Duncan Christian Reformed Church


Duncan Christian Reformed Church
Duncan Christian Reformed Church
930 Trunk Road, Duncan, British Columbia, V9L 2S1
April 19, 2015
Walt Vanderwerf, Pastor
Child care for infants to 3 is located in
the wing to the right of the sanctuary.
Henry Vanderschaaf,
Leader of Congregational Life
Sunday school children 3 years to
grade 5 are dismissed part way
through the service and return during
the service.
Office: 250 748-2122
Church Hall: 250 748-2109
Fax: 250 748-2365
Office E-mail:
Church Website: www.duncancrc.org
The prayer room is staffed before and
after the morning service.
Hearing assistance is available upon
request from the usher.
10 am Worship Service
Song: Lord Our Lord, Your Glorious
Name #500:1,4,5 Red Hymnal
Opening Prayer / greeting
Song: Lead on O King Eternal #328 Red
King of Heaven
Song: Blessed be Your Name
Song: Your Name
Children’s message
Prayer for the Offering
Offering: Duncan Christian School and
Church Ministries
Song: Whom Shall I fear (God of Angel
Pastor Walt Vanderwerf will bring the
Message “The Devil’s Schemes” from
Ephesians 6:10-20 (pg1824)
Song: The Battle Belongs to the Lord
Song: What a Friend We Have in Jesus
Song: Your Great Name
Service Notes:
Ephesians 6:11,12
Put on the full armour of God so that you
can take your stand against the devil's
schemes. For our struggle is not against
flesh and blood, but against... the powers of
this dark world...
7 pm Worship Service
Song: O Worship the King #428:1,2,3
Song: Rejoice the Lord is King
Song: The King of Glory Comes #370
Prayer for the Offering
We offer to God our gifts: Harbour
Missions and Literature Fund
Evening Prayers (requests, intercessions,
Pastor Walt Vanderwerf will bring the
Message “The Anointed” from Luke 4:1430 (pg 1596)
Song: Hark the Glad Sound! #335
Closing Prayer
Song: To God be the Glory #632
Service Notes:
Luke 4:18,19
The Spirit of the Lord is on me because he
has anointed me to preach good news to
the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the
prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind,
to release the oppressed, to proclaim the
year of the Lord’s favor.
Church Family
Sharon S was brought to CDH last Sunday;
on Monday evening she was operated on, to
deal with Chrohn's/Colitis. She was
scheduled to return home Friday. Let's pray
for healing and restoration, that this disease
that has caused such great distress, may be
Danny is staying at Glengarry hospital 1780
Fairfield ave in Victoria. He is in the Chandler
We keep praying for those who dealing with
chronic illness, or are recovering from
surgery; Jenny B, Nell P. And for those
dealing with issues of dementia and other
mental health issues.
Pray for those nominated for elder and
deacon, that they may feel the Lord's touch
on their lives and his calling them personally
into such service.
Birthdays this Week
Sunday, April 19: Jannes P, Corrie V
Monday, April 20: Joey A
Tuesday, April 21: Trudy W
Wednesday, April 22: Amaya D, David M,
Harvey W
Sunday, April 26: Sietze K
Worship Services today
The offering this morning is for Duncan
Christian School and Church Ministries.
The offering this evening is for Harbour
Missions and Literature Fund.
Message series: "Our Struggle." This
morning we take a first look at this, seeing
how the devil has schemes meant to pull us
away from our goal, which is to become like
Jesus. Next week: 1 Peter 5:1-11, another on
our struggle against the devil. These will be
followed in future weeks, the Lord willing,
with other struggles, described in James 1:112; Romans 5:1-11; and Hebrews 12:1-12,
bringing us up to Pentecost.
Next Sunday April 26
The offering next Sunday morning will be
for Church Ministries.
The offering in the evening will be for
Church Ministries.
CRC Communications
Get Connected! - The Network has always
been about making connections. Across the
CRC, there are people like you who are
involved in their church’s ministry. By
connecting you with your peers, The
Network helps you quickly find the answers,
tools, and ideas you need to serve in your
congregation! Join The Network
(www.crcna.org/Network) to find blogs,
discussion topics, ministry Q&A, church
jobs, and much more!
Think Christian Creation Care E-book - What
does "fill the Earth and subdue it" look like
in our everyday lives? A special collection on
creation care from Think Christian explores
this intriguing question. In time for Earth
Day, we look at perspectives on an array of
environment-related topics from some of
TC's contributors. Get it at
Christian Reformed World Missions
There are some copies of April 2015
Missions Advocate on the Welcome Table in
the Foyer.
This Saturday, at 10 am “It takes a WHOLE Church to
be a SAFE Church”
A “Safe Church Ministry Needs Assessment” meeting will take
place this Saturday.
This meeting is for:
All leaders involved with children, youth, young adults &
vulnerable persons.
Council members
Church Staff
All leaders of any adult ministry.
Ministry Needs Assessment will provide our church &
ministries with an overview of our safe church related needs,
giving direction to ways the Safe Church Team & the Abuse
Prevention & Response Coordinator can best support the important work done in and through
our church.
Facilitated by the BCNW & BCSE Classis Safe Church Team
Abuse Prevention & Response Coordinator Faye Martin, sfmartin@telus.net
EVERYONE is encouraged to sign up for “Listening
Groups” on May 7, 8 or 9 (sign-up sheet is in the
(Pastor-Church Relations, CRCNA)
Listening groups involve a process by which
congregational members are provided an opportunity to
share their experiences and perspectives on the life of
the congregation.
The groups consist of four to twelve people meeting
with a staff person from Pastor-Church Relations for
approximately 75 minutes. Sign-up sheets are available,
in the foyer.
The format of the conversations consists of a structured conversation in which individuals are
asked to respond to three questions:
1. What do you value about this church?
2. What concerns you about this church?
3. What are your dreams for this church?
Responses are recorded on newsprint. When all of the sessions are completed the facilitator
will review the responses and draft a report which highlights key dynamics and noteworthy
threads. The report is intended to provide some clarity and assist the church leadership in
thinking about next steps.
The report will be presented to Council, and copies will be made available for members of the
congregation. Your participation and input will be valued.
“Blaze, Spirit, Blaze
Join us for our Sunday Morning ignite gatherings from 8:30-9:30 am (coffee is
ready at 8:20) in the Fireside Room.
Wednesday Night Prayer
We are meeting for prayer on Wednesdays again at 7 pm in the prayer room and hope that
many will join us. Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. (Colossians 4:2)
Thursday April 23
Rijk Visscher's Care Group meets Thursday 7:00 at the church. We will be looking at the
Parable of the Good Samaritan Luke 10:25. Everyone is welcome.
Alex Komodore is a Denver-based virtuoso guitarist. His powerful interpretations, formidable
technique, and natural musicianship have won unanimous praise from critics, audiences, and
many of the world's finest guitarists. His recordings and appearances with top-notch choral
ensembles such as Kantori and the St. John's Cathedral Choir have also received national
acclaim. A tireless teacher, Alex heads the guitar program at Metropolitan State University of
Denver, where he is assistant professor of guitar and music theory.
Alex is a member of Third CRC in Denver, Colorado.
Admission is $10 donation. Proceeds for Lifewater Canada.
Monthly Community Dinner
THIS SATURDAY is the monthly free dinner for those in our community going through hard
times. Many volunteers are needed to make this possible! This is a wonderful way to be
involved in serving others and being the hands and feet of Jesus in a practical way. THANK
YOU to all the faithful volunteers who help out! If you have a few free hours this Saturday
between 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. when we set up, prepare the food, serve and clean up - please come
and help out. You will be blessed! If you can't get out but would like to help by cooking a
turkey at home and cutting it up for turkey a la king please let Anneke or Affie know. We have
to cook 6 - 8 turkeys depending on their size. That would really help! Thank you so much!
Physician assisted suicide/Euthanasia is being legalized in Canada, how does a
Christian respond?
This topic will be covered in a presentation followed by discussion and question time,
facilitated by Dr. Lauren Jackson on Sunday, April 26th at 1 pm in the New Life Church Chapel.
This talk is open to all, with coffee and muffins provided. No registration necessary, simply
come learn about this important topic.
After Church Coffee & Play Time
Parents or other helpful individuals: could you make sure sandbox covers are put back after
the morning service coffee and play time.
Freedom Gospel Choir Concert this Saturday and Sunday
On Sat. Apr 25 at 7:30 PM and Sunday Apr. 26 at 2:00 PM the Freedom Gospel choir under the
direction of Anne Antonides, will present their annual concert, entitled "Going Home", at St
Andrew's Presbyterian Church on Herbert St.
Tickets are $15.00 (children under 12 free) and are available from choir members (Estherina B,
John S, Susan W and Angelina W) or at the door. Last year both concerts sold out so get your
tickets early!
Registration for Cascade Family Bible Camp
is now open. Spend a memorable weekend (July 9-13) at Warm Beach, Washington enjoying
the outdoors, listening to inspiring speakers, and having a great time with others from the
church. First time attenders save 50% on registration. Registration forms are available at
www.cascadefamilybiblecamp.org where you can register online.
From the Deacons
Needs in the Congregation: If there are extra
needs for church members or if you know of
a need please let the Deacons know. Also if
you are willing and able to help at fulfilling
needs please contact one of the Deacons.
Collection tokens are available to be
purchased from the deacons. Please contact
the deacons if you have further questions.
Token values are $1, $2, $5, $10, preferably
paid for by cheque.
Phone & Care Group Lists, Website
The bulletin and weekly sermons can be
are kept in the Office beside the photocopier. found on our website, www.duncancrc.org
Christian Reformed Communications:
Please submit any changes to phone or
address information.
Phone lists and Care Group Lists
Duncan Christian Reformed Church
As followers of Jesus, we are Christian, being His presence in the world, receiving His life.
We are Reformed seeking first God’s Kingdom and righteousness.
We are Church living in our neighbourhoods, being a light in the darkness, enabled by the
power of Jesus to serve and love.
“As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have
received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make
every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and
one Spirit - just as you were called to one hope when you were called - one Lord, one faith, one
baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” Ephesians 4:1-6
This Week’s Schedule
Serving This Week
Ignite 8:30-9:30 am (coffee is ready
at 8:20) in the Fireside Room
Mon Elders’ Mtg
Tues YDC
Wed Prayer at the church 7 pm
Thurs Coffee Break Women’s Bible Study &
Nursery 9:30 - 11:30 pm. Nursery:
Henrietta Gr, Ida vB
Thurs Rijk Visscher’s Care Group 7 pm at
the church
Guitar Concert with Alex Komofore.
7 pm. Proceeds for Lifewater Canada
Safe Church Team's MINISTRY
Community Dinner
April 19
Driver: Joe W
Hall Monitor: Keith L
Nursery: BJ or Albert, Shirley, Laurissa
Ushers: Jerry K, Joe Rubin
Deacons: Will, Norm, Andrew, Benjamin
Greeters: Alex & Irene V
Leading Elder: James vH
Welcome Table: Joanne B
Prayer Room: Marg V, Anneke W
Worship Team:
AM: Henry, Josie, Amanda, Matt, Michelle,
Margie, Ellen
PM: Pastor Walt
Coffee Servers: Bruce & Aafke J, Jack & Eileen
F, Alice B
Sunday School:
3-4 yr/K: Henrietta G, Pierson A
Gr.1,2: Jen T
Gr.3,4,5: Brenda Vds, Nick K
Future Dates
Serving Next Week
Apr 26 Ignite 8:30-9:30 am (coffee is ready
at 8:20) in the Fireside Room
May 4 Full Council Mtg
May 7,8,9 Listening Sessions (facilitated by
Pastor-Church Relations)
May 10 Lord’s Supper
April 26
Driver: Will B
Hall Monitor: Gerald W
Nursery: Josie or Andrew, Trudy, Morgan
Ushers: Gerald W, Matt B
Deacons: Dustin, Joel, Will, Norm
Leading Elder: Sandy V
Welcome Table: Shirley P
Prayer Room: Ko S
Worship Team:
AM: Marilyn, Affie, Angelina, John D, Jeremy
PM: Marilyn, John D, Ellen
Coffee Servers: Dick & Deanna N, Marius &
Joyce P, Michelle N
Sunday School:
3-4 yr/K: Brenda Vds, Georrie A
Gr.1,2: Jen T
Gr.3,4,5: Brenda Vds, Nick K