Report - Final - Dumfries Learning Town
Report - Final - Dumfries Learning Town
Report Education Committee 19 May 2015 DUMFRIES LEARNING TOWN – PROJECT UPDATE 1. Purpose of Report To provide Members with an update on the progress of Dumfries Learning Town Project, specifically regarding the significant survey work and the development of design briefs and decisions around Phase 2. 2. Recommendations Members are asked to: 2.1 to agree a presentation to detail the designs that are currently being developed; 2.2 note the completion of extensive building survey and site investigation works at all of the project sites within Phase 2 of Dumfries Learning Town; 2.3 note the progress made on the development of the design briefs with the school stakeholders for each of the Phase 2 projects; 2.4 note that various design options for the Phase 2 projects are being explored in order to determine the best solution in terms of educational delivery and value for money; 2.5 agree that new build design options are progressed in respect of the David Keswick Centre and Laurieknowe Primary School as referenced in 3.8; and 2.6 agree to receive a further report on the design proposals for the Phase 2 projects within six months. 3. Considerations 3.1 On 19 December 2013, Full Council agreed on the delivery option for Dumfries Learning Town. This option was to replace accommodation and redevelop the four secondary schools along with a Learning Hub to augment and increase provision for learners in Dumfries. The projects will also provide accommodation for children with additional support needs and will include four primary schools with issues regarding the condition of their estate. 3.2 At Policy and Resource Committee on 18 March 2014, the ten year capital investment strategy was agreed which included Dumfries Learning Town as a priority for the Council. This secured funding to deliver Phase 1 of the project; comprising the Learning Hub, St Joseph’s College and the North West Campus (Maxwelltown High School, Lochside and St Ninian’s Primary Schools with community facilities). 3.3 It was agreed that Phase 2 (comprising Dumfries Academy with Loreburn Primary School, Laurieknowe Primary School and Dumfries High School, David Keswick Centre with Noblehill Primary) should also be planned for in conjunction with Phase 1, in order to ensure the programme will deliver a cohesive, town-wide solution. 3.4 A New Project Request (NPR) for all of the projects that make up the Dumfries Learning Town scheme was submitted to hub South West (hubSW) on 4 September 2014. This NPR formally commenced the hubSW Stage 1 development process for the Phase 1 Report Education Committee 19 May 2015 projects which involves the production of concept designs and associated cost reports. Alongside the formal Stage 1 process the design teams have also been working on the development of design solutions for the Phase 2 projects. Committee are asked to receive a presentation on current stage of design for information. 3.5 Significant investigative and intrusive survey works have been carried out at all of the Phase 2 sites in order to achieve a full and detailed understanding of the condition of any existing buildings and the site conditions. This work has been extensive and has provided the Council with a large volume of information regarding the sites. Further analysis of the information is being carried out in order to inform the process of developing the design options for the Phase 2 projects. 3.6 The schools for the future team, design team and the school representatives have been working closely together to develop a design brief for each Phase 2 project which leads to the creation of a concept design. This is an iterative process and will continue to develop and become more detailed over the coming months. The school representatives are working hard to inform and engage with staff and pupils to ensure that the design best meets the needs and aspirations of the schools. 3.7 It is critical that the development of the design solution is carried out whilst taking full cognisance of the detailed survey report information. Various design options for each of the projects are being explored; taking into account the information already gathered, the aspirations of the stakeholders, the need to ensure value for money is delivered, and the educational drivers for the programme are fulfilled. This work includes the investigation of new build solutions versus the refurbishment of the existing facilities within Phase 2, with the aim of ensuring that the programme delivers long-term, sustainable educational facilities for the Council. 3.8 Investigative and intrusive survey works at the David Keswick Centre and Laurieknowe Primary School, together with initial options appraisals, space planning and feasibility costings, indicate that new build delivers best value for money when compared with refurbishment options. Options detailed in Appendix 1. 3.9 The project team will continue to engage with the users, other Council departments and the wider stakeholders with an interest in the facilities to ensure that they are fully informed of the options being explored. It is proposed that a further report will be brought to Education Committee on completion of the design development work with the detailed proposals for each of the Phase 2 projects. 4. Governance Assurance Members of the Corporate Management Team, the Education Services Management Team, Head of Finance and Senior Manager Property & Architectural Services have been consulted and are in agreement with the information contained in this report. 5. Impact Assessment The project presented in this report has been considered using the Council’s Impact Assessment Toolkit. No negative Impacts have been identified. A copy of the Impact Assessment summary sheet will be available on the following link: Report Education Committee 19 May 2015 Author(s) NAME DESIGNATION CONTACT DETAILS Frank Crilley Senior Project Manager Claire Renton Strategic Lead in Physical Learning Environments Approved by NAME DESIGNATION Colin Grant Director, Children, Young People and Lifelong Learning Appendices – 1 Appendix 1 – Options Paper Background Papers Full Council, 19 December 2013, Report Item 5, Dumfries Learning Town Outline Business Case 17&arc=71 Policy and Resource Committee, 18 March 2014, Item 4, Development of Capital Investment Strategy. meet=31&cmte=PRC&grpid=public&arc=71 Education Committee, 27 May 2014, Item 8, Dumfries Learning Town Update 0&arc=71 Nithsdale Area Committee, 18 June 2014, Item 3, Dumfries Learning Town &arc=71 Education Committee, 10 July 2014, Item 6, Dumfries Learning Town – Learning Hub update 1&arc=71 Policy and Resources Committee, 18 November 2014, Item 6, Development of the Capital Investment Strategy 5&arc=71 Education Committee, 27 January 2015, Item 9, Dumfries Learning Town – Project Update
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