2015-2016 Housing Lottery Packet


2015-2016 Housing Lottery Packet
Lakeview Townhouses
Sawmills Efficiencies
Northwoods Apartments
Granite 7 & 9-person Suites
2015-2016 Housing Lottery
Where Will You Live Next Year?
Cheshire Same Gender Suites
Mt. View Apartments
Sawmills 3-person Apartments
Monadnock Singles
Page 2
Lottery Calendar
Page 3
7 Steps to Housing Lottery
Page 4
Pick up Your Lottery Card
Page 4
How is My Lottery Number Calculated?
Page 5
Transfer Students
Page 6
Why are the Lottery Cards Different Colors?
Page 6
Tours of Residence Halls
Page 6
Designated Single Rooms in Cheshire, Edgewood, Mt. Washington, or New Hampshire
Page 7
Can I Live in Different Class-Level Housing? MAYBE , Submit an Exemption Request
Page 7
Not Sure Who to Live with Next Year?
Page 7
Roommate Mixer Event
Page 8
Housing Lottery Order Publicized
Page 8
Studying Abroad in the Fall
Page 8
Considered Living Off-Campus?
Page 8
$250 Non-Refundable Housing Deposit for Fall 2015
Page 8
Fall 2015 Sophomore Housing Options
Page 9
Fall 2015 Junior Housing Options
Page 11
Fall 2015 Senior Housing Options
Page 13
March 23
Roommate List Available at Residential
Residential Life
March 24
Exemptions Requests Accepted
Tours of Res. Halls
Granite Suites @ 6:30 pm
Cheshire-Edgewood-Monadnock @ 7pm
Mt. View @ 8pm
March 25
Exemptions Requests Accepted
March 26
Exemptions Requests Accepted
Roommate Mixer in 1st Year Lounge @
8 pm
March 27
Exemptions Requests Accepted
March 30
Exemptions Requests Accepted
March 31
Exemptions Requests Accepted
April 2
Exemptions Requests Accepted
Submit CH, ED, NH, & MW Designed
Single Room Essays
April 3
Exemptions Requests Accepted
Submit CH, ED, NH, & MW Designed
Single Room Essay
April 6
Exemptions Requests Accepted
Submit CH, ED, NH, & MW Designed
Single Room Essays
April 7
Exemptions Requests Accepted
Submit CH, ED, NH, & MW Designed
Single Room Essays
April 1
Spagnuolo Hall
Pick up YOUR Lottery Card
April 8
Exemption Decisions emailed after 2pm
CH, ED, NH, & MW Designed Single
Room Decisions emailed after 2pm
Judicial sanctions MUST be complete
April 9
Submit for the following:
Cheshire Co-ed Suites
Cheshire Same Gender
Granite Suite
Wellness Lifestyle
April 10
Submit for the following:
Cheshire Co-ed Suites
Cheshire Same Gender
Granite Suite
Wellness Lifestyle
April 13
Submit for the following:
Cheshire Co-ed Suites
Cheshire Same Gender
Granite Suite
Wellness Lifestyle
April 20
Submit “Clear” Lottery Cards & Signed
Housing Contracts to Res. Life
April 14
LAST DAY to Submit for:
Cheshire Co-ed Suites
Cheshire Same Gender
Granite Suite
Wellness Lifestyle
April 21
Submit “Clear” Lottery Cards & Signed
Housing Contracts to Res. Life
April 15
Submit “Clear” Lottery Cards & Signed
Cards & Signed Housing Contracts to
Contracts to Res. Life
Roommate Mixer in 1st Year Lounge at
Year Lounge at 8pm
April 22
Submit “Clear” Lottery Cards & Signed
Housing Contracts to Res. Life
April 16
Submit “Clear” Lottery Cards Signed
Cards Signed Housing Contracts to
April 17
Submit “Clear” Lottery Cards & Signed
Cards & Signed Housing Contracts to
Contracts to Res. Life
April 23
Submit “Clear” Lottery Cards & Signed
Housing Contracts to Res. Life
April 24
Submit “Clear” Lottery Cards & Signed
Housing Contracts to Res. Life
April 27
April 28
Housing Lottery Order Publicized on
Publicized on eRaven after 4:00pm
April 29
April 30
Senior Area @ 6pm
Junior Area @ 7pm
Sophomore Area @ 8pm
Submit “Clear” Lottery Cards & Signed
Housing Contracts to Res. Life
Page 3
Page 4
7 Steps to Housing Lottery
1. Read this entire Housing Lottery information . Then if you have any questions please stop down at Residential Life or
email housing@franklinpierce.edu
2. Post in your room the Housing Lottery Calendar and make sure you meet all deadlines.
3. Bring a photo ID to Spagnuolo Hall on Wednesday, April 1 to receive your Lottery Card and Housing Contract.
4. Be financially clear through the Student Financial Services Office to include having paid your $250 non-refundable
applied to your statement on January 30th. A "NOT CLEAR" will appear on your Lottery Card if you are not clear and you will
Lottery Card and get their approval to submit your "CLEAR" Lottery Card.
5. If you have not completed your judicial sanction to include, but not limited to, an educational, work hour component, etc.
will appear on your Lottery Card. To get clear you must see your Experience Director.
6. Submit both yours and your roommate(s) CLEAR Lottery Cards at the same time for where both/all of you wish to live.
Please remember:
* Once you submit your Lottery Card & Housing Contract you cannot get it back.
* Lottery order is NOT determined by when Lottery Cards are submitted.
* If "CLEAR" Lottery Cards are submitted AFTER 4:30pm on Monday, April 27 then you will not participate in the Housing
remaining housing beginning on Monday, May 4 in Residential Life.
7. Attend Housing Lottery Night on Thursday, April 30 in the Fieldhouse to select your housing.
Senior Area begins at 6:00pm
Junior Area begins at 7:00pm
Sophomore Area begins at 8:00pm
Pick up Your Lottery Card
Come pick up your Lottery Card & Housing Contract on Wednesday, April 1 in Spagnuolo Hall between 12:30-1:30pm and
Process works.
Students must have a photo ID in order to receive their Lottery Card. If you are unable to attend please visit Residential Life
beginning Tuesday, April 2 for your Lottery Card & Housing Contract.
Page 5
How is My Lottery Number Calculated?
Your lottery number is determined by multiplying your CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) by all credits earned at Franklin
and accepted by the Registrar's Office. If you feel the number is incorrect because of credits earned transferred in and or your
the Registrar's Office with your Lottery Card.
Sophomore Area Example: Sally and Ann enrolled in the fall 2014 semester and are current 2nd semester freshmen and
wish to live together next year. The following are their total credits and CGPA from their fall semester:
Student # of Credits
x 3.0
X 3.2
Lottery #
Their combined Lottery Number is 84. So they will select their housing based on where their combined number is to their
Senior Area Example: Jason and Jack are 2nd semester juniors that want to live in an efficiency apartment in the Senior Area
next year. The following are their total credits and CGPA up through their fall semester:
# of Credits
X 3.0
x 3.5
Lottery #
The Senior Area Lottery is based on the residence capacity (not number of students submitted) average. Their Lottery
Number is 435 but their Average is 217.5, so they will select their efficiency based on their average number compared to all
Senior Area.
Senior Area Example: Adam, Brad, Charlie, Dale, Earl, Frank, & George are 2nd semester juniors that want to live in one
Lakeview Unit.
Their seven-person roster Lottery total number is 1,580 and would be divided by
eight residents (townhouse (6) and efficiency (2) = total capacity (8))
So their Lottery Average would be 197.50 and they will select their unit
based on all students applying for any senior area residence.
Student # of Credits
X 3.0
X 3.5
X 4.0
X 2.5
X 3.5
X 4.0
X 2.5
Lottery #
Page 6
Transfer Students
Students enrolled in fall 2014 semester, your lottery number is calculated by adding your total credits earned (includes fall
2014 semester and accepted transferable credits) multiplied by your Franklin Pierce fall 2014 semester GPA.
Students enrolled in the spring 2015 semester, your lottery number is calculated by multiplying the total number of
accepted transferable credits by 2.70. This GPA represents the average of all fall 2014 Franklin Pierce students. This GPA is
Franklin Pierce GPA. If you are not transferring in any Advanced Placement or other college credit then your lottery number
submit yours and your intended roommate(s) clear Lottery Cards and still participate in Lottery Night.
Students who transferred out of Franklin Pierce and have since re-enrolled at Franklin Pierce, your lottery number will be
calculated by using your FP CGPA multiplied by your credits earned at Franklin Pierce and transferred in.
Why are the Lottery Cards Different Colors?
The Lottery Card colors are based on how many credits the University has allowed you to transfer in and/or have earned at
then determines what class-level housing you are approved to live in next year. Please know that this current semester's
nor are your grades in your current classes because the semester has not finished and you haven't technically earned
breakdown by class-levels used to determine where students will live:
# of Credits
2015-2016 Approved for
Sophomore Housing
Junior Housing
Senior Housing
Lottery Card Color
Tours of Housing Options
We know some students may not know what the inside of a residence looks like and wish to visit to make a more educated
roommate(s) wish to live. On Tuesday, March 24 Residential Life staff will be showing residences and answering any
Granite Suites, meet at the front exterior building entrance at 6:30pm
Cheshire, Edgewood, and Monadnock Halls, meet at the Cheshire front field-side entrance at 7:00pm
Junior Area Apartments, meet at the entrance to the Mt. View Community Room and Laundry Room at 8:00pm
Page 7
Designed Single Rooms in Cheshire, Edgewood, Mt. Washington, or New Hampshire
Designed single rooms in New Hampshire, Mt. Washington, Edgewood, and Cheshire Hall are available prior to Housing
Lottery through a request process. Single rooms in these residence halls will be given first priority to those with
documented health and or medical reasons. Medical documentation does not guarantee a single room. Even if you have
been awarded a single room in the past you still need to submit a request for this upcoming year. Single rooms in Cheshire
are $10,266 for the year while single rooms in Edgewood, Mt. Washington, and New Hampshire are $8,500 for the year.
Please submit your request to housing@franklinpierce.edu between Thursday, April 2 - Tuesday, April 7. The Assistant
Dean of Student Affairs will review requests and decisions will be made via email on Wednesday, April 8 after 2 pm. If you
are granted a single room and your Lottery Card is not cleared by Monday, April 27 then you forfeit your single room.
Can I Live in a Different Class-Level Housing? MAYBE , Request an Exemption.
All students are expected to live with their classmates in their designated class-level housing areas. We understand that
some students may have transferred in AP/college credit that has bumped their housing to a higher level then they prefer.
In addition there may be students that are non-traditional aged students that wish to live with older students even though
their class-level may not be that of a 2015-2016 junior or senior. We also recognize and understand some students may
prefer to simply be given the chance to live with their peers that are not the same class-level.
Therefore, anyone can submit an exemption letter but not every request will be granted. Receiving permission provides the
student with an opportunity to submit with their intended roommates and participate in the requested Housing Lottery
Area. However, it does not guarantee the student and their roommates will secure their desired housing as their credits
and thus lottery number may not be as high as others they are competing against.
Exemption requests must explain and provide any documentation (health care provider, financial, etc.) that their reason is
valid. All requests must be emailed to housing@franklinpierce.edu up though 11:59pm on Tuesday, April 7. Requests will
be reviewed and notification will be sent to your Franklin Pierce email account after 2:00pm on Wednesday, April 8.
Not Sure of Who to Live With Next Year?
We understand the challenges of finding someone compatible to live with. In an effort to assist you and others looking for a
roommate, beginning on Monday, March 23, we will keep a list of names, age, fall 2015 class-level, interests, and contact
information at the front desk in Residential Life. Feel free to stop by and review the list, add your information, gather other
potential roommate(s) information, and take the initiative to contact students you think would be a good fit. We encourage
you to find a roommate before one is assigned.
Page 8
Roommate Mixer Event
Fun and interactive activities will take place to assist students in meeting potential roommates. We look forward to seeing
you on Thursday, March 26 and Wednesday, April 15 in the Mt. Washington First Year Lounge at 8:00pm. Residential Life
staff will meet students that do not live in New Hampshire or Mt. Washington in the First Year Courtyard and show them to
the lounge.
Housing Lottery Order Publicized
After all Lottery Cards are collected by 4:30pm on Monday, April 27, they will be put in total value (for Sophomore and
Junior Areas) and total average (for Senior Area) from highest to lowest. The Department of Residential Life will publicize
the Housing Lottery order after 4pm on Tuesday, April 28 on eRaven and at Residential Life.
Studying Abroad in the Fall
If you are going abroad for the fall 2015 semester please stop in and see Mary Call in Residential Life to complete
paperwork by Friday, May 1 to get your housing deposit credited.
Considered Living Off-Campus?
As a residential university, we assume you will live on campus. If you wish to live off-campus then please submit an online
returning student off-campus petition at http://www.franklinpierce.edu/studentlife/reslife/forms/returning off campus
form.htm or stop down at Residential Life for a form. Additionally if you lived off-campus this year you do need to submit
your request to continue living off-campus next year. Petitions can be submitted up through Friday, April 24 with supporting
information explaining why you are requesting permission to move off campus. The Assistant Dean of Student Affairs will
review your petition and notifications will be made via email. If approved by Friday, May 1 and you did not participate in
Room Lottery, then your housing deposit will be credited.
$250 Non-Refundable Housing Deposit for Fall 2015
Please remember that students who submit their Lottery Card and participate in Housing Lottery will forfeit the opportunity
to have their housing deposit refunded regardless if they later withdraw, administratively withdrawn, transfer, or are
academically/judicially suspended.
2015-2016 Sophomore Housing Options
Residence Hall
Female: Male Rooms
Page 9
Granite Suites
Mt. View Apts.
* Up to 8 for Lottery
** 2 7-person
*** Minimum of 3
2 for Same Gender & 2 for Co-ed
** 2 9-person
For Wellness Lifestyle
Six: 6 Doubles & 1 Single
7 person: 5 Singles+ 1 Double
2 Double Rooms
Four: 6 Doubles
9 person: 7 Singles+ 1 Double
Each Suite
Each Suite
Kitchen Furniture
Cabinetry & Sink
DVD Player
Living Room
Microwave & Small Freezer
Living Room Furniture
All doubles
All Singles
Small Refrigerator
1 ½ Bathrooms
Housing Cost
Meal Plan Options
All Access, $150 Dining Dollars, + Two Guest Passes each Semester= $5,220/Year
15 Meals per Week, $100 Dinning Dollars, + Two Guest Passes each Semester= $4,742/Year
Please See Junior
* Pre-Lottery Process - Same Gender Housing
Two Cheshire Suites, each housing 12-students in 6 double rooms, are available. To secure one of these suites, students will need to
submit ALL 12-person Lottery Cards & signed Housing Contracts to Residential Life Thursday, April 9 - Monday, April 13 with notification
via email on Tuesday, April 14 after 2 pm. Selection will be the two rosters with the highest roster values. If after being awarded a suite
any student that is not cleared by Monday, April 27 the student will lose their spot. Any students that do not secure a Cheshire Suite
will follow and participate in Room Lottery and turn in their clear Lottery Cards & signed Housing Contracts with a roster of their next
desired residence by Monday, April 27.
* Pre-Lottery Process - Co-ed Housing
Two Cheshire Suites are available in any combination as long as all bedrooms are filled with same gender, i.e. 10 males & 2 female; 8
female & 4 males, vice versa, etc. Co-ed Housing is designed to provide students with the opportunity to reside in a same gender
bedroom while sharing the common areas with the opposite gender. All students must agree to live and abide by the co-ed policies
available online. To secure one of these suites, students will need to submit ALL 12-person Lottery Cards & signed Housing Contracts
to Residential Life Thursday, April 9 - Monday, April 13 with notification via email on Tuesday, April 14 after 2 pm. Selection will be the
two rosters with the highest roster values. If one or more students are not cleared by Monday, April 27 then the student will lose their
spot. Any students that do not secure a Cheshire Suite will follow and participate in Room Lottery and turn in their clear Lottery Cards &
signed Housing Contracts with a roster of their next desired residence by Monday, April 27.
Page 10
* Pre-Lottery Process - Granite Suites
Two 7-person same gender suites and two 9-person same gender suites are available for interested students to submit for
prior to Lottery night. To secure one of these suites, students will need to submit their ALL 7-student (East Suites) or ALL 9student (West Suites) Lottery Cards & completed Housing Contracts to Residential Life Thursday, April 9- Monday, April 13
with notification via email on Tuesday, April 14 after 2 pm. If more rosters are submitted for available suites then the
highest roster values will be selected. If a student secures housing and does not have a clear Lottery Card by Monday, April
27 then the student will lose their spot. Any students that do not secure a Granite Suite will follow and participate in Room
Lottery and turn in their clear Lottery Cards & signed Housing Contracts with a roster of their next desired residence by
Monday, April 27.
* Pre-Lottery Process - Wellness Housing
Up to three Mt. View A Tower apartments are available for current freshmen who wish to live the Wellness Lifestyle next
year. Wellness Lifestyle Housing is for students who will live WITHOUT the presence and usage of alcohol, tobacco and nonprescribed prescription drugs and can be co-ed (same gender bedrooms). Wellness information and applications are
online. Please print and submit your application and essay along with your Lottery Card & signed Housing Contract to
Residential Life Thursday, April 9 - Monday, April 13. The Assistant Dean of Student Affairs will review applicant
information, judicial history, and may request interviews before decisions are made. Notifications will be made via email on
Tuesday, April 14 after 2 pm. If more students apply than available housing then the highest combined roster value will
secure housing. If a student secures housing and does not have a "CLEAR" Lottery Card by Monday, April 27 then the
student will lose their spot. If any approved student does not meet the Wellness Lifestyle Housing requirements then they
will be moved to whatever class-level housing is available. Any students that do not secure Wellness Housing will follow
and participate in Room Lottery and turn in their clear Lottery Cards & signed Housing Contracts with a roster of their next
desired residence by Monday, April 27.
Submitting “Clear” Lottery Cards & Signed Housing Contracts
Students will need to submit their "CLEAR" Lottery Card & signed Housing Contract and anyone else they intend to live with
at the same time to Residential Life. You do not necessarily have to submit the number of Lottery Cards for the capacity of
the residence but it is in your best interest to so you have a higher overall lottery number.
$250 Non-Refund Housing Deposit for Fall 2015
Please remember that students who submit their Lottery Card and participate in Housing Lottery will forfeit the opportunity
to have their housing deposit refunded regardless if they later withdraw, administratively withdrawn, transfer, or are
academically/judicially suspended.
2015-2016 Junior Housing Options
Page 11
Residence Hall
Mt. View
Available for Lottery
Minimum of 22 Apartments
Minimum of 27 Apartments
Standard University Furniture
Standard University Furniture
Living Room
Living Room with TV Outlet
1 ½ Bathrooms
1 ½ Bathrooms
Two Double Rooms
Two Double Rooms
TV Outlet in Each Bedroom
TV Outlet in Each Bedroom
Housing Cost
Meal Plan Options
All Access, $150 Dining Dollars, + Two Guest Passes each Semester= $5,220/Year
15 Meals per Week, $100 Dining Dollars, + Two Guest Passes each Semester= $4,742/Year
100 Meals + $200 Dining Dollars each Semester= $2,580/Year
5 Meals per Week + $200 Dining Dollars each Semester= $1,248/Year
Zero Meal Plan
* Pre-Lottery Process - Wellness Housing
Up to three Mt. View A Tower apartments are available for current sophomores and juniors who wish to live the Wellness
Lifestyle next year. Wellness Lifestyle Housing is for students who will live WITHOUT the presence and usage of alcohol,
tobacco and non-prescribed prescription drugs and can be co-ed (same gender bedrooms). Wellness information and
applications are online. Please print and submit your application and essay along with your Lottery Card & signed Housing
Contract to Residential Life Thursday, April 9 - Monday, April 13. The Assistant Dean of Student Affairs will review
applicant information, review judicial history, and may request interviews before decisions are made. Notifications will be
made via email on Tuesday, April 14 after 2 pm. If more students apply than available housing then the highest combined
roster value will secure housing. If you are selected and your Lottery Card is not "CLEAR'‘ by Monday, April 27 then you will
forfeit your Wellness Housing. If any approved student does not meet the Wellness Lifestyle Housing requirements then
they will be moved to whatever class-level housing is available. Any students that do not secure Wellness Housing will
follow and participate in Room Lottery and turn in their clear Lottery Cards & signed Housing Contracts with a roster of their
next desired residence by Monday, April 27.
Page 12
Co-ed Housing
Co-ed Housing is designed to provide students with the opportunity to reside in a same gender bedroom while sharing the
common areas with the opposite gender. Mixed gender students can submit their "CLEAR" Lottery Cards & signed Housing
Contracts at one time for an apartment and will participate in the Housing Lottery. All four residents must sign the co-ed
contract, agree to live and abide by the co-ed policies.
Submitting “CLEAR” Lottery Cards & Signed Housing Contracts
Students will need to submit their "CLEAR" Lottery Card & signed Housing Contract and anyone else they intend to live with
at the same time to Residential Life. You do not necessarily have to submit the number of Lottery Cards and signed Housing
Contracts for the capacity of the residence but it is in your best interest to so you have a higher overall lottery number.
$250 Non-Refundable Housing Deposit for Fall 2015
Please remember that students who submit their Lottery Card and participate in Housing Lottery will forfeit the opportunity
to have their housing deposit refunded regardless if they later withdraw, administratively withdrawn, transfer, or are
academically /judicially suspended.
2015-2016 Senior Housing Options
Page 13
Residence Hall
Lakeview Efficiencies
Sawmills Efficiencies
Sawmills Apartments
Lakeview Townhouses
Available for Lottery
Minimum of 17
Minimum of 4
Minimum of 7
Minimum of 26
Open Concept
Open Concept
Open Concept
Open Concept
Kitchen Furniture
Double Bedroom
Kitchen Furniture
Kitchen Furniture
Double Bedroom
1 Full Bathroom w/ Tub
Living Room
Living Room
1 Full Bathroom w/ Shower Stall
Laundry on Lower Level
Living Room Furniture
Living Room Furniture
1 Double Bedroom
3 Double Bedrooms
1 Single Bedroom
3 Full Bathrooms
1 Full Bathroom w/ Tub
Laundry on Lower Level
Laundry on Lower Level
Laundry on Lower Level
Housing Cost
Meal Plan Options
All Access, $150 Dining Dollars, + Two Guest Passes each Semester= $5,220/Year
15 Meals per Week, $100 Dining Dollars, + Two Guest Passes each Semester= $4,742/Year
100 Meals + $200 Dining Dollars each Semester= $2,580/Year
5 Meals per Week + $200 Dining Dollars each Semester= $1,248/Year
Zero Meal Plan
Please remember that the selecting order for the Senior Housing Lottery is an average, not a total, of all the lottery
roommates, regardless of where you wish to live. Students will select from the residences available for where they
Co-ed Housing
Co-ed Housing is designed to provide students with the opportunity to reside in a same gender bedroom while sharing
gender. Mixed gender students can submit their "CLEAR" Lottery Cards & signed Housing Contracts at one time for a
person Lakeview Townhouse, or a Lakeview eight-person unit and will participate in the Housing Lottery. All residents
online) and agree to live by the co-ed policies.
Page 14
* Pre-Lottery Process - Wellness Housing
Wellness Lifestyle Housing is for students who will live WITHOUT the presence and usage of alcohol, tobacco and nonprescribed prescription drugs. Wellness Housing can be in one Lakeview Efficiency, one Sawmills Efficiency, one Sawmills
Three-person Apartment, and one Lakeview Townhouse. Wellness information and applications are online. Please print and
submit your application and essay along with your Lottery Card & signed Housing Contract along with your intended
roommates to Residential Life Thursday, April 9-Monday, April 13. The Assistant Dead of Student Affairs will review
applicant information, review judicial history, and may request interviews before decisions are made. Notifications will be
made via email on Tuesday, April 14 after 2 pm. If more students apply than available housing then the highest combined
roster value will secure housing. If a student secures housing and does not have a "CLEAR" Lottery Card by Monday, April
27 then the student will lose their spot. If any approved student does not meet the Wellness Lifestyle Housing requirements
then they will be moved to whatever class-level housing is available. Any students that do not secure Wellness Housing will
follow and participate in Room Lottery and turn in their clear Lottery Cards & signed Housing Contracts with a roster of their
next desired residence by Monday, April 27.
8-Person Lakeview Units
We will continue to allow students to submit for an 8-person same gender or mixed gender and occupy the townhouse and
efficiency below. The co-ed housing guidelines apply for mixed gender living and there is not any set number of townhouse
and efficiency combinations available.
Submitting “Clear” Lottery Cards & Completed Housing Contracts
Students will need to submit their "CLEAR" Lottery Card & signed Housing Contract and anyone else they intend to live with
at the same time to Residential Life. You do not necessarily have to submit the number of Lottery Cards and signed Housing
Contracts for the capacity of the residence but it is in your best interest to so you have a higher overall lottery average.
$250 Non-Refund Housing Deposit for Fall 2015
Please remember that students who submit their Lottery Card and participate in Housing Lottery will forfeit the opportunity
to have their housing deposit refunded regardless if they later withdraw, administratively withdrawn, transfer, or are
academically/judicially suspended.