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format information
A web series about female friendship Format Owner: Australia Format Plot Over 6 episodes, Fragments of Friday follows the friendship of two 20-‐something housemates Alex and Sophie as they herald the arrival of the weekend, only to spend the rest of it wondering what happened. This comedy web series is about piecing together the night before with your best mate at your side. Told with humour and poignancy, the story speaks to the great tradiDon of female friendship through the scope of hazy memories, drunken honesty and above all, love and affecDon. The series was produced through crowd-‐funding with huge responses on social media. Series Structure Episodes per Series 6 episodes Programme Length 5 minutes Frequency Upload n/a Launch 2015 Contact Format Distribution Katharina Rickers Format Distribution International Stralauer Allee 8 10245 Berlin T: +49 (0) 30 61681805 Branding & Sponsorship Ingrid Akkerman Director Brand Relations MediArena1 1114 Amsterdam-Duivendrecht PO Box 12133, 1100 AC Amsterdam The Netherlands T: +31 (0) 20 8939481