Retail & Shopper 2020 Forum


Retail & Shopper 2020 Forum
Strategies to Drive Competitive Advantage
Event Overview
REconfigure REtail
Retail & Shopper 2020 Forum
20-21 May 2015 | Barcelona, Spain | Hotel 1898
Disruption abounds. Adapting to and capitalising on these disruptions is a formidable
challenge for both manufacturers and retailers. Only those who reconfigure their retail
strategies, and specifically reengage shoppers, reimagine value, reinvent formats, and
retool commerce, will thrive. Join Kantar Retail and Kantar Worldpanel at this two day
keystone event to assess what the reconfiguration of European retail means for you.
Networking opportunities will ensure that you have ample time to exchange ideas. Join
your FMCG peers to discuss how to reconfigure your business through 2015 and beyond:
• The 12 key trends that will reshape consumers,
shoppers and retailers
• Changing FMCG dynamics: A global overview
• Marketing, selling and servicing the European shopper
• Category growth stories in Europe
Please contact
to register for the event. Or call Amy
McCoy at +44(0) 207 450 2609.
Forum Fee:
20-21 May: €2695
One day only: €1495
Prices are net of applicable VAT. Kantar
Retail accepts Visa, MasterCard and
American Express.
• The capabilities suppliers need to win in reconfigured retail
• Case studies of supplier/retailer collaboration to better
serve shopper needs
Hotel 1898
La Rambla, 109
Barcelona 08002
+34 935 529 552
• The shifting roles of consumer and shopper marketing
Agenda Previews
REengage Shoppers: As consumers and technologies evolve, the need to understand
different shopper types and their paths to purchase is essential. As the decision moves
further away from the shelf, communicating to the shopper at the point of decision rather
than the point of purchase becomes vital.
REtool Commerce: The advance of online and mobile shopping is leading to new shopper
behaviours and heightened expectations of the retail experience. Part of a successful
supplier’s response will be to innovate ahead of the curve to facilitate the multichannel
shopping experience.
REimagine Value: Often taken as a synonym for price, value is so much more than that.
Quality, service, time and emotions factor in as well. Retailers and suppliers will need to
collaborate to offer speed, clarity and consistency.
REinvent Format: Stores are still an essential component of the retail experience—for
shoppers, suppliers and retailers themselves. Join us to discover which store-based
retailers and channels are poised for success.
Click here to learn more about the REconfigure REtail Strategic Framework.
Day one of the Forum will finish with a networking
reception hosted at the picturesque Hotel 1898.
Located in the heart of Barcelona, Hotel 1898 was
once home to the Philippines Tobacco Company.
The structure was built in 1890 and restored
125 years later while preserving its historical
splendour and unique colonial-style structure.
Kantar Retail Workshops are ideal for team
collaboration and shared learning, and seat
discounts are available for multiple bookings.
Workshop fee includes continental breakfast,
lunch and workshop presentations in digital
format. Cancellations must be advised in writing 10
business days prior to the event. An administration
fee will be incurred for cancellations. A refund
will not be given if a delegate fails to attend or
cancels within 10 business days prior to the event.
Substitutions are allowed at any time. The analysis
and conclusions presented by Kantar Retail
represent the opinions of Kantar Retail. The views
expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the
retailers under discussion, nor are they endorsed
or otherwise supported by the management
of the retailer.
For more information on this workshop visit
Retail & Shopper 2020 Forum
20-21 May 2015 | Barcelona, Spain | Hotel 1898
Detailed Agenda
20 May 2015
8:30-9:00 | Registration and Welcome Coffee
9:00 – 17:00 | Forum Day One
(There will be a one-hour lunch and multiple
networking breaks throughout the day)
REconfiguring REtail in Europe: Value, Format,
Commerce & Shopper
Bryan Roberts, Director of Retail Insights,
Kantar Retail
The current retailing environment resembles a
‘Perfect Storm’ with all elements ranging from
shoppers, channels and retailers in a state of flux.
Digitally enabled shoppers are redefining the path
to purchase and demanding commerce on their own
terms. New definitions of value are personalised and
contextualised, extending beyond the physical product
realm and linking not only to price, but increasingly to
quality and service. These disruptions among others,
offer a formidable challenge for both manufacturers
and retailers who are having to constantly reconfigure
their offer (formats, merchandising tactics, pricing
and promotional architecture) and balance it
against short-to-medium term return on investment
considerations. During this session, Kantar Retail
will provide a perspective on these disruptions,
their impact on your businesses, and share case
studies highlighting how retailers and suppliers are
addressing these challenges.
A Global Overview of Channel & Retail Trends
Stéphane Roger, Global Shopper and Retail Director,
Kantar Worldpanel
We will dive into the latest trends in retailing based
on real shopper behaviour, helping us understand
current dynamics and the pressures that are
reshaping the future. Specifically, we will explore
which channels are offering the fastest growth, and
what consumers are doing to fuel these trends and
look at how shoppers are behaving in a world of
multiple choices (Who is winning? Which formats and
retailers are best aligned to deliver future growth?).
Lastly we will discuss what these shifts mean in
terms of strategy for manufacturers, and examine
how brands can adapt their tactics to capture growth.
REimagining Value
Bryan Roberts, Director of Retail Insights,
Kantar Retail
The mechanics of value have become more personal,
dynamic, contextual, and volatile. As previous sources
of differentiation are increasingly commoditised,
retailers and suppliers will need to reimagine value.
We’ll take a look at how the concept of value is
evolving, what retailers are doing to better
deliver on their value propositions and how the whole
industry needs to better collaborate to offer genuine
value to shoppers: value for money, value for time and
value for angst.
The Big Disrupters: A Focus on eCommerce &
Hard Discount
Stéphane Roger, Global Shopper and Retail Director,
Kantar Worldpanel
eCommerce and hard discount are the fastestgrowing and most disruptive channels in European,
and global, retailing. Is this true in all countries?
Do we have exceptions and why? In this session you
will learn how retail models with limited ranges are
winning with shoppers, explore which factors drive
success for brands and retailers in the eCommerce
environment, and find out what you need to do to
align yourself for growth.
REtooling Commerce: Winning in Omnichannel
Steve Mader, Director of Digital Insights,
Kantar Retail
We are officially in a world where your largest
commercial customers are also massive media
platforms. This will completely change the dynamic
you have with your retail partners; partners that will
continue to behave more and more like technology
companies than like traditional customers. This new
European eCommerce landscape will require new
capabilities all across your business—so how do you
determine which investments are most important?
This session will identify the latest trends across the
globe that strategic suppliers must understand and
influence in order to succeed with key customers.
REinventing Format: What’s the Future for
the Big Box?
Himanshu Pal, Director of Retail Insights,
Kantar Retail
The physical space in which the retailer engages the
shopper is in flux. We are witnessing a tremendous
reallocation of capital deployment, a reinvention of
physical retail space, and a complete reboot of how
store formats serve a more convenience-oriented,
efficiency-motivated, and experience-craving shopper.
Taking a look at some of the latest store concepts in
European retail, we’ll assess how major retailers
are looking to reboot the hypermarket to better
deliver value.
17:30-19:00 | Forum Welcome Reception
Join Kantar Retail for our evening drinks reception,
where you can interact with your peers in a
relaxed setting.
For more information on this workshop visit
Retail & Shopper 2020 Forum
20-21 May 2015 | Barcelona, Spain | Hotel 1898
Detailed Agenda
21 May 2015
8:30-9:00 | Registration and Welcome Coffee
9:00 – 17:00 | Forum Day Two
(There will be a one-hour lunch and multiple
networking breaks throughout the day)
Retail 2020: European Consumer, Shopper and
Retailer Trends
Bryan Roberts, Director of Retail Insights,
Kantar Retail
There can be little doubt that the industry we work
in is being reshaped by an unprecedented period
of turbulence. Dramatic shifts in the consumer
landscape are driving equally tumultuous changes
in shopper behaviour and retailer strategy, and are
impacting the way that suppliers need to navigate
an increasingly complex world of distribution. This
session will open day two by addressing some of the
key questions facing us over the next five years: the
Who? Where? and How? of retail in 2020.
Turning Availability into Purchase:
Winning with Shoppers
Kirstie Hawkes, Director of Consulting, Kantar Retail
While strong consumer marketing and brand
awareness are still huge priorities for any supplier,
these efforts can be wasted if shoppers do not
connect your brands with the occasion or need
they are shopping for. This can be made worse if
further barriers are not overcome along the path to
purchase. In this session, our shopper expert will
provide guidance on overcoming barriers along the
path to purchase and address what components
suppliers need to have in place to consistently win
with shoppers.
Category & Brand Growth Stories in Europe
Stéphane Roger, Global Shopper and Retail Director,
Kantar Worldpanel
The flux in which we find ourselves raises some
serious questions in how we go to market. This
session will take a look at what European shoppers
really want and which are the best in class categories
that have generated growth in a context of shopper
budget constraints. This session will address
questions like: What are the best innovations? What
attributes do we need to launch a promising new
product? What drives growth for brands? More traffic
or loyalty? What are the considerations when looking
at future growth strategy? What about private label?
Is this a universal growth area across all of our
The Path to Purchase: New and Improved!
Lee Smith, Global Director, Retail &
Shopper Insight, TNS
Where and how should you be investing to influence
the 24/7 shopper? Pre-store, in-store, post-store?
Do those terms even mean what they used to?
Appreciation of the shopper decision-making process
is often sketchy, and interruptions are planned with
limited understanding of shopper behaviour. We will
explore how, by mapping a detailed and correct path
to decision, you can better leverage communications
online and in-store to connect with shoppers using
the right messages at the right time. Understand
how ‘delta moments’ can be used to build on brand
equity and develop activations that point shoppers in
the direction of your brands.
Case Study: Campofrio Winning with Carrefour
Luis Fernandes, Customer and Shopper Director,
Campofrio Food Group
Campofrio will provide a detailed description of its
shopper plan that was developed and implemented
for the launch of its first cross-category healthy
range in Spain. During this session, we’ll highlight
the different elements of this plan: Strategy, Process,
Growth Drivers, Implementation, Results and
Key Learnings. Suppliers will come away with an
understanding of the process that keeps the shopper
at the centre of planning.
Building the Capabilities to Win in
REconfigured REtail
Ray Gaul, Vice President, Global Research and
Analytics, Kantar Retail
The age of shopper first—where consumers can
connect with retailers using multiple touchpoints for
shopping and delivery—has created new challenges
for Europe’s major retailers. These retailers are
facing uphill challenges to move into REconfigured
REtail – whether it be shifting to growth channels,
reinvigorating profits in aging stores, or training staff
on how to understand new shopping behaviour. Not
all retailers will succeed, but those that do will build
excellence around a handful of “new capabilities” that
better match the age of shopper first. In this session,
we will outline the eight themes related to the new
capabilities of reconfigured retail and provide case
studies of the good and bad amongst retailers today.
The case studies will focus on identifying ways that
retailers and suppliers can work together to move
fully into the age of shopper first in positive ways,
abandoning the defensive approach that exists in
many places.
For more information on this workshop visit
Retail & Shopper 2020 Forum
20-21 May 2015 | Barcelona, Spain | Hotel 1898
Luis Fernandes
Customer and Shopper Director,
Campofrio Food Group
Luis has a proven track record in sales,
customer and shopper marketing and
consumer marketing, gained in leading FMCG
international companies both at a country and at a
corporate level. Luis spent the first twelve years of
his career at P&G and has spent the last eleven in
Campofrio Food Group, across multiple roles
and functions.
Ray Gaul
Vice President Research and Analytics,
Kantar Retail
Ray is responsible for the direction of
Kantar Retail’s global data that supports
all of Kantar Retail Market Insights retailer forecasting
products, worldwide. His team produces continuous
analysis of over one thousand retailers as well as
original research for numerous client projects. Ray
specializes in emerging markets research and has
lived and worked in the USA, UK, Spain, Belgium,
Ukraine, and Serbia.
Kirstie Hawkes
Director of Consulting, Kantar Retail
Kirstie joined Kantar Retail in 2010 as
Director of Consulting. Kirstie leads the
Shopper Marketing practice where she
supports clients in the development of Category
Visions, Shopper Marketing strategy and activation,
and the building of shopper capabilities throughout
clients’ organisations at global, regional and local
market levels. Prior to KR Kirstie enjoyed fifteen years
at P&G in a variety of Consumer Marketing, Shopper
Marketing, Sustainability and Commercial leadership
roles with responsibility for businesses including
Pampers, Fairy Liquid and Pringles (the snack not
the jumpers!).
Steve Mader
Director of Digital Insights, Kantar Retail
Steve is a leading expert on eCommerce,
multichannel retailing, and
He guides Kantar Retail’s research into
how technology impacts retail. Steve also helps global
FMCG brands place their bets on which retailers to
focus on, and how to win with them. He is a soughtafter speaker on topics such as retailing in 2020, the
digital path to purchase, understanding Amazon’s
business model, and the store of the future.
Himanshu Pal
Director of Retail Insights, Kantar Retail
Himanshu is a leading industry expert
on multi-national retail chains such as
Tesco, Carrefour, and Metro. Himanshu
is a consultant for Kantar Retail’s syndicated events,
customised onsites, and competency based workshops
such as Retailer Financial Models. Himanshu has more
than 11 years of research & consulting experience.
Bryan Roberts
Director of Retail Insights, Kantar Retail
Bryan has over 18 years of experience in
the retail research and insights industry
and has specialised in themes such as
private label strategy, store concept development,
Walmart and discount retailing. Prior to joining Kantar
Retail, Bryan was the Global Research Director at an
international retail intelligence provider.
Stéphane Roger
Global Shopper & Retail Director,
Kantar Worldpanel
Stéphane has been working in the market
research for 23 years in several agencies
and clients in a range of client facing, marketing and
team management roles. His current job is to help
FMCG manufacturers and retailers to grow their
categories faster providing actionable solutions on the
shopper & retail area. He is also managing director for
Lee Smith
Global Director, Retail and
Shopper Insight, TNS
Since 1994, Lee has been conducting retail
and shopper research for blue chip FMCG
and durables clients. Before joining the Kantar team
in 2010, Lee spent nine years at Envirosell and seven
years in her own firm, instorefactor. Lee serves as a
guest lecturer for Milan’s SDA Bocconi, Universita’
Cattolica and Harvard Business School.
For more information on this workshop visit