Perez CV. - Division of Diversity and Community Engagement
Perez CV. - Division of Diversity and Community Engagement
David Pérez II, Ph.D. Department of Educational Leadership Miami University ▪ McGuffey Hall, Room 300F ▪ Oxford, OH 45056 513-529-2572 ▪ EDUCATION The Pennsylvania State University – University Park, PA Doctor of Philosophy, Higher Education, August 2012 Minor: Sociology Vanderbilt University – Nashville, TN Master of Education, General Administrative Leadership, May 2001 Bachelor of Science, Human and Organizational Development, May 1997 Concentration: Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness SELECT AWARDS & HONORS ACPA Emerging Scholar, American College Personal Association, 2014 Level A Graduate Faculty Standing, Miami University, April 2013 – Present NASPA Emerging Scholar, National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, 2013 Alumni Association Dissertation Award, The Pennsylvania State University, Spring 2012 David L. Clark Graduate Fellow, University Council for Educational Administration, April 2011 AAHHE Graduate Fellow, American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education, 2008 – 2010 Conrad Frank Jr. Graduate Fellowship, The Pennsylvania State University, 2007 – 2008 Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Recognition, The Pennsylvania State University, 2007 Senior Vice President’s Award for Excellence, Syracuse University, 2002 Award for Excellence in Student Interaction and Engagement, Syracuse University, 2001 Posse Scholar, The Posse Foundation, 1993 – 1997 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Assistant Professor August 2012 – Present Department of Educational Leadership – Miami University § Maintain active research agenda on Latino male achievement in higher education § Instruct graduate-level courses and independent studies in the SAHE program § Advise approximately 12 graduate students annually on personal, academic, and professional matters § Serve on institutional, divisional, and departmental committees Graduate Assistant Spring 2009 – July 2012 Office of Graduate Educational Equity Programs – The Pennsylvania State University D a v i d P é r e z I I – C u r r i c u l u m V i t a e | Page 2 of 13 § Planned, implemented, and assessed programs to recruit and retain underrepresented graduate and undergraduate students. Assisted the Alfred P. Sloan Scholars Program, Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program, and Summer Research Opportunities Program. Co-Director Summer 2007 – 2010 Summer Research Opportunities Program – The Pennsylvania State University § Provided guidance to 40 racial/ethnic minority undergraduates engaged in research. Organized weekly seminars focused on graduate education. Adapted Survey of Undergraduate Research Experiences (SURE) to assess student learning. Assistant Director for Residential Leadership January 2004 – July 2006 Department of Residential Education – New York University § Developed comprehensive leadership program using the Social Change Model of Leadership Development. Coordinated the peer educator in-residence program for the division of student affairs. Chaired departmental leadership committee. In-directly supervised 26 professional staff members on the advisement of community councils. Managed annual budget exceeding $500,000. Provided oncall crisis management coverage for 12,000 undergraduate and graduate residents. Co-Chair of Diversity Committee June 2003 – January 2004 Office of Residence Life – Syracuse University § Planned, implemented, and evaluated departmental diversity initiatives. Maintained diversity resource center for professional, graduate, and paraprofessional staff. Supported university initiatives to increase of awareness diversity and celebrate contributions of underrepresented students, faculty, and administrators on campus. Area Coordinator June 2002 – January 2004 Office of Residence Life – Syracuse University § Managed apartments and residence halls for 2,500 undergraduate and graduate students. Supervised, trained, and evaluated 1 graduate professional, 3 resident advisors, and 8 federal work-study students. Administered programming and operational budget exceeding $30,000. Guided the implementation of the multicultural living and learning community and transfer student residence hall. Developed peer mentoring program for racial/ethnic minority undergraduates. Residence Director June 2001 – June 2002 Office of Residence Life – Syracuse University § Managed a co-educational residence hall for 350 undergraduate students. Supervised, trained, and evaluated 1 assistant residence director and 9 resident advisors. Collaborated with the Office of Multicultural Affairs to implement the multicultural living and learning community. Managed programming and operating budget exceeding $6,000. RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Independent Research Projects Principal Investigator The National Study on Latino Male Achievement in Higher Education August 2012 – Present D a v i d P é r e z I I – C u r r i c u l u m V i t a e | Page 3 of 13 § Research on Latino male achievement patterns at 20 selective U.S. colleges and universities. Awarded at total of $50,000 by Miami University’s Committee on Faculty Research; the College of Education, Health, and Society; and the ACPA Foundation. Principal Investigator November 2010 – June 2012 Los Logradores: Understanding the Role of Community Cultural Wealth in the Experiences of Latino Male Achievers at a Predominantly White Institution § Dissertation chaired by Dr. Kimberly A. Griffin, Assistant Professor of Education and Research Associate of the Center for the Study of Higher Education. Awarded a total of $3,800 by the NASPA Foundation and ACPA’s Standing Committee for Multicultural Affairs. Principal Investigator Fall 2009 – Summer 2011 El Clima Latino: A Critical Examination of the Campus Climate for Latina/o Collegians § Supervised by Dr. Susan R. Rankin, Associate Professor of Education. Analyzed campus climate data for approximately 400 Latina/o undergraduate students. Collaborative Research Projects Research Associate Spring 2009 – Spring 2010 Climate Data Merge Project – The Pennsylvania State University § Assisted Dr. Susan R. Rankin, Senior Diversity Planning Analyst, with merging campus climate data gathered from 23 postsecondary institutions. Contributed to the development of a scale that measures six dimensions of campus climate. Graduate Research Assistant May 2008 – May 2009 Center for the Study of Higher Education – The Pennsylvania State University § Assisted Dr. Patrick T. Terenzini, Distinguished Professor and Senior Scientist, and Dr. Lisa R. Lattuca, Associate Professor and Senior Research Associate, with the Engineering of 2020 Studies. Collaborated on two studies funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) that explores undergraduate engineering education and the engineering professional pipeline. Contributed to the development of survey instruments administered nationally to senior administrators, faculty, students, and alumni at two- and four-year postsecondary institutions. Assisted with collection and analysis of qualitative data. Graduate Research Assistant Summer 2007 Center for the Study of Higher Education – The Pennsylvania State University § Assisted Dr. Dorothy Evensen, Professor of Education and Senior Research Associate, with pilot study for The end of the pipeline: A journey of recognition for African Americans entering the legal profession. External Research Grants § § § Principal Investigator, The National Study on Latino Male Achievement in Higher Education, William T. Grant Foundation’s Scholars Program, $100,000.00 (In Progress), May 2015 Principal Investigator, Qualitative Study on Latino Male Achievers at Private Research-I Universities, NASPA Foundation, $5,000.00 (In Progress), July 2015 Principal Investigator, Latino Male Achievers at Liberal Arts Institutions: A Comparative Study, Consortium on High Achievement & Success, $6,500.00 (In Progress), Spring 2015 D a v i d P é r e z I I – C u r r i c u l u m V i t a e | Page 4 of 13 § § § Principal Investigator, Over the Ivy Walls: A Phenomenological Study on Latino Male Achievers at Highly Selective, Predominantly White Institutions in the United States, ACPA Foundation Research Grant, $2,000.00 (Awarded), 2013 – 2014 Principal Investigator, Los Logradores: Understanding the Role of Resiliency and Community Cultural Wealth in the Experiences of Latino Male Achievers at a Predominantly White Institution, NASPA Foundation’s Channing Briggs Small Grant, $3,500.00 (Awarded), 2011 – 2012 Principal Investigator, Los Logradores: Understanding the Role of Resiliency and Community Cultural Wealth in the Experiences of Latino Male Achievers at a Predominantly White Institution, ACPA’s Standing Committee for Multicultural Affairs, $300.00 (Awarded), 2011 – 2012 Internal Research Grants § § § § § EHS Research Seed Grant, $5,000.00 (Awarded), Miami University, 2014 – 2015 EHS Research Seed Grant, $5,000.00 (Awarded), Miami University, 2013 – 2014 Miami University Faculty Research Grant Program, $39,000.00 (Awarded), 2013 – 2014 EHS Summer Research Grant, $5,000.00 (Awarded), Summer 2013 Penn State Alumni Association Research Award, $5,000.00 (Awarded), 2011 – 2012 Other Grants § § § § EHS Mentoring Grant, $500.00, Miami University, Spring 2015 EHS Mentoring Grant, $500.00, Miami University, Spring 2014 EHS Mentoring Grant, $500.00, Miami University, Spring 2013 EHS Mentoring Grant, $500.00, Miami University, Fall 2012 Research Institutes Participant, Summit on Men of Color, National Center for Institutional Diversity, January 2015 Participant, Faculty Learning Community on Scholarly Communication, 2013 – 2014 Participant, NCFDD’s Faculty Success Program, 2013 – 2014 Participant, National Summer Institute, University of Denver, Summer 2010 Participant, Inter-University Program for Latino Research, University of Notre Dame, June 2009 TEACHING EXPERIENCE Instructor 2012 – Present EDL 676: Foundations of Student Affairs in Higher Education – Miami University § Seminar facilitates socialization to graduate school, provides overview of student affairs, and aids first-year graduate students in developing professional competencies. Instructor 2013 – Present EDL 656: Professional Develop and Field Experience – Miami University § Seminar prepares second-year graduate students for job search, comprehensive examination, and transition into student affairs profession. Teaching Assistant Spring 2010 CSA 506: College Student Development – The Pennsylvania State University D a v i d P é r e z I I – C u r r i c u l u m V i t a e | Page 5 of 13 § Assisted with the development of course syllabus, assignments, and grading rubrics. Provided feedback on course assignments, presentations, and group projects for 14 graduate students. Teaching Assistant Fall 2009 CSA 597: Social Justice Issues in Higher Education – The Pennsylvania State University § Assisted with the development of course syllabus, assignments, and grading rubrics. Facilitated weekly experiential activities to assist 19 graduate students with the application of theory. Evaluated assignments including blog entries, papers, presentations, and group projects. Co-Instructor Fall 2009 AAAS 003: Scholarship and Community – The Pennsylvania State University § Revised curriculum for first-year seminar to facilitate the academic and social transition of underrepresented students. Engaged 60 Bunton-Waller Fellows and Lenfest Scholars in servicelearning experiences. Teaching Assistant August 2006 – May 2008 EDTHP 115: Education in American Society – The Pennsylvania State University § Facilitated two weekly recitation sessions for approximately 60 undergraduate students. Developed and graded course examinations, papers, and group projects. Teaching Institutes Participant, Learning Technologies Winter Institute, Miami University, Winter 2014 Participant, Lilly International Conference on College Teaching, Miami University, November 2014 Participant, Learning Technologies Summer Institute, Miami University, Summer 2013 Participant, New-Faculty Teaching Enhancement Program, Miami University, 2012 – 2013 Participant, Graduate School Teaching Certificate, The Pennsylvania State University, Spring 2012 PUBLICATIONS Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles Pérez II, D. (2014). Exploring the nexus between community cultural wealth and the academic and social experiences of Latino male achievers. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 27(6), 747–767. doi:10.1080/09518398.2014.901573 Pérez II, D., & Taylor, K. B. (accepted). Cultivando logradores: Nurturing and sustaining Latino male success in higher education. Manuscript submitted to Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. Pérez II, D. (in progress). Fostering Latino male academic determination in higher education: A cultural wealth perspective. Pérez II, D., & Saenz, V. B. (in progress). The thriving Latino male in higher education. Book Chapters D a v i d P é r e z I I – C u r r i c u l u m V i t a e | Page 6 of 13 Griffin, K. A., & Pérez II, D. (2013). Looking beyond labels: Black honors students negotiating the intersections between their personal and social identities. In T. L. Strayhorn (Ed.), Living at the intersections: Social identities and Black collegians. New York, NY: Information Age Publishing, Inc. Harper, S. R., Williams, C. D., Pérez II, D., & Morgan, D. L. (2013). Qualitative understandings of academic capital formation among Black and Latino male students: A cross-case trajectory analysis. In E. P. St. John (Ed.), Academic capital formation among diverse learners in college. New York: AMS Press. Pérez II, D. (in press). Over the ivy wall: Latino male achievers nurturing community cultural wealth through their involvement at a highly selective, predominantly White research university. In V. B. Sáenz, L. Ponjuan, & J. Figueroa (Eds.), Ensuring the Success of Latino Males in Higher Education: A New National Imperative. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing, LLC. Oseguera, L., & Pérez II, D. (under review). We know what works: Institutional policies that enhance the campus racial climate to facilitate Latina/o baccalaureate degree completion at predominantly White institutions. In L. Ponjuan, L. Chavez, V. B. Sáenz (Eds.), Latino Higher Education Policy Issues. South Bend, IN: Notre Dame Press. Griffin, K. A., Pérez II, D., Holmes, A. P. E., & Mayo, C. E. P. (2010). Investing in the future: The importance of faculty mentoring in the development of students of color in STEM. In S. R. Harper & C. B. Newman (Eds.), Students of color in STEM: Engineering a new research agenda. New Directions for Institutional Research (pp. 95-103). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Inc. Griffin, K. A., Nichols, A. H., Pérez II, D., & Tuttle, K. D. (2008). Making campus activities and student organizations inclusive for racial/ethnic minority students. In S. R. Harper (Ed.), Creating inclusive college environments for cross-cultural learning and engagement (pp. 121138), Washington, DC: NASPA, Inc. Book Reviews Pérez II, D. (accepted). Men of color in higher education. [Review of the book Men of color in higher education: New foundations for developing models for success, by R. A. Maxwell]. Journal of College Student Development. PRESENTATIONS Conference Presentations Lendof, D. M., Espino, M. M., Nienhusser, H. K., Pérez II, D., Pertuz, S. B., & Solis, S. (2015, March). Latinas/os in higher education institute: Strengthening the educational pipeline for Latina/os from the inside-out. Pre-conference institute accepted for the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) Annual Conference in New Orleans, LA. Saenz, V. B., Ponjuan, L., Carillo, J. F., & Pérez II, D. (2015, March). Re-conceptualizing the Latino male educational imperative: A journey through the dimensions of data, policy, critical inquiry D a v i d P é r e z I I – C u r r i c u l u m V i t a e | Page 7 of 13 and practice. Pre-conference workshop accepted for the American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education’s (AAHHE) National Conference in Frisco, TX. Perez II, D., & Murillo, R. (2015, March). Fostering Latino male collegians’ academic determination: Consider. collaborate. create. commit. Session proposed for the American College Personnel Association (ACPA) Convention in Tampa, FL. Montelongo, R., Garcia, G. A., Hernandez, A., Ozuna, T., Perez II, D., Vidal Plaza, R., & Salinas, C. (2015, March). Consider, collaborate, create: Latinas/os transitioning from the profession to professoriate. Session proposed for the American College Personnel Association (ACPA) Convention in Tampa, FL. Liddell, D., & Hamrick, F., Perez II, D., Martin, G. L., & Kupo, V. L. (2015, March). Emerging scholars research papers I. Research symposium accepted for the American College Personnel Association (ACPA) Convention in Tampa, FL. Pérez II, D., & Murillo, R. (2015, February). Latino Enough: Exploring the Intersections of Race/Ethnicity, Gender, and Class among Latino Males in Higher Education. Session proposed for the Black & Latino Male Summit at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Pérez II, D. (2014, November). Exploring the nexus between academic determination and community cultural wealth in Latino male success at selective postsecondary institutions. Paper accepted for the 2014 Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Annual Conference. Perez II, D. (2014, May). Cultivando logradores: Nurturing and sustaining Latino male success in higher education. Session presented at the Men & Masculinities Conference at Miami University. Perez II, D. (2014, April). Cultivando logradores: Nurturing Latino male collegians’ dispositions toward achievement. Paper accepted for the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PA. Martinez, E., Pérez II, D., Fajardo, I., Munoz, J., Hernandez, J. M., Saenz, V. B. (2014, April). Employing asset-based frameworks to understand Latino male achievement in the K-16 educational pipeline. Research symposium accepted for the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PA. Perez II, D. (2014, March). Cultivando logradores [Nurturing Latino male achievers]: Lessons from Latino parents to student affairs educators in higher education. Session sponsored by Standing Committee for Multicultural Affairs for the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) Annual Conference in Baltimore, MD. Perez II, D., Carpenter, R., Rosch, D. M., & Sturdivant, A. A. (2014, March). Innovative student affairs pathways: Launching a successful career in administration or academia that begins in residence life. Session sponsored by New Professionals and Graduate Students Knowledge Community for the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) Annual Conference in Baltimore, MD. D a v i d P é r e z I I – C u r r i c u l u m V i t a e | Page 8 of 13 Perez II, D. (2014, March). Latino male involvement at selective PWIs: A cultural wealth perspective. Session sponsored by the Standing Committee on Men and Masculinities for the American College Personnel Association (ACPA) Convention in Indianapolis, IN. Pérez II, D., & Taylor, K. B. (2014, March). Cultivando logradores: Nurturing Latino male achievement in higher education. Paper presented at the American College Personnel Association (ACPA) Convention in Indianapolis, IN. Pérez II, D. (2013, November). Logrando: Latino male collegians enacting notions of achievement. Paper presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education’s (ASHE) Annual Conference in St. Louis, MO. Brazelton, B., Renn, K., Gonyo, C., Harris III, F., Pérez II, D., Harper, S., & Patton Davis, L. (2013, November). College men and success: Intersections of identities with diverse contexts of masculinity. Research symposium presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education’s (ASHE) Annual Conference in St. Louis, MO. Pérez II, D. (2013, May). A cultural perspective on Latino male involvement at PWIs. Session presented for the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) and American College Personnel Association (ACPA) Conference on College Men in Oxford, OH. Pérez II, D. (2013, March). Los logradores: Latino male college students reconceptualizing notions of achievement. Paper presented at the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) Annual Conference in Orlando, FL. Session sponsored by Emerging Scholars: A NASPA Faculty Fellows Research Program. Pérez II, D. (2013, March). Latino male engagement at PWIs: A cultural wealth perspective. Session sponsored by the Latina/o Knowledge Community for the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) Annual Conference in Orlando, FL. Pérez II, D. (2013, March). Los logradores: Understanding the role of community cultural wealth in the experiences of Latino male achievers at predominantly white institutions Session sponsored by the NASPA Foundation for the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) Annual Conference in Orlando, FL. Beck, S., Wright, C., Pérez II, D. (2012, January). Bringing it back: The value of professional experience in a graduate program. Session presented at the OCPA/OASPA Annual Conference in Columbus, OH. Pérez II, D., Espino, M. M., Carrión, A. E., Baber, L., Rincon, B., Oropeza, M., & Yosso, T. J. (2012, April). Employing a community cultural wealth framework to analyze the complexities of Latina/o educational attainment. Research symposium presented at the American Educational Research Association’s (AERA) Annual Meeting in Vancouver, B.C. Pérez II, D. (2012, February). Over the ivy wall: Latino males nurturing cultural wealth to achieve educational milestones. Session presented at the Pennsylvania Black Conference on Higher Education (PBCOHE) in Harrisburg, PA. D a v i d P é r e z I I – C u r r i c u l u m V i t a e | Page 9 of 13 Pérez II, D. (2011, November). Exploring the nexus between community cultural wealth and the academic achievement patterns of Latino male collegians. Paper presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education’s (ASHE) Annual Conference in Charlotte, NC. Pérez II, D., & Zepeda, Y. (2011, March). The Summer Research Opportunities Program: Reconceptualizing undergraduate research to increase Latina/o student access to graduate education. Session presented at the American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education’s (AAHHE) National Conference in San Antonio, TX. Malagon, M. C., Vega, I. I., Lopez Figueroa, J., Pérez, P. A., Pérez II, D., & Saenz, V. B. (2011, April). A critical look at the gendered and raced educational trajectories of Latino males in continuation schools, high schools, and higher education settings. Research symposium presented at the American Educational Research Association’s (AERA) Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA. Pérez II, D., & Bermudez, G. (2010, October). Consejos: A culturally responsive approach to advising Latina/o college students. Session sponsored by the Multicultural Concerns Commission and presented at the National Academic Advising Association’s (NACADA) Annual Conference in Orlando, FL. Arambula, T. L., Huerta, A. H., Pérez II, D., Ponjuan, L., Sanchez, S. M., Venegas, K. (2010, November). Sin voz o atencion: The narrative experiences of Latino males across geographic boundaries and throughout the pipeline. Research symposium presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education’s (ASHE) Annual Conference in Indianapolis, IN. Arambula, T., & Pérez II, D. (2010, March). Drafting a policy memorandum. Session presented during the American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education’s (AAHHE) Graduate Student Fellows Program in Costa Mesa, CA. Vasquez, P. L., Pérez II, D., Ranero, J., Cabreles, J., & Espino, M. M. (2009, November). Critical research frameworks and Latinas/os: Advancing the next generation of scholarship about Latinas/os in higher education. Research symposium presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education’s (ASHE) Annual Conference in Vancouver, B.C. Peter, P., & Pérez II, D. (2003, March). Peer mentor programs: 1 student – 10,000 approaches. Session presented at the American College Personnel Association’s (ACPA) Annual Convention in Minneapolis, MN. Invited Presentations Pérez II, D. (2015, February). Microaggressions. Invited presentation delivered during College of Education Summit at Indiana State University. Pérez II, D. (2014, May). Navegando el camino [Navigating the path]: From the Posse scholarship to the professorship. Invited presentation delivered during Aztec Research Fellows Program at San Diego State University. D a v i d P é r e z I I – C u r r i c u l u m V i t a e | Page 10 of 13 Brown, M. S., Hall, M., Heydt, S., Perez II, D., & Ramstetter, A. (2014, May). So where do we go from here? Closing panel presentation sponsored by Men & Masculinities Committee at Miami University. Pérez II, D. (2014, May). “It’s not where you’re from, It’s where you’re at!” Invited presentation delivered during The Men of Color Higher Education Summit at Rowan University. Pérez II, D. & Davis II, C. H. F. (2014, April). Not by accident: Sustaining Latino and Black male success in higher education. Presentation sponsored by The College for Diversity Programs at Brown University. Pérez II, D. (2014, April). From surviving to thriving: Latino males reconceptualizing success in higher education. Presentation sponsored by The College for Diversity Programs at Brown University. Pérez II, D. (2013, July). Engaging racial/ethnic minority students in the residence halls. Training delivered for the Office of Residence Life at Miami University. Pérez II, D. (2013, May). “It’s not where you’re from, It’s where you’re at!” Invited presentation delivered during The Men of Color Higher Education Summit at Rowan University. Pérez II, D. (2013, April). Latinas & Latinos in urban communities. Presentation sponsored by Urban Teaching Cohort and Urban Leaders at Miami University. Brayboy, B., Harper, S. R., & Pérez II, D. (2012, December). Building a bridge to success: Improving retention and completion rates for underrepresented males on UNC system campuses. Panel presentation sponsored by the UNC General Administration at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Pérez II, D. (2012, November). Thinking beyond C3 & TPE: Navigating the student affairs job search process. Workshop sponsored by the Miami University’s Student Affairs Graduate Association (MUSAGA) at Miami University. Pérez II, D. (2012, October). Mendeley 101. Workshop sponsored by the Miami University’s Student Affairs Graduate Association (MUSAGA) at Miami University. Davis, T., Pérez II, D., Strayhorn, T.L., & Wagner, R. (2012, August). (In)visible masculinities on campus. Panel presentation sponsored by the Office for Student Conduct Administration at Miami University. Pérez II, D. (2011, October). What you need to know about graduate school. Session presented to the College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) at the Pennsylvania State University. Pérez II, D. (2011, July). Journey to the Ph.D.: Navigating the graduate application process as a McNair Scholar. Session presented at the Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program’s 19th Annual Summer Research Conference at the Pennsylvania State University. D a v i d P é r e z I I – C u r r i c u l u m V i t a e | Page 11 of 13 Pérez II, D. (2011, February). The vanishing Latina/o: Addressing the Latina/o education crisis in the United States. Presentation sponsored by Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Incorporated at the University of Pennsylvania. Pérez II, D. (2011, February). Discussing Black politics in modern America. Panel presentation sponsored by Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated at the University of Pennsylvania. Pérez II, D. (2010, September). Preliminary findings from the Summer Research Opportunities Program assessment: 2009 & 2010. Assessment data presented to the Advisory Committee on Graduate Education at the Pennsylvania State University. Pérez II, D., & Carroll, T. (2010, April). Journey to the Ph.D.: Applying to graduate school. Session presented to Student Support Services & TRIO Program at Mansfield University. Pérez II, D. (2009, September). SROP learning outcomes: Developing and assessing student learning in the Summer Research Opportunities Program. Session presented at the Committee for Institutional Cooperation’s (CIC) Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL. Keynote Addresses Pérez II, D. (2014, October). Conversation between Dr. David Pérez II and President Elsa M. Núñez about Latino males in higher education. Keynote delivered during the Connecticut Association of Latinos in Higher Education (CALAHE) Conference at Central Connecticut State University. Pérez II, D. (2014, September). Am I my brother's keeper? Redefining success in higher education through hermandad. Keynote delivered during the inaugural Brotherhood Conference at Western Illinois University. Pérez II, D. (2013, November). Started from the bottom? Identity, leadership, and community. Keynote delivered during the Black & Latino Male Conference at Vassar College. Pérez II, D. (2013, January). From the Posse scholarship to the professorship. Keynote delivered during the Inaugural Posse Sophomore Scholars Symposium in New York, NY. Pérez II, D. (2011, April). P.S.Unidos 2011. Keynote address delivered during the Admissions Office’s Recruitment Weekend at the Pennsylvania State University. White, J., Harper, S., & Pérez II, D. (2010, March). NASPA Speaker Series. Moderated keynote address delivered by Dr. Joseph White and Dr. Shaun R. Harper at the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators’ (NASPA) Annual Conference in Chicago, IL. Course Presentations Pérez II, D., & Taliaferro Baszile, D. (2014, November). Developing a research agenda. Panel presentation during EDL 761: Introduction to Study in Educational Leadership at Miami University. D a v i d P é r e z I I – C u r r i c u l u m V i t a e | Page 12 of 13 Pérez II, D. & Rousmaniere, K. (2013, October). Crafting a research agenda. Panel presentation during EDL 761: Introduction to Study in Educational Leadership at Miami University. Kuvalanka, K., & Pérez II, D. (2013, January). Issues with data collection in qualitative research. Panel presentation during EDL 776: Student Affairs in Higher Education Research Practicum at Miami University. Carruba-Whetstine, C., Pérez II, D., Shaw, M. (2012, October). Drafting a dissertation proposal. Panel presentation during EDL 776: Student Affairs in Higher Education Research Practicum at Miami University. Pérez II, D., Quaye, S. J., & Shaw, M. D. (2012, October). Introduction to doctoral studies. Panel presentation during EDL 761: Introduction to Study in Educational Leadership at Miami University. Pérez II, D. (2011, September). Intersectionality and power. Seminar presented to graduate students in CSA 507: Social Justice Issues in Higher Education at the Pennsylvania State University. Pérez II, D. (2010, September). Intersectionality. Seminar presented to graduate students in CSA 597: Social Justice Issues in Higher Education at the Pennsylvania State University. Pérez II, D. (2010, March). Spiritual identity development. Seminar presented to graduate students in CSA 503: Student Development Theory at the Pennsylvania State University. SERVICE ACTIVITIES Professional Service Volunteer, Latina/o Faculty Office Hours, NASPA March 2014 – Present Cluster Facilitator, NASPA Undergraduate Fellows Program, March 2013 – Present Contributor, ASHE Graduate Student Travel Scholarship Fund, ASHE, 2011 – Present Reviewer, Educational Researcher, Spring 2015 Reviewer, Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, Spring 2015 Mentor, NASPA Undergraduate Fellows Program, 2014 – 2015 Co-Chair, Council on Ethnic Participation’s (CEP) Mentor-Protégé Program, 2012 – 2014 Coach, Faculty Success Program, National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity, Summer 2014 Reviewer, The High School Journal, Spring 2014 Speaker, Conversation with Scholars Series, AERA’s Division J Graduate Network, April 2014 Reviewer, International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, Spring 2013 Reviewer, Men and Masculinities, Spring 2013 Sub-Committee Chair, CEP Mentor-Protégé Program, 2012 – 2013 Co-Chair, Graduate Student Fellows Program, AAHHE, 2008 – 2010 Managing Editor, Higher Education in Review, The Pennsylvania State University, 2008 – 2009 University Service Member, EHS Technology Committee, 2014 – Present D a v i d P é r e z I I – C u r r i c u l u m V i t a e | Page 13 of 13 Member, EHS Committee for the Evaluation of Administrators, Miami University, 2013 – Present Member, Miami University’s Commencement Speaker Advisory Committee Meeting, Fall 2014 Facilitator, Made@Miami, Miami University, Summer 2013 Mentor, Fast Start Mentoring Program, The Pennsylvania State University, 2008 – 2012 Departmental Service Member, EDL Clinical Faculty Search Committee, Miami University, Spring 2014 Member, EDL Tenure-Track Faculty Search Committee, Miami University, Fall 2013 Dissertation Committees Stoll, E. (2015, March). First-generation students who persist beyond the first year of college at a fouryear institution: Navigating tension between home and school. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Department of Educational Leadership, Miami University. Taylor, C. (in progress). The effects of fraternity involvement on adherence to male role norms. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Department of Educational Leadership, Miami University. Johnson, J. J. (in progress). Negotiating institutional change to promote college student success. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Department of Educational Leadership, Miami University. Community Service Board Member, McGuffey Montessori School, 2013 – Present Founding Brother, Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Inc., April 2000 – Present CONSULTANCIES Research Associate 2009 – 2012 Rankin & Associates Consulting § Support efforts to promote institutional equity through campus climate assessment and implementation of intervention strategies via Transformational Tapestry Model. Conduct focus group interviews with students, faculty, staff, and administrators at three universities. Senior Trainer January 2007 College Success Foundation Mid-Year Training Program – Issaquah, WA § Facilitated a two-day training seminar for senior administrators, school coordinators, and staff. Designed and implemented curriculum focused on group dynamics, cross-cultural communication, and leadership development. Consultant February 2003 – 2006 Firefly, Incorporated – New York, NY § Administered the Bial-Dale Adaptability Index (BDI), an innovative college admissions tool, to evaluate scholarship candidates for the College Success Foundation. Facilitated five-hour workshops for 100 high school students per day. Assisted in the evaluation of nearly 6,000 scholarship candidates