PRINCIPAL`S MESSAGE: - Dr. WA MacLeod Consolidated


PRINCIPAL`S MESSAGE: - Dr. WA MacLeod Consolidated
April 2015 Dr.W.A. MacLeod Consolidated School, 6193 Trafalgar Rd., RIVERTON, NS B0K 1S0 Telephone 755-8450 Fax 755-8555
Dear Parent/Guardian(s):
April is here! We hope
sunshine and warm weather will
be just around the corner and
we see the end of all this snow!
We are proud to
introduce our school website to
the community this month!
Please take a few moments to
look through the information
the site offers and continue to
do so as the site will improve as
the months progress. Should
you have any suggestions
regarding items that could be
added to the site, please let us
Our renovations and
expansion continue throughout
the days and evenings. Our
downstairs washrooms should
be completed by the end of the
month and the outside addition
is beginning to take shape. As
always, thanks for your
cooperation during this time of
upheaval. I’m sure there will
continue to be some
inconveniences but we will
benefit in the long run!
With two thirds of our
school year finished it is
important that we continue to
strive for improvement.
Attendance, completed
assignments, homework (in some
grades) and good classroom
work habits will all contribute
to your child’s success.
Have a wonderful April!
Enjoy April!
Lee Ann Stacey
Abby Hendsbee, Jill Matlock,
Caitlyn Jobe, Hannah Fraser, Lexi
Pountney, Amelia Steeves,
Megan Petipas
Best Wishes to all who are
participating in this competition.
April 23
April 28
May 1
May 4
June 2
June 3
ci on parle francais!
The following students will be
participating in the French Public
Speaking Competition held at New
Glasgow Academy on April 15th.
April 15
April 15
April 16
April 17
April 21
April 22
April 23
May 1014
May 18
SAC Meeting 4:30 pm
Home & School 6:30 pm
Culture Day
In-service – NO SCHOOL
MORE Proclamation
Earth Day
Mr. Boardway’s visit to
HCMS – Grade 8’s
DANCE 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Gr. 9 Orientation NNEC
9:30-11:30 am
NSSAF Celebration
Student Conference
June 3
Integrated French Trip
To Quebec
Victoria Day .
Student Mixer & Parent
Presentation and Tour at
NRHS 6:30-7:30
Grade 8 Orientation Day at
Grade 6 Orientation
(Current grade 7’s stay home)
Practices have begun for the
play, “If the Shoe Fits”. The
cast meets on Wednesdays
from 6:00 – 8:00 pm.
Additional Sunday practices
from 3:00 – 5:00 pm will be
added beginning May 3rd. The
date for the production is
June 5th and 6th. The play is a
modern twist of Cinderella.
Mrs. Vicky Graham is the
director and Mrs. Fulton is the
Assistant director /Staff
Top sellers were: Bailey Kaye,
Hailey Pushie and Emily Young
Congratulations to Krista MacInnis
who was the winner of the trip to
Cuba. Thank you to everyone who
sold and bought the tickets to
support our major school fundraiser.
displays for the students to enjoy!
Thank you to all of the
Parents/Guardians and Community
members that assisted the grade 8
French classes with fundraising for
our year end trip to Quebec.
Students will be leaving on Sunday
May 10th.
Dawson MacDonald/Brianna Sharpe
Alauryn Dunn/Cale Bonvie
Kaleb Spaulding/Taylor Ebbett
Amber Stoddard/Mitchell Jardine
Dylan Sharpe/Colby Bonhomme
Marcy McDonald/John Luke Taylor
Haley Pushie/Lexi Pountney
Kolby Gennoe/Gwen Law
Mason LeLacheur/Bryanna Mallett
Kade Mason/Nevan Miller
Emma MacIntosh/Bailey Mabey
Josh MacMaster/Cameryn Richardson
Ryan G. MacKenzie
Madison Chace
At DWAMC we want to
celebrate student
achievements and
accomplishments in many
ways. One way is to select
students for the “ALPHA”
Awards. Congratulations
to all recipients!
We will be holding a “Culture
Day” for grade P-8 on
April16th. The focus will be on
three countries; China, South
Korea and India. There will be
information, activities, and
Our Breakfast Program is
operating five days a week at
DWAMC to help out students who
are not able to have breakfast at
home. If you are able to support
this very beneficial program we
would greatly appreciate any
donations of cereal, yogurt or fruit.
The Churchville Women’s Institute
has made a donation for our
program as well as juice and cereal.
Thank you to all the groups that
donate to the program.
Thank you to Hector Building
Supplies and TRA for assisting us
with our Tech/Shop programs at
MacLeod School.
If anyone has big pieces of
cardboard ---–please let Mr.
Fortune know as it is needed for
student projects.
Mr. Bob Boardway, Vice Principal at
NRHS will visit grade 8 students on
Thursday, April 23rd to begin the
orientation, transition process for
our students. This is certainly an
exciting time for our students
as they prepare for next year.
Students at MacLeod School
will be involved in a Student
Day on May 4th. Grade 7 & 8
students will be involved in
workshops relating to Active
Living, Self Esteem, Healthy
Relations and Job Skills. Travis
Price the Founder of “Pink Day”
will be the conference guest
speaker with sessions for
Elementary and Jr. High
Students. Special thanks to
Mrs. MacCallum and staff for
making this event happen for
our students!
DWAMC students will run in
the May 7th “Marathon of
Respect and Equality”. WAY
Each year the Nova Scotia
School Athletic Federation has
a dinner that celebrates
exemplary student athletes.
These recipients are nominated
by their schools and attend a
banquet in Halifax where they
receive certificates. The
awards recognize outstanding
athletes who demonstrate all
that is good about school
sports, fair play, respect and
dedication. We are very proud
to announce that this year’s
NSSAF student athletes are
and Jeremy Voutour and
Abby Hoare.
DWAMC Coyotes!
Softball season will begin soon
at Dr. W.A. MacLeod
Consolidated ! Miss Williston
is coaching our Jr. girls
Softball Team. There are
usually about seven games
scheduled for Jr. High
Students. Also the Elementary
girls will be fielding a team ,
coached by Monique Battist,
Kelly Marshall and Katherine
Martin. We are looking
forward to seeing our
COYOTES on the field! Come
out and support the teams.
Anyone wishing to participate
are asked to see Miss Williston
(Grade 7 & 8) or Miss Marshall
(Grade 4,5,6,) (Team members
are reminded to bring your
glove to practice.)
MacLeod Consolidated will again
this year have a contingent of
track athletes who joined
track. They are heading to
Districts and Regionals in May
and Provincials take place in June.
Thanks to Mr. DeMings for
offering to be our Track coach in
Mr. Gordon’s absence. He has been
very supportive to the team as they
practice and prepare for the track
events. Students are practicing at
the school and at the Victoria Park
Track in Westville. Some events
will take place at the
Track. Come out and support our
Keep working hard
Students from our school will
participate in “Bowl for Kids Day”
on Friday, April 10th.
Our school
approximately ten students. These
students will raise monies to help
the Big Brothers & Big Sisters
Organization. If you would like to
support this most worthwhile
effort, please give your pledge to
one of the bowlers or Mrs. Ashley
Thank you to all the
bowlers for their efforts to
support such a worthwhile cause.
Special thanks to Mrs. Mahar for
organizing and supporting this
event .
NRHS Transitioning
It’s that time of year again
when we begin preparing our
grade 8’s to make the transition
from MacLeod Coyotes to
Northumberland Nighthawks.
We are pleased to have Mr.
Boardway visit us on Thursday,
April 23rd to meet with our grade
8’s. Our grade 8’s are looking
forward to this visit and are
excited about possibilities for
grade 9. Please note the
following important dates for
our grade 8 students and
Tuesday June 2nd- Grade 8
Student Mixer & Parent
Presentation and Tour 6:30 to
7:30 pm at NRHS.
Wednesday June 3rd - Gr. 8
Orientation 2015 at NRHS 9:30
am to 2:10 pm. Our current
grade 8’s will travel to NRHS
and spend the day getting
familiar with their new
Home & School will meet
Wednesday, April 15th at 6:30
p.m. New members are
always welcome!
The Walk for ALS in Pictou
June 6th , 2015
Registration: 9:30 am
Westville Civic Centre
Walk Kick- off: 10:30 am
Victoria Park – Westville
Sara Watters 396-5718
Pledge forms can be
downloaded at
Because of the construction
area, snow banks and limited
parking, we are encountering a
back up of traffic from the
Student Drop off area. Please
be reminded of this when you
drop your child off that there
could cars waiting in a line up
behind you. Hopefully, when
these snow banks disappear, we
will be able to enter and exit
more efficiently. Thank you
for your cooperation.
Lots of Fun, Fun . . . . .and More
Come One, Come All
For a Day of Fun, Games
and Entertainment
May 18-23, 2015
All roads lead to a Green
Community !
Designated Drop Off Locations:
Stellarton – parking lot behind
Town Office
Westville Parking lot next to town
County - Alma Fire Dept.
RCMP Talks Initiative with the
Grade 7-4 class
Please make sure you are dressed
for the weather. We still will
have cold and windy days and you
need your winter coat, hat and
gloves. We go outside
everyday. When the nice weather
does come, students are expected to
adhere to the Dress Code Policy.
Bikes for Kids repairs bikes and
gives them to kids. Would you
like to learn more about
repairing bikes? Do you need a
bike? Do you have a bike to
More information will be
available from the Pictou
County United Way later this
month. Please contact the
United Way after May 1st for
more information. Web site:
“Please mark the date of
Wednesday, June 3rd for the
upcoming Rotary Club of
Westville's 66th live auction of all
new goods. Again this year the
Auction will take place at the
Westville Civic Center Gymnasium.
Viewing will begin at 6:00 p.m. with
the auction beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Tell your friends to come out to
the Westville Civic Center
Gymnasium. A canteen will be
available as well with food and
drinks. It will be a great evening of
fun and with opportunity to bid on a
wide selection of brand new items."
Saturday,April 25th
11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Lots of games, Bouncy House, Face
Painting, Balloon Animals, Food
Sales, etc.
Students and staff finished off Winter
Carnival with a game of Tug-of-War
and a student teacher Basketball
Game. Lots of excitement and fun for