001 - university pathway courses all inclusive.indd


001 - university pathway courses all inclusive.indd
University Pathway and Start-up bonus Programme
All–inclusive Package Offer
Local Centre EURASIA ID
m f
Surname Name
Put passport photo
Date of Birth Place of Birth Address Postcode
+ attach 2 colour photos
Country E-mail
Pre−arrival Support •
400 €
Application for university or Studienkolleg (including university fees)
Visa documentation
Blocked account opening charge
Provisional insurance coverage
Reservation of course for up to 6 months in advance
Courier charge
Preparation Programme and Support with University Application 6500 €
• 30 wks with 30 lessons per week German language course from A1 to C1 level
• Free repetition of one level in case of not passing exam
• Preparation for Studienkolleg Entrance Exam, including “math” (4 lessons per day) or forTestDaF or DSH Exam. Seminar on university application and legalization procedures
• Individual university advisory sessions
• Support with application for university and / or Studienkolleg
• All examination fees and course materials
• Weekly social activities (not including transport and entry fees)
• Start-up bonuss for selected universities available
Deduct for levels
– 500 € per level
• If you have already completed some levels of German language
• Certificate necessary
Student and Relocation Service
• Pick-up on arrival from airport or railway station
• Support with police registration, bank account opening or activation, visa extension
• Student service and social support, cultural integration seminars etc.
Accommodation Service €
• Please book in separate accommodation contract
Additional services
Health, accident and liability insurance for
• Insurance package including letter for German embassy
50 € per month
Instalment payment agreements available on request
I confirm with my signature that I am in agreement with the terms overleaf and am able and willing to pay all fees as
set out in the terms and conditions.
Date, Place Signature
EURASIA Institute Obentrautstraße 72 · 10963 Berlin · Germany
T +49 30 43 72 72 11 - 0 · F +49 30 43 72 72 11 - 99
info@eurasia-institute.com · www.eurasia-institute.com
Terms and Conditions
1. Parties of Contract
a. EURASIA Institute, registered as a private supplementary
school with the Berlin Senate according to § 9 of the Berlin
Private Schools Act at the address Obentrautstraße 72, 10963
Berlin, Germany and represented by the Director, Andrew
b. Student intending to apply for German language preparatory
course and German university application.
2. Application
The Student confirms that he wishes to study at EURASIA
according to the terms and conditions below. EURASIA hereby
confirms acceptance of the Student’s application to study at
3. Conditions of Application
The Student must fulfil the following application requirements:
a. The Student must be a healthy candidate, having no illnesses
which might influence his/her studies.
b. The Student must be at least 18 years of age on the date of
signing this contract. If not the contract must be signed by the
parent or guardian taking full responsibility for the Student.
c. The Student must meet the qualifications required by a
German university if intending to apply to study in Germany.
d. All legalised and translated transcripts required for university
application must be handed in with this contract.
4. Pathway Programme and Start-up bonuss
The Pathway Programme includes all programmes and services
as booked overleaf and is geared towards final placement of
the student in a seat at the university which issued the initial
offer letter. The EURASIA Start-up bonus of 500 € is awarded to
the student within one month of receipt of official confirmation
of matriculation from the university. The student may make
multiple applications if he/she is interested in applying for
other universities. EURASIA will assist with the application of
maximum one extra university.
5. Period of Study
The duration of study and number of lessons is detailed overleaf.
One lesson is 45 minutes. The date of commencement is specified
in the EURASIA confirmation letter. This date may be postponed
by up to three months should delays in obtaining the visa
occur or in the event that there are too few applicants to start a
class in the month applied for. The student must reconfirm the
starting date TWO WEEKS before arrival by sending an email
to admissions@eurasia-institute.com EURASIA does not accept
responsibility for any circumstances or costs arising as a result of
failure to do this.
6. Obligations of EURASIA and services provided to the Student
during the programme
a. After receipt of full application and application fees, EURASIA
will apply for conditional admission at one of EURASIA’s
contact universities. In many cases the only condition will be
passing the language exam. In others there may be a numerus
b. Provide German language tuition full-time (6 academic hours
per day) as a super-intensive course, 5 days a week Monday
to Friday.
c. Experienced and qualified teachers of German as a foreign
language with special preparation for the university entrance
examinations (TestDaF, DSH and Studienkolleg). Tuition
groups on average about 12 to 15 participants. Maximum is 18
d. Participation in internal examination system with 5 levels (A1
to C1). Students who pass each level with the corresponding
certificate will continue to the next level. Students who do
not pass the level exam will be given one chance to retake
the exam after two weeks. If they fail a second time, they will
have to repeat classes of that level again.
e. Orientation lecture on studying in Germany after arrival
followed by individual consultation with study advisor on
university application procedure.
7. Obligations of the Student
a. The Student must confirm the authenticity of all
documentation and the correctness of all personal
b. All costs as well as legal consequences resulting from failure
to observe this point will be borne by the Student.
c. The Student is obliged to complete the language studies
according to the length of course applied for. If the student
is absent from more than 20% of classes then he/she will be
ex-matriculated – tuition fees will not be returned. Should the
Student have a visa for university studies and not attend the
EURASIA preparatory courses EURASIA is obliged to inform
the immigration authorities.
8. Fees and Methods of Payment
a. Non-returnable application fees and courier fees – to be paid
when sending in your application:
i. Returnable Deposit for Tuition fees – payable immediately
on receipt of university conditional offer by fax/scan and
before the visa application is made.
ii. Health, liability and accident insurance for the duration
of your stay – to be paid in whole on receipt of visa and
before arrival.
iii. Outstanding payments for all other services including bank
charges deducted are to be paid two weeks before arrival.
b. Consultancy Charges: any service charges levied by the local
booking agent are left to the discretion of that representative
and are not regulated by EURASIA.
c. Methods of payment: WUMT, bank transfer, cash deposit, bank
draft and PayPal are accepted. Please note that in most cases
you will need to carry all extra bank charges.
9. Termination of Contract
If the application is terminated due to visa denial, the student
may opt for visa appeal procedure. Should the cancellation be
made for any other reason before issuance of visa the following
cancellation charges apply: 35% for 60 days or more, 65% for
30 days or more, 100% for less than 30 days before course start
date. After receipt of student visa, course fees cannot be refunded
under any circumstances. In particular, if the student breaks off
from the booked course prematurely, this in no way entitles him
to a refund of tuition fees. Furthermore, finishing the course
early as a result of passing the relevant examination early or by
jumping classes due to good performance will not entitle the
student to a refund.
10.Refunds in case of visa refusal
Course fees deposits and other fees paid will be refunded
provided that the visa was refused in written form by the German
Embassy or Consulate. In order to make the refund we require
the original letter of refusal from the embassy, a copy of your
passport with all relevant pages and the return of all original
documents given to the student for visa application. Costs
incurred by EURASIA will be deducted from the deposit made
(courier fees, bank charges, appeal fees etc.). Refunds will not be
made under any other circumstances.
11.Validity of Contract
This contract is valid from the date of signing by the Student and
EURASIA. Should any disputes arise out of this contract, such
disputes will be regulated according to German law. Place of
jurisdiction is Berlin, Germany.