Legals - Eldora Newspapers


Legals - Eldora Newspapers
Trust Notice - Ray A. Taylor
To all persons regarding Ray A. Taylor,
deceased, who died on or about 24th day of
March, 2015. You are hereby notified that Gordon A. Taylor & Karol Ann Rogers are the Trustees of the Ray A. Taylor Revocable Trust dated
the 4th day of October, 2013. Any action to contest the validity of the trust must be brought in
the District Court of Hardin County, Iowa, within
the later to occur of four (4) months from the
date of second publication of this notice or thirty
(30) days from the date of mailing this notice to
all heirs of the decedent settlor and the spouse
of the decedent settlor whose identities are reasonably ascertainable. Any suit not filed within
this period shall be forever barred.
Notice is further given that any person or entity possessing a claim against the trust must
mail proof of the claim to the trustee at the
address listed below via certified mail, return
receipt requested, by the later to occur of four
(4) months from the second publication of this
notice or thirty (30) days from the date of mailing this notice if required or the claim shall be
forever barred unless paid or otherwise satis-
Hardin County Board of Supervisors
MINUTES – APRIL 29, 2015
WEDNESDAY – 10:00 A.M.
Chair Lance Granzow called the meeting
to order. Also present were Supervisors Ronn
Rickels and Reneé McClellan; and Justin Ites,
Deb Crosser, Jody Mesch, Dave McDaniel,
Micah Cutler, Cindy Litwiller, Daryl Albertson,
Jessica Lara, Rick Patrie, Chris Wieting, Linn
Adams, Mary Swartz, Rick Dunn, Don Knoell,
Lori Kadner, Lee Gallentine, and Nancy Lauver.
The pledge of allegiance was recited by all in
McClellan moved, Rickels seconded to approve the agenda as posted. Motion carried.
Rickels moved, McClellan seconded to approve the minutes of April 22, 2015. Motion carried.
McClellan moved, Rickels seconded to approve the April 29, 2015 claims for payment.
Motion carried.
Discussion was held regarding applications
received for the use of the Courthouse grounds
for July 21, 2015, submitted by the City of Eldora and the RAGBRAI Eldora Advisory Committee, and the following action was taken: McClellan moved, Rickels seconded to approve the
“Plan B” application for use of the Courthouse
grounds for RAGBRAI on July 21, 2105. Motion
Linn Adams and Mary Swartz appeared
before the Board to provide a Community Services Report. No action was necessary informational only.
Rickels moved, McClellan seconded to approve the renewal with Blue Cross/Blue Shield
and Binder Agreement for self-funded plan for
FY 2015/2016. Motion carried.
McClellan moved, Rickels seconded to
set the health insurance premiums for FY
2015/2016 as follows. Motion carried.
$750/1500 Deductible,
Alliance Select Plan:
Single – Health 580.99; Dental 29.76; Life
3.35; Total 614.10
Family – Health 1764.55; Dental 91.87; Life
3.35; Total 1859.77
Two Person – Health 1106.90; Dental
55.64; Life 3.35; Total 1165.89
$750/1500 Deductible,
Blue Advantage Plan:
Single – Health 528.23; Dental 29.76; Life
3.35; Total 561.34
Family – Health 1604.13; Dental 91.87; Life
3.35; Total 1699.35
Two Person – Health 1006.27; Dental
55.64; Life 3.35; Total 1065.25
Rickels moved, McClellan seconded to set
the non-union employee insurance contribution
rates to correspond to union rates as follows.
Motion carried.
Blue Advantage Plan:
Single – $33.48; Two Person - $63.71; Family - $101.76
Alliance Select Plan:
Single – $86.24; Two Person - $164.35;
Family - $262.17
McClellan moved, Rickels seconded to approve the liquor license application submitted
by Iowa Falls Lodge #1331 for Class A Liquor
License, Outdoor Service, and Sunday Sales.
Motion carried.
McClellan moved, Rickels seconded to approve the abatement of taxes and authorize a
refund to Lamar Advertising of Waterloo. Motion
Rickels moved, McClellan seconded that
Resolution #2015-11, Resolution Approving
Agreement Between Hardin County and Gehrke Quarries, Inc., be adopted. Roll Call Vote:
“Ayes” Rickels, McClellan, and Granzow.
“Nays” None. Resolution No. 2015-11 is hereby
adopted and on file in the Auditor’s Office.
Rickels moved, McClellan seconded that
Resolution # 2015-12, Resolution for Future
Trail Crossings, be adopted. Roll Call Vote:
“Ayes” Rickels, McClellan, and Granzow.
“Nays” None. Resolution No. 2015-12 is hereby
adopted and on file in the Auditor’s Office.
Chris Wieting, Iowa River Trail Project, updated the Board on the progress of the Trail. No
action was necessary; informational only.
McClellan moved, Rickels seconded that
Resolution #2015-13, Resolution Setting Time
and Date for Public Hearing on Proposed Road
Vacation – Garden City, be adopted. Roll Call
Vote: “Ayes” McClellan, Rickels, and Granzow.
“Nays” None. Resolution No. 2015-13 is hereby
adopted and on file in the Auditor’s Office.
Utility Permits: None.
Secondary Roads Department:
Engineer Daryl Albertson provided a brief departmental update to the Board. No action was
necessary; informational only.
Other Business: None.
Rickels moved, McClellan seconded to adjourn until May 6, 2015. Motion carried.
/s/Lance Granzow
/s/Jessica Lara
Lance Granzow, Chair
Jessica Lara
Board Of Supervisors Hardin County Auditor
(Ledger – May 12, 2015)
Public Hearing
Dated this 4th day of May, 2015.
Gordon A. Taylor & Karol Ann Rogers
140 Regal Vw 23387 VV Avenue
Carlisle, PA 17013 Eldora, IA 50627
Garrett A. Dozark, ICIS PIN#: AT0011840,
Attorney for Trustee
Bloethe, Elwood & Buchanan Law Office,
702 Third Street, P.O. Box L, Victor, IA 52347
Date of second publication: 19th day of May,
(Ledger – May 12, 19, 2015)
The Hardin County Board of Supervisors
will be meeting on Wednesday, May 27, 2015
in the Courthouse Conference Room, Eldora,
Iowa at 10:02 a.m. to hold a public hearing on
the request to vacate and close the following
described Hardin County Secondary Roads/
Streets in Garden City, Iowa:
All of the East 150 feet of the East/West alley
adjoining lots 10, 11 and 12 of Block Fourteen
(14), Pleasant Ridge Addition, Garden City,
Iowa. All interested persons should attend this
public meeting.
(Ledger - May 12, 2015)
Estate - Bernice Louise Riggert
Bernice Louise
To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Bernice Louise Riggert, Deceased, who died on or
about April 22, 2015:
You are hereby notified that on the 29th day
of April, 2015, the last will and testament of Bernice Louise Riggert, deceased, bearing date
of the 21st day of August, 2009, was admitted
to probate in the above named court and that
Robert Paul Riggert AND James Edward Riggert was appointed executor of the estate. Any
action to set aside the will must be brought in
the district court of said county within the later
to occur of four months from the date of the
second publication of this notice or one month
from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs
of the decedent and devisees under the will
whose identities are reasonably ascertainable,
or thereafter be forever barred.
Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file
them with the clerk of the above named district
court, as provided by law, duly authenticated,
for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to
occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of
mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed
or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred.
Dated this 30th day of April, 2015.
Date of second publication 12th day of May,
Robert Paul Riggert
Co-Executor of the Estate
PO Box 150
Mancos, CO 81328-0150
James Edward Riggert
Co-Executor of the Estate
PO Box 3500
Iowa City, IA 52244-3500
Richard N. Dunn, ICIS PIN No: AT0002198
Attorney for the Executor
Dunn Law Firm
1123 Edgington Avenue
Eldora, IA
(Ledger – May 5, 12, 2015)
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