Order of the Secret Monitor Essex OSM Provincial Lunch


Order of the Secret Monitor Essex OSM Provincial Lunch
Order of the Secret Monitor
Province of Essex
Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler
R. Wy. Bro. Stephen M. Ayres
Essex OSM Provincial Lunch
LION HOUSE, Main Road, Boreham, Essex. CM3 3JA
Sunday 7th June 2015— 1:00pm for 1:30pm
Cost: £29.95 per person (not including wine)
Dress Code: Smart Casual
Children are most welcome and meals are available at half price
After the success of the previous Provincial Lunches, the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler for
the Essex OSM, R. Wy. Bro. Stephen Ayres, would like to continue with tradition and invite all
members of his Essex Conclaves and their families, to meet and dine with him and his Team.
As is the way of our Order this will be a relaxed family and friends event. All members and
their families are welcome and if you know of any prospective joining members or, perhaps,
those wishing to re-join, please bring them along by way of an introduction to our Order, as we
would be very happy to meet one and all.
Please complete the following booking form, plus menu selection on the reverse and return it,
together with your Cheque, (Payable to: Provincial Grand Conclave of Essex OSM) to Wy Bro.
Stephen Morris, at 22 Carpenters Drive, Great Notley, Essex. CM77 7ZQ, by: 1st June 2015.
Conclave: ________________________________
Address: _________________________________
Total Payt.: £ _____.____
Home Tel: _______________________
Mobile Tel: _______________________
For any additional information please contact;
Wy. Bro. Stephen Morris: 077 2572 8240 (M)
Email: themorrisfamily@aol.com
Order of the Secret Monitor
Province of Essex
Menu Selection
(Please add: (C) for a Child)
Sweet Potato & Coriander Soup with Crusty Roll
Haddock & Salmon Fishcakes with Tarter Sauce and Dressed Leaf
Prawn & Crayfish Cocktail with Marie Rose Sauce & Walnut
Corn fed Chicken Breast: Sausage Meat Stuffing & Mushroom Jus
Roast Sirloin of English Beef with Yorkshire Pudding & Gravy
Baked Salmon Fillet en Croute: Wilted Spinach, Cream Cheese and
Bramley Apple, Cinnamon & Sultana Crumble with Vanilla Custard
Baked Meringue with Mixed Berry Compote & Lemon Mascarpone
Beurre Blanc
(V) Filo Parcel filled with Butternut Squash, Long Clawson Stilton
and Spinach with Sweet Potato
Selection of Dairy Ice Creams and Sorbets
Fresh Fruit Salad
Duet of Cheese
Round Table Layout. Please advise if you
wish to sit within a particular group (10 max).
Names ((C) for a Child):