Current Newsletter
Current Newsletter
Agassiz – Boston Bar – Chilliwack Cultus Lake - Hope – Rosedale – Yarrow Kent, Mountain & Ford Institutions Hotline: 604-819-2644 Step 7 Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings. Tradition 7 Every A.A. group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions. Concept VII The Charter and Bylaws of the General Service Board are legal instruments, empowering the trustees to manage and conduct world service affairs. The Conference Charter is not a legal document; it relies upon tradition and the AA purse for final effectiveness. DISTRICT 45 MEETING SUMMARY OF MINUTES June 17, 2015 ATTENDANCE: DCM, Alt DCM, Secretary, Treasurer Archives, Corrections, Telephone, PI/CPC, Newsletter/Website GROUPS REPRESENTED: Cultus Lake Friday Grapevine Harmony Hope Groups New Nooner New Ladies Tamihi Men’s Yarrow Early Bird Sardis Steps Ladies Noon Closed First Ave Steps Our Primary Purpose 1. Moment of Silence 2. Malcolm read the GSR Preamble Randy read the 12 Traditions Sandy read the 12 Concepts. 3. Practiced 7th Tradition 4. Motion to accept May 20, 2015 minutes; seconded, carried 5. Treasurer’s Report. Total income for May $700.05, May Expenses $535.00. Current Balance: $3,194.37. Note that the Yellow Pages ad costs the District over $900 annually, and the Black Press Newspaper ad runs to over $1,700 annually. Some discussion followed – take back to groups if we should be continuing with either of these?? Motion to accept Treasurers report, seconded, carried. 6. Committee Chairs shared their reports verbally. Written reports submitted are included later in this newsletter. 7. Old Business: No old business. 8. New Business: Mike requested funds to attend the July Quarterly in Williams Lake July 17-19, 2015. Motioned, seconded, carried. Abbotsford, Mission, Maple Ridge and Chilliwack are co-operating to host a Delegate’s report in Abbotsford on August 23rd. Chilliwack has offered to “host” an Ice-Cream Social. Funds have been requested from the Events Committee. 9. Groups to manage AA phone: Jun/Jul 2015 – Agassiz Lion’s Den July/Aug 2015 – Early Bird Aug/Sept 2015 – Primary Purpose Sept/Oct 2015 – Sardis Steps 10. Groups to host Hospital Meeting: June 2015 – Yarrow Group July 2015 – Friday Grapevine August 2015 – Early Bird September 2015 - Primary Purpose October 2015 - Harmony GSR Reports: GSRs shared verbal reports. Written reports submitted are included later in this newsletter. Motion to adjourn; seconded, carried. A MESSAGE FROM YOUR DCM H ello, I am Mike an alcoholic. Well folks I really don't have a whole lot to report, but here we go. Since my last report I was at the Lytton Roundup and had an awesome time; the speakers were fantastic with really good messages of hope, faith, and spiritual growth. Next we are gearing up for the Concepts Lunch and Learn which by the time you read this will have come and gone, so let me give you an update. We had 12 people who were interested and we had a good time. Arnie, the Area secretary facilitated the session and did a fantastic job at teaching us a little more about the Concepts and why we have them in AA. Now for something new, I have been contacted by 3 other Districts (Maple Ridge, Mission, Abbotsford) who want to host a Delegates Report this coming August. It is great idea to have the Delegate come and give her report to 4 Districts at once rather than individually. We as DCMs feel it is our responsibility to help keep our members informed about what is happening in the world of AA and I think it is a good idea to host this event. We decided that an Ice-Cream Social after the Report would be a good idea, so I am now looking for some members who want to hear our Delegate give her report and are willing to help their DCM (me, Mike) dish out ice cream! Thank-you. In love and Service Michael V PUBLIC INFORMATION H i everyone I am Betty-Ann S, Chair for the PI/CPC Committee. I have started getting some pamphlets out there in the public. As well as doing a lot of networking in regards to things to come. It seems as though there is much support in those who have stepped forward in helping with PI/CPC, and our first committee meeting is scheduled for June 24th 2015 at the Chilliwack Alano Club at 7:00 pm and every 4th Wednesday of the month thereafter. Let’s hope the turnout is as good as it seems to be with the support of those who have said they are interested in being part of and giving back. If it is, I couldn’t ask for a better group of people to share this journey with! I am looking forward to working with all of you in the spirit of love and service. Betty-Ann TELEPHONE H ello everyone, my name is Linda M and I'm an alcoholic. Mike and I met soon after the last district meeting to get my name included on the Bell Telephone account. I am now fully authorized to access the AA hotline account; this will be useful if we need to change our plan among other things. Yours in service, Linda M ARCHIVES H ello my name is Randy H. For the last six months I have had the pleasure of going through our archives. What joy and excitement I have had at looking up our history and going through all the documents, and researching them. Last month we had five people helping with sorting and organizing; What a fun memorable day. Thanks Lynda, Lou, Darryl, Debbie and also like to thank you to Sara for helping with research. In our Archives we have close to 1000 Grapevine magazines...we are working hard at completing the collection. Next newsletter we will post missing editions of the grapevine so if you have any old editions or know someone who does, we would love to hear from you. It is getting close to our first showing at the District 45 Round-Up In September.... Almost ready...we intend to have two tables set up, one with World Archives and the second table with Local Archives - Chilliwack has a lot of very early history that I am very excited to share with you all. Whenever I think of AA History I always remember what Carl Sandburg said ... “Whenever a society or civilization perishes there is always one condition present; they forgot where they came from”. Let's all work together so we never forget where we came from! We are always looking for items of early AA History or any local history. If you have something that may be of interest please contact us at: or 604-799-1941. Thanks for this wonderful exciting journey! Yours in Love and Service Randy H. NEWSLETTER/WEBSITE A big apology to everyone for the newsletter being so late last month. Circumstances conspired to delay the printing until the printer had an equipment fault and so it goes. To those of you who have sent in their reports – a great big thank you. And to those of you who read the newsletter and comment, another big thank you. Hope you all have a great month in the sun! In Love with Service Doreen K EVENTS COMMITTEE W e have been a busy bunch this past month! Our last meeting on June 8th went well with lots of suggestions for new events. As your DCM mentioned, we will be involved with the Delegates Report being hosted jointly by Abbotsford (District 39), Mission (District 44), Maple Ridge (District 41) and Chilliwack. District 45 is helping to organize the Ice Cream Social, so get in touch with any of us and we will get you involved as well. We also talked about holding a BBQ later in the summer – a social bring your own pot luck afternoon with games and fun fellowship. We will tell you more when things are finalized. The Concepts Lunch & Learn was an unqualified success! Arnie G, Area 79 Panel 65 Secretary took us through the Service Structure and its up-side-down triangle. Then we went through the Concepts one by one and applied them to the service structure. We were surprised by how much we already know, but learned a great deal more. Following a wonderful lunch brought by people to share, we discussed a series of questions about the Concepts that had been created by Marilyn T. Thank you Marilyn – it was fun to search through the Service Manual, the Twelve Concepts for World Service illustrated pamphlet, and the Concepts Checklist, to find the answers. We really appreciated your efforts and all hope that your wrist heals well and quickly. Our thanks also go out to Arnie for his dedication to service and for his experience and knowledge about our Third Legacy of Service. In Love with Service Doreen K The Event Committee is looking for inexpensive easily accessible and secure storage space for supplies for the Roundup & other events. Please contact Tracy, Mike, Doreen or Jean if you know of a place. DISTRICT 45 FINANCIALS INCOME Bank Int. etc. District Mtg. 7th Daily Early Bird New Nooner Harvest Noon Hope Breakfast Mtg Chwk Breakfast Mtg Downhomers Yarrow Big Book Mon. Men’s Big Book Our Primary Purpose Tamihi Men’s Closed Harmony Group Hope Groups Seabird New Beginners First Ave. Steps Cultus Lake Rosedale Sardis Steps & Trad. Noon Men’s Closed Noon Ladies Closed PM Ladies Closed Chilliwack Hospital Agassiz Lion’s Den Friday Grapevine Friday Podium Sat. Nite Live Making Changes Last DCM Travel Returns Jan. Quarterly Christmas Nite Owl TOTAL April $46.60 $134.00 YTD $174.45 $120.00 $320.00 $364.00 $15.00 $200.00 $100.00 $100.00 $50.00 $50.00 $100.00 $340.00 $100.00 $240.00 $100.00 $69.45 $510.24 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $200.00 $98.92 $215.40 $1,442.00 $216.35 $4,807.44 $215.40 YTD EXPENSE Bank Fees General Service Off. Area 79 Newspaper Ad Yellow Page Ad Hotline Phone Post Office Box Rent Office Expenses Rent for Dist. Mtgs Newsletter Printing Newsletter Mailing DCM Travel PI Committee Exp. Archives Supplies April YTD $139.10 $76.13 $41.84 $730.26 $380.65 $245.85 $100.80 $28.56 $57.80 $180.00 $497.53 $200.09 148.57 $45.00 148.57 Float for Quarterly Quarterly T-Shirts Quarterly Expenses $300.00 $149.85 $858.88 YTD = Year To Date TOTAL YTD $3,794.48 Please note that donations and expenses processed at the May District Meeting have NOT been included. If you have any questions please contact your Treasurer, Tracy G her contact information is on the back page of this newsletter. GROUP REPORTS NEW NOONER FIRST AVENUE STEPS Tuesday - 7:30pm St. Thomas Anglican Church 46048 Gore Ave, Chilliwack H i everyone, my name is Peter and I am an alcoholic. Unfortunately, due to a lack of support, this meeting will be closing effective immediately CULTUS LAKE GROUP Tuesday – 8:00 pm Cultus Lake Memorial Church Sunnyside & Fir, Cultus Lake F eeling the heat? In your personal life or just outside, we offer a simple solution to both problems. Come visit the coolest meeting in the Valley! Our meeting room is downstairs in the Cultus Lake Memorial Church (cool) on the corner of Sunnyside and Fir starting at 8:00pm every Tuesday night. If you are feeling the heat in your personal life our meeting offers a great mix of long term and newcomer sobriety (very cool) with members who will share their experience strength and hope with you if you want it. If you are just feeling the heat of the great outdoors we are only a few steps from Cultus Lake itself (very, very cool) and you could take a refreshing dip before or after the meeting. If you feel the need for a little cool and serenity in your life look no further - just get to our meeting and a power greater than ourselves will provide both. In Love and Service Doug J (GSR) Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri., Sat. – 12:00 NOON Chilliwack Alano Club 46035 Victoria Ave, Chilliwack H ello everyone! My name is Linda M and I am an alcoholic and the Alternate GSR for the New Nooner. Our group has been celebrating cakes on a regular basis: On July 11th Betty Ann takes 14 years; come and celebrate with us!! Our business meeting is held on the last Friday of the month and we usually have 6-10 group members attend. We have 5 or more members at every meeting also which keeps things moving smoothly for us. Yours in service Linda M EARLY BIRD Mon. to Sun. - 7:30 am Chilliwack Alano Club 46035 Victoria Ave, Chilliwack H i everyone! Sandy Mac, GSR for the Early Bird Group. Our average attendance is down a bit again, averaging 15 to 18 lately. We gave a Big Book to a lady who was 4 days sober – we hope it will help her. We do not have any cakes to announce for the month of July. Our group will be taking the AA Hotline Phone from the next District Meeting for a month, and we will be hosting the Hospital Meeting for the month of August. Yours in Service Sandy Mc OUR PRIMARY PURPOSE FRIDAY GRAPEVINE Friday – 7:30 pm Chilliwack Alano Club 46035 Victoria Ave, Chilliwack Monday - 7:30pm Sardis Community Church 45625 South Sumas, Chilliwack M Thursday – 12 Noon Chilliwack Alano Club 46035 Victoria Ave, Chilliwack y name is Randy H. I am an alcoholic, and grateful member of Our Primary Purpose Group. We meet Mon. nights at 7:30 at Sardis Community Church (South Sumas). At "Our Primary Purpose" we have a great mix every meeting of persons with long term sobriety short term sobriety and many between sharing their experience strength and hope. Our group currently has 21 active members; weekly attendance has been from 25 to 50 every week. I'm really proud that our group talks about the solution, not the problem. We are a podium meeting and we open our meetings with the serenity prayer and close with the Lord’s Prayer. I am proud to be a member of our group and proud to be a member of Alcoholics Anonymous. M SARDIS STEPS & TRADITIONS H ello friends, Greetings from the Friday Grapevine group of AA. Our group meets every Friday at 7:30 pm in the Club. This month we are celebrating Radio Don’s 19 years of sobriety on July 24 2015 - way to go Don!! Our group has around twenty members with about ten of us being very active. We also have a very good supply of literature at cost. So if you are just starting out on your journey or you have been around for a while please come check us out. Regards The Grapevine Group LADIES NOON CLOSED y name is Lorraine and I am the GSR for the Thursday Ladies Closed meeting. We meet at 12:00 noon at the Alano Club. I have two items to announce for our group. One happy, one sad. The happy items is that Pam E is taking a 3 year cake on July 30th. The sad item is that Joan Bernard, a member of our group who had 42 years of sobriety, passed away in Bradley Centre at the age of 95. She had not been active in AA for the past several years because of her declining health, but was an active member up to the last 5 or 6 years of her life. Yours in Service Lorraine C I Love This Program !!! Yours in Love & Service,Randy H. 8:00pm Wednesday Carmen United Church 7258 Vedder Rd, Chilliwack H i! My name is Shawn C. I am an alcoholic from the Sardis Steps & Traditions Meeting on Wed. nights at 8:00pm. We read from the 12 by 12; the first week of every month we read a tradition, and we finish the rest of the month reading through the steps. Average attendance is about 25-35 people and we have about 10 active group members. We love to see newcomers and our hand is always out with Love and Service. WHAT’S ON IN BC/YUKON AREA 79 DATES EVENT July 10 to 12, 2015 July 17 to 19, 2015 July 31 to Aug 2, 2015 ESK’ETEMC NATION 39TH ANNUAL ROUNDUP BUTTLE LAKE CAMPOUT July 31 to August 2, 2015 August 7 to 9, 2015 41st Annual CAMPBELL RIVER RALLY August 8, 2015 YA…BUT…GOLF EVENT August 14 to 16, 2015 GREEN LAKE CAMPOUT Sunset View Provincial Group Campground 100 MILE HOUSE, BC August 14 to 16, 2015 23rd Annual AA RALLY Farmer’s Institute 351 Rainbow Road SALT SPRING ISLAND, BC The Gallery at the Ag/Rec Centre 324 Haida Drive, Gate 1, Upper Lot, ABBOTSFORD, BC August 23, 2015 SMITHERS ROUNDUP 31st Annual WHITE ROCK ROUNDUP DELEGATE’S REPORT & ICE CREAM SOCIAL LOCATION Pow Wow Arbor ALKALI LAKE, BC Campsites 75 & 76 BUTTLE LAKE, BC Pioneer Activity Centre Mountain View Ave SMITHERS, BC Campbell river Community Centre 401 - 11th Ave CAMPBELL RIVER, BC Star of the Sea 15262 Pacific Ave WHITE ROCK, BC Tall timbers Golf Club 23523 – 56th Ave. LANGLEY, BC DISTRICT 45 COMMITTEE MEETINGS: Events Committee Meetings held the First Monday of every month at 7:00 pm at Tracy’s home Archives Committee Meetings held the Last Sunday of every month at 1:00 pm at Randy’s home PI/CPC Committee Meetings held the Fourth Wednesday of every month at 7:00 pm Roundup Committee meetings held every 3 weeks from May 25th – Monday at 5:00 pm at the Alano Club – next meetings July 6h, July 27, August 10. AREA 79 QUARTERLIES & ASSEMBLIES July 17 – 19, 2015 July Quarterly October 2 – 2015 Voting Assembly January 8 – 9 2016 January Quarterly April 8 – 10 2016 Pre-Conference Assembly July Quarterly July 8 – 10 2016 October 14, 2016 Voting & Election Assembly Williams Lake, BC Hosted by District 59 Nanaimo, BC Hosted by District 5 & 7 Mission, BC Hosted by District 44 Squamish, BC Hosted by District 19 Kelowna, BC Hosted by District 71 Campbell River, BC Hosted by District 3 Date July 1 July 2 July 3 July 11 July 16 July 17 July 30 Name Bob M Connie M Pap Betty-Ann Monica Mark Pam E # Years 25 25 31 14 23 3 3 Group Rosedale Agassiz Friday Podium New Nooner Agassiz Friday Grapevine Ladies Noon Closed