Purdue Symposium 2015 Brochure - Indiana Academy of Nutrition


Purdue Symposium 2015 Brochure - Indiana Academy of Nutrition
Stewart Center, Room 116
128 Memorial Mall
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2034
13008A Carey St
Cedar Lake IN 46303-8335
**AUTO**SCH 3-DIGIT 463 T1 P1 0001
First Class
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Lafayette, IN
Permit No. 221
Nutrition Currency from Policy to Practice
Policy to
May 14, 2015
8:30 a.m. – 3:45 p.m. EDT
Sponsored by:
Department of Nutrition Science
How would you define “currency”? Currency is: A) Relevant
today or new; B) Revenue generating; C) Medium of
exchange; D) All of the above.
Answer: D. “All of the above” describes the content of this
year’s May Conference, as presentations from all of these
areas bring “currency” to you. Nutrition currency is cuttingedge research that informs both policy and practice.
Nutrition currency is information about the 2015 Dietary
Guidelines for Americans brought to you by a member of
the guidelines committee. Nutrition currency is practical
information about the billing and reimbursement codes
for dietitians and the new Goal Wizard practice-based
competencies. Currency is envisioning the future of
sustainability from farm to plate. All of these aspects of
“nutrition currency” will be part of this not-to-be-missed
May Conference at Purdue.
The ketogenic diet is a current hot topic and three new
faculty members in our department, Jessica Ellis, Ryan
Grant and Mridul Datta, will share current research on
the use of ketogenic diets in neurological disorders,
weight loss & inflammation and cancer therapy. Professor
Wayne Campbell, another faculty member, will share
his perspective and experience as a member of the 2015
Dietary Guideline Advisory Committee. Additionally, Gary
Corbett of Fair Oaks Farms will present a vision of the
possibilities for future sustainability in our food system that
we are certain will both entertain and “wow”. Finally, we
are featuring a session that includes two current issues of
great practical value to those in dietetics practice: Sandra
Morris, the Indiana Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
reimbursement representative will present on adding
value via coding and billing for malnutrition and medical
nutrition therapy, and Professor Kathleen Niedert will
provide an orientation to the new Goal Wizard practicebased competencies for Registered Dietitians.
Our goal is to provide you with new content, as well as new
ideas to integrate with your existing knowledge base. In
addition to the outstanding presentations above, we are
planning a poster session that will cover a broad range
of research topics. As always, we hope to enhance our
connection, as faculty and staff from the Department of
Nutrition Science, with you and provide an opportunity for
you to network with other nutrition professionals. Come
explore topics that will be useful to both clinicians and
nutrition educators. The conference will be in Stewart
This conference is held in conjunction with our Hall of Fame
Award Reception. You are most welcome to attend this
event. The Hall of Fame reception and presentations will
be in the East Faculty Lounge of Purdue Memorial Union
following the Conference from 4:00–6:00 PM. Information
about the 2015 recipients will be on the Nutrition Science
website - www.purdue.edu/hhs/nutr
The Department of Nutrition Science is a Continuing
Professional Education accredited provider for the
Commission on Dietetic Registration of the Academy of
Nutrition and Dietetics. This conference will provide 6
CPEUs for those who attend all presentations and spend
one hour reviewing posters.
Stewart Center
Nutrition Currency from Policy to Practice
Connie Weaver, PhD – Distinguished Professor, Department
Head of Nutrition Science at Purdue. She is director of the
Purdue Global Women’s Health Institute, a member of the
NIH Institutes of Medicine and was a member of the USDA
review committee which produced the Dietary Guidelines
for Americans 2005. She is a international figure in calcium
8:50am Welcome – Connie Weaver, PhD
Distinguished Professor & Head, Nutrition Science
Jessica Ellis, PhD – Assistant Professor, Department of
Nutrition Science, Purdue. Her research emphasizes fatty acid
metabolism, physiology, and control of lipid flux particularly in
relation to neurological health and disease.
9:20am “Ketogenic Diet: Weight Loss and
Ryan Grant, PhD, Assistant Professor, Nutrition Science
Ryan Grant, PhD – Assistant Professor, Department of
Nutrition Science, Purdue. His research focuses on how
nutrition and metabolism regulate inflammation and chronic
metabolic disease such as obesity and type 2 diabetes.
9:40am “Ketogenic Diet: Cancer Therapy”
Mridul Datta, PhD, RD – Assistant Professor, Nutrition
Mridul Datta, PhD, RD – Assistant Professor, Department of
Nutrition Science, Purdue. Her research focuses on the role of
nutrition in cancer patients with emphasis on inflammation,
quality of life, bone health of cancer survivors, and use of
dietary supplements and dietary bioactive components.
Wayne Campbell, PhD – Professor, Nutrition Science, Purdue.
His lab’s emphasis is on human nutrition and exercise studies of
macronutrient metabolism, protein and energy requirements,
appetite, body composition, obesity and weight loss, muscle
strength, and muscle function, with special emphasis on aging.
Gary Corbett, MD – Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer
of Fair Oaks Farm, Fair Oaks, Indiana, he has over thirty years
of management experience primarily in the dairy industry. He
also holds a Masters of Economics and a BS in Marketing.
Sandra Morris, RDN, CD – Clinical Nutrition Manager at IU
Health-Goshen Hospital. She is reimbursement representative
for the Indiana Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
Kathleen Niedert, PhD, MBA, RD – Professor Niedert
is a licensed nursing home administrator with a record of
significant accomplishment in nutrition care of the older adult.
She has served on the Competency and Assurance Panel for
over 5 years during the development of the new PDP process
and was the recipient of the Marjorie Hulsizer Copher Award
(2012), the highest award bestowed by the Academy of
Nutrition and Dietetics.
8:30am Registration and Continental Breakfast
Stewart Center Room 214
9:00am “Ketogenic Diet: Neurological Disorders.”
Jessica Ellis PhD, Assistant Professor, Nutrition Science
10:00am Panel Discussion
10:20am Break
10:30am “An Insider Report on the Dietary Guidelines
for Americans 2015”
Wayne Campbell, PhD, Professor, Nutrition Science
11:30am “Introduction of Preceptors”
Mridul Datta and Dinah Dalder
11:45pm Lunch & Poster Session
(Box lunches for those who ordered them)
12:45pm “A Model of Sustainability in the Heart of Indiana”
Gary Corbett, CEO of Fair Oaks Farm
1:30pm Movement & Beverage Break
1:40pm “Coding, Coverage and Reimbursement: What
RDN’s need to know”
Sandra Morris, RDN, CD, Reimbursement
Representative, Indiana Academy of Nutrition and
2:35pm “Goal Wizard: Practice-based Competencies”
Kathleen Niedert, PhD, MBA, RD
3:35pm Wrap-Up
Registration Form
Nutrition Currency from Policy to Practice
The Department of Nutrition Science is an Approved Continuing
Education Provider by the Commission on Dietetic Registration.
May 14, 2015 • Registration Deadline: May 9 • Walk-ins accepted
Continuing education units have also been requested from the
American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.
Name _____________________________________
City ______________________________________
Address ____________________________________
This is my † home † work address.
Please return the registration form with payment to PEC
Business Services. Written requests for a full refund must be
post-marked by May 1. Purdue University is not responsible
for costs incurred due to cancellation.
To register online, visit:
For registration information, contact:
Pamela Walker-Stokes
Purdue University
Stewart Center, Room 116
128 Memorial Mall
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2034
Phone: (765) 494-9482
E-mail: pawstokes@purdue.edu
For conference content information, contact:
Marleen Troyer
Phone: (765) 494-1340
E-mail: troyerm@purdue.edu
Purdue is committed to making its programs accessible to
individuals with disabilities. If you require an accommodation
or special assistance for this program due to a disability, please
contact us at 765-494-9482.
A continuing education activity of Purdue University,
an equal access/equal opportunity institution.
State _______________________ ZIP ___________
Phone _____________________________________
Fax ______________________________________
E-mail (required) ______________________________
This is my † home † work e-mail.
Employer ___________________________________
Please check those that apply:
† Educator
† Physician
† Nurse
† Registered Dietitian † Pharmacist
† Other ___________________________________
Registration Fee: (conference materials included)
† Professional: $65
† Student: $30 (Enclose a copy of your student I.D.)
† Optional box lunch: $10
Total enclosed $ ______________________
† A check payable to Purdue University for the total amount is
† I will be paying with a company purchase order. Hard copy required.
PO Number _______________________________
Charge the following credit card:
† VISA † Discover † MasterCard † American Express
Account number
Signature ___________________________________
Printed Name ________________________________
Return with payment to:
PEC Business Services
Purdue University
Stewart Center, Room 110
128 Memorial Mall
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2034
Fax with credit card information: (765) 494-0567
Register online: www.conf.purdue.edu/nutrition
3:45pm Adjourn
Payment is due upon submission of registration.
Photocopy this form for additional registrants.