Agent application process and Monitoring Policy and Procedures


Agent application process and Monitoring Policy and Procedures
Empyrean Education Institute
Agent application process and
Monitoring Policy and Procedures
Owner: General Manager
Updated: May 2015
Empyrean Education Institute (EEI)
Agent Application Process and Monitoring Policy and Procedures
This policy and procedure supports ‘Standard 4 – Agents’ of the ‘National Code of Practice 2007’. The
policy outlines the requirements for Education Agents acting on behalf of EEI providers to provide high
standards of service and information to overseas students. EEI take all reasonable measures to use
education agents that have appropriate knowledge and understanding of the Australian international
education industry, and who act with honesty and integrity. The policy and procedure comply with the
provisions of the ESOS Act 2000 and amendments, and The National Code 2007.
This policy ensures that only reputable and ethical education agents are engaged in promoting
Empyrean Education Institute (EEI) training and education services.
Guide for Providers of Education & Training Services for Overseas
Students Education Services for Overseas Student (ESOS) Act 2000
Education Services for Overseas Students Regulations 2001
Student Visa Reforms (DIBP)
National Code of Practice for Registered Authorities and Providers of Education and Training
to Overseas Students (National Code 2007) (DEEWR)
Education Agent Application Process
Education Agent Selection
Education agents are engaged to represent EEI and recruit students for the EEI.
1.1 A person or organisation wishing to apply to be an approved education agent of
EEI shall access the Education Agent Application form on EEI’s websites - complete and forward it to
1.2 The applicant’s suitability is assessed on the basis of National Code Part D:
Appointment and writing Agent Agreements
Education agents are required to complete and forward the education agent application form to
EEI and understand all responsibilities of agent.
EEI will assess the application of education agent and will only accept the application where the
applicant has demonstrated that they have the appropriate knowledge and understanding of the
Australia international education industry and will meet the obligations of
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Empyrean Education Institute RTO Code: 52118 CRICOS Code : 03275D
Policy and Procedure
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Created Date:
Last Modified Date
Date circulated
May 2015
Empyrean Education Institute (EEI)
Agent Application Process and Monitoring Policy and Procedures
the National Code. This will be undertaken via referee checks and evaluation of any previous
When the applicant has been assessed as satisfactory, the EEI marketing officer prepares the
education agent agreement and forwards two copies to the education agent. The agent
agreement will include information about processes for monitoring agents and conditions of
The agreement, conditions, and authorisation to promote EEI relates to the ‘agent’ named in the
agreement and, that mean EEI only has an agreement with the education agent , not the
employee or sub-contractor of the agent
Both parties sign the education agent agreement, the agreement specifies responsibilities of
each party and need to comply with the National Code 2007.
Letter of appointment has been issued after application is accepted.
EEI will provide agent with up-to-date and accurate information about courses, services and
location /facilities provided by Empyrean. Empyrean Marketing Officer will ensure that all
marketing materials provided to agent are correct and up-to-date
EEI will not enter into an agreement with any education agent or potential education agent if it
knows or reasonably suspects the education agent to be or have been:
o Engaged in, or to have previously been engaged in, dishonest practices, including the
deliberate attempt to recruit a student where this clearly conflicts with the obligations of
registered providers under Standard 7 (Transfer between registered providers);
o Facilitating the enrolment of a student who the education agent believes will not comply
with the conditions of his or her student visa
o Using Provider Registration and International Students Management System (PRISMS)
to create Confirmations of Enrolment for other than bona fide a student; or
o Providing immigration advice where not authorised under the Migration Act 1958 to do
The original signed agent agreement shall be kept in the Agents file and the agent shall also
receive a copy.
Where an agent does not formally represents EEI and its services and has not engaged in ongoing relation, EEI will still pay the agreed commission to the agent. The commission/s paid to
such agents must be recorded in “One-Off Agent” Spreadsheet.
Monitoring Agent activities
1. Education Agent training and information
EEI ensures that all its education agents receive an information pack and have ongoing access to upto-date and accurate information about EEI as well as its marketing information and materials as set out
in National Code Standard 1. Information used for marketing and recruitment purposes will be updated
as changes occur. Provider information and marketing materials will be provided in both hard-copy and
downloadable softcopy from the EEI website. The Agent Agreement includes conditions related to EEI
marketing activities and materials being solely used for the purpose of promoting the EEI
Document Code:
Version No
Empyrean Education Institute RTO Code: 52118 CRICOS Code : 03275D
Policy and Procedure
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Created Date:
Last Modified Date
Date circulated
May 2015
Empyrean Education Institute (EEI)
Agent Application Process and Monitoring Policy and Procedures
2. EEI marketing staff will maintain regular contact with approved education agents by phone, written
communications and visits to the agent’s office. Where the monitoring of education agents indicates a
deficiency or non-compliance with legislation or the National Code, training and/or the provision of
additional information in relation to the expectations of EEI will be provided by EEI. Education agents
are encouraged to complete the PIER Education Agent Training Course or to be trained by EEI staff
(offshore agent only).
3. The following ongoing agent activities will be followed to ensure that EEI is using reputable agents:
All education agents must submit a report of their activities annually. This report is to outline the
promotional activities that have been undertaken on behalf of EEI and include any students that
have been contacted or recruited to enrol with EEI. The General Manager must review the annual
reports submitted by the agents and evaluate the activities of the agent.
All education agents will be required to conduct a meeting with the Marketing Manager at least once
per year. This meeting will cover:
o Current practices
o Ensure current marketing materials are being used
o Discuss any issues or concerns
o Minutes of these meetings will be taken and kept on the agents file.
On orientation day, International students will be given a Student Survey – Education Agents to fill
The EEI Marketing Officer must conduct an annual Agent Survey – EEI Services to continuously
improve the services provided by Agents and EEI to its clients.
If an education agent is found as being negligent, careless or incompetent or being engaged in
false, misleading or unethical advertising and recruitment practices, or engaged in practices that
could harm the integrity of Australian education and training, the Marketing Manager must organise
a meeting with the agent and agent staff to counsel them immediately.
If the agent is identified of breaching standard 4.3 of the national Code 2007 the Marketing Manager
is responsible for terminating the agreement with agent with immediate effect. This does not apply
where an individual employee or sub-contractor of the education agent was responsible for the
conduct set out in Standard 4.3 of the National Code 2007 and the education agent has terminated
the relationship with that individual employee or sub-contractor.
Any counselling or termination of agreements shall be documented within the Agent file.
Agent Application Procedure
 Receive enquiry/s from Agent and make sure understand all
condition and agent’s responsibilities
 Check prospective agent spreadsheet – whether agent has made a
contact in the past
Document Code:
Version No
Empyrean Education Institute RTO Code: 52118 CRICOS Code : 03275D
General Manager
General Manager
Policy and Procedure
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Created Date:
Last Modified Date
Date circulated
May 2015
Empyrean Education Institute (EEI)
Agent Application Process and Monitoring Policy and Procedures
Initiate research on receiving agent enquiry within 3 working days
Assess enquiry for acceptance of agent.
o Check marketing plan for the current year
o Check current Agent Spreadsheet for any exclusive
agreements in that region.
o Review agent profile on how well it aligns with Empyrean
strategic goals
[If not interested] – Update Prospective agent Spreadsheet with
reasons of rejection.
[If interested] – Initiate discussion on commission structure as per
the EEI marketing plan
[If commission agreement not reached] –Update Prospective agent
[If commission agreement reached] – Send agent application form
and marketing survey (if required) to the prospective agent.
Receive completed agent application form
Check all the mandatory information is completed on the
Contact nominated references and send Agent Reference Check
[if reference response/s unsatisfactory] – Inform agent of non
acceptance and Update prospective agent spreadsheet
[if reference response/s satisfactory] – send agent agreement /
receive “signed agent agreement” from agent
Update current agent spread sheet, Empyrean website and create
new agent file.
Send up-to-date marketing/advertising material and “Student
admissions via agent” procedure and process.
General Manager
General Manager
General Manager
General Manager
General Manager
General Manager
General Manager
General Manager
General Manager
General Manager
General Manager
General Manager
Student Admission Procedure for Agents
 Receive prospective student enquiry
 Agent provides prospective student with detailed information about EEI,
the coursed offered, fees, student support services, job/ education
pathways, campus location), lifestyle and living costs in Australia.
 Advise prospective student to visit EEI website for more and information
about EEI, its educational services and information about ESOS and
National code 2007
 [If prospective student interested] – provide application form
 Send scanned application form with supporting documents to in PDF format.
 Once the application is received, and student meet all entry
requirement, the offer letter will be issued within two days
 Advise the student to read the Empyrean Student Handbook and
Document Code:
Version No
Empyrean Education Institute RTO Code: 52118 CRICOS Code : 03275D
General Manager
General Manager
Policy and Procedure
Doc code
Created Date:
Last Modified Date
Date circulated
May 2015
Empyrean Education Institute (EEI)
Agent Application Process and Monitoring Policy and Procedures
relevant policy and procedure available on Empyrean website.
If no response has been received in five working days, follow up with
agent on student offer acceptance status
Any enquiries from the student can be forwarded to the Admissions
Officer and then communicated back to the student
If the prospective student accepts the offer, they will need to sign the
offer acceptance form and email it back to, prior to depositing any course
The deposit of the course fees payable to EEI is confirmed with either a
receipt or once the money has been received in EEI accounts. Ensure
students use the student number assigned to them on the offer letter as
the reference id when making the payment.
On receiving course fees, the COE will be issued to the agent
General Manager
General Manager
Apply Student Visa
If the visa is rejected, ask the student to complete the Refund
Application form
If the visa is granted, remind the student of orientation date and email a
copy of the visa to the EEI General Manager at
Arrange student come to Australia and attend orientation
General Manager
Agent /EEI admission
Agent Monitoring Procedure
 Send an annual “Agent Survey – EEI services” to all contracted
Agents, to ensure and review agent performance and the
responsibilities need to keep comply with the National Code 2007
 Duly complete “Agent Survey – EEI services” survey and send it back
to the EEI Marketing Manager within 10 working days
 Participate in an annual review of activities
 Australia education training course (offshore agent only)
 Organise a meeting (face-to-face / web/ telephonic) with Agents at least
once per month
 Record meeting minutes of the annual meeting with the agent.
General Manager
General Manager
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Agent/EEI staffs
General Manager
General Manager
Corrective action : review National Code 2007 and ESOS Act 2000 or
termination of the agreement with education agent
Empyrean Education Institute RTO Code: 52118 CRICOS Code : 03275D
Policy and Procedure
Doc code
Created Date:
Last Modified Date
Date circulated
May 2015
Empyrean Education Institute (EEI)
Agent Application Process and Monitoring Policy and Procedures
Responsible Officer(s)
General Manager: Overall executions of this policy, assess agent applications, appoint education
agents, review/monitor activities of agents and terminate agents if required.
Admissions Officer: Check student eligibility and issue offer letter and Confirmation of Enrolment
letters as required.
Document Code:
Version No
Empyrean Education Institute RTO Code: 52118 CRICOS Code : 03275D
Policy and Procedure
Doc code
Created Date:
Last Modified Date
Date circulated
May 2015