22, 23 y 24 de Abril Lima
22, 23 y 24 de Abril Lima
CIbSE2015 XVIII IBERO - AMERICAN CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING XVIII CONGRESO IBEROAMERICANO EN INGENIERÍA DE SOFTWARE XVIII CONGRESSO IBERO-AMERICANO EM ENGENHARIA DE SOFTWARE 22, 23 y 24 de Abril Lima - Perú UNIVERSIDAD CATÓLICA SAN PABLO eventos.spc.org.pe/cibse2015 CIBSE2015 XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering http://eventos.spc.org.pe/cibse2015 April 22-24th, 2015, Lima, Peru Hosted by: Universidad Ricardo Palma, Lima, Peru Editors: Jo˜ao Araujo Nelly Condori-Fernandez Miguel Goul˜ao Santiago Matalonga Nelly Bencomo Toacy Oliveira Jose Luis de la Vara Isabel Sofia Brito Leandro Antonelli Ernesto Pimentel Juan Jos´e Miranda Marcos Kalinowski ´ Oscar Pastor Luis Olsina Renata Guizzardi Sergio Espa˜ na Ernesto Cuadros-Vargas Abstracts XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering http://eventos.spc.org.pe/cibse2015 CIBSE2015 Lima, April 22-24th, 2015 Local Organizers: Memorias del Lima, Peru, April 22-24th Authors: Jo˜ ao Araujo Nelly Condori-Fernandez Miguel Goul˜ ao Santiago Matalonga Nelly Bencomo Toacy Oliveira Jose Luis de la Vara Isabel Sofia Brito Leandro Antonelli Ernesto Pimentel Juan Jos´e Miranda Marcos Kalinowski ´ Oscar Pastor Luis Olsina Renata Guizzardi Sergio Espa˜ na Ernesto Cuadros-Vargas Editado por: Universidad Cat´ olica San Pablo Campus Campi˜ na Paisajista s/n Quinta Vivanco, Barrio de San L´azaro, Arequipa, Per´ u Phone: +51-54-605630 Email: institucional@ucsp.edu.pe Primera edici´ on, Abril 2015 Tiraje: 100 ejemplares Versi´ on Electr´ onica c 2015 by the authors. Copyright Message From Conference and General Program Chairs Welcome to the 18th IberoAmerican Conference on Software Engineering! Peru is glad to receive this event by the second time, first IDEAS 2004 and now CIBSE 2015. This event is particulary important in our country because it allows us to show cutting-edge articles in this area. Computing programs in Peru are changing according to the international proposals. From that point of view, CIBSE is quite useful to show and understand what Software Engineering is internationally. CIBSE is a flagship event in the field of Software Engineering, with the participation of a vibrant Ibero-american community. It was conceived as a space dedicated to the dissemination of research results and activities, as it encourages dialogue between scientists, educators, professionals and students of Software Engineering. It has distinct characteristics as it welcomes contributions in three languages: Portuguese, Spanish or English. It is backed by 17 previous conferences held in various countries: Brazil-Torres (IDEAS’98), Isla Margarita, Venezuela (IDEAS’07), San Jose, Costa Rica (IDEAS’99), Recife, Brazil (IDEAS’08), Cancun, Mexico (IDEAS’00), Medell´ın, Colombia (IDEAS09), Heredia, Costa Rica (IDEAS’01), Cuenca, Ecuador (CIbSE’10), Havana, Cuba (IDEAS’02), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (CIbSE’11), Asunci´ on, Paraguay (IDEAS’03), Arequipa, Peru (IDEAS’04), Buenos Aires, Argentina (CIbSE’12), Valparaiso, Chile (IDEAS’05), Montevideo, Uruguay (CIbSE’13). La Plata, Argentina (IDEAS’06), Pucon, Chile (CIbSE’14). CIbSE is an evolution of the successful IDEAS (Iberoamerican Workshop on Environments and Software Requirements Engineering) which began in 1998. It was strengthened with the integration of two specialized events: the Workshop on Requirements Engineering (WER) in 2010 and the Experimental Software Engineering Latin American Workshop (ESELAW) in 2011. This year CIbSE also added a Industrial Track and a Posters and Demos track. As a result, now CIbSE consists of five tracks. The issues related to Requirements Engineering are discussed under the WER track, while Experimental Software Engineering topics are handled by ESELAW track. The Industrial track covers software engineering issues in industry. Posters and Demos present initial and key research results. All remaining Software Engineering themes are discussed under the SET Track. CIbSE’15 will be held in Lima, Peru. We are fortunate to have three keynotes that span different areas of interest to the software engineering community: Peter Swayer, Alain Abran and Giancarlo Guizzardi. The program also includes the presentation of 5 tutorials, 59 full papers, 2 doctoral symposiums, 5 Posters and Demos divided into 37 sessions. We hope that you will enjoy your stay at Lima and make the most of CIbSE’15! Joao Araujo and Nelly Condori-Fernandez General Program chairs Ernesto Cuadros-Vargas and Hugo Vega Huerta Conference chairs v General Index April 22st (Wednesday) Keynote: Keynote - Keynote (S1) 09:30-10:30 Headware: Software for Managing Mental Health. Peter Sawyer . . . . . . . . . . 2 Session: Software Engineering Track - SET (S1) Chair: 11:00-11:20 Inferencia del esquema en bases de datos NoSQL a trav´ es de un enfoque MDE. Severino Feliciano Morales, Jesus Garc´ıa-Molina, Diego Sevilla Ruiz . . . . 11 11:20-11:40 Restricted metamodel-based similarity propagation: a comparative study. Gabriel Peschl, Marcos Didonet Del Fabro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 11:40-12:00 Variable-Based Analysis for Traceability in QVT-R Model Transformations. Severino Feliciano Morales, Omar Mart´ınez Grassi, Claudia Pons, Gabriel Baum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Session: Industrial Track - IT (S1-A) Chair: 11:00-11:30 Relato de Experiˆ encia Sobre a Implanta¸ c˜ ao de um Processo de Entrega Cont´ınua em uma Organiza¸ c˜ ao da Ind´ ustria Financeira. Everton Gomede, Rafael T. Silva, Rodolfo M. Barros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 11:30-12:00 Evaluaci´ on Emp´ırica de las Pruebas de Sistemas: Un Caso de Estudio. Juan Pablo Amador Ar´evalo, Marcelo Jenkins Coronas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Session: Requirements Engineering Workshop - WER (S1) Chair: 11:00-11:30 A Collaborative Approach to Capture the Domain Language. Leandro Antonelli, Gustavo Rossi, Alejandro Oliveros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 11:30-12:00 Extra¸ c˜ ao de requisitos apoiada por t´ ecnicas de Inteligˆ encia Artificial embutidas em ferramentas de apoio. Cristiane Aparecida Lana, Lucas Gon¸calves Cunha, Jos´e Luis Braga, Antonio De Padua Albuquerque Oliveira . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 12:00-12:30 Improving Quality Models Construction Through Knowledge Reuse. Juan Pablo Carvallo, Xavier Franch, Carme Quer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Session: Tutoriales - Tutorial (S1) Chair: 11:00-14:00 Big Data: A trav´ es de una implementaci´ on. Diego Krauthamer . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Session: Software Engineering Track - SET (S2) Chair: ´ 14:00-14:20 Um Survey sobre M´ etodos Ageis e o P´ os-Agilismo. Tain´ a Leal, Gleison Santos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 14:20-14:40 YAAMDDA: Una propuesta AMDD para el desarrollo de Aplicaciones Web Enterprise Enriquecidas de Internet. Victor Cajes, Magali Gonzalez, Luca Cernuzzi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 14:40-15:00 Verification of Software Process Line Models: A Checklist-based Inspection Approach. Eldˆ anae Nogueira Teixeira, Rafael Maiani de Mello, Rebeca Campos Motta, Cl´ audia M L Werner, Aline Vasconcelos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 vii Session: Industrial Track - IT (S2) Chair: 14:00-14:30 Providing software maintenance and evolution as a service in a small organization: an approach based on CMMI-DEV and CMMI-SVC. Renata Moreira, Maur´ıcio Souza, Yguarat˜ a Cavalcanti, Ana Cristina Rouiller, Alexandre Vasconcelos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56 14:30-15:00 Una Experiencia de Implementaci´ on Multimodelo de Alta Madurez con CMMI y MPS-SW en Sofrecom Argentina. Valeria Chiuki, Viviana Rubinstein, Jorge Boria, Andres Rubinstein, Andrea Baglietto, Silvia Andino, Ana Regina Rocha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 15:00-15:30 Implementaci´ on del Perfil B´ asico de la ISO/IEC 29110 de una Peque˜ na Empresa Desarrolladora de Software: Lecciones Aprendidas. Melissa Abarca Romero, Robert Arisaca Mamani, Abraham D´ avila Ram´ on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Session: Requirements Engineering Workshop - WER (S2) Chair: 14:00-14:30 Fuentes y t´ ecnicas de requerimientos. Un estudio de evoluci´ on de la pr´ actica. Alejandro Oliveros, Leandro Antonelli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 14:30-15:00 La Gesti´ on del Conocimiento Aplicada en la Ingenier´ıa de Requisitos: Un Caso de Estudio en Ecuador. Cecilia Hinojosa, Geovanny Raura, Efrain R. Fonseca C., Oscar Dieste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 15:00-15:30 Criatividade Combinacional para Gera¸ c˜ ao de Requisitos Inovadores: Um Relato de Experiˆ encia. Rafael Pinto, Lyrene Silva, Marcia Lucena, Ilueny Santos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Session: Software Engineering Track - SET (S3) Chair: 16:00-16:20 A Practical Experience of a Software Process Line Creation. Andr´ea M Magdaleno, Renata M Araujo, Cl´ audia M L Werner, Carlos Freud Alves Batista 13 16:20-16:40 Propuesta de Mecanismo de Medici´ on de Agilidad de Proyectos de Desarrollo. Cecilia Nacimento, Santiago Matalonga, Alejandro Adorjan, Gast´ on Mousqu´es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 16:40-17:00 Methodologies for Evaluation and Improvement of Software Processes in the Context of Quality and Maturity Models: a Systematic Mapping. Daniel Fernando G. Feloni, Rosana T. Vaccare Braga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Session: Industrial Track - IT (S3) Chair: 16:00-16:30 Avaliando a Experiˆ encia do Usu´ ario e a Usabilidade de um Aplicativo Web M´ ovel: Um Relato de Experiˆ encia. Natasha M. Costa Valentim, Williamson Silva, Tayana Conte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 16:30-17:00 Comparaci´ on de la Calidad de una Aplicaci´ on M´ ovil Desarrollada para Android y iOS: un Caso de Estudio. Sehyris Campos Arce, Alejandro Mora, Marcelo Jenkins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Session: Requirements Engineering Workshop - WER (S3) Chair: 16:00-16:30 Elicita¸ c˜ ao e Especifica¸ c˜ ao de Requisitos em Sistemas Embarcados: Uma Revis˜ ao Sistem´ atica. Aˆeda Sousa, Josenildo Melo, Fernanda Alencar, Celso Agra 43 16:30-17:00 Requisitos para Softwares Educacionais Gamificados: Uma Revis˜ ao Sistem´ atica de Literatura. Mariana Peixoto, Carla Silva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Session: Tutoriales - Tutorial (S2) Chair: 16:00-19:00 Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural en Ingenier´ıa de Requisitos: Contribuciones Potenciales y Desaf´ıos de Investigaci´ on . Ricardo Gacit´ ua Bustos 64 April 23th (Thrusday) Keynote: Keynote - Keynote (S2) 09:30-10:30 Software Estimation: From Wishful Thinking to Sound Engineering. Alain Abran . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Session: Software Engineering Track - SET (S4) Chair: 10:00-10:20 Conformidade e Visualiza¸ c˜ ao Arquitetural em Linguagens Dinˆ amicas. Sergio Miranda, Marco Tulio Valente, Ricardo Terra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 10:20-10:40 An Evaluation of Functional Size Measurement Methods. Christian Quesada-L´ opez, Marcelo Jenkins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 10:40-11:00 Patrones de Estrategia para Proyectos de Medici´ on, Evaluaci´ on y Mejora. Bel´en Rivera, Pablo Becker, Luis Olsina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Session: Experimental Software Engineering Track - ESELAW (S1) Chair: 11:00-11:20 Characterizing Sampling Frames in Software Engineering Surveys. Rafael Maiani de Mello, Guilherme Horta Travassos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 11:20-11:40 Mechanisms to Characterize Context of Empirical Studies in Software Engineering. Bruno Cartaxo, Juliana Saraiva, Adauto Almeida, Emanoel Barreiros, Waldemar Pires Ferreira Neto, Sergio Soares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 ´ 11:40-12:00 Factores en la Adopci´ on de M´ etodos Agiles en el Proceso de Desarrollo de Software: Revisi´ on Sistem´ atica de la Literatura. Marilyn Sihuay, Abraham Davila, Marcelo Pessoa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Session: PostersDemos - Poster (S1) Chair: 11:00-11:20 Gesti´ on de Riesgos en Proyectos OSS: La Plataforma RISCOSS. Xavier Franch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 11:20-11:40 gestUI: Un m´ etodo dirigido por modelos para incluir interacci´ on gestual multi-trazo en interfaces de usuario. Otto Parra Gonz´ alez, Oscar Pastor . . . 70 11:40-12:00 La priorizaci´ on de requisitos de software en proyectos de entorno interactivos 3D. Sailyn Salas Hechavarria, Andy Hern´ andez Paez . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 12:00-12:20 Plugin sobre Eclipse EMF para evaluar la calidad de lenguajes de modelado utilizando la t´ ecnica FCA (Formal Concept Analysis). Faber D. Giraldo, Cesar Catano, Juan D. Fernandez . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 12:20-12:40 Herramienta para la generacion de c´ odigo Android a partir de modelos conceptuales. William J. Giraldo, Manuel A. Pineda, Robinson Arias, Mar´ıa L. Villegas, Faber D. Giraldo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Session: Tutoriales - Tutorial (S3) Chair: 11:00-14:00 Lightweight software verification with pluggable type-checking. Michael Ernst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Session: Industrial Track - IT (S1-B) Chair: 14:00-14:30 Experiencias en la Industria del Software: Certificaci´ on del Producto con ISO/IEC 25000. Mois´es Rodr´ıguez, Mario Piattini . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Session: Software Engineering Track - SET (S5) Chair: 14:00-14:20 Uma abordagem para gera¸ c˜ ao autom´ atica de dados de teste utilizando algoritmos evolutivos para software controlador de ve´ıculos autˆ onomos. Vˆ ania de Oliveira Neves, M´ arcio Eduardo Delamaro, Paulo Cesar Masiero . . . . . . 16 14:20-14:40 Automated Testing of Mobile Applications: A Systematic Map and Review. Abel M´endez-Porras, Christian Quesada-L´ opez, Marcelo Jenkins . . . . . . . . . . 16 14:40-15:00 Automatic generation of GUI test cases using Ant Colony Optimization and Greedy algorithm. Jose Rodriguez, Glen D. Rodriguez . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Session: Experimental Software Engineering Track - ESELAW (S2) Chair: 14:00-14:20 A Computational Infrastructure for Research Synthesis in Software Engineering. Paulo S´ergio Santos, Ian Nascimento, Guilherme Horta Travassos . . 26 14:20-14:40 Uncertainty Management in Software Projects - An Action Research. Marcelo Marinho, Telma Lima, Suzana Sampaio, Hermano Moura . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 14:40-15:00 Evaluating a Maturity Model for Agile Governance in Information and Communication Technology with Survey Based on Expert Opinion. Humberto Rocha de Almeida Neto, Edviges Mariza Campos de Magalh˜ aes, Hermano Perrelli de Moura, Jos´e Gilson De Almeida Teixeira Filho, Claudia Cappelli, Luiz Mauricio Fraga Martins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Session: Experimental Software Engineering Track - ESELAW (S3) Chair: 16:00-16:20 Using Focus Group in Software Engineering: lessons learned on characterizing software technologies in academia and industry. Breno de Fran¸ca, Talita Ribeiro, Paulo Dos Santos, Guilherme Horta Travassos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 16:20-16:40 Ferramentas de Medi¸ c˜ ao de Software: Um Estudo Comparativo. Gustavo Vale, Hudson Borges, Eduardo Figueiredo, Clarindo P´ adua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 16:40-17:00 Mejorando la Usabilidad de las Herramientas de Floss Refactoring Haciendo Uso del An´ alisis del Comportamiento del Desarrollador. Raul Naupari Quiroz, Alvaro Cuno . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Session: Software Engineering Track - SET (S6) Chair: ´ aos e Tecidos para apoio a Inte16:00-16:20 Ontologia de Dom´ınio de Doa¸ c˜ ao de Org˜ gra¸ c˜ ao Semˆ antica de Sistemas. Lucas Pereira, Rodrigo F. Calhau, Paulo S´ergio dos Santos J´ unior, Mateus B. Costa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 16:20-16:40 Comparando Patrones de Seguridad y T´ acticas de Seguridad para construir sistemas seguros: Identificando amenazas de seguridad. Ren´e No¨el, Gilberto Pedraza-Garc´ıa, Hern´ an Astudillo, Santiago Matalonga, Oscar Encina . 18 16:40-17:00 Investigating Bioinspired Strategies to Solve Large Scale Next Release Problem. Glauber Botelho, Arthur Rocha, Andr´e Brito, Leila Silva . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 April 24th (Friday) Keynote: Keynote - Keynote (S3) 09:30-10:30 The Humble Conceptual Modeler: Towards a Pattern-Based and Ontologically Well-Founded Discipline for Next-Generation Conceptual Modeling. Giancarlo Guizzardi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Session: Experimental Software Engineering Track - ESELAW (S4) Chair: 11:00-11:20 An experimental evaluation of a crowdsourcing-based approach for flood risk management. Ranieri De Brito Moreira, L´ıvia Castro Degrossi, Jo˜ ao Porto De Albuquerque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 11:20-11:40 Um Estudo sobre Extra¸ c˜ ao de M´ etodos para Reutiliza¸ c˜ ao de C´ odigo. Danilo Silva, Marco Tulio Valente, Eduardo Figueiredo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 11:40-12:00 An Empirical Validation of Function Point Structure and Applicability: A Replication Study. Christian Quesada-L´ opez, Marcelo Jenkins . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Session: Doctoral Symposium - DoctoralSymposium (S1) Chair: 11:00-12:30 Buenas Pr´ acticas de Ciencia del Dise˜ no aplicadas al Desarrollo de una Tesis Doctoral. Oscar Pastor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Session: Requirements Engineering Workshop - WER (S4) Chair: 11:00-11:30 11:30-12:00 12:00-12:30 On the behaviour of context-sensitive systems. J´essyka Vilela, Jaelson Castro, Jo˜ ao Pimentel, Paulo Lima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Integrating the E4J editor to the JGOOSE tool. Leonardo Pereira Merlin, Alexandre Luiz de Borba Silva, Victor Francisco Araya Santander, Ivonei Freitas Da Silva, Jaelson Castro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Modeling SOA from Organizational Models. Orlando Oliveira, Carla Silva 45 Session: Doctoral Symposium - DoctoralSymposium (S2) Chair: 14:00-14:45 Integration of Agile Practices: An approach to improve the quality of software specifications. Juliana Medeiros, Alexandre Vasconcelos, Carla Silva 76 Session: Experimental Software Engineering Track - ESELAW (S5) Chair: 14:00-14:20 Model Driven Development Success Cases for Domain-Specific and General Purpose Approaches: A Systematic Mapping. Thiago Gottardi, Rosana Braga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 14:20-14:40 Software Fault Prediction: A Systematic Mapping Study. Juan MurilloMorera, Christian Quesada-L´ opez, Marcelo Jenkins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 14:40-15:00 Requirements Engineering in Agile Projects: A Systematic Mapping based in Evidences of Industry. Juliana D. R. V. Medeiros, Daniela C. P. Alves, Alexandre Vasconcelos, Carla Silva, Eduardo Wanderley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Session: Requirements Engineering Workshop - WER (S5) Chair: 14:00-14:30 A Heuristic Approach for Supporting Innovation in Requirements Engineering. Ricardo Souza, Glauber Batista, Gilberto Cysneiros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 14:30-15:00 Um processo colaborativo para a constru¸ c˜ ao de l´ exicos: o caso da divulga¸ c˜ ao de transparˆ encia. Priscila Engiel, Joanna Pivatelli, Pedro Nuno, Roxana Portugal, Julio Leite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 15:00-15:30 Apoio a Configura¸ c˜ ao de Processos de Neg´ ocio Dinˆ amicos. Tarc´ısio Couto, Fernanda Alencar, Jaelson Castro, Edson Alves, Paulo Lima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Session: Doctoral Symposium - DoctoralSymposium (S3) Chair: 14:45-15:30 Construcci´ on y adaptaci´ on de Lenguajes de Dominio Espec´ıfico por usuarios finales. Santiago J´ acome G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Session: Experimental Software Engineering Track - ESELAW (S6) Chair: 16:00-16:20 The Use of Games on the Teaching of Programming: A Systematic Review. Thiago Reis Da Silva, Taina Jesus Medeiros, Eduardo Henrique Da Silva Aranha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 16:20-16:40 Investigating bias in the search phase of Software Engineering secondary studies. Jos´e A. M. Santos, Alcemir Rodrigues Santos, Manoel Mendon¸ca . . . . . . 33 16:40-17:00 A Systematic Review of Geospatial Web Service Composition. Roberto Dos Santos Rocha, Livia Castro Degrossi, Joao Porto de Albuquerque . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Session: Requirements Engineering Workshop - WER (S6) Chair: 16:00-17:00 Trends and Needs in Requirements Engineering Research in IberoAmerica. Jose Luis de la Vara, Isabel Sofia Brito . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 List of Authors (189) Abarca Romero, Melissa: 06 IT15 (p.57) Abran, Alain: 2 KN CIBSE2015 (p.2) Adorjan, Alejandro: 12 SET15 (p.14) Agra, Celso: 07 WER15 (p.43) Alencar, Fernanda: 07 WER15 (p.43), 14 WER15 (p.47) Almeida, Adauto: 02 ESELAW15 (p.25) Alves, Daniela C. P.: 14 ESELAW15 (p.32) Alves, Edson: 14 WER15 (p.47) Amador Ar´evalo, Juan Pablo: 03 IT15 (p.56) Andino, Silvia: 05 IT15 (p.57) Antonelli, Leandro: 01 WER15 (p.41), 04 WER15 (p.42) Arias, Robinson: 05 Poster15 (p.71) Arisaca Mamani, Robert: 06 IT15 (p.57) Astudillo, Hern´ an: 18 SET15 (p.18) B. Costa, Mateus: 17 SET15 (p.18) Baglietto, Andrea: 05 IT15 (p.57) Barreiros, Emanoel: 02 ESELAW15 (p.25) Batista, Glauber: 12 WER15 (p.46) Baum, Gabriel: 15 SET15 (p.11) Becker, Pablo: 5 SET15 (p.16) Borges, Hudson: 08 ESELAW15 (p.28) Boria, Jorge: 05 IT15 (p.57) Botelho, Glauber: 6 SET15 (p.19) Braga, Jos´e Luis: 02 WER15 (p.41) Braga, Rosana T. Vaccare: 13 ESELAW15 (p.31), 16 SET15 (p.14) Brito, Isabel Sofia: 15 WER15 (p.47) Brito, Andr´e: 6 SET15 (p.19) Cajes, Victor: 11 SET15 (p.12) Campos Arce, Sehyris: 08 IT15 (p.58) Campos de Magalh˜ aes, Edviges Mariza: 06 ESELAW15 (p.27) Cappelli, Claudia: 06 ESELAW15 (p.27) Cartaxo, Bruno: 02 ESELAW15 (p.25) Carvallo, Juan Pablo: 03 WER15 (p.41) Castro, Jaelson: 09 WER15 (p.44), 10 WER15 (p.45), 14 WER15 (p.47) Castro Degrossi, Livia: 18 ESELAW15 (p.33) Castro Degrossi, L´ıvia: 10 ESELAW15 (p.30) Catano, Cesar: 04 Poster15 (p.71) Cavalcanti, Yguarat˜ a: 04 IT15 (p.56) Cernuzzi, Luca: 11 SET15 (p.12) Chiuki, Valeria: 05 IT15 (p.57) Conte, Tayana: 07 IT15 (p.58) Couto, Tarc´ısio: 14 WER15 (p.47) Cunha, Lucas Gon¸calves: 02 WER15 (p.41) xiii Cuno, Alvaro: 09 ESELAW15 (p.29) Cysneiros, Gilberto: 12 WER15 (p.46) D. Fernandez, Juan: 04 Poster15 (p.71) D. Rodriguez, Glen: 9 SET15 (p.17) De Almeida Teixeira Filho, Jos´e Gilson: 06 ESELAW15 (p.27) De Brito Moreira, Ranieri: 10 ESELAW15 (p.30) de Fran¸ca, Breno: 07 ESELAW15 (p.28) de la Vara, Jose Luis: 15 WER15 (p.47) de Oliveira Neves, Vˆ ania: 4 SET15 (p.16) Delamaro, M´ arcio Eduardo: 4 SET15 (p.16) Didonet Del Fabro, Marcos: 7 SET15 (p.11) Dieste, Oscar: 05 WER15 (p.42) Dos Santos, Paulo: 07 ESELAW15 (p.28) Dos Santos Rocha, Roberto: 18 ESELAW15 (p.33) D´ avila Ram´ on, Abraham: 17 ESELAW15 (p.26), 06 IT15 (p.57) Encina, Oscar: 18 SET15 (p.18) Engiel, Priscila: 13 WER15 (p.46) Ernst, Michael: 5 Tutorial15 (p.64) F. Calhau, Rodrigo: 17 SET15 (p.18) Feliciano Morales, Severino: 1 SET15 (p.11), 15 SET15 (p.11) Feloni, Daniel Fernando G.: 16 SET15 (p.14) Figueiredo, Eduardo: 08 ESELAW15 (p.28), 11 ESELAW15 (p.30) Fonseca C., Efrain R.: 05 WER15 (p.42) Franch, Xavier: 03 WER15 (p.41), 01 Poster15 (p.70) Francisco Araya Santander, Victor: 10 WER15 (p.45) Freitas Da Silva, Ivonei: 10 WER15 (p.45) Freud Alves Batista, Carlos: 13 SET15 (p.13) Gacit´ ua Bustos, Ricardo: 2 Tutorial15 (p.64) Garc´ıa-Molina, Jesus: 1 SET15 (p.11) Giraldo, Faber D.: 04 Poster15 (p.71), 05 Poster15 (p.71) Giraldo, William J.: 05 Poster15 (p.71) Gomede, Everton: 02 IT15 (p.56) Gonzalez, Magali: 11 SET15 (p.12) Gottardi, Thiago: 13 ESELAW15 (p.31) Guizzardi, Giancarlo: 3 KN CIBSE2015 (p.3) Henrique Da Silva Aranha, Eduardo: 16 ESELAW15 (p.33) Hern´ andez Paez, Andy: 03 Poster15 (p.70) Hinojosa, Cecilia: 05 WER15 (p.42) Horta Travassos, Guilherme: 01 ESELAW15 (p.25), 04 ESELAW15 (p.26), 07 ESELAW15 (p.28) Jenkins, Marcelo: 8 SET15 (p.15), 08 IT15 (p.58) Jenkins Coronas, Marcelo: 12 ESELAW15 (p.30), 15 ESELAW15 (p.31), 3 SET15 (p.16), 03 IT15 (p.56) Jesus Medeiros, Taina: 16 ESELAW15 (p.33) J´ acome G., Santiago: 1 DSCIBSE2015 (p.77) Krauthamer, Diego: 4 Tutorial15 (p.64) Lana, Cristiane Aparecida: 02 WER15 (p.41) Leal, Tain´ a: 10 SET15 (p.12) Leite, Julio: 13 WER15 (p.46) Lima, Telma: 05 ESELAW15 (p.27) Lima, Paulo: 09 WER15 (p.44), 14 WER15 (p.47) Lucena, Marcia: 06 WER15 (p.43) Luiz de Borba Silva, Alexandre: 10 WER15 (p.45) M Araujo, Renata: 13 SET15 (p.13) M Magdaleno, Andr´ea: 13 SET15 (p.13) M. Barros, Rodolfo: 02 IT15 (p.56) M. Costa Valentim, Natasha: 07 IT15 (p.58) Maiani de Mello, Rafael: 01 ESELAW15 (p.25), 14 SET15 (p.13) Marinho, Marcelo: 05 ESELAW15 (p.27) Martins, Luiz Mauricio Fraga: 06 ESELAW15 (p.27) Mart´ınez Grassi, Omar: 15 SET15 (p.11) Masiero, Paulo Cesar: 4 SET15 (p.16) Matalonga, Santiago: 12 SET15 (p.14), 18 SET15 (p.18) Medeiros, Juliana: 14 ESELAW15 (p.32), 2 DSCIBSE2015 (p.76) Melo, Josenildo: 07 WER15 (p.43) Mendon¸ca, Manoel: 03 ESELAW15 (p.33) Miranda, Sergio: 2 SET15 (p.15) Mora, Alejandro: 08 IT15 (p.58) Moreira, Renata: 04 IT15 (p.56) Motta, Rebeca Campos: 14 SET15 (p.13) Mousqu´es, Gast´ on: 12 SET15 (p.14) Murillo-Morera, Juan: 15 ESELAW15 (p.31) M´endez-Porras, Abel: 3 SET15 (p.16) Nacimento, Cecilia: 12 SET15 (p.14) Nascimento, Ian: 04 ESELAW15 (p.26) Naupari Quiroz, Raul: 09 ESELAW15 (p.29) Nogueira Teixeira, Eldˆ anae: 14 SET15 (p.13) No¨el, Ren´e: 18 SET15 (p.18) Nuno, Pedro: 13 WER15 (p.46) Oliveira, Antonio De Padua Albuquerque: 02 WER15 (p.41) Oliveira, Orlando: 11 WER15 (p.45) Oliveros, Alejandro: 01 WER15 (p.41), 04 WER15 (p.42) Olsina, Luis: 5 SET15 (p.16) Parra Gonz´ alez, Otto: 02 Poster15 (p.70) Pastor, Oscar: 3 DSCIBSE2015 (p.76), 02 Poster15 (p.70) Pedraza-Garc´ıa, Gilberto: 18 SET15 (p.18) Peixoto, Mariana: 08 WER15 (p.44) Pereira, Lucas: 17 SET15 (p.18) Pereira Merlin, Leonardo: 10 WER15 (p.45) Perrelli de Moura, Hermano: 05 ESELAW15 (p.27), 06 ESELAW15 (p.27) Peschl, Gabriel: 7 SET15 (p.11) Pessoa, Marcelo: 17 ESELAW15 (p.26) Piattini, Mario: 01 IT15 (p.59) Pimentel, Jo˜ ao: 09 WER15 (p.44) Pineda, Manuel A.: 05 Poster15 (p.71) Pinto, Rafael: 06 WER15 (p.43) Pires Ferreira Neto, Waldemar: 02 ESELAW15 (p.25) Pivatelli, Joanna: 13 WER15 (p.46) Pons, Claudia: 15 SET15 (p.11) Porto de Albuquerque, Joao: 10 ESELAW15 (p.30), 18 ESELAW15 (p.33) Portugal, Roxana: 13 WER15 (p.46) P´ adua, Clarindo: 08 ESELAW15 (p.28) Quer, Carme: 03 WER15 (p.41) Quesada-L´ opez, Christian: 12 ESELAW15 (p.30), 15 ESELAW15 (p.31), 3 SET15 (p.16), 8 SET15 (p.15) Raura, Geovanny: 05 WER15 (p.42) Reis Da Silva, Thiago: 16 ESELAW15 (p.33) Ribeiro, Talita: 07 ESELAW15 (p.28) Rivera, Bel´en: 5 SET15 (p.16) Rocha, Arthur: 6 SET15 (p.19) Rocha, Ana Regina: 05 IT15 (p.57) Rocha de Almeida Neto, Humberto: 06 ESELAW15 (p.27) Rodriguez, Jose: 9 SET15 (p.17) Rodr´ıguez, Mois´es: 01 IT15 (p.59) Rossi, Gustavo: 01 WER15 (p.41) Rouiller, Ana Cristina: 04 IT15 (p.56) Rubinstein, Andres: 05 IT15 (p.57) Rubinstein, Viviana: 05 IT15 (p.57) Salas Hechavarria, Sailyn: 03 Poster15 (p.70) Sampaio, Suzana: 05 ESELAW15 (p.27) Santos, Gleison: 10 SET15 (p.12) Santos, Ilueny: 06 WER15 (p.43) Santos, Alcemir Rodrigues: 03 ESELAW15 (p.33) Santos, Jos´e A. M.: 03 ESELAW15 (p.33) Saraiva, Juliana: 02 ESELAW15 (p.25) Sawyer, Peter: 1 KN CIBSE2015 (p.2) Sevilla Ruiz, Diego: 1 SET15 (p.11) Sihuay, Marilyn: 17 ESELAW15 (p.26) Silva, Lyrene: 06 WER15 (p.43) Silva, Danilo: 11 ESELAW15 (p.30) Silva, Williamson: 07 IT15 (p.58) Silva, Leila: 6 SET15 (p.19) Silva, Carla: 14 ESELAW15 (p.32), 08 WER15 (p.44), 11 WER15 (p.45), 2 DSCIBSE2015 (p.76) Soares, Sergio: 02 ESELAW15 (p.25) Sousa, Aˆeda: 07 WER15 (p.43) Souza, Maur´ıcio: 04 IT15 (p.56) Souza, Ricardo: 12 WER15 (p.46) S´ergio dos Santos J´ unior, Paulo: 17 SET15 (p.18) S´ergio Santos, Paulo: 04 ESELAW15 (p.26) T. Silva, Rafael: 02 IT15 (p.56) Terra, Ricardo: 2 SET15 (p.15) Tulio Valente, Marco: 11 ESELAW15 (p.30), 2 SET15 (p.15) Vale, Gustavo: 08 ESELAW15 (p.28) Vasconcelos, Aline: 14 SET15 (p.13) Vasconcelos, Alexandre: 14 ESELAW15 (p.32), 2 DSCIBSE2015 (p.76), 04 IT15 (p.56) Vilela, J´essyka: 09 WER15 (p.44) Villegas, Mar´ıa L.: 05 Poster15 (p.71) Wanderley, Eduardo: 14 ESELAW15 (p.32) Werner, Cl´ audia M L: 13 SET15 (p.13), 14 SET15 (p.13) Keynotes Index/´Indice Headware: Software for Managing Mental Health. Peter Sawyer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Software Estimation: From Wishful Thinking to Sound Engineering. Alain Abran. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 The Humble Conceptual Modeler: Towards a Pattern-Based and Ontologically WellFounded Discipline for Next-Generation Conceptual Modeling. Giancarlo Guizzardi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1 Keynote Headware: Software for Managing Mental Health Peter Sawyer (1) (1) Lancaster University. Lancaster United Kingdon email: p.sawyer@lancaster.ac.uk Abstract The current fashion for health monitoring devices and software reflects a desire of many people to take control of their well-being, with the focus being very much on their physical, typically cardio-vascular, health. Mental health monitoring is by contrast almost completely unsupported by mainstream products, reflecting more general societal attitudes to mental health. However, this is beginning to change as healthcare professionals seek to harness information technology to monitor and manage mental health problems, and thereby mitigate some of the personal, societal and economic costs of poor mental health. From a software engineering perspective, mental health poses a number of interesting but acute problems that are rarely found in combination in other domains. In this talk, I will explore what these are, making the case for why mental health monitoring and self-management is a worthwhile domain for a software engineer to work in. I will draw primarily on examples of what I have learned from my work on cognitive health-monitoring for dementia, and touching on systems for other mental health problems such as bipolar disorder and psychosis. Short Biography Pete Sawyer is Professor of Software Systems Engineering at Lancaster University, where he is head of the Software Engineering group. His research is primarily focused on Requirements Engineering, particularly knowledge elicitation and sense-making, uncertainty and self-adaptive systems. In recent years he has begun to apply these interests to healthcare informatics, and particularly the detection of cognitive and bio-marker indicators of dementia through two large UK research council-funded projects: SAMS and MODEM. BibTex [Sawyer, 2015] Sawyer, P. (2015). Headware: Software for managing mental health. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., ´ Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 2–2, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Software Estimation: From Wishful Thinking to Sound Engineering Alain Abran (1) ´ (1) Department of Software and IT Engineering - Ecole de technologie sup´erieure. Montreal Canada email: Alain.Abran@etsmtl.ca Abstract In the Dark Ages the “Lords of the country” were expecting that their ’alchemists’ - the “gurus” of their era would come up with mysterious formula to transform “dust” into “pots of gold” A lot of current software estimation models and practices, including in Agile and COCOMO-like models, share characteristics of such wishful thinking, in contrast to sound practices from engineering and lessons learned from economics. This talk will illustrate this with examples of software metrics and estimation models which fail simple mathematical principles learned at primary school. 2 Keynote Short Biography ´ Prof. Dr. Alain Abranholds a Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering (1994) from Ecole Polytechnique de Montr´eal (Canada). ´ He is a professor at the Ecole de Technologie Sup´erieure (ETS), Universit´e du Qu´ebec (Montr´eal, Canada). He has over 20 years of experience in teaching in auniversity environment as well as more than 20 years of industry experience ininformation systems development and software engineering. His researchinterests include software productivity and estimation models, software engineering foundations, software quality, software functional size measurement, software risk management and software maintenance management. He has published over 400 peer-reviewed papers. He is the author of the book “Software Metrics and Software Metrology” and a co-author of thebook “Software Maintenance Management” (Wiley Interscience Ed. & IEEE-CS Press). Dr.Abran is co-editor of the 2004 version of the Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) (see ISO 19759 and www.swebok.org) and he is the chairman of the Common Software Measurement International Consortium (COSMIC) - www.cosmicon.com BibTex [Abran, 2015] Abran, A. (2015). Software estimation: From wishful thinking to sound engineering. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la ´ Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 3–3, Lima-Peru. UCSP. The Humble Conceptual Modeler: Towards a Pattern-Based and Ontologically Well-Founded Discipline for Next-Generation Conceptual Modeling Giancarlo Guizzardi (1) (1) Federal University of Esp´ırito Santo. Espiritu Santo Brazil email: gguizzardi@inf.ufes.br Abstract In his ACM Turing Award Lecture entitled “The Humble Programmer”, E. W. Dijkstra discusses the sheer complexity one has to eal with when programming large computer systems. His article represented an open call for an acknowledgement of the complexity at hand and for the need of more sophisticated techniques to master this complexity. This talk advocates the view that we are now in an analogous situation with respect to Conceptual Modeling. We will experience an increasing demand for building Reference Conceptual Models in subject domains in reality, as well as employing them to address classes of problems, for which sophisticated ontological distinctions are demanded. One of these key problems is Semantic Interoperability. Effective semantic interoperability requires an alignment between worldviews or, to put it more accurately, it requires the precise understanding of the relation between the (inevitable) ontological commitments assumed by different conceptual models and the systems based on them (including sociotechnical systems). This talk advocates the view that an approach that neglects true ontological distinctions (i.e., Ontology in the philosophical sense) cannot meet these requirements. The talk discusses the importance of foundational axiomatic theories and principles in the design of conceptual modeling languages and models. Moreover, it discusses the role played by three types of complexity management tools: Ontological Design Patterns (ODPs) as methodological mechanisms for encoding these ontological theories; Ontology Pattern Languages (OPLs) as systems of representation that take ODPs as higher-granularity modeling primitives; and Ontological Anti-Patterns (OAPs) as structures that can be used to systematically identify possible deviations between the set of valid state of affairs admitted by a model (the actual ontological commitment) and the set of state of affairs actually intended by the stakeholders (the intended ontological commitment). 3 SET Finally, the talk elaborates on the need for proper computational tools to support a process of pattern-based conceptual model creation, analysis, transformation and validation (via model simulation). Short Biography Giancarlo Guizzardi obtained a PhD (with the highest distinction) from the University of Twente, in The Netherlands. He is currently a visiting professor at the University of Trento (Italy) and an associate researcher at the Laboratory of Applied Ontology (LOA), Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technology (ISTC), also located in Trento. He is currently on an extended sabbatical leave from the Computer Science Department of the Federal University of Esp´ırito Santo (UFES), where he is one of the leaders of the Ontology and Conceptual Modeling Research Group (NEMO). He has been working for the past two decades in the areas of Ontology and Conceptual Modeling. He is the author of more than 160 publications in these areas, including recipients of paper awards at conferences such as CAISE, FOIS and EDOC. He is a former member of the Executive Council and currently a member of the Advisory Board of the International Association for Ontologies and its Applications (IAOA). Over the years, he has been involved in the editorial board of several journals (including Semantic Web and Requirements Engineering) and is currently an Associate Editor for the Applied Ontology Journal. He has also played active roles (PC Chair, General Organizational Chair, Program Board Member) in several international conferences (CAISE, FOIS, EDOC) and is currently the General Chair for the next edition of the Formal Ontology and Information Systems Conference (FOIS 2016). Finally, his experience in ontology-driven conceptual modeling has also been acquired in a number of industrial projects in domains such as off-shore software development, petroleum and gas, digital journalism, government, telecommunications, product recommendation, and complex media management.. BibTex [Guizzardi, 2015] Guizzardi, G. (2015). The humble conceptual modeler: Towards a pattern-based and ontologically well-founded discipline for next-generation conceptual modeling. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., ´ Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 4–4, Lima-Peru. UCSP. 4 SET 5 SET 6 Software Engineering Track (SET 2015) On behalf of the Program Committee we would like to welcome you to the edition of the Software Engineering Track (SET 2015), part of the XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering (CIBSE 2015), held from April 22 to 24 in Lima - Peru. Software Engineering is a thriving subject that relies on Computer Science, Mathematics and Social Sciences to tame the complexity behind developing modern software systems. As a discipline, Software Engineering is becoming more and more important in the highly connected global economy, as it promotes the research and development of state-of-the-art techniques that will be incorporated in future software development projects. In such scenario, SET 2015 is a Latin American forum for researchers and practitioners to report on and discuss new research results in Software Engineering, bringing together academic, industrial and commercial communities. SET 2015 promotes new technological and quality improvement approaches for software production methods and processes. This year, SET received 81 paper submissions from 20 countries. These papers were written in one of the 3 official idioms: Portuguese, Spanish and English. All the submitted papers were revised by at least 3 reviewers from the SET’15 Program Committee. At the end of the reviewing process, 18 high quality papers were accepted to be published and presented at the SET Track, representing an acceptance rate of 22 %. The program of SET 2015 is organized in 6 (six) technical sessions: 1. Model Driven Engineering; 2. Methods, Processes, and Tools I; 3. Methods, Processes, and Tools II; 4. Verification Validation and Testing; 5. Systems Integration, Evolution and Security; 6. Visualization and Measurement We would like to acknowledge and thanks all authors who submitted papers. You made SET 2015 possible by sharing your expertise with us. We also would like to thank to all the members of the Program Committee for following an excellent and meticulous reviewing process. Your dedication has resulted in the selection of high-quality papers for the Software Engineering Track. Lima, Peru. April 2015. Nelly Bencomo (Aston University, UK) Toacy Oliveira (UFRJ, Brazil) PC Co-Chairs SET 2015 7 SET Program Committee Adelaide Bianchini, Univ. Sim´ on Bolivar, Venezuela Agustina Buccella, Univ. Nacional del Comahue Argentina Alejandra Garrido, Univ. Nacional de la Plata, Argentina Antonio Brogi, University of Pisa, Italy Beatriz Mar´ın, Universiad Diego Portales, Chile Claudia Pons, Univ. Nacional de La Plata, Argentina Coral Calero, Univ. de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain Daniel Riesco , National University of San Luis, Argentina Daniela Godoy, ISISTAN Research Institute, Argentina Diego Vallespir, Univ. de la Rep´ ublica Uruguay Eduardo Fiqueredo, UFMG, Brasil Elena Navarro, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain Ernest Teniente, Unversitat Polit`ecnica de Catalunya, Spain Ernesto Pimentel, University of Malaga, Spain Estefan´ıa Serral, Univ. T´ecnica de Viena, Austria Eugenio Scalise, UCV, Venezuela Fabio M Costa, UFG, Brasil Fernando Brito e Abreu, ISCTE-IUL, Portugal Fernando Castor, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brasil Francisco Ruiz, University of Castilla la Mancha, Spain Francisco A. C. Pinheiro, Univ.e de Brasilia, Brasil Gabriel Tamura, Icesi, Colombia Gaston Mousques, Univ. ORT, Uruguay Gonzalo Rojas, Univ. de Concepci´ on, Chile Gustavo Rossi, LIFIA, Argentina Hern´ an Astudillo, Univ. T´ecnica Federico Santa Mar´ıa, Chile Ingrid Nunes, UFRGS, Brasil Javier Gonz´alez Huerta, Valencia, Spain Javier Pereira, Univ. Diego Portales, Chile Jesus Garcia-Molina, Univ. de Murcia, Spain Judith Barrios, ULA, Venezuela Jo˜ao Falc˜ao e Cunha, Univ.e do Porto, Portugal Jose Norberto Mazon, Univ. de Alicante, Spain Kleinner Farias, Unisinos, Brasil Juan Hernandez, Quercus Software Engineering Group, Spain Juan Pablo Carvallo, Univ. del Azuay, Ecuador Luca Cernuzzi, Univ. Cat´olica, Paraguay Luis Olsina, Univ. Nacional La Plata, Argentina Marcio Barros, UNIRIO, Brasil Mar´ıa Cecilia Bastarrica, Univ. de Chile, Chile Maria Lencastre, UPE, Brasil Miguel Katrib, Univ. de la Habana, Cuba Norah M. Villegas, Icesi, Colombia Raquel Anaya, Univ. EAFIT, Colombia Raul Mazo, Paris 1, Francia Renata Araujo, UNIRIO, Brasil Regina Braga, UFJF, Brasil Renata Guizzardi, Univ. Federal do Espirito Santo, Brasil Ricardo Soto, Pontificia Univ. Cat´olica de Valpara´ıso Chile Ricardo Gacitua, Chile Ricardo Ramos, Univasf, Brasil Rodrigo Bonifacio, Univ.e de Brasilia, Brasil Rosana Braga, Univ. Sao Paulo, Brasil Roxana Giandini, Univ. Nacional de la Plata, Argentina Thais Batista, UFRN Brasil Vicente Pelechano, Univ. Politecnica de Valencia, Spain Victor Santander, Univ. Estadual do Oeste do Paran´a, Brasil Vitor Souza, FUES, Brasil Xavier Franch, UPC, Spain Additional Reviewers Cecilia Apa Mario Ber´ on Luc´ıa Camilloni Andrea Canciani Everton Cavalcante Felipe Ebert Bernhard Hitpass Elena Jurado Silvana Moreno Rene Noel 8 Gilberto Pedraza Garc´ıa Andr´e Santos Pedro Santos Neto Juliana Saraiva Carlos Serrao Ivonei Silva Luis Silva Jocelyn Simmonds Francisco Soares-Neto Jacopo Soldani Miguel A. Teruel Weslley Torres Carolina Valverde Cristina Vicente-Chicote Vanius Zapalowski Simone Zenzaro Daniel Perovich Maria Pinto-Albuquerque Cristina Roda Software Engineering Track (SET) Index/´Indice Inferencia del esquema en bases de datos NoSQL a trav´ es de un enfoque MDE. Severino Feliciano Morales, Jesus Garc´ıa-Molina, Diego Sevilla Ruiz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Restricted metamodel-based similarity propagation: a comparative study. Gabriel Peschl, Marcos Didonet Del Fabro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Variable-Based Analysis for Traceability in QVT-R Model Transformations. Severino Feliciano Morales, Omar Mart´ınez Grassi, Claudia Pons, Gabriel Baum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 ´ Um Survey sobre M´ etodos Ageis e o P´ os-Agilismo. Tain´ a Leal, Gleison Santos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 YAAMDDA: Una propuesta AMDD para el desarrollo de Aplicaciones Web Enterprise Enriquecidas de Internet. Victor Cajes, Magali Gonzalez, Luca Cernuzzi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Verification of Software Process Line Models: A Checklist-based Inspection Approach. Eldˆ anae Nogueira Teixeira, Rafael Maiani de Mello, Rebeca Campos Motta, Cl´ audia M L Werner, Aline Vasconcelos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 A Practical Experience of a Software Process Line Creation. Andr´ea M Magdaleno, Renata M Araujo, Cl´ audia M L Werner, Carlos Freud Alves Batista. . . . . . 13 Propuesta de Mecanismo de Medici´ on de Agilidad de Proyectos de Desarrollo. Cecilia Nacimento, Santiago Matalonga, Alejandro Adorjan, Gast´ on Mousqu´es. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Methodologies for Evaluation and Improvement of Software Processes in the Context of Quality and Maturity Models: a Systematic Mapping. Daniel Fernando G. Feloni, Rosana T. Vaccare Braga. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Conformidade e Visualiza¸ c˜ ao Arquitetural em Linguagens Dinˆ amicas. Sergio Miranda, Marco Tulio Valente, Ricardo Terra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 An Evaluation of Functional Size Measurement Methods. Christian Quesada-L´ opez, Marcelo Jenkins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Patrones de Estrategia para Proyectos de Medici´ on, Evaluaci´ on y Mejora. Bel´en Rivera, Pablo Becker, Luis Olsina. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Uma abordagem para gera¸ c˜ ao autom´ atica de dados de teste utilizando algoritmos evolutivos para software controlador de ve´ıculos autˆ onomos. Vˆ ania de Oliveira Neves, M´ arcio Eduardo Delamaro, Paulo Cesar Masiero. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Automated Testing of Mobile Applications: A Systematic Map and Review. Abel M´endez-Porras, Christian Quesada-L´ opez, Marcelo Jenkins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Automatic generation of GUI test cases using Ant Colony Optimization and Greedy algorithm. Jose Rodriguez, Glen D. Rodriguez. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 9 SET ´ aos e Tecidos para apoio a Integra¸ Ontologia de Dom´ınio de Doa¸ c˜ ao de Org˜ c˜ ao Semˆ antica de Sistemas. Lucas Pereira, Rodrigo F. Calhau, Paulo S´ergio dos Santos J´ unior, Mateus B. Costa. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Comparando Patrones de Seguridad y T´ acticas de Seguridad para construir sistemas seguros: Identificando amenazas de seguridad. Ren´e No¨el, Gilberto Pedraza-Garc´ıa, Hern´ an Astudillo, Santiago Matalonga, Oscar Encina. . . . . . . 18 Investigating Bioinspired Strategies to Solve Large Scale Next Release Problem. Glauber Botelho, Arthur Rocha, Andr´e Brito, Leila Silva. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 10 SET Inferencia del esquema en bases de datos NoSQL a trav´ es de un enfoque MDE Severino Feliciano Morales (1), Jesus Garc´ıa-Molina (1), Diego Sevilla Ruiz (1) (1) Facultad de Inform´ atica, Universidad de Murcia. Murcia Espa˜ na email: severino.feliciano@um.es, jmolina@um.es, dsevilla@um.es Abstract La ausencia de un esquema de datos expl´ıcito (schemaless) es una de las caracter´ısticas que m´ as ha contribuido al ´exito de las bases de datos NoSQL, dado que proporciona flexibilidad y favorece la evoluci´ on. Sin embargo, el conocimiento del esquema de datos subyacente es necesario para los desarrolladores NoSQL, y tambi´en para herramientas que manejan este tipo de bases de datos, por ejemplo para realizar an´ alisis sobre los mismos. En este art´ıculo se presenta una soluci´on de ingenier´ıa inversa para inferir el esquema de bases de datos NoSQL, que tiene en cuenta el versionado de los datos. El esquema extra´ıdo se representa en forma de un modelo de entidades basado en la sintaxis y sem´ antica de los modelos de clases de UML. La soluci´on se ha implementado con tecnolog´ıa MDE (Model-Driven Engineering) para conseguir una independencia del tipo de base de datos y los beneficios de abstracci´ on y automatizaci´ on propios de MDE. BibTex [Morales et al., 2015] Morales, S. F., Garc´ıa-Molina, J., and Ruiz, D. S. (2015). Inferencia del esquema en bases de datos nosql a trav´es de un enfoque mde. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, ´ L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 11–24, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Restricted metamodel-based similarity propagation: a comparative study Gabriel Peschl (1), Marcos Didonet Del Fabro (1) (1) Federal University of Parana. Curitiba Brazil email: marcos.ddf@inf.ufpr.br, gpeschl@inf.ufpr.br Abstract In Model Driven Engineering (MDE), there are different approaches to establish links between elements of different models. The links are used for distinct purposes, such as serving as specification for model transformations. Once the links are established, it is common to set up a similarity value to indicate equivalence (or not) between the elements. The Similarity Flooding (SF) is one of the most know algorithms that may increase the similarity of elements that are structurally similar. The algorithm is generic, and it has proven to be ef-ficient. However, it depends on a graph-based and generic encoding. In this pa-per, we present a comparative study of a couple of metamodel-based encodings. The goal was to verify if a less-generic implementation, involving a lesser number of model elements, based on the metamodel structures, could be a via-ble implementation and adaptation of the SF algorithm. We developed tests with two metamodels for managing bugs and their corresponding models: Man-tis and Bugzilla. BibTex [Peschl and Fabro, 2015] Peschl, G. and Fabro, M. D. D. (2015). Restricted metamodel-based similarity propagation: a comparative study. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., 11 SET Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimen´ tel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 25–38, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Variable-Based Analysis for Traceability in QVT-R Model Transformations Severino Feliciano Morales (1), Omar Mart´ınez Grassi (1), Claudia Pons (1), Gabriel Baum (1) (1) CAETI - Universidad Abierta Interamericana. La Plata Argentina email: severino.feliciano@um.es, omartinez@rionegro.com.ar, cpons@lifia.info.unlp.edu.ar, gbaum@info.unlp.edu.ar Abstract Model-driven software development promotes models as the primary artifacts in software development. During all development phases, different models of the system are created, refined, and linked, such that from the requirements to the implementation a whole network of models is built. OMG’s Modeldriven Architecture (MDA) is one important instance of this general paradigm, with a particular stress on automation of model creation and linkage. Models are complemented by model transformations written in the QVT language, describing how one model can be derived from another one. Traceability data in the MDA can be understood as the runtime footprint of model transformations. It has many applications: to perform change impact analysis, to keep consistency between models, to carry out requirement coverage analysis, etc. In this paper we present a proposal to enhance the retrieval of traceability information in MDA. The contributions of our work include the minimization of manual efforts to achieve traceability, as error-prone and time-consuming activity, and the attainment of independence regarding the QVT engine implementation. BibTex [Morales et al., 2015] Morales, S. F., Grassi, O. M., Pons, C., and Baum, G. (2015). Variable-based analysis for traceability in qvt-r model transformations. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, ´ L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 39–52, Lima-Peru. UCSP. ´ Um Survey sobre M´ etodos Ageis e o P´ os-Agilismo Tain´ a Leal (1), Gleison Santos (2) (1) DIA/CCET - Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro Brazil, (2) PPGI - Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro Brazil email: taina.leal@uniriotec.br, gleison.santos@uniriotec.br Abstract Contexto: Ap´ os mais de uma d´ecada de experiˆencia com os m´etodos ´ageis, cr´ıticos do movimento promovem um novo conceito de desenvolvimento ´agil, onde os profissionais n˜ao est˜ao mais presos a uma s´o m´etodo e sua implementa¸c˜ ao n˜ ao mais segue estritamente o que descrevem os livros e guias. Objetivo: Esse trabalho prop˜ oe analisar os fatores positivos e negativos observados pelos profissionais de TI ap´os a implementa¸c˜ ao dos m´etodos ´ ageis, e identificar de que maneira os m´etodos e pr´aticas ´ageis est˜ao sendo aplicados. M´etodo: Foi executado um survey descritivo interseccional com foco em profissionais de TI com experiˆencia em m´etodos ´ ageis. Resultados: A maioria dos profissionais da amostra, ap´os 12 SET experiˆencias com os m´etodos ´ ageis, s˜ ao capazes de detectar o que funciona e descartar/alterar o que n˜ ao funciona. A maioria dos respondentes n˜ao se prende a um u ´nico m´etodo. Conclus˜oes: O objetivo foi alcan¸cado, uma vez que foi poss´ı´ avel identificar, no contexto da amostra, como o uso dos m´etodos ageis est˜ ´ ao evoluindo para um pensamento dito P´os-Agilista. BibTex ´ [Leal and Santos, 2015] Leal, T. and Santos, G. (2015). Um survey sobre m´etodos Ageis e o p´osagilismo. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., ´ Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII IberoAmerican Conference on Software Engineering, pages 53–66, Lima-Peru. UCSP. YAAMDDA: Una propuesta AMDD para el desarrollo de Aplicaciones Web Enterprise Enriquecidas de Internet Victor Cajes (1), Magali Gonzalez (1), Luca Cernuzzi (1) (1) Universidad Cat´ olica Nuestra Se˜ nora de la Asuncion. Asuncion Paraguay email: vcajes@uca.edu.py, mgonzalez@uca.edu.py, lcernuzz@uca.edu.py Abstract Las Aplicaciones Web Enterprise (WEB-EAS), y en particular aquellas basadas en tecnolog´ıa RIA (Rich Internet Application), son de gran importancia hoy en da, ya que ayudan a administrar y controlar completamente una organizaci´on, excediendo los lmites f´ısicos de la misma. Este tipo de aplicaciones pueden ser construidas siguiendo diversos enfoques del Desarrollo Dirigido por Modelos Agil (AMDD) con el fin de agilizar el proceso de desarrollo mediante la utilizaci´on de t´ecnicas de modelado, gestion agil de proyectos y generacion autom´atica de c´odigo. La contribuci´on principal de este estudio consiste en YAAMDDA, un innovador enfoque y soporte computacional basado en el enfoque AMDD, en donde a partir de un simple modelo UML es posible generar de forma autom´atica una aplicaci´ on funcional, agilizando as el proceso de desarrollo de las RIAs WEB-EAS. Se presenta ademas un caso de estudio que ofrece una primera validaci´on de la propuesta YAAMDDA. BibTex [Cajes et al., 2015] Cajes, V., Gonzalez, M., and Cernuzzi, L. (2015). Yaamdda: Una propuesta amdd para el desarrollo de aplicaciones web enterprise enriquecidas de internet. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., ´ Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 67–80, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Verification of Software Process Line Models: A Checklist-based Inspection Approach Eldˆ anae Nogueira Teixeira (1), Rafael Maiani de Mello (1), Rebeca Campos Motta (1), Cl´ audia M L Werner (1), Aline Vasconcelos (2) (1) COPPE-Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro Brazil, (2) Federal Fluminense Institute. Campos dos Goytacazes Brazil email: danny@cos.ufrj.br, rmaiani@cos.ufrj.br, rmotta@cos.ufrj.br, werner@cos.ufrj.br, apires@iff.edu.br 13 SET Abstract A Software Process Line (SPrL) approach aims to support systematic process reuse by exploring the benefits of common aspects that exist in the process domain and managing its diversity, i.e., its variability. In this context, a SPrL must ensure the correctness, completeness and consistency among its artifacts and its related domain, in order to prevent the spreading of defects in its derived processes. For supporting quality assurance activities in SPrL Engineering, inspection is considered a relevant tool to detect defects in related artifacts through visual exam. However, the results from a recently conducted literature review pointed out the lack of approaches on supporting SPrLs inspections. In this paper, we present a checklist-based inspection technique (PVMCheck) for supporting the detection of defects on SPrL models, especially in process feature models represented using OdysseyProcessFEX notation. An evaluation of PVMCheck is also presented, which results allowed us to identify its feasibility. BibTex [Teixeira et al., 2015] Teixeira, E. N., de Mello, R. M., Motta, R. C., Werner, C. M. L., and Vasconcelos, A. (2015). Verification of software process line models: A checklist-based inspection approach. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, ´ M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 81–94, Lima-Peru. UCSP. A Practical Experience of a Software Process Line Creation Andr´ ea M Magdaleno (1), Renata M Araujo (2), Cl´ audia M L Werner (1), Carlos Freud Alves Batista (3) (1) Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro Brazil, (2) PPGI - Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro Brazil, (3) Petrobras - TIC/CPSW/PGOD/PMSW. Rio de Janeiro Brazil email: andrea@cos.ufrj.br, renata.araujo@uniriotec.br, werner@cos.ufrj.br, carlos.freud@petrobras.com.br Abstract Software process definition is a complex, time consuming and error prone activity. Such activity can be facilitated by a process reuse strategy. This strategy can be implemented through process line and components structures. This work presents a case study of a real process line creation in the context of an oil and gas company in Brazil. The results indicate both practical use and its potential to assess completeness and to identify inconsistencies in the organizational process. BibTex [Magdaleno et al., 2015] Magdaleno, A. M., Araujo, R. M., Werner, C. M. L., and Batista, C. F. A. (2015). A practical experience of a software process line creation. In Araujo, J., CondoriFernandez, N., Goul˜ ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, ´ I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 95–108, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Propuesta de Mecanismo de Medici´ on de Agilidad de Proyectos de Desarrollo Cecilia Nacimento (1), Santiago Matalonga (1), Alejandro Adorjan (1), Gast´ on Mousqu´ es (1) 14 SET (1) Universidad ORT Uruguay. Montevideo Uruguay email: cecilianacimento@uni.ort.edu.uy, smatalonga@uni.ort.edu.uy, aadorjan@uni.ort.edu.uy, mousques@uni.ort.edu.uy Abstract El desarrollo ´ agil de software es una perspectiva para la creaci´on de productos de software que ha ganado bastante terreno dentro de la industria. El principal aliciente de dicha perspectiva es la orientaci´ on que estas metodolog´ıas tienen hacia la tarea del programador, por sobre la definici´on de procesos. Sin embargo, a pesar de haber pasado m´ as de diez a˜ nos desde la firma del manifies-to ´agil de software, la industria se encuentra en un punto en donde no existe una definici´on formal ni acordada en torno al concepto de lo que implica ser ´ agil. A nuestro criterio, que no exista una definici´on formal ni acordada de que es ser ´ agil, es un problema porque entendemos que se encuentran resultados negativos de proyectos que “dicen ser ´ agilesˆ a” , cuando en la pr´actica no existe una manera inequ´ıvoca de clasificarlos. Por otro lado, desde el punto de vista acad´emico, esta limitaci´on se hace evidente tambi´en al intentar agregar resultados de distintos casos de estudio en contextos ´agiles. Para solucionar el problema, este trabajo presenta un mecanismo para la me-dici´on del grado de agilidad de un proyecto de software. Esta propuesta se diferencia en la visi´ on que la agilidad es un continuo, principalmente restringido por el contexto en donde ejecuta el proyecto. Y en que el objeto de medida es la implementaci´on real del proceso y no la definici´ on o metodolog´ıa seleccionada. El mecanismo de medici´on propuesto est´ a constituido por una encuesta para la recolecci´on de datos, y un algoritmo de c´alculo para valorar las respuestas. El mismo fue validado en forma incremental, en trabajos correspondientes a mate-rias de grado y postgrado sobre la tem´ atica de desarrollo ´agil de software, en los proyectos de fin de carrera y en la industria. Los resultados obtenidos validan el enfoque propuesto, y muestran que el mecanismo es capaz de evaluar a un pro-yecto seg´ un una escala que representa el Grado de Agilidad. BibTex [Nacimento et al., 2015] Nacimento, C., Matalonga, S., Adorjan, A., and Mousqu´es, G. (2015). Propuesta de mecanismo de medici´ on de agilidad de proyectos de desarrollo. In Araujo, J., CondoriFernandez, N., Goul˜ ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, ´ I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 109–122, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Methodologies for Evaluation and Improvement of Software Processes in the Context of Quality and Maturity Models: a Systematic Mapping Daniel Fernando G. Feloni (1), Rosana T. Vaccare Braga (1) (1) University of Sao Paulo. Sao Carlos Brazil email: dfeloni@icmc.usp.br, rtvb@icmc.usp.br Abstract A widely recognized fact is that the quality of software products is largely determined by the quality of the process used to develop them. Regardless of the number of tools/frameworks developed to aid companies to perform software process assessment (SPA) and improvement (SPI) activities, the industry often suffers with quality issues in their products. In order to evaluate the SPA and SPI research areas, a systematic mapping was performed to identify the available tools/frameworks and methodologies used in research, as well as the existing gaps in the area. As a result it was possible to identify the current trends in the SPA and SPI research areas that can be used as a guideline to future work and can contribute to the software engineering and quality community. 15 SET BibTex [Feloni and Braga, 2015] Feloni, D. F. G. and Braga, R. T. V. (2015). Methodologies for evaluation and improvement of software processes in the context of quality and maturity models: a systematic mapping. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, ´ M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 123–136, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Conformidade e Visualiza¸c˜ ao Arquitetural em Linguagens Dinˆ amicas Sergio Miranda (1), Marco Tulio Valente (1), Ricardo Terra (2) (1) Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Belo Horizonte Brazil, (2) Universidade Federal de Lavras. Larvas Brazil email: sergio.miranda@dcc.ufmg.br, mtov@dcc.ufmg.br, terra@dcc.ufla.br Abstract As software systems evolve, the architectural erosion process nullifies the well-known benefits provided by an architectural design. Such erosion process is even more severe in software systems developed in dynamic typed languages. The reasons are twofold: (i) some resources provided by such languages make developers more propitious to break the planned architecture, and (ii) the developers? community lacks tool support for architectural purposes. To address these shortcomings, this paper presents a conformance and visualization approach based on static code analysis techniques and a type inference heuristic. The central idea is to provide the developers’ community with means to control the architectural erosion process by reporting architectural violations and visualizing the high-level model of the concrete architecture. This paper also describes a tool called ArchRuby that implements our approach and reports results from applying our solution in two real-world systems BibTex [Miranda et al., 2015] Miranda, S., Valente, M. T., and Terra, R. (2015). Conformidade e visualiza¸c˜ ao arquitetural em linguagens dinˆ amicas. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimen´ tel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 137–150, Lima-Peru. UCSP. An Evaluation of Functional Size Measurement Methods Christian Quesada-L´ opez (1), Marcelo Jenkins (1) (1) University of Costa Rica. San Pedro Costa Rica email: cristian.quesadalopez@ucr.ac.cr, marcelo.jenkins@ucr.ac.cr Abstract Background: Software size is one of the key factors that has the po-tential to affect the effort of software projects. Providing accurate software size estimation is a complex task. A number of functional size measurement (FSM) methods have been proposed to quantify the size of software based on functional user requirements (user perspective). Function point analysis (FPA) was the first proposal for a FSM method and it is one of the most accepted FSM methods in the industry. Automated Function Point (AFP) method state the guidelines for automating FPA counting from software source code. 16 SET Objectives: This paper reports on an experiment that compares FPA and AFP. The goal is to evaluate the measurement process on a range of performance and adoption properties such as accuracy, reproducibility, efficiency, perceived easy to use, usefulness, and intention to use. Methods: A controlled experiment was conducted to compare the two methods. Statistical analyses were conducted to find differences between the methods regarding performance and adoption properties. Results: The func-tional size results between the FPA and AFP methods were similar (MMRE 6-8 %). Productivity rate was about the same reported for the industry (43.4 FPA/h, 37.8 AFP/h). There were no significant differences between the methods for functional size estimation, reproducibility, and accuracy. Limitations: This is an initial experiment of a work in progress. The limited sample size and nature of the subjects may influence the results. Conclusions: These results support the claim that AFP produces similar measurement results that FPA. The automation of the AFP method could produce more consistent measurement results in con-formance with the FPA counting guidelines. An automated and quick FSM counting method will increase the adoption of this metric in industry. Further research is needed to conclude more on some perceived adoption properties. BibTex [Quesada-L´ opez and Jenkins, 2015] Quesada-L´opez, C. and Jenkins, M. (2015). An evaluation of functional size measurement methods. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., ´ Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and CuadrosVargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 151–165, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Patrones de Estrategia para Proyectos de Medici´ on, Evaluaci´ on y Mejora Bel´ en Rivera (1), Pablo Becker (1), Luis Olsina (1) (1) UNLPam. General Pico Netherlands email: belenrs@yahoo.com, beckerp@ing.unlpam.edu.ar, olsinal@ing.unlpam.edu.ar Abstract Para realizar actividades de medici´ on y evaluaci´on, se debe partir de un claro objetivo de proyecto, como por ejemplo, evaluar el estado actual de una aplicaci´on m´ovil cuya categor´ıa de entidad es Sistema respecto a la caracter´ıstica Usabilidad con foco en Calidad Externa. Para lograr este objetivo, se debe seleccionar una estrategia la cual debe especificar un curso de acci´on mediante la definici´ on de un proceso con actividades y m´etodos bien establecidos. Otro objetivo similar puede involucrar la misma categor´ıa de entidad citada pero con respecto a Seguridad, para lo cual se puede emplear la misma estrategia. Pero si el objetivo fuera evaluar, adem´as de la situaci´on actual, la situaci´ on ulterior luego de introducir cambios en la aplicaci´on, la estrategia que se seleccionar´ıa es otra. Para este fin, proponemos patrones de estrategia que provean soluciones reusables a problemas recurrentes en proyectos de medici´ on, evaluaci´ on y cambio, considerando distintas vistas de calidad, en donde una vista de calidad relaciona un foco con una s´ uper categor´ıa de entidad. Los patrones analizados se ilustran con pruebas de concepto. BibTex [Rivera et al., 2015] Rivera, B., Becker, P., and Olsina, L. (2015). Patrones de estrategia para proyectos de medici´ on, evaluaci´ on y mejora. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., ´ Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and CuadrosVargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 166–180, Lima-Peru. UCSP. 17 SET Uma abordagem para gera¸c˜ ao autom´ atica de dados de teste utilizando algoritmos evolutivos para software controlador de ve´ıculos autˆ onomos Vˆ ania de Oliveira Neves (1), M´ arcio Eduardo Delamaro (1), Paulo Cesar Masiero (1) (1) ICMC-Universidade de S˜ao Paulo. S˜ao Carlos Brazil email: vaniaon@icmc.usp.br, delamaro@icmc.usp.br, masiero@icmc.usp.br Abstract Ve´ıculos autˆ onomos s˜ ao um tipo de sistema rob´otico m´ovel que tˆem como principal objetivo mover e fazer diversas manobras, como ultrapassar outro ve´ıculo, estacionar e obedecer a regras de trˆansito sem a presen¸ca de um condutor, ou seja, autonomamente. S˜ao sistemas cr´ıticos e, como tais, devem ser suficientemente testados. Pesquisas envolvendo o teste estrutural do software controlador de ve´ıculos autnomos vˆem sendo realizadas e, neste artigo, ´e apresentado um algoritmo evolutivo para gera¸c˜ao autom´ atica de dados de entrada para esse tipo de sistema. Tamb´em ´e apresentado um estudo envolvendo a gera¸c˜ ao desses dados de entrada a partir de logs coletados em cinco testes de campo de um ve´ıculo autnomo desenvolvido no ICMC-USP. O estudo mostrou-se promissor uma vez que foi poss´ıvel melhorar a cobertura obtida previamente pelos logs obtidos nos testes de campo. BibTex [de Oliveira Neves et al., 2015] de Oliveira Neves, V., Delamaro, M. E., and Masiero, P. C. (2015). Uma abordagem para gera¸c˜ ao autom´ atica de dados de teste utilizando algoritmos evolutivos para software controlador de ve´ıculos autˆ onomos. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimen´ tel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 181–194, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Automated Testing of Mobile Applications: A Systematic Map and Review Abel M´ endez-Porras (1), Christian Quesada-L´ opez (2), Marcelo Jenkins (2) (1) Costa Rica Institute of Technology. Costa Rica, (2) University of Costa Rica. San Pedro Costa Rica email: amendez@itcr.ac.cr, cristian.quesadalopez@ucr.ac.cr, marcelo.jenkins@ecci.ucr.ac.cr Abstract Context: Software testing is a costly and time-consuming activity. Automated testing of mobile applications is considered complex and difficult. Indeed, several factors such as a variety of inputs (user, context, and environment) that a mobile application normally requires, and the heterogeneity of the technologies make automated testing not a trivial task. Two of the major challenges for automated testing are creation of the appropriate test cases scenarios and to decide in which devices to perform the testing. Objective: This paper reports on a systematic map and review. Automated testing approaches for mobile applications, testing techniques, and empirical assessment are identified, mapped, and characterized. We investigate the major challenges in automated testing of mobile applications. An analysis and synthesis of these studies is conducted. Method: A systematic mapping and systematic literature review research method has been conducted for identifying and aggregating evidence about automated testing of mobile applications. Results: A total 83 studies were identified. The results were tabulated and synthesized to provide recommendations to practitioners about automated testing of mobile applications. The main approaches identified were model-based testing (30 %), capture/replay 18 SET (15.5 %), model-learning testing (10 %), systematic testing (7.5 %), fuzz testing (7.5 %), random testing (5 %) and scripted based testing (2.5 %). Conclusions: In recent years, the number of proposals for automated software testing of mobile applications has increased. In 40 % of the studies, the testing techniques use GUI-based models of the application. Further research is needed, in order to improve the creation of effective and efficient models for automated testing of mobile applications. BibTex [M´endez-Porras et al., 2015] M´endez-Porras, A., Quesada-L´opez, C., and Jenkins, M. (2015). Automated testing of mobile applications: A systematic map and review. In Araujo, J., CondoriFernandez, N., Goul˜ ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, ´ I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 195–208, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Automatic generation of GUI test cases using Ant Colony Optimization and Greedy algorithm Jose Rodriguez (1), Glen D. Rodriguez (2,3) (1) Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima Peru, (2) Universidad Nacional de Ingenier´ıa. Lima Peru, (3) Universidad Ricardo Palma. Lima Peru email: jrodriguezv1@unmsm.edu.pe, grodriguez@uni.edu.pe Abstract The increasing complexity of new applications means GUIs are also getting more complex, and generating tests cases manually for them becomes harder. Generating automatic, good quality GUI test cases is a growing concern in application testing. Actions performed by the user on the GUI can be regarded as events, which can be performed in sequences, forming a graph of event sequences, and therefore multiple execution paths or routes, known as test cases, are possible. The quality of a set of test cases is measured by the coverage criteria (all actions or events must be performed at least one time in the set), which depend on the length and partial coverage of each execution path. Finding feasible paths and complying with the coverage criteria is a highly combinatorial problem. For such problems, due to high computing power that it would take to find an exact solution, it is well justified to use heuristics and metaheuristics algorithms, allowing us to find approximate solutions of good quality. Those methods have been successfully used in chemistry, physics, biology, and recently, in software engineering. In this paper, the use of a metaheuristic known as Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm (ACO) for generating test cases is proposed. The ACO metaheuristic has been adapted in order to find individual routes that could lead to a set of test cases of good quality. A individual test, path or route is desirable if it is long (it tests a lot of events or actions) and do not share events (or share few events) with other paths. After a appropriate number of candidate test cases are generated, we express the problem of generating a set of test cases as a set covering problem and then we apply a greedy algorithm to solve it. The result is a set of paths (test cases) with full covering of events with small number of test cases. We present also a problem solved by our method, generating test cases for Windows Wordpad, and discuss the results. BibTex [Rodriguez and Rodriguez, 2015] Rodriguez, J. and Rodriguez, G. D. (2015). Automatic generation of gui test cases using ant colony optimization and greedy algorithm. In Araujo, J., CondoriFernandez, N., Goul˜ ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, ´ I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 209–221, Lima-Peru. UCSP. 19 SET ´ aos e Tecidos para Ontologia de Dom´ınio de Doa¸c˜ ao de Org˜ apoio a Integra¸ c˜ ao Semˆ antica de Sistemas Lucas Pereira (1), Rodrigo F. Calhau (1), Paulo S´ ergio dos Santos J´ unior (1), Mateus B. Costa (1) (1) Instituto Federal do Esp´ırito Santo. Serra Brazil email: lucas.dipre@gmail.com, calhau@ifes.edu.br, paulo.junior@ifes.edu.br, mcosta@ifes.edu.br Abstract Cada vez mais tem sido necess´ aria a integra¸c˜ao de Sistemas de Informa¸c˜oes para apoiar os processos da ´ area da sa´ ude, em especial a doa¸c˜ ao de o´rg˜aos. Entretanto, muitas vezes a integra¸c˜ao entre sistemas n˜ ao ´e uma tarefa f´ acil, principalmente no que se refere ´a compatibilidade semˆantica entre os sistemas. Ontologias tem sido bastante usadas com esse intuito, servindo de interl´ıngua na integra¸c˜ao semˆantica entre sistemas. Este artigo apresenta um modelo conceitual bem fundamentado feito para o dom´ınio de doa¸c˜ ao de ´ org˜ aos. Foi utilizada, para isso, a nota¸c˜ao para modelagem de ontologias OntoUML. O modelo conceitual apresentado ser´ a usado futuramente para apoiar a integra¸c˜ao sem´antica entre sistemas relacionados ao processo de doa¸ca˜o de ´org˜aos. BibTex [Pereira et al., 2015] Pereira, L., Calhau, R. F., dos Santos J´ unior, P. S., and Costa, M. B. (2015). ´ aos e tecidos para apoio a integra¸c˜ao semˆantica de sisteOntologia de dom´ınio de doa¸c˜ ao de Org˜ mas. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, ´ T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII IberoAmerican Conference on Software Engineering, pages 222–235, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Comparando Patrones de Seguridad y T´ acticas de Seguridad para construir sistemas seguros: Identificando amenazas de seguridad Ren´ e No¨ el (1), Gilberto Pedraza-Garc´ıa (2), Hern´ an Astudillo (3), Santiago Matalonga (4), Oscar Encina (3) (1) Universidad de Valpara´ıso. Valpara´ıso Chile, (2) Universidad de los Andes. Bogot´a Colombia, (3) Universidad T´ecnica Federico Santa Mar´ıa. Valpara´ıso Chile, (4) Universidad ORT Uruguay. Montevideo Uruguay email: rene.noel@uv.cl, g.pedraza56@uniandes.edu.co, hernan@inf.utfsm.cl, smatalonga@uni.ort.edu.uy, oscar.encina@usm.cl Abstract Los Patrones de seguridad y la T´ acticas de la arquitectura para seguridad son dos enfoques de reuso de conocimiento en la toma de decisiones para la construcci´on de sistemas seguros. Ambos enfoques presentan una serie de decisiones de dise˜ no, de distinto nivel de profundidad y detalle en su definici´on. En trabajos anteriores se realiz´ o una evaluaci´on exploratoria, donde los sujetos ten´ıan que identificar y mitigar las amenazas de seguridad. En este trabajo se presenta una evoluci´on del dise˜ no experimental original con el fin de evaluar si la identificaci´on de amenazas y mitigaci´on podr´ıan enfocarse como dos actividades diferentes. El protocolo experimental tambi´en se ha mejorado mediante la separaci´on y estructuraci´ on de una gu´ıa paso a paso para la actividad de identificaci´on. Se realiz´o un nuevo acercamiento experimental con 13 sujetos. Los resultados muestran una mejora significativa en el n´ umero de amenazas identificadas para el mismo problema por sujetos sin experiencia previa en el dise˜ no de sistemas seguros. 20 ESELAW BibTex [No¨el et al., 2015] No¨el, R., Pedraza-Garc´ıa, G., Astudillo, H., Matalonga, S., and Encina, O. (2015). Comparando patrones de seguridad y t´acticas de seguridad para construir sistemas seguros: Identificando amenazas de seguridad. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., ´ Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and CuadrosVargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 236–247, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Investigating Bioinspired Strategies to Solve Large Scale Next Release Problem Glauber Botelho (1), Arthur Rocha (1), Andr´ e Brito (1), Leila Silva (1) (1) Universidade Federal de Sergipe. S˜ao Cristov˜ao Brazil email: glauber.a.botelho@gmail.com, arthurstomp@gmail.com, andre@ufs.br, leila@ufs.br Abstract Software requirements express the needs and constraints of customers that are to be solved by software. The decision about which requirements should be implemented in the next release of the software should consider several issues such as dependencies among requirements, project costs and budget, importance of the customers. Therefore, the complexity of the prioritization and selection of requirements procedures increases when the amount of requirements to be analyzed grows. In this context, the automated prioritization and selection of requirements is a relevant research problem, widely known as the Next Release Problem (NRP). In this work, we have investigated two ways for solving the NRP automatically, by using an Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm and a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm.We have conducted some experiments using classical instances of the NRP available in the literature. The results show that the PSO algorithm is better than the ACO algorithm in all situations analyzed. BibTex [Botelho et al., 2015] Botelho, G., Rocha, A., Brito, A., and Silva, L. (2015). Investigating bioinspired strategies to solve large scale next release problem. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, ´ L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 248–261, Lima-Peru. UCSP. 21 ESELAW 22 Experimental Software Engineering Latin America Workshop (ESELAW 2015) Welcome to the twelfth edition of the Experimental Software Engineering Latin America Workshop (ESELAW 2015) held at Lima, Peru, at the Universidad Ricardo Palma, from the 22nd to the 24th of April, 2015. Over more than a decade, ESELAW has become an important forum for researchers and practitioners to report on and discuss new research results in Experimental Software Engineering, bringing together Latin America’s academic, industrial and commercial communities. The Workshop encourages the exchange of ideas to understand the strengths and weaknesses of software engineering technologies, focusing on the process, design and structure of experimental studies, as well as on results from specific studies. To strengthen its goal of becoming a landmark event on Experimental Software Engineering related topics in Iberoamerica, since 2011, ESELAW has been held into the context of CIbSE - the leading research forum on Software Engineering in Ibero-America. ESELAW 2015 received a total of 94 abstract submissions form 12 different countries, written in any of three official languages of the conference (Spanish, Portuguese and English). Of these 79, turned into full paper submissions. The paper were peer reviewed by three members of the Program Committee, composed of prominent researchers form seven different countries. After a careful revision process, 18 full high-quality scientific works addressing different issues on experimentation in software engineering were accepted, with an acceptance rate of 22,78 % of the full paper submissions, which shows the rigour of the process and the quality of the resulting program. This year’s program has been structured in six technical sessions: session 1 and 2 are dedicated to research methods in Experimental Software Engineering; session 3 and 4 are dedicated to primary studies; finally, sessions 5 and 6 are dedicated to studies in experimental software engineering. We would like to acknowledge all people that have made possible the organization of ESELAW 2015: the authors who submitted their papers; the Program Committee members and the additional reviewers who made detailed revisions helping authors to build a high quality program: and the organizing committiee members who handled all the complexity of arranging an event such as CIbSE 2015. Finally, we want to offer a warm welcome to all speakers, authors, students and general audience who attend ESELAW 2015. We hope you enjoy the event. Lima, Peru. April 2015. Miguel Goul˜ao and Santiago Matalonga PC Co-Chairs ESELAW 2015 23 ESELAW Program Committee Arilo Claudio Dias Neto, UFAM, Brazil Auri Marcelo Rizzo Vincenzi, UFG, Brazil Carla Lima Reis, UFPA, Brazil Claudia Ayala, UPC, Spain Eduardo Almeida, UFBA, Brazil Eduardo Figueiredo, UFMG, Brazil Ellen Francine Barbosa, ICMC/USP, Brazil Fabio Queda Bueno da Silva, UFPE, Brazil Felix Garcia, UCLM, Spain Francisco Dantas, PUC-RJ, Brazil Gabriela Robiolo, Univ. Austral, Argentina Gerardo Maturro, Univ. ORT, Uruguay Gleison Santos, UNIRIO, Brazil Guilherme Horta Travassos, UFRJ, Brazil Jos´e Cruz-Lemus, UCLM, Spain Jos´e Maldonado, ICMC/USP, Brazil Marco A. P. Araujo, IF Sudeste MG, Brazil Marco Aurelio Gerosa, IME/USP, Brazil Marcos Kalinowski, UFF, Brazil Martin Solari, Universidad ORT, Uruguay Miguel Goul˜ao, UNL, Portugal Oscar Dieste, UPM, Spain Monalessa Perini Barcellos, UFES, Brazil Oscar Pastor, UPV, Spain Paulo Masiero, ICMC/USP, Brazil Rafael Prikladnicki, PUC-RS, Brazil Raul Wazlawick, UFSC, Brazil Romain Robbes, Univ. de Chile, Chile Sandra Fabbri, UFSCAR, Brazil Santiago Matalonga, Univ. ORT, Uruguay Sergio Espa˜ na, UPV, Spain S´ergio Soares, UFPE, Brazil Simone Souza, ICMC/USP, Brazil Tayana Conte, UFAM, Brazil Additional Reviewers Alejandrina Aranda, UPM, Spain Alcemir Santos, UFBA, Brazil Ana Carolina Oran, Brazil Anderson Belgamo, IFSP, Brazil Anderson Marcolino, UEM, Brazil Andr´e Di Thommazo, IFSP, Brazil Edson Cesar Oliveira, UFAM, Brazil Efra´ın R. Fonseca C., ESPE, Ecuador Elis Hernandes, UFSCAR, Brazil Elisa Sattyam Cardozo, Brazil F´ abio Octaviano, IFSP, Brazil Gerardo Quintana, Univ. ORT, Uruguay Gustavo Vale, UFMG, Brazil Ismael Figueroa, Univ. de Chile, Chile 24 Jacilane Rabelo, UFAM, Brazil Jacson Rodrigues Barbosa, INF/UFG, Brazil Johnatan Oliveira, Brazil Joice Machado, ICMC/USP, Brazil Juliana Alves Pereira, OVGU, Germany Juliana Saraiva, UFPE, Brazil Katia Romero Felizardo, UTFPR, Brazil Kenyo Faria, INF/UFG, Brazil Lilian Passos Scatalon, ICMC/USP, Brazil Miguel Monteiro, UNL, Portugal Nadja Silva, UFPE, Brazil Nemesio F. D. Filho, ICMC/USP, Brazil Rodrigo F. Lopes, UFPE, Brazil Yorah Bosse, UFMS, Brazil Experimental Software Engineering Track (ESELAW) Index/´Indice Characterizing Sampling Frames in Software Engineering Surveys. Rafael Maiani de Mello, Guilherme Horta Travassos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Mechanisms to Characterize Context of Empirical Studies in Software Engineering. Bruno Cartaxo, Juliana Saraiva, Adauto Almeida, Emanoel Barreiros, Waldemar Pires Ferreira Neto, Sergio Soares. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 ´ Factores en la Adopci´ on de M´ etodos Agiles en el Proceso de Desarrollo de Software: Revisi´ on Sistem´ atica de la Literatura. Marilyn Sihuay, Abraham Davila, Marcelo Pessoa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 A Computational Infrastructure for Research Synthesis in Software Engineering. Paulo S´ergio Santos, Ian Nascimento, Guilherme Horta Travassos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Uncertainty Management in Software Projects - An Action Research. Marcelo Marinho, Telma Lima, Suzana Sampaio, Hermano Moura. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Evaluating a Maturity Model for Agile Governance in Information and Communication Technology with Survey Based on Expert Opinion. Humberto Rocha de Almeida Neto, Edviges Mariza Campos de Magalh˜ aes, Hermano Perrelli de Moura, Jos´e Gilson De Almeida Teixeira Filho, Claudia Cappelli, Luiz Mauricio Fraga Martins. . 27 Using Focus Group in Software Engineering: lessons learned on characterizing software technologies in academia and industry. Breno de Fran¸ca, Talita Ribeiro, Paulo Dos Santos, Guilherme Horta Travassos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Ferramentas de Medi¸ c˜ ao de Software: Um Estudo Comparativo. Gustavo Vale, Hudson Borges, Eduardo Figueiredo, Clarindo P´ adua. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Mejorando la Usabilidad de las Herramientas de Floss Refactoring Haciendo Uso del An´ alisis del Comportamiento del Desarrollador. Raul Naupari Quiroz, Alvaro Cuno. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 An experimental evaluation of a crowdsourcing-based approach for flood risk management. Ranieri De Brito Moreira, L´ıvia Castro Degrossi, Jo˜ ao Porto De Albuquerque. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Um Estudo sobre Extra¸ c˜ ao de M´ etodos para Reutiliza¸ c˜ ao de C´ odigo. Danilo Silva, Marco Tulio Valente, Eduardo Figueiredo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 An Empirical Validation of Function Point Structure and Applicability: A Replication Study. Christian Quesada-L´ opez, Marcelo Jenkins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Model Driven Development Success Cases for Domain-Specific and General Purpose Approaches: A Systematic Mapping. 25 ESELAW Thiago Gottardi, Rosana Braga. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Software Fault Prediction: A Systematic Mapping Study. Juan Murillo-Morera, Christian Quesada-L´ opez, Marcelo Jenkins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Requirements Engineering in Agile Projects: A Systematic Mapping based in Evidences of Industry. Juliana D. R. V. Medeiros, Daniela C. P. Alves, Alexandre Vasconcelos, Carla Silva, Eduardo Wanderley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 The Use of Games on the Teaching of Programming: A Systematic Review. Thiago Reis Da Silva, Taina Jesus Medeiros, Eduardo Henrique Da Silva Aranha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Investigating bias in the search phase of Software Engineering secondary studies. Jos´e A. M. Santos, Alcemir Rodrigues Santos, Manoel Mendon¸ca. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 A Systematic Review of Geospatial Web Service Composition. Roberto Dos Santos Rocha, Livia Castro Degrossi, Joao Porto de Albuquerque. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 26 ESELAW Characterizing Sampling Frames in Software Engineering Surveys Rafael Maiani de Mello (1), Guilherme Horta Travassos (1) (1) Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ COPPE Programa de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computa¸c˜ao. Rio de Janeiro Brazil email: rmaiani@cos.ufrj.br, ght@cos.ufrj.br Abstract Questionnaire-based Survey is a study strategy commonly applied in Software Engineering. It allows the researchers to perform descriptive large-scale investigations without the rigorous control level required by experiments. A critical issue on planning surveys concerns with the characterization of adequate sampling frames and their units of analysis. Therefore, this paper presents the results of a structured review in order to identify how sampling frames and units of analysis have been usually characterized in Software Engineering surveys. This investigation allowed to observe the predominant behavior of sampling by convenience whitin units of analysis composed by individuals retrieved from non-representative sources of sampling. Besides, it was also identified many other design alternatives. Based on these results, a set of recommendations on characterizing sampling frames for software engineering surveys, including the attributes gathered from each kind of unit of analysis (organization, individual, project), is presented aiming at supporting future surveys studies in software engineering. BibTex [de Mello and Travassos, 2015] de Mello, R. M. and Travassos, G. H. (2015). Characterizing sampling frames in software engineering surveys. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimen´ tel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 267–280, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Mechanisms to Characterize Context of Empirical Studies in Software Engineering Bruno Cartaxo (1), Juliana Saraiva (1), Adauto Almeida (1), Emanoel Barreiros (1), Waldemar Pires Ferreira Neto (1), Sergio Soares (1) (1) Informatics Center - CIn/UFPE. Pernambuco Brazil email: brunocartaxo@gmail.com, jags2@cin.ufpe.br, ataf@cin.ufpe.br, efsb@cin.ufpe.br, wpfn@cin.ufpe.br, scbs@acm.org Abstract Background: It has become evident that empirical studies in software engineering (SE) have problems related to context characterization. This situation jeopardizes studies replication, result interpretation, knowledge transfer between academia and industry, and evidence integration of secondary studies. Goals: Our goals in this research are to identify and classify the mechanisms that support context characterization of empirical studies in SE. Method: A systematic mapping study with exhaustive coverage was conducted in accordance with the guidelines of evidence-based software engineering. Results: Out of 13,355 studies, 13 studies published between 1999 and 2012 were selected. Only one mechanism adopts the omnibus context approach, against 12 that follow the discrete approach. Ten studies present mechanisms to support context characterization of experiments. And only four out of the ten software engineering topics are covered by the found mechanisms. 27 ESELAW Conclusions: We found few mechanisms that support context characterization in SE. Besides, these mechanisms do not cover the specificities of many software engineering topics and empirical methods. Thus, we believe that more research to define mechanisms focused on these specificities is needed. BibTex [Cartaxo et al., 2015] Cartaxo, B., Saraiva, J., Almeida, A., Barreiros, E., Neto, W. P. F., and Soares, S. (2015). Mechanisms to characterize context of empirical studies in software engineering. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la ´ Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 281–294, Lima-Peru. UCSP. ´ Factores en la Adopci´ on de M´ etodos Agiles en el Proceso de Desarrollo de Software: Revisi´ on Sistem´ atica de la Literatura Marilyn Sihuay (1), Abraham Davila (2), Marcelo Pessoa (3) (1) Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima Peru, (2) Pontificia Universidad Cat´olica del Per´ u. Lima Peru, (3) Universidade de Sao Paulo. S˜ao Paulo Brazil email: msihuayr@unmsm.edu.pe, abraham.davila@pucp.edu.pe, mpessoa@usp.br Abstract (ANTECEDENTES) La adopci´ on de m´etodos ´agiles para el desarrollo de software ha crecido significativamente en los u ´ltimos a˜ nos. Sin embargo, las ventajas que brindan por su naturaleza y principios no son completamente aprovechados porque se implementan de manera incompleta y a veces incorrecta. (OBJETIVOS) En el presente trabajo se busca identificar un conjunto de factores que influyen en el ´exito o fracaso de las adopciones de m´etodos agiles en el proceso de desarrollo de software. ´ (METODOS) Para este estudio se realiz´o una revisi´on sistem´atica de la literatura donde fueron encontrados 775 art´ıculos, de los cuales s´ olo 18 art´ıculos hacen referencia a factores. (RESULTADOS). Se identificaron 69 factores y 7 modelos de factores de adopci´on de los m´etodos agiles. Estos factores se clasificaron en categor´ıas: 2 factores en la categor´ıa organizaci´on, 14 factores ´ en la categor´ıa personas, 6 factores para proyectos y 5 para procesos. (CONCLUSIONES). Se puede apreciar que este es un tema con pocas investigaciones y que los factores m´ as estudiados en los art´ıculos obtenidos son 5, donde la categor´ıa organizaci´on tiene el factor cultura y; la categor´ıa personas tiene los factores: atributos del equipo calificado, entrenamiento, ambiente laboral y colaboraci´ on del cliente. BibTex [Sihuay et al., 2015] Sihuay, M., Davila, A., and Pessoa, M. (2015). Factores en la adopci´on de ´ m´etodos Agiles en el proceso de desarrollo de software: Revisi´on sistem´atica de la literatura. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la ´ Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 295–308, Lima-Peru. UCSP. A Computational Infrastructure for Research Synthesis in Software Engineering Paulo S´ ergio Santos (1), Ian Nascimento (1), Guilherme Horta Travassos (1) (1) Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ COPPE Programa de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computa¸c˜ao. Rio de Janeiro Brazil email: pasemes@cos.ufrj.br, ianesteves@poli.ufrj.br, ght@cos.ufrj.br 28 ESELAW Abstract Research synthesis is an essential tool to consolidate scientific knowledge regarding software technologies and their benefits and drawbacks. However, conducting a research synthesis can be a challenging task whether manually performed given the amount of data and information to manage and aggregate. Furthermore, comparing and contrasting evidence and keeping track of all aggregation decisions can be cumbersome. In this paper, we present a computational infrastructure to support research synthesis. The tool offers a graphical formal representation for Software Engineering evidence and it can be used to deal with qualitative and quantitative findings. The infrastructure’s design and navigational concerns besides the details about its internal algorithms are presented aiming at supporting the explanations on how the formal representation is used in the aggregation procedure and how uncertainty formalisms are implemented. The infrastructure usefulness is shown through it use on aggregating evidence regarding software inspection. BibTex [Santos et al., 2015] Santos, P. S., Nascimento, I., and Travassos, G. H. (2015). A computational infrastructure for research synthesis in software engineering. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, ´ L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 309–322, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Uncertainty Management in Software Projects - An Action Research Marcelo Marinho (1), Telma Lima (2), Suzana Sampaio (1), Hermano Moura (1) (1) UFPE. Pernambuco Brazil, (2) UFPRE. Pernambuco Brazil email: marinho.mlm@gmail.com, tlima.ufrpe@gmail.com, scbs2@cin.ufpe.br, hermano@cin.ufpe.br Abstract Project management has become a core business process for many companies both at strategic and operational level. However, there is no doubt that many projects fail, IT projects are notoriously disaster-prone, not necessarily because of technological failure but often due to their uncertainties. In this article it is shown an investigation aiming to build a guide to manage the uncertainties in project management. An action research has been made with the objective to evaluate the uncertainties in a software development innovative project. This action research aimed to verify which applied practices could be formally developed, guide efforts to uncertainty reduction and to guarantee the success of the project. BibTex [Marinho et al., 2015] Marinho, M., Lima, T., Sampaio, S., and Moura, H. (2015). Uncertainty management in software projects - an action research. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimen´ tel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 323–336, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Evaluating a Maturity Model for Agile Governance in Information and Communication Technology with Survey Based on Expert Opinion Humberto Rocha de Almeida Neto (1,2,3), Edviges Mariza Campos de Magalh˜ aes (4), 29 ESELAW Hermano Perrelli de Moura (1), Jos´ e Gilson De Almeida Teixeira Filho (1), Claudia Cappelli (5), Luiz Mauricio Fraga Martins (6) (1) Centro de Inform´ atica da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (CIn/UFPE). Pernambuco Brazil, (2) Servi¸co Federal de Processamento de Dados (SERPRO). Refice-PE Brazil, (3) Centro Universit´ ario de Jo˜ao Pessoa (Unipˆe). Jo˜ao Pessoa-PB Brazil, (4) Empresa de Tecnologia e Informa¸c˜ oes da Previdˆencia Social (DATAPREV). Jo˜ao Pessoa-PB Brazil, (5) Departamento de Inform´ atica Aplicada - Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (DIA/UNIRIO). Rio de Janeiro-RJ Brazil, (6) Department of Informatics Engineering, University of Coimbra, P´olo II. (CISUC). Coimbra Portugal email: humrocha@gmail.com, edviges.magalhaes@dataprev.gov.br, hermano@cin.ufpe.br, jgatf@cin.ufpe.br, claudia.cappelli@uniriotec.br, lmar@dei.uc.pt Abstract Agile governance in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is based on the application of principles and values of the Manifesto for agile software development to the ICT governance context. This approach to governance has been suggested as an innovative proposal, but the adoption of agile governance in ICT is still considered a challenge. Agile governance in ICT is multidisciplinary and is still regarded as a recent area. This paper aims to present a proposal for a maturity model to systematic and gradual adoption of agile governance in ICT called MAnGve Maturity Model (M3). The proposed maturity model was structured in five levels of maturity, constructed from a set of meta principles identified in an extensive bibliographical study of the area. For the elaboration of the model, a qualitative approach was used, with inductive method and comparative and structuralism procedures. Finally, this article assesses the feasibility of the proposed model, as regards the criteria associated with the feasibility of agile governance in from the point of view of 62 experts. BibTex [de Almeida Neto et al., 2015] de Almeida Neto, H. R., de Magalh˜aes, E. M. C., de Moura, H. P., Filho, J. G. D. A. T., Cappelli, C., and Martins, L. M. F. (2015). Evaluating a maturity model for agile governance in information and communication technology with survey based on expert opinion. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., ´ Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII IberoAmerican Conference on Software Engineering, pages 337–350, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Using Focus Group in Software Engineering: lessons learned on characterizing software technologies in academia and industry Breno de Fran¸ ca (1), Talita Ribeiro (1), Paulo Dos Santos (1), Guilherme Horta Travassos (1) (1) Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ COPPE Programa de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computa¸c˜ao. Rio de Janeiro Brazil email: brenofranca@gmail.com, talita.vribeiro@gmail.com, pasemes@gmail.com, ght@cos.ufrj.br Abstract CONTEXT. Focus Group has been adopted to support researches in different ar-eas, such as health and social sciences. It offers instruments to collect qualitative data from a group of people simultaneously, including both individual and collec-tive perspectives. Besides software, peopleware represents an 30 ESELAW important perspec-tive in software engineering. However, Focus Group is not largely used to sup-port empirical studies in the field due the lack of understanding on its use. OBJECTIVE. To investigate the use of Focus Group as supplementary technique to support the characterization of sociotechnical and cognitive aspects of software technologies into the context of SE research and practice activities. METHOD. To use the Focus Group technique to support the qualitative characterization of two distinct software technologies: one to guide researchers (academia perspective) to plan simulation based studies in SE and other one to guide practitioners (industry perspective) to produce more readable and understandable source code. From these two experiences, to identify commonalities and differences aiming at improving the understanding of Focus Group usage when applied in academia and industry studies. RESULTS. Focus Group was able to support both studies. However, the context (object of study, environment, and participants) influenced the design of the studies. Similarities and differences in terms of context, goals, design, results and threats to validity between the two experiences were identified and explained, resulting in a set of lessons learned and possible improvements for future trials or new studies opportunities. CONCLUSIONS. Although some contexts can make hard the subjects motivation and commitment, the use of fo-cus group can increase the interest of subjects, promoting interaction and raising important discussions issues that contribute to reveal information usually difficult to obtain whether only pure observations or feedback questionnaires are used. These are relevant characteristics for observing Software Engineering phenomena from a subjective and intellectual level and can be used as an interesting tool to data triangulation. Despite its benefits, Focus Group shall be carefully planned in order to avoid threats regarding its conduction and data collection validity. BibTex [de Fran¸ca et al., 2015] de Fran¸ca, B., Ribeiro, T., Santos, P. D., and Travassos, G. H. (2015). Using focus group in software engineering: lessons learned on characterizing software technologies in academia and industry. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., ´ Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 351–364, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Ferramentas de Medi¸c˜ ao de Software: Um Estudo Comparativo Gustavo Vale (1), Hudson Borges (1), Eduardo Figueiredo (1), Clarindo P´ adua (1) (1) Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Minas Gerais Brazil email: gustavovale@dcc.ufmg.br, hsborges@dcc.ufmg.br, figueiredo@dcc.ufmg.br, clarindo@dcc.ufmg.br Abstract M´etricas de software permitem medir, avaliar, controlar e melhorar produtos e processos de software. O suporte automatizado no formato de ferra-mentas para extra¸c˜ao de m´etricas ´e crucial. Contudo, para que tais ferramentas se-jam realmente efetivas, ´e necess´ario que elas atendam `as necessidades do usu´ a-rio/desenvolvedor. Visando identificar boas e m´as caracter´ısticas de usabilidade, esse trabalho apresenta um experimento controlado com 31 sujeitos que utilizaram e avaliaram as ferramentas CodePro Analytix e Metrics. Os resultados de-monstram que as duas ferramentas possuem boas caracter´ısticas de usabilidade. Contudo, a estrat´egia de apresenta¸c˜ao dos dados adotada por cada uma das ferra-mentas ´e favor´ avel a determinadas atividades e, no geral, a ferramenta CodePro Analytix se saiu melhor na avalia¸c˜ ao. BibTex 31 ESELAW [Vale et al., 2015] Vale, G., Borges, H., Figueiredo, E., and P´adua, C. (2015). Ferramentas de medi¸c˜ ao de software: Um estudo comparativo. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimen´ tel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 365–378, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Mejorando la Usabilidad de las Herramientas de Floss Refactoring Haciendo Uso del An´ alisis del Comportamiento del Desarrollador Raul Naupari Quiroz (1), Alvaro Cuno (2) (1) Cignium Technologies. Peru, (2) Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos - UNMSM. Peru email: raulnq@gmail.com, alvaroecp@gmail.com Abstract [Contexto] El refactoring es el proceso por el cual se cambia la estructura interna del c´odigo fuente sin alterar el comportamiento externo del software. El refactoring ha llegado a ser una pr´actica com´ un y recomendada pues permite mejorar la mantenibilidad y extensibilidad del software. [Objetivo] Si bien muchos entornos de desarrollo (IDEs) proveen herramientas para efectuar operaciones de refactoring, ´estas no son tomadas en cuenta por la mayor´ıa de los desarrolladores principalmente porque, seg´ un los estudios, rompen con el flujo normal de sus actividades. El objetivo del presente trabajo es evidenciar que analizando el comportamiento del desarrollador es posible proponer un nuevo esquema de invocaci´ on-configuraci´on que mejora la usabilidad de las herramientas de floss refactoring incrementando su uso. [M´etodo] Se plantearon 4 preguntas de investigaci´on y se efectuaron 3 actividades para responderlas: recopilaci´ on, construcci´ on y evaluaci´on. En la recopilaci´on se busc´o responder la pregunta de investigaci´ on PI1 mediante la selecci´ on de los refactorings a ser tomados en cuenta en la investigaci´on y la caracterizaci´ on del comportamiento del desarrollador, obteniendo como resultado un esquema invocaci´ on-configuraci´ on. En base al esquema de invocaci´on-configuraci´on, en la segunda actividad, se realiz´ o la implementaci´ on de la herramienta “B-Refactoring”, que permiti´o responder la pregunta de investigaci´ on PI2. Finalmente, a fin de responder las preguntas de investigaci´on PI3 y PI4 se evalu´o el impacto de los lineamientos encontrados sobre la usabilidad de la herramienta y su uso. [Resultado] La herramienta que implementa el esquema invocaci´on-configuraci´on fue validada mediante una evaluaci´ on heur´ıstica (15 personas), encontrando que el 80 % de los participantes calificaron a esta como superior a las alternativas actuales. Y emp´ıricamente mediante un estudio controlado (5 personas) donde se evidencio que el desarrollador se sinti´o m´as a gusto con el nuevo esquema. [Conclusi´ on] El presente estudio confirma que considerar el comportamiento del desarrollador en la definici´ on de los esquemas de invocaci´ on-configuraci´on de las herramientas de refactoring incrementa su intenci´ on de uso. BibTex [Quiroz and Cuno, 2015] Quiroz, R. N. and Cuno, A. (2015). Mejorando la usabilidad de las herramientas de floss refactoring haciendo uso del an´alisis del comportamiento del desarrollador. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la ´ Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 379–392, Lima-Peru. UCSP. 32 ESELAW An experimental evaluation of a crowdsourcing-based approach for flood risk management Ranieri De Brito Moreira (1), L´ıvia Castro Degrossi (1), Jo˜ ao Porto De Albuquerque (1) (1) University of S˜ao Paulo. S˜ao Paulo Brazil email: ranieribm@icmc.usp.br, liviadegrossi@gmail.com, jporto@icmc.usp.br Abstract Volunteered geographic information (VGI) is a potential source of information to complement other sources. However, there is still not enough experimental evidence about the usefulness of VGI in different situations and scenarios. We conducted an experimental evaluation for verifying if VGI, obtained through a crowdsourcing platform, is useful for the flood risk management context. The experiment occurred in two points of the watershed of S˜ao Carlos/SP city with 15 participants. The results show that volunteered geographic information is, in average, comparable to sensor data. Thus, we can conclude that using crowdsourcing for producing VGI can be a useful source for flood risk management. BibTex [Moreira et al., 2015] Moreira, R. D. B., Degrossi, L. C., and Albuquerque, J. P. D. (2015). An experimental evaluation of a crowdsourcing-based approach for flood risk management. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, ´ J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 393–403, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Um Estudo sobre Extra¸c˜ ao de M´ etodos para Reutiliza¸c˜ ao de C´ odigo Danilo Silva (1), Marco Tulio Valente (1), Eduardo Figueiredo (1) (1) Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Minas Gerais Brazil email: danilofes@gmail.com, mtov@dcc.ufmg.br, figueiredo@dcc.ufmg.br Abstract Refatora¸ca˜o de c´ odigo ´e uma t´ecnica amplamente utilizada na manuten¸c˜ao e evolu¸c˜ao de sistemas e, por esse motivo, ela ´e frequentemente estudada pela comunidade acadˆemica. Neste trabalho, investigamos a rela¸c˜ ao entre a refatora¸c˜ ao Extrair M´etodo e a reutiliza¸c˜ao de c´odigo, com o fim de entender melhor as motiva¸c˜ oes por tr´ as de tal refatora¸c˜ao. Ap´os analisar mais de 10 mil revis˜oes de 10 sistemas de c´ odigo aberto, encontramos ind´ıcios que, em 56,9 BibTex [Silva et al., 2015] Silva, D., Valente, M. T., and Figueiredo, E. (2015). Um estudo sobre extra¸c˜ao de m´etodos para reutiliza¸c˜ ao de c´ odigo. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., ´ Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and CuadrosVargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 404–417, Lima-Peru. UCSP. 33 ESELAW An Empirical Validation of Function Point Structure and Applicability: A Replication Study Christian Quesada-L´ opez (1), Marcelo Jenkins (1) (1) Universidad de Costa Rica. Costa Rica Costa Rica email: cristian.quesadalopez@ucr.ac.cr, marcelo.jenkins@ecci.ucr.ac.cr Abstract Background: The complexity of providing accurate software size estimation and effort prediction models is well known in the software industry. Function point analysis (FPA) is currently one of the most accepted software functional size metric in the industry, but it is hardly automatable and generally requires a lengthy and costly process. Objectives: This paper reports on a family of replications carried out on a subset of the ISBSG R12 dataset to evaluate the structure and applicability of function points. The goal of this replication was to aggregate evidence about internal issues of FPA as a metric, and to confirm previous results using a different set of data. First, FPA counting was analyzed in order to determine the extent to which the base functional components (BFC) were independent of each other and thus appropriate for an additive model of size. Second, the correlation between effort and BFCs and unadjusted function points (UFP) were assessed in order to determine whether a simplified sizing metric might be appropriate to simplify effort prediction models. Methods: A subset of 72 business application projects from 2008 to 2011 was analyzed. BFCs, UFP, and effort correlation were studied. Results: The results aggregated evidence and confirmed that some BFCs of the FPA method are correlated. There is a relationship between BFCs and effort. There are correlations between UFP and inputs, enquiries, and internal files, and between BFCs and effort. Internal files and inputs are found to be correlated always, and external interface files are found to be uncorrelated with the others. A prediction model based on transactions and internal files appear to be as good as a model based on UFP. The use of some contexts attributes may improve effort prediction models. Limitations: This is an initial experiment of a research in progress. The limited size and nature of the dataset may influence the results. Conclusions: Our results might suggest an improvement in the performance of the measurement process. Simplifying FPA measurement procedure based on counting a subset of BFCs could improve measurement process efficiency and simplify prediction models. BibTex [Quesada-L´ opez and Jenkins, 2015] Quesada-L´opez, C. and Jenkins, M. (2015). An empirical validation of function point structure and applicability: A replication study. In Araujo, J., CondoriFernandez, N., Goul˜ ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, ´ I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 418–431, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Model Driven Development Success Cases for Domain-Specific and General Purpose Approaches: A Systematic Mapping Thiago Gottardi (1), Rosana Braga (1) (1) ICMC - Universidade de S˜ao Paulo. S˜ao Paulo Brazil email: thiagott@msn.com, rtvb@icmc.usp.br 34 ESELAW Abstract In the context of a Model Driven Software Engineering (MDSE) research effort, it was identified the need of surveying the success cases categorized by specific domains and by general purpose development processes. However, no systematic mapping related to this specific context was found. Therefore, we have conducted a systematic mapping with two objectives. The first objective was to identify specific domains in which MDSE is successful, while the second objective was to identify what are the challenges to apply this methodology to general purpose development processes. As results, we have identified that MDSE success cases are clustered into four domains: business information systems, network system design, web software applications and embedded systems. We could only identify five studies related to general purpose approaches and their challenges. The analysis of the results indicate that MDSE application is consolidated in specific domains. A common feature identified among studies related to general purpose processes is that their authors have reported a lack of methodologies that support MDSE in software projects since the inception phase. This secondary study was also the first to be conducted using a collaborative systematic mapping tool. BibTex [Gottardi and Braga, 2015] Gottardi, T. and Braga, R. (2015). Model driven development success cases for domain-specific and general purpose approaches: A systematic mapping. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., ´ Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 432–445, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Software Fault Prediction: A Systematic Mapping Study Juan Murillo-Morera (1), Christian Quesada-L´ opez (2), Marcelo Jenkins (2) (1) Department of Informatics, National University of Costa Rica. Costa Rica Costa Rica, (2) Center for ICT Research, University of Costa Rica. Costa Rica Costa Rica email: juan.murillo.morera@una.cr, cristian.quesadalopez@ucr.ac.cr, marcelo.jenkins@ecci.ucr.ac.cr Abstract Context: Software fault prediction has been an important research topic in the software engineering field for more than 30 years. Software defect prediction models are commonly used to detect faulty software modules based on software metrics collected during the software development process. Objective: Data mining techniques and machine learning studies in the fault prediction software context are mapped and characterized. We investigated the metrics and techniques and their performance according to performance metrics studied. An analysis and synthesis of these studies is conducted. An analysis and synthesis of these studies is conducted. Method: A systematic mapping study has been conducted for identifying and aggregating evidence about software fault prediction. Results: About 70 studies published from January 2002 to December 2014 were identified. Top 40 studies were selected for analysis, based on the quality criteria results. The main metrics used were: Halstead, McCabe and LOC (67.14 %), Halstead, McCabe and LOC + Object-Oriented (15.71 %), others (17.14 %). The main models were: Machine Learning(ML) (47.14 %), ML + Statistical Analysis (31.42 %), others (21.41 %). The data sets used were: private access (35 %) and public access (65 %). The most frequent combination of metrics, models and techniques were: Halstead, McCabe and LOC + Random Forest, Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression and Decision Tree representing the (60 %) of the analyzed studies. Conclusions: This article has identified and classified the performance of the metrics, techniques and their combinations. This will help researchers to select datasets, metrics and models based on experimental results, with the objective to generate learning schemes that allow a better prediction software failures. BibTex 35 ESELAW [Murillo-Morera et al., 2015] Murillo-Morera, J., Quesada-L´opez, C., and Jenkins, M. (2015). Software fault prediction: A systematic mapping study. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimen´ tel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 446–459, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Requirements Engineering in Agile Projects: A Systematic Mapping based in Evidences of Industry Juliana D. R. V. Medeiros (1), Daniela C. P. Alves (2), Alexandre Vasconcelos (2), Carla Silva (2), Eduardo Wanderley (2) (1) IFPB - Instituto Federal de Educa¸c˜ao, Ciˆencia e Tecnologia. Para´ıba Brazil, (2) UFPE - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Pernambuco Brazil email: juliana.medeiros@ifpb.edu.br, dcpa@cin.ufpe.br, amlv@cin.ufpe.br, ctlls@cin.ufpe.br, egw@@cin.ufpe.br Abstract Interest in the adoption of Agile methodologies has grown in recent years as a strategy to minimize problems in software development. However recent studies indicate high rates of failure also in projects that use agile processes. In this context, this research conducted an exploratory study to investigate how Requirements Engineering is used in projects that adopt agile methodologies. For this, a Systematic Mapping was performed and it identified the engineering requirements techniques that are running in the industry, the problems and limitations in projects that adopt agile methodologies. The low involvement of users and the constant changes of requirements were identified as the main challenges to be overcome. BibTex [Medeiros et al., 2015] Medeiros, J. D. R. V., Alves, D. C. P., Vasconcelos, A., Silva, C., and Wanderley, E. (2015). Requirements engineering in agile projects: A systematic mapping based in evidences of industry. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kali´ nowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 460–473, Lima-Peru. UCSP. The Use of Games on the Teaching of Programming: A Systematic Review Thiago Reis Da Silva (1), Taina Jesus Medeiros (1), Eduardo Henrique Da Silva Aranha (1) (1) Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Natal Brazil email: trsilva.si@gmail.com, tainajmedeiros@gmail.com, eduardohsaranha@gmail.com Abstract Background: Programming teaching is a difficult task due to the course complex nature. Moreover, there are negative stereotypes associated to programming courses, because it often fails to stimulate students to understand. Aim: Investigate the efficacy of digital games as a tool to aid the process of teaching and learning programming. Method: We conducted a systematic review study to find out how effective is the use of games on programming classes. Three bases of electronic data, thirteen conference and two magazines were researched to find relevant studies. 36 ESELAW Results: After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the 6518 primary studies, 29 were included in this study. Conclusion: 97 % of the studies report that the use of games is an effective tool for teaching and learning programming. BibTex [Silva et al., 2015] Silva, T. R. D., Medeiros, T. J., and Aranha, E. H. D. S. (2015). The use of games on the teaching of programming: A systematic review. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, ´ L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 474–487, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Investigating bias in the search phase of Software Engineering secondary studies Jos´ e A. M. Santos (1), Alcemir Rodrigues Santos (2), Manoel Mendon¸ ca (3) (1) State University of Feira de Santana. State University of Feira de Santana Feira de Santana, (2) Reuse in Software Engineering Lab, Federal University of Bahia. Bahia Brazil, (3) UFBA. Bahia Brazil email: zeamancio@gmail.com, alcemirsantos@gmail.com, manoel.mendonca@ufba.br Abstract Context: Researchers are increasingly resorting of secondary studies (e.g. systematic literature reviews and mapping studies) in Software Engineering. The bias of these kind of method is strongly dependent on the source of primary studies adopted. We did not find guidelines or benchmarks to evaluate the sources in a systematic way. Objective: In this paper we aim to tackle the selection of electronic data sources while conducting such kind of studies evaluating the equilibrium between the volume and number of relevant papers. Method: In this sense, we proceed towards a secondary study to analyze the overlapping of three different electronic data sources. We also compared our results with other similar studies. Results: Our results show minimum overlapping and no effortless combination of electronic data sources at all. Conclusion: We conclude that researchers shall resort of completeness to work with a feasible set of papers to review. Specially in secondary studies adopting general and no standardized terms. BibTex [Santos et al., 2015] Santos, J. A. M., Santos, A. R., and Mendon¸ca, M. (2015). Investigating bias in the search phase of software engineering secondary studies. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Anto´ nelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 488–501, Lima-Peru. UCSP. A Systematic Review of Geospatial Web Service Composition Roberto Dos Santos Rocha (1), Livia Castro Degrossi (1), Joao Porto de Albuquerque (1) (1) Universidade de Sao Paulo. S˜ao Paulo Brazil email: rsrocha@usp.br, degrossi@icmc.usp.br, jporto@icmc.usp.br 37 WER Abstract Context: Geospatial Web services (GWSs) can be viewed as modular Web applications that provide services or geospatial data, information or knowledge. Combining GWSs and generating composite web services out of atomic services can provide users with a higher level of functionality. Aim: The aim of this study is to obtain an overview of research on geospatial web services composition through a systematic literature review (SLR). Method: An SLR was performed by formulating four research questions to evaluate the selected works. Results: In total, 121 papers were accepted into the final set. Conclusions: There are a significant number of research projects being conducted in this specific Web service composition area targeting the geospatial domain. In addition, the selected works mainly focused on the syntactic composition model. BibTex [Rocha et al., 2015] Rocha, R. D. S., Degrossi, L. C., and de Albuquerque, J. P. (2015). A systematic review of geospatial web service composition. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimen´ tel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 502–515, Lima-Peru. UCSP. 38 WER 39 WER 40 Track3: Workshop on Requirements Engineering (WER2015) Preface Welcome to the 18th edition of the Workshop on Requirements Engineering (WER 2015), held in Lima, Peru from April 22nd to 24th as a track of CIbSE 2015. WER is the main Ibero-American research event on requirements engineering. The 2015 edition continues the tradition, started in 1998, of gathering the Ibero-American community on this area for discussing the most recent research advances and new research lines and for further trying to jointly tackle requirements engineering challenges and research problems. The international program committee of WER 2015 consisted of 35 experts from academia and industry from 13 countries. We received 55 abstract submissions, which were finally materialized in 42 valid submissions from eight different countries. Each paper was reviewed by three members of the program committee and, after some online discussions, 14 papers were accepted for presentation at the Workshop. The accepted papers deal with reviews of the state of the art, requirements engineering in practice, knowledge-based approaches, goal modeling, and processes and requirements, among other topics. WER 2015 consists of five sessions for paper presentation and another for a panel on trends and needs in requirements engineering research in Ibero-America. We would like to thank the authors of the submitted papers, the members of the program committee, and the additional reviewers for their invaluable contribution towards realizing WER 2015, the rest of members of the CIbSE 2015 organization committees for their constant support, Ricardo Palma University for hosting the Workshop, and the rest of sponsors for financially supporting the Workshop. Last but not least, we hope that you enjoy WER 2015. Isabel Sof´ıa Brito and Jose Luis de la Vara WER 2015 PC co-chairs. 41 WER Program Committee Aiko Yamashita, Mesan and Simula Research Laboratory, Norway Alejandro Oliveros, Univ. Argentina de la Empresa and Univ. de Tres de Febrero, Argentina Alicia Mart´ınez, Centro Nacional de Investigaci´on y Desarrollo Tecnol´ogico, Mexico Amador Dur´ an, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain Ana Moreira, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal Antonio Oliveira, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Carla Silva, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil Carme Quer, Universitat Polit´ecnica de Catalunya, Spain Daniel Berry, University of Waterloo, Canada Daniel M´endez Fern´ andez, Technische Universit¨at M¨ unchen, Germany Dolors Costal, Universitat Polit´ecnica de Catalunya, Spain Fernanda Alencar, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil Giovanni Giachetti, Universidad Andr´es Bello, Chile Gladys Kaplan, Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, Argentina Gonzalo G´enova, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain Graciela Hadad, Universidad Nacional del Oeste, Argentina Hu´ ascar Espinoza, Tecnalia, Spain Jaelson Castro, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil Jorge Aranda, Limbic Consulting, Canada Juan S´ anchez, Universitat Polit´ecnica de Val´encia, Spain Juan Pablo Carvallo, Universidad del Azuay, Ecuador Judith Barrios, Universidad de los Andes, Venezuela Julio Leite, Pontif´ıcia Universidade Cat´olica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Leandro Antonelli, Facultad de Inform´atica, UNLP, Argentina Luiz Martins, Universidade Federal de S˜ao Paulo, Brazil Luiz Marcio Cysneiros, York University, Canada Lyrene Silva, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil Marcela Ridao, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina M´ arcia Lucena, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil Maria Lencastre, Universidade de Pernambuco, Brazil Nathalie Aquino, Universidad Cat´olica Nuestra Se˜ nora de la Asunci´on, Paraguay Ra´ ul Mazo, Universit´e Paris 1 Panth´eon, France Renata Guizzardi, Universidade Federal do Esp´ırito Santo, Brazil Uir´ a Kulesza, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil Vera Werneck, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Additional Reviewers Andreas Vogelsang Claudia Litvak Daniel Alencar Edgar Sarmiento 42 Elias Garcia Felipe Alves Gabriela Guedes J´essyka Vilela Karolyne Oliveira Monique Soares Tarc´ısio Pereira Wolfgang Boehm Requirements Engineering Workshop (WER) Index/´Indice A Collaborative Approach to Capture the Domain Language. Leandro Antonelli, Gustavo Rossi, Alejandro Oliveros. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Extra¸ c˜ ao de requisitos apoiada por t´ ecnicas de Inteligˆ encia Artificial embutidas em ferramentas de apoio. Cristiane Aparecida Lana, Lucas Gon¸calves Cunha, Jos´e Luis Braga, Antonio De Padua Albuquerque Oliveira. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Improving Quality Models Construction Through Knowledge Reuse. Juan Pablo Carvallo, Xavier Franch, Carme Quer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Fuentes y t´ ecnicas de requerimientos. Un estudio de evoluci´ on de la pr´ actica. Alejandro Oliveros, Leandro Antonelli. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 La Gesti´ on del Conocimiento Aplicada en la Ingenier´ıa de Requisitos: Un Caso de Estudio en Ecuador. Cecilia Hinojosa, Geovanny Raura, Efrain R. Fonseca C., Oscar Dieste. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Criatividade Combinacional para Gera¸ c˜ ao de Requisitos Inovadores: Um Relato de Experiˆ encia. Rafael Pinto, Lyrene Silva, Marcia Lucena, Ilueny Santos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Elicita¸ c˜ ao e Especifica¸ c˜ ao de Requisitos em Sistemas Embarcados: Uma Revis˜ ao Sistem´ atica. Aˆeda Sousa, Josenildo Melo, Fernanda Alencar, Celso Agra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Requisitos para Softwares Educacionais Gamificados: Uma Revis˜ ao Sistem´ atica de Literatura. Mariana Peixoto, Carla Silva. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 On the behaviour of context-sensitive systems. J´essyka Vilela, Jaelson Castro, Jo˜ ao Pimentel, Paulo Lima. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Integrating the E4J editor to the JGOOSE tool. Leonardo Pereira Merlin, Alexandre Luiz de Borba Silva, Victor Francisco Araya Santander, Ivonei Freitas Da Silva, Jaelson Castro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Modeling SOA from Organizational Models. Orlando Oliveira, Carla Silva. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 A Heuristic Approach for Supporting Innovation in Requirements Engineering. Ricardo Souza, Glauber Batista, Gilberto Cysneiros. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Um processo colaborativo para a constru¸ c˜ ao de l´ exicos: o caso da divulga¸ c˜ ao de transparˆ encia. Priscila Engiel, Joanna Pivatelli, Pedro Nuno, Roxana Portugal, Julio Leite. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 43 WER Apoio a Configura¸ c˜ ao de Processos de Neg´ ocio Dinˆ amicos. Tarc´ısio Couto, Fernanda Alencar, Jaelson Castro, Edson Alves, Paulo Lima. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Trends and Needs in Requirements Engineering Research in Ibero-America. Jose Luis de la Vara, Isabel Sofia Brito. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 44 WER A Collaborative Approach to Capture the Domain Language Leandro Antonelli (1), Gustavo Rossi (1), Alejandro Oliveros (2,3) (1) LIFIA, Facultad de Inform´atica, UNLP. Buenos Aires Argentina, (2) Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero - UNTREF. Argentina, (3) INTEC-UADE. Argentina email: lanto@lifia.info.unlp.edu.ar, gustavo@lifia.info.unlp.edu.ar, aoliveros@gmail.com Abstract Software development is a succession of descriptions in different languages where a previous description is necessary for the next one. Thus, it is important to begin software development with requirements that are as correct and as complete as possible. Although some literature holds the belief that correctness and completeness are two attributes that requirements specifications must satisfy, we know that these attributes are very difficult to meet. However, we have to find ways to diminish the level of incompleteness and deal with the possible conflicts that do arise in the requirements context. Defining the domain language before specifying the requirements is a way of coping with this problem. Nevertheless, it is hard to produce a domain language specification when there are many stakeholders involved. We rely on collaboration in order to foster the cooperation of the stakeholders, thus they are able to explore the differences constructively and search for solutions that go beyond their own limited views. In this paper, we propose a strategy to capture the domain language in a collaborative way using Language Extended Lexicon and we show a preliminary validation of the proposed strategy. BibTex [Antonelli et al., 2015] Antonelli, L., Rossi, G., and Oliveros, A. (2015). A collaborative approach to capture the domain language. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, ´ J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 521–534, LimaPeru. UCSP. Extra¸ c˜ ao de requisitos apoiada por t´ ecnicas de Inteligˆ encia Artificial embutidas em ferramentas de apoio Cristiane Aparecida Lana (1), Lucas Gon¸ calves Cunha (1), Jos´ e Luis Braga (1), Antonio De Padua Albuquerque Oliveira (2) (1) Universidade Federal de Vi¸cosa. Brasil, (2) Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro Brasil email: cristiane.lana@gmail.com, lucascunha88@gmail.com, zeluis@dpi.ufv.br, padua.uerj@gmail.com Abstract A linguagem peculiar e a pluralidade de vis˜oes distintas exigem conhecimento e experiˆencia do engenheiro de requisitos para o sucesso da atividade de extra¸c˜ao de requisitos em dom´ınios espec´ıficos. Neste trabalho, s˜ ao apresentadas as ferramentas i*Get e TEKBS, que utilizam t´ecnicas de inteligˆencia artificial para auxiliarem o engenheiro de requisitos na extra¸c˜ao de metas concretas e flex´ıveis, no contexto de iStar. A i*Get utiliza as ?a¸c˜oes concretas? definidas no LAL enquanto a TEKBS as ?a¸c˜oes flex´ıveis? combinadas com os sinˆ onimos dos termos que representam essas a¸c˜oes, obtidos a partir do Wordnet. Os resultados s˜ ao transformados em base de fatos da ferramenta CLIPS, e ent˜ao processados usando uma base de regras de an´ alise disparadas pela m´aquina de inferˆencia do CLIPS. Resultados preliminares mostram que um n´ umero maior de requisitos s˜ao extra´ıdos pelo engenheiro, melhorando o conhecimento sobre o dom´ınio. BibTex 45 WER [Lana et al., 2015] Lana, C. A., Cunha, L. G., Braga, J. L., and Oliveira, A. D. P. A. (2015). Extra¸c˜ ao de requisitos apoiada por t´ecnicas de inteligˆencia artificial embutidas em ferramentas de apoio. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., ´ Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII IberoAmerican Conference on Software Engineering, pages 535–548, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Improving Quality Models Construction Through Knowledge Reuse Juan Pablo Carvallo (1), Xavier Franch (2), Carme Quer (2) (1) Universidad de Cuenca. Ecuador, (2) Universitat Polit`ecnica de Catalunya. Barcelona Espa˜ na email: pablo.carvallo@ucuenca.edu.ec, franch@essi.upc.edu, cquer@essi.upc.edu Abstract Software quality models provide a framework to measure and evaluate software quality of software systems. They are the basis upon which classify requirements and may be eventually used to guide the quantification of these requirements, especially non-functional requirements. Lots of approaches for building quality models have been proposed in the last decades, but still their reuse along different projects is a challenge. In this paper we present several types of knowledge repositories and reuse processes to bridge this gap. The approach implements the idea of software factory and uses some well-known standards and notations like ISO/IEC 25010 as quality standard and the i* framework to codify knowledge patterns. We will illustrate how this reuse-based approach helps in obtaining composite quality models for systems that integrate several software components with an individual quality model each. BibTex [Carvallo et al., 2015] Carvallo, J. P., Franch, X., and Quer, C. (2015). Improving quality models construction through knowledge reuse. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., ´ Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and CuadrosVargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 549–562, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Fuentes y t´ ecnicas de requerimientos. Un estudio de evoluci´ on de la pr´ actica Alejandro Oliveros (1), Leandro Antonelli (2) (1) Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero - UNTREF. Buenos Aires Argentina, (2) LIFIA, Facultad de Inform´atica, UNLP. Buenos Aires Argentina email: aoliveros@gmail.com, lanto@lifia.info.unlp.edu.ar Abstract La identificaci´ on las pr´ acticas de Ingenier´ıa de Requerimientos (RE) en la comunidad de desarrollo de software es un aspecto clave para la orientaci´on de las investigaciones y el desarrollo de las actividades acad´emicas en general. En particular la evoluci´on de esas pr´acticas es una herramienta de orientaci´on en proyectos nuevos de investigaci´ on. Si bien se dispone de ejemplos de estudio de las pr´acticas de RE en general, el proceso de elicitaci´ on de requerimientos a menudo se encuentra fuera del alcance de esas investigaciones. En parte la evoluci´on de esas pr´acticas RE en el tiempo no dispone de un 46 WER n´ umero relevante de estudios. En este art´ıculo se informa una investigaci´on de la evoluci´on de las pr´ acticas de elicitaci´ on de requerimientos de desarrolladores de software de la Argentina entre 2001 y 2014. La investigaci´ on se concentr´ o en la utilizaci´on y/o conocimiento de t´ecnicas de elicitaci´on y de fuentes de requerimientos. Los resultados obtenidos permiten identificar algunos aspectos positivos de la evoluci´ on en la l´ınea de desarrollo de RE y otros que sugieren una visi´on m´as pesimista que la que transmite la literatura. La metodolog´ıa utilizada consisti´o en un realizar un survey entre estudiantes de un curso de maestr´ıa en Ingenier´ıa de Software del a˜ no 2014, que es una r´eplica del survey realizado en el mismo curso en el a˜ no 2001. BibTex [Oliveros and Antonelli, 2015] Oliveros, A. and Antonelli, L. (2015). Fuentes y t´ecnicas de requerimientos. un estudio de evoluci´ on de la pr´actica. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimen´ tel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 563–577, Lima-Peru. UCSP. La Gesti´ on del Conocimiento Aplicada en la Ingenier´ıa de Requisitos: Un Caso de Estudio en Ecuador Cecilia Hinojosa (1), Geovanny Raura (1), Efrain R. Fonseca C. (1), Oscar Dieste (2) (1) Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE. Sangolqu´ı Ecuador, (2) Universidad Polit´ecnica de Madrid. Madrid Espa˜ na email: cmhinojosa@espe.edu.ec, jgraura@espe.edu.ec, erfonseca@espe.edu.ec, odieste@fi.upm.es Abstract Antecedentes: La Ingenier´ıa de requisitos (IR) es una de las fases m´as cr´ıticas dentro del proceso de desarrollo de software, ya que en ´esta se definen las caracter´ısticas del producto a ser construido. Sin embargo, las t´ecnicas utilizadas en la IR no han sido lo suficientemente efectivas para asegurar la calidad de los requisitos. La Gesti´ on del Conocimiento (GC) busca el mejoramiento de los procesos de negocio de una organizaci´ on, a trav´es de la incorporaci´on de nuevas experiencias e informaci´on y su adecuado uso para la toma de decisiones. Las dos disciplinas (IR y GC) presentan un alto grado de concordancia entre sus atributos de calidad y las fases de su proceso. Por lo tanto, la GC podr´ıa perfectamente ayudar a la realizaci´ on de la IR. Objetivo: Se propone REQ-KM, una t´ecnica para el an´ alisis de requisitos de software basada en gesti´on del conocimiento, en procura de la mejora de la calidad y efectividad de los requisitos. REQ-KM basa su procedimiento en la determinaci´on de la validez y utilidad de la informaci´ on recolectada en la elicitaci´on de requisitos, de la mano con la gesti´ on del conocimiento del dominio del problema. Metodolog´ıa: El m´etodo utilizado para desarrollar REQKM parti´ o de un estudio comparativo de los conceptos y procesos fundamentales de la IR y la GC, para determinar elementos coincidentes y divergentes. Dicho an´alisis permiti´o ampliar las t´ecnicas de an´ alisis de requisitos existentes, incorporando aspectos u ´tiles de la GC que no han sido consideradas antes en la IR, como por ejemplo: an´ alisis de la calidad de las fuentes de informaci´on, contraste de la lista de requisitos resultantes de la elicitaci´on con mapas mentales o conceptuales del dominio del problema, etc. REQ-KM fue validada en una empresa ecuatoriana de desarrollo de software, siguiendo los lineamiento del m´etodo emp´ırico de caso de estudio. Resultados: La aplicaci´on de REQ-KM en el proceso de ingenier´ıa de requisitos result´o beneficiosa de acuerdo al criterio de los practitioners, quienes evidenciaron una mejora en el proceso de an´alisis de requisitos y obtuvieron requisitos que cumplen con un mayor n´ umero de atributos de calidad. Conclusiones: La incorporaci´on de conceptos de GC al proceso de IR permite mejorar la calidad de los requisitos frente a lo conseguido con aproximaciones tradicionales de la IR. BibTex 47 WER [Hinojosa et al., 2015] Hinojosa, C., Raura, G., C., E. R. F., and Dieste, O. (2015). La gesti´on del conocimiento aplicada en la ingenier´ıa de requisitos: Un caso de estudio en ecuador. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., ´ Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 578–591, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Criatividade Combinacional para Gera¸c˜ ao de Requisitos Inovadores: Um Relato de Experiˆ encia Rafael Pinto (1,2), Lyrene Silva (1), Marcia Lucena (1), Ilueny Santos (1) (1) Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Natal Brasil, (2) Instituto Federal de Educa¸c˜ ao, Ciˆencia e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte. Brasil email: rrafaelpinto@gmail.com, lyrene@dimap.ufrn.br, marcia.lucena@gmail.com, ilueny@gmail.com Abstract A Engenharia de Requisitos tem buscado, atrav´es de t´ecnicas de criatividade, fornecer meios para elicita¸c˜ ao de requisitos u ´teis e inovadores. Dentre as t´ecnicas dispon´ıveis, h´a a de Criatividade Combinacional, que visa produzir novas ideias atrav´es da associa¸c˜ao de ideias antigas utilizando caminhos n˜ ao familiares. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo propor uma estrat´egia baseada na t´ecnica de criatividade combinacional para criar novos requisitos, utilizando como fonte de dados a documenta¸c˜ao do pr´ oprio sistema. Nossa abordagem foi experimentada por alunos de um curso de Bacharelado em Engenharia de Software da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Ao analisar as respostas, constatamos que 44Dessa forma, os resultados mostram que nossa estrat´egia pode enriquecer abordagens existentes de forma a complementar a extra¸c˜ao de requisitos. BibTex [Pinto et al., 2015] Pinto, R., Silva, L., Lucena, M., and Santos, I. (2015). Criatividade combinacional para gera¸c˜ ao de requisitos inovadores: Um relato de experiˆencia. In Araujo, J., CondoriFernandez, N., Goul˜ ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, ´ I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 592–605, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Elicita¸ c˜ ao e Especifica¸c˜ ao de Requisitos em Sistemas Embarcados: Uma Revis˜ ao Sistem´ atica Aˆ eda Sousa (1), Josenildo Melo (1), Fernanda Alencar (1), Celso Agra (1) (1) Universidade de Pernambuco. Recife Brasil email: amcs@ecomp.poli.br, jasm@ecomp.poli.br, fernanda.ralencar@ufpe.br, clasf@ecomp.poli.br Abstract A elicita¸c˜ ao e especifica¸c˜ ao de requisitos s˜ ao fundamentais para que o sistema pretendido funcione de acordo com as necessidades dos stakeholders e `as restri¸c˜oes sob as quais se encontre submetido. Os sistemas embarcados tˆem sido usados em diferentes finalidades (autom´oveis, medicina, entre outros.). Apesar de avan¸cos em desenvolvimento de sistemas embarcados, s˜ao poucas as iniciativas de engenharia de requisitos que atendam ´ as particularidades desses sistemas. Neste trabalho, foi conduzida uma revis˜ ao sistem´ atica da literatura, com o intuito de realizar um diagn´ostico mais aprofundado e sistem´ atico sobre a elicita¸c˜ ao e especifica¸c˜ao de requisitos em sistemas embarcados. Na fase ini-cial da revis˜ ao sistem´ atica as strings de busca aplicadas, retornaram 441 traba-lhos. Ap´os aplica¸c˜ao dos 48 WER crit´erios de sele¸c˜ ao nas fases da condu¸ca˜o da revis˜ao e a inclus˜ao de 2 trabalhos manualmente, apenas 15 trabalhos foram identificados e analisados. BibTex [Sousa et al., 2015] Sousa, A., Melo, J., Alencar, F., and Agra, C. (2015). Elicita¸c˜ao e especifica¸c˜ ao de requisitos em sistemas embarcados: Uma revis˜ao sistem´atica. In Araujo, J., CondoriFernandez, N., Goul˜ ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, ´ I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 606–617, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Requisitos para Softwares Educacionais Gamificados: Uma Revis˜ ao Sistem´ atica de Literatura Mariana Peixoto (1), Carla Silva (1) (1) Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Recife Brasil email: mmp2@cin.ufpe.br, ctlls@cin.ufpe.br Abstract T´ecnicas de gamifica¸c˜ ao est˜ ao sendo inseridas em ambientes educacionais com o objetivo de envolver os usu´ arios dentro do contexto da aprendizagem. No entanto, apesar da sua relevˆancia, n˜ao existe um completo e bem definido conjunto de requisitos para ambientes educacionais gamificados. Motivado por este cen´ ario, o presente trabalho realizou uma revis˜ao sistem´atica de literatura com intuito de investigar caracter´ısticas de gamifica¸ca˜o para ambientes educacionais e, assim, definir um conjunto de requisitos para serem reusados no desenvolvimento de softwares educacionais gamificados. Como resultado do estudo, reportamos os requisitos descobertos, os tipos das pesquisas realizadas, os anos de publica¸c˜ ao e os pa´ıses dessas pesquisas referentes a ambientes gamificados voltados `a educa¸c˜ao. Foi observado que ainda n˜ ao h´ a consenso sobre um conjunto fixo de caracter´ısticas que devem existir em softwares educacionais gamificados. BibTex [Peixoto and Silva, 2015] Peixoto, M. and Silva, C. (2015). Requisitos para softwares educacionais gamificados: Uma revis˜ ao sistem´ atica de literatura. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimen´ tel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 618–631, Lima-Peru. UCSP. On the behaviour of context-sensitive systems J´ essyka Vilela (1), Jaelson Castro (1), Jo˜ ao Pimentel (1), Paulo Lima (1) (1) Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Recife Brasil email: jffv@cin.ufpe.br, jbc@cin.ufpe.br, jhco@cin.ufpe.br, plc2@cin.ufpe.br Abstract Software systems are being used in ever more diverse and dynamic environments where they have to routinely and efficiently adapt to changing environmental conditions. Therefore, they must detect variations in their operating context and adapt their behavior in response to such variations. However, specifying monitoring and adaptation can be difficult due to their dependence on the contextual elements, which need to be made explicit. The variable nature of these systems calls for new approaches 49 WER to create systems that can adapt to context changes. This paper proposes the GOals to Statecharts (GO2S) process to systematically derive the behavior of context-sensitive systems from requirements models. This is an iterative process centered on the incremental re?nement of a goal model, obtaining different views of the system (design, contextual, behavioral). We illustrate our proposal with the meeting scheduler exemplar and we conducted a controlled experiment in order to evaluate our process. The experiment results show that the structural complexity of the group that used our GO2S approach was lower and the mean of behavioral similarity and the time spent was higher than control group. Besides, the subjects agreed that the GO2S process is easy to use indicating that it is possible to reproduce the process and it is understandable. BibTex [Vilela et al., 2015] Vilela, J., Castro, J., Pimentel, J., and Lima, P. (2015). On the behaviour of context-sensitive systems. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., ´ Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 632–645, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Integrating the E4J editor to the JGOOSE tool Leonardo Pereira Merlin (1), Alexandre Luiz de Borba Silva (1), Victor Francisco Araya Santander (1), Ivonei Freitas Da Silva (1), Jaelson Castro (2) (1) Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paran´a - UNIOESTE. Brasil, (2) Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Recife Brasil email: leonardo.merlin@gmail.com, albsilva@outlook.com, victor.santander@unioeste.br, ifsse3@gmail.com, jbc@cin.ufpe.br Abstract Requirements engineering is an important phase of software engineering. One of the main challenges of the requirements engineering process is the appropriate integration of various artefacts generated. In previous work we proposed a process to generate UML Use Cases from i* (istar) organizational models. It was a supported by the JGOOSE tool, which could transform i* models, generated by a third party tool, into Use Case models and descriptions. This dependence on an external tool, for the creation of the organizational models, was a major shortfall. Thereby, to solve this problem, in this work we present the E4J (Editor for JGOOSE) tool, an editor for i* organizational models integrated to the JGOOSE tool. BibTex [Merlin et al., 2015] Merlin, L. P., de Borba Silva, A. L., Santander, V. F. A., Silva, I. F. D., and Castro, J. (2015). Integrating the e4j editor to the jgoose tool. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Anto´ nelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 646–659, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Modeling SOA from Organizational Models Orlando Oliveira (1), Carla Silva (2) (1) Instituto Federal do Sert˜ao Pernambucano. Brasil, (2) Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Recife Brasil email: orlando.silva@ifsertao-pe.edu.br, ctlls@cin.ufpe.br 50 WER Abstract Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) provides an architectural model that aims to enhance efficiency, agility, and productivity of companies. In this model, services are the main ways to meet organizational strategic objectives. However, the development of systems that use this style of architecture has required new strategies within the Software Engineering, mainly regarding the discipline of Requirements Engineering (RE). Moreover, GORE (Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering) approaches obtained notoriety in the past few years. In fact, they introduce mechanisms that are not offered by traditional RE approaches, such as capturing the system stakeholders? goals and the system?s characteristics in the same model. By using this model, it is possible to analyze and identify if the system meets the stakeholders? goals. This is an important kind of analysis in the organizational context. However, there isn?t a systematic way to identify services in goal oriented requirements models. Furthermore, there is still a gap in the transition between the problem space (requirements) and the solution space (architecture) in the context of SOA. Thus, this work presents a systematic approach for identifying services into i* models and subsequently obtaining an architecture described in SoaML. BibTex [Oliveira and Silva, 2015] Oliveira, O. and Silva, C. (2015). Modeling soa from organizational models. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, ´ T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII IberoAmerican Conference on Software Engineering, pages 660–673, Lima-Peru. UCSP. A Heuristic Approach for Supporting Innovation in Requirements Engineering Ricardo Souza (1), Glauber Batista (1), Gilberto Cysneiros (1) (1) Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco. Recife Brasil email: ricardo.cavalcante@gmail.com, glaubercamel@gmail.com, g.cysneiros@gmail.com Abstract The first activity that most software development projects take is to elicit and document the project? requirements. Requirement elicitation is one of the most critical activities in the software development process. The ability to do it well is crucial to the project? success. The experience has shown that poor requirements frequently lead to rework, cost overruns and even project failure. Although several tools, processes, models, methods and frameworks have been developed to help with requirement elicitation, there is much less support for innovation through Requirement Engineering in software product development process. In this paper, we describe an approach to develop innovative software. Innovative software are products that differs of the existing products and that aggregate value. In particular, this work focus on software product that are produced by startups in a context of extreme uncertainty. BibTex [Souza et al., 2015] Souza, R., Batista, G., and Cysneiros, G. (2015). A heuristic approach for supporting innovation in requirements engineering. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimen´ tel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 674–687, Lima-Peru. UCSP. 51 WER Um processo colaborativo para a constru¸c˜ ao de l´ exicos: o caso da divulga¸ c˜ ao de transparˆ encia Priscila Engiel (1), Joanna Pivatelli (1), Pedro Nuno (1), Roxana Portugal (1), Julio Leite (1) (1) Pontif´ıcia Universidade Cat´olica do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro Brasil email: pengiel@inf.puc-rio.br, jpivatelli@gmail.com, pedrosouzamoura@gmail.com, rportugal@inf.puc-rio.br, julio@inf.puc-rio.br Abstract O l´exico ampliado da linguagem ´e uma representa¸c˜ao proposta para registrar o vocabul´ario de um contexto, estendendo o conceito de dicion´ ario denotacional para um l´exico circular com denota¸c˜oes e ´ uma linguagem utilizada por v´arias pesquisas para ancorar a modelagem de requisitos conota¸c˜ oes. E na linguagem corrente do contexto. Esse artigo descreve pr´aticas colaborativas criadas para a evolu¸c˜ao de um l´exico sobre transparˆencia baseada em dois livros cl´assicos sobre o tema. Diferentes t´ecnicas de colabora¸c˜ ao s˜ ao explicitadas e mapeadas em modelos de colabora¸c˜ao. O uso da ferramenta de edi¸c˜ao ´e analisado. Dessa an´ alise surgiu a necessidade da cria¸c˜ao de um software visualizador, justamente para auxiliar na divulga¸c˜ ao de l´exico para leitores em geral. O trabalho contribui tanto para um melhor compreens˜ ao do processo de evolu¸c˜ ao de l´exicos, como para maneiras eficazes de pr´aticas colaborativas durante esse processo. BibTex [Engiel et al., 2015] Engiel, P., Pivatelli, J., Nuno, P., Portugal, R., and Leite, J. (2015). Um processo colaborativo para a constru¸c˜ ao de l´exicos: o caso da divulga¸c˜ao de transparˆencia. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, ´ J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 688–701, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Apoio a Configura¸ c˜ ao de Processos de Neg´ ocio Dinˆ amicos Tarc´ısio Couto (1,2), Fernanda Alencar (1), Jaelson Castro (1), Edson Alves (1), Paulo Lima (1) (1) Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Recife Brasil, (2) Instituto Federal do Sert˜ao Pernambucano - IF-Sert˜ao. Brasil email: coutopereira.upe@gmail.com, fernanda.ralencar@ufpe.br, jbc@cin.ufpe.br, eas4@cin.ufpe.br, plc2@cin.ufpe.br Abstract As organiza¸c˜ oes est˜ ao inseridas em ambientes dinˆamicos, onde mudan¸cas s˜ao constantes gra¸cas a fatores ge´ ografos, clim´ aticos, financeiros e outros. Com isso, as empresas precisam manter seus processos atualizados e funcionando adequadamente, sem desprezar os requisitos de qualidade. Baseado neste cen´ ario, foi proposto na literatura uma abordagem de configura¸c˜ao de processos chamada BVCCoN. Uma etapa desta abordagem e a modelagem dos requisitos n˜ao-funcionais, variabilidade e informa¸c˜ao contextual. Contudo, modelar estas trˆes perspectivas e uma atividade que consome tempo e propensa a erros. Assim, teste artigo prop˜ oe o desenvolvimento de um metamodelo para apoiar a modelagem das trˆes vis˜ oes citadas anteriormente. Alem disso, foi desenvolvida uma ferramenta baseada no metamodelo que foi criado. Para ilustrar o uso da ferramenta, uma avalia¸c˜ao de usabilidade foi realizada. BibTex 52 IT [Couto et al., 2015] Couto, T., Alencar, F., Castro, J., Alves, E., and Lima, P. (2015). Apoio a configura¸c˜ ao de processos de neg´ ocio dinˆamicos. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimen´ tel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 702–715, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Trends and Needs in Requirements Engineering Research in Ibero-America Jose Luis de la Vara (1), Isabel Sofia Brito (2) (1) Carlos III University of Madrid. Madrid Espa˜ na, (2) Instituto Polit´ecnico de Beja. Beja Portugal email: jvara@inf.uc3m.es, isabel.sofia@ipbeja.pt Abstract Although Requirements Engineering (RE) is a global research area and people from all around the world have contributed to its development, some characteristics distinguish RE research from different regions. For example, North American universities are arguably the main contributors to requirements traceability [4], but not to safety assurance and certification [3]. When referring to research on i* [6], someone would probably associate it to the University of Toronto or the University of Trento, but not to the Universit´e Paris 1 Panth´eon-Sorbonne even though its researchers have also significantly contributed to goal-oriented RE (e.g., [5]). These characteristics are indicators of the trends in RE research in different regions. Certain aspects also constrain software development and requirements engineering in specific regions nowadays, such as outsourced software development to India [2] and the safety case regimes in the UK [3]. Other aspects are expected to impact RE research in the near future, such as the introduction of new system and software security regulations in Europe [1]. If these aspects are disregarded, then RE research results will very likely not fulfil the needs in these regions and RE technology transfer will be hindered. We have organised a panel at WER 2015 (18th Workshop on Requirements Engineering) for discussing trends and needs of RE research in Ibero-America. To this end, we aim to answer the following questions: 1. What characteristics in Ibero-America should RE research carefully take into account? 2. What RE topics have been successfully researched in Ibero-America? 3. What RE topics have not been sufficiently researched in Ibero-America? 4. What RE topics should be the main focus of Iberio-American RE research in the future? Three experts will present their opinion on these topics and we expect the panel attendees to also eagerly join the discussion. In addition to the whats, we are strongly interested in knowing why the experts and the attendees consider that certain phenomena have occurred or will occur. BibTex [de la Vara and Brito, 2015] de la Vara, J. L. and Brito, I. S. (2015). Trends and needs in requirements engineering research in ibero-america. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimen´ tel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 716–717, Lima-Peru. UCSP. 53 IT 54 Industrial Track Preface On behalf of the Program Committee we would like to welcome you to the first Industrial Track, part of the XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering (CIbSE 2015), held from April 22 to 24˘ ain Lima - Peru. The Industrial Track was introduced at this year’s conference to provide a specific forum for high quality contributions focused on industrial practice and applications of software engineering foundations, methods, practices, processes and tools. Thus, the Industrial Track complements the Software Engineering Track (SET) with publications that concern industrial experiences, commonly involving partnerships between academia and industry. In this first edition the Industrial Track received 19 paper submissions from authors of 7 different countries. Between them we had papers written in each of the 3 official languages: English, Portuguese and Spanish. All the submitted papers were revised by at least 3 reviewers from the Industrial Track Program Committee. At the end of the reviewing process, 8 high quality papers were accepted to be published and presented at the Industrial Track, representing an acceptance rate of 42 %. The accepted papers provide industrial insights and experiences of great interest to the software industry regarding both, software product and software process engineering. A summarized description of the program follows. Experiences in Software Product Engineering: • Software Product Quality. The program includes two papers concerning this topic. One of them contains valuable discussions of experiences of certifying product quality based on ISO/IEC 25000. The other one describes an industrial case study conducted in the area of software testing. • Mobile Applications. Two of the accepted papers address the engineering of mobile applications. One of them contains an experience report on usability evaluation and the other one describes a case study comparing the product quality of a mobile application developed for different platforms. Experiences in Software Process Engineering: • Software Process Quality. Three of the accepted papers address this topic. Together they describe experiences of implementing several relevant process quality standards and models, such as CMMI-SVC, CMMI-DEV, ISO/IEC 29110, and the MPS-SW (Brazil ian Reference Model), including success cases of achieving their highest standards and maturity levels. • Continuous Software Delivery. Continuous delivery has been a challenge for several software organizations. The program contains a paper with an insightful description of the experience of implementing a continuous delivery process in an organization of the finance industry. We would like to acknowledge and thank all authors who submitted papers. You made this first Industrial Track possible by sharing your expertise with us. We also would like to thank all the members of the Program Committee, composed by experts with strong academic and industrial background from 13 different countries, for following an excellent and meticulous reviewing process. Your dedication has resulted in the selection of high-quality papers for the Industrial Track. 55 IT Juan Jos´e Miranda and Marcos Kalinowski PC co-chairs of the CIBSE Industrial Track 2015. 56 IT Program Committee Ahilton Barreto, Brazilian National Development Bank, Brazil Aiko Yamashita, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway Alberto Sardinha, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal Andreia Malucelli, PUC-PR, Brazil Arturo Torres, Everis, Spain C´esar Pardo Calvache, Universidad EAFIT, Colombia Daniela Cruzes, SINTEF, Norway David Card, Det Norske Veritas, Korea Denise Lazzeri Gastaldo Bombonatti, USP, Brazil Dietmar Winkler, Vienna University of Technology, Austria Gleison Santos, UNIRIO, Brazil Grace Lewis, SEI, USA Karina Villela, Fraunhofer IESE, Germany Leonardo Murta, UFF, Brazil Luigi Buglione, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica Spa, Italy Lyrene Silva, UFRN, Brazil Marcos Kalinowski, UFF, Brazil Mariano Montoni, Promove, Brazil Maur´ıcio Alferez, Inria, Rennes, France Maya Daneva, University of Twente, Netherlands Peter M. Kruse, Berner&Mattner, Germany Ricardo Gacitua, UFRO, Chile Rodrigo Sp´ınola, UNIFACS/Fraunhofer at UFBA, Brazil Sheila Reinehr, PUC-PR, Brazil 57 IT 58 Industrial Track (IT) Index/´Indice Relato de Experiˆ encia Sobre a Implanta¸ c˜ ao de um Processo de Entrega Cont´ınua em uma Organiza¸ c˜ ao da Ind´ ustria Financeira. Everton Gomede, Rafael T. Silva, Rodolfo M. Barros. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Evaluaci´ on Emp´ırica de las Pruebas de Sistemas: Un Caso de Estudio. Juan Pablo Amador Ar´evalo, Marcelo Jenkins Coronas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Providing software maintenance and evolution as a service in a small organization: an approach based on CMMI-DEV and CMMI-SVC. Renata Moreira, Maur´ıcio Souza, Yguarat˜ a Cavalcanti, Ana Cristina Rouiller, Alexandre Vasconcelos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Una Experiencia de Implementaci´ on Multimodelo de Alta Madurez con CMMI y MPSSW en Sofrecom Argentina. Valeria Chiuki, Viviana Rubinstein, Jorge Boria, Andres Rubinstein, Andrea Baglietto, Silvia Andino, Ana Regina Rocha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Implementaci´ on del Perfil B´ asico de la ISO/IEC 29110 de una Peque˜ na Empresa Desarrolladora de Software: Lecciones Aprendidas. Melissa Abarca Romero, Robert Arisaca Mamani, Abraham D´ avila Ram´ on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Avaliando a Experiˆ encia do Usu´ ario e a Usabilidade de um Aplicativo Web M´ ovel: Um Relato de Experiˆ encia. Natasha M. Costa Valentim, Williamson Silva, Tayana Conte. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Comparaci´ on de la Calidad de una Aplicaci´ on M´ ovil Desarrollada para Android y iOS: un Caso de Estudio. Sehyris Campos Arce, Alejandro Mora, Marcelo Jenkins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Experiencias en la Industria del Software: Certificaci´ on del Producto con ISO/IEC 25000. Mois´es Rodr´ıguez, Mario Piattini. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 59 IT Relato de Experiˆ encia Sobre a Implanta¸c˜ ao de um Processo de Entrega Cont´ınua em uma Organiza¸c˜ ao da Ind´ ustria Financeira Everton Gomede (1), Rafael T. Silva (1), Rodolfo M. Barros (1) (1) Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Londrina Brazil email: evertongomede@gmail.com, rafaelthiago@gmail.com, rodolfo@uel.br Abstract Entregar software de qualidade continuamente ´e um desa?o para muitas organiza¸c˜oes. Isto deve-se a fatores como gerenciamento de con?gura¸c˜ ao, controle de c´odigo fonte, revis˜ao aos pares, planejamento de entregas, auditorias, compliance, integra¸c˜ao cont´ınua, testes, implanta¸c˜oes, gerenciamento de dependˆencias, migra¸c˜ ao de bancos de dados, cria¸c˜ao e gerenciamento de ambientes de testes e produ¸c˜ao, entre outros. Para superar esses desa?os, este artigo apresenta um relato de experiˆencia sobre a implanta¸c˜ ao de um processo de entrega cont´ınua em uma organiza¸c˜ao da ind´ ustria ?nanceira. Este processo promove os artefatos produzidos por desenvolvedores de maneira gerenciada para o ambiente de produ¸c˜ ao, permitindo a rastreabilidade ?m a ?m entre requisitos e execut´aveis. Como resultado, obteve-se um ecossistema de ferramentas e t´ecnicas avaliadas, testadas e colocadas em produ¸c˜ao com o objetivo de suportar o processo. Adicionalmente, as li¸c˜oes aprendidas e recomenda¸c˜oes foram catalogadas para que possam contribuir a projetos similares. BibTex [Gomede et al., 2015] Gomede, E., Silva, R. T., and Barros, R. M. (2015). Relato de experiˆencia sobre a implanta¸c˜ ao de um processo de entrega cont´ınua em uma organiza¸c˜ao da ind´ ustria financeira. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, ´ T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII IberoAmerican Conference on Software Engineering, pages 724–737, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Evaluaci´ on Emp´ırica de las Pruebas de Sistemas: Un Caso de Estudio Juan Pablo Amador Ar´ evalo (1), Marcelo Jenkins Coronas (1) (1) Universidad de Costa Rica. San Jos´e Costa Rica email: juan.amador@ucr.ac.cr, marcelo.jenkins@ecci.ucr.ac.cr Abstract La siguiente investigaci´ on busca evaluar los system tests realizados por los desarrolladores con el prop´ osito de mejorar la calidad de las pruebas con respecto a los errores detectados por los clientes desde el punto de vista de un Product Owner en el contexto de la organizaci´on. Esto se hizo con un caso de estudio de dos diferentes versiones de un mismo producto de Software de una empresa desarrolladora. Esta investigaci´ on es valiosa porque en esta empresa hist´oricamente no hubo suficientes recursos para tener un departamento de QA, lo que aumenta la responsabilidad a los desarrolladores de crear y probar el c´ odigo. Es m´ as valioso identificar los errores que se cometen actualmente para generar mejores pruebas y por ende mejorar la calidad del producto. El caso de estudio se realiz´o mediante la elaboraci´ on de reportes de cobertura de los pruebas realizadas en cada uno de los releases de julio 2013 y enero 2014 los que permiten contraponerlos contra los errores y arreglos que se hicieron en estos mismos releases y as´ı caracterizar la causa de los errores y c´omo se pudieron haber evitado dichos errores. BibTex 60 IT [Ar´evalo and Coronas, 2015] Ar´evalo, J. P. A. and Coronas, M. J. (2015). Evaluaci´on emp´ırica de las pruebas de sistemas: Un caso de estudio. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimen´ tel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 738–749, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Providing software maintenance and evolution as a service in a small organization: an approach based on CMMI-DEV and CMMI-SVC Renata Moreira (1), Maur´ıcio Souza (2), Yguarat˜ a Cavalcanti (3), Ana Cristina Rouiller (4), Alexandre Vasconcelos (1) (1) Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Recife Brazil, (2) Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Belo Horizonte Brazil, (3) Servi¸co Federal de Processamento de Dados. Brazil, (4) Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco. Recife Brazil email: rtm@cin.ufpe.br, mrasouza@dcc.ufmg.br, yguarata@gmail.com, anarouiller@ufrpe.br, amlv@cin.ufpe.br Abstract This paper evaluates the adoption of CMMI-DEV and CMMI-SVC in small organization for the improvement of software maintenance and evolution process. A Software process improvement (SPI) initiative was performed in a Brazilian small sized software product maintenance organization. We used the Action-Research methodology to evaluate the viability, benefits and lessons learned from the simultaneous adoption of these models. As a result we observed that a set of Process Areas from CMMI-SVC were relevant for supporting the management software maintenance and evolution activities, while Process Areas from CMMI-DEV were relevant for supporting its technical aspects. BibTex [Moreira et al., 2015] Moreira, R., Souza, M., Cavalcanti, Y., Rouiller, A. C., and Vasconcelos, A. (2015). Providing software maintenance and evolution as a service in a small organization: an approach based on cmmi-dev and cmmi-svc. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., ´ Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and CuadrosVargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 750–763, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Una Experiencia de Implementaci´ on Multimodelo de Alta Madurez con CMMI y MPS-SW en Sofrecom Argentina Valeria Chiuki (1), Viviana Rubinstein (2), Jorge Boria (2), Andres Rubinstein (2), Andrea Baglietto (3), Silvia Andino (4), Ana Regina Rocha (5) (1) Sofrecom Argentina. Buenos Aires Argentina, (2) Liveware Inc.. Austin USA, (3) Sofrecom France. Vincennes France, (4) ESCAMPI S.A.. Buenos Aires Argentina, (5) Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro Brazil email: vchiuki@sofrecom.com.ar, viviana.rubinstein@liveware.com, jorge.boria@liveware.com, andres.rubinstein@liveware.com, andrea.baglietto@sofrecom.com, silvia.andino@escampi.com, darocha@cos.ufrj.br 61 IT Abstract La mejora de procesos con m´ ultiples modelos es hoy, por razones de negocio, una realidad en muchas empresas. En Sofrecom Argentina el sistema de Gesti´on de Calidad, basado inicialmente en ISO/IEC 9001, incorpor´ o a lo largo del tiempo los modelos CMMI-DEV, CMMI-SVC y, en los u ´ltimos meses, MR-MPS-SW. Este art´ıculo relata la experiencia de la implementaci´on y evaluaci´on de estos modelos en Sofrecom Argentina. BibTex [Chiuki et al., 2015] Chiuki, V., Rubinstein, V., Boria, J., Rubinstein, A., Baglietto, A., Andino, S., and Rocha, A. R. (2015). Una experiencia de implementaci´on multimodelo de alta madurez con cmmi y mps-sw en sofrecom argentina. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., ´ Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and CuadrosVargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 764–775, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Implementaci´ on del Perfil B´ asico de la ISO/IEC 29110 de una Peque˜ na Empresa Desarrolladora de Software: Lecciones Aprendidas Melissa Abarca Romero (1), Robert Arisaca Mamani (1), Abraham D´ avila Ram´ on (2) (1) Universidad Nacional de San Agust´ın. Arequipa Peru, (2) Pontificia Universidad Cat´olica del Per´ u. Lima Peru email: mabarca@episunsa.edu.pe, rarisaca@unsa.edu.pe, abraham.davila@pucp.edu.pe Abstract La industria de software mundial constituida principalmente por peque˜ nas empresas sigue enfrentando una crisis que se traduce en baja calidad y productividad. Ante esta situaci´on la ISO viene desarrollando una familia de est´ andares (ISO/IEC 29110) orientada especialmente a las peque˜ nas organizaciones. En este art´ıculo se presenta la experiencia de implementaci´on y lecciones aprendidas en la mejora de los procesos del Perfil B´ asico de la ISO/IEC 29110 de una peque˜ na empresa desarrolladora de software de Arequipa-Per´ u. En este trabajo se utiliz´o Investigaci´on-Acci´on dentro del marco de un programa de pruebas controladas de adopci´ on del dicho est´andar. Los principales resultados de este trabajo son una lista de problemas identificados y acciones realizadas para resolverlas, as´ı como las lecciones aprendidas que representan el conjunto de conocimiento que por experiencia se ha logrado consolidar para el caso espec´ıfico del Perfil B´ asico en desarrollo de software de la ISO/IEC 29110. BibTex [Romero et al., 2015] Romero, M. A., Mamani, R. A., and Ram´on, A. D. (2015). Implementaci´on del perfil b´ asico de la iso/iec 29110 de una peque˜ na empresa desarrolladora de software: Lecciones aprendidas. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, ´ M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 776–787, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Avaliando a Experiˆ encia do Usu´ ario e a Usabilidade de um Aplicativo Web M´ ovel: Um Relato de Experiˆ encia Natasha M. Costa Valentim (1), Williamson Silva (1), Tayana Conte (1) (1) Universidade Federal do Amazonas. Manaus Brazil 62 IT email: natashavalentim@icomp.ufam.edu.br, williamson.silva@icomp.ufam.edu.br, tayana@icomp.ufam.edu.br Abstract A quantidade de pessoas que est˜ ao utilizando aplica¸c˜oes web m´oveis tem aumentado nos u ´ltimos anos. Por este motivo, a ind´ ustria de software est´a preocupada em produzir aplica¸c˜oes web m´oveis com alta qualidade. Para melhorar a qualidade dessas aplica¸c˜oes deve-se avaliar em conjunto a experiˆencia do usu´ ario e a usabilidade, visando oferecer uma boa experiˆencia de uso aos usu´arios finais. Neste artigo, relatamos um caso pr´ atico de uma avalia¸c˜ao da experiˆencia do usu´ario e de um teste de usabilidade realizado em um aplicativo web m´ ovel, chamado Swarm. Os resultados desta experiˆencia mostram a possibilidade de realizar testes de usabilidade juntamente com a avalia¸c˜ao da experiˆencia do usu´ario com boa rela¸c˜ ao custo-benef´ıcio. BibTex [Valentim et al., 2015] Valentim, N. M. C., Silva, W., and Conte, T. (2015). Avaliando a experiˆencia do usu´ ario e a usabilidade de um aplicativo web m´ovel: Um relato de experiˆencia. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., ´ Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 788–801, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Comparaci´ on de la Calidad de una Aplicaci´ on M´ ovil Desarrollada para Android y iOS: un Caso de Estudio Sehyris Campos Arce (1), Alejandro Mora (1), Marcelo Jenkins (1) (1) Universidad de Costa Rica. San Pedro Costa Rica email: sehyris.campos@ucr.ac.cr, alejandro.moracastro@ucr.ac.cr, marcelo.jenkins@ucr.ac.cr Abstract Una empresa costarricense desarrolladora de software cre´o una aplicaci´on m´ovil con funcionalidad equivalente para Android y iOS. Debido a ello surgi´o el deseo de evaluar la calidad del software desarrollado en cada plataforma. Objetivo: Este art´ıculo compara dos plataformas de desarrollo con el fin de determinar el impacto que el uso de ´estas tiene en la calidad del software en una aplicaci´ on desarrollada para Android y iOS desde el punto de vista de la administraci´on del proyecto. M´etodo: Se recopilaron tiquetes registrados en el sistema de administraci´on de proyectos durante m´as de dos a˜ nos para cada aplicaci´ on. Posteriormente, se realizaron mediciones de los datos, las cuales permitieron identificar de forma cuantitativa y cualitativa si la calidad del software desarrollado se vio influenciada por la plataforma de desarrollo. Resultados: El caso de estudio presenta como resultado principal que en la aplicaci´ on desarrollada en iOS se percibe una calidad menor que en Android. Adem´ as llama la atenci´ on la diferencia en la cantidad de defectos con severidad Major entre las plataformas. Conclusiones: Este estudio permiti´ o realizar la evaluaci´on de calidad de dos versiones de una aplicaci´ on m´ ovil, sin embargo sus resultados no pueden ser generalizados por lo que se recomienda extender el estudio a m´ as aplicaciones y m´ as compa˜ n´ıas, as´ı como realizar una investigaci´on para determinar las causas asignables de los resultados obtenidos. BibTex [Arce et al., 2015] Arce, S. C., Mora, A., and Jenkins, M. (2015). Comparaci´on de la calidad de una aplicaci´ on m´ ovil desarrollada para android y ios: un caso de estudio. In Araujo, J., CondoriFernandez, N., Goul˜ ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, ´ I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 802–813, Lima-Peru. UCSP. 63 Tutorial Experiencias en la Industria del Software: Certificaci´ on del Producto con ISO/IEC 25000 Mois´ es Rodr´ıguez (1), Mario Piattini (2) (1) Alarcos Quality Center. Ciudad Real Spain, (2) Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Ciudad Real Spain email: moises.rodriguez@alarcosqualitycenter.com, mario.piattini@uclm.es Abstract La calidad del software est´ a adquiriendo gran importancia durante los u ´ltimos a˜ nos, debido principalmente a que el software se encuentra presente en todo lo que nos rodea: sanidad, banca, transporte, investigaci´ on, ocio, etc. Para poder controlar la calidad del software es necesario llevar a cabo evaluaciones del mismo, que inicialmente comenzaron realiz´andose sobre los procesos de desarrollo y que ahora tambi´en se centran en las caracter´ısticas del propio producto software con normas como la familia ISO/IEC 25000. Sin embargo, este tipo de evaluaciones se encuentra todav´ıa en un estado incipiente y no se ha extendido en el sector del software un certificado que asegure la calidad del producto. En este art´ıculo se presenta un conjunto de experiencias que se han llevado a cabo en la industria del software, con casos reales de evaluaci´on y certificaci´on de productos, as´ı como el ecosistema de entidades que han participado en este proceso. BibTex [Rodr´ıguez and Piattini, 2015] Rodr´ıguez, M. and Piattini, M. (2015). Experiencias en la industria del software: Certificaci´ on del producto con iso/iec 25000. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, ´ L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 814–827, Lima-Peru. UCSP. 64 Tutorial 65 Tutorial 66 Tutorials Sessions 2015 Preface We would like to welcome you to the tutorials track of the XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering (CIbSE 2015), held in Lima (Peru), from April 22 to 24. CIbSE has always included among its objectives the knowledge updating of the researchers, professionals, and students with the most novel trends in the field of Software Engineering. With this purpose, the tutorials track has been organized every edition, providing to the Ibero-American scientific community the opportunity of attending short seminars about both well-established disciplines, but also emerging topics, where experts could share their experience. In this edition, we tried to cover different goals with the tutorials selection. On the one hand, we have considered a wide range of topics in order to build an attractive program taking into account the different attendees profiles defined by the three research tracks of the conference. On the other hand, we have also tried to make a balanced offer, considering the interests of researchers, professionals and, specially, young students, who have traditionally been the most active participants in this kind of activity. This year, ten tutorial proposals were received from six different countries, and finally five of these submissions were selected following both quality and opportunity criteria, such as it has been previously exposed. The tutorials have been organized in the following sessions: “Big Data: A trav´es de una implementaci´on”, by Diego Krauthamer, “Los principios SOLID en la programaci´on”, by Miguel Katrib, “Lightweight software verification with pluggable type-checking”, by Michael D. Ernst, “Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural en Ingenier´ıa de Requisitos: Contribuciones potenciales y desaf´ıos de investigaci´ on”, by Ricardo Gacit´ ua. “Green in software engineering”, by Coral Calero. We would like to acknowledge and thanks all authors who submitted a tutorial proposal. One more year, they made this track possible by sharing their expertise with all of us. We would also like to thank to all the members of the organizing committee for their help and support, and in particular to the local and general chairs for their help during the tutorials selection. Ernesto Pimentel and Leandro Antonelli Tutorials co-chairs 2015 67 Tutorial 68 Tutoriales (Tutorial) Index/´Indice Big Data: A trav´ es de una implementaci´ on. Diego Krauthamer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural en Ingenier´ıa de Requisitos: Contribuciones Potenciales y Desaf´ıos de Investigaci´ on . Ricardo Gacit´ ua Bustos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64 Lightweight software verification with pluggable type-checking. Michael Ernst. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 69 Tutorial Big Data: A trav´ es de una implementaci´ on Diego Krauthamer (1) (1) Universidad Abierta Interamericana. Buenos Aires Argentina email: diego.krauthamer@uai.edu.ar Abstract El presente tutorial se centrar´ a en una puesta al d´ıa de las tecnolog´ıas presentes en el mercado relacionadas con Big Data; es decir que el an´alisis de datos en la actualidad requiere de herramientas especializadas basadas en dichas tecnolog´ıas. Diariamente se producen 2 millones de b´ usquedas en google y se genera un volumen de datos que no puede almacenarse, ni procesarse con tecnolog´ıas de bases de datos tradicionales. En los u ´ltimos a˜ nos han tenido gran auge los sistemas Big Data, impulsados por el crecimiento exponencial de datos, y por la pol´ıtica de datos abiertos u Open Data que distintas organizaciones han adoptado. BibTex [Krauthamer, 2015] Krauthamer, D. (2015). Big data: A trav´es de una implementaci´on. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, ´ J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 832–834, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural en Ingenier´ıa de Requisitos: Contribuciones Potenciales y Desaf´ıos de Investigaci´ on Ricardo Gacit´ ua Bustos (1) (1) Centro de Estudios de Ingenier´ıa de Software (CEIS), Universidad de La Frontera (UFRO). Temuco Chile email: ricardo.gacitua@ceisufro.cl,ricardo.gacitua@ufrontera.cl Abstract Las especificaciones de requerimientos de software son escritas generalmente en lenguaje natural. Debido a ello, se hace probable la aparici´ on de variados defectos tales como ambig¨ uedad, inconsistencia o carencia de legibilidad. T´ecnicas de procesamiento de lenguaje natural han sido propuestas para mejorar las especificaciones de requisitos de modo semi-automatico, pero hasta ahora no han sido ampliamente adoptadas. Algunos investigadores aseguran que el procesamiento de lenguaje natural no est´ a suficientemente maduro para ser aplicado en ingenier´ıa de requisitos. Sin embargo, varias propuestas han mostrado promisorios resultados. Por ejemplo, convirtiendo especificaciones escritas en lenguaje natural a especificaciones escritas en lenguajes formales de especificaci´on o extrayendo relevante conocimiento de dominio tales como conceptos y relaciones, desde las especificaciones. Este tutorial presenta la relaci´ on entre Ingenier´ıa de Requisitos y Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural, se resumen tendencias relevantes en NLP y se proponen nuevos desaf´ıos de investigaci´on para la comunidad de RE. BibTex [Bustos, 2015] Bustos, R. G. (2015). Procesamiento de lenguaje natural en ingenier´ıa de requisitos: Contribuciones potenciales y desaf´ıos de investigaci´on. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, ´ L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 835–837, Lima-Peru. UCSP. 70 Poster Lightweight software verification with pluggable type-checking Michael Ernst (1,2) (1) University of Washington. Washington United States, (2) Universidad de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires Argentina email: mernst@cs.washington.edu Abstract Software developers often rely on run-time exceptions to indicate bugs in their code. It would be better to use verification to prove the absence of bugs, but verification tends to be difficult to use. We propose a lightweight software verification approach, called pluggable typechecking, that is easy to use, extensible, and provides a compile-time guarantee that certain bugs are not present in the code. Pluggable type-checking permits a software developer to refine the built-in type system of a programming language to catch additional errors, such as null pointer dereferences or race conditions. This approach has been implemented for Java and is available in an open-source tool, the Checker Framework (http://checkerframework.org/). Oracle Corporation is so excited about this technology that Java 8 contains syntactic support for pluggable types. This verification approach is relevant to multiple constituencies. Researchers can build upon the framework to quickly create new program analysis tools. Previously, evaluating a new type system required building a compiler. Now, is it easier to experimentally evaluate a new type system, because the typechecker implementation is only a few lines of code. Educators can introduce software verification in a practical context, enabling students to learn by doing and bringing theory to life. The Checker Framework has been successfully used in the first or second programming class for computer science majors, and also in more advanced classes. Practitioners can use pluggable type-checking to find bugs or to prove the absence of bugs. Use of pluggable type-checking improves code quality and design, and the types act as machine-checked documentation. The Checker Framework is in daily use at corporations such as Google. BibTex [Ernst, 2015] Ernst, M. (2015). Lightweight software verification with pluggable type-checking. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la ´ Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 838–838, Lima-Peru. UCSP. 71 Poster 72 CIBSE 2015 Posters and Demos Preface CIbSE includes a session for featuring posters and demonstrating tools. Our aim is providing a forum for researchers to showcase their work and obtain feedback on on-going research from knowledgeable conference attendees. Posters and demonstrations covering different conference topic have been accepted for exhibition at the conference. POSTERS: Present innovative research projects, which are still at a relatively early stage and do not necessarily include a complete validation. They are intended to report on research for which at least some preliminary results are available. DEMOS: Involve the exhibition of innovative software prototypes, research tools and associated materials that illustrate research work in progress and can serve as ground for discussion of research ideas. We deeply thank all the authors for having submitted posters and demos. Without you, this track simply would not have been possible. M oreover, we acknowledge the hard work of all the Program Committee members. Thank you for providing high quality reviews in due time for the posters and demos assigned to you. Renata Guizzardi, Universidade Federal do Esp´ırito Santo, Brazil Sergio Espa˜ na, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain. CIbSE 2015 Posters & Demos Track Co-chairs Program Committee Alejandro Mate, Universidad de Alicante, Spain Giancarlo Guizzardi, Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo, Brasil Giovanni Giachetti, Universidad Andres Bello, Chile Jose Ignacio Panach Navarrete, Universitat de Val`encia, Spain Jose Luis de La Vara, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain Lidia Lopez, Universitat Polit`ecnica de Catalunya, Spain Marcela Ruiz, C. de Investigaci´on en M´etodos de Producci´ on de Software, Spain Maria Luiza Campos, Universidade Federal do Rio de ´ Janeiro, Brasil Monalessa Perini Barcellos, Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo, Brasil Oscar Pastor, Universitat Polit`ecnica de Val`encia, Spain Vitor E. Silva Souza, Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo, Brasil 73 Poster 74 PostersDemos (Poster) Index/´Indice Gesti´ on de Riesgos en Proyectos OSS: La Plataforma RISCOSS. Xavier Franch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 gestUI: Un m´ etodo dirigido por modelos para incluir interacci´ on gestual multi-trazo en interfaces de usuario. Otto Parra Gonz´ alez, Oscar Pastor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 La priorizaci´ on de requisitos de software en proyectos de entorno interactivos 3D. Sailyn Salas Hechavarria, Andy Hern´ andez Paez. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Plugin sobre Eclipse EMF para evaluar la calidad de lenguajes de modelado utilizando la t´ ecnica FCA (Formal Concept Analysis). Faber D. Giraldo, Cesar Catano, Juan D. Fernandez. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71 Herramienta para la generacion de c´ odigo Android a partir de modelos conceptuales. William J. Giraldo, Manuel A. Pineda, Robinson Arias, Mar´ıa L. Villegas, Faber D. Giraldo. . . . . 71 75 Poster Gesti´ on de Riesgos en Proyectos OSS: La Plataforma RISCOSS Xavier Franch (1) (1) Universitat Polit`ecnica de Catalunya. Barcelona Spain email: franch@essi.upc.edu Abstract La gesti´ on de riesgos en proyectos Open Source (OSS) es indispensable para incrementar la probabilidad de ´exito en la adopci´ on de este tipo de tecnolog´ıas. El proyecto europeo RISCOSS (FP7-Call 8-contrato 318249) tiene como objetivo estudiar los efectos de diversos indicadores de riesgo sobre los objetivos de negocio de una organizaci´ on. Los m´etodos formulados en el proyecto se apoyan en una plataforma del mismo nombre. En este trabajo se propone una demostraci´on del funcionamiento de dicha plataforma. BibTex [Franch, 2015] Franch, X. (2015). Gesti´ on de riesgos en proyectos oss: La plataforma riscoss. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la ´ Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 844–845, Lima-Peru. UCSP. gestUI: Un m´ etodo dirigido por modelos para incluir interacci´ on gestual multi-trazo en interfaces de usuario Otto Parra Gonz´ alez (1,2), Oscar Pastor (1) (1) PROS, Universitat Polit´ecnica de Valencia. Valencia Spain, (2) Departamento de Ciencias de la Computaci´on, Universidad de Cuenca. Cuenca Ecuador email: otpargon@upv.es, opastor@dsic.upv.es Abstract Actualmente la interacci´ on humano-ordenador utilizando gestos est´a muy difundida debido a los avances en el desarrollo de los dispositivos t´ actiles. Sin embargo a´ un hay dificultades en la especificaci´on de gestos y su inclusi´ on en el c´ odigo fuente de una interfaz de usuario. Este art´ıculo describe gestUI, un m´etodo dirigido por modelos que permite que un usuario especifique gestos t´actiles de acuerdo a las acciones que va a realizar con el software y, mediante transformaciones de modelos, obtener el c´odigo fuente de una interfaz de usuario que soporta la interacci´on gestual definida. BibTex [Gonz´ alez and Pastor, 2015] Gonz´ alez, O. P. and Pastor, O. (2015). gestui: Un m´etodo dirigido por modelos para incluir interacci´ on gestual multi-trazo en interfaces de usuario. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., ´ Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 846–847, Lima-Peru. UCSP. La priorizaci´ on de requisitos de software en proyectos de entorno interactivos 3D Sailyn Salas Hechavarria (1), Andy Hern´ andez Paez (1) 76 Poster (1) Universidad de las Ciencias Inform´aticas. Entornos Interactivos 3D. Havana Cuba email: ssalas@uci.cu, andyhp@uci.cu Abstract El proceso de priorizaci´ on de requisitos de software resulta ser un tanto complejo, aun cuando se trata de decidir y/o categorizar un grupo de requisitos de software a implementar en diferentes iteraciones de un mismo producto que a veces implica contradicci´on. Esto se debe a la falta de claridad sobre una serie de criterios priorizables que posibiliten determinar por instancias los requisitos m´as apropiados a implementar. La industria del software en la u ´ltima d´ecada se ha visto enfrascada en el desarroˇ llo de aplicaciones que simulan actividades cotidianas mediante entornos virtuales de ensen`ICanzaaprendizaje, que tratan de cumplir en un mayor grado el nivel de expectativa de los usuarios finales. El alto nivel tecnol´ ogico que sugieren determinados requisitos indica que deben implementarse en una iteraci´ on superior a la inicial, por tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo es definir un procedimiento de priorizaci´ on de requisitos de software en los proyectos de entornos interactivos 3D. BibTex [Hechavarria and Paez, 2015] Hechavarria, S. S. and Paez, A. H. (2015). La priorizaci´on de requisitos de software en proyectos de entorno interactivos 3d. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, ´ L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 848–849, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Plugin sobre Eclipse EMF para evaluar la calidad de lenguajes de modelado utilizando la t´ ecnica FCA (Formal Concept Analysis) Faber D. Giraldo (1, 2), Cesar Catano (1), Juan D. Fernandez (1) (1) Ingenier´ıa de Sistemas y Computaci´on, Universidad del Quind´ıo. Colombia, (2) PROS, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. Valencia Spain email: fdgiraldo@uniquindio.edu.co, cacatanoe@uniquindio.edu.co, jdfernandezd@uniquindio.edu.co Abstract En este trabajo se propone una herramienta para soportar el an´alisis de de lenguajes de modelado mediante la aplicacion de la t´ecnica FCA (Formal Concept Analysis), en el marco de un proceso de an´ alisis taxon´ omico de lenguajes. La automatizaci´on de dicho proceso, mediante el uso de un complemento en un entorno de desarrollo nativo MDE, resulta una alternativa favorable en cuanto a la validaci´ on y de la calidad de modelos y lenguajes de modelado. BibTex [Giraldo et al., 2015] Giraldo, F. D., Catano, C., and Fernandez, J. D. (2015). Plugin sobre eclipse emf para evaluar la calidad de lenguajes de modelado utilizando la t´ecnica fca (formal concept analysis). In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, ´ M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 850–851, Lima-Peru. UCSP. 77 DoctoralSymposium Herramienta para la generacion de c´ odigo Android a partir de modelos conceptuales William J. Giraldo (1), Manuel A. Pineda (1), Robinson Arias (1), Mar´ıa L. Villegas (1), Faber D. Giraldo (1) (1) Ingenier´ıa de Sistemas y Computaci´on, Universidad del Quind´ıo. Quindio Colombia email: wjgiraldo@uniquindio.edu.co, mapineda@uniquindio.edu.co, rarias@uniquindio.edu.co, mlvillegas@uniquindio.edu.co, fdgiraldo@uniquindio.edu.co Abstract En este trabajo se presenta un prototipo de herramienta para generacion de aplicaciones Android, a partir de un conjunto de modelos conceptuales y diagramas. Esta herramienta est´a concebida para generar el 100 BibTex [Giraldo et al., 2015] Giraldo, W. J., Pineda, M. A., Arias, R., Villegas, M. L., and Giraldo, F. D. (2015). Herramienta para la generacion de c´odigo android a partir de modelos conceptuales. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la ´ Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 852–853, Lima-Peru. UCSP. 78 DoctoralSymposium 79 DoctoralSymposium 80 DOCTORAL SYMPOSIUM TRACK Chairs scar Pastor, Universitat Polit`ecnica de Valencia, Spain Luis Olsina, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, Argentina Program Committee Dan Berry, University of Waterloo, Canada Ernest Teniente, UnversitatPolit`ecnica de Catalunya, Spain Fabiano Ferrari, UFSCAR, Brazil GhillermeTravassos, COPPE, Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ, Brazil Gustavo Rossi, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina Jaelson Castro, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil Juan Hern´ andez, Universidad de Extremadura, Spain Julio Leite, Pontif´ıciaUniversidade Cat´olica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Luca Cernuzzi, Universidad Cat´olica, Paraguay LuizMarcioCysneiros, York University, Canada Miguel Katrib, Universidad de la Habana, Cuba Otavio Lemos, UNIFESP, Brazil Vicente Pelechano, Universidad Polit´ecnica de Valencia, Spain 81 DoctoralSymposium 82 Doctoral Symposium (DoctoralSymposium) Index/´Indice Buenas Pr´ acticas de Ciencia del Dise˜ no aplicadas al Desarrollo de una Tesis Doctoral. Oscar Pastor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Integration of Agile Practices: An approach to improve the quality of software specifications. Juliana Medeiros, Alexandre Vasconcelos, Carla Silva. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Construcci´ on y adaptaci´ on de Lenguajes de Dominio Espec´ıfico por usuarios finales. Santiago J´ acome G.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 83 DoctoralSymposium Buenas Pr´ acticas de Ciencia del Dise˜ no aplicadas al Desarrollo de una Tesis Doctoral Oscar Pastor (1) (1) Universitat Polit´ecnica de Valencia. Valencia Spain email: opastor@dsic.upv.es Abstract La correcta estructuraci´ on y realizaci´ on de una Tesis Doctoral requiere tener presente un conjunto de conceptos que la Ciencia del Dise˜ no (”Design Science”) tiene bien estudiados. Esta charla especialmente dirigida a estudiantes que inician o est´an realizando su Tesis Doctoral- se centrar´a en presentar todos esos conceptos que deben de tenerse muy en cuenta a la hora de dise˜ nar y ejecutar un trabajo de I+D que se convierta en una Tesis Doctoral Doctoral de calidad. Se discutir´a la estructura metodol´ ogica que un ciclo de ingenier´ıa o un ciclo de investigaci´on emp´ırica deben de tener, y se aplicar´ a a ejemplos concretos de Tesis Doctorales, incentivando la participaci´on de los estudiantes de doctorado asistentes a la hora de determinar el tipo de metodolog´ıa que usan para la realizaci´on de sus trabajos de investigaci´ on. Short Biography Oscar Pastor is Professor at the Computation and Information Systems Department, Valencia University of Technology ( Spain). PhD in 1992. Former researcher in HP Labs, Bristol, UK. Currently professor at the Valencia University of Technology. Author of over 100 research papers in conference proceedings, journals and books, received numerous research grants from public institutions and private industry. Research activities focus on web engineering, object-oriented conceptual modelling, requirements engineering, information systems and model-based software production. Leader of the project, undertaken since 1996 by the Valencia University of Technology and CONSOFT S.A., that has originated the Oliva Nova Model Execution, an advanced MDA-based tool that produces a final software product starting from a Conceptual Schema where the system requirements are captured. Within this tool scope, he is responsible of the research team working from the University on the improvement of the underlying framework, focusing on Business Process Modelling, Web Technologies and how to use properly Software and Architectural Patterns to go from the problem space to the solution space in an automated way. Member of over 100 Scientific Committees of well-known International Conferences and Workshops as CAiSE, ER, WWW, DSV/IS, RE, ADBIS, ICWE, CADUI, DEXA, EC-WEB, ICEIS..., member of several editorial boards of journals and book series, he has been a participant researcher in national and international research projects, and has been invited to give over 30 talks and invited conferences in different universities and research centers. BibTex [Pastor, 2015] Pastor, O. (2015). Buenas pr´acticas de ciencia del dise˜ no aplicadas al desarrollo de una tesis doctoral. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kali´ nowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 858–858, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Integration of Agile Practices: An approach to improve the quality of software specifications Juliana Medeiros (1), Alexandre Vasconcelos (2), Carla Silva (2) (1) Instituto Federal de Educa¸c˜ao, Ciˆencia e Tecnologia. Para´ıba Brazil, (2) Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Recife Brazil email: juliana.medeiros@ifpb.edu.br, amlv@cin.ufpe.br, ctlls@cin.ufpe.br 84 Abstract Customer unavailability and insufficient requirements gathering are challenges that have compromised the adoption of agile methodologies. This research proposes an exploratory study in the industry to investigate how requirements engineering is used in agile projects. A Systematic Literature Review (SLR) was con-ducted and its results indicated the existence of problems in requirements engineering activities applied to agile projects. This research plan to perform a Survey with software engineers who uses agile practices. This Survey aims to understand the perception of professionals about the benefits, best practices, challenges and limitations of the requirements engineering approaches currently used by the software industry. Then a new approach to the specification of requirements will be proposed. This approach uses principles such as: Decrease constant dependence customer; Document only what is necessary to implement a requirement; Agile practices; Quality Requirements. A quasi-experiment will be conducted to evaluate the quality and productivity of the proposed approach. BibTex [Medeiros et al., 2015] Medeiros, J., Vasconcelos, A., and Silva, C. (2015). Integration of agile practices: An approach to improve the quality of software specifications. In Araujo, J., CondoriFernandez, N., Goul˜ ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, ´ I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 859–865, Lima-Peru. UCSP. Construcci´ on y adaptaci´ on de Lenguajes de Dominio Espec´ıfico por usuarios finales Santiago J´ acome G. (1,2) (1) Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE. Ecuador, (2) Universidad Aut´onoma de Madrid. Madrid Spain email: psjacome@espe.edu.ec Abstract Un Lenguaje de Domino Espec´ıfico (DSL) es un lenguaje de m´as alto nivel que un Lenguaje de Prop´ osito General (GPL) debido a que logra establecer una correspondencia m´as estrecha entre el problema y la soluci´ on de forma sencilla y f´acil de aprender. Sin embargo su desarrollo no es una tarea trivial ya que implica el desarrollo de varios artefactos creados por ingenieros de software expertos en modelado. La mayor´ıa de DSLs existentes tienen una estructura r´ıgida, debido a que el usuario no puede realizar modificaciones sobre su estructura y aspecto f´ısico. El presente proyecto plantea el desarrollo de un mecanismo para que el usuario final que generalmente ser´a el experto de dominio cuente con una plataforma donde pueda adaptar sus propios entornos de modelado para DSLs mediante el uso de preguntas, ejemplos u otras alternativas. Como resultado el proyecto contempla la construcci´on de una plataforma de c´ odigo abierto utilizando Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) para la construcci´ on y adaptaci´ on de DSLs, as´ı como tambi´en la metodolog´ıa y arquitectura que acompa˜ nan la herramienta propuesta. BibTex [G., 2015] G., S. J. (2015). Construcci´ on y adaptaci´on de lenguajes de dominio espec´ıfico por usuarios finales. In Araujo, J., Condori-Fernandez, N., Goul˜ao, M., Matalonga, S., Bencomo, N., Oliveira, T., de la Vara, J. L., Brito, I. S., Antonelli, L., Pimentel, E., Miranda, J. J., Kalinowski, ´ M., Oscar Pastor, Olsina, L., Guizzardi, R., Espa˜ na, S., and Cuadros-Vargas, E., editors, XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, pages 866–872, Lima-Peru. UCSP. 85