

ECKANKAR, Religion of the Light and Sound of God
The Golden Light
News of public ECK events in the
Ventura/Santa Barbara area
October 2016
The ECK Worship Service
The public is warmly invited to an ECK Worship Services. Each service
focuses on an aspect of ECKANKAR. It often features a reading from
the ECK works, singing HU, talks, music, and group discussion of spiritual principles at work in daily life.
ECK Worship Service Topic: “Making Spiritual Choices: Heart or Head? ”
Sunday, October 2, 11:00–noon
ECK Cleric: Claire Bennett
Eckankar of
Santa Barbara
PO Box 8297
Goleta, CA 93118
Visit us on the Web at
All real success is
about love. Success is
hard to come by, but
love can make it
—Harold Klemp,
The Loving Heart,
page 110
Poinsettia Pavilion (Canada Larga Room)
3451 Foothill Road, Ventura
From Santa Barbara: Take HWY 101 South toward Ventura and exit at Seaward Avenue. Turn left onto Harbor Blvd. and next left onto Seaward. Turn right onto Poli St.,
which becomes Foothill Road. The Poinsettia Pavilion will be on the hillside to the
From Los Angeles: Take HWY 101 North toward Ventura and exit Victoria Avenue.
Turn left onto Foothill Road and continue about one mile. The Poinsettia Pavilion is
on the hillside to the right.
You have the potential for greater happiness, love,
and understanding.
Local Email address
The Golden Light
Page 2
Temple of ECK
The Light and Sound
“Here you become aware, consciously, of the divine laws of Spirit and can use this knowledge to
wend your way through life, stepping carefully among the rocks that have been thrown there to stub your
—Sri Harold Klemp, The Awakening Soul, p.119
Upcoming events
You are invited to join us at a Community HU Chant
Poinsettia Pavilion (Canada Larga Room) 3451 Foothill Road, Ventura
Sunday, October 2 , 10:00-10:30 a.m.
Followed by ECK Worship Service 11:00
Sunday, October 9, 10:00-10:30 a.m.
Followed by Open discussion 11:00
Topic: When God Calls Are You Listening Facilitator: Judy Allen
Everyone Welcome
Monthly Book Discussion “The Art of Spiritual Dreaming”
October 5, 6:00-7:30 p.m. Location: 2331 Borchard Rd Thousand Oaks (Newbury Park Library)
“Dreaming is an Art”
Your life is the canvas . You are the artist. Paint a more fulfilling life for yourself using Harold Kemp’s
proven techniques in The Art of Spiritual Dreaming. Your dreams are the secret to creating a masterpiece.
—Harold Klemp, The Art of Spiritual Dreaming, Back Cover
Contact: Brenda at E-mail or text only please (805)341-5135
Please be sure to identify yourself and ECK in any messages or texts
Spiritual Wheel Booth
Camarillo Community Center (Rummage Sale)
Saturday October 8, 7 am-1pm
1605 Burnley St, Camarillo
Contact: Arlene (805) 389-1484 or Brenda (805) 341-5135 if you would like to volunteer
Published by the California Satsang Society, Inc. A Chartered Affiliate of ECKANKAR.
The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the writers and not necessarily those of ECKANKAR or the Mahanta, the Living ECK
Master, Sri Harold Klemp. Copyright © 2016 ECKANKAR. All rights reserved. The terms ECKANKAR, ECK, EK, MAHANTA, SOUL
TRAVEL, AND VAIRAGI, among others, are trademarks of: ECKANKAR, PO Box 2000, Chanhassen, MN 55317 USA
Page 3
The Golden Light
You are Invited to Join Us at a Community HU Chant
“If you want to lift yourself to a higher state of
consciousness—so that the political issues, the
family issues, the social issues of the day do not
throw you out of balance, so that you can find a
happier, more contented life while you’re living
here—sing HU, the most beautiful prayer.”
—Harold Klemp,
HU, the Most Beautiful Prayer, page 58
Join us in this simple, 20-minute spiritual
exercise, followed by light refreshments and
Singing HU has helped people of many
different faiths experience the presence of
Community HU Chant
Sunday, October 2,
10:00–11:00 a.m.
Sunday, October 9,
10:00-10:30 a.m.
Poinsettia Pavilion (Canada Larga
3451 Foothill Road
Find greater spiritual love, freedom, wisdom, and truth
The Golden Light Newsletter Request Form
Please make donation check payable to California Satsang Society. Mail to:
California Satsang Society, PO Box 8297, Goleta, CA 93118
(According to Federal guidelines, the full amount of your contribution to this
publication is tax deductible.)
 I am not a member of Eckankar. Please send 6 complimentary issues.
 I am a member of Eckankar. Enclosed is $15 donation for 12 issues.
Or, please accept my donation of $_______
 My address has changed
Eckankar of Ventura/Santa Barbara
P O Box 8297
Goleta, CA 93118
Experience the Light and Sound of God
For a FREE BOOK on Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel call 1-800-LOVE-GOD, or
go to
The Golden Light
Page 2 of Chela page
Calendar of ECKANKAR events for Santa Barbara/ Ventura
October 2016
Community HU Chant
First Sunday10:00 a.m.
Second Sunday 10:00 a.m.
ECK Worship Service, first Sunday 11:00, Poinsettia Pavilion, contact Tim Lamar (805) 798-1941
The ECK Satsang Discourses, Third Series (closed) chapter 11
Camarillo, third Sunday 10:30 a.m. contact Arlene (805)389-1484
The Master 2 Discourses chapter 7, class closed
Santa Paula, third Thursday 6:00 p.m. Contact Claire Bennett, (805) 285-0369 Leave message
Book Discussion: “Spiritual Exercises for The Shariyat Book One” by Harold Klemp (closed)
Brenda Barilone at Email: or text only please (805) 341-5135
Upcoming Events
Spiritual Wheel Booth
Camarillo Community Center (Rummage Sale)
Saturday October 8, 7 am-1pm
1605 Burnley St, Camarillo
Contact: Arlene (805) 389-1484 or Brenda (805) 341-5135
If you would like to assist with this event:
Training: Spiritual Duties of the ECK Volunteer (All Chelas)
October 9, 12:30– 2:00pm Pointsettia Pavilion Ventura
This training is a prerequisite for the Arahata certification
All local Chelas that have not had the above training are encouraged to attend.
Any questions please call: Brenda Barilone (805)342-5135
Training: Spiritual Duties of the ECK High Initiate (HI’s Only)
October @ date and time to be determined
Open to all HI’s that need to complete the training.
This is a prerequite for all Clerics, ESA & Initiators
Those of you needing this training or would like to attend please call:
Brenda Barilone (805)342-5135
The Golden Light
Newsletter Updates
Please submit
updates, and
comments by the
third Sunday to
newsletter editor:
Larry Edwards at
Local Director
Tim Lamar
(805) 794-1941
Administrative Services Coordinator
Judi Allen
(805) 815-0346
Spiritual Services Coordinator
Brenda Barilone at Email: or
text only please
(805) 341-5135
Vahana Services Coordinator
Arlene Raisner
Newsletter Editor
Larry Edwards
(805) 686-9900
H. I. Reviewer
Joan O’Reilly
(805) 652-2080
Newsletter Specialist
Jon Nelson
Paul Gooding
(805) 797-1494
Sandy McLevige*
(805) 499-4466
Destiny Hitchcock*
(805) 451-7515
Linda Dennis
(805) 654-0507
Claire Bennett
(805) 285-0369
Jim and Debbie Stone* (805) 561-9009
*ECK Spiritual Aide (ESA)
Regional ECK Spiritual Aide (RESA)
Salli Thompson
California Satsang Society
PO Box 10484,
Oakland, CA 94610
Monthly Satsang Classes
The ECK Satsang Discourses, Third
series (closed).
Fourth Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
Contact Arlene (805)389-1484
Do we have your
e-mail and mailing
To receive e-mail
notices from the
California Satsang
Society, or to
change your address
on the state list,
send info to
or CSS, PO Box
10484, Oakland, CA
Send address
changes for the local
Barbara list to
Larry Edwards at
Donations to support the newsletter
are sincerely appreciated, suggested donation is $15
for the year and can be mailed to our address in Goleta

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