Bulletin for Sunday 26th April 2015


Bulletin for Sunday 26th April 2015
Encouraging faith in Jesus; Bringing hope to our world;
Showing love for each other.
8 Barrenjoey Road, Ettalong Beach, PO Box 131, Ettalong Beach NSW 2257,
Office Phone: (02) 4343 1237, email: ebc@ettalongbaptistchurch.org.au
Sunday Services: Family Service 9am, Traditional Service 11am
Bulletin for Sunday 26th April 2015
Welcome to our service this morning. You are invited to join us for morning tea between our 9am and
11am services in the Lower Hall, found at the end of the foyer as you walk beside the stairs.
If you are here for the first time or would like prayer or a pastoral visit, please complete a response card.
These cards can be found in pockets hanging on the backs of the seats. Please place your completed
card in the offering plate or the response box in the foyer.
Kids Church is held during the 9am worship service. Preschool children meet from 9am in the Hill Hall
which is the single story building adjacent to this one. Primary school children go to their program in the
Lower Hall after a short time into the service. Could parents please fill in a registration form when they
drop their children to the relevant program for the first time.
Today’s Message:
Bible Passage: John 21
Looking Ahead:
Monday 27th, 9.30am
Saturday 2nd May, 8am-2pm
Thursday 7th May,
Fri & Sat 15th & 16th May,
Monday 18th May, 10-11.30am
LIFT—DVD at Maria’s (4342 5442)
Ettalong Church Fete
Thursday Friends 40th Birthday Lunch
Revive, Dural Sport And Leisure Centre
Free coffee, tea and homemade cakes & biscuits, all welcome
bring your friends, neighbours and relations
From Pastor David:
This week as been a memorable week. On Monday evening and Tuesday we experienced a storm the
strength of a category 2 cyclone. I know a number of you are still without power and some may not have
power for another week. Please keep praying for each other. Pray especially for those who are elderly
and who are not well.
A number of us have had trees blow down on our properties. When I wrote this on Thursday I hadn’t
heard of any injuries on the Peninsula from fallen trees. Praise God for this. I have heard though that
many of you have had damage to your homes or yards from fallen trees. I have heard of several people
whose homes have been totally destroyed from fallen trees and will need to be partly or even completely
Thank you to everyone who have been so caring to each other this week as we went through this terrible
storm. To those who have had others for meals and offered showers to those with no hot water – thank
you. To our SES workers and the Rural Fire Brigade, to the Ausgrid workers and Council workers who
have been out in the pouring rain assisting in so many ways I want to say a special thank you.
Yesterday (Saturday) I joined the throng at Woy Woy War memorial to remember those who have fought
for our country. We remembered brave young men and women who thought not of their own safety and
wellbeing, but went to war so that we, their family, friends and fellow countrymen may continue to enjoy
the freedom we so blessedly enjoy.
I sent out an email on Wednesday this week to everyone from church that I have an email address for. I
wrote in that email something “a little bird told me” (literally). I was working in my study, thinking of ANZAC day and of the horror of war. The storm had just passed and there was actually some blue sky. The
birds were chirping in the neighbours back garden outside my study window. They reminded me of something Jesus Christ said… “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and
yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” (Matthew 6:26 (NIV))
Pastor David
Thursday Friends:
Daycare ministry turns 40 in May. We are holding a celebratory lunch
on Thursday 7th May at Terrigal Bowling Club. Anyone who would like to
help us celebrate, is more than welcome.
Cost is $20 per person for two course lunch and unlimited tea/coffee.
Please see Jan Rose or Jan Baker if you wish to join us.
Jan Rose 4344 4600
Youthlife—Exciting Ministry Opportunity:
Volunteers needed for Youthlife, particularly in the OpShop (boutique!) in Berith Street, Umina; if you can
help, please see our Church Representative—Merrie Allan, Phone 4342 3618.
Recordings Of Messages:
Each Sunday we record the Bible Reading and the Sermon. These are uploaded to our website.
You can listen or download these recordings at http://www.ettalongbaptistchurch.org.au/messages
1 Week to go ‘till the Fete!
Where has time gone! How exciting! The first thing I’d like everyone to do is to pray for sunshine on the
fete day! Please also pray for many visitors, for everyone entering church to feel God’s warmth and love,
and for safe, smooth running of the fete.
FLYERS: Please deliver some more flyers this week around your area if you are able to. They will be on
the table by the church door again as you go out today.
PARKING at the fete: Could all church members please park in the surrounding streets to allow space for
visitors? Re-parking for pack up will be easy once the crowd disperses. Thank you.
CAKES/BISCUITS/SLICES: We would be very grateful if you could make something yummy for us this
week. We are once again responding to requests to please list ingredients and tape them to the plate.
From past experience we find cakes sell better if well presented. Glad wrap does unravel, so with this in
mind we ask if it is at all possible please pop cakes into a clear cellophane oven bag and tie with something bright. Please deliver your goodies on Friday afternoon or early on Saturday
morning. Many, many thanks to our faithful helpers!!!
“Home Made” cakes are always in great demand!
PLANTS: Please bring them along on the fete morning and take them straight to the plant
stall which will be near the lower hall double doors.
VOLUNTEERS: If you have not offered to help in any area yet but would like to, please either see me today or alternatively on the fete day please pop over to any of the stalls and offer your services- I know you
will get a warm reception! ☺☺
NEXT WEEK: Each day and each evening there will be a number of wonderful helpers sorting through
clothes and setting up the white elephant stall. Please come and help if you can- even an hour or two
would be greatly appreciated. Many hands make light work!
NIGHT BEES: are on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday night 7.30-9.30pm
for anyone who would like to help but can’t come during the day.
TODAY: PLEASE stay and help move trestle tables from the church garage and boxes down from
upstairs. We’d really appreciate the extra sets of hands (and muscles) as it is such a big job.
Thank you to everyone who has offered to help at the fete. May God bless your generosity!
Robyn Higgins H: 4343 1075 or M: 0421018950
The gathering of Baptist Churches of NSW and ACT (Revive) is to be held Fri and Sat 15 and 16 May at
Dural Sport And Leisure Centre.
Go to http://revive.org.au/register/ or phone John Jira on 4339 7028 for more information, and to help
arrange transport.
Who do I ask?
Lead Pastor - David Gilchrist - 0448 431 234
Pastoral Elder - Graham Checkley - 0403 520 278
Crossroads Counselling - Meg Toon - 0414 238 614
Kids Church - Rick Keuning - 4326 1501
Preschool (18 mths + ) - 9am in Hill Hall (adjacent to this building)
Kindergarten to Year 6 - 9.15am in the Lower Hall.
(children join in the 9am service and go to their own program during the service)
Sunday Youth Connect Group - Anthony Crutcher - 0438 488 959
Kids Klub - David Gilchrist - 0448 431 234
(Kindergarten to Year 6 children, Fridays 4:30 pm during school term)
Youth group - Rick Keuning - 0425 206 459
(Each Friday 7pm to 9pm in the Hill Hall, during school terms)
Playtime - Lyndl Crutcher - 4340 5470
(10 am Tuesdays during school terms in Hill Hall)
Men’s Shed - Peter LeMay - 4340 2748
(9am Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays)
Men’s Ministry - John Jira - 4339 7028
(Activities on the last Saturday of each month)
Ladies Fellowship - Elva Badman - 4344 2134
(1:30 pm 1st & 3rd Tues in lower hall)
Girls’ Brigade - Janine Arrua - 4368 3328
(6:30pm Wednesdays during school terms)
LIFT Ladies in Fellowship Together - Maria Janos - 4342 5442
(For women who are single and single again)
Thursday Friends - Jan Baker - 4326 1968 & Jan Rose - 4344 4600
Peninsula Pastimes - Heather Crawford - 0419 297 496
(Various craft activities — Fridays 9:30 am during school terms)
Morning Tea, 26 April:
Set Up: Lee Oehm & Julie Turner
Clean Up: Lynda Blandford & Irene Makepeace
9am Greeters, 26 April
Diane Nagle & Merryll Mead
Welcome Table, 26 April
John & Tracy Jira
11am Greeters, 26 April
Lorna Overton
Morning Tea, 3 May
Set Up: Jane Keuning & Jan Karsai
Clean Up:
Pat & Kate Brophy
9am Greeters 3 May
Diane Nagle & Joy Lofberg
Welcome Table 3 May
Ian & Aimee Durrand
11am Greeters, 3 May
Lorna Overton
Please Pray For...
Sunshine on fete day
Jan Foskett
Gary Owen
Gordon Patterson
Evelyn Hayes (daughter of Beryl Hayes) and all
those affected by the storms this week.
Lee and Lyn Morris
Praise for the abundant rain in Kisii, Kenya.
For farmers in drought affected west NSW & Qld
Please phone Lynda Blandford, 4344 4404, if you have a
prayer request.
We have a phone prayer chain and an email prayer chain in our church.
Please consider joining one of our prayer chains.
See Lynda Blandford for details.
From The Treasurer:
Thank you so much to everyone for their generous giving.
Offerings in March were $3971 per week.
Budget is $3800 per week
You may give electronically. Direct Debit information is as follows:
BSB: 032-527 Account No: 350-062