saguna of Transylvania in the publishing work of Mihai Eminescu.
Keywords: Eminescu, archbishop, Saguna, poet-publicist