Employee Guide to Medical Plans that Include a Gym Membership
Employee Guide to Medical Plans that Include a Gym Membership
Employee Guide to Medical Plans that Include a Gym Membership Gym memberships are offered to employees as part of your enrollment in one of the Presbyterian employee medical plans. In 2014 Presbyterian introduced gym memberships, completely free, if you were eligible and enrolled in either of the medical plans offered to employees. In 2015 you were given the option to choose a medical plan that included the gym membership benefit or choose one that did not include the benefit. Although the medical plans that include the gym membership do not have higher premiums or different medical coverage you will have to pay additional taxes because the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) considers gym memberships to be a taxable benefit. If you choose a medical plan that included the gym membership, taxes will be withheld from your paychecks throughout 2015. Frequently Asked Questions How much is the tax on the gym membership? If you chose a medical plan for 2015 that included a gym membership, Presbyterian is unable to tell you the precise amount of the gym membership taxes for you personally. The taxable value of the gym membership is $19.89 per pay period. Taxes will be withheld from your paycheck as if you earned an additional $19.89 each pay period (you will see this amount added to your earnings as a ‘FMG,’ or Fair Market Value Gym). The average amount of taxes withheld from your pay will be approximately $4.50 per pay period although the actual amount will be different for each individual depending on several factors, such as number of tax exemptions, personal income tax rate, etc. Will I have to pay taxes for using the Presbyterian HealthPlex or the HealthPlex Onsite Satellite Gyms if I chose a medical plan without the gym membership benefit? No. I am not eligible for employee benefits. How can I get the free gym membership benefit? You have other free alternatives such as the Presbyterian HealthPlex and the HealthPlex Onsite Satellite Gyms. In addition, you have access to the Employee Discounts for Gyms. There are countless ways to BE ACTIVE and Presbyterian encourages you to seek out the ways that best fit your circumstances. Presbyterian has Wellness Experts on staff to support you. Can I enroll in the medical plan with the gym membership and switch back if I change my mind? If you choose a plan with a gym membership, you will not be able to change your medical election until the next plan year (annual enrollment). It is best to consider your personal circumstances and plans when deciding whether to enroll in a plan with the gym membership benefit. Who is eligible? You and any dependents over the age of 18* who are enrolled under your Presbyterian employee medical plan are eligible for the gym membership. If you have employee-only medical coverage, the gym membership applies only to you as the employee. (*Exception: If you enroll in the membership offered at a reduced rate for Sports & Wellness you may add dependent children under the age of 18 for an additional cost.) MPC031401 Employee Guide to Medical Plans that Include a Gym Membership What gyms can I go to if I am enrolled in the Presbyterian employee medical plan? The free gym membership benefit includes any fitness facility in the Healthways Prime Fitness Network: https://phcprime.healthways.com/ or any Defined Fitness location: www.defined.com. The benefit also gives you access to a membership at Sports & Wellness at a reduced rate: https://www.wellbridge.com/sports-and-wellness. What if none of the gyms or fitness facilities is conveniently located for me? We know that the convenience of a workout facility near your home or workplace will support your personal commitment to being healthy. We are continually working to expand the network of participating gyms. The Presbyterian workforce is spread across a large geographic area in more than 100 towns and communities, some of which are very small and, unfortunately, have no participating gyms or fitness facilities. If this is the case for you, we encourage you to find other ways to BE ACTIVE. If you work at a Presbyterian facility that has an onsite gym, remember that Presbyterian’s onsite gyms are free to all employees. The gym that I go to (or that is near me) does not participate in either of the networks. How can they participate? Please send the name and address of the gym to Phillip Anaya, the PHS Account Manager, at panaya2@phs.org. We welcome your suggestions. Although we cannot promise the gym will join the network, we will contact the facility and offer the option to participate in the Healthways Prime Fitness Network. I am currently a member of a participating gym. Will I get reimbursed if I’ve already paid full price or have a yearly/monthly membership? This will depend on the agreement you have with the gym. You must contact the gym directly to discuss reimbursement options. It is your responsibility to inform them that you are eligible for the free or reduced rate membership and to provide the necessary identification or membership card. Will I automatically get a gym membership card? The process will vary. After enrollment in a medical plan that includes the gym membership benefit you will automatically receive a welcome packet and membership card for gyms and facilities that are in the Healthways Prime Fitness Network. You simply present your Healthways Prime Fitness card to participating gyms to obtain your free membership. You can also request a card from the Healthways Prime Fitness website. If you choose to take advantage of the free membership at Defined Fitness you can simply go to any of their locations and present your Presbyterian employee Medical Plan ID card or a photo ID. Once your eligibility has been verified you will be issued a Defined Fitness membership card. If you choose to take advantage of the membership offered at Sports & Wellness at a reduced rate then you simply go to any of their locations and present your Presbyterian employee Medical Plan ID card or a photo ID. Once your eligibility has been verified and you have enrolled, you will be issued a Sports & Wellness membership card. What if I recently became eligible and enrolled in a medical plan with the gym membership benefit and the gym does not have my information? Each gym has a process to verify eligibility. You should ask them to follow their process to get you manually enrolled for the benefit. If you need assistance you can always contact the Presbyterian Customer Service Center at 505-923-5678 or 1-800-356-2219, or a health plan representative. Employee Guide to Medical Plans that Include a Gym Membership What if I have eligible dependents who live outside of New Mexico or I am traveling? Eligible participants can go to any participating gym or fitness facility within the Healthways Prime Fitness Network. This is a national network providing free access to more than 8,500 local fitness, recreation, and community centers. If you enrolled in the membership for Sports & Wellness at a reduced rate then you will also have access to their national network of gyms. Additionally you can inquire with Sports & Wellness about participating international gyms. Can I go to multiple gyms or fitness facilities? Yes. The gym membership benefit does not limit you to one gym or location. You can go to as many gyms as many times as you want whether it be any of the gyms offered for free through the Healthways Prime Fitness Network and Defined Fitness or any of the Sports & Wellness gyms offered at a reduced rate. Does this benefit include all services offered by the gym or fitness facility (e.g., tanning, personal training, etc.)? No. The benefit includes a basic membership only. You will be personally responsible for the cost of any additional services that are not included in the basic membership. Can I get reimbursed if I go to a gym that is not in the network or if I don’t use the benefit? No. How much is the reduced rate for a membership at Sports & Wellness? The reduced rate is $49 per adult per month. If you enroll at this reduced rate you will also be given the option to add dependent children for an additional cost per month. The addition of one child is $30 per month. The addition of a second child is $15 per month. The addition of a third child is $10 per month. Any additional children beyond that will also be an additional $10 per month. Simply visit any of their locations to inquire about all the eligibility requirements and discounted rates available or to sign up. Is there a sign-up or initiation fee for any of the gyms? No. Is there a minimum term or period for any of the memberships? Yes, if you choose to sign up for the Sports & Wellness membership that is offered at a reduced rate then you will have to commit to the first three months. After that your membership is month to month and you may cancel at any time. All other gyms that are offered for free do not require any commitments. This does not mean that you can change your medical election to non-gym membership. Will my taxes vary if I choose to go to a gym offered for free or if I sign up for one at a reduced rate? Your taxes may vary depending on your earnings each pay period, however the fair market value of the benefit will not change based on the gym you choose or if you go to multiple locations. The Presbyterian HealthPlex and HealthPlex Onsite satellite gyms are not subject to additional taxes. For more information, please call the Presbyterian Customer Service Center at 505-923-5678 or 1-800-356-2219.
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