DTSA 2015 2016 Packages - Derby Teaching Schools Alliance


DTSA 2015 2016 Packages - Derby Teaching Schools Alliance
Primary Packages of Support
April 2015 - March 2016
Partner Prices
Part of a not for profit Charitable Trust
Values and Vision of DTSA
DTSA is a broad and inclusive multiple Alliance of schools from all phases. We are part
of a not for profit Charitable Trust and we care deeply about improving learning for all.
We believe that every child in every class, in every school deserves the best teaching
and learning.
Realizing moral purpose for us is about sharing and giving back – a sustained focus on
developing open and trusting collaboration that contributes to ‘raising the bar and
closing the gap’ in achievement for all children and especially those from
disadvantaged groups. Our building blocks are:
1. An ethical basis and shared sense of moral purpose
2. A working culture rooted in trust, mutual respect, reciprocity, consistency and a regard for the dignity of every individual
3. School leaders that are committed to improvement through open, honest and cooperative relationships
4. A focus on improving outcomes through learning and learning how to learn
5. Reflective practitioners who encourage and support colleagues in their own and other schools through shared problem solving and joint working
6. A common language in which everyone can participate and contribute
7. A collective responsibility for leading, coordinating and delivering sustainable improvements in an inclusive and non hierarchical approach
8. Efficient and effective use of collective resources to raise standards
9. A shared accountability for improving performance across all partner schools while sustaining existing levels of achievement
10. Collaboration that makes a real difference and has a positive impact on the lives and life chances of children and young people
Should your values align and you wish to become a partner in our Alliance
please do contact us by email booking@dtsa.org.uk or telephone 01332 543 836.
‘In a self-improving school system, more control and responsibility passes
to the local level in a spirit of mutual aid between school leaders and their
colleagues, who are morally committed to imaginative and sustainable
ways of achieving more ambitious and better outcomes.’
David Hargreaves
booking@dtsa.org.uk01332 543 836
DTSA Partner Package
Schools Link: Core Network Package
Schools Link: Foundation Network Package
Schools Link: SBM Package
‘Ready to Learn?’ Package - NEW
Primary NQT Package
Recently Qualified Teacher Package - NEW
Teaching for Sustained Pupil Progress - NEW
Good to Outstanding Teaching Package
Lesson Study Day Package - NEW
Improving Whole Class Teaching Package - NEW
Middle Leaders Development Package
Aspiring Senior Leaders Package
School Leaders Residential Conference
School to School Support
Termly Headteacher Development Day Package (PEIP)
Derby Governance Partnership Packages - NEW
How DTSA Works: Strategic Advisory Groups
SLE Commissioning Form
DTSA Package Booking Form
Follow us on twitter for regular updates @DerbyTeaching
‘It isn’t the way the wind blows but how you set your sails that counts.’
It is good to see so many of you engaging in the work of the Alliance. It’s even more encouraging to
hear colleagues saying they are finding school to school support having a real impact back in their
own classrooms by bringing in fresh ideas. While we have to manage all this carefully to ensure that
we sustain really good teaching and learning in every classroom, we have seen some significant
developments. This has been possible because of the large numbers of schools and colleagues now
involved from across traditional boundaries. By working collaboratively we are able to spread the
load. I would like to thank all those that are involved in delivering and supporting our packages of
support; courses; conferences; school link networks; school to school support; School Direct ITT and
research/development work. It wouldn’t happen without you!
DTSA remains part of a not for profit Charitable Trust. Schools that align with our vision and values
(see page 2) and buy into the DTSA Partner Package (see page 5) can help shape developments. It
really is ‘by schools – for schools’. You can influence developments through the three Strategic
Advisory Boards that co-ordinate our activities (see page 30). Thanks to all the heads and other
colleagues that attend the termly meetings of these Boards. Should you be interested in joining a
group please let me know – new schools and colleagues are always welcome.
With this year’s election result too close to call it will be interesting to see how education policy develops. One thing is clear – the move towards schools taking a greater lead in school improvement
is becoming more embedded across the country. There are nearly 600 Teaching Schools and large
numbers of NLEs; LLEs and SLEs. It is interesting to note a whole section of the DfE’s new ‘National
Standards of Excellence for Headteachers’ is given to their role in a ‘self-improving school system’.
Amongst other areas this standard states that headteachers should:
• Create outward-facing schools which work with other schools and organisations - in a climate of
mutual challenge - to champion best practice and secure excellent achievements for all pupils
• Challenge educational orthodoxies in the best interests of achieving excellence, harnessing the
findings of well evidenced research to frame self-regulating and self improving schools
• Shape the current and future quality of the teaching profession through high quality training and
sustained professional development for all staff
• Inspire and influence others - within and beyond schools - to believe in the fundamental importance
of education and to promote the value of education
DTSA has had some excellent feedback from our activities over the past year. With your continued
support we hope to again deliver really cost effective programmes. Do get in touch if you have any
ways in which we can improve or expand our work.
Best wishes
Paul Briggs, DTSA
booking@dtsa.org.uk01332 543 836
DTSA Partner Package
What are the benefits to schools?
1. Be part of an inclusive school led system encouraging and supporting each other to continue to raise standards and narrow gaps in pupil achievement
• Avoid isolation and keep up to date in changing times by being part of a large and inclusive cross phase Alliance of schools in and around Derby – giving you a voice and an ear
• Be at the heart of the school led system of development for ITT; CPD; Leadership Development; School to School Support and Research
• Be part of Alliance developments and decision making through representation on strategic groups – it’s your Alliance and really is ‘by schools – for schools’
• Access opportunities for your staff to become ‘Lead Practitioners’ and ‘Specialist Leaders of
• Receive funding for backfill when any of your staff are involved in delivering support through our programmed activities
• Access local opportunities to engage with research into effective Teaching and Learning
• Receive regular e-brief updates with national and local developments and access to our regularly updated website
‘Ofsted will judge the extent to which senior leaders in the school work to
promote improvement across the wider system.’
Ofsted School Inspection Handbook 2013
2. Access up to 3 places at our termly System Leaders Morning Meetings at no further cost
These will include a national and local update of key developments plus a significant input on a key
area for development from a high quality national speaker with time for networking, round table
discussion and questions (details will be on our website soon).
Future Morning Meeting Dates for your diaries:
Thursday 18 June 2015 with Simon Cooper-Hind
Wednesday 14 October 2015 with Lisa Jane Ashes
Thursday 3 March 2016 with Chris Quigley
All meetings will be 8am for 8:30am start - 11:45am at Breadsall Priory, Moor Road, Morley, DE7 6DL
Follow us on twitter for regular updates @DerbyTeaching
DTSA Partner Package
3. Receive significant discounts and offers on local CPD packages and programmes
• Receive weekly email update to schools
• Receive over 30% discount on our Schools Link Core Network package for subject leaders of Literacy; Maths; Science; ICT; SEN; and Deputy/Assistant Headteachers
• Receive over 30% discount on our Schools Link Foundation Network Package for subject leaders and key school staff - TA; HLTA; RE; MFL; Art; Music
• Receive up to 20% discount on all our other packages of support including:
o Primary NQT Induction package
o RQT Package
o Teaching for Great Pupil Progress Package - NEW
o ‘Good’ to ‘Outstanding’ Teaching Package
o Lesson Observation and Teacher Coaching Package - NEW
o Pupil Premium Review Package - NEW
o Middle Leaders Development Package
o Aspiring Senior Leaders Package
o Our annual School Leaders’ Residential Conference on 12 and 13 November 2015 at Eastwood Hall
o Receive over 20% discount on all courses within our focused annual course programme, getting a full day course with lunch for just £95 per person
This Package offers exceptional value for money.
Save over 20% on all courses getting a full day course with lunch
for just £95 per person
4. School Direct ITT Benefits – host schools receive £1500 per student
Our ITT Schools Direct programme continues to grow. Where appropriate, partner schools are encouraged to seriously consider hosting a primary School Direct ITT student for September 2015.
£1500 will be given to the host lead school for each student which contributes towards funding the
time involved in supporting the student.
There are significant benefits in identifying and developing our own teachers who will hopefully go on
to work in local schools. Our primary School Direct programme is offered in partnership with The
University of Derby, an Ofsted graded ‘Outstanding’ provider of Initial Teacher Training. The
programme runs over one academic year and students spend most of their time in their host school
with a placement in a second school in the spring term plus visits to Early Years; Special and
Secondary schools in order to experience all types of settings and contexts. It is an excellent
programme combining practice with reflection and theory. Successful students gain Qualified Teacher
Status plus PGCE and 60 credits towards a Masters Degree. Each student has a named host school
mentor and mentors have regular professionally led network meetings. School Direct students attend
a DTSA practitioner led development day and a University led day every alternate week through the
programme. Several headteachers are involved in our very rigorous interview process for potential
students and we are looking to increase numbers in this pool to spread the load – do let us know if
you are interested.
booking@dtsa.org.uk01332 543 836
Simon Cooper-Hind
Simon has been head of a challenging estate primary school on the south coast of England. Since then, after leaving full time headship, his career has gone from strength to strength as a speaker, trainer, consultant and coach working across the UK and abroad. However, his message has remained the same – unless you make the learning real for the children in your school, you are simply wasting time, yours and theirs.
He is never happier than when he is in the classroom with teachers and their children, modelling his
ideas and techniques, and if there is one word that best sums up Simon’s approach to education it
is ‘genuine’. Genuine conversations, genuine leadership, genuine relationships and genuine learning
experiences that bring the learning to life.
Lisa-Jane Ashes
With an English and Literacy background stretching from Classroom Assistant to Teaching and Learning Leader, Lisa is on a mission to help schools break away from how they’ve traditionally arranged things and embrace a whole new way of looking at the curriculum.
Best embodied in Manglish, her unique approach to combining whole-school literacy and numeracy,
Lisa’s work shows how truly creative schools make learning more real and relevant. In doing so, all
children benefit, regardless of background and academic ability.
A classroom practitioner first and foremost, Lisa is making a name for herself, sharing her work on
creativity, engagement, teaching and learning, curriculum design, technology and showing how
schools can, to go back to Lincoln, ‘disenthrall’ themselves from the past.
Chris Quigley
Chris Quigley has been a Teacher, Head Teacher, lead inspector and trainer of inspectors. In 2007 he set up his own consultancy company and has become widely known throughout the UK and overseas. He has worked directly with schools across England and worldwide. His work is designed to help schools on their route from good to great and to maintain greatness.
‘Leaders focus relentlessly on improving teaching and learning and provide
focused professional development for all staff, especially those that are newly
qualified and at an early stage of their careers.’
Ofsted School Inspection Handbook
Partner Package Cost: £495
We can offer this excellent value for money because of the good number of
schools that subscribe to our package – thank you for your continued support.
Follow us on twitter for regular updates @DerbyTeaching
Schools Link: Core Network Package
Schools Link: Termly Core Network Meetings Package
This package provides an opportunity to network and learn with colleagues in the same role in other
schools. The sessions are aimed at subject leaders and other key school staff, there will be access to
one half day session in each area listed below. Each session will be professionally facilitated by consultants and SLEs. While the group themselves will determine the agendas there will be a combination of inputs, group discussion and time for sharing practice.
Fiona Lingard
Summer Term
Autumn Term
Spring Term
9 - 11:30am
Weds 1 July or
Thurs 2 July
Weds 11 Nov or
Thurs 12 Nov
Weds 9 March or
Thurs 10 March
1 - 3:30pm
Weds 1 July or
Thurs 2 July
Weds 11 Nov or
Thurs 12 Nov
Weds 9 March or
Thurs 10 March
8:45 - 12noon
Tues 16 June
1:30 - 4pm
Tues 16 June TBC
Tues 20 Oct
Tues 2 Feb
1:30 - 4pm
Thurs 11 June
Thurs 8 Oct
Thurs 25 Feb
1 - 3:30pm
Meeting 1
Fri 15 May
Meeting 2
Fri 17 July
Meeting 1
Fri 17 Oct
Meeting 2
Fri 12 Dec
Meeting 1
Fri 6 Feb
Meeting 2
Fri 11 March
Fiona Lingard
Jane Banham
Zoe Fletcher &
Chris Hardwick
Alistair Crawford
Deputy and Asst
David Hall &
Jon Fordham
(2 meetings per term)
Homefields Primary School
DE73 5NY
Village Primary School
Village Street
DE23 8DF
Package Fee: £725
DTSA Partner Fee: £495
Schools not buying into the package can access individual sessions on a pay as you
go basis at a cost of £45 per person per session.
booking@dtsa.org.uk01332 543 836
Schools Link: Foundation Network Package
Schools Link: Termly Foundation Network Meetings Package
This package provides an opportunity to network and learn with colleagues in the same role in other
schools. The sessions are aimed at subject leaders and other key school staff, there will be access
to one half day session in each area listed below. Each session will be professionally facilitated by
consultants and SLEs. While the group themselves will determine the agendas there will be a combination of inputs, group discussion and time for sharing practice.
Summer Term
Autumn Term
Spring Term
1 - 4pm
Fri 12 June
Fri 6 Nov
1 - 4pm
Fri 19 June
Fri 16 Oct
9:15 - 12:15pm
Thurs 2 July
Thurs 15 Oct
1 - 4pm
Tues 9 June
Tues 6 Oct
Tues 9 Feb
1:30 - 4pm
Mon 8 June
1:30 - 4pm
Mon 1 June
Abbie Deeming
Wendy Yarnell
Graham Falgate
Moira Phelan &
Tania Sanders
Maggie Heap
Lisa Stewart
Homefields Primary School
DE73 5NY
Village Primary School
Village Street
DE23 8DF
Package Fee: £725
DTSA Partner Fee: £495
Schools not buying into the package can access individual sessions on a pay as you
go basis at a cost of £45 per person per session.
Follow us on twitter for regular updates @DerbyTeaching
Schools Link: SBM Network Package - NEW
Offered in partnership with Flint Bishop Education.
The package will include the following elements:
1. A termly morning network meeting from 9am to 12 noon in the first half of each term
These will be professionally facilitated by Sandra Fletcher, Educational Consultant and Mark Honeybell, FB Education, with the content and focus of each session determined by SBMs themselves and based on the feedback from the recent on-line CPD needs questionnaire (to which
there was a very high response rate).
Sessions will include:
• An update on national issues concerning SBMs
• Discussion forum around local burning issues facing SBMs
• Specific training inputs and sharing of good practice to meet SBM development needs as identified
by SBMs themselves
Discussions are underway with the National Association of School Business Managers (NASBM) with
a view to them attending some sessions to provide a national update and other inputs.
2. A termly SBM e-newsletter
3. Access to SBM resources and items of good practice via the Schools Share area of the
DTSA website
4. Access to telephone support about SBM professional development matters and national accredited training programmes
5. Opportunities for mentoring of those new to the SBM role
6. Discounted rates on DTSA/Flint Bishop SBM training courses
Package Fee: £85 per school
Schools not in this package can access network meeting at a cost of £45 per
booking@dtsa.org.uk01332 543 836
‘Ready to Learn?’ Package - NEW
This four day programme is designed to give teachers and Teaching Assistants (including
HLTAs) an opportunity to work together in exploring and refreshing some of the key building
blocks of classroom practice and practically applying these in their own classroom context.
This package will offered over a half term in the autumn 2015 and will be led by experienced
school leaders and SLEs.
Target audience: Teachers and TAs
Programme framework
The programme consists of central taught input and discussion sessions combined with focused visits to other schools to undertake observations of practice in really good and outstanding classrooms.
It will include an exploration of how team work and coaching skills can support continued professional development in delegates own classrooms.
Current best practice as identified from both professional research and Ofsted criteria will be considered.
The programme is designed to:
• Develop the management and organizational skills of teachers as the leaders of their ‘classroom
team’ of adults and children
• Support teachers and Teaching Assistants in working together to develop practical strategies to
ensure that children are consistently ready to learn
• Explore new approaches to creating a stimulating classroom learning environment
Session 1 - Full day
Creating an effective classroom environment with clarity and consistency in management and organization of pupil learning including the use of lassroom displays and working walls. Planning of paired
visits in Session 2.
Session 2 - Half day
A half day visit to undertake a paired focused observation of good practice.
Session 3 - Full day
Feedback from Session 2. Extending practical strategies for developing and managing appropriate
pupil learning behaviours and effective behaviour management to ensure learning is maximized.
Planning of paired visits in Session 4.
Session 4 – Half day
A half day visit to a second school to undertake a paired focused observation of good practice.
Session 5 – Full day
Feedback from Session 4. Leading the classroom learning team. Developing the coaching model in
your own classroom context to support teachers and Teaching Assistants working together effectively
to ensure pupils remain ready to learn. Taking
learning from this programme back into your own classroom context.
Package Fee: £455 per delegate
DTSA Partner Fee: £365 per delegate
Follow us on twitter for regular updates @DerbyTeaching
Primary NQT Package
This is an academic year package starting September 2015. It builds on the very successful programme
offered in the last year and attended by over 60 NQTs which was delivered in partnership with headteachers;
SLEs and colleagues from local schools. The programme covers key areas identified by NQTs themselves
including behaviour management; SEN; work with support staff and parents; pupil assessment. It also includes
two high quality conferences with nationally known speakers. All course materials will be included.
As this is an academic year programme, all dates will be confirmed in July.
Day 1:
9am – 4pm
• Aims of the programme
• Input from teachers starting their second year
in school
• Creating a positive climate in your classroom
• Working with others to support learning
• Priorities for the Year
• ‘This is great learning’ - case studies from two
local schools
Day 3:
1:15pm – 4pm
• Assessment in Foundation Stage
• Assessment for learning
• Top Tips for Assessment
• Moderation of writing
Day 5:
Week beginning 2 February
Day 2:
8:45am – 11:45am
• Inclusion through behaviour management.
• Attachment disorder
• Differentiation
• NQT school visits
Day 4:
9am – 3:45pm
Full day conference with Andy Meller
Day 6:
8:45am – 11:45am
• NQT to visit another school and experience a • Working with gifted, able and talented pupils
different context, carrying out a joint observation • Working with parents
of another year group – focussing on ‘Quality
• Learning to respond reflectively
Day 7:
1:15am – 4pm
• Computer Studies - using IT to enrich your
• Can learning be fun?
Day 8:
9am – 3:45am
Full day conference with Jonathan Lear
Plus • What a Year!!!
• What next?
Package Fee: £625 per NQT
DTSA Partner Fee: £495 per NQT
booking@dtsa.org.uk01332 543 836
Recently Qualified Teacher Package
Teachers in their third year are also welcome to join this programme.
Following requests from last year’s NQTs we have developed an NQT+1 programme. Ofsted have
recently drawn attention to the large number of teachers who leave the profession after 3 or 4 years.
Retaining new colleagues is a national priority and this programme will allow teachers in their
second year (third year are also welcome) to continue to network and support each other and gain
some new knowledge and skills particularly in the early stages of leadership development. The
programme will be facilitated by SLEs and experienced colleagues from a number of schools. Areas
we intend to cover include:
• Subject Leadership
• Working with Support Staff
• Managing Work Life Balance
• The New Curriculum
• Moderation
National statistics indicate that around 40% of new teachers leave the profession after four to five
years. NQTs involved in the DTSA induction programme have asked if we can continue to offer some
central support and networking when they are in their second year. The NQT+1 programme is our
attempt to meet that need.
The programme will run over the academic year starting September 2014 and consist of six afternoon
sessions, one each half term. Each session will be professionally led by a Specialist leader of
Education and other experienced practitioners. Sessions will focus on continuing to ensure teaching
and learning is consistently good and outstanding.
In addition to expert inputs there will be opportunities to network and share good practice and
consider new resources and materials. Later sessions will be built around the needs of the group
and will allow for opportunities to identify personal professional development needs and build up
leadership skills.
Dates for the programme will be confirmed in July.
Package Fee: £375 per teacher
DTSA Partner Fee: £295 per teacher
Follow us on twitter for regular updates @DerbyTeaching
Teaching for Sustained Pupil Progress Package - NEW
This package will offered in the Autumn term 2015 and be led by Fiona Lingard, Educational Consultant and local SLEs.
Target audience: All Teachers
A programme over 6 afternoons (fortnightly) with school based gap tasks set between sessions.
Case-studies, research findings and video samples will be used as a basis of instruction, group
discussion and reflection. Over the duration of the programme, teachers will select and complete 3
gap-tasks chosen from the 6 themes.
The final session will reflect on practice developed and implemented, evaluating which approaches
have made the difference to pupil progress.
Aims: The aim of this professional development package is to
• Explore a number of key teaching and learning approaches that have demonstrated through research, data and evidence a significant degree of impact on pupil progress
• Select and implement some of the approaches into every day classroom practice
• Develop a reflective and evaluative approach to classroom pedagogy
• Improve and sustain pupil learning and progress
The themes for the programme have been taken from the Sutton Trust Toolkit 2014 a research-based publication that evaluates the cost effectiveness of a range of strategies and
approaches used in schools. The research indicates the following themes as having the most
impact against the cost and evidence base:
Meta-cognition and self regulation (+8months progress)
These skills are concerned with pupils’ ability to think about their learning explicitly: to assess their
progress, set and monitor goals, and identify strengths and challenges in their learning. There is
strong evidence that improving ‘learning to learn’ skills is a powerful way of improving outcomes for
disadvantaged pupils. This theme will explore how the most effective schools and teachers can grow
and develop these skills through developing a ‘growth mindset’ in children and teaching the skills
that effective learners need.
Feedback (+8months progress)
Feedback studies tend to show very high effects on learning. However, it also has a very high range
of effects with some studies showing that some feedback can have negative effects. This theme will
draw upon current research and case studies , exploring the potential benefits and possible limitations of the approach. It will aim to establish effective and consistent classroom feedback that
leads to sustainable and improved learning outcomes for pupils.
Peer Tutoring (+6months progress)
Peer Tutoring includes a range of approaches in which learners work in pairs or small groups to provide each other with explicit teaching support. The evidence is consistent and positive, especially
for mathematics and reading at both primary and secondary school levels. There is evidence that
children from disadvantaged backgrounds and low attaining pupils make the biggest gains. This
theme will explore how this approach has been implemented by schools and investigate some specific strategies that teachers can use in the classroom e.g Reciprocal Reading and Peer Tutoring
in Maths.
booking@dtsa.org.uk01332 543 836
Reading Comprehension (+5months progress)
On average, reading comprehension approaches improve learning by an additional five months’ progress over the course of a school year. These approaches appear to be particularly effective for
KS2 readers who are not making expected progress.This theme will explore strategies and approaches that need to be taught explicitly and consistently and which can be applied across the
Collaborative Learning (+5months progress)
The impact of collaborative approaches on learning is consistently positive, but impact can vary so it
is important to get the detail right. Effective collaborative learning requires structured approaches with
well-designed tasks leading to the greatest learning gains. It appears to work well for all ages if activities are suitably structured for learners’ capabilities and positive evidence has been found across
the curriculum. This theme will explore how teachers can design meaningful collaborative learning
whilst also developing children’s abilities to work together effectively.
Oral Language Interventions (+5months progress)
Overall, studies of oral language interventions consistently show positive benefits on learning, including oral language skills and reading comprehension. On average, pupils who participate in
oral |language interventions make approximately five months’ additional progress over the course of
a year. This theme will explore the place of oracy in the classroom and how teacher talk can be developed in order to extend the repertoire of pupil talk that will in turn raise standards.
Package Fee: £435 per delegate
DTSA Partner Fee: £345 per delegate
Follow us on twitter for regular updates @DerbyTeaching
Good to Outstanding Teaching Package
Objectives for the course:
• To identify the features of outstanding learning based on educational
research and OFSTED
• To look at classroom based strategies to develop outstanding learning
• To try out and develop these strategies within course participants’ own schools
• To plan the embedding and development of outstanding learning within course participants’ own schools.
What does the programme include?
Three whole day sessions, each day focusing on different elements of outstanding learning.
The programme covers:
• An overview of the elements which make learning outstanding
• Pedagogy which underpins outstanding elements
• Ways to connect, activate, demonstrate and consolidate learning
• A balance of trainer input, discussion and practical activities around the following themes:
o Learning environment
o Expectations and ethos
o Preparation and planning
o Use of assessment data
o Content process and benefit outcomes
o Engagement and enjoyment
o Challenge
o Questioning strategies
o Personalisation
o Building Independence
o Evidence of progress
o Self and peer assessment
o Individual, pair, group and class
o De briefing and reviewing learning
o Explaining significance and making links beyond the lesson
• The training is conveniently based at local venues
• Observations of outstanding teaching are a central part of the CPD
• Experienced ASTs and externally sought consultants lead and facilitate the training, observations and follow-up discussions
• Participants keep a ‘Reflective Learning Log’ and complete interim tasks to
follow up the CPD
Criteria for teachers attending:
• Primary teachers from nursery through to year six
• Teachers who have been judged as consistently good or better who wish to move their own practice forwards
• Teachers who have the capacity and motivation to move the quality of their teaching to outstanding
• Teachers who have the ability and time to adopt, embed and spread the ideas from the course to
others within their own school setting 16
booking@dtsa.org.uk01332 543 836
Criteria for participating schools:
• Commitment to release time for all programmed sessions
• Commitment to monitor and evaluate impact of CPD both in the short and long term
• Commitment to provide time for the participant to share relevant elements of the course to colleagues within their own school setting.
Comments from last year’s participants:
‘One of the most useful courses that I have been to, lots of useful ideas and
‘I have really enjoyed the course and feel heartened to know that with a few
tweaks and adjustments I can be consistently outstanding for my little people,
thank you!’
‘Very usefull ideas for showing progress in lessons which I have found tricky.’
‘Inspirational and enjoyable with lots of time for reflection!’
‘Great resources to take back to school and lots of ideas to share with other
members of staff.’
‘Super course - all involved and not just talked to!’
‘Feeling inspired! Lots of practical ideas to take back to the classroom to improve my practise!’
Programme Dates:
Day 1 - Thursday 15 October 2015
Day 2 - Thursday 26 November 2015
Day 3 - Thursday 14 January 2016
All sessions will be held 9am - 4pm at Village Primary School, Village Street, Derby, DE23 8DF
Package Fee: £375 per delegate
DTSA Partner Fee: £295 per delegate
Follow us on twitter for regular updates @DerbyTeaching
Lesson Study Day Package - NEW
A professionally facilitated day within your own school, on a date to be negotiated, designed
to improve the teaching of either English or Mathematics led by an experienced trainer/facilitator.
Target audience: All teachers
Lesson Study is a powerful model of CPD for teachers at all levels of experience and expertise. It is
used by approximately 2500 schools in England and numbers are predicted to double in the next two
Professor Pete Dudley outlines why Lesson study provides a distinctive, important and indispensable
role in professional learning and school improvement:
‘Lesson Study opens the ‘black box’ of the classroom because it provides teachers with ‘new
eyes’ that can observe and see in great detail the micro-level, inter-relationships between
their pupils’ learning and their own teaching – and vice versa. The collaborative, shared
endeavour of Lesson Study creates ‘safe’ motivating spaces for teachers to take risks and
learn together from their joint ‘seeing and understanding’ of their pupils and lessons. This
helps teachers to develop new theories and understandings about how their pupils are
learning that lead to lasting improvements in their pupils’ achievement and in their own subsequent teaching.’
Schools have the opportunity to participate in a structured programme of Lesson Study. The
focus of the lesson Study will be English or Mathematics and schools will select their own
specific area to be developed.
This one day in-school package consists of the following for either KS1 or KS2 teachers:
• Initial telephone conversation and planning between the headteacher and the trainer/facilitator.
• 2 or 3 teachers from within the same school work with the trainer/facilitator to identify a focus for improvement in the teaching of either English or Maths and together plan a ‘research lesson’.
• The research lesson is delivered by Teacher A, with remaining members of the group observing the learning with the trainer/facilitator.
• Reflection on the lesson occurs immediately following each lesson. Changes and adaptations to the lesson are made and the cycle is repeated with teacher B delivering the lesson. The cycle is repeated until all teachers have taught the Research Lesson.
• The outcome of this process leads to continual refinement and improvement of the Research Lesson and provides opportunities for teachers to examine closely pedagogy and its impact on learning and progress supported by the rainer/facilitator.
• A debriefing and reflection session is held at the end of the day with the intention that outcomes will be fed back to other staff.
Package Fee: £485 per school
DTSA Partner Fee: £385 per school
booking@dtsa.org.uk01332 543 836
Improving Whole Class English Teaching Package - NEW
This package will be offered in June 2015 and led by Fiona Lingard, Educational Consultant
and SLEs.
Target audience: All teachers
A two and a half day package combining central taught input and discussion and school
based tasks and observations within your own classroom and different school contexts:
• Planning and providing opportunities for deeper learning in literacy
• Planning for better quality questioning and talk
• Taking Literacy outdoors: does it make a difference?
• Teachers will work in triads with teachers from two other schools supported by an experienced trainer/facilitator.
• Teachers will select a focus and plan a lesson in the context of whole class teaching.
Session 1
A central day for all participants led by an experienced trainer/facilitator:
• Introduction to the programme and the aims
• Exploration of the themes
• Forming of triads and agreement on a focus
• Joint planning the triad lesson
• Improving skills for observing and reflecting on a lesson for maximum impact
Session 2
Each teacher will teach the planned lesson in their own classroom context observed by the other two
colleagues in their triad after which they will together reflect on the learning and agree any amendments or adjustments to the planning. The lesson will then be taught by the remaining 2 teachers in turn, with the ‘reflect and improve’ cycle repeated. This will mean the triad moving across
three schools during the day.
Session 3
All teachers will gather with the trainer/facilitator to share the planned lessons across the whole group
and reflect on the impact of the lessons on pupil learning and the professional development arising.
Teachers will be supported in producing a 30 minute presentation to feed back to staff in their own
Package Fee: £245 per delegate
DTSA Partner Fee: £195 per delegate
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Middle Leaders Development Package
The ‘Middle Leaders Development Programme’ is a package for aspiring and existing middle
leaders. The programme consists of three full days of training.
Programme framework:
DAY 1: Thursday 1 October 2015 - ‘Ensuring Quality in Learning and Teaching’
• What is learning? What does it look like?
• Core Principles of Learning; what do you believe? What do you expect?
• Quality of Learning + Teaching in your Subject/Key Stage; how do you know?
• Implications of the new Ofsted Framework and Raise On Line
• Effective Monitoring and Evaluation – what does it look like
• Observing Learning – Key Skills and Criteria – what are we looking for?
• Personal Audit and Planning for Day 2
Day 2 - Thursday 5 November 2015 - ‘Leading Learning/Managing Accountability’
• Leading Learning and Managing Learning – the difference
• What does a Learning Focused School look like ?
• Accountability – what is it and why is it needed?
• Challenges for headship and key principles
Day 3 - Thursday 3 December 2015 - ‘Leading Effective Change/Distributed Leadership’
• Introduction to change models
• Climate for effective change – what are the key dimensions ?
• How the leader’s style impacts on the climate for the change ?
• An understanding of distributed leadership - conditions necessary
Venue: Morley Hayes, Main Road, Morley, Derbyshire, DE7 6DG
Target Audience: Middle Leaders in all phases of schools / aspiring middle leaders in all phases of
Objective: To develop leadership skills to support pupil progress
Trainers: Dave Grewer has substantial experience of working with Headteachers and Leadership
Teams both nationally and internationally supporting numerous schools in Dubai, Qatar and Abu Dhabi. Dave has worked with both primary and secondary, supporting leadership at all levels. More recently he has been a lead facilitator for the Local Leaders in Education Programme which has involved
leading Headteachers through the accreditation programme.
Package Fee: £375 per delegate
DTSA Partner Fee: £295 per delegate
booking@dtsa.org.uk01332 543 836
Aspiring Senior Leaders Package
This programme is for aspiring/existing senior leaders. It consists of three full days training
and is delivered by local headteachers working with Dave Grewer, an experienced Headteacher who delivers training all around the world with excellent feedback.
Programme framework:
Day 1 - Thursday 19 January 2016 - ‘Strategic Leadership’
• What do good leaders do ?
• Aligning the people and the organisation
• Developing strategic capability and agility in the school
• Characteristics of the effective strategic leader
Day 2 - Thursday 10 March 2016 - ‘Leading Learning/Managing Accountability’
• Leading Learning and Managing Learning – the difference
• What does a Learning Focused School look like ?
• Accountability – what is it and why is it needed?
• Challenges for headship and key principles
Day 3 - Thursday 28 April 2016 - ‘Leading Effective Change/Distributed Leadership’
• Introduction to change models
• Climate for effective change – what are the key dimensions ?
• How the leader’s style impacts on the climate for the change ?
• An understanding of distributed leadership - conditions necessary
Venue: Morley Hayes, Main Road, Morley, Derbyshire, DE7 6DG
Target Audience: Aspiring senior leaders/middle managers and aspiring headteachers who are looking to move into SMT positions or on to NPQH programmes.
• Understanding of what is needed for this ‘step up’
• Roles and expectations
• How to apply for these roles
• Self-awareness of personal skills
• How to sell yourself
• What to expect at interview and what to expect if appointed.
Trainers: The programme will be delivered by local headteachers working with Dave Grewer.
Package Fee: £375 per delegate
DTSA Partner Fee: £295 per delegate
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DTSA School Leaders Residential Conference
‘Leading for Impact’
Leadership Dialogues for Pupil Progress
the classroom - the school - the system
The planning group is currently putting a detailed programme together for the residential conference. It will again feature high quality key notes from some of the best educational speakers around with opportunities for round table discussions and question and answer sessions.
There will also be range of practical workshops. On the Thursday evening there will be a drinks
reception plus a pupil performance and an evening quiz. Speakers confirmed so far include:
Andy Vass, Education Coach
For Andy it is quite simple. It all boils down to the fact that the quality of your leadership depends on
the quality of the conversations you have. So, what are you doing to make sure you are having the
right conversations with the right person at the right time? Andy’s extensive career in education has
taken him from the classroom and headship to specialising in behaviour management to professional
development, confidence and well-being training to coaching and mentoring guidance. What this
unique experience has proven to him is the powerful link between all of these factors and the manner
in which this link is embodied in the leadership of the school. In an entertaining, practical, proven and
jargon-free way, Andy takes teachers and school leaders through what they need to know – and then
do – in order to bring the best out in everyone in the school community, including themselves.
“Andy’s presentation and style is inspirational – makes me want to put it all into practice right
“Superb presentation – totally relevant and tremendously thought provoking. Excellent group
activities and feeling of involvement”
“I’ve been teaching 30 years and I still took copious notes”
“The most useful and empowering training I have participated in as a head teacher”
Dave Harris, Managing Director of Independent Thinking in the UK
Dave has many years’ experience as a head teacher in a variety of different and challenging school
environments. His gift is the ability to see beyond the many obstacles in front of him and relentlessly
generate creative and imaginative approaches to overcoming them. His passion for working within
challenging communities is matched by his passion for through-schooling, for innovation inside and
outside the classroom and for leadership that is both courageous and humane. Dave’s third book,
Leadership Dialogues with Professor John West Burnham, provides ideas and resources to help
leadership teams to transform their school by using the latest research. Dave is a popular speaker and
writer both nationally and internationally.
“The response to the presentation was unanimously favourable and I think you may be able to
form a fan club in this area!”
“It was so good to listen to you. Your input was inspirational - you were a hard act to follow. I
know that everyone found your session useful and very informative quite apart from being immensely entertaining”
booking@dtsa.org.uk01332 543 836
Thursday 12 and Friday 13 November 2015
at Eastwood Hall
Nina Jackson, Educational Consultant
With a background in special needs education and many years’ experience in schools focusing on music, the Arts and teaching and learning in all its guises, Nina has a breath-taking grasp of what makes
classrooms, children - and their teachers - tick. Nina has worked across the UK and as far afield as
Ghana, Chile and the Middle East covering school improvement areas including teaching and learning,
motivation, special needs, learning technologies and emotional well-being. Her latest book, Dear Nina,
is due out next year.
“The energy and pizzazz with which you made your presentation was mind blowing…you hardly
stopped for breath”
“Inspirational! Has given me some excellent ideas, as well as confirm what I’ve been doing in
my classroom”
“Fun filled, inspiring, energetic and energising, some great ideas, very thought provoking and
Emma Ing, Senior HMI
Emma Ing has been an HMI since 2005 and is now a Senior HMI responsible for a patch of schools in
the East Midlands. She is a qualified teacher and held a variety of management positions in schools
and local authorities. Emma has particular experience of faith schools. She leads inspections of maintained and independent secondary and primary schools, academies and pupil referral units. She has
inspected aspects of local authority children’s services. Emma has is currently leading on work with
schools aimed at closing the gaps in pupil achievement.
Clive Davies, Director of Focus Education
Clive works with schools both nationally and internationally. He draws on a vast experience, including
work as a headteacher, Ofsted inspector,trainer and consultant. Clive has a wealth of experience working with schools to analyse their current position and supporting leaders to construct purposeful and
fit-for-purpose self-evaluation systems which impact on pupil outcomes. Over recent years, Clive has
been focusing particularly on the development of an approach to leading and delivering the curriculum
which ensures a high degree of engagement for children. He is one of the innovators for the learning challenge curriculum which has gained national acclaim for its success. Clive works in all areas
of school improvement and works from early years through the secondary phase. As a headteacher,
Clive’s school gained a National Curriculum Award and featured in the TES as one of three schools
recognised for its quality practice. He has recently worked in the Middle East, Europe and Japan.
‘Leading for Impact’
Leadership Dialogues for Pupil Progress
the classroom - the school - the system
DTSA Annual School Leaders Residential Conference
12 and 13 November 2015 at Eastwood Hall
Package Fee: £435 per delegate
DTSA Partner Fee: £355 per delegate
Follow us on twitter for regular updates @DerbyTeaching
School to School Support
Derby Teaching School Alliance recognises that by working together and sharing our collective learning we can support system-wide improvements.
We seek to continue improving partnership working between schools as the best foundation for raising
standards. We have a wide range of high quality expertise available and work carefully with schools
to consider how best to match the appropriate support to the needs of the schools and the individuals
concerned. Any programme of support would begin with a detailed discussion about the specific focus
of the planned work, thereby enabling a bespoke programme to be designed. We do not believe that
‘one size fits all’ – bespoke packages of support will be developed which will vary from shorter,
one-off pieces of work to longer term projects.
School to school support is best when developed with schools and has a focus on building internal
capacity to sustain improvement. We believe that best practice can be found in many contexts and settings and seek to develop practical ways of sharing best practice involving staff from a wide range
of roles. We will work with schools through discussion to find the most appropriate and effective support to enable them to deliver the highest quality of education for their pupils.
DTSA continues to build up its pool of NLEs; LLEs; SLEs and local Lead Practitioners and we have
a wide range of colleagues that are available to be commissioned and deployed to support schools.
Names and brief biographies of colleagues working with DTSA are regularly updated and placed on
our website. If you are interested in becoming part of the DTSA pool or would like to discuss
this further in the first instance please contact Nicola Davies on booking@dtsa.org.uk.
Should you be interested in accessing school based support in the first instance please contact Nicola Davies on booking@dtsa.org.uk
‘Being open and attentive is more effective than being judgemental.’
John Heider
Specialist Leaders of Education
The DfE introduced the SLE role to improve the quality of school leadership through school-to-school
support and peer-to-peer learning. SLEs are outstanding, experienced middle and senior leaders who
have the skills to support individuals or teams in similar positions in other schools. They understand
what outstanding leadership practice in their area of expertise looks like and are skilled in helping
other leaders to achieve it in their own context. SLEs will support the development of the leadership
capacity of others, using coaching or facilitation support that draws on their knowledge and particular
area of expertise. The SLE is a new designation linked to National Teaching Schools. Nationally, since
2011, over 3,000 SLEs have been designated, with the aim to recruit every year, building up to 5,000
by 2014–15 and more after that.
booking@dtsa.org.uk01332 543 836
Amongst the priority areas for SLE work are:
• Mathematics/Numeracy
• English/Literacy
• Special Educational Needs
• Science
• Behaviour and discipline
• ITT and NQT support
SLEs are interviewed, assessed, designated, deployed, quality assured and supported by their Teaching School Alliance. Support will always focus on sustainable leadership development and
school improvement. With this in mind, each deployment will start with a clearly defined Deployment
Agreement. DTSA has designated 13 SLEs with more to come in May 2014. All have now
completed their induction training and are eligible for deployment.
The benefits for your school
This type of peer support is credible because:
• It is rooted in current leadership practice and draws on real, relevant experience
• Takes place within your school, with the SLE working alongside staff and taking into account demands on their time
• Is flexible and bespoke, adapting to the particular needs of your school
• Brings a fresh perspective to specific challenges or issues, as well as specialist knowledge and expertise
• Always seeking collaborative development
• Helps to assure long-term, sustainable improvement
• Can contribute to improving school performance overall, by providing a specific focus for development and implementing tangible goals that staff can really engage with
• Coaching model which is non-judgemental, whose aim is to support the on-going development of the school
• A clearly defined agreement based on the needs of the supported school is in place prior to the
How can I request SLE support?
All SLE deployment will be brokered via DTSA. It is anticipated that their potential deployment will be
foreseen in the whole school improvement plan and that they will be used proactively in a developmental, strategic way.
A key element of SLE work is relationship building; from the very beginning of the process the Teaching School will be looking to build trust and rapport with the host school before any formalised
agreement is put in place. For full information about SLEs and their deployment go to our website.
SLEs are charged at a rate of £200 for a half day and £350 per full day for school based work.
Where work is over several sessions rates can be negotiated. If you are interested in
accessing support from an SLE or would like to discuss this further, in the first instance
please contact Nicola Davies on booking@dtsa.org.uk.
Follow us on twitter for regular updates @DerbyTeaching
Termly Headteacher Development Day Package (PEIP)
What are the benefits to schools?
Partnerships having these days centrally administered should note that following discussions with lead
headteachers it has been decided to reduce the costs to only cover the planning, delivery, venue and
administration of the termly headteacher development days. The original aims if these days are still
• To develop high quality relationships and partnerships between headteachers.
• To provide opportunities for headteachers to share experiences and develop professionally.
• To find quality time to reflect and take part in individual, small and whole group activities that improve a head’s ability to lead on learning.
‘It’s not the way the wind blows, but how you set your sails that counts.’
What does the package include?
To bring headteachers out of their school for three development days each year is expensive in terms
of your time, so it is very important that these days are really well planned, administered and
facilitated. It remains central that these events improve your leadership of learning and contribute to
raising standards of achievement. Consequently much time and effort goes into the planning of each Headteacher development day. Headteachers that are on the core planning groups give up their time
freely to support their colleagues and they continue to deserve our thanks.
The culture and purpose of Headteacher Development Days is perhaps best described through the
language of a ‘Professional Learning Community’ which Andy Hargreaves has usefully contrasted with
a top down model he calls ‘Performance Training Sects’.
Performance Training Sects
Professional Learning Communities
Transfer Knowledge
Imposed Requirement
Results Driven
False Certainty
Standardised Scripts
Deference to Authority
Intensive Training
Sects of Performance
Transform Knowledge
Shared Inquiry
Evidence Informed
Situated Certainty
Local Solutions
Joint Responsibility
Continuous Learning
Communities of Practice
Each development day is facilitated by an experienced facilitator paid for 7.5 days work for each group
– this allows them to attend core planning group meetings as well as the three full development days.
In addition there are costs for the venue; administration, reprographics and marketing. We initially had
long discussions about the venue before choosing Makeney Hall. Headteachers on the initial planning
group thought it essential to invest in a decent venue some distance from the city to recognise the mportance of this work and to encourage heads to resist calls back to school. Having several meetings a year at the venue gives some leverage to get the best price. We do regularly compare prices and believe we have negotiated a very good rate per head. Co-ordination and administrative
support is provided by the DTSA office which includes contracting and reprographics.
Headteacher comments from last year’s review of these days included:
‘The focus has rightly been on leadership of learning. The opportunity to share
ideas with other heads is very important and has worked well.’
‘I felt less ‘alone’ as a new head. It takes time to build networks and I was glad
of the opportunity to meet heads in my locality and ask questions.’
‘I cannot reiterate enough the importance of having a group where everyone is
able to talk with everyone else and there is obvious trust between all members.
The size and dynamics of the group are perfect. I have really appreciated the opportunity to attend and learn from more experienced colleagues but also
share my thoughts and ideas. Thank you very much.’
‘The vast amount of experience which is brought together can’t be measured in
monetary terms. It has certainly been worth my time; it has also been worth it
as a school investment because of new initiatives introduced as a result.’
Package price - £495
Dates for Headteacher developments days are currently being planned and will be
published later in the Spring term.
DGP Premium & DGP Core Packages
Both DGP Packages offer local access to support combined with either GOLD or STANDARD
membership of the National Governors Association. Benefits of both packages include:
• DGP local telephone/e-mail support for clerks and governors over the year on our direct line (backed
by expert legal and financial support from the National Association of Governors).
• Unlimited places at DGP Termly Partnership meetings
A chance to be updated every term by DGP and senior NGA personnel on issues of the day facing
governors and clerks.
Dates for next meetings are:
7 – 9 pm on May 6th 2015 Derby Conference Centre
7 – 9 pm on October 6th 2015 Derby Conference Centre
7- 9pm on Feb 25th 2016 Derby Conference Centre
• Unlimited places at DGP Termly Governance Improvement Partnership (GIP) meetings - A chance to collaborate and share practice, concerns and ideas with other governors.
Dates for next meetings are:
7 – 9 pm on July 1st 2015 Derby Conference Centre
7 – 9 pm on Dec 2nd 2015 Derby Conference Centre
7- 9 pm on March 15th 2016 Derby Conference Centre
• 25% discount on DGP’s local focused programme of Governor courses
• 20% discounted rate for all In - School training and support to your whole governing body
• 20% discount on External Auditing of Governance Effectiveness
• 20% discount (and 4 places for the price of 3) at our Annual Governance Conference
• Local personal mentors - to support new chairs of governors and clerks
• Local brokerage service - to provide you with the expert support you may need
• Local termly newsletters -– and the regular DGP bulletins
• Local access to a bank of local examples of policies - via the local Derby Governance Partnership website
• Local access to a FAQ site - via the local Derby Governance Partnership website
• Local representation - via the DGP steering group on the Derby Teaching Schools Alliance CPD/
Leadership Strategic Advisory group
• Local quality assurance - opportunities to quality assure the core package and influence future developments via the partnership group
• Weekly NGA e-mail news briefing
• NGA website - access for each governor to the member’s site
• NGA Guidance Centre - detailed information summaries on a wide range of school governance issues
• Access to Special Schools Governors’ Forum – meetings to discuss areas relating areas of concern to Special Schools (DGP is represented at this forum)
For further information or to subscribe to either package please complete the
form at the end of this document or alternatively contact Becky -
Email: rdunn@saintben.derby.sch.uk Tel: 01332 543835
‘A local partnership supported by a national
DGP Premium - in addition to the benefits on page 28, you also get the following:
Gold National Governors Association (NGA) membership for governors and clerks – this is included in the price of the DGP Premium Package. This gives access to bespoke impartial and professional information, advice and guidance, including changes to constitution and instruments of governance. NGA Gold membership entitles all governors
on your governing body and your clerk access to:
• NGA Support line - GOLD members dedicated line - staffed by active, experienced school governors and experts who will respond promptly to questions from governors and clerks
• NGA Legal services – GOLD members dedicated line – offering independent legal support
• Insurance - 20% discounted liability insurance for school governors and trustees from Alan Boswell Insurance brokers
• NGA Guides and Handbooks - including:
o Welcome to Governance – Induction Handbook
o Chairs Handbook
o Welcome to clerking
o Guide to help governors in their role of Support and Challenge
• Access to the NGA/ Educare First Certificate in Governance for new members of the governing body - an optional online assessment to compliment school and DTSA induction programmes
• Copies of the NGA magazine ‘Governing Matters’ - delivered to the home of each governor six times a year
• NGA member’s events - three free places for each governing body at each event
• NGA conferences – free places to hear high quality national speakers who address the burning issues of the day
The cost of the DGP Premium Package is again only £545 per school
10% small school discount (less than 100 pupils)
DGP Core - in addition to the benefits on page 28, you also get the following:
Standard National Governors Association (NGA) membership for governors and clerks –
this is included in the price of the DGP Core Package. NGA standard membership entitles all
governors on your governing body and your clerk access to:
• A discount on the cost of NGA Guides and Handbooks - including:
o Welcome to Governance – Induction Handbook
o Chairs Handbook
o Welcome to clerking
o Guide to help governors in their role of Support and Challenge
• Copies of the NGA magazine ‘Governing Matters’ - Two copies sent to school, three to governors’ home addresses - a very useful way of keeping in touch with a wide range of issues relating to
• NGA member’s events – one free places for each governing body at each event
• NGA conferences – one free place to hear high quality national speakers who address the burning issues of the day
The cost of the DGP Core package is only £355 per school
10% small school discount (less than 100 pupils)
How DTSA works: Strategic Advisory Groups
DTSA Primary School Direct/ITT and NQT Strategic Advisory Board
Julie King, Headteacher, Homefield Primary (Chair)
Jo Baines, University of Derby
Jane Brandon, Headteacher Cavendish Close Infants
Gill Zelynskyj, Headteacher, St Werburgh’s CofE Primary
Sally Ann Wilson, Headteacher, Gayton Juniors
Karen Clark, Headteacher, Pear Tree Infants
Grace Hoskins, DTSA School Direct Co-ordinator
Mand Fogg, Deputy Headteacher, Chellaston Juniors
Sarah Gibson, School Direct Student
Lisa Doherty, School Direct Student
Paul Briggs, DTSA This Board meets once a term
Core purpose and responsibilities
• To secure high quality entrants to the teaching profession
• To maintain an overview and advise of the DTSA School Direct ITT programme in line with national
guidelines and standards
• To advise on the supply and demand for School Direct ITT students and placements, monitoring data
to assure an appropriate number of quality placements for trainees
• To review regularly gathered structured feedback from students, mentors, headteachers, HEI on the
quality of provision and recommend appropriate improvements
• To track data on completion and employment rates of students
• To maintain an overview of the DTSA NQT programme
• To review regularly gathered structured feedback from NQTs, induction tutors, and headteachers on
the quality of provision and recommend appropriate improvements
DTSA Primary School to School Strategic Advisory Board
Jonathan Gallimore, Headteacher, Hardwick Primary (Chair)
Jane Green, Executive Headteacher, Village Primary and Alvaston Juniors
Penny Brown, Executive Headteacher, Ashcroft Primary and Cottons Farm Primary
Hannah Simmons, Headteacher, Walter Evans CofE Primary and Nursery
Clare McGeary, Headteacher, Markeaton Primary
Carolyn Stops, Carlise Infants
Wendy Colebourne, Headteacher, Harrington Nursery School and NEEDU
Jo Sadler, Headteacher, Melbourne Infants
Gary Dodds, Headteacher, St Martin’s Special
Christine Tarpey, Derby City Local Authority representative
Mark Mallendar, Derbyshire Church of England Diocese
Christine Chafer, Regional Adviser, NCTL
Paul Briggs, DTSA This Board meets once a term
Core Purpose and Responsibilities
• To work towards all schools being judged good or better by Ofsted
• To gather appropriate data to diagnose where intervention may needed and to monitor the impact of
any intervention
• To maintain an overview and advise on the process of commissioning support from DTSA to meet
the needs of schools in a range of contexts and when necessary, to provide support for schools in
challenging circumstances
• To support the development of DTSA’s capacity through the roles of the SLE, LLE, NLE and NLG so
that there is timely, efficient and effective capacity for deployment for school to school support when
• To advise on the co-ordination of support for schools requesting support to raise pupil achievement
and close the achievement gap between key groups
• To advise on the co-ordination bids for funding from the DfE and other places
• To work towards support for schools moving from intervention to prevention
• To work in partnership with other Alliances in an open and transparent way
• To advise on quality assurance procedures to ensure work is evaluated
• To hold a local data base of NLEs, LLEs, SLEs, and NLGs working with DTSA
• To build links with the East Midlands Ofsted team to support the work of DTSA
DTSA CPD/Leadership/Research Strategic Advisory Board
David Hall, Headteacher, Brackensdale Juniors (Chair)
Amanda Greaves, Headteacher, St Mary’s Catholic Primary
David Blackwell, Headteacher, Springfield Primary
Alison Woodhouse, Headteacher, St Peters CofE (VA) Juniors
Jon Fordham, Headteacher, Allenton Primary
Sue James, Headteacher, Beckett Primary
Alistair Crawford, SLE, St Andrews Special
Laura Bagley, School Business Manager, Harrington Nursery School and NEEDU
Val Poultney, Senior Lecturer, University of Derby
Chris Merrick, Derby Governance Partnership
Paul Briggs, DTSA
This Board meets once a term
Core purpose and Responsibilities
• To work towards all classrooms having really good teaching and learning
• To maintain an overview and advise on the DTSA’s strategy for professional development and training for the school workforce from entry into the profession to headship and beyond
• To advise on the delivery of an efficient, effective and sustainable annual CPD and Leadership Development programme that offers excellent value for money through the existing not for profit Charitable Trust arrangements
• To support programmed activities being ‘for schools – by schools’ and based on needs identified by
schools through existing partnership arrangements
• To support succession planning by identifying leadership potential and retaining good leaders in local schools
• To promote a research and development strategy to be at the heart of DTSA’s approach to school
improvement and pedagogical practice
• Work collaboratively with HEI partners to quality assure all research using international standards
and peer review, publishing research findings
SLE Commissioning Form
Please fully complete this form giving as much detail as possible to enable us to best match
your needs to our most suitable SLE.
Subject Area:
Date of Request:
Deployment Ref:
Focus of Work
(Please give specific detail on the support required and also what your
expected outcomes are as a result of the SLE support)
Approximate Amount of SLE Time Required
(The minimum visiting unit is half a day per visit)
When is the
Support Required:
Contact Details of Requesting School:
Requesting School:
Contact Name:
Contact Email:
Contact Phone Number:
Contact Address:
Please return this form to Business and Marketing Manager Nicola Davies
who will get back to you about your request within five working days.
Email: nicola.davies@dtsa.org.uk
Post: DTSA, Duffield Road, Darley Abbey, Derby, DE22 1JD
Fax: 01332 553 032
booking@dtsa.org.uk01332 543 836
DTSA Packages Booking Form
DTSA Partner Package
Schools Link: Core Network
Schools Link: Foundation Network
Schools Link: SBM Network Package
‘Ready to Learn?’ Package
Primary NQT Package
(Number of)
Recently Qualified Teacher Package
(Number of)
Teaching for Sustained Pupil Progress
Good to Outstanding Teaching
(Number of)
Lesson Study Day Package
Please circle
Eng;ish or Maths
Improving Whole Class English Teaching
Middle Leaders Development Package
(Number of)
Aspiring Senior Leaders Package
(Number of)
School Leaders Residential Conference
(Number of)
Termly Headteacher Development Day Package (PEIP)
DGP Premium Package with NGA Gold
DGP Core Package with NGA Standard
______ places
______ places
______ places
______ places
______ places
______ places
Name of school:
Position held:
Email: nicola.davies@dtsa.org.uk
Post: DTSA, Duffield Road, Darley Abbey, Derby, DE22 1JD
Fax: 01332 553 032
Follow us on twitter for regular updates @DerbyTeaching
Further Information:
The DTSA Website: www.dtsa.org.uk
Email: booking@dtsa.org.uk
Phone: 01332 543 836
Address: DTSA, Duffield Road, Darley Abbey, Derby, DE22 1JD
Twitter: @DerbyTeaching
01332 543 836