OCEA Newsletter - Orange County Enrolled Agents


OCEA Newsletter - Orange County Enrolled Agents
Orange County
Enrolled Agents
The Tax Professionals
June 2015
Editor: Dale Quelle, EA • 714-899-2221 • 4quelle@msn.com
See Page 3 for Details
June 2015 Page 2
by John Kristianson
Summer is here.
I realize that has different connotations in California than maybe in
other areas of this great country
of ours. I hope that each of you
has some great plans with friends
and family planned for the next
few months. I am leaving for the
CSEA Board meeting this weekend (Memorial Day) in Reno, NV.
I will also be attending one of the
three days of Super Seminar. I
am looking forward to the Supers
Looking forward to the next few
months, there is a lot going on. We have our Orange County Chapter Planning
meeting on June 18th and 19th at the Temecula Creek Inn, in Temecula. This is
always a great event for the chapter in planning for the coming year.
In July, the Annual Meeting for the California Society of Enrolled Agents will
be held in San Diego. The dates on that meeting will be Wednesday, July 15th
through Friday, July 17, 2015. The venue will be the Double Tree Hotel in downtown San Diego. It should be an informative meeting as well as a great place to
reconnect with Enrolled Agents from around the state. The Town Hall meeting
will be on Thursday, July 16 from 1:00PM to 4:00PM. It is an opportunity to
learn what are the pressing issues or new ideas that the organization is considering. It is also a place to make sure that your voice is heard by the Society’s leaders.
The Grand Banquet for the Annual Meeting will be held on Thursday, July 16th.
The new officers of the Society will be installed for the 2015 – 2016 operating
year. Orange County is represented again in the Executive Committee. Joyce
Cheng is going to be secretary of the CSEA organization, and I will be the incoming Treasurer.
Other than those events, keep your eyes on the newsletter this year for upcoming
education events and dinner meeting news.
John Kristianson, EA MBA
5030 Katella Blvd, #228
Los Alamitos, CA 90720-2819
(562) 438-6059, john@taxxmann.net
First Vice President
Joyce Cheng, EA
31 Woodleaf
Irvine, CA 2614
(714) 546-0445, dynasty53@gmail.com
Second Vice President
Kenneth Noland, EA
17461 Irvine Blvd #M
Tustin, CA 92780
(714) 505-1925, ken@companycfo.com
Jean Krieger, EA
2100 Main St #106
Irvine, CA 92614
(949) 440-1117, kriegerj@cox.net
Christine Davidson, EA
24192 Via Luisa
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
(949) 305-6407, chris@ocnumberz.com
Matthew Cooling, EA
22431 Antonio Pkwy
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
(949) 391-7677, matthew@action-tax.com
Charles Hays, EA
10319 Los Alamitos Blvd
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(562) 626-8190, ckh@haysconsulting.com
Donna Miller, EA
2525 Cherry Ave., Ste 368
Signal Hill, CA 90755
(562) 424-2411, dmillerea@aol.com
Robin Miller. EA
   PO Box 4424
Mission Viejo, CA 92690
(949) 347-8522, taxesbyrobin@cox.net
David Shashoua, EA
18552 MacArthur Blvd #400
Irvine, CA 92612
(714) 760-4996, dshasho1@dtt.net
CSEA Director;
Bill Stewart, EA
31726 Rancho Viejo Rd #215
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
(949) 496-1174, bill@sanjuanfinancial .com
Immediate Past President;
Patricia Yeckel, EA
22342 Avenida Empresa #280
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
(949) 888-2829, pyeckel@canyontax.com
June 2015
Page 3
Have Something To Say...
Readers are encouraged to submit letters
to the editor on topics involving our tax
Readers can also voice their opinion on
matters concerning our chapter. Please
include your full name and
phone number.
Email: 4quelle@msn.com
Advertise in the
OCEA Newsletter.
The best way to get your message
in front of the EA community.
Call Jack Lifshin 562-596-4150
to place your ad.
OCEA is 384
Members Strong!
Up Close and Personal
Come to the June 16th Dinner Meeting for a new
format where we will have a panel of your experienced
colleagues discuss relevant questions about representing clients a variety of situations including audit,
collection, and more. To whet your appetite here are a
few of the objectives:
• Increase your understanding of AJAC procedures.
• Increase awareness and understanding of use of
power of attorney and form 56.
• Increase understanding of uncommon issues
in audit.
• Impact of non-requesting spouse participating in
Innocent Spouse claim.
Panel: Patti Kappen, EA, Marilyn Ratliff EA, and
Matthew Cooling, EA
Panel Moderator: Joyce Cheng, EA
The panel format will allow participants to respond to
the questions and answers presented, BUT ALSO, you
will also be encouraged to ask questions that relate to
your clients. Please join us for this meeting!
Meetings are held at
the Phoenix Club
1340 S Sanderson Ave
Anaheim, CA 92806
(see last page for map)
Agenda: Tues, Jun 16 , 2015
4:15 Board Meeting
5:30 Social Time
6:00 Dinner Hour
7:00 Presentation CPE 1
June 2015 Page 4
by Jean Krieger, EA
The California Legislature has been
busy over the past few months. Both
House and Senate chambers introduced and amended numerous tax
credits, exemptions, and deductions.
I’ve listed below a brief
summary of some notable
proposals that were reviewed by legislators since
February 2015. If you
would like to see the details
of a particular Assembly or
Senate go online to http://
If you (or one of your
clients) believe any of these
bills should be enacted into
law get active and advocate
- write to your Assemblymember or Senator today.
AB 17 (Bonilla) Contributions
to Qualified Tuition Program
Account - Refundable Credit
(Amended 04/21/15)
AB 151 (Rodriguez) Apprentice Training Credit (Amended
AB 154 (Ting) Conformity Act
of 2015 (Introduced 01/16/15 &
Amended 03/26/15)
This bill would enact two conformity
provisions: 1) The first provision
would change California’s general
“specified date” of conformity to federal income tax laws from January 1,
2009, to January 1, 2015, and thereby conform to the numerous changes
that were made to federal income tax
laws during that six-year period 2)
The second provision would con-
form to the federal net operating loss
(NOL) rules that allow corporations
expecting an NOL carryback to extend the time for payment of taxes.
AB 321 (Chavez) Exclusion/
Military Service Member Income
(Amended 03/12/15)
This bill would exclude from gross
income any income received by
a service member: 1) In the U.S.
Armed Forces, in the reserve component of the U.S. Armed Forces, or in
the National Guard while serving his
or her active duty in the state. 2) Sep-
arated from the
U.S. Armed Forces, the reserve components of the U.S. Armed Forces, or
the National Guard, for 12 calendar
months from the date he or she is
honorably discharged 3) Hospitalized
within the state for an injury received
while on active duty.
AB 437 (Atkins & Mullin) Research Expenses Credit/Reduce
Excess Carryover Credit/R&DSmall Business Grant Program
(Introduced 02/19/15 & Amended
AB 476 (Chang) Renter Credit/
Homeowners’ Property Tax Exemption/Increase Credit & Exemption Amount (Introduced
02/23/15 & Amended 03/19/15 &
Cont. on page 5
June 2015 Page 5
Cont. from page 4
AB 515 (Eggman) Agriculture Product Donation to
Food Bank Credit (Amended 04/20/15)
AB 585 (Melendez) Outdoor Water-Efficiency Improvement Credit/Outdoor Water-Efficiency Act of
2015 – (Introduced 02/24/15 & Amended 03/16/15)
AB 612 (Patterson) Minimum or Annual Franchise
Tax $400 for New Small Business Corporation, Limited Partnership, Limited Liability Partnership, &
Limited Liability Company (Amended 03/12/15) The
reason for this bill is to provide tax relief for new, small
businesses doing business in California, by reducing the
minimum or annual tax to $400 for the first or second
taxable year. “Small Business” means either: an LP, LLP
or LLC that has gross receipts, reportable to California
of $5,000 or less. Existing business entities, not just new
business entities, could qualify for this bill’s exemption
AB 1371 (Lackey & Olsen) Education-Related Expenses Deduction (Amended 04/20/15 )
For each taxable year beginning on or after January 1,
2016, and before January 1, 2021, this bill would allow
a deduction in an amount equal to the qualified amount
that was paid or incurred for qualified education-related
expenses for one or more dependent children during the
taxable year, not to exceed $2,500. This bill would also
allow the deduction for qualified education-related expenses to be taken as an “above-the-line” deduction when
calculating adjusted gross income (AGI).
AB 1404 (Grove) Employer Hiring Credit/Employees
with Disabilities (Introduced 02/27/15)
Senate Bills
AB 688 (Gomez) California Motion Picture Production Credit/ Extend July 1, 2021 (Amended 03/26/15)
SB 152 (Vidak) Refundable Earned Income Tax
Credit (Amended 05/06/15).
AB 771 (Atkins) Rehabilitation of Certified Historic
Structure Tax Credit (Amended 05/12/15)
SB 251 (Roth) Disabled Access Expenditures Credit
for Businesses (Amended 05/04/15)
AB 799 (Allen) Exempt Limited Liability Company
Modify the Definition of Doing Business (Amended
This bill would Exempt limited liability companies
(LLCs), classified as holding companies, from the definition of doing business in the state. It would also modify
the definition of doing business in the state for LLCs that
are classified as holding companies.
SB 495 (Stone) Withholding on California Real Property for Nonresidents and Certain Corporations –
(Amended 04/22/15)
The reason for the bill is to eliminate existing withholding requirements and instead, require withholding
of 3-1/3 percent of the sales price of the property if the
property was either acquired from a person or corporation
that no longer has a connection to the state. The withholding obligation is imposed on the withholding agent:
frequently the person paying for the services or purchasing the property, but they can also be an attorney, escrow
person, broker, or other intermediary.
AB 1041 (Baker) Coverdell Education Savings Account Deduction (Introduced 02/26/15)
AB 1139 (Campos) Lawn Replacement Credit
(Amended 03/26/15)
AB 1255 (Thurmond) Apparently Wholesome Food
Donation Credit (Amended 03/26/15)
The reason for the bill is to encourage donations of food
to nonprofit entities by corporations. California generally
conforms to the federal rules relating to charitable contributions but specifically does not conform to the enhanced
deduction for a contribution of food inventory. (The
deduction for charitable contributions of inventory is also
limited to the taxpayer‘s basis in the inventory, generally
its cost.)
SB 578 (Block) Electric Vehicle Charging Station
Credit (Amended 04/13/15)
This bill would establish an income tax credit, under the
Personal Income Tax Law (PITL) and the Corporation
Tax Law (CTL), for purchasing an electric vehicle charging station Ensuring access to publicly accessible charging stations will help motivate Californians to purchase
electric vehicles, thus helping to meet the state’s goal of
one million zero-emission vehicles while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
June 2015 Page 6
Dear Eddie,
Why does CSEA offer education when our own chapter
offers it? Isn’t CSEA encroaching on our education and
Inquisitive Iris
Dear Inquisitive Iris,
OCEA is a chapter within CSEA and we all have the
same goal. Ensuring that all members have access to
relevant, current education to maintain our credentials
as America’s Tax Experts. At the chapter level we try to
provide convenient and affordable continuing education
geared to the needs of our chapter membership. This is
why it is important to communicate your education needs
and preferences to the OCEA board and Education Committee.
Encouraging Eddie
Dear Eddie,
I am not happy with the handout from the last dinner
meeting. Is there anything you can do about it? Annoyed Alana
Dear Annoyed Alana,
I agree completely and have spoken to the presenter
about it. There will be a new handout prepared and
emailed to each participant shortly. Our goal is to provide relevant education which includes useful materials
to allow participants to have something to rely on even
after the presentation. Please look for it in your email.
Enforcing Eddie
Dear Eddie,
I think I saw Willy Nilly at Super seminar! What should
I do now?
Eagle-eye Ernie
Dear Eagle-eye Ernie,
If you spotted Willy Nilly and think you know his location, then send an email to me at dynasty53@gmail.com
before midnight of the Thursday night before the next
monthly dinner meeting. The next deadline is June 11,
2015. All correct Willy Nilly spotters will be entered
in a drawing to win a $25 CE certificate (valid through
December, 2015!). Eligible Eddie
Where in the World is Willy Nilly?
June 2015 Page 7
looking for an Enrolled Agent with at least two years
experience in tax preparation. Please email resume to
Mary at mktaylor@afm-llc.com or phone (949) 679-4267
to inquire. 11/14
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY for part- or full-time
administrative assistant. Do you have a small practice
and want to grow? Find yourself in a great launching
point and learning position. Our office represents clients
in audit and collection. And of course, we prepare tax
returns in a busy 12 month office. Send your resume to
Bill Stewart at bill@sanjuanfinancial.com 06/15
Classifieds available for OCEA Members & associates to
advertise items for sale or rent, want ads & employment
opportunities. Ads run for 2 consecutive months free of
charge (longer based on space available. Let us know
when your ad is no longer needed). Email to 4quelle@
msn.com. Include your name & phone number or email.
Jeffrey Corporation Centre
5450 Trabuco Road
Irvine, CA 92620
Tel: 949.261.9700
Fax: 949.261.9799
Residential Real Estate Appraisals
Historical Real Estate Appraisals
• Can determine Market Values
from 1970’s to present. SFR’s,
2-4 Units, Condos, Town Homes.
• 30 Yrs Experience
• State Certified
John Rydell
• $350 and up
(562) 425-0564
• Fast, Reliable Service
• Expert Witness for Court
June 2015 Page 8
Just 4 Fun
We Find Solutions
To IRS and State
Tax Problems.
Nov 2007
La Donna T. Kienitz Esq.
Appeals, Release of Levies, Offers in Compromise,
Representation in US Tax Court
Jun 16, 2015
Dinner Meeting 1
Phoenix Club
Jul 21, 2015
Dinner Meeting
Phoenix Club
Jul 29, 2015
SEE Class Part l
National Univ, Costa Mesa
Aug 18, 2015
Dinner Meeting
Special Occupations
Phoenix Club
Aug 18, 19, 20 Event
SEE Class Part ll
National Univ, Costa Mesa
Sept 25, 2015
See Class Part lll
National Univ, Costa Mesa
PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION - we are a great source for continuing professional education (CPE)! If you’re interested in becoming a
member, please print and fill out our Membership Application. Our chapter is an approved CPE and CLE education provider through our
chapter dinner meetings and seminars with the following: Internal Revenue Service (IRS), American Institute for CPAs (AICPA), California
Bar Association - Taxation Section (CBA), and California Tax Education Council (CTEC).
• Corn Casserole
• Garlic Smashed Potatoes
• Peach Melba
• Black Forest Cake
Ball Rd to Phoenix Club Dr
Right on Sanderson Ave.
The Mission of OCEA is to encourage professionalism, personal growth, and educational
growth, while providing member benefits and
enhancing the role of Enrolled Agents among
the local governmental agencies, other professionals, and the general public.
The Vision of OCEA is to serve, to represent
the best interests of Enrolled Agents in Orange County, and to emphasize and enlighten
the general public that an Enrolled Agent is
the premier tax professional.
• House mixed salad
• Cucumbers with yoghurt
• Stuffed Beef Rouladen
• Salmon
• Steamed vegetables
Dinner Menu For This Month
Meetings are held at the Phoenix Club
1340 S Sanderson Ave, Anaheim, CA 92806
4:15 Board Meeting, 5:30 Social Time, 6:00 Dinner Hour, 7:00 CPE Program
$40 for Member pre-registration before midnight on the Thursday prior to the dinner meeting; $45 for late or on-site registration and for non-members for meetings with 1 hour of CPE
credit. Meetings with 2 hours of CPE credit are $50 and $55 respectively. To make a reservation go online to our web site www.eaoc.org and select the sign up button next to the event
you would like to attend and follow the prompts. If you incur any difficulties signing up,
contact Ken Noland at (714) 505-1925, with a message including your name as it’s registered
at IRS and your phone number and your PTIN.