BRICS 2015 Brochure 1
BRICS 2015 Brochure 1
Doing Business with the BRICS 2015 Third Annual Conference Embassy of South Africa | Embassy of Russian Federation Washington, DC | Monday, May 18, 2015 A Eurasia Center Event Sponsored by Claret ConsulƟng CLARET CONSULTING BRICS 2015 Conference Topics Multilateral Cooperation BRICS Bank IMF & World Bank Reform Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Oil & Gas Shale Developments Asian Pivot Coping with Cheap Oil Infrastructure Investment New Silk Road Public Private Partnerships Social Infrastructure Macroeconomic Environment US Recovery Effects Managing the Downturn Avoiding Recession Science & Technology Innovation Policies Education Initiatives Social Development Political Landscape Leadership Report Card Public Support Policy Support The Eurasia Center & The Eurasian Business Coalition 3rd Annual Conference DOING BUSINESS WITH THE BRICS Washington, DC Monday, May 18, 2015 0900 — 1700 EMBASSY OF SOUTH AFRICA 3051 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20008 EMBASSY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION 2650 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20007 Agenda to be finalized. You must register by May 1, 2014 to receive security clearance. Previous Sponsors of our Events: 3M Corpora on | The Boeing Company | US Department of Commerce | Caterpillar | Cisco Systems | Ci Bank | Dechert LLP | Ernst & Young, LLP | The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federa on | United Technologies | The Ford Motor Company | The Coca‐Cola Company | General Electric | ConocoPhillips | Bal ka | The Intel Corpora on | Lockheed‐Mar n | LUKOIL | About Claret CLARET CONSULTING is a bou que financial advisory and consul ng firm based in Washington, DC. Our Public‐Private Partnerships (P3) Prac ce provides training, consul ng, program development, project management and transac on advisory services to public and private sector clients around the world. Our consultants have developed P3 policies, programs and projects in every region of the world and in nearly every sector. Our experience has taught us that the single most important prerequisite for successful P3s is a well educated base of stakeholders which is why we have developed our training pro‐ gram of P3 courses. We look forward to mee ng you at this upcoming event. About The Eurasia Center The Eurasia Center has been an important hub of ac vity and a mee ng place for networking, scholarship, publishing, and business development. The Center promotes the exchange of ideas among diplomats, government officials, business leaders and ci zens on issues concerning investment, economic development, educa on, health care, and environmental sustainable development. Leaders are engaged to promote the ideals of peace, security, democracy, and economic coopera on. The Eurasia Center is a 501(c)(3) federally recognized non‐profit organiza on promo ng posi ve rela ons between America and the 93 na ons of Eurasia through progressive programs and ac vi es. Sustaining sponsorships, memberships, and program par cipa on are welcomed and are 100% tax‐deduc ble. The Eurasia Center & The Eurasian Business Coalition 4927 Massachusetts Avenue , NW, Washington , D.C. 20016 Tel: (202) 494-0773 Telefax: (202) 237-1452 Email: Web: CLARET CONSULTING 2200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW | 4th Floor East | Washington, DC 20037 | 202 507 5856 |