2015-4-08 Minutes
2015-4-08 Minutes
40 The April 8, 2015 regular meeting of the Delhi Township Board of Trustees was called to order by the Board President William F. Oswall Jr. Trustee Cheryl A. Sieve, Trustee Marijane E. Klug, Fiscal Officer James J. Luebbe, Law Director David C. Lane, and Administrator Pete E. Landrum were present. Open the Meeting: The Board received certification that the rules adopted pursuant to Section 121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code had been complied with for the meeting. The meeting began with a moment of silence in honor of Daryl Gordon, firefighter with the Cincinnati Fire Department who died in the line of duty; and George Brooks, police officer with Forest Park Police Department who was hit and killed by a vehicle while leading the funeral procession on motorcycle; followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Motions for Consideration: Motion 2015-053 Trustee Sieve moved and Trustee Oswall seconded to approve the minutes of the regular Board of Trustees meeting held on March 25, 2015. Trustees Oswall and Sieve voted YES. Motion carried. Motion 2015-054 Trustee Sieve moved and Trustee Klug seconded to approve bills for payment. Trustees Oswall, Sieve and Klug voted YES. Motion carried. Motion 2015-055 Trustee Sieve moved and Trustee Klug seconded to approve the payment of overtime for pay period ending March 31, 2015. Trustees Oswall, Sieve and Klug voted YES. Motion carried. Motion 2015-056 Trustee Sieve moved and Trustee Klug seconded to approve the hiring of Sylvia M. Scheid as Part-Time Assistant Custodian in the Police Department at an hourly rate of $10.00 effective April 9, 2015. Trustees Oswall, Sieve and Klug voted YES. Motion carried. Motion 2015-057 Trustee Sieve moved and Trustee Klug seconded to approve the Township Fiscal Officer to complete the Ohio Division of Liquor Control forms not requesting a hearing for the transfer and issuance of a liquor license permit for Chandlers Burger Bistro, LLC, DBA Chandlers Burger Bistro. Trustees Oswall, Sieve and Klug voted YES. Motion carried. Motion 2015-058 Trustee Sieve moved and Trustee Klug seconded to authorize the Township Administrator to sign on behalf of the Board of Trustees a letter of support to maintain state funding of Ohio’s Soil and Water Conservation Districts to Representative Ryan Smith, Chairman of the Finance Committee. Trustees Oswall, Sieve and Klug voted YES. Motion carried. 41 Motion 2015-059 Trustee Sieve moved and Trustee Klug seconded to authorize the Township Administrator to sign on behalf of the Board of Trustees a letter to Electronic Commerce Link, Inc. providing notice of non-renewal of IT services effective May 31, 2015, fulfilling the terms of the contract. Trustees Oswall, Sieve and Klug voted YES. Motion carried. Motion 2015-060 Trustee Sieve moved and Trustee Klug seconded to approve the proclamation declaring Saturday, April 11, 2015 “Kostopoulos Family / Delhi Chili Day” In Delhi Township. Trustees Oswall, Sieve and Klug voted YES. Motion carried. Business partner Mr. Tom Kostopoulos thanked the customers and dedicated employees who supported the restaurant over the years. He referenced how busy the restaurant had been over the past two weeks since the public announcement of the closing, and his appreciation for all of the residents who stopped in and his family who pitched in and helped up until the date of the closing. Presentations: n/a Trustees’ Correspondence: Trustee Oswall acknowledged eight members of the Fire Department who volunteered their time and carried out the duties of the Delhi Township Fire Department Honor Guard at the funeral service of Daryl Gordon, and four members who covered hours for the members of the Cincinnati Fire Department so they could attend the funeral. He commended all of them for their show of unity and support for the family of Daryl Gordon and the members of the Cincinnati Fire Department. Report from the Fiscal Officer: 1. The Financial Advisory Board (FAB) will have their next meeting on Tuesday, April 21, 2015 at 5:30 PM at the Township Administration Building. 2. Public opening and identification of the financial institutions who submitted applications by the deadline of April 7, 2015 at 4:30 PM for active and interim depositories in connection with the five (5) year designation of depositories beginning May 31, 2015 in accordance with the applicable provisions of Chapter 135 of the Ohio Revised Code. Motion 2015-061 Trustee Sieve moved and Trustee Klug seconded to approve the opening and referral of the applications received to the Fiscal Officer for review. Trustees Oswall, Sieve and Klug voted YES. Motion carried. Fiscal Officer Luebbe opened and identified the applications that were submitted by the following financial institutions: Key Bank, PNC Bank and Huntington Bank. He reported that the applications would be reviewed and the financial institution would be selected and announced at the next meeting. 42 Public Hearings: A. Public Works Motion 2015-062 Trustee Sieve moved and Trustee Klug seconded to approve the re-opening and continuation of the public hearings from March 11th and 25th, 2015 for Assessments on Sidewalks – Sidewalk Repairs performed. Trustees Oswall, Sieve and Klug voted YES. Motion carried. Public Works Director Ron Ripperger reported that the hearing and collection of payment with regard to work performed during the 2014 Delhi Township Road Rehabilitation Project is a requirement of the Sidewalk Policy. There were no questions or concerns raised during the hearing. Motion 2015-063 Trustee Sieve moved and Trustee Klug seconded to approve the closing of the public hearing for Assessments on Sidewalks – Sidewalk Repairs performed in 2014. Trustees Oswall, Sieve and Klug voted YES. Motion carried. Reports from Departments: 1. Park Department announcement of Twitter and Thank You to Tropical Foliage for donation of 400 daffodils – Parks & Recreation Director Josh Torbeck reported that the department is now using Twitter for announcements such as field closures and general park news and events. He thanked Dale Lutz owner of Tropical Foliage for the donation of 400 daffodils that have been planted in various locations throughout the parks and township properties. 2. Pack the Pike Business District Redevelopment information sharing Administrator Landrum referenced various forms of information sharing on the “Plan the Pike” business district redevelopment including the presentation made at the March 25 Trustee meeting and kickoff meeting information, all of which have been shared on the township’s website, Facebook and a number of press releases. He referenced the Plan the Pike public meeting on April 29 at 6:30 p.m. at the Delhi Park Lodge of which the residents are encouraged and invited to attend. Reading of the Resolutions: Resolution 2015-038 Trustee Sieve introduced and moved the adoption of a resolution approving purchase order obligations incurred on behalf of the Township by the Township Administrator, authorizing payment of certain purchase order obligations, and dispensing with the second reading. Trustee Klug seconded. Trustee Sieve moved and Trustee Klug seconded to dispense with the second reading. Trustees Oswall, Sieve and Klug voted YES. 43 Trustees Oswall, Sieve and Klug voted YES during roll call to adopt the resolution. Resolution adopted. Resolution 2015-039 Trustee Sieve introduced and moved the adoption of a resolution ordering final assessment amounts against abutting property owners for the construction, repair and maintenance of sidewalk and driveway apron improvements along various township streets ordered and performed in connection with the Delhi Township Street Rehabilitation and Repair Project 2014-A following notice and hearing, establishing payment terms for the assessments in accordance with R.C. 5543.10 and its policy and procedures and dispensing with the second reading. Trustee Klug seconded. Trustee Sieve moved and Trustee Klug seconded to dispense with the second reading. Trustees Oswall, Sieve and Klug voted YES. Trustees Oswall, Sieve and Klug voted YES during roll call to adopt the resolution. Resolution adopted. Resolution 2015-040 Trustee Sieve introduced and moved the adoption of a resolution accepting the transfer of 18 800MHz Radios and equipment for continued use by the Fire Department from Hamilton County, authorizing the Township Administrator to execute necessary documents and dispensing with the second reading. Trustee Klug seconded. Trustee Sieve moved and Trustee Klug seconded to dispense with the second reading. Trustees Oswall, Sieve and Klug voted YES. Trustees Oswall, Sieve and Klug voted YES during roll call to adopt the resolution. Resolution adopted. Resolution 2015-041 Trustee Sieve introduced and moved the adoption of a resolution accepting transfer of 40 800 MHz radios and equipment for continued use by the Police Department from Hamilton County, authorizing the Township Administrator to execute necessary documents and dispensing with the second reading. Trustee Klug seconded. Trustee Sieve moved and Trustee Klug seconded to dispense with the second reading. Trustees Oswall, Sieve and Klug voted YES. Trustees Oswall, Sieve and Klug voted YES during roll call to adopt the resolution. Resolution adopted. Resolution 2015-042 Trustee Sieve introduced and moved the adoption of a resolution entering into collective bargaining agreement with the Delhi Township Firefighters Association and dispensing with the second reading. Trustee Klug seconded. 44 Trustee Sieve moved and Trustee Klug seconded to dispense with the second reading. Trustees Oswall, Sieve and Klug voted YES. Trustees Oswall, Sieve and Klug voted YES during roll call to adopt the resolution. Resolution adopted. Resolution 2015-043 Trustee Sieve introduced and moved the adoption of a resolution amending the position description of Human Resource Director in Article 12 of the Delhi Township Amended and Restated Summary of Policies dated January 1, 2014, updating the position title in the staffing levels and pay rates exhibit and dispensing with the second reading. Trustee Klug seconded. Administrator Landrum referenced a couple minor changes to the job description, updating educational and experience requirements and changing title from Human Resources Director to Human Resources Manager. He commented that there was no change in the pay range. Trustee Sieve moved and Trustee Klug seconded to dispense with the second reading. Trustees Oswall, Sieve and Klug voted YES. Trustees Oswall, Sieve and Klug voted YES during roll call to adopt the resolution. Resolution adopted. Resolution 2015-044 Trustee Sieve introduced and moved the adoption of a resolution entering into an amended and restated broker services agreement with Hylant Group, Inc. for benefit consulting services ratifying the appointment of Hylant Group, Inc. as its broker of record, authorizing the Township Administrator to execute the agreement and dispensing with the second reading. Trustee Klug seconded. Administrator Landrum reported that Hylant has proven their commitment, providing us with great service at the same cost since the start of the business contract two years ago. He referenced the necessity to amend the language of the agreement to reflect a change in the provider and payment schedule from United Health Care to Anthem for the coverage period August 2014 – July 2015 and the inclusion of a wellness program. Trustee Sieve moved and Trustee Klug seconded to dispense with the second reading. Trustees Oswall, Sieve and Klug voted YES. Trustees Oswall, Sieve and Klug voted YES during roll call to adopt the resolution. Resolution adopted. Citizen Comments: 45 Tony Cappel, president of the Delhi Business Association, referenced the following items: 1. A new business search engine on the association’s website to assist residents with finding a business or service to fit their needs. 2. The benefits of becoming a member, inviting any business who is currently not a member to learn more by checking out their website, attending a membership meeting or contacting him directly. 3. He referenced his involvement with JB Yeager Baseball Association of which he will be representing and hosting two eleven year old baseball tournaments at Delhi Park on Memorial Day and July 4 weekends including teams coming from as far north as Mason, east and south from Kentucky. He was happy to report that the tournaments would draw over 5,000 people to Delhi Park and surrounding businesses during those two weekends, and that he is excited to show them what Delhi Park and the community has to offer. He added that they are currently looking for tournament sponsors. Mr. Cappel referenced his contact information for anyone who would like more information on any of the items that he reported on: mc62homers@fuse.net or 379-4177. Announcement of Community Events: 1. Delhi Historical Society program: History of the Cincinnati Enquirer on Monday, April 13, 2015 at the Delhi Park Lodge. 2. Western Wildlife Corridor 9th Annual Wildflower Festival on Friday, April 17, 2015 at Mount St. Joseph University from 6:00 – 9:00pm. 3. Delhi Branch Library program: World War II Cincinnati: From the Front Lines to the Home Front with Robert Earnest Miller on Tuesday, April 21 at 7:00pm. 4. Western Wildlife Corridor 11th Annual Flower-a-thon on Saturday, April 25, 2015 including all day of half day activities. 5. Bayley 25th Anniversary Celebration: Thanks to the Community, on Sunday, April 26, 2015 at 3:00pm at Mount St. Joseph University. 6. Plan the Pike – Delhi Township Strategic Redevelopment Plan Kickoff Meeting on Wednesday, April 29, 2015 from 6:30 – 8:00pm at the Delhi Park Lodge. 7. Registration is currently open for the Delhi Park Summer Programs. 8. Delhi Clean Up Day on Saturday, May 9, 2015 from 9:00am – 1:00pm at the Delhi Senior Community Center. 9. Delhi Document Shredding event also on Saturday, May 9, 2015 from 9:00am – 1:00pm at C.O. Harrison School on Neeb Road. Executive Session: Motion 2015-064 Trustee Sieve moved and Trustee Klug seconded to retire to executive session to consider the employment of public employees. Trustees Oswall, Sieve and Klug voted YES. Motion carried. Trustee Oswall informed the public that the next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees is scheduled on Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. 46 Return to Public Meeting: Motion 2015-065 Trustee Sieve moved and Trustee Klug seconded ton conclude executive session and to return to the public meeting. Trustees Oswall, Sieve and Klug voted YES. Motion carried. Adjourn: There being no further business to come before the Board, Trustee Sieve moved and Trustee Klug seconded to adjourn. Trustees Oswall, Sieve and Klug voted YES. Motion carried. ________________________________________________ , Fiscal Officer Approved: ________________________________________________ , President ________________________________________________ , Vice President ________________________________________________ , Trustee I hereby certify that the amounts needed to meet the above obligations have been lawfully appropriated and are in the treasury or the process of collection free from any and all obligations. ________________________________________________ James J. Luebbe, Fiscal Officer