IN THIS ISSUE - Hampshire County Council


IN THIS ISSUE - Hampshire County Council
Find out about
See pages 20 & 32
Council Tax
remains the same
See page 8
Ensuring the
best start
Supporting children
and families
See page 18
WIN – One of four
family tickets to
Paultons Park
See page 31
Making a
Change lives
through care – see page 10
Sign-up to superfast
broadband speeds – see page 14
For another year,
the County Council
will be keeping its
part of Council Tax
frozen, maintaining
it at the same rate
for six years in a
row – one of the
lowest in the country. We of course
recognise a responsibility to those
who need our services but freezing
the tax is a way to help all residents
and hard-working families as well.
However, we continue to face
financial challenges, and savings
are becoming harder to find. From
16 March, we will be consulting
on our budget proposals for 2016
From Councillor Roy Perry
Leader of Hampshire County Council
onwards, and we would like to hear
your views on the services that are
most important to you, and where
you think savings could be made –
see page 9.
Our work to provide high quality
and cost effective local services
remains our top priority and often
this involves working differently
with partner organisations. Featured
in this edition of Hampshire Now
is our partnership with BT to bring
superfast broadband to as many
parts of Hampshire as possible.
Also featured is our collaborative
work with skills centres such as
CEMAST near Fareham, providing
young people with a range of skills
for the present and future needs of
employers in Hampshire.
Social care in Hampshire is seeing
considerable changes. In response
to an ageing population, the social
care system is modernising and we
are working closer with colleagues
in the NHS. With growing numbers
of older people wanting to live
independently, we are backing
a campaign to recruit more care
workers. We know that care workers
have the potential to positively
transform people’s lives, as well as
the lives of those who are, or become
carers – find out more about their
important role on pages 10 – 11.
To find out more about your County Council visit or call 0300 555 1375*
If this information is difficult to
read, we can provide it in another
format, for example, in large print,
Braille, on audio tape/CD/memory
stick or in another language.
Please call 0300 555 1375*
Hampshire County Council makes
no warranties in relation to the
content of any advertisements
placed in Hampshire Now and
shall have no liability for any losses
howsoever caused in relation to such.
Further, Hampshire County Council
makes no endorsements whatsoever
with regard to any advertisements
placed in Hampshire Now.
Contact us
Write: The Editor, Hampshire Now,
Communications, Hampshire,
County Council, Elizabeth II Court South,
Winchester, SO23 8UJ.
Phone: 0300 555 1375*
* Call charges may apply, see page 30
Inside this issue
News around Hampshire
What’s happening around the county
Frozen: Council Tax remains
the same
Making a difference
Change lives through care
Superfast broadband
Sign-up for faster speeds
Enjoy the outdoors this spring!
Try our Outdoor Activity Centres
Ensuring the best start
Early Help Hubs and opportunities
for young people
What’s on
Ideas for things to do this spring
Supporting Armed Forces
Support for Hampshire’s Armed
Forces personnel and their families
Hampshire Walk
Visiting Stockbridge
Contact us
How to get in touch with the
County Council
Hampshire now
News around Hampshire
Recording key
life events
Each year, our Registration Officers
deliver thousands of ceremonies,
including marriage, civil partnership,
baby namings/welcoming, renewal
of vows, commitment and conversion
ceremonies (which enable couples
to convert their civil partnership to
a marriage).
Hollywood needs you!
Fancy finding George Clooney
relaxing in your living room?
Wishful thinking for some maybe,
but did you know that you could
be earning money from your home,
land or commercial buildings by
offering them up for filming? Some
directors will pay as much as £1,000
per day for the right location.
The Council’s Film Hampshire is the
official film office for the county. It
promotes Hampshire as a great film
location and provides movie makers
with a valuable free location-finding
service. It currently has around 400
locations on its books and is on the
lookout for more.
With its wealth of scenery, historic
houses, military space and popular
tourist attractions, it’s hardly
surprising that Hampshire has
attracted the attention of Hollywood
royalty. See our Hampshire film map
Did you know?
Highclere Castle (above) may be
best known as Downton Abbey, but
it also appears in The Secret Garden,
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, and
Bollywood movie Kabhi Khushi
Kabhie Gham.
Register now!
You don’t need to own a grand
country house or historic building
to attract film crews. Film
Hampshire is getting an increasing
number of requests for residential,
private houses and apartments.
It’s also not just Hollywood
looking for locations – your
property could fit the bill for a
number of uses including TV
filming, commercials and
magazine photoshoots. If you
think your property could have
a starring role, then register your
details with Film Hampshire now.
Please note only property owners
may register.
It’s easy and it’s free. Simply visit
and fill out the ‘register your
property’ form. To show off your
location, email a selection of good
quality landscape images to
Your details won’t be published
but if we do receive enquiries for
your property, you will be
contacted to see if you want to
be involved. There is no obligation
to accept any potential filming
and the Council will not apply any
charges. We will simply put you in
touch with the person submitting
the request and leave you to
negotiate your fees and terms.
We are looking forward to another busy
spring and summer and in preparation,
we have been investing in our facilities,
including moving the Winchester
Register Office to Castle Hill.
There are 140 licensed ceremony
venues in Hampshire which cater
for a range of tastes, budgets
and ceremony sizes.
To find out more see our 2015
Ceremony Brochure available from our
offices and libraries, or download it
from our website:
Follow us on Twitter @HantsReg
Children and Young
People’s Plan
The Children and Young People’s
Plan is the overarching strategy for
Hampshire Children’s Trust, which
represents all those working for and
with children, young people and
their families.
The Plan sets out the vision for
the Trust and how it will improve
outcomes for children and young
people in Hampshire. It does not
seek to describe every service and
initiative, instead aiming to set out the
Trust’s shared priorities for improving
outcomes for children over the next
three years.
A new Plan will be launched for 2015
and we are seeking your views on
the proposed new outcomes and
priorities. The consultation runs from
March until the end of April. Have your
say at
Waste matters: changes
to waste recycling centre
opening hours
Opening hours at our Household
Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) are
changing from 1 April 2015.
The change follows consultation with
residents on a number of options to
shape the service for the future.
These looked at affordable ways to
ensure the County Council
continues to deliver a modern,
value for money service for
Hampshire’s residents.
The overall response to the survey
clearly showed that there was strong
support for the service and that it is
highly valued by residents. This was
reflected in the decision taken to
implement changes which would
help maintain current levels
of service.
The results of the consultation
indicated that a later start in the
morning was the most preferred
option in terms of reduced opening
hours. Discussion with HWRC staff
indicated that the first part of the
morning each day is crucial for the
effective running of the sites to
ensure there is sufficient capacity for
the day ahead and ensuring the
site is clean, tidy and ready for the
public to use. Analysis shows that
average peak usage times across
all sites are mid morning and
early afternoon.
Taking all this into account, from
1 April 2015 the opening hours of
HWRCs in Hampshire will be:
• 1 October – 28 February: 9am – 4pm
• 1 March – 31 March: 9am – 5pm
• 1 April – 30 September: 9am – 6pm
This is with the exception of Efford,
near Lymington, which will close at
4:30pm in the summer as it has specific
planning conditions governing its
opening times.
To advertise your business in
Hampshire Now please visit
call 01962 845520 or email
Our customer phone numbers have changed to 0300
The Council has recently replaced
its 0845 contact numbers with 0300
numbers, as part of improvements
to the way residents access services.
Calls to 0300 numbers are
included in call packages.
Customers calling the old 0845
numbers will be advised of the
change and encouraged to use
the 0300 number as a cheaper
Celebrating the birth of
modern democracy
In 2015, Hampshire is marking the 800th
anniversary of the signing of the Magna
Carta. The county has strong links to the
document which, in 1215, limited the
powers of the monarch and protected
personal liberties.
Shortly before meeting the baronial
leaders, who wanted to curtail his
powers, King John met the then Bishop
of Winchester at Odiham Castle. Once
the charter was agreed, the King issued
an order from the Castle instructing the
Hampshire Sheriff to enforce it. A copy
of this order survives in Rouen, France.
We have been working with The
Odiham Society to organise a number
of events celebrating the Magna Carta
– see our What’s on section on page 22.
Two commemorative plaques designed
by Hampshire students will be unveiled,
one at the Great Hall, Winchester and
one at Odiham Castle. There will also be
a Magna Carta exhibition at Hampshire
Record Office. For more information
visit and
option for contacting
Hampshire County Council.
You can also contact the
Council through our website where there
are self-service facilities to report
problems, apply for permits
and pay bills, as well as
comprehensive information on
all the Council’s services.
Essential guide
for independent
The new edition of our Guide
to better care and support is
available from the end of April.
The free, comprehensive guide
lists a range of home care services
and provides a wealth of practical
information on support for you,
your family and other carers.
There are sections on support
for people living with disabilities,
making your home safe, choosing
home care services and alternative
housing options, including Extra Care
assisted living.
You can also find information about
paying for care and the financial help
and advice that is available.
To obtain your free copy of the
2015/16 guide call 0300 555 1386
at the end of April.
It will also be available online at
Hampshire now
Private Fostering:
stay within the law
Do you look after someone else’s
child under a private fostering
arrangement? If so, do you know that
you must let the Council know about
it as a requirement under the law?
This is so we can ensure the placement
is meeting the child’s needs and that
you, the carer, have access to any
advice and support that you may need.
As commemorations of the First
World War continue, a ship which
played a vital role in one of the Great
War’s bloodiest campaigns will open
to the public later this year.
HMS M.33 is the only surviving
Royal Navy vessel from the Gallipoli
campaign in 1915 and will provide
visitors to Portsmouth’s Historic
Dockyard with a fascinating glimpse
of what it was like to serve onboard
her and in the Royal Navy at the
beginning of the twentieth century.
Due to her shallow hull, HMS M.33
was able to get close to shore to
fire at land targets and support
troop landings and evacuations.
The Gallipoli campaign claimed the
lives of 100,000 service personnel
from around the world. In 1919,
HMS M.33 was involved in the
withdrawal from Russia of Allied
and White Russian troops.
The County Council acquired the
ship in 1990 to preserve her for the
county and the nation. We have
worked in partnership with the
National Museum of the Royal Navy
to complete her conservation and
enable full public access in time
for the centenary of the Gallipoli
campaign in 2015. Her £2.4 million
restoration has been paid for by
the Heritage Lottery Fund and
a County Council grant to the
National Museum of the Royal
Navy, together with the transfer
of the ship itself to the Museum.
HMS M.33 will be open to visitors
on 6 August 2015, but prior to that,
an exhibition opens in March 2015
which will complement the ship
and include artefacts that tell the
story of the Gallipoli campaign.
The National Museum of the
Royal Navy is currently seeking
volunteers for the HMS M.33
project. If you would like to get
involved or find out more about
the opportunities available, please
contact Volunteer Coordinator,
Alice Roberts on alice.roberts@ or 023 9272 7591.
For further information on the
opening of HMS M.33 visit or to see
videos on the M.33 project go to:
Examples of private fostering
arrangements include: looking
after a child when their parents are
temporarily away with work, on a
long holiday or living abroad, or
when parents are unable to look after
a child due to long-term illness, or
family conflict means a child is living
elsewhere than with his or her own
parents or relatives.
The County Council is urging anyone
engaged in such an agreement to get
in touch to ensure they stay within
the law. We are also asking those
who work with children, such as
teachers, healthcare professionals
and youth workers, to be aware of
private fostering arrangements and
to make instances of it known to us so
we can offer the relevant support
to children and families.
If you are aware of a private fostering
arrangement please remind the parent
or carer of their responsibility to
notify us by calling 0300 555 1384
or by sending an email to
You can also notify our Children’s
Services about a private fostering
arrangement online, alongside further
information available from www.
WWI Gallipoli ship opens to the public
Private fostering is when a child under
the age of 16 – or under the age of 18
if disabled – is cared for by someone
who is not a parent or close relative,
for 28 days or more under a private
arrangement made between their
parent or carer and another person.
It is not private fostering if the carer
is a direct relative to the child such as
grandparents, brothers, sisters, uncles
and aunts.
“The natural way to garden”
Spring, the perfect time to ensure your soil
is in prime condition for the growing season
ahead – particularly on the vegetable patch!
Soil Association Certified Pro-Grow Peat Free Soil Conditioner
is made entirely from recycled green material collected from
Hampshire households.
Its open structure will break down heavy clay soils and add
humus to light sandy soils, providing all the nutrients needed
to enrich your soil throughout the
growing season, improving the
soil’s fertility and moisture retention.
Hampshire residents can buy six
60-litre bags of Pro-Grow Peat
Free Soil Conditioner for just
£30.00 – with FREE HOME
DELIVERY throughout the
county. Simply call quoting H15.
T: 0845 678 9955
Hampshire now
Frozen: Council Tax
remains the same
Hampshire County Council has frozen
its part of the Council Tax again this
year – keeping it at the same rate for six
years in a row.
This means that in spite of the
Government further reducing the
level of general grant we will receive
in 2015/16, by £29 million, Hampshire
residents will still be paying the lowest
amount for services like social care,
highways and libraries compared to
any other county in the south east.
The County Council has been able to
do this because it started early with its
savings programme, achieving
£140 million since 2008, and is on
course to secure around a further
£100 million by 2015/16.
Investing in the future
At the same time, we will be
investing £876 million in Hampshire’s
infrastructure to support growth taking forward one of the Council’s
biggest ever capital programmes, in
areas such as school places, transport
infrastructure and superfast broadband.
The County Council will be
maximising the recent £3.1 million
grant from Government to develop
a digital strategy, using technology
to support the demand for better
access to information and services
online, built around people’s needs
to ensure Hampshire’s public services
are both convenient and accessible
for the people who use them.
We will be using our reserves to
invest in new facilities that will enable
us to deliver better services at lower
cost and generate income, like the
transformation of our country parks
to make them self-financing, or the
development of holiday facilities
for families to hire at our Outdoor
Activity Centres – see page 17.
Re-designing services
We have been re-shaping and
transforming the services we provide,
while placing a greater emphasis on
preventative work. With an increasing
demand for social care services, we
are making greater use of technology,
such as telecare alarm systems, which
help people live more securely and
independently at home – particularly
older people and those with longterm conditions – offering peace of
mind that support is close at hand. We
have launched a carers’ recruitment
campaign to ensure there are more
care workers to provide personal social
care as part of the reablement service,
and help with activities of daily living
and other practical tasks – in order to
give people more control over
how and where their care is
delivered. See pages 10 – 11 for
more information.
The Council will be working more
closely with partners, the voluntary
sector and local communities so it
can act earlier and help to prevent
problems occurring later down the
line, which often end up costing
more money. The Supporting
(Troubled) Families programme is
a good example of this. It brings
public services together to provide
better and earlier support for families
– making a real difference to their
lives, and at a much lower cost to
the taxpayer. As of October 2014, the
programme has helped 1,150 families
to improve their lives, against a target
of 1,590 families by May 2015 in
phase one of the programme.
Further opportunities will be sought
to share services with other public
sector organisations. The approach
is based on the successful model
of Hampshire’s back-office support
functions now shared with the Police
and Fire Service - delivering combined
savings of up to £4 million each year.
Managing further
grant reductions
In Children’s Services, the priority
remains the protection and care of
vulnerable children and we have
added an additional £12.5 million to
Children’s Services for this purpose.
The creation of Early Help Hubs has
enabled us to work with partners to
ensure the right help is available to
families at the right time, to prevent
them needing more acute services at
a later stage – see page 18.
Early action to respond to reductions
in Government funding has placed
the County Council in a stronger
financial position than many other
local authorities. Our general grant
from Government has reduced by
around 51% since 2010/11. However,
it is recognised that managing the
next round of grant reductions is
going to be much tougher than
before, as inevitably, further savings
become harder to find. Furthermore,
reductions in funding come at a time
when demand for services is growing
– particularly for social care services,
which for adults, costs over £1 million
per day to provide in Hampshire.
What the budget will be spent on in 2015/16
2015/16 gross expenditure = £1,900.7m
To ensure every opportunity is
explored, the County Council is
undertaking an in-depth review of all
spending and activity across services
to identify further ways to redesign
services around residents’ needs. This
will inform the next round of changes
and savings, needed by 2017/18 –
expected to be in the region of another
£100 million. This equates to a reduction
of around 14.5% in the Council’s net
budget, or £75 less spent per resident
– bringing the cumulative savings total
for the Council to £340 million,
for the period 2008 to 2017.
Children’s services (including schools)£1,010.7m
Adult social care£428.6m
Have your say
Between 16 March and 27 April
2015, we will be consulting on our
future budget proposals. Please tell
us what you think about these
early proposals.
Culture, communities & other services
Highways, transport, planning & waste disposal
Future inflation, contingencies & reserves
Capital borrowing costs
Capital costs paid from revenue
400the budget
600 is funded
From 16 March, an information
booklet and an online questionnaire
can be found at: www.hants. You
can request a paper copy of the
documents by emailing corporate.
or by calling 0300 555 1375.
This article is about the Hampshire
County Council element of Council
Tax. Your Council Tax bill also
includes amounts for the Police
and Crime Commissioner for
Hampshire, Hampshire Fire and
Rescue Authority, your local district
council and, in many areas, a parish
or town council.
For more details about the
County Council’s budget
please visit our website:
Please contact your district council
if you have any queries about
your Council Tax bill or Council
Tax Support.
Funded by:
Council Tax£504.9m
Specific Government grants
General Government grants
Business rates£44.8m
Surplus on collection funds
Hampshire County Council’s Band D
Council Tax remains at £1,037.88
Please note that Hampshire Now went to print before Hampshire County Council set the budget, so there may
have been some changes. The final figures are available on our website:
Hampshire now
Making a difference:
change lives through care
“Someone comes in every morning
and helps get me ready for the day,
helping me get showered and dressed
and preparing breakfast. It has been a
wonderful service. Right from the word
go they have treated me with kindness,
compassion and dignity. They have
all become friends and I cannot praise
them enough.”
independence and continue to live at
home. The carers who help Mary are
among an army of dedicated people
making a difference to people’s lives
around the county. They are not only
supporting people like Mary after
a spell in hospital, but also those
with more complex and continuing
These words from Mary in Winchester
illustrate the difference that support
from care workers has made to her
life as she recovers from a shoulder
fracture following a fall at her
home. She is being supported by
carers, who provide the Council’s
reablement services in Winchester.
Reablement care is intensive support
provided in the home to people
who, for example, may be leaving
hospital, helping them regain their
Social care is changing
Important changes are coming into
effect as a result of the Care Act
which is aimed at modernising social
care law. There will be a number of
important new responsibilities for the
County Council, some of which come
into effect this year, while the rest will
come into force in 2016.
The driving forces behind the new
legislation are to provide people
with greater choice and control over
their care, keeping adults safe, and
promoting wellbeing by ensuring
advice, information and support is
readily accessible.
Our Adult Services department is
already well ahead with this work. We
have well-established safeguarding
protocols and services which enable
people to live independently for
longer in their own homes. But there
are some new responsibilities for the
care needs who want to stay at
home. Each year, our Adult Services
help more than 6,000 people to do
this. With people living longer, that
number is likely to rise significantly,
so we are fully behind a campaign to
recruit more carers.
If you think you have what it takes to
help people like Mary and others who
may have more long-term care needs,
visit our care recruitment web pages
to find out more. As well as helping
change the lives of others, it may just
change your own! See opposite why
one carer made the switch from retail
to care.
Find us on Facebook:
Council which will result in additional
support for Hampshire residents,
• Supporting Carers: Carers will
be entitled to receive support in
their own right to help them with
their caring role, if they meet new
eligibility criteria.
to care and support from this April.
The Council has been seeking views
on charging for brokerage (a set fee
for arranging care at home for those
who are able to fully meet the cost
of care or support themselves), and
on proposals relating to charges for
deferred payments for care.
• Advocacy: The Council must
find an independent advocate to
help individuals who – without
advocacy support – will be unable
to participate in, or understand, the
care and support system.
• Cap on care costs: There will be a
limit to the amount people will
have to pay for care in their lifetime
(this will not come into force until
April 2016).
In addition to the above changes, the
Care Act also allows local authorities
to make additional charges relating
From retail to care
Cindi Bronger’s career switch from retail
to care is not only improving the lives
of the people she cares for but it has
changed her life for the better too!
Previously Cindi worked in customer
services for a large retail chain. Just
over a year ago she became a carer
delivering care to people in their own
homes and she has not looked back.
“I got a buzz helping people
in my customer service job
but nothing like I do now.
I love my job. I look forward
to each day at work. It’s so
rewarding enabling people to
stay living in their own homes,
helping them retain their
independence. It’s a nice
feeling to know you are part
of that.”
She remembers the day she started –
so nervous! Thanks to the induction
training she had, and spending
the first few weeks shadowing
experienced carers, she soon settled
into it.
“I’m not there to impose things on
people. I find out what they can do for
themselves and what they can’t, and
support them with the things they can’t.
And I find out how they like me to do the
things they can’t. I think it’s important
they feel they have control over their
care and it’s important to give
people dignity.
“Helping people with their personal
care is a very personal aspect of their
lives. You have to think how upsetting
it may be for them not to be able to do
this for themselves. You need to make
people feel comfortable.”
For more information about the Care
Act and what it means for services in
Hampshire visit:
Winchester Cathedral Christmas Market:
Cindi enjoys the flexible nature of
the work – she works hours which
fit around caring for two young
children. Would she recommend care
work to others? “Yes. Give it a try! It’s a
great job!”
Telecare: helping people
live safely
People using the telecare service
have told us it increases their feeling
of safety and security, contributing
The use of innovative ‘telecare’
to their overall wellbeing. In the case
technology in Hampshire is helping
of one younger person with multiple
more than 2,000 older people and
disabilities, it has meant she is able to
young people with disabilities to lead
safe, independent lives, while providing attend university. It is also giving family
carers the reassurance and freedom
vital reassurance and peace of mind to
they may not have had for some time.
family carers.
Carers report having the confidence to
All service users assessed as having ‘critical’
leave their loved ones alone for short
or ‘substantial’ care needs are eligible for
periods of time in the knowledge that
telecare, and it is preventing some from
they can summon help instantly if they
needing more acute care services or from
need to.
going into residential care.
The increased use of telecare services
The service is now being made available
is not only enabling people to live
to people wishing to pay privately for it,
in line with their wishes, it also has
from as little as 62p per day.
the potential to save the Council
The equipment installed by Argenti, the over £800,000.
Council’s telecare provider, includes:
Future uses of telecare could include
· Lifeline pendants and fall detectors, supporting children and young people
which connect people to a 24-hour
with learning disabilities, where the
monitoring service.
greater independence it can enable
could deliver benefits that last a lifetime.
· Automatic medication dispensers
for people who may forget to take
vital medicines.
· Door sensors, which alert relatives
if someone leaves the house
and does not return within a
pre-programmed time.
For more information about how
telecare could support you or your
relative visit:
telecare or telephone 0345 265 8003
for an informal, confidential chat with
an Argenti telecare adviser.
· GPS tracking aids, which connect
people to a monitoring centre while
they are out and about.
Hampshire now
the easy way into
by car
Regular buses take you direct to Gunwharf
and the city centre
Located at junction 1 M275
Find out more
Hampshire now
Making the most of
superfast broadband
To support rapid growth of digital services, we are encouraging
people to sign-up to superfast broadband.
Britain is already ahead of the top five
European economies for broadband
coverage. Greater access to superfast
broadband will transform the UK
by helping businesses to grow and
create jobs, as well as giving more
people access to education, health,
services and entertainment.
The Hampshire Superfast Broadband
Programme has already seen more
than 505,000 properties connected
to superfast services (as of January
2015). This has provided many rural
communities with the opportunity
to access faster internet. Hampshire’s
programme is helping to fill the gap
in rural and hard to reach areas where
commercial provision has not been
made – see the diagram opposite.
Our commitment to widening access
to superfast broadband across the
county has been reinforced by signing
a second contract with BT to make
superfast broadband available to an
extra 34,500 properties. This means
that once work is completed in 2018,
superfast broadband should be
available to 96 per cent of premises
in Hampshire, and that at least 96,000
additional premises will be able to
access superfast services at a speed
of at least 24Mbps. In Hampshire, the
County Council and its partners will be
investing around £30 million in total.
Reliable broadband services are vital
for the county’s economy but also for
residents who wish to keep in touch
with family and friends, apply for
services or buy goods online,
work from home or want to be able to
use computers, tablets, smartphones
and televisions all at the same time.
In addition, if the take-up of
superfast services in areas covered
by Hampshire’s programme reaches
above 20 per cent, then additional
funds will be made available through
the ‘clawback’ mechanism in the
contract with BT. This money will be
reinvested into extending superfast
broadband coverage even further. So
the quicker people take up the service,
the faster that money comes back.
1) Find the best place for your router
Move the router away from sources of
electrical and radio interference. Make
sure it’s at least five feet away from
TVs, monitors, dimmer switches, PC
speakers, halogen desk lamps, and so
on. Wireless works best when there’s
clear space between the router and the
computer. That means no thick walls,
ceilings, radiators, and anything else
that could get in the way of the signal.
2) Use micro-filters
Make sure that you have a micro-filter
on all equipment plugged into the
broadband line. If you’re plugging any
item into a socket on your broadband
line – phone, router, modem, fax, alarm
or a TV – you must always plug it into
a micro-filter before plugging it into the
line socket.
To check if superfast broadband
is available in your area, visit
The Council is now working with
district and borough councils
and suppliers of broadband to
make it possible for more new
homes (especially on large scale
developments) to be able to access
superfast broadband from the outset
with our new Getting Connected
Getting the best from
your connection
Are you struggling to make the most of
your broadband? Here are a few tips on
how to improve your current speed:
3) Use the main telephone socket
For best results plug your router into
your main telephone socket rather than
an extension.
4) Problems with your device?
If you’re having problems accessing
the network using one device, try
a different computer on the same
connection. It also can also be helpful
to empty the cache on your device.
Do not forget to scan for viruses – they
can also affect your speeds at home.
5) Network security
Check the security of your network to
ensure that no one else is enjoying your
network for free and change your Wi-Fi
password regularly.
Still not getting anywhere? There might
be a physical fault with your network.
Please get in touch with your broadband
provider for additional support.
Homes and businesses
connected to superfast
Total: 594,000
Total: 570,000
For regular updates
and more information
on future phases, please
register your interest at
Total: 536,000
Total: 473,000
Premises already Wave 1
covered by
comercial roll-out 62,000
new premises
Wave 2
new premises
Future phases
under evaluation
23,000 premises
Follow us on Twitter:
Apptelic – making the most of online collaboration
“Superfast broadband is crucial
for the future of our business
and others. Thanks to the
improved connection we can
now work on global projects
without constant flights and
instantly exchange ideas at
anytime and from anywhere.”
That’s the verdict of Philip Hopkins
who, along with his wife Sharon,
started Apptelic, an innovative video
app and software company based in
picturesque Lymington.
Since his local broadband cabinet
in Hordle was recently enabled with
superfast broadband, he has noticed
a game-changing improvement.
Superfast broadband is vital for
Apptelic’s approach to online
collaboration, with team members
exchanging ideas through Skype,
managing projects and sharing
documents online from locations
across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.
Philip believes that you can still have a
close-knit team working from different
locations: “We usually meet once a
week to discuss projects and the rest of
the time everyone works from home.
The team members often choose their
own hours and it has worked really
well. We are all available to contact
each other within specific times but as
long as the projects are delivered on
schedule, it doesn’t mean that they have
to be at their laptops from 9 to 5.”
As the company often serves
global projects, flexibility also
works both ways:
“Recently we’ve worked on a
streaming feed for the National
Basketball Association in
America with games starting
at 11pm at night (in the UK)
and as we all are open to
mixing up our hours, being
available at that time wasn’t
a problem. More importantly,
we were able to immediately
address the client’s queries,
which wouldn’t be possible
if we worked standard
office hours.”
Flexible working also stimulates
creativity: “Some of our programmers
might get a great idea in the middle
of the night, which will then have a
significant and positive impact on the
project. They are more likely to pursue
it if they know that they won’t have
to be up at 6am to commute
to work.”
Hampshire now
Where a University
Degree in Business is
not beyond your reach
Our part-time Business and Management Degree
is designed for busy working people and is
available one evening a week from Chichester
College, Isle of Wight College and South Downs
College in Waterlooville.
It is open to those who may not have formal
qualifications but whose work experience will
have prepared them to succeed.
To find out more about the flexible part-time courses
we offer, come along to our next open evening,
details of which can be found
For further information
T: +44 (0)23 9284 8200
Don’t flap about in traffic.
Join the pledge.
ge to
w andtime,
win! save money
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Pledge now and win!
Enjoy the outdoors
this spring!
Try it, learn it, love it!
With lighter, longer days on the way and
the Easter holidays on the horizon, if you
are looking for exciting outside activities,
try our outdoor activity centres.
archery and orienteering. As well as
cycling in the velodrome, you can also
book onto bike maintenance courses to
keep your bike in tip-top condition.
Whether you are an individual or a
group and whether it is water sports,
climbing, cycling or archery that you’re
interested in, there’s something for
everyone – with all ages and abilities
catered for.
Calshot Activities Centre has the
largest indoor climbing facility on
the south coast as well as the only
indoor banked velodrome in the south
of England. Added to this, it is the
Solent’s premier water sports centre
with dinghy sailing, power boating,
windsurfing and canoeing.
If land-based activities are your thing,
then there’s a range of other activities
including climbing, snow sports,
Run Hampshire!
Physical activity has proven health
and wellbeing benefits, as does being
out and about in the fresh air, so
why not combine the two and join a
running group?
The County Council supports the
Run England initiative aimed at
getting the whole country running
as a recreational activity – not
competitively, though if you want
to do that, there are plenty of local
running clubs to join.
Regardless of your age, fitness level,
background or location, you can be
part of the running community. Run
England groups are especially aimed
at those who may be new to running
as a regular, recreational activity.
It provides a chance to meet new
people and run in a friendly,
If you are looking for Easter holiday
activities for your children then Tile
Barn Outdoor Centre in Brockenhurst
may have the answer. The centre hosts
adventure days for youngsters aged
between 8 and 14, offering a range of
outdoor challenges and activities.
Adults don’t have to miss out on the
fun – the centre offers pre-booked team
building ‘away days’ for groups with a
chance to try out activities including
the high ropes, orienteering, mountain
biking, kayaking, shelter building and
problem-solving. There are also camping
courses for teachers, youth workers and
those leading residential trips.
At Runway’s End in Aldershot,
abseiling, air rifle shooting, bush craft
and rafting are among the range of
activities on offer to groups. Customers
can also have a go at caving in the
centre’s new artificial caving system.
Areas of the system can be accessed
by people with limited mobility and it
provides an excellent introduction
to caving.
Whatever you are looking for,
Hampshire’s Outdoor Centres offer a
rewarding and memorable experience.
Find out more at:
uk/outdoor-centres and contact the
individual centres for course information.
supportive and non-competitive
environment. You may even get to
know your area better, as part of the
group leader’s role is to plan runs in
your local community.
With around 100 groups dotted
around Hampshire there should be
one near you. And if not, why not think
of starting one as a Running Leader?
There’s Leadership in Running Fitness
(LiRF) training available from England
Athletics. Once you start your group,
there is on-going support from Sport
Hampshire & IOW’s Running Activator,
funded by the Council.
There are four running leadership
courses held in Hampshire each year,
and the training gives you the skills
and insurance needed to deliver fun
and safe sessions to groups of runners
with different abilities, including new
runners and those who already run but
want to progress.
England Athletics charges for the
Running Leader course but support
from Sport Hampshire and IOW is free
once you have qualified, and includes
one-to-one mentoring sessions,
handouts and information covering a
range of topics to help you and your
group get the most from your running.
To find out more about this and other
sports opportunities in Hampshire visit:
For Run England course information,
and to find out where your local group
meets, visit
Hampshire now
Ensuring the best start
Here, we take a look at some of our work to support children and
their families, and to create opportunities for young people.
Early Help Hubs
Re-designed support services for
children and families are making a real
difference to families across the county.
The Early Help Hubs operate on a
multi-agency, ‘team around the
family’ model, ensuring families can
get the most effective help at the
right time.
They bring together a range of
professionals who can offer children
and families practical support
and advice and refer them on to
other agencies for help. The help
covers a range of issues including:
parenting, health, substance misuse,
housing, education, employment,
and domestic abuse. Providing early
support in this way is preventing
children and families from needing
more acute, and more costly support
at a later stage – enabling them to
make sustainable changes to
improve their lives.
The Hubs, covering each district
council area, are currently supporting
around 1,400 children and young
people and their families. As well
as supporting families directly,
they also provide advice and
guidance to professionals who are
supporting families.
In addition to family support workers
and adult social care workers,
partners involved in the Hubs include:
children’s centres, schools, health
visitors, school nurses, child and
adolescent mental health services,
housing providers, youth support
services, the Police, the Department
of Work and Pensions, carers support
organisations and domestic abuse
services. Organisations can refer
families for support or families can
request help direct.
If you are worried about your child’s
health or need some parenting
support, call 0300 555 1384.
Changing lives
“People need to know there’s
help out there – you don’t have
to go through things alone.”
Jane, a single parent to four children,
says she feels like she has a new
household after support from her local
Early Help Hub.
She was becoming increasingly
worried about her 12-year-old son
Cameron. He had very low selfesteem and had been bullied in
the past. Cameron had moved to a
different school and good support
was in place for him, but he was
still very low emotionally. He had
a history of self-harming. Jane was
worried about how best to deal with
his changeable behaviour.
Within a week of being referred
to the Early Help Hub a support
worker, Colin, from one of the
Council’s partners Sovereign Housing
Association, was assigned to help
Cameron. With support from the
Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Service Colin was able to make a
positive difference.
Jane said the change in her son has
been amazing: “Colin got Cameron to
open up to him. He helped Cameron
learn how to deal with his emotions
and problems from the past and not let
them affect his present and future. He
helped Cameron set goals and targets
for himself which boosted his confidence.
He did such an amazing job. Cameron
now smiles like I haven’t seen him smile
in a long time. It’s like a weight has been
lifted. It’s like we have a new household.”
Future Skills: exciting
opportunities for
young people
We are investing in a network of ‘Future
Skills Centres’ as part of our Hampshire
Futures programme to ensure young
people gain skills that meet the needs
of local employers, both today and into
the future.
One such centre is Fareham
College’s new Centre of Excellence
in Engineering, Manufacturing and
Advanced Skills Training (CEMAST).
We contributed £3 million to this
state-of-the-art training centre to
provide high-quality education
and training in engineering and
manufacturing technologies, including
marine, automotive and aerospace.
CEMAST is part of a new breed of
skills centres offering education and
training in cutting edge technologies,
giving students the knowledge and
practical experience needed to enter
their chosen field and prepare them for
direct entry into work or higher study. It
has a curriculum that has been created
in partnership with the local industry,
and together with its purpose-built
workshops, ensures that students gain
up-to-date industry knowledge and
hands-on practical experience.
The college is a central part of the
Solent Enterprise Zone at Daedalus
in Lee-on-the-Solent, near Fareham.
With more than 900 full and part
time students, it is the main learning
centre for students in apprenticeship
programmes with companies such as
BAE Systems, GE Aviation, Virgin Atlantic,
Coopervision, Burgess Marine, the MoD
and Jensen Motorsport, among others.
For more information about Hampshire
Futures and opportunities for young
people visit
hampshirefutures. For information
about what’s on offer at CEMAST visit
Two students among the first to train at
CEMAST share their experiences…
Putting theories to the test:
Rosie, 22
Rosie loves her job and her continued
studies in mechanical engineering.
She’s on a two-year HNC course as part
of her three-year apprenticeship with
the Ministry of Defence at the Defence
Munitions depot in Gosport. She
wanted to put her physics degree from
the University of Southampton to good
practical use, and says the combination
of work-based training with the MoD
and the weekly day-release at CEMAST
is perfect for her.
“The first year was
workshop-based at college
and the next two years are
work-based with college
once a week. I love it! I am
maintaining weapons systems
for the combined forces. It’s
interesting and varied work.
I loved the practical and applied
side of my physics degree
but the theory didn’t feel real
enough. This is enabling me
to put the theory to real
practical use and to build up
my engineering knowledge
and skills.”
Flying high:
Gaurang, 17
Gaurang has his sights set on a highflying career. He didn’t get the grades
he was hoping for at sixth form college
but CEMAST has given him another way
into the career he most wants to pursue
– piloting commercial airlines.
“I looked at what CEMAST had
to offer and it seemed a perfect
fit. The facilities are great. In the
workshop we get to work on
two different types of aircraft,
a Wasp helicopter and a Jet
Provost, which is a real joy! It’s
so different to school. Although
we learn lots of theory and
there is classroom work, we are
treated exactly as we would be
in the workplace.
“The BTEC Aerospace Engineering course
I’m doing really ties in the practical and the
theory so well. After this, I want to go to
university to study Aerospace Engineering
and qualify for my private pilot’s licence.”
Gaurang was also attracted to CEMAST
because of its links with industry. “That’s
really important – it shows you the choices
and opportunities available after college.
This has turned out to be the best route for
me to take.”
Rosie appreciates the brand-new
facilities at CEMAST. “They are
fantastic,” she said. “The workshop
is incredible. We have equipment
here which I don’t have access to at
work so I make the most of my
opportunities here.”
Rosie has no hesitations about
encouraging other women to
enter what has traditionally been
the male-dominated world of
mechanical engineering.
“Yes! If you enjoy it, don’t
think of it as a big thing,
just go for it. There’s nothing
stopping you!”
Hampshire now
What’s on in Hampshire
Opening 20 March
Critter Creek
Paultons Park, Ower,
nr Romsey, SO51 6AL
For opening times and to book tickets
please visit
New at Paultons Park is an exciting new
mini-land, CRITTER CREEK. It’s a fully
themed world of strange, mixed-up,
creatures known as the ‘Curious Critters’!
Come say hello to the Horned Swamp
Donkey, take a ride on the Cat-o-pillar
rollercoaster and visit Beastie Burrow,
the real life bug emporium complete
with fascinating and unusual insects,
fish and lizards!
023 8081 4442
Until 26 April
Tues to Fri, 10am – 4.45pm, weekends
11am – 4.45pm. Closed on Mondays
Bricks in Motion
Milestones Museum, Churchill
Way West, Basingstoke RG22 6PG
Adult £8.95, concs £7.95, child
(5 –15 yrs) £5.25, under 5s free,
family £26.75
Explore the history of transport in
LEGO® bricks from pre-history
through to the future.
01256 477766
Until 24 May
Hiroshige’s Japan:
53 Stations of the Tōkaidō Road
The Gallery at Winchester
Discovery Centre, SO23 8SB
Utagawa Hiroshige is considered the
last great master of Ukiyo-e woodblock
printmaking. This, his most famous
series, captured the journey between
Edo and Kyoto. A touring exhibition
from the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.
01962 873603
Until 29 March
Cloud by Susie MacMurray
The Great Hall, Winchester
SO23 8PJ
FREE (suggested donation £3)
See artist Susie MacMurray’s response
to WW1. Reflecting the ominous
presence of conflict which hung
over Europe during 1914-18, artwork
is dramatically suspended from the
Hall’s roof, hovering over a drift of tags
representing fallen soldiers.
01962 846476
P Parking
FP Free parking
28 March, 7.30pm
The Poozies
Ashcroft Arts Centre, Osborn
Road, Fareham, PO16 7DX
£16, £15 concessions
Sally Barker, a recent a finalist on BBC1’s
The Voice, joins Mary Macmaster, Eilidh
Shaw and Mairearad Green to grace the
stage with melodic mastery.
01329 223100
F Free event
Disabled access
Dogs welcome
2 April, 10am – noon
Pond dipping for adults
Lepe Country Park, Lepe, Exbury,
Southampton SO45 1UZ
FREE (chargeable pre-ordered
lunch available)
A rare chance for the grown–ups to
see what can be found in the Lepe
Point pond.
023 8089 9108
3 to 19 April, 10am – 4pm
Easter Trail
Royal Victoria Country Park,
Netley, SO31 5GA
£2 per trail
Follow the clues to complete a quiz – a
prize (available from the shop) if you get
the answer right!
023 8045 5157
3 to 19 April, 10.30 – 3.30pm
Step into Spring
Staunton Country Park, Middle
Park Way, Havant PO9 5HB
Small charge for activities
Meet the newborns down on the farm.
Take our Spring Trail and get creative
with seasonal crafts.
023 9245 3405
Stuck for something to do?
Showcase is our monthly e-newsletter
packed with ideas for things to do.
Baby changing facilities
5 to 6 April, 11am – 5pm
Sealed Knot – Civil War Action
Basing House, Bartons Lane, Old
Basing, Basingstoke RG24 8AE
Adult £5.10, concs £4.60, child (5-15
yrs) £4.10, under 5s free, family £14.30
Experience the drama of the English
Civil War with this charity re-enactment.
01256 463965
6 April, 10am – 3.30pm
The Great Butser Easter Egg Roll
Queen Elizabeth Country Park,
Gravel Hill, Horndean PO8 0QE
£1.50 per egg
Roll your decorated egg down Butser Hill
as part of this traditional family event. No
need to book – just turn up and take part!
023 9259 5040
11 April to 31 May, Tuesday to
Saturday 10am – 4pm
Trench Coat: From
Fields to Fashion
Willis Museum, Market Square
Basingstoke RG21 7QD
The exhibition charts key moments,
illustrated by original garments, to tell
the ever-evolving story of a coat which
has survived its utilitarian roots.
01256 465902
17 April, 8pm
Mme Butterfly: The One
Man Opera
The Spring Arts and Heritage
Centre, 56 East St, Havant
£12.50, concs £11.25
16 April, 7.30pm
An Evening with Tony Hawks
Winchester Discovery Centre,
Jewry Street, SO23 8SB
Tony combines storytelling, stand up,
musical comedy and film clips to create
two hours of fun.
01962 873603
23 April, 2pm
The Writer’s Garden – with
author Jackie Bennett
Basingstoke Discovery Centre,
Festival Place, RG21 7LS
Author Jackie Bennett explores how
Jane Austen, Agatha Christie, Roald Dahl
and others used the gardens they knew
to inspire their work. 01256 478670
25 April, 1.30pm
Doctor Who: A Voyage Through
Time And Space
Forest Arts, Old Milton Road,
New Milton, BH25 6DS
£10, or £35 for a group of four
Author Daniel Blythe takes us on a
trip through time, discussing the
enduring appeal of Doctor Who and his
involvement with the book series.
01425 612393
25 April to 30 May, Tuesday –
Saturday 10am– 4pm
Horizon 20:20
Andover Museum, 6 Church
Close, Andover SP10 1DP
This sequel to Mme Butterfly imagines
what happens after Puccini’s opera,
including live singing to recorded music.
Hampshire pupils exhibit a collection
of original artwork, including print,
sculpture, textiles and willow work.
023 9247 2700
01264 366283
25 to 26 April, 10.30am – 12pm &
2pm – 3.30pm, London Camera
Exchange: all day
Hide with a Guide and London
Camera Exchange (LCE)
Titchfield Haven Nature Reserve,
Cliff Road, Hillhead, Fareham
PO14 3JT
Hide with Guide: adults £3.90,
concs £3.50, LCE: Free
Join an experienced birdwatcher in
one of our hides and find out about the
Haven’s birds at this time of year.
01329 662145
30 April, 7.30pm
Jack the Ripper
Gosport Discovery Centre,
High Street, Gosport PO12 1BT
Author Rupert Matthews tells the lurid
tales that horrified Victorian London.
023 9252 3463
2 May to 27 June
Red House Museum and Gardens,
Quay Road, Christchurch BH23 1BU
There are dinosaurs hiding in the
Gardens. Follow their tracks, find
their eggs and avoid the scariest of
dinosaurs – the Tyrannosaurus Rex!
01202 482860
The boxed listings are paid for
by advertisers. To advertise
your event in Hampshire Now,
call 01962 845520 or email
Hampshire now
7 May,
9.30am – 3.30pm
Garden and Gift Fair in
aid of Wellbeing of Women
The Dummer Cricket Centre
Dummer, Basingstoke, RG25 2AR
Adult £5, concession £4, child free
The Wellbeing of Women Garden and
Gift Fair is being held for a second year
at its hugely successful new venue,
The Dummer Cricket Centre, with a
wide range of specialist plant stalls
plus ideas for the home and garden,
and the opportunity to visit the walled
garden of Dummer Down House. As
well as gifts for all ages. Lunch and
light refreshments available for a
complete day out.
For more information:
9 May, 9.30am – 4pm
Sew your own… Home
Minstead Study Centre, School
Lane, Minstead SO43 7GJ
An acoustic set with The Jam bass player
Bruce Foxton, followed by Q&As.
01252 408040
9 May, 11am – 4pm
VE Day 70th Anniversary
Aldershot Military Museum,
Evelyn Woods Rd, GU11 2LG
Normal admission charge
Investigate some real WW2 artefacts
and try our Street Party Challenge.
01252 314598
In partnership with
Home of Thomas & FriendsTM toys
Join us for a fun sewing day making
easy cushion covers, hand-rolled
lampshades and a fabric storage basket.
023 8081 3437
15 May, 7 – 9pm
Handbags and Gladrags –
Museums at Night
SEARCH Hands-on Centre,
Gosport , PO12 1BU
£5 including refreshments
Experience wartime life with re-enactment
groups and period vehicles.
01489 787055
20 to 21 June,
10.30am – 5.15pm
Unusual Plant Fair
Gilbert White & The Oates
Collections, Selborne, nr Alton
GU34 3JH
Adult £7, child free
‘Great night out’ vintage-themed
collections on display, plus music and
refreshments. Booking essential.
023 9252 3463
6 June, 7.45pm
Celebrate the Summer
– Evening Concert
Sir Harold Hillier Gardens,
Ampfield, Romsey SO51 0QA
Adult £15.95, child £8. Early bird
(book before May): adult £13, child
£6, group 10+: adult £12 and child £5.
Set in the idyllic location of Gilbert
White’s garden with an array of stall
holders selling rare and unusual plants,
the Unusual Plant Fair is a great day
out for keen gardeners and families
alike. With a gardeners’ question time,
competitions and a chance to enjoy our
beautiful 25 acres of heritage garden,
this is the perfect Father’s Day weekend.
Join the City of Southampton Orchestra
for music and fireworks. Picnic hampers
available. Booking essential.
01794 369318
10 June, 6.30pm
The Dudley Keep Memorial Lecture
on 800 years of the Magna Carta
Great Hall, Winchester
A lecture by the University of
Southampton’s Dr Nicholas Karn on
English Law in the central middle ages.
01962 847272
24 – 28 J U N E 2 0 1 5
Alresford, Hampshire SO24 9JG
3RD - 12TH 2015
Artistic Director
In partnership with
Day Out With ThomasTM Thomas the Tank EngineTM. Based on The Railway Series by The Reverend W. Awdry.
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are trademarks of Gullane (Thomas) Limited. © 2015 HIT Entertainment Limited.
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Further details and ticket information
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Page 1
The Hawk Conservancy Trust,
where the sky’s the limit.
• World-class flying demonstrations
• Every visitor can hold a bird of prey
• Over 150 birds of prey on view
• Keeper talks and feeding sessions
• Adventure play area
• Ferret racing, duck racing and tractor rides
during school holidays
• 22 acres of woodland and wildflower meadow
• National Bird of Prey hospital
• Feathers Restaurant and Trust shop
Join Thomas & FriendsTM
at a heritage Railway near you.
Experience a ride on a real steam engine
and take part in Thomas-themed activities.
6 May, 8pm
From The Jam acoustic show
West End Centre, 48 Queens Rd,
Aldershot GU11 3JD
£22.50, concs £20
13 to 14 June, 10am – 5pm
Home Front at Manor Farm
Manor Farm & Country Park,
Pylands Lane, Bursledon SO31 1BH
Normal admission charge
28 June, 4pm
Hampshire County Youth
Orchestra and Hampshire Youth
County Band
The Anvil, Churchill Way,
Basingstoke RG21 7QR
£12, concessions £8
Including: Bernstein’s Candide Overture,
Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue, Barber’s
Adagio for Strings, and The Look of Love.
01256 844244
See African bird life in Andover.
Watch Sacred Ibis fly elegantly
alongside Vultures and Kites,
and experience the Savannah
with the dramatic impact of a
bushfire and African rainstorm.
Visitor Centre, Sarson Lane, Weyhill, Andover, Hampshire, SP11 8DY
01264 773 850
CHARITY NO: 1092349
Hampshire now
“ I want to be a
picnic bench
when I’m recycled ”
Supporting Armed Forces
communities in Hampshire
As commemorations continue to mark
the First World War, Hampshire Now
takes a look at some of the support the
Council gives to one of the largest Armed
Forces communities in the country. In
Hampshire, there are more than 130,000
people – equivalent in population to
a district council area – who are either
serving personnel, their dependants and
families, veterans or reservists.
We have a long history of partnership
work with the Armed Forces, formalised
by the signing of the Hampshire Armed
Forces Community Covenant in 2011,
which aims to ensure serving personnel
and veterans are not disadvantaged as
a result of their service.
Pledge to recycle
your bottle and
give it the chance
to be reborn
Make your pledge to recycle at
least one more plastic bottle a
week using
or by visiting
Maddhat Shamuha:
working for the
community in
North Hampshire
Maddhat Shamuha means ‘help group’
in Nepali. The community group was
formed more than six years ago by a
group of former Gurkha soldiers,
with support from the Council.
With more Gurkha families choosing to
settle in the Farnborough and Aldershot
areas of Hampshire, it became clear
that a self-help group would enable the
families to obtain important information
regarding education, housing and
health services, as well as helping
community integration.
Maddhat Shamuha works with a range
of other public sector organisations,
voluntary sector groups and charities
to provide information to the
Nepali Community.
In turn, the group has also taken part in
a range of community events such as
volunteer gardening, stewarding at local
fireworks events and cultural events
where Nepalese traditions are shared. In
2012, the group was awarded a Queen’s
award for their volunteer work.
Supporting service families and their children
Childhood is often seen as a
carefree time of life but imagine
having the worry of parents
serving overseas, especially in areas
of conflict.
As a result of this, many Hampshire
schools offer a range of support to
service families and their children,
in recognition of the particular
issues which affect them. This
sensitive support ensures that the
children of service families achieve
well in Hampshire schools and
attain the same standard as other
children. One of these schools is
Crofton Hammond Infant School,
near Fareham, which has a high
proportion of pupils who have
parents in the Armed Forces. The
school has weekly service family
drop-in sessions where children
can talk about things that may
Strengthening ties with the
Armed Forces
More than £1.6 million has been
awarded to 43 projects in Hampshire as
part of the Ministry of Defence Armed
Forces Community Covenant Grant
scheme, supporting projects which
strengthen the ties between the Armed
Forces and the wider community.
Projects benefitting have ranged from
support in schools and community
settings for service personnel and their
families, to a Military and Civilian
be worrying them, or they can sit
and write ‘blueys’ (airmail letters)
to send to their parents overseas.
There are also ‘keeping in touch’
afternoons for parents with
younger children to meet, and a
Family Liaison officer is also
available to support families.
Meanwhile, at Peel Common
Infant School in Gosport, they have
‘meerkats on deployment’ (see
above) – toys which go with parents
who then send back pictures and
letters telling of their adventures.
To find out more about Hampshire’s
support for Armed Forces families,
visit, and
for specific information around
supporting service children go to
broadcast project, and Hampshire’s
Festival of Paralympic Sport.
One exciting project which received
funding under the grant scheme is
the creation of two camping ‘pods’
at the Council’s Tile Barn Centre in
Brockenhurst. The sustainable wooden
pods will be available free for service
personnel, veterans and their families
to enjoy holidays and short breaks
at the Outdoor Centre. Schools and
community groups will also be able to
book these pods. Visit
uk/tilebarn for more information.
Hampshire now
Visiting Stockbridge
Transport: Bus services are available
to and from Winchester and Andover,
run by Wheelers. Contact Traveline for
up-to-date route, fare and timetable
information on 0871 200 2233 (calls
cost 10p per minute plus network
extras) or visit
made bigger so as to be wide enough
for a market that was held between
the houses. The town was given the
right to hold a market before 1190,
then extended to an annual three day
fair by Henry III.
More information: About the parish,
visit www.stockbridge-hampshire.
com; about Stockbridge Down,
and about the Test Way, visit
Please note there are no toilet or
refreshment facilities available en
route but public conveniences
and local pubs and restaurants are
available in the town centre.
In the nineteenth century, Stockbridge
was well known for the Stockbridge
Races, becoming a major feature in
the racing calendar from about 1831.
The most famous race-goer was
the Prince of Wales, later Edward VII,
accompanied by his mistress Lillie
Langtry. In the late 1800’s, part of
the racecourse was passed to a lady
who did not approve of any form of
gambling and the racing stopped.
About Stockbridge
Stockbridge lies in the heart of the Test
Valley. This picturesque Hampshire
market town is still as busy today as it
was in the eighteenth century.
It is thought that Stockbridge was
once an Iron Age crossing point
with the settlements of Danebury,
Woolbury and Meon Hill all close by.
The centre of the town started as a
track which developed into a chalk
causeway with a log bridge over the
main river channel. The causeway was
Features along the walk
This walk begins in the east of the town,
near the remains of the Old Church of
St Peter’s. Now a grade II listed building,
this twelfth century church was
demolished in the 1870s with only the
chancel remaining today. For a short
while, this walk takes you along the
Test Way, a long-distance path starting
at Inkpen, mostly following the course
of the River Test, to Eling. Throughout
the walk, you can follow rights of
way which are maintained by our
Countryside Service – look out for the
yellow footpath arrows along the route.
The Test Way, Trafalgar Way
Image Matt Dobrowolski
Fair View
High S
ill (
Manor Farm
Woolbury Ring
There are 13 tumuli (burial mounds) on
the Down, dating back to the Bronze
Age some 4,000 years ago. Situated
on the highest point of the Down is
Woolbury Ring, an Iron Age hill fort.
The hand-dug ramparts are thought
to be over 3,000 years old. The Ring
was used in the Second World War as
a lookout post for enemy aircraft. On
the southern ramparts is a 27ft tall hill
figure of a horse (the only example in
Hampshire), constructed crudely of
rough flints painted white. The earliest
documentation of the horse was in
1846, and local legend suggests it
commemorates a highwayman’s horse.
st W
Cows D
Image: Joe Low
Suggested parking: Stockbridge
Down, Stockbridge town centre or
nearby Lion’s Den car park.
Sandy Down
Path condition: Mainly tracks and
footpaths which can be muddy,
with several stiles and gates. High
visibility clothing is recommended
for parts of the walk on the A and
B roads.
National Trust
on Ro
OS map grid references:
Stockbridge: SU 359-351; Lion’s Den
car park: SU 356-347; Stockbridge
Down car park: SU 373-346.
This walk passes through rich arable
land, some of which once belonged
to the Manor of Stockbridge. The land
was bequeathed to the National Trust
by Rosalind Hill in 1947, to whom
there is a memorial bench at the top
of Stockbridge Down where you can
take in spectacular views out over
Hampshire and into Wiltshire. Classed
as a Site of Specific Scientific Interest,
the Down is a large area of open
grass and scrub land, which attracts
butterflies and birds. Due to the
decline of juniper trees in southern
England the juniper population on
the Down is of particular importance,
with 260 individual trees logged and
mapped by volunteers.
The Plantation
Penny L
Time: 3 hours at a leisurely pace.
Penny Lane
Stockbridge Down
Golf Course
An anti-clockwise walk to Stockbridge Down
Distance: 6 miles.
Marble White Butterfly
Image: Catherine Hadler
The Old
You can Park at Stockbrid
or any where in Stockbrid
North Park
Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2012
Point C
Turn left along the Down for threequarters of a mile. Turn right onto a
footpath skirting the bottom of the
Down, downhill along the tree and
fence line. At the foot of the hill, bear
left to follow the tall hedges along the
bridleway to Fair View Farm.
Stockbridge Down
Image: Mike Finchen
Point A
Please note this walk is anti-clockwise.
Starting in Stockbridge with the High
Street behind you and Old St Peter’s
Church straight ahead, turn right
onto Trafalgar Way following the Test
Way. Continue to Manor Farm House,
turning left to reach Lion’s Den car
park in Marsh Court Road. Here, turn
left along Cows Drove Hill road. On
your right you will soon find a marked
footpath which climbs through
woodland to the Stockbridge Road
(A3057) by Steepleton. Turn right
onto the A3057 for half a mile,
taking care as there can be
fast moving traffic on this
winding road.
Point B
Turn left at a wide entrance with several
lanes, following the footpath sign
along the track known as ‘Penny Lane’.
Continue past Penny Lane Farm until
you reach a small road. Turn right at
Colt House, then left at North Park Farm
along a footpath that follows the field
line and over a stile. Cross Winton Hill
Road (B3049) and onto Stockbridge
Down through a gate marked with the
National Trust logo.
Point D
Here you have a choice to continue
the walk on a longer route or to head
back to Stockbridge. To return, turn
left onto London Road (A30) for half a
mile, taking care if there is traffic and
using the grass verges where possible.
Just before the roundabout, turn left
onto the Old London Road, which will
take you back to the start of the walk.
To continue the walk, turn right onto
London Road (A30) for about a third
of a mile, turning left before Sandy
Down Cottage. Follow the byway track
running past Leckford Golf Course, until
you reach Leckford Lane (A3057).
Re-join the Test Way to return back
to Stockbridge.
Hampshire now
Making healthy choices
Joining forces to
quit smoking
With No Smoking day this month
(March), now is as good a time as
any to quit. If you want help to stop
then Quit4Life provides an NHS stop
smoking service across Hampshire.
The free service is friendly, nonjudgemental and informal. Provided
by professionals who are committed
to helping smokers, Quit4Life advisers
understand the difficulties as well as
the support required to be successful.
Smokers can choose from a number
of support options, including informal
drop-in sessions at times and locations
all over Hampshire, and the successful
telephone quit programme. In
addition, many pharmacies offer
one-to-one appointments – and your
GP surgery may offer appointments
with a member of their team who is a
trained stop smoking adviser.
A couple who already know the
benefits of quitting smoking are Scott
and Christine from Marchwood. They
had both been smoking since they
were teenagers and had attempted to
quit before but had no luck.
When Scott, 47 was diagnosed with
emphysema he decided he had to
stop smoking and sought help from
Quit4Life. To provide Scott with extra
support, Christine decided to quit with
him. With weekly help and support
from the Quit4Life service and their
stop smoking adviser, Norma-Jane, they
stopped and have not looked back.
Christine said:
“We have both been a lot
happier and healthier since we
quit and I can’t understand why
we ever started smoking in the
first place now!”
Scott added: “Quitting smoking is one
of the best things and the support from
both N-J and Christine has made this
possible. I would completely recommend
the service to anyone who would like
support to quit.”
For more information visit:, call 0845 602
4663 or text QUIT to 60123.
Making healthy changes
“Each day is different,” says Kirsty Evans,
one of four Health Trainers working
to support families make important
changes to their lives.
The support is available to families
identified by the Council’s Supporting
(Troubled) Families Programme which
has already helped 1,150 families turn
their lives around.
Kirsty can be working with as many as
12 different families at any one time
– all with their own specific goals for
changes they want to make to help
them lead healthier lives.
This year, the programme widened
the criteria under which families will
be invited to join. The programme
now includes families where violence
in the home exists, where health
problems (mental and physical)
persist, and more generally, families
where children are in need of help
and support. Health trainers like
Kirsty will play an increasing role in
supporting families to make changes
to their lifestyles which could improve
their health and wellbeing as well as
prevent them from being at risk of
social exclusion.
“Because it’s sometimes hard to make
a change yourself, we are here to help
people set health goals and support
them to achieve them,” said Kirsty. “It’s
not about telling people what to do but
helping them to look at what they want
to achieve for themselves and enabling
them to come up with the solutions
which are right for them.”
Families have different goals but
common problems they want to
change include quitting smoking,
eating healthier food, managing
alcohol, becoming more active,
reducing stress and improving
confidence and self-esteem.
The Hampshire Health Record
Your information
If you are looking to make a
lifestyle change to improve your
health and wellbeing visit the
NHS Choices Live Well pages for
healthy living tips for everyone
And if you are aged between
40 and 74 why not take up the
offer of a free health check with
your GP surgery. The checks
involve some simple questions
and tests which will help your
health practitioner talk to you
about what you can do to be
healthy and continue to enjoy
your life. To find out more
The Hampshire Health Record is an
electronic summary record
for people living in Hampshire,
Portsmouth and Southampton.
The record stores information from GP surgeries,
hospitals, social and community care teams in one
place so that – with your consent – professionals
can view it to deliver better care to you.
Your choice
If you are happy for your information to
be stored on the Hampshire Health Record
then you do not need to do anything. Please
contact us if you would like a free copy of the
information held about you on the Hampshire
Health Record or prefer your information not
to be stored on the Hampshire Health Record.
Further information
Phone: 0300 123 1519
: Web:
* Write to: Hampshire Health Record
HQ Omega House
112 Southampton Road
Eastleigh SO50 5PB
Hampshire now
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Call 01243 377200 for all your
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Paultons Family Theme Park has over 60 rides and attractions
including big and small rides, play areas, entertainments, and
exotic birds and animals all set within 140 acres of the beautiful
New Forest National Park. It is also home to Peppa Pig World, with
seven amazing Peppa-themed rides! New for Easter 2015 is an
exciting new mini-land, CRITTER CREEK – a fully themed world
of strange, mixed-up, creatures known as the ‘Curious Critters’!
See page 20 for details. Discounted tickets and official packaged
short breaks are only available at
Can you guess the name of the critter above?
a) Bee-ver
b) Flyger
c) Horned Swamp Donkey
Send your answer to: putting
‘Paultons Park’ in the subject box, or on a postcard with
your name and address to Hampshire Now, Paultons Park
Competition, PO Box 511, Winchester, SO23 3DS. The closing
date is 31 May 2015.
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• finding childcare • sources of help and support • fostering • adoption
• children with special needs • general children related enquiries.
School Admissions
WIN one of four family
tickets to Paultons Park
We are giving away four family tickets to Paultons Park! To
be in with a chance of winning, simply answer this question:
Disabled Parking (Blue Badge)
Children’s Services
0300 555 1388
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0300 555 1389
Information regarding planning applications involving Hampshire County
Council for landfill and mineral extraction sites, recycling centres, schools,
libraries and country parks.
Unit 10, Palmers Road Industrial Estate,
Emsworth, Hants PO10 7DH
Terms and conditions apply: Four winners will each claim one ‘family of
four’ ticket (2 x adults and 2 x children under 12). Tickets are valid for one
visit before 2 November 2015. The tickets are non-transferable and cannot
be exchanged for cash. This competition is only open to residents who live in
Hampshire, excluding those areas covered by Southampton or Portsmouth
City Councils. Your details will only be used to contact you if you are a winner
and for no other purpose.
0300 555 1389
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0300 555 1392
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0300 555 1390
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0300 555 1388
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Speak to us about
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Calls to 0300 numbers are included in call packages, or charged at the same rate as 01 and 02 numbers. Costs may vary depending on your telecoms provider and
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Hampshire now