Harold Klemp Connie`s Call for Help


Harold Klemp Connie`s Call for Help
Summer 2015
Central New York Edition
Harold Klemp
Serving Hamilton, Herkimer, Jefferson, Lewis, Madison, Oneida, Onondaga, Oswego, St. Lawrence, Broome,
Cayuga, Chenango, Cortland, Delaware, Otsego, Schuyler, Seneca, Tioga, and Tompkins Counties
Connie’s Call for Help
The Spiritual Leader of ECKANKAR
Eckankar means ―Co-worker with God.‖
It offers ways to explore your own unique
and natural relationship with the Divine.
ECK is another word for the Holy Spirit.
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―Connie was working out in the
garden one day, and she did a bit too
much. She has a big yard.
―As she was working, her back
ached, the way it will when you're
working in a garden or in the yard. The
next thing, her heart was pounding, and
then she was getting dizzy. She said,
‗Ah, what have I done to myself?‘ Very
slowly and carefully she made her way
back to the house, got out of the sun,
and rested.
―Connie said to the Mahanta,
the Inner Master, ‗Mahanta, I need
someone to help me—now.‘ And she
put a big emphasis on now. Just at that
moment, her phone rang. It was a
friend calling to chat.
―Now, the friend didn't know
that this was a really good time to call
because Connie was having a crisis.
But there she was, and this was the
first help that the Master had sent—in a
nice quiet way, without any kind of
―They talked a bit, and then
Connie said, ‗Wait a minute. I‘ve got an
idea. I‘ve got to call the radio station.‘
The friend said, ‗What for?‘ Connie said
she had to call a buy-and-sell show by
twelve o‘clock. The friend said, ‗Well it‘s
twelve now.‘ Connie looked at her
clock. It was two minutes to twelve. So
she said good-bye and hung up.
What‘s Inside
A story from Harold Klemp
ECK Worldwide Seminar
Eckankar Regional Events
Community HU Songs
ECK Worship Services
Open House
Spiritual Exercise
Clergy Services
NY ECK Centers
―This radio show was very
popular, so there was a queue. Connie
dialed once and couldn't get through.
She dialed again, and a voice said,
‗Thirty-seventh caller.‘ Next she heard
the announcer‘s voice. He said, ‗What‘s
your question?‘ And she said, ‗I need
someone to help me with yard work. I
guess I‘m getting too old for this.‘ The
announcer said, ‗No, you‘re not!‘
―When you‘re a senior, this is
what you like to hear. Some days you
get down. Something‘s not going right,
and somebody comes up and says,
‗Boy, you‘re looking good!‘ It helps.
―The announcer took her name
and address, and then Connie hung up.
And just as she hung up, her phone
rang. A man said, ‗I want to work in
your yard.‘ Connie said, ‗OK, what‘s
your name, and what do you charge?‘
―Connie grew up in the Great
Depression, when there was very little
money and people did a lot by
bartering. So she was very careful with
money. Seniors have to watch the
money because it‘s not flowing in the
way it used to when they had jobs.
―The man said, ‗My name is
Marv, and I don‘t charge. Can I come
over now?‘ A little emphasis on the
word now. Connie had told the
Mahanta, ‗Now.‘ And here came Marv,
saying, ‗Now. I want to come now.‘ So
she said, ‗OK, come on over.‘
Continued on pg. 2
Summer 2015
June, July, August
Central New York Edition pg. 2
Connie’s Call for Help
Continued from pg. 1
―Marv came over and did all kinds of work. He
replanted shrubs, worked in the garden, and raked up the
yard debris from winter. He really worked hard. And he
said to Connie, ‗I told my wife not to expect me home for
―Connie had been going around the yard with
Marv, saying what needed doing and so on. When it got to
be about six o'clock, she said, ‗I‘m tired. We‘re going to
have to quit now.‘ Marv said, ‗You should have my phone
number in case you need help again.‘ Connie said, ‗I want
your name and address.‘ But he said, ‗Uh-uh. You‘ll just
want to pay me, and I don‘t want to get paid.‘
―It makes you wonder, Who is this gem? Who is
this wonderful man named Marv?
―Then Connie got curious. She asked, ‗Why are
you doing this?‘ He said, ‗I don't know. When I heard your
voice over the radio, I knew I had to do this.‘ Of course
Marv was the second help sent by the Mahanta, by the
Inner Master.
―No, it's not mind control or anything. It's a
spiritual connection that exists between Souls. Marv could
see, or could hear from Connie‘s voice on the radio, that
this was a Soul that really needed help. So there he was.
No charge.‖
—Harold Klemp, The Master’s Talks in The Year of Light
and Sound—2013-14, pp. 2–4
Save the date!
2015 ECK Worldwide
The Year of the Shariyat
“A nondirected prayer means that we’re willing to
let the Holy Spirit take care of the affairs in our life
according to the divine plan instead of our personal plan.”
—Harold Klemp, Love, the Keystone of Life, p. 41
Regional seminars are a wonderful way to experience
the teachings of Eckankar through talks, workshops,
creative arts, and fellowship with the Eckankar
community. For full listings, visit www.eckankar.org.
Click on Upcoming Seminars, then ECK Regional
Seminars. Find the event that interests you and click on
the link to its local website.
October 23–25, 2015
Minneapolis, MN USA
Please visit www.eckankar.org for more information.
Camp Hill, PA
Published by: New York Satsang Society, Inc.
A Chartered Affiliate of ECKANKAR.
4 West 43rd St. Suite 503 NY, NY 10036
Phone: 800-630-3546
Statewide Editor
Valeria Giannini nyssnewsletter@gmail.com
Statewide Newsletter Specialist
Rick Persons
Statewide Reviewing H.I.
Rick Persons
Central New York Editor
David Carlson
Central Reviewing H.I.
Dan Fusco
The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the writers and not necessarily those of ECKANKAR or the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master, Sri Harold Klemp. Copyright © 2015 ECKANKAR. All rights
reserved. The terms ECKANKAR, ECK, EK, MAHANTA, SOUL TRAVEL, and VAIRAGI, among others, are trademarks of ECKANKAR, P.O. Box 2000, Chanhassen, MN 55317-2000 U.S.A.
Summer 2015
June, July, August
New York
Central New York Edition pg. 4
Spiritual Exercise:
A Seed for Contemplation:
The Blue Curtain of God
Book of the Laws
“Here’s an easy spiritual exercise called
“The Blue Curtain of God.”
The first part awakens the seeing power of Soul.
“We come to the second law which is: Soul is the
manifested individual beingness of this ECK Spirit. The
individual Soul has been created out of this Spirit, with
the ability to have free will, to make its own choice, to
be able to have opinions, intelligence, imagination, and
to postulate and create. It must survive for it has immortality, being a part of the Spirit, and it must be a distributing agent for Spirit. These two factors it cannot
escape but as a distributing agent it can, from its own
free will, choose its course with Spirit or not. Which
means that the aspect of Spirit which is chosen is
selected knowingly or unknowingly, for the purpose of
acting as a distributor.
“Find a time to sit or lie down for ten to twenty minutes
when you will not be disturbed. Shut your eyes, but
imagine you are gently looking at a dark blue curtain
on the wall before you. The first few days, expect to
see only the rich blue curtain. Sooner or later,
some color of the Light of God will shine from it.
“The second part of the spiritual exercise
attunes your spiritual hearing.
“While looking at a blue curtain, begin to softly
sing the word HU (say, “hue”), an old name for
God honored by saints for thousands of years.
After a few minutes, sing HU to yourself, making
no audible sound. Continue to sing for a few more
minutes until
il you wish to stop. T
Then sit quietly,
still looking at the rich blue curtain before you.
“The proper duty of the Soul, as we know, is to choose
to distribute the positive, the survival qualities of Spirit
for the betterment of itself and others; to become whole
again with the Spirit.
“Over the next few days, try to remember your dreams.
No matter how inconsequential they may seem, write
down any images to jog your memory for contemplation
later. The Mahanta or the Holy Spirit will use dreams
to give you special guidance and understanding.”
“Life forms, society’s laws, and civilizations on every
planet, world or plane are just what the Souls dwelling
there have made them. Souls, themselves, as the creative
agents of Spirit, have created forms and life everywhere,
including space, time, energy and matter. This is the
reason that man has worshipped gods in ignorance. The
spiritual hierarchy is hardly more than a group of Souls
working on various levels to keep the world running and
creating laws pertaining to the upkeep of their particular planet, or planet worlds and planes, by being the
distributing agents of Spirit. They happen to know more
than Souls who live in the social community and do it
knowingly for the betterment of all.”
–Harold Klemp, The Art of Spiritual Dreaming, p. 20
–Paul Twitchell, The Flute of God, pp. 87-88
“Throughout this short exercise, carry in
your heart a feeling of love for God.
“After finishing your devotion, go about the day as
usual. T
Then at bedtime, think briefly of the blue curtain
again and the wor
wordd HU. Quietly to your
yoursself, say,
“Show me Thy Will, O God. Teach me to love Thee.”
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There are four issues per year, March, June, September and December.
For Members of Eckankar
Information regarding additionally scheduled activities (classes, events), volunteer opportunities, and contacts are available.
Please call your local ECK Center, or ECK Information Center, or visit eckankar-ny.org (click “Members Page”).
Summer 2015
June, July, August
New York
on Cable TV
Replays of half hour
videos of talks given
by Harold Klemp,
the spiritual leader of
Most Tuesdays, 4:00pm
Channel 4
Most Tuesdays &
Thursdays, 10:30pm
Channel 99
Most Thursdays, 7:00pm
Channel 13
Most Tuesdays, 6:30pm
Most Fridays, 10:00am
Channel 96
Seneca & Cayuga
Most Sundays, 11:00am
Channel 18 (UPN)
Most Mondays, 7:30pm
Channel 98
Most Wednesdays, 6:00pm
Channel 99
Most Fridays, 12:00pm
Channel 99
Check local public
access TV listings for
the latest information.
Central New York Edition pg. 3
ECK Worship Services
What is an ECK Worship Service?
• A place where the public may come to
learn of the Sound and Light of ECK.
• Its purpose is to prepare the ground for
all to experience the presence of
God’s Light and Sound.
Syracuse ECK Worship Service
Second Sunday of each month
11:00am - 12:00pm
ECK Worship Services are held at the
ECK Center of Central New York
206 East Seneca Street, Manlius, NY
Your Life with the Sacred Word HU
June 14
How Love Teaches Us
July 12
Trust Your Inner Guidance
August 9
Ithaca ECK Worship Service
Third Sunday of each month 11:00am
ECK Worship Services are held at
1020 Ellis Hollow Road,
Ithaca (Best Western)
Contact: Carolyn Arnold 607-257-5917
Heaven is a State of Consciousness
June 21
Was That a Gift from God?
July 19
Community HU Songs
All are welcome
The HU Song is a gathering to sing this
ancient love song to God. It’s simply for
the spiritual upliftment of those who come
and is not directed to any other purpose.
For a more complete description of
the Community HU Song and a
Spiritual Exercise that you can try,
see page 6.
Syracuse Community HU Song
Second Sunday of most months
10:00am - 10:30am
June 14
August 9
Community HU Songs are held at the
ECK Center of Central New York
206 East Seneca Street, Manlius
Ithaca Community HU Song
Third Tuesday of each month
7:00pm - 7:30pm
June 16
July 21
August 18
Community HU Songs are held at
101 East Green Street
Borg Warner Room East
Tompkins County Public Library
Contact: Carolyn Arnold 607-257-5917
What Would Love Do Now?
August 16
For free introductory information about Eckankar you may call 800 LOVE-GOD (800-568-3463)
visit the Eckankar website at www.eckankar.org
or write to Eckankar, P.O. Box 2000, Chanhassen MN 55317-2000
Summer 2015
June, July, August
Central New York Edition pg. 7
Want more information?
If you‘re new to Eckankar and would like to speak with someone in
person feel free to give one of us a call. We‘ll be happy to meet you
and to answer any questions you may have. If you‘d like we can
route you to folks in your local community who have information
about what‘s coming up near you.
Emma Laurence 914-613-7704
Larry Siegel
Membership in ECKANKAR
Eckankar, Religion of the Light and Sound of God, can help you find answers to your
deepest spiritual questions. Through ECK Worship Services, books and book discussion
classes, workshops, and seminars, you will find new ways to unfold spiritually.
Membership in Eckankar is available for those who wish to take their spiritual studies
further. Members receive printed monthly lessons from the spiritual leader of Eckankar, Sri
Harold Klemp, the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. These lessons can be studied privately
at home or with others in spiritual study (Satsang) classes.
For more information visit Eckankar‘s main Web site at www.eckankar.org; call 1-800LOVE GOD, ext. F23; or write:
Att: Information, Dept. F23
P.O. Box 2000
Chanhassen, MN 55317-2000
ECK Clergy Services
ECK members and the public are welcome to contact a qualified ECK cleric about the
following services:
NY ECK Centers
ECK Information Center of Capital Area, NY:
New York Satsang Society, Inc.
PO Box 1316 — Guilderland, NY 12084-1316
Telephone: 800-630-3546
ECK Information Center of Hudson Valley, NY:
New York Satsang Society, Inc.
PO Box 531— Saugerties, NY 12477-0531
Telephone: 800-630-3546
ECK Information Center of Long Island, NY:
New York Satsang Society, Inc.
PO Box 1002—Patchogue, NY 11772-0800
Telephone: 800-630-3546
ECK Information Center of Western, NY:
New York Satsang Society, Inc.
PO Box 614 — Getzville, NY 14068-0614
Telephone: 800-630-3546
ECK Center of Greater New York City, NY:
4 W 43rd Street, Suite 503
New York, New York 10036
Telephone: 212-221-1402
ECK Center of Central New York, NY:
206 East Seneca St, Suite H
Manlius, NY 13104
Telephone: 315-692-4539
ECK Center of Rochester, NY:
3300 Monroe Avenue, Suite 313
Rochester, NY 14618-4616
Telephone: 585-288-4721
If you plan to visit, please call in advance for open
The Four ECK Celebrations of Life:
These are the ECK Consecration Ceremony (for young children), the ECK Rite of
Passage (for boys and girls of about age thirteen), the ECK Wedding Ceremony, and the
ECK Memorial Service.
ESA Sessions:
An ECK Spiritual Aide Session, though not counseling, can help you find your own
answers in challenging situations through the personal guidance of Divine Spirit. The
ESA session is conducted by an ECK Spiritual Aide, a specially appointed and trained
ECK cleric.
There are no fees for the above services, but ECK clerics accept donations to Eckankar.
For more information call the ECK Center of Central New York at 1-315-692-4539. Feel
free to leave a message and we will get back to you.
Books may also be purchased directly from
Eckankar. To order from Eckankar or request
a complete listing of ECK books:
For free introductory information about Eckankar, you are
welcome to call 1-800-LOVE-GOD, ext. F23 (1-800-568-3463, ext.
F23), visit the Eckankar Web site or write to the address at right.
Many books about the teachings of Eckankar
are available in bookstores and from on-line
call: 952-380-2222 (M–F, 8:00 am–
5:00 pm Central time)
write: Eckankar, P.O. Box 2000,
Chanhassen, MN, 55317-2000,
visit on-line: www.eckbooks.org.
Summer 2015
June, July, August
The Community HU
Experience HU, a love song to God.
It is the sound within all sounds. It
represents the love of God for Soul,
and we are Soul. HU represents the
enormous love that the Creator has
for Its creation. To listen to the HU,
please visit http://www.HearHU.org
A Spiritual Exercise: HU is an
ancient name for God. When you
sing HU, you open your heart to the
Light and Sound of God. Here is a
simple spiritual exercise to try. First,
close your eyes and look gently to a
point between your eyebrows. Then,
softly sing HU (pronounced like the
word ―hue‖). Now sit quietly for a
few minutes. Watch and listen for
the presence of God. It may come
as a light or a sound or in some
other way.
See page 3 for Community HU song
times in this area, or visit our
website at www.eckankar-ny.org for
a statewide schedule.
Eckankar offers a great new resource:
The Spiritual Wisdom Journal is a
quarterly online newsletter for people who want
more spiritual perspective and encouragement,
especially in uncertain times.
Each issue offers inspiring articles,
uplifting stories, and dynamic spiritual exercises
by Sri Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of
Eckankar. Known as a pioneer of "everyday
spirituality," Harold Klemp helps people around the
world find greater spiritual insight, and wisdom
through dreams, and relief from past-life
You Can Subscribe Here:
Eckankar is now on FaceBook. Visit
New York Satsang Society, Inc.
ECK Center of Central New York
206 East Seneca St, Suite H
Manlius, NY 13104
This newsletter can be viewed online:
http://eckankar-ny.org/ or scan for